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Saturday Morning Politics Thread: Now What? [Y-not]

Good morning horde.

Well, that was a pisser of a week, wasn't it?

What I found most discouraging about last week's events was the rejection of the right, embodied by the 10th amendment, of all Americans to decide for themselves what their local community standards should be. Although the Obamacare (excuse me, SCOTUScare) decision is probably the more devastating one in terms of immediate economic impact (and the "logic" behind the majority decision was quite Orwellian), I found the same sex marriage decision to be the most disheartening.

Hale Razor summed it up very well on Twitter:

It certainly seems as if there is no "truce" possible with these people. They are intent on rounding up Americans who hold opposing views into ideological "camps," figuratively if not literally.

I was traveling during most of the week, which was probably a blessing given what transpired. There was so much political news last week, most of it bad, that I don't think today is a good day to continue with our regular candidate series. Instead, I thought we could try something different -- that is, try a brain-storming session on what, if anything, we can do in the political arena to try to steer the ship of state back on course.

One idea comes from commenter Ben Had who contacted me yesterday:

My intent is to construct an open letter to Congress detailing the most salient facts that demonstrate congressional failure to represent "We the people". My top three points are voting on legislation without reading it, decreased interaction with constituents and possibly the influence of lobbyists over constituents. Any thing that you feel that should be covered would be greatly appreciated. This should be a very serious and well reasoned letter. My ultimate goal is to ask many people for input with the final draft published on the web for signatures and then be presented to be read on the floor of Congress.

Ben Had goes on to say:

...this would be the conservative answer to a million man march on Washington. I think if this truly well done Louie Gohmert in the House and Ted Cruz would bring it to the floor. If this can become an online force we will at least be heard.

He continues:

To start refining the points is the first step and then It's going to take a gifted writer to put them together, but it needs to come from the people. Your comment about not being able to endure the LiB philosophy brought this about. I can survive either way but I choose not to let surrender be an option.

As Ben Had mentioned, I am not a member of the Let It Burn camp. My reasons are two-fold.

One, I am constitutionally (SWIDT?) unable to abandon my country, at least fully. My parents raised me to be involved and engaged. I worked my first political campaign in '71 (Nixon's the One, Baby! LOL) and participated in both local and national elections throughout my young adulthood. I am the kind of person, as are many of you I expect, who does not sit silently when I see an injustice done. I have a tongue in my head and I use it.

Second, my lifestyle is such that I cannot live "off the grid." Although I admit this is a less noble reason for not subscribing to the LiB philosophy, it is no less valid. The life my husband and I have built for ourselves is a community based one. We aren't hunters or subsistence farmers or members of a large extended family, therefore we are to some extent dependent on a properly functioning American society to survive.

So, for good or ill, we are committed to making this country work.

ExJon wrote a very good piece for Ricochet on "Fighting Fatalism" that I encourage you to read.

As disheartening as last week was -- and perhaps this is a bit premature -- I'd like to see if we can come up with constructive ways to recapture the America most of us grew up with. The Saturday Morning Politics thread commenters tend to be quite collegial and thoughtful. Let's see if we can help Ben Had brainstorm ideas for his letter or come up with other ways to fix what is wrong with America.

Open thread.

Posted by: Open Blogger at 08:55 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Shiny New Thread!

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at June 27, 2015 08:55 AM (HalrA)

2 Sorry for the delay!

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 08:58 AM (RWGcK)

3 I appreciate this idea and like the concept. I would sign onto something like this. I'm still in the let it burn camp. I think the country is lost.

Posted by: joe at June 27, 2015 08:59 AM (0H6ou)

4 razor nailed it

.....i can't live off the grid either ......but i see no other option than letting it burn........

i probably have it in me for one more try.....but after that......done

Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at June 27, 2015 08:59 AM (0O7c5)

5 ".....i can't live off the grid either ......but i see no other option than letting it burn........"

Given your location, that should be easy, phoenixgirl!

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:00 AM (RWGcK)

6 The Southern Baptist Conferences warned the black robed tyrants that they would not follow a gay marriage ruling. I want to see them tell them "nicely" to piss up a rope.

I would also like to see the Republican Congress pass a ;aw that says no church can be forced to perform a same sex marriage. Since the idiots have made marriage now a federal issue contrary to the Constitution it is within congress's power,

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 27, 2015 09:01 AM (GpgJl)

7 This is where a really good commander has a superb action line...Unfortunately also the Large Company's get the meat grinder,

Posted by: Lee Lee at June 27, 2015 09:02 AM (/WmRg)

8 BTW, the corporations that gleefully inserted themselves into the same sex marriage decision on Twitter yesterday were nauseating. Little Miss Rightie was RT'ing them and it was awful.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:02 AM (RWGcK)

9 Well, for one, the SCOTUS gay "marriage" decision denies the 30-odd states that voted down that initiative at their polls, something that should enrage everyone.

That was a clear majority that didn't want traditional marriage redefined, but was deliberately denied by 5 people. So much for running our own government. Scalia is right.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at June 27, 2015 09:03 AM (eEb+d)

10 The SJWs are the Red Brigades for Barry's Cultural Revolution and they will use the same methods to stamp out opposition. And Barry now knows that he is above the law which is why he turned the White House into his personal bath house last night. No one has the guts to stand up to Prezzy Historic. We live in a oligarchy

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 09:04 AM (DiZBp)

11 vic....they aren't going to "force" the church to perform the ssm....they are going to extort them with the tax exemption.....

i hope to God the churches don't crumble under this.....i'd help them pay their taxes before i'd even pay mine.....

Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at June 27, 2015 09:04 AM (0O7c5)

12 Very depressing week indeed. But for some reason, seeing the White House bathed in the rainbow lights felt like a punch in the gut. Obama did this not to celebrate with the gays and lesbians; he did it to stick it in the face of those who opposed same sex marriage.

I feel like Obama's personal pinata.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 09:05 AM (E6RIJ)

13 SJW: You will give me what I want!

Bewilderd Citizen: What do you want?

SJW: Everything!

Bewilderd Citizen: Everything?


Posted by: Kreplach at June 27, 2015 09:05 AM (mqYFN)

14 Perhaps it's time to adopt a new National Anthem

Autoplay warning.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 27, 2015 09:05 AM (VPLuQ)

15 The Southern Baptist Conferences warned the black robed tyrants that they would not follow a gay marriage ruling. I want to see them tell them "nicely" to piss up a rope.

The Archbishop of Louisville, KY, speaking for the US Council of Bishops, also blasted the ruling.

The Roman Catholic Church will not go quietly on this, I think.

Of course the media will fill the airwaves with "Catholics" who applaud this decision. But if you choose to continue to commit a mortal sin, your opinion as a Roman Catholic is not worth a dime.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:05 AM (RWGcK)


" I have been waiting my whole life for someone to tell me it is OK to Marry a Man"

Miss Lindsay

Posted by: Lee Lee at June 27, 2015 09:06 AM (/WmRg)

17 The People of the 30-odd States That Voted Against Gay "Marriage" vs SCOTUS would be an interesting case.

SCOTUS has nothing in the Constitution to point to to support their decision.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at June 27, 2015 09:06 AM (eEb+d)

18 11
vic....they aren't going to "force" the church to perform the ssm....they are going to extort them with the tax exemption.....

i hope to God the churches don't crumble under this.....i'd help them pay their taxes before i'd even pay mine.....

Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at June 27, 2015 09:04 AM (0O7c5)

They don't have the authority to do that. The church tax exemption existed long before there was a federal government.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 27, 2015 09:06 AM (GpgJl)

19 .....i can't live off the grid either ......but i see no other option than letting it burn........

i probably have it in me for one more try.....but after that......done
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at June 27, 2015 08:59 AM (0O7c5)

It's probably going to fall around our ears no matter what we do, but the question I'm asking is if we could live with ourselves if we didn't do everything we could to try to turn this ship around.

My first job was with the government, so I took one of those oaths. Uphold, protect, and defend the Constitution and whatnot. I'm really kinda stuck, and the only weasel-out I've found to that is "take a physical copy with me if I flee for my life."

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at June 27, 2015 09:07 AM (HalrA)

20 HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) -- The attorney
for a Zimbabwe journalist says his client was convicted of publishing a
newspaper in a southern town without government permission and sentenced
to eight months in prison.

Coming to a country near you

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 09:07 AM (DiZBp)

21 So maybe one perverse reaction to the rush of terrible SCOTUS actions this past week might be to draw more people to the right.

I'm hoping any moderate support Jeb Bush might have drawn is now threatened by the "John Roberts was appointed by GW Bush" reminder of how dangerous another RINO would be.

Posted by: MTF at June 27, 2015 09:07 AM (DkJ4E)

22 We're in a full on After Virtue situation here. Exactly what MacIntyre described in his closing paragraphs.

It's babble and emotivism all the way down. Has been for some time. On the up side: the world has changed since Rome fell (read the book and you'll understand why that matters) I suspect that this decline into dark ages will be different. Hopefully less painful.

Posted by: tsrblke, PhD(c) rogue bioethicst at June 27, 2015 09:07 AM (s92xH)

23 Morning, Glories! I wrote this earlier and held it for the morning thread. There is no morning thread. Of course. I'll just drop this here, then, if that's okay.

This summer is going to just get more interesting every day. As will the next several years. "Fascinating" in the Vulcan sense.

The challenges are great.

The weak will despair and run.

It's not over. The fat lady hasn't even begun to sing; she's still eating. (whut?)

Myself, I've never been too strong, but I've faced whatever I had to.


I'll keep going as long as others join us in pledging allegiance to that inspiring flag and the true Constitutional Democratic Republic of the United States of America for which that symbol stands.

Despite the advances and seeming successes of enemies without and within, those who ally together in patriotic unity are one Nation, still seeking to emulate on earth - as much as humanly possible - the divine ideals of liberty and justice for all.

There was a teacher, long ago, in a tiny corner of the world, who was branded a heretic, was tried in a kangaroo court, beaten, and executed, his followers scattered. By all historic rights, nobody should never have heard of Jesus again. Yet his followers overthrew the ancient world and that same unconquerable spirit continues to fire the hearts of truth-seekers everywhere, millennia later.

Likewise, the Spirit of '76 will not be squelched. The ideals of the Declaration of Independence still inflame the hearts of freedom-loving people the world over, anew in each generation. The ideals of true, free, self-government won't be shoved back in the can, but they must be evangelized. For the generations to come, for Truth itself, we will keep the flame alive, whatever it takes, and we will know Supreme victory!

So, this summer, this Independence Day, we'll be flying the stars and stripes, pondering the greatness of our nation, and probably wolfing down some hot dogs and apple pie. Surrounded by a well-armed and patriotically-minded community of fellow citizens.

Somewhere in the jungles of middle America.

Posted by: mindful webworker - but, but, politics! supremes! obama! at June 27, 2015 09:07 AM (4Utw1)

24 I can now see the need for "fun camps"

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 09:08 AM (VVrB8)

25 Once again, now discussion of Article V, Convention of States.

Maybe that would be a start?

Posted by: Brendan at June 27, 2015 09:08 AM (8YVZT)

26 i hope to God the churches don't crumble under this.....

Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at June 27, 2015 09:04 AM


Me too. Catholic Charities in MA didn't cave, but unfortunately, they no longer provide adoption services there because they refused to place children in same sex relationships.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 09:08 AM (E6RIJ)

27 Someone's probably already mentioned it, don't forget the disparate impact case in overriding community standards and wishes.

Posted by: biancaneve at June 27, 2015 09:08 AM (HaVMa)

28 What we need is an Art V convention to rewrite the part dealing with the courts.

I would take judge appointments away from Washington and have each State appoint one judge using any method they see fit.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 27, 2015 09:08 AM (GpgJl)

29 No, not now. Early in the morning!

Posted by: Brendan at June 27, 2015 09:09 AM (8YVZT)

30 So, this summer, this Independence Day, we'll be
flying the stars and stripes, pondering the greatness of our nation, and
probably wolfing down some hot dogs and apple pie. Surrounded by a
well-armed and patriotically-minded community of fellow citizens.

Somewhere in the jungles of middle America.

Posted by: mindful webworker - but, but, politics! supremes! obama! at June 27, 2015 09:07 AM (4Utw1)

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 09:09 AM (VVrB8)

31 Instead, I thought we could try something different -- that is, try a brain-storming session on what, if anything, we can do in the political arena to try to steer the ship of state back on course.


I keep sayin' it, we didn't vote our way into this mess, and we sure as hell ain't voting our way out of it.

Politics is absolutely the wrong arena to be fighting this problem in. Adams was right.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, by the Pale Moon light at June 27, 2015 09:09 AM (m9V0o)

32 That disparate impact ruling is actually a reversal. It has no basis in law.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 27, 2015 09:10 AM (GpgJl)

33 Continued participation in this system amounts to nothing more than granting permission for my government to fuck me.

I won't do it.

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at June 27, 2015 09:10 AM (YFw5T)

Posted by: Kindltot at June 27, 2015 09:10 AM (3pRHP)

35 I am at least thankful for one thing..., Donald Trump is now in the race.. yeah baby!

This was a terrible week, although I fully expected the gay marriage and Obamacare decisions.

As for moving forward, Ben has one good point. Lobbyists now run this country. Lobbyists, and more importantly, the mega corporations and business organizations they work for call the shots in this country. You and I don't matter any longer.

A populist candidate who can make that argument gets my vote.

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at June 27, 2015 09:10 AM (UpGcq)

36 So, this summer, this Independence Day, we'll be
flying the stars and stripes, pondering the greatness of our nation, and probably wolfing down some hot dogs and apple pie. Surrounded by a well-armed and patriotically-minded community of fellow citizens.

Just be sure the grill uses proper fuels, I can't imagine food grilled over a burning rainbow flag is particularly edible.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, by the Pale Moon light at June 27, 2015 09:11 AM (m9V0o)

37 Awesome Vic! One upvote. Now its just the rest of the Ace of Spades crew that needs to wake up.

Ace knows about the Article V Convention of States, since I tweeted him (and he responded) during one of his last recent "let it burn" and asked him to mobilize the horde. Hasn't done so yet, regretfully.

Posted by: Brendan at June 27, 2015 09:11 AM (8YVZT)

38 they don't read legislation

why would they read an open letter?

Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at June 27, 2015 09:11 AM (Cq0oW)

39 I'm on board. If Ace, Allah, and others promote the final letter, should get 10 million signatures easily.

Also, now that major corporations have decided we don't matter, either, try to stop buying from them. Go local, go to goodwill, do whatever little bit you can to starve the beast.

Posted by: Lilredhen at June 27, 2015 09:11 AM (Imjui)

40 In terms of candidate responses, as Ace pointed out, Huckabee was quite strong. It's in his wheelhouse, after all. Cruz also blasted it, but that seemed a little hollow after his behavior this past month on TPA/TPP.

On the other end of the spectrum, both Rubio and Jeb seemed relieved (happy?). Allahpundit has a post on their reactions.

I will say here and now, I will work against Rubio in the primary. I'm sick of his weaselly face and would vote for almost anyone against him.

Walker has been playing this whole issue rather coyly. I read an article about his stand on SSM over the past few years and he appears to be in the Mitch Daniels "truce" camp. Not impressed.

I liked Perry's and Jindal's responses best. Perry, in particular, invoked Federalism while standing up for traditional marriage. That's been a consistent position of his for a while now. (It's also his position on marijuana legalization.)

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:11 AM (RWGcK)

41 Continued participation in this system amounts to nothing more than granting permission for my government to fuck me.

I won't do it.
Posted by: Cloyd Freud
They're still gonna fuck you whether you give permission or not.

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at June 27, 2015 09:12 AM (UpGcq)

42 Once again, now discussion of Article V, Convention of States.

Maybe that would be a start?

Posted by: Brendan at June 27, 2015 09:08 AM


I threw them 50 bucks a few months ago. This morning I signed on to volunteer. There are lots of easy ways to help: writing letters to editors, calling state reps, etc. And of course, there are many other ways to get more involved.

We've GOT to do something. This can't hurt, and who knows, maybe it will work.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 09:12 AM (E6RIJ)

43 And honestly, I like Vic's suggestion. It's long past time to drain those swamps and that at least forces the Adversaries to expend way more treasure and effort if they want to continue on this path.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, by the Pale Moon light at June 27, 2015 09:13 AM (m9V0o)

44 Did the fall of the Soviet Union require many of its citizens to live off the grid? That's not to use Russia as an example of what we should hope for, with their present backsliding, just that let-it-burn doesn't ensure a reversion into pre-civilization.

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2015 09:13 AM (jT+gh)

45 We need a fis-it term, where we elect politicians whose only charter, call it a mandate, is to fix it.

Posted by: lonetown at June 27, 2015 09:13 AM (M6Esb)

they don't read legislation

why would they read an open letter?

Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at June 27, 2015 09:11 AM (Cq0oW)

There is no more rule of law. Politicians and judges do whatever the hell they want. And as long as they are pushing the leftist agenda the MFM defends or ignores the violations of the law and tries to destroy anyone who opposes them. We were better of with George III

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 09:14 AM (DiZBp)

47 Posted by: mindful webworker - but, but, politics! supremes! obama! at June 27, 2015 09:07 AM (4Utw1)

You have a point... and it's not really about today, or tomorrow, or even next year. It's about the entire future of mankind. They get this, which is how they managed their long march through the institutions. Which is how they've managed to chip away at and undermine liberties one at a time, over decades.

Come whatever may, the torch of liberty must never be allowed to go out, or the future is as Orwell put it, "a boot upon a human face, forever."

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at June 27, 2015 09:14 AM (HalrA)

48 we keep seeing the map showing our country is red......and yet this is what we get? we must run these politicians.... not just out of office....out of the country....along with their families......

Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at June 27, 2015 09:14 AM (0O7c5)

49 I would take judge appointments away from Washington

I could go for that idea. Give the federal district judge appointment power to the states. Not sure how appeals court judges could be handled though, or SCOTUS.

Posted by: MTF at June 27, 2015 09:15 AM (DkJ4E)

50 The sadly hilarious thing about the SSM ruling is that it was a pyrrhic victory for them at best, and they don't even realize it. And won't until what they actually lost in exchange comes back around against them.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, by the Pale Moon light at June 27, 2015 09:15 AM (m9V0o)

51 "We've GOT to do something. This can't hurt, and who knows, maybe it will work."

That's a hell of a lot more constructive then pinning your hopes on an election or writing an open letter that nobody will ever hear.

Posted by: lowandslow at June 27, 2015 09:15 AM (dItuC)

52 32 That disparate impact ruling is actually a reversal. It has no basis in law.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 27, 2015 09:10 AM (GpgJl)

Little things like laws or the fact that words have meanings won't stop these people.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at June 27, 2015 09:15 AM (HalrA)

53 they don't read legislation

why would they read an open letter?

Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at June 27, 2015 09:11 AM (Cq0oW)


Yes, I think that is - sadly - a good point. I'd also add that post-IRS I am loathe to sign much of anything.

So there's the letter idea, which I wanted to give Ben Had a platform to discuss, but there are others that are "political."

There's the Article V convention.

There's civil disobedience.

There's boycotting. (Really, the companies jumping up and down to align themselves with the SSM crowd was disgusting.)

Anything else?

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:16 AM (RWGcK)

54 Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at June 27, 2015 09:14 AM (0O7c5)

Tar. Feathers. Some assembly required.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at June 27, 2015 09:17 AM (HalrA)

55 41 Continued participation in this system amounts to nothing more than granting permission for my government to fuck me.

I won't do it.
Posted by: Cloyd Freud
They're still gonna fuck you whether you give permission or not.
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at June 27, 2015 09:12 AM (UpGcq)

That's true, but they'll do it without my consent. Maybe that's worth something, I'm not sure.

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at June 27, 2015 09:17 AM (YFw5T)

56 And I'm very much in favor of an Art V convention at this point. Anything that pulls power away from the Feds and returns it to it's rightful place is OK with me in concept.

Posted by: MTF at June 27, 2015 09:17 AM (DkJ4E)

57 The arrogant philosopher kings of Washington DC won't listen. They'll treat any effort to submit a letter redressing grievances like you gave them a letter for Santa. A smile, a pat on the head, and send you on your way before that letter goes in the drawer.

They don't have time for your small concerns, little citizen. They have to consider the big picture. Just make sure to pay all your taxes, fees and tariffs.

Posted by: Cryin' John Boner's answering machine at June 27, 2015 09:17 AM (mTo/m)

58 "There is no more rule of law. Politicians and judges do whatever the hell they want."

Yes, and the current GOP leadership own that every bit as much as the evil Democrats.

That's why my patience for people who lecture us about things like TPA/TPP is gone.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:18 AM (RWGcK)

59 48 I'm not so sure just how "red" the country is.The majority seems to acquiesce easily enough as we move ever leftward.

Posted by: steevy at June 27, 2015 09:19 AM (sPO3u)

60 That's true, but they'll do it without my consent. Maybe that's worth something, I'm not sure.
Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at June 27, 2015 09:17 AM (YFw5T)

The Democrats and the Republicans are both corrupt. If you vote, they win. If you don't vote, they win.

Get everyone you know to vote for a third party. You probably won't achieve anything, but... you just might...

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at June 27, 2015 09:19 AM (HalrA)

61 If we're going the Art V route, I'd like to see the goals plainly laid out at the beginning. That way, the prog/coms who oppose them can be more readily identified if they propose something prog/commie.

Repeal of the 17th Amendment, term limits, balanced budget, flat tax, strict interpretation of the Constitution, redefinition of the 14th Amendment to stop this ridiculous "anchor baby" crap, and absolutely no immunity for any members of Congress or Fedzilla, they all have to abide by all their laws. And sealing the border.

For starters.

We either regain control over our own government or we don't. There's no point in wasting time, money or effort otherwise.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at June 27, 2015 09:21 AM (eEb+d)

62 Did someone say...Open Letter?

While it focuses on only one topic, I like it.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 27, 2015 09:21 AM (VPLuQ)

63 Oof. We need more ideas on how to rework the culture. It being upstream of politics and all. Especially seeing as that's where the freaking rot's set in most of all.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, by the Pale Moon light at June 27, 2015 09:21 AM (m9V0o)

64 Civil disobedience is my preference. I will not sign any petition or letter.

I already boycott a lot of shit, so that's easy enough for me to do. I'll just be adding more assholes to my list.

I'm also more than willing to take some of these fuckers down with me if it ever comes to that.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at June 27, 2015 09:21 AM (kmtse)

65 Yeah, I know, I'm somewhat O/T and unhelpful. I'll show myself out.

Later, Horde.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, by the Pale Moon light at June 27, 2015 09:22 AM (m9V0o)

66 We've GOT to do something. This can't hurt, and who knows, maybe it will work.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 09:12 AM (E6RIJ)

Nothing will work until it all blows up. A total collapse of everything. Then we'll have to have enough right minded people to pick up the pieces but until then we're in a death spiral

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 09:22 AM (DiZBp)

67 Since Mark Levin wrote a book on Article V (I haven't read it), I wonder if Ace could get him as a podcast guest and educate us on the current state of the issue. With all the states having passing dissimilar resolutions the Congress has been able to ignore the numbers. How do we get serious about this idea?

Posted by: MTF at June 27, 2015 09:22 AM (DkJ4E)

68 The Mises institute always has interesting ideas.
(note: just because they are interesting does not mean they are advisable)

Posted by: Kindltot at June 27, 2015 09:23 AM (3pRHP)

69 gotta recharge this kindle and feed the kid

back later

I'll give it thought y-not

Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at June 27, 2015 09:23 AM (Cq0oW)

70 We either regain control over our own government or we don't. There's no point in wasting time, money or effort otherwise.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at June 27, 2015 09:21 AM (eEb+d)

That's about the long and short of it, and that's why the Framers included the Article V convention in the first place. They knew there might come a time when no other means could rein in an out of control government.

Would they comply with the amendments passed by the States, after the line in the sand is drawn? Nobody knows, but we have to draw the line.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at June 27, 2015 09:23 AM (HalrA)

71 I'd like to see if we can come up with constructive ways to recapture the America most of us grew up with. The Saturday Morning Politics thread commenters tend to be quite collegial and thoughtful.


I'm not so sure you've captured the spirit of your readers this morning, Y-Not. Civil and constructive is what we've tried up to this point. Collegiality and thoughtfulness? Not for me. Not this morning at any rate.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at June 27, 2015 09:23 AM (mvenn)

72 Every time they tell you there's no next step, they're lying.


Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at June 27, 2015 09:24 AM (oVJmc)

73 Fact is, a lot of folks are going to have to learn the hard way, with a lot of pain, before anything effective can happen.

Unfortunately, we're going to have to go through it also.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at June 27, 2015 09:24 AM (kmtse)

74 an open letter to Congress detailing the most salient facts that demonstrate congressional failure to represent "We the people".

There's one of those in Philadelphia. If you make a copy of it, can you change the funny long esses to a normal 's'?

Posted by: t-bird at June 27, 2015 09:24 AM (FcR7P)

75 Things I found funny about last week:

(1) Obama yelling "you're in MY house" at an illegal alien tranny heckler. I wonder, how did a law-breaking foreigner become so emboldened that s/he was willing to walk into the White House and heckle the President of the United States? Hmmmmm. It's almost as if that law-breaking foreigner thinks there will be no real consequences for his law-breaking. And isn't it odd that Obama was offended that this foreign law-breaker had the nerve to come into his house uninvited and start loudly and rudely demanding benefits from him? I thought Obama was in favor of behavior like that? After all, he's gone out of his way to impose it on the rest of us, so why isn't it okay for him to experience it too?

(2) I also found it interesting that in the first Obamacare decision, John Roberts lectured us that it is NOT the duty of the Supreme Court to protect voters from the consequences of bad laws passed by their elected representatives. Yet in this week's Obamacare decision, John Roberts lectured us that it IS the duty of the Supreme Court to protect voters from the consequences of poorly-written laws passed by their elected representatives. The man is a model of consistency and clarity in his legal reasoning!

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at June 27, 2015 09:24 AM (kGrdk)

Let's see how blue this country is when ISIS arrives. Ane they are coming to a mall or public building near you...

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at June 27, 2015 09:25 AM (iQIUe)

77 We need to all get on the same page, and we need to organize. The last attempt was the TEA party. We still got all the outrageous spending, but we were heard. Remember the townhall meetings? The pols were sh!tting in their pants.

Now we've got the Convention of States. There are lots of well known conservatives involved, and they've got the organization already set up. It's like Mark Levin says, we keep wringing our hands asking him "What can we do?" Well, he's told us! He wrote a whole freakin' book about it. And some people, at least, took him up on the idea and formed the COS.

This morning I decided to get up off my ass and do something, so I volunteered. I do not want to lose my country.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 09:25 AM (E6RIJ)

78 will point towards instys link of Reasons map of Libertarian support in the US.

its interesting. most supporters are in the West. Clear division

Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at June 27, 2015 09:25 AM (Cq0oW)

79 63 Oof. We need more ideas on how to rework the culture. It being upstream of politics and all. Especially seeing as that's where the freaking rot's set in most of all.
Posted by: Brother Cavil, by the Pale Moon light at June 27, 2015 09:21 AM (m9V0o)

Culture is upstream of politics, and philosophy is upstream of culture. We need to get control of the educational institutions again and reform the curriculum. The Leftist professors pounding their worldview into the heads of students has to be stopped.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at June 27, 2015 09:25 AM (HalrA)

80 If I was a senator or a rep, I would propose a constitutional amendment reorganizing the supreme court; one judge from each congressional district elected by the people of that district and two at large judges for each state appointed by the state legislatures.

If the court is going to legislate from the bench, then it should be organized like a legislature.

Posted by: the guy that moves pianos for a living... at June 27, 2015 09:25 AM (W6ipS)

81 You will be made to care.

As they say.

Posted by: Chupacabras at June 27, 2015 09:26 AM (QFjNO)

82 76 Well,one thing you can be sure of.The measures taken to "protect" us,will make us less feee.

Posted by: steevy at June 27, 2015 09:26 AM (sPO3u)

83 I am asking for your 3 to 5 top complaints. I want to take that and make a well stated case and put it online for people to read and sign. It would then be taken directly to a Congressman and Senator that would agree to read it on the floor. Feck boner I wouldn't send him anything.

Posted by: Ben Had at June 27, 2015 09:26 AM (JL+ww)

84 The first item on the agenda should be to prove that our representatives aren't representing the majority of the people.

Polls are suspect, even voting patterns may not be sufficient.

How do we know that our opinion is correct? How do we demonstrate this to Congress? Are we certain after so many setbacks in so many different forms from so many different directions that our opinion is the majority?

I believe that abortion after the child is viable outside the mother's womb is murder. Yet it has remained the law of the land for 50 years now and almost all the few attempts to change that have been rebuffed.

Don't get me wrong, I believe that our opinion is in the right and in the majority but I must point out that time and the facts seem to say differently.

How to counter that?

Posted by: Jakee308 at June 27, 2015 09:26 AM (x3GpS)

85 @67
That's a good idea, MTF. I've passed it along to Ace and the cobs.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:26 AM (RWGcK)

86 This Article V Convention has no standing, and is not recognized.

[bangs gavel dramatically]

Posted by: Cryin' John Boner's answering machine at June 27, 2015 09:26 AM (mTo/m)

87 The Mises institute always has interesting ideas.
(note: just because they are interesting does not mean they are advisable)

Posted by: Kindltot at June 27, 2015 09:23 AM (3pRHP)

Ideas and knowledge that founded this country and kept it going are lost on the feelings crowd. These blithering idiots have no idea the damage Obamacare or the obsession with homosexuality will cause. All they know are bumpersticker quotes and feelings and if you don't agree with them you are a bigot.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 09:26 AM (DiZBp)

88 I don't understand that "tax the churches" thing.

A good accountant would make sure that there is NEVER any profit to be taxed.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at June 27, 2015 09:27 AM (baR5c)

89 The Nazi's took over Germany actually pretty easily. Especially after they showed the populace the powers they had, like suppending all personal freedoms. Reading about how all opposition was destroyed. Fired from jobs, and maybe sent to camps for re-education. Everyone cheered, until shit hit the fan...

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 09:27 AM (VVrB8)

90 If we're going the Art V route, I'd like to see the goals plainly laid out at the beginning.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at June 27, 2015


It's already been done. Read "The Liberty Amendments" by Mark Levin. And the Convention of States is based on what Levin lays out in that book.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 09:27 AM (E6RIJ)

91 The next thing to do, now that there is no victory, is to scorch the earth. Push for, demand and sue for, an end to preferential treatment, disparate impact if you will, for marrieds. Turn it into nothing more than a standard contractual arrangement. There are many on the Left who desire this as well.

No more automatic tax adjustments, shared property, inheritance rights - nothing. Make every one of those things a separate contractual agreement. Hollow it out, and deprive the enemy of any benefits. That's the ONLY reason they gays want it. For the material benefits. (That, and to rub our noses in their new-found political power). Surveys show that 80% of so-called marriages among the gays are "open" marriages. That means they're not marriages - their legal arrangements for material gain. Period.

Let's acknowledge fact, and be done with it.

Posted by: Reactionary at June 27, 2015 09:28 AM (TsW/N)

92 "I'm not so sure you've captured the spirit of your readers this morning, Y-Not. Civil and constructive is what we've tried up to this point. Collegiality and thoughtfulness? Not for me. Not this morning at any rate."

Well, I mean with each other.

There's a segment of commenters on this site (and everywhere) who spend a lot of time finger-pointing at other morons. You know, the types who are still bitching about people not voting for McCain or Romney.

That's all I meant.

But I take your point! My mood is pretty black today, too.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:28 AM (RWGcK)

93 I'm still in favor of a million man march - with rifles.

Posted by: Jean at June 27, 2015 09:29 AM (ztOda)

94 Anything else?

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:16 AM

Yes. It's written in the Declaration of Independence:

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 27, 2015 09:30 AM (2dhyU)

95 >>78 will point towards instys link of Reasons map of Libertarian support in the US.

The gymnastics that that crowd is doing to support the SSM ruling is pathetic.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:30 AM (RWGcK)

96 My prediction, so I can look back later and say "called it" and feel like a big-shot smartie-pants. The next restrictions on marriage to fall to legal challenge will be, in order:

1) polygamy
2) cousin incest
3) bigamy
4) sibling incest
5) parent/child incest

First three within five years, last two within ten.
(Although, caveat: I also put even odds on our current 50-state nation dissolving within ten years, but the prediction stands for the nations of Old New England and the People's Republic of the West Coast.)

Posted by: Doctor Cynic at June 27, 2015 09:30 AM (uys7x)

97 and filing multiple tax returns with variable information electronically; choke the IRS with a dozen bad returns for every good one.

Posted by: Jean at June 27, 2015 09:30 AM (ztOda)

98 An Article V convention is a nice thought, but it would not go the way everyone seems to think. It won't be a gathering of like-minded people trying to get our side of things done. It will be all sides, including the commies and SJWS (BIRM). And we would be facing a media pushing the idea that we were trying to create a new Reich.

We would lose far more than we gain.

Posted by: AZ Hi Desert (All my hate cannot be found) at June 27, 2015 09:31 AM (l7Kbv)

99 and simply burning everything the Census send you,

Posted by: Jean at June 27, 2015 09:31 AM (ztOda)

100 79 63 Oof. We need more ideas on how to rework the culture. It being upstream of politics and all. Especially seeing as that's where the freaking rot's set in most of all.
Posted by: Brother Cavil, by the Pale Moon light at June 27, 2015 09:21 AM (m9V0o)
Culture is upstream of politics, and philosophy is upstream of culture. We need to get control of the educational institutions again and reform the curriculum.

Parents have abdicated responsibility for the moral upbringing of their kids. And, apparently, this started quite some time ago with people from my generation. They seem to be intent on being friends with their kids, not parents or role models.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:31 AM (RWGcK)

101 But I take your point! My mood is pretty black today, too.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:28 AM (RWGcK)


Endeavor to persevere.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at June 27, 2015 09:31 AM (mvenn)

102 I'm still in favor of a million man march - with rifles.

Posted by: Jean at June 27, 2015 09:29 AM (ztOda)

What a glorious day it would be...

Posted by: Reactionary at June 27, 2015 09:31 AM (TsW/N)

103 That is precisely how the Muslims take over a society.

When they are a tiny minority, it's "All we want is to be able to practice our religion in peace."

When they get to about 5% of the population, they begin making demands on the majority, such as cab drivers shouldn't be required to take passengers carrying alcohol, or footbaths in public restrooms.

When they reach 10%, they resort to violence to intimidate the majority. Then people start to flee and move away, which makes the Muslim percentage rapidly increase.

Once they reach a majority, then they hold a knife to your neck and say, "Convert or die, infidel."

This pattern has been repeated endlessly over the centuries, and is as predictable as the sunrise.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2015 09:32 AM (sdi6R)

104 Everyone cheered, until shit hit the fan...

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 09:27 AM (VVrB

The only thing that stopped them was massive military opposition not the rule of law. Cities bombed to rubble and the whole country over run and occupied. Come to think of it Barry, his administration and the rest of the leftists in a Nuremberg trial wouldn't be a bad thing

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 09:32 AM (DiZBp)

105 "Ideas and knowledge that founded this country and kept it going are lost on the feelings crowd. These blithering idiots have no idea the damage Obamacare or the obsession with homosexuality will cause. All they know are bumpersticker quotes and feelings and if you don't agree with them you are a bigot. "

As someone commented yesterday.

The reality they are creating is powered by an engine fueled with Unicorn farts.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 27, 2015 09:32 AM (VPLuQ)

106 two areas of focus need to be

1) GOP primaries - scare RINOs into fighting or replace them with those that will

2) Article V Convention of States - only true way to take power from DC

Posted by: Douglas Quaid at June 27, 2015 09:32 AM (zc/sw)

107 Teh ghey, it's EVERYWHERE!!!!

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at June 27, 2015 09:32 AM (5buP8)

108 The Leftist professors pounding their worldview into the heads of students has to be stopped.

Humanities ought to be decoupled from the classroom environment, with all its inherent social pressure wielded by the instructor.

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2015 09:33 AM (jT+gh)

109 Bigamy is heightist.

Posted by: Billy Barty, Mayor of Smallville at June 27, 2015 09:33 AM (mTo/m)

110 83 I am asking for your 3 to 5 top complaints. I want to take that and make a well stated case and put it online for people to read and sign. It would then be taken directly to a Congressman and Senator that would agree to read it on the floor. Feck boner I wouldn't send him anything.
Posted by: Ben Had at June 27, 2015 09:26 AM (JL+ww)

1. The destruction of the Rule of Law, and the beginning of arbitrary law, as evidenced by the recent rulings on Obamacare and gay marriage, as well as many other issues.

2. The government engaging in wholesale unrestricted spying on its own people, violating the right to be secure in your papers and possessions, by secretly accessing your digital "papers".

3. The refusal to secure the border, and the establishment of a de-facto open borders policy, despite national opposition to the idea, and the continuing and measurable harm it's done to average Americans.

4. The embracing of Cargo Cult, sorry, I really meant Keynesian economics and have no idea how that came out. It doesn't work, period. Say's Law, wealth is created by production, not by sales. Stimulating sales does jack and shit, which is why we're still falling behind and the Chinese are getting rich off of us.

5. This Imperial President's open and obvious disdain for the legislative process, and many attempts to circumvent it whenever he views it as inconvenient.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at June 27, 2015 09:33 AM (HalrA)

111 That's the ONLY reason they gays want it. For the material benefits.

Posted by: Reactionary at June 27, 2015 09:28 AM


I respectfully disagree. They could have had all those benefits by accepting Civil Unions, but they refused. They wanted marriage. They hate the church, specifically the Catholic Church and evangelical Christians. Wait and see the lawsuits start rolling in.

This is worse than a slippery slope. We are on the edge of a cliff and too many of us are blindfolded.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 09:33 AM (E6RIJ)

112 file lawsuits on every regulation they publish -- every Red State should simply take the Federal Register every AM and challenge everything. Get some interns and crank out the paper.

Posted by: Jean at June 27, 2015 09:34 AM (ztOda)

113 If you ever watched some of the Nazi court trials on Youtube, It was a sad day for humanity.

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 09:34 AM (VVrB8)

114 Congress should telecommute immediately. No more hanging out together in DC. They can put their vote in electronically. Less time together and more time with the constituents would increase our representation.

Posted by: LadyRight at June 27, 2015 09:34 AM (ObACq)

115 I was just thinking about this this morning. I feel like the African natives who were ruled by the European colonial powers in the late 19th century. We are the natives, the progressive machine are the colonial imperialists. They seek to exploit the conservative tendency to live decent lives, work hard, pay taxes, and follow the rules, in order to enrich themselves, and in return, they seek to replace our native culture with their foreign one. They don't see us as equals, they see us as inferior beings who should be colonized. So I think we have to resort to the tactics that the colonial subjects used to resist their imperialism. Play by the rules, but only to the absolute minimum extent possible. Don't go above and beyond. Pay taxes, but only the absolute minimum amount possible, and force them to go after us for breaking their illegitimate rules. That is all I have this morning.

Posted by: chemjeff at June 27, 2015 09:35 AM (2XMpf)

116 >>A good accountant would make sure that there is NEVER any profit to be taxed.

My "hot take" fwiw:

Right now when a non-profit is in the black, they plough that money back into the enterprise, building out services, programs, etc. That's the non-profit aspect of a non-profit.

So if the non-profit status is revoked, I think you'd find that churches etc would become weaker and weaker, at least in terms of the "good works" they do. The Roman Catholic Church doesn't need much money to hold the Mass, but to run schools and hospitals and other charitable endeavors effectively, non-profit status makes a big difference.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:35 AM (RWGcK)

117 EPA/DoI permits, etc. -- f'em just drill, dredge, and burn it. If they try and stop you get a Congresscritter to give out transactional immunity because he's going to "investigate" the issue.

Posted by: Jean at June 27, 2015 09:35 AM (ztOda)

118 Re 76: If I saw ISIS firebombing the Supreme Court and breaking into the White House to assassinate Obama, I'd think it was no more than they had coming to them. Raise even a finger to defend them? Not this man. They've lost me and it's over. The Federal Government, in its present incarnation, is dead to me and I wish them nothing but ill.

A nation whose own citizens despise it this badly is fast approaching its utter and complete ruin.

Posted by: mac at June 27, 2015 09:35 AM (ilMXv)

119 I am asking for your 3 to 5 top complaints.

Hmm, that's not an easy 3 to 5.

I guess if I had to pick, it'd be that the plain wording of the Constitution isn't used in court decisions or bills anymore. All they seem to cite is precedent.

This isn't a new idea, I remember someone else wanting to require the supporting Constitutional language to be cited in all legislation a while back.

I can't seem to find anything that calls for the creation of the EPA in that document. And before some simpleton claims that I want dirty air and water, that's not the point. It should be common sense that people shouldn't pollute their drinking supplies and such. The free market was about to find that out anyway.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at June 27, 2015 09:36 AM (eEb+d)

120 When they reach 10%, they resort to violence to intimidate the majority.
Then people start to flee and move away, which makes the Muslim
percentage rapidly increase.

Once they reach a majority, then they hold a knife to your neck and say, "Convert or die, infidel."

At some point there's got to be a flashpoint between the religion of peace and the SJWs. I doubt the religion of peace was cheering yesterday's decision or Barry turning the White House into his personal bath house.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 09:36 AM (DiZBp)

121 So, they lost the second escapee? Did they even have him cornered???

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at June 27, 2015 09:36 AM (iQIUe)

122 Don't get me wrong, I believe that our opinion is in the right and in the majority but I must point out that time and the facts seem to say differently.

How to counter that?

Posted by: Jakee308 at June 27, 2015 09:26 AM (x3GpS)

It seems to me that it can't be countered by following the rules. Our enemy wins by illegality. They flaunt the law. They rig elections. They put in place their agents who are empowered to ignore any law they don't like. And then they use the law as a weapon against the innocent to false label them as guilty. Over and over we see it, and over and over we chant "follow the process and good will prevail." It's the standard good-guy formula for failure.

Time to use the enemy's tactics, because game theory has proven that when one player cheats and the other always plays fair the cheater inevitably wins. Once we take away their non-violent advantage, it will force them to either back down, or choose to move to the final confrontation. Which our side would win.

Posted by: Reactionary at June 27, 2015 09:36 AM (TsW/N)

123 88
I don't understand that "tax the churches" thing.

A good accountant would make sure that there is NEVER any profit to be taxed.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at June 27, 2015 09:27 AM (baR5c)

It's mainly about property tax exemptions.

Posted by: chemjeff at June 27, 2015 09:37 AM (2XMpf)

124 An Article V convention is a nice thought, but it would not go the way everyone seems to think...We would lose far more than we gain.We would lose far more than we gain.

Posted by: AZ Hi Desert (All my hate cannot be found) at June 27, 2015


Not true. These concerns are addressed quite convincingly at the Convention of States website. Go take a look around.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 09:37 AM (E6RIJ)

125 How did the Christians prevail over the Roman empire? Burned in cages, crucified, fed to the lions in the Colosseum, how did they prevail?

How did the Civil Rights movement prevail over the forces that opposed them?

They were jailed, they were assassinated. That sacrifice is what compels the public horse to drink from the well that you brought it to.

Write letters, write editorials, talk all you want. But nothing will work on our side except real sacrifice. In a country that believes talking about whether men should be allowed to use the ladies restroom is serious conversation, I do not expect the letters and editorials are going to get the ball through the uprights. Voting? Politicking? Judicial activism? The collectivists own all that shit, it is *their* house now. The letters that count will be the Conservative versions of Martin Luther King's Letter from a Birmingham Jail.

And when you say anything like this, a liberal will gleefully start calling you names and mocking how put upon you are, what whiners Conservatives are, in order to say, "You have no basis from which to complain. Be silent and submit to our rule in all things."

Their stated goal is not the goal. Obamacare, gay marriage, global warming->climate change, the erasure of borders for humanitarian "fairness", and on and on, all of it is in service to a deeper, common purpose. The overt causes are garments over the real purpose, which is as old as the hills.

The real goal underneath all of it is the acquisition of absolute power for the purposes of revenge and punishment. Sadism is atomic: it does not have underlying component structure. *That* is what these people truly are.

As long as a single Conservative draws breath in this country, these monsters will never rest. There will be no truce, not even punitive Treaty of Versailles type terms, will satisfy their thirst for cruelty and their hatred and malice. If you think a day will come when they will say, "Whew! Okay, that is enough, we can all be friends again!", you are mistaken. They want us *gone.* Their real beef is that we are still above ground.

Some of us will be imprisoned. Some of us will have our lives, careers, businesses, homes and families destroyed. And when that happens, the way we respond will determine whether the public wakes up to the real character of these collectivist tyrants, and the principals for which they stand.

I keep seeing Conservatives flailing around, "what can we do? Stay positive, never surrender! Write letters, vote" etc. Do all the things we've *been* doing. But until they start sending us to jail, every word from our lips will continue to be a joke to them, and to the public they have conditioned. This is critical to understand: *most of the public cannot hear us.* That's what the takeover of K-12, the universities, hollywood and the media was for. To redesign the cognitive grammar of this country so that what we Conservatives say cannot be processed, so that forbidden ideas never make it into people's minds. The Left was brilliant in their execution of this work over the last century.

In my view there are two groups whose reaction to the next five or ten years will be crucial: the first is the current generation of combat veterans, whose practical consent is required for anything that happens in this country.

The other group is the young, the people who were raised in this system of lies and ends-justifies-the-means candy-coated-bile. They do not all accept the programming, and they are able to answer the Left back in ways that are effective where we are not. The young have always had the gift of subversion, it is a natural talent of youth.

If you can organize the veterans, and learn to communicate with the young--on their own terms--then maybe there will be progress.

But until the Left starts sending us to jail in numbers for thoughtcrimes and so on, they will continue to be able to claim we are the evil masters in control of what is happening in this country.

That's what I think, anyways, for whatever it's worth.

Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at June 27, 2015 09:37 AM (4SQky)

126 I would instead suggest one look at the past failures of democracy : Italy in the '20's , Germany in the '30's , Spain in the '30's . These are systemic failures , not crises . Whether the man on a horse rides in from the Left or the Right is an open question , but our once proud Republic is no more . And no " Rights of Man" or " What Is To Be Done " letter will change that . And as to rhetorical power of said letter , Jefferson is dead

Posted by: jay hoenemeyer at June 27, 2015 09:38 AM (uvj0z)

127 If any of our politicians acted like the 10th amendment actually existed, it would cure a good many ills. "United" states should not equal the "American Progressive Union". United shouldn't mean our values should match a Harvard professor's down the line.

If they want to force me to join the APU, well Google luck with that.

I really tend to agree- it's going to take millions of armed folks to convince our kings that we really do have an influence. Hopefully no blood shed of course, as I'd prefer not to spend eternity in hell.

Posted by: Cooldawg at June 27, 2015 09:38 AM (nkv98)

128 What can we do?

I am still a big fan of the Millions March.

Not in the Summer. After the Summer recess. Let's put 2-3 million in the Mall, and every street, alley, park, etc. in D.C. Bring food and tents and 2nd amendment rights. Camp out. Demand resignations. Don't leave until the work is done. General fucking strike.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at June 27, 2015 09:38 AM (baR5c)

129 My take on it is that the LIVs are that way b/c they have never once learned what the country is about. They have been taught to be deeply suspicious and/ or dismissive of those who support traditional moral principles. (Note I did not say "live by", or even "uphold". Support is enough.). But in order to support them you need to know what they are.

I want to write to all the R candidates to implore them to tell the story of our country's founding as winsomely and clearly as possible. Civics 101. All of them. Go forth and teach. They have a solid year to work against the slop put forth in public indoctrination centers (public schools) and the popular media. Ted Cruz would be an ideal organizer of this but any one of the candidates could do a wonderful job.

Otherwise we are asking people to support positions that are opaque to them. The interviews Leno and Watters have done demonstrate the need for this kind of remedial education. The fact that people are celebrating a decision that is against the will of at least half the people and was imposed by five unelected persons shows how effective the disinformation campaign has been.

Posted by: Bluey Raisin at June 27, 2015 09:39 AM (khUZj)

130 "We would lose far more than we gain."

Either way, it's a trigger for starting over. Personally I don't see the union staying together either way but at least it would draw the battle lines, a chance for people to decide what side they're on.

Posted by: lowandslow at June 27, 2015 09:39 AM (dItuC)

131 This is worse than a slippery slope. We are on the edge of a cliff and too many of us are blindfolded.

The left and GOPe HATE SoCons. We are the burr in their ass, and won't stop until they have completely marginalized us. This ruling is the cudgel they will use to silence us. I am a deacon at an conservative church, and the entire pastoral staff is just waiting for the first lesbian couple to come waltzing through the doors, begging to be turned down as a wedding venue. This will happen. And they will do it w/law-fare and revocation of tax exempt status.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at June 27, 2015 09:39 AM (5buP8)

132 If you ever watched some of the Nazi court trials on Youtube, It was a sad day for humanity

TCM will broadcast "Judgment at Nuremburg" today at 2:00 PM EST.

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2015 09:40 AM (jT+gh)

133 Property taxes are really a State/local issue.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at June 27, 2015 09:40 AM (baR5c)

134 Many conservatives resist the idea of a Constitutional Convention because of what could be lost by it.

At this point, what's left to lose?

Posted by: Michael Rittenhouse at June 27, 2015 09:40 AM (ff700)

135 "because game theory has proven that when one player cheats and the other always plays fair the cheater inevitably wins"

ISIS understands this.
The Palestinians understand this

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 27, 2015 09:40 AM (VPLuQ)

136 Surveys show that 80% of so-called marriages among the gays are "open"
marriages. That means they're not marriages - their legal arrangements
for material gain. Period.

I don't think it's 80%, but it is a high number. And the pro-gay-marriage crowd continues to argue that the institution of marriage will 'civilize' the gays and make them act more faithful. Actually, it is working the other way around. Gays (and others too) bring infidelity into marital arrangements, and then demand that the institution of marriage bend to their will.

The goal all along was to subvert the traditional marriage from the inside.

Posted by: chemjeff at June 27, 2015 09:41 AM (2XMpf)

137 If they revoke the "non-profit" status of Churches -- then they should just ignore the IRS. Fall back on the 1st Amendment and tell them to go to hell. Churches aren't given their tax exemption by the IRS, they exist above and beyond the IRS.

If I were running a Church, I would have never started filing tax returns.

Posted by: Jean at June 27, 2015 09:41 AM (ztOda)

138 A million man march would not be shown on TV. It would be ignored by the press. Don't forget who owns most all of the printed/TV media.

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 09:42 AM (VVrB8)

139 I'm just looking forward to the courts getting choked down with cases citing this crappy gay marriage decision.

Gay marriage doesn't bother me, but how it happened does. I guess only the end result matters. Fortunately, the ends justify the means has always worked out well for everyone.

Posted by: Chupacabras at June 27, 2015 09:42 AM (QFjNO)

140 @111
I respectfully disagree. They could have had all those benefits by accepting Civil Unions, but they refused. They wanted marriage. They hate the church, specifically the Catholic Church and evangelical Christians. Wait and see the lawsuits start rolling in.

I agree with you.

I supported, and still do, civil unions. I was ambivalent about SSM until the Prop 8 fight. (I was in CA at the time.) That fight showed me that the goal of the gay "rights" activists was destruction of traditional marriage.

I admit that some of the slippery slope arguments seemed a bit far-fetched to me 8-9 years ago, but they seem to have been spot-on.

My challenge is that I prefer arguing the SSM position in a more secular way than many of the traditional marriage activists do. I think that the arguments against SSM that were presented before SCOTUS were not as strong as they could be, in part b/c the people making the arguments couldn't step outside their Faith-based beliefs.

That said, I still see no basis for the Federal govt to be creating SSM for the entire country out of whole cloth. It seems to me that the burden of proof for nationalized SSM should have been on the SSM proponents, but instead it was put on the traditionalists to prove that SSM should not be the law of the land.

We have gone down the rabbit hole.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:42 AM (RWGcK)

141 Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:30 AM (RWGcK

Can we go back to "I don't care."

(To a point I suppose.)

Given that civil marriage was reduced to mere contract some time ago (I'm too young to pinpoint when) this ruling has 0 effect on me. (To the extent my wife has been claimed by the progressive machine and her FABOULOUS friends, she's excited, and she's upset that I could care less, I suspect. But then she has never understood that our state wedding license is merely a procedural tool to me to be carried about when she needs proof of name change.)

Anyway, back on point: to the extent that this is merely a contract (civilly speaking) all they've done is stated that you can form contracts with whomever you want.

Yes polygamy is next because you can enter contracts with multiple people.

But the decline happened some time ago, this neither starts no accelerates it. the 40% kids born out of wedlock, the sky high divorce rate, drive through chapels in vegas, those already happened.
People living together and calling themselves "partners" or "sister wives"
Already happening.

What concerns me is as Ace and TP Carney pointed out is that the left is executing the survivors of the culture war.
That's certainly the issue. The Ballot box isn't going to fix that. Nor is an Article V (sorry Vic)
In fact I see only 2 options:
1) The Benedict Option
2) The "eat their tail option."

I'll leave to others to describe 1. 2 is plausible but hard. I started considering it when I had been more or less ejected from bioethics (as a grad student no less! My career prospects are dim but again I digress.) Basically you realize that the various strains of post-modernism are entirely incompatible. The plan then becomes to flit between strains effectively as a "rabble-rouser" playing them against each other until they start to turn on each other (In fact it's already happening, see Kipnis). Of course all this does is accelerate the burn. (Rome in it's final days, MacIntyre, all that Jjzz.)

The hope is that it burns fast enough that you (and your new and very different St. Benedict, which I hope has been found by then!) can come through and begin putting the virtues back together.

Nietzsche or Aristotle, but the former is unstable.

Posted by: tsrblke, PhD(c) rogue bioethicst at June 27, 2015 09:42 AM (s92xH)

142 118 Re 76: If I saw ISIS firebombing the Supreme Court and breaking into the White House to assassinate Obama, I'd think it was no more than they had coming to them. Raise even a finger to defend them? Not this man. They've lost me and it's over. The Federal Government, in its present incarnation, is dead to me and I wish them nothing but ill.

A nation whose own citizens despise it this badly is fast approaching its utter and complete ruin.

Posted by: mac at June 27, 2015 09:35 AM (ilMXv)

That is the comment of the year.

If I said anything more, I would call myself to the attention of the authorities.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2015 09:42 AM (sdi6R)

143 ...They could have had all those benefits by accepting Civil Unions, but they refused. They wanted marriage. They hate the church, specifically the Catholic Church and evangelical Christians. Wait and see the lawsuits start rolling in.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 09:33 AM (E6RIJ)

Good point. I guess rubbing our noses in it really is 'job one.' That said, I still say we should scorch the earth on the marriage issue. Turn it into a pure contract.

On the flip side, in today's uber-feminist nonsense culture I would never get married "on the books." I would be willing to marry in the purely religious sense, with all the responsibilities that entails, but no way would I be so foolishly trusting of a modern woman as to give her legal control over me. The modern 'cash and prizes' mentality of women that inspires them to be the initiator of 70%+ of divorces makes official marriage foolish in the extreme for men.

Posted by: Reactionary at June 27, 2015 09:42 AM (TsW/N)

144 The first item on the agenda should be to prove that our representatives aren't representing the majority of the people.

Yesterday's SCOTUS ruling on gay "marriage" is a great example, although not specifically one of representatives.

Over 30 states defeated gay "marriage" initiatives, and SCOTUS told them to pound sand and that they were in charge.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at June 27, 2015 09:43 AM (eEb+d)

145 @115
That is an excellent analogy.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:43 AM (RWGcK)

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things
have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to
make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and
had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass
arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of
the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling
with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step
on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and
had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen
people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? "
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Posted by: Grad School Fool at June 27, 2015 09:44 AM (A9KzJ)

147 I believe that an Article V convention would be useless as the federal government has demonstrated that they do not abide by or uphold the laws they have established, and they do not follow the constitution. The feds are not going to give up power in some sweeping 'reform'. Push is going to come to shove.

I love my country and I would die defending it but it's gotta change. And change isn't gonna be made by letting it burn or living 'off the grid'. It's gonna be made by getting to work, getting dirty and getting bloody if need be.

So I think we need to work at the lowest political levels to shit can liberals from school boards, city halls, and State governments. I think we're gonna have to play dirty and take no prisoners just like our enemies; be unequivocal and uncompromising and call a sopade a spade a spade. Cfuk political correctness! Trade and do business with like minded folks and avoid trade with companies that aren't.

And when or if that doesn't work; then it'll be time to chuck knuckles and lose chicklets. But that time is far away and we should not be in a hurry to get there.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 27, 2015 09:44 AM (2dhyU)

148 The letter should include a reminder of what this country was founded upon; the idea that no one could be persecuted for their beliefs. It is 2015 and we have evolved as they say, to the point where people are afraid to sign this letter.

They swear in an oath to represent the people, not just the ones that agree with them. They cannot be trusted to do that while they let any citizen be persecuted by an agency they oversee.

Posted by: OldDominionMom at June 27, 2015 09:44 AM (GzDYP)

149 As far as a document goes, I think using the Declaration of Independence as a template would work, but using modern language and examples specific to our circumstances.

Posted by: Insomniac at June 27, 2015 09:46 AM (pOqmx)

150 I am still a big fan of the Millions March.

Not in the Summer. After the Summer recess. Let's put 2-3 million in the Mall, and every street, alley, park, etc. in D.C. Bring food and tents and 2nd amendment rights. Camp out. Demand resignations. Don't leave until the work is done. General fucking strike.

To be honest, I am more inclined to that than to signing a letter.

I discovered (last week) that I will be moving back East, so by Fall I'll be within driving distance of DC. I would participate in a Million Patriots March.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:46 AM (RWGcK)

151 Property Tax exemptions fro Churches are local taxes, not the Federales or IRS's problem.

Posted by: Jean at June 27, 2015 09:46 AM (ztOda)

152 It's probably been mentioned above, but-

Scott Walker is calling for a Constitutional amendment
allowing states to define marriage.

Because, surprise, surprise -Rule of Law.

So, Walker maybe really does have the big balls the next president will require.

My estimation of him just went up.

Ted Cruz expressed similar sentiments because- surprise, surprise - Rule of Law.

Posted by: naturalfake at June 27, 2015 09:46 AM (KUa85)

153 Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:35 AM (RWGcK

I think, that as long as 503(c)4 status exists, it will be hard to take that from the churches. So they may loose their tax deductible status, but losing their tax exempt status would be hard.

And an army of lawyers would probably still be able to preserve c3 status based on something akin to an "art" argument. (That is that "Art" such that it is, argues for a viewpoint but is still often tax deductible.)

Posted by: tsrblke, PhD(c) rogue bioethicst at June 27, 2015 09:47 AM (s92xH)

154 I always wondered if some churches had a special light they would turn on for all their deacons to assemble for a meeting. I'm speakin' of a Deacon Beacon.

Posted by: Billy Barty, Mayor of Smallville at June 27, 2015 09:47 AM (mTo/m)

155 Roe v wade, Gay Marriage, Obamacare , Hate / Thought Crime, Dream Act, Affirmative Action. All things that are now set in stone. Exactly what am I supposed to be fighting for now?

Posted by: Cruzinator at June 27, 2015 09:47 AM (Q4pU/)

156 Y-not, sorry. It sucked moving from Utah east. You discover how quickly you forgot about things like humidity and mosquitoes.

Posted by: Jean at June 27, 2015 09:48 AM (ztOda)

157 148
The letter should include a reminder of what this country was founded
upon; the idea that no one could be persecuted for their beliefs. It is
2015 and we have evolved as they say, to the point where people are
afraid to sign this letter.

Today's "leaders" are afraid to sign anything. They will blow with the wind, and right now they are blowing in the leftward wind. (no sexual meaning here, yet)

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 09:48 AM (VVrB8)

158 I would fight and die for America, but not the suckers of cock who have infiltrated and coopted her governmental offices.

Posted by: Insomniac at June 27, 2015 09:48 AM (pOqmx)

159 Culture is upstream of politics, and philosophy is
upstream of culture. We need to get control of the educational
institutions again and reform the curriculum. The Leftist professors
pounding their worldview into the heads of students has to be stopped.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party

This. This. THIS!!!!

The blather re-inforcing this on TV, the pop culture, that fact that someone as redonkulous as Donald Trump has a popular following, the stale remakes of movies, and on, and on.
It's the mind -numbing drivel that is pounded into the heads of millions everyday.
I just started to watch Obama's eulogy at the AME church, and turned it off, but the comments were again, pandering and ridiculous.

"History will remember Obama fondly" Really?
"At heart he is a very decent and kind man" Really?

There is no objective evidence anywhere that Obama is a decent and kind man. 20 years spent in Jeremiah Wright's church where he apparently slept through the sermons.
Popular Culture is the reason. The idiotic rot that has set in has been created and sold to the mouth breathers out there.
An Article V convention could be viewed as sedition and everyone involved arrested.
A letter to Congress will get no traction, and will be laughed off the floor, and ridiculed by the media, if they even pay the slightest attention to it.

Posted by: Bossy Conservative....outlaw in America at June 27, 2015 09:48 AM (+1T7c)

160 States need to seriously consider ending marriage licensing.

It's a clever way to opt out of the SCOTUS-imposed definition of marriage.

We don't need our marriages blessed by the state. Fuck them.

Posted by: Douglas Quaid at June 27, 2015 09:48 AM (zc/sw)

161 44 Did the fall of the Soviet Union require many of its citizens to live off the grid? Posted by: derit

I'm no expert, but I believe the "off-grid" were among the first to go.

Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at June 27, 2015 09:48 AM (4SQky)

162 150 The energy of the Tea Party really was something,It scared the stablishment.The next one needs to be even bigger.I don't think it will be though,people are afraid of reprisals.There has been no punishment for what the IRS and other government agencies did.TheRepublican establishment is as happy with those reprisals as the left.

Posted by: steevy at June 27, 2015 09:49 AM (sPO3u)

163 I'm not sure three points are enough. I was thinking more like 95 points, then someone can print them out and nail them to the door of Congress.

Posted by: Matt_SE at June 27, 2015 09:50 AM (axNZt)

164 I think an Article V convention can work, but it has to propose an amendment that 3/4ths of the states really will agree to. And just like the original Constitutional Convention, it should contain within it the power for citizens in each state to ratify the resulting amendment and bypass the state legislature if the state legislature refuses to act.

I would suggest something like federal term limits. I think you can find a lot of ordinary people everywhere who will agree with that. Only the professional political class really disagrees with that, and they are outnumbered.

But if you start putting in all sorts of amendments that have no chance of passing in blue states then the entire exercise will be a failure, and MOREOVER, the failure will be used in the future as a rationale for never trying it again. "See how well THAT turned out? Now shut up you lousy conservatives!"

Posted by: chemjeff at June 27, 2015 09:50 AM (2XMpf)

165 The more I consider Kennedy's "reasoning" in his decision about marriage, the more it appears to irrefutably mandate that polygamous and sibling marriage be licensed by the state if it is applied with any intellectual honesty.

We may just find ourselves to currently be in a transitional state, moving toward government getting out of the marriage endorsing business entirely. That is an eventuality that would suit be just fine.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at June 27, 2015 09:50 AM (KVRil)

166 I would have said an economic collapse would shake things up. If the brave SJW didn't have their parents supporting them and their brave little fight against bigots and their 35 different gender choices the shit would eventually hit the fan. But the power structure in DC will fund this crap as long as they can and the leftist base will live on welfare forever

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 09:50 AM (DiZBp)

167 149 As far as a document goes, I think using the Declaration of Independence as a template would work, but using modern language and examples specific to our circumstances.
Posted by: Insomniac at June 27, 2015 09:46 AM (pOqmx)


Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:50 AM (RWGcK)

168 Posted by: Reggie1971 at June 27, 2015 09:50 AM (KVRil

So much of civil marriage is handled by contract law anyway.

If I want things to go smoothly, I need wills and various powers of attorney for my wife, regardless of marriage status.

Get rid of some tax benefits (via an overall restructuring of the tax code) maybe a few employment rules and civil marriage is...nothing. Quite literally.

Then the state can slowly exit.

Posted by: tsrblke, PhD(c) rogue bioethicst at June 27, 2015 09:52 AM (s92xH)

169 We don't need our marriages blessed by the state. Fuck them.

Posted by: Douglas Quaid at June 27, 2015 09:48 AM (zc/sw)

This. The added side benefit would be eliminating the legal control of men's property by women.

Posted by: Reactionary at June 27, 2015 09:52 AM (TsW/N)

170 Poor Harold doesn't even realize that he will be first against the wall.

Posted by: Insomniac at June 27, 2015 09:53 AM (pOqmx)

171 At this point, I don't think words will make a difference.

Not to be too LiB'ey.

Posted by: Chupacabras at June 27, 2015 09:53 AM (QFjNO)

172 George Mason insisted on Article V because he knew there would be a time when too much power would be consolidated in DC and the states would need recourse.

Now is that time.

Posted by: Jose at June 27, 2015 09:53 AM (zc/sw)

173 156 Y-not, sorry. It sucked moving from Utah east. You discover how quickly you forgot about things like humidity and mosquitoes.
Posted by: Jean at June 27, 2015 09:48 AM (ztOda)

And fleas!

But this represents a terrific opportunity for my husband and it will take us closer to family, so I guess I'll have to fly West for vacations.

I'm going to miss the friends I made out here and how beautiful it is.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:53 AM (RWGcK)

174 What can we do?

I am still a big fan of the Millions March.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at June 27, 2015 09:38 AM (baR5c)


This is a good idea. But it needs to be well organized and information needs to be widely disseminated.

Most importantly, people need to have much more than a week's notice, and it needs to be held on a weekend or holiday so conservatives (people who actually work) can get there. If the organizing started today, I would schedule it for no earlier than Labor Day weekend.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 09:54 AM (E6RIJ)

175 Posted by: Harold at June 27, 2015 09:50 AM (Ie1it)

If you don't need us , let us go. But you won't because you are the real losers of the world that need us to prop you up.

Posted by: Cruzinator at June 27, 2015 09:54 AM (Q4pU/)

176 Posted by: Harold at June 27, 2015 09:50 AM (Ie1it)

How about a rousing chorus of Tomorrow Belong to Me, Gruppenfuhrer?

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 09:54 AM (DiZBp)

177 But until the Left starts sending us to jail in
numbers for thoughtcrimes and so on, they will continue to be able to
claim we are the evil masters in control of what is happening in this

That's what I think, anyways, for whatever it's worth.
Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins

I think this is all exactly correct. Until we actually start to struggle and get arrested for our beliefs, will there be a remote possibility of change.

Posted by: Bossy Conservative....outlaw in America at June 27, 2015 09:55 AM (+1T7c)

178 I'm no expert, but I believe the "off-grid" were among the first to go.

I meant when Yeltsin was staggering around, not Lenin.

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2015 09:55 AM (jT+gh)

179 This pattern has been repeated endlessly over the centuries, and is as predictable as the sunrise.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2015 09:32 AM (sdi6R)

That pattern is illegal and only allowed to happen because no one is willing to enforce the laws that make us all equal before it.

See this clown car of an administration and its refusal to enforce laws as an example (like the NBP's wielding billy clubs in front of a polling place).

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at June 27, 2015 09:55 AM (eEb+d)

180 The Article V Convention will make one thing perfectly clear.

If they won't follow this Constitution, they sure as Zhell ain't gonna follow the next one.

And that is the most favorable outcome. More likely the Art V will let the Left write their crap directly into the Constitution.

As for writting a Letter of Complaint, sure, do so. It will amount to a first draft of a new Declaration of Independence.

No matter what, voting and talking and writing will not be enough.

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2015 09:55 AM (MQEz6)

181 As far as novel legal remedies go, it's time to draft the bill that will provide a legal framework for secession. Then the real work of dividing up this cartoonishly over-large country can begin.

Posted by: Reactionary at June 27, 2015 09:55 AM (TsW/N)

182 How about a rousing chorus of Tomorrow Belong to Me, Gruppenfuhrer?

I'm sure it's on Youtube somewhere now. Lot of rousing Nazi music on Youtube.

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 09:56 AM (VVrB8)

183 Lol at you thinking a shitty little letter will do anything. They won we lost. They will ignore laws, you won't, you will appoint judges who twist themselves to rewrite laws to legalize them, they will appoint judges to basically rubber stamp their outcome and work backwards to get to it.

They have control of every major institution teaching the new generation and giving them their voting habits, they control the media, entertainment, and have propaganda networks called NBC, ABC, CNN, ect. They will try to outlaw your speech, use fascist tactics, and use government agencies to punish you for your views. The right meanwhile will do none of those things, will use no tactics that actually work, and will just take it will complaining. Wow you have ideals and think all men should be equal and the rule of law should matter. How quaint. They want your politicians in jail and your views outlawed if spoken in public.

We are playing by kick ball rules while the other team punches us in the face and hits us with a baseball bat but refuse to do the same. It's over. You can't win without doing what they do.

Posted by: Mr Pink at June 27, 2015 09:56 AM (URSV0)

184 "I'd like to see if we can come up with constructive ways to recapture the America most of us grew up with."

Good luck with that. As some blogger posted concerning an earlier abomination, after victory the Left is roaming the battlefield shooting the wounded. The lure of "free stuff" is too strong, America (the ideal) is dead.

The best we can hope for is that they don't want to live with us any more than I want to live with them. Perhaps they will allow us to wander away and live in a red state separate from the Country-That-Used-To-Be-Called-America.

Posted by: Jeff P at June 27, 2015 09:57 AM (aosNi)

185 Colin, I meant that people across America will be afraid to sign the letter because we fear our own government like Steevy says at 162.

Posted by: OldDominionMom at June 27, 2015 09:57 AM (GzDYP)

186 "I did enjoy Obama kicking you RWNJs in the balls when you were down by bathing the Whitehouse in rainbow colours.:

I made a post last night about the liberal reactions I had read to the gay marriage decision. The above is typical. The common theme was snide insults, hatred of conservatives and Christians, and promises of more kicks to the groin to come. Not much celebratory back slapping, handshakes, hugs and congratulations as you would would expect in victory. This is not about love. It is about hate of their opponents.

Posted by: George Orwell de Leon at June 27, 2015 09:58 AM (1BQGO)

187 Thanks 183, we need to remember this!

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 09:58 AM (VVrB8)

188 I'd certainly like to see and Article V convention, but I think for now, there will have to be a resistance movement more like the one that led to the repeal of the 18th amendment. Citizens, municipalities and states will have to become increasingly uncooperative with the Feds on all levels. Try to wean yourself off the government teat. Go local for government services. Sort of the "Whole Foods" approach to government. Don't go off the grid, but try to stay below the radar.

Posted by: MichiCanuck at June 27, 2015 09:58 AM (kbRZp)

189 As some blogger posted concerning an earlier abomination, after victory the Left is roaming the battlefield shooting the wounded.

Yeah, I saw that on Twitter yesterday. I wanted to include that tweet, but I couldn't find it this morning. Was it ExJon who tweeted that?

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:59 AM (RWGcK)

190 I think this is all exactly correct. Until we actually start to struggle and get arrested for our beliefs, will there be a remote possibility of change.

Posted by: Bossy Conservative....outlaw in America at June 27, 2015 09:55 AM (+1T7c)

Key wrinkle - soviets (libtards) don't give two shits about justice. What would happen here is the same thing that happened in Russia - round ups, permanent imprisonment, un-personhood. There is already an entire structure in place to support it - media and public education being the two main branches, and a militarized police force serves as the muscle. America is too different from the way it was in the 60's for merely being right to have any impact.

Posted by: Reactionary at June 27, 2015 09:59 AM (TsW/N)

191 I did enjoy Obama kicking you RWNJs in the balls when you were down by bathing the Whitehouse in rainbow colours.

Posted by: Harold at June 27, 2015 09:50 AM


Well, Harry, I think his little stunt may have backfired. It motivated me to action, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

"colours" Hmmmmm. Too bad you can't vote for your President Pissy Pants.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 09:59 AM (E6RIJ)

"I would have said an economic collapse would shake things up. snip. But the power structure in DC will
fund this crap as long as they can and the leftist base will live on
welfare forever"

Ultimately it will be our fiscal problems that will cause the breakup of the union. There won't be a bloody civil war, just a regional divide after the people finally reject being ruled by Washington when the dollar longer means anything.

Posted by: lowandslow at June 27, 2015 10:00 AM (dItuC)

193 Please ignore the troll and don't cut/paste. I want to keep this thread troll-free. Thanks!

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:00 AM (RWGcK)

194 Harold, we are having a civilized conversation about the things that bind us together as a nation and the things that threaten to tear us apart. Welcome. Won't you join us in coming up with creative and loving ways to solve the problems of this fine country?

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at June 27, 2015 10:00 AM (mvenn)

195 Here's the problem, of course -

the Left has now made it impossible to have Rule of Law in this country unless we actually achieve-

Repeal of Obamacare

Repeal of Gay Marriage (actually federalization of gay marriage)

Though I think gay marriage is profoundly biologically-silly, and science-illiterate, as well as destructive to society in general-

I can live with decided by the people election results as provided for in the Constitution:

California voters ban gay marriage by election and it's not overturned by activist judges-

I'm OK.

California voters approve gay marriage by election and it's not overturned by activist judges-

I'm OK.

If gay marriage is for you the entire point of your existence, you can move to another state with views more in line with yours.


Easy-peasy, everyone gets what they want.

The Supreme Court has done a huge disservice to society by not implementing the 10th Amendment in all of these cases-

their answer for everyone of these issues should be-

"See this here 10th Amendment? yeah, the Constitution says you go back to your state and have a popular election for your little issue. Now get the fuck out of our court and stop wasting our time."

Posted by: naturalfake at June 27, 2015 10:00 AM (KUa85)

196 This idea is still very foggy in my morning brain, but bear with me. We need to take their fear of the Muslims and use that fear to do a judo-move on them but we have to get there before they can tear down the walls of the Christian churches. Gays have a right to marry? Religious people can be forced to provide services against their convictions? Let that be the test case and run it up the legal flagpole as fast as you can get it to SCOTUS. Needed: Two -VERY BRAVE- male volunteers to ask a mosque to marry them. When refused, file suit under this newfound legal ruling. Watch the left contort themselves- can we legally push the muslims as we push the christians? The courts have to abide this ruling or it all comes down, to the benefit of all religious.

Posted by: spec at June 27, 2015 10:01 AM (SKpG+)

197 146: thanks for the Solzhenitsyn, I have been meaning to read him forever, I need to do that.

I like the way Speers put it in Band of Brothers:


Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at June 27, 2015 10:01 AM (4SQky)

198 Once again, now discussion of Article V, Convention of States.

Maybe that would be a start?

Posted by: Brendan at June 27, 2015 09:08 AM (8YVZT)
I would have agreed before this last week.There is no law that they will follow. So a bright new shiny Constitution would be spit on.

Posted by: Velvet Ambition greatest thing since before sliced bread at June 27, 2015 10:01 AM (R8hU8)

199 There is No Office of Primary Responsibility.

Posted by: Lee Lee at June 27, 2015 10:02 AM (/WmRg)

200 We are playing by kick ball rules while the other team punches us in the face and hits us with a baseball bat but refuse to do the same. It's over. You can't win without doing what they do.

Posted by: Mr Pink at June 27, 2015 09:56 AM (URSV0)


Posted by: Reactionary at June 27, 2015 10:02 AM (TsW/N)

201 Facebook has this annoying way to turn your profile picture into a rainbow. Of course, by not doing it you mark yourself as a target of the "no h8" squad.

You will be made to care.

Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 10:02 AM (MYCIw)

202 Please ignore the troll and don't cut/paste. I want to keep this thread troll-free. Thanks!
Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:00 AM

Guilty. Sorry--I should know better.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 10:02 AM (E6RIJ)

203 If you can only do something to save the USA on a weekend because you have to go to work on Monday, well we are fucked.

The Empire needs our money and it gets it automatically each moment we are at work.

Strike. Organize a strike.

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2015 10:02 AM (MQEz6)

204 I made a post last night about the liberal reactions
I had read to the gay marriage decision. The above is typical. The
common theme was snide insults, hatred of conservatives and Christians,
and promises of more kicks to the groin to come. Not much celebratory
back slapping, handshakes, hugs and congratulations as you would would
expect in victory. This is not about love. It is about hate of their

Posted by: George Orwell de Leon

Which is why things will get worse. Regardless of this outcome from the SCOTUS, it was still not enough. Further lessons need to be taught to get all us RWNJ's in line, or we go to jail.
The space we will be allowed for 'tolerated dissent' will get much smaller. Obama has already spoken on this subject.

Posted by: Bossy Conservative....outlaw in America at June 27, 2015 10:03 AM (+1T7c)

205 >>Guilty. Sorry--I should know better.

No problem.

It's not that the troll's comments were too foul to be reproduced, I'm just not in the mood for that crap so I'm zapping him.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:03 AM (RWGcK)

206 "I'd like to see if we can come up with constructive ways to recapture the America most of us grew up with."

Then ... frankly ... you're still part of the problem.

Progressives have ONLY gotten this far because people like you refuse to let them fail. You insist on cleaning up their mess, and dragging the country along.

Honestly ... people like you make it worse for the rest of us. If people like you would stop trying to make this scheme work - and let the country fail just a little bit ... the Progs will begin to feel some pain and subsequently stop their silly bullshit.

So please ... do us a favor ... and stop doing us a favor.

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 27, 2015 10:03 AM (FAbks)

207 If you can only do something to save the USA on a weekend because you have to go to work on Monday, well we are fucked.

The Empire needs our money and it gets it automatically each moment we are at work.

Strike. Organize a strike.

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2015 10:02 AM (MQEz6)


Yes, this is an excellent point.

A national strike might work.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:04 AM (RWGcK)

208 We need to take their fear of the Muslims and use that fear to do a judo-move on them but we have to get there before they can tear down the walls of the Christian churches.

Juan Williams, if he were smarter, would have something to say about that.

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2015 10:04 AM (jT+gh)

209 I would have agreed before this last week.There is no law that they will follow. So a bright new shiny Constitution would be spit on.
Posted by: Velvet Ambition greatest thing since before sliced bread at June 27, 2015 10:01 AM


Not true! Again, check out the website. The amendments called for make it possible to rid ourselves of the offenders.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 10:04 AM (E6RIJ)

210 "Yes, a strongly worded might just do the trick!"
Boutros-Boutros Ghali

Posted by: Far Post at June 27, 2015 10:04 AM (wQ/Pn)

211 Posted by: Harold at June 27, 2015 09:50 AM (Ie1it)

My balls feel just fine this morning. Perhaps you shouldn't comment about something that you don't have Harold.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at June 27, 2015 10:05 AM (KVRil)

212 178 I meant when Yeltsin was staggering around, not Lenin. Posted by: derit

ah ok, sorry my mistake!

i always think about the french revolution, because of the chaos and dishonesty, but i really need to read more about the soviet era of russia and it's aftermath, I think that probably has more applicability to our situation.

never enough time to Read All Teh Things

Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at June 27, 2015 10:06 AM (4SQky)

213 So please ... do us a favor ... and stop doing us a favor.
Posted by: ScoggDog at June 27, 2015 10:03 AM (FAbks)

Well that was helpful.

Honestly, ScoggDog, if you can't enter into the spirit of the Saturday Morning threads, why do you participate? Do you think your thoughts are so Important that they can't wait for another thread? That's some ego you have.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:06 AM (RWGcK)

214 I noticed that earlier, Lauren.

I deactivated my account.

If my family wants to contact me, they have my number.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at June 27, 2015 10:06 AM (kmtse)

215 To be heard in Congress, we need to be heard by the people. That means our own civil rights/civil disobedience movement. It can unite us so we have the same lobbying groups as the left. It can also get the uninvolved thinking about how much better America used to be.

Personally, I think civil disobedience over the open borders is a good place to start since the open border is broadly unpopular. Maybe a march to the border or the capital with pictures of those killed by illegals and the names of companies who hire them.

Posted by: Old Hob at June 27, 2015 10:06 AM (NBhge)

216 The best we can hope for is that they don't want to live with us any more than I want to live with them. Perhaps they will allow us to wander away and live in a red state separate from the Country-That-Used-To-Be-Called-America.

Posted by: Jeff P at June 27, 2015 09:57 AM

No civilization has ever benefited from that strategy. They have always been winnowed down and assimilated. Stand and fight (politically and figuratively) or die.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 27, 2015 10:06 AM (2dhyU)

217 I'm afraid that reading a letter to Congress will not make a difference, since they are so isolated from each other and the people they "serve" that they cannot be shamed (power corrupts, but first it isolates). Shame works only in traditional community structures. When shame is ineffective, that leaves force (not necessarily physical or violent force, but some actions(s) that compel people to act in the way you wish. That's what they use on each other in WDC.

Posted by: Dave at June 27, 2015 10:07 AM (gEsOl)

218 Is the right willing to fine homosexual bakeries 15,000 dollars for not making a birthday cake for a Christian?

Is the right willing to use the IRS to persecute the NAACP and other groups and illegally access their information, provide it to right wing news sources and harass them.

Is Mitch McConnell willing to go on the senate floor and make up lies about Hillary clinton's taxes....well that one he wouldn't have to lie about but still.

is the right willing to smear anyone who disagrees with anything it does as a white racist, and start telling groups of white people that democrats hate them?

Posted by: Mr Pink at June 27, 2015 10:07 AM (iJm2C)

219 >>Posted by: Mr Pink at June 27, 2015 10:07 AM

The premise of this thread is to reclaim America, not to destroy it.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:09 AM (RWGcK)

220 Didn't Eric Holder declare to the nation's AG's that if their state had a law they didn't like, they didn't have to enforce it?

So why is this law deemed to be enforceable?

Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2015 10:09 AM (OB/ib)

221 Good morning! Am late to the site today--it was so dark and rainy this morning I woke up late. Good idea for the thread, Y-not. Just a couple of overnight ideas.

Mark Levin yesterday read from his forthcoming book (on August 4), titled "Plunder and Deceit." Should be excellent. He is addressing the "rising generation"--which he defines as those under 40--and explaining how the statists are destroying their future. One thing we can do is find ways to get that message out. Levin is calling for a "new civil rights movement"--a real one, that defends all of us who have had our rights as citizens taken in recent decades.

I live in a purple state, one in which, if conservatives can convince their neighbors (often union families who used to be Reagan democrats and are now just democrats) to vote the right way in 2016, we might save the country after all. So one thought is to up our visibility in the community and find ways to talk and rub elbows. I belong to one group that is planning a meet-up soon in a popular local bar. Maybe it would help to get out there into the local bars on a regular basis, wearing some conservatives shirts or buttons or whatever, with a few friends, and show the flag.

Taking back the Republican party would be huge. In my state they are definitely top-down, telling the county committees to raise money and shut up. Maybe it would help if the county Republican committees start writing their own platforms. Is this happening elsewhere?

Posted by: Emily at June 27, 2015 10:09 AM (7Rn+/)

222 Facebook has this annoying way to turn your profile picture into a rainbow. Of course, by not doing it you mark yourself as a target of the "no h8" squad.

You will be made to care.

Not if you stay off FaceButt. I rarely go there anymore because of what it's become. Being a musician, most of my "friends" are blind lefties, so I ignore most of them when they post their political indoctrination blather. Or I do what I did to one particularly idiotic post a couple of months ago: in the comments, I posted, "Every bit of this is BS, including the punctuation."

I never attack personally, but if I do say something, it's to point out that folks never seem to question things anymore.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at June 27, 2015 10:09 AM (eEb+d)

223 It won't happen, but it would be interesting to see a "roof top wedding" at a mosque. With a quick honeymoon before they hit the sidewalk 3 floors down
in the USA. That might wake some up....

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 10:10 AM (VVrB8)

224 Posted by: naturalfake at June 27, 2015 10:00 AM (KUa85)

What makes you think any of these things can be overturned. We are now a gay abortion dope smoking socialist nation of laws that we will have to live with unless there is a civil war because there is no other way where these laws will be overturned. Unfortunately it appears that the majority now resides with the socialists.

Posted by: Cruzinator at June 27, 2015 10:10 AM (Q4pU/)

225 is the right willing to smear anyone who disagrees with anything it does as a white racist, and start telling groups of white people that democrats hate them?
Posted by: Mr Pink at June 27, 2015 10:07 AM (iJm2C)

How about telling blacks that Democrats hate them, but find them useful idiots?
I"m more than happy to do that since it is the truth.

Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2015 10:11 AM (OB/ib)

226 190 Key wrinkle - soviets (libtards) don't give two shits about justice. What would happen here is the same thing that happened in Russia - round ups, permanent imprisonment, un-personhood. Posted by: Reactionary

yep, it's a problem, i do not know the answer.

i will defend my property and the people I love, that's all i really know at this point. I am not hopeful.

Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at June 27, 2015 10:11 AM (4SQky)

227 I would have agreed before this last week.There is no law that they will follow. So a bright new shiny Constitution would be spit on.

Posted by: Velvet Ambition greatest thing since before sliced bread at June 27, 2015 10:01 AM (R8hU

Then I think at the very least, the Article V convention would provide a stark confirmation that we now live in an oligarchy, and would give that much more impetus for civil disobedience toward anti-Constitutional rule.

It's worth a try.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at June 27, 2015 10:11 AM (KVRil)

228 A solution to all this would be most welcome, but let's not hold our breath. As for me, it's this:

1. Pile up as much wealth as possible, shielding every penny I can from tax.
2. Continue planning expatriation. I already have the piece of foreign dirt - but will need to build the house on it one day. My future home may be a mildly socialist shit hole, but they have no "social safety net," a weak and inept government, and I don't have to suffer the emotional pain of watching my future countrymen suffer. Let them suffer - who cares?
3. Plan an highly diversified international income strategy, and a plan to move assets once out of the US.
4. Simplify. No fancy big house, no super-cool car, no high-dollar mistress.
5. Arm up - one can never have too much ammo. If they come for me before I get out, hopefully I won't be the only one to die that day.\
6. Try not to think about why prior generations of my family have sacrificed for this country.

Posted by: Reactionary at June 27, 2015 10:11 AM (TsW/N)

229 183++

Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at June 27, 2015 10:11 AM (4SQky)

230 "Not if you stay off FaceButt"

Yeah, but at that point it's still happening, you're just not seeing it.

Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 10:12 AM (MYCIw)

231 No civilization has ever benefited from that strategy. They have always been winnowed down and assimilated.

Is there anything to be learned from the India/Pakistan sundering?

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2015 10:12 AM (jT+gh)

232 >>Posted by: Emily at June 27, 2015 10:09 AM

I agree with this. I think that reclaiming the "Reagan Democrats" (or "yellow dogs," which was a term I heard last week -- socially conservative Democrats) is worth pursuing.

After what I saw last week, to be frank at this point I would vote for Huckabee over Rubio in the primary, simply because I believe Huckabee could win those Democrats.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:12 AM (RWGcK)

233 Unfortunately it appears that the majority now resides with the socialists.

Posted by: Cruzinator at June 27, 2015 10:10 AM (Q4pU/)

True, but it's a majority of useless turds and failures-at-life. I like our odds if a civil war were ever to come.

Posted by: Reactionary at June 27, 2015 10:12 AM (TsW/N)

234 Every representative should have a quarterly lock-in at the rec center with their constituents. If we can't get in their faces every now and then and remind them they're not the royal class, we can't get them to bother reading or listening to our grievances.

So, Y-not, what you're shooting for is admirable, it's proven ineffective in the past and nothing leads me to believe it'd be worthwhile this time.

The recent-ish filibusters were this, writ large, and they did absolutely bupkiss.

Posted by: Chupacabras at June 27, 2015 10:13 AM (QFjNO)

235 161 44 Did the fall of the Soviet Union require many of its citizens to live off the grid? Posted by: derit

I'm no expert, but I believe the "off-grid" were among the first to go.
Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at June 27, 2015 09:48 AM (4SQky)

The Kulaks were not off the grid. They were on the up-and-up, and foolishly expected to be treated as actual people.

On the other hand, the black market economy thrived.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2015 10:13 AM (sdi6R)

236 That pattern is illegal and only allowed to happen because no one is
willing to enforce the laws that make us all equal before it.
See this clown car of an administration and its refusal to enforce
laws as an example (like the NBP's wielding billy clubs in front of a
polling place).

I really think it's much bigger than that.

America had to be taken down. Weaknesses were analyzed. Enemy personnel we disbursed to vulnerable areas to do as much damage as they could. Enemy agents operating within our system appointed additional saboteurs, all done under our very noses. Barack Hussein Obama, a suspicious package if there ever was one; was handcart-delivered into the Presidency.

The evidence? Yesterday's news.

Posted by: Billy Barty, Mayor of Smallville at June 27, 2015 10:13 AM (mTo/m)

237 test

Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2015 10:13 AM (G+3hN)

238 National strike is a very interesting idea. Not being ironic, but national strikes have been effectively used in lots of European countries. It gets their attention.

Posted by: Emily at June 27, 2015 10:13 AM (7Rn+/)

239 Facebook has this annoying way to turn your profile picture into a
rainbow. Of course, by not doing it you mark yourself as a target of the
"no h8" squad.

You will be made to care.

Why go on their at all? It's a leftist company promoting leftist causes. You don't need it. It needs you.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 10:13 AM (DiZBp)

240 Reclaim America? This isn't 1971, this is a fundamentally different country then from even fifteen years ago and until the bill comes due, people are fine with the direction it's heading.

Posted by: lowandslow at June 27, 2015 10:14 AM (dItuC)

241 164 agree.

Seems to me term limits would be low hanging fruit. And perhaps a balanced budget amendment?

those two issues alone would be huge. On the other hand, the 10th amendment isn't doing us very much good right now. The dipshits in the Indiana state legislature sure don't seem to care about it.

We have a supposedly conservative governor yet Obama approved of his Medicare expansion, they re-branded common core, I could go on and on. He didn't even defend RFRA. The minute his CEO buddies threatened boycotts he folded like a cheap suit.

Posted by: Cooldawg at June 27, 2015 10:14 AM (nkv98)

242 there not their

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 10:15 AM (DiZBp)

243 18

vic....they aren't going to "force" the church to perform the ssm....they are going to extort them with the tax exemption.....

They don't have the authority to do that. The church tax exemption existed long before there was a federal government.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party

About that....the Health care 'tax' that is a fine for not participating...

When people become the ruled rather than rulers there is tyranny, and we are there. Do you see the header on this blog? It is time to either do that or take back the reigns of power from the elite and return them to the people.

On you feet or on your knee's, that is the choice.

Posted by: Gmac- 'all politics in this country now is dress-rehearsal for civil war' at June 27, 2015 10:15 AM (4CRfK)

244 The Supreme Court has become everything George Clinton (Brutus) predicted it would become in Antifederalist 78-79:

"The supreme court under this constitution would be exalted above all other power in the government, and subject to no control. The business of this paper will be to illustrate this, and to show the danger that will result from it. I question whether the world ever saw, in any period of it, a court of justice invested with such immense powers, and yet placed in a situation so little responsible."

He noted that the lifetime appointment ("good behavior") was a carryover from England, where it made sense as to avoid undue influence from the Crown, but it made little sense in an elective democracy where the men who appoint the judges do not have lifetime tenure. He also noted that their decisions could be overruled by the House of Lords.

Clinton was right. Hamilton was wrong. I suggest two reforms:

1) Limited tenure. I suggest one ten-year term for a federal judge.

2) Move the Supreme Court to North Dakota (or some such remote locale) to prevent these idiots form being too influenced by the D.C. cocktail circuit.

Posted by: I Work for Dick Jones at June 27, 2015 10:15 AM (ERDLa)

245 1 "All we want is to be out of the shadows."
2 "All we want is acceptance"
3 "All we want is equality"
4 "All we want!"

Posted by: mallfly at June 27, 2015 10:16 AM (qSIlh)

246 Is there anything to be learned from the India/Pakistan sundering?

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2015 10:12 AM

Only that two countries who hate each other will be kept apart by the threat of mutually assured destruction. (SWIDT?) The minute one gets a significant advantage over the other, or is convinced there is nothing to lose and everything to gain, all bets are off.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 27, 2015 10:16 AM (2dhyU)

247 For a national strike to work, you have to be willing to sacrifice both time and money.

Being able to pay the bills is a huge motivator to go to work. How do you get folks to risk keeping a roof over their head or the lights on, not to mention food on the table?

Posted by: SMFH at it all at June 27, 2015 10:16 AM (kmtse)

248 It's worth reiterating that if the present government recognizes no limit on its power, then the Declaration of Independence comes into play.

A government that refuses to defend its borders, for example, is thoroughly and utterly illegitimate.

Burn it down and start over.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2015 10:17 AM (sdi6R)

249 238 National strike is a very interesting idea. Not being ironic, but national strikes have been effectively used in lots of European countries. It gets their attention.

Posted by: Emily at June 27, 2015 10:13 AM (7Rn+/)

Yes, that combined with your grassroots, community level approach in purple areas.

Your other comment resonated with me.

I currently live in a "red" area, Utah, but honestly it's such a one-party state and really more an Establishment-oriented one, that my voice is virtually nil here.

I will be moving to a purple community. I might make a difference there.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:17 AM (RWGcK)

250 "
Why go on their at all? "

Because it's where all my extended family gets updates about what's going on in everyone's life.

Plus, like I said before, if we're not there those things are still happening, but we have no idea and no response. I'm crafting a response now sure to piss off some people, but hopefully open a few eyes as well.

Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 10:17 AM (MYCIw)

251 I don't think much of the "Letter to Congress" idea-

I mean, fine, do it.

but, there's already been a "Letter to Congress" delivered by the electorate.

that made zero difference.

and a "Constitutional Convention"?

Even assuming it wasn't hijacked by the Left,

you already have the Supreme Court and the aggregate Left ignoring the Constitution and clearly written law-

why in the world do you think that they will follow a new set?

I wish mark Levin would use that big brain of his to wage relentless lawfare on the Left,

instead of musing on CloudCukooland.*

*Pre-Sunday Book Thread literary reference.

Posted by: naturalfake at June 27, 2015 10:17 AM (KUa85)

252 Kris called off our gay marriage. Can I sue her for committing a hate crime?

Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at June 27, 2015 10:17 AM (F1Z8f)

253 Being able to pay the bills is a huge motivator to
go to work. How do you get folks to risk keeping a roof over their head
or the lights on, not to mention food on the table?

Posted by: SMFH at it all at June 27, 2015 10:16 AM (kmtse)

Another advantage other side has is they are being funded by our tax dollars.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 10:18 AM (DiZBp)

254 You can create a Rebel State within the Empire.

Don't visit or use Federal facilities or property of any kind.

No visit, no fee.

Create substitutes for Federal things.

Make an Uber-style Post Office, for example.

Create networks that are legal but fully under your own control.

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2015 10:18 AM (MQEz6)

255 Instead, I thought we could try something different -- that is, try a brain-storming session on what, if anything, we can do in the political arena to try to steer the ship of state back on course.


I still think the "Pander Party" will do this--a dedicated group whose purpose is to mock politics-as-usual in the public arena. Show up after a Nancy Pelosi presser and vow to give everything under the sun to Hispanics, blacks, gays, and trans--health care, respect, college--then turn to the Asian girl next to you, shrug, and apologize that it all comes at her expense.

Show up at a Boehner stump speech and promise to be the most conservative Speaker EVAR, and then begin listing all the "conservative" things Boehner has done: "I will make it easier to sneak over the southern border; I will make it so there are no consequences if you are caught here in the country illegally; I will rapidly expand the role of government in the lives of everyday Americans; I will make sure to rubberstamp every whim of the most left-wing President ever" etc. etc.

Keep it fixed on local issues, on wedge issues, and on being funny as hell.

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at June 27, 2015 10:18 AM (MYPM9)

256 It's over. You can't win without doing what they do.
Posted by: Mr Pink at June 27, 2015 09:56 AM (URSV0)

I'm not willing to give up without a fight. We haven't even begun to fight. All we've done is elect more "conservatives" and we see what that's gotten us.

Having only volunteered a few hours ago I'm a mere neophyte, but I am pushing the Convention of States idea. I've scoured the website and am very impressed. I read The Liberty Amendments and have great respect for Mark Levin's constitutional knowledge.

It's worth a shot. And it's a good shot too.

For all of you who say it can't possibly work, I say go to the website and read it all.

It's only over if we do nothing. That's not an option for me.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 10:18 AM (E6RIJ)

257 I vote that all "Theirs and There's be combined into one word (somehow)
I hated that word while in college, never got it right!

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 10:18 AM (VVrB8)

258 Because it's where all my extended family gets updates about what's going on in everyone's life.

Plus, like I said before, if we're not there those things are still
happening, but we have no idea and no response. I'm crafting a response
now sure to piss off some people, but hopefully open a few eyes as

Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 10:17 AM (MYCIw)

I'm sure there is another way to update people without fueling little Zuckerberg's lefty empire

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 10:19 AM (DiZBp)

259 Unfortunately it appears that the majority now resides with the socialists.

Read Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, particularly the one that says, "Hide your numbers to make the enemy (us) think you have more on your side than you really do."

It's one of their primary tactics, one that was used by David Axlerod and his renowned Astroturf campaigns. He got a bunch of people to create fake online personas to flood social media with fake support for his candidate. Russia does this too.

Don't be fooled. Despite what we see online and on TV, we are not outnumbered. Go to church or a bar, you'll find someone who thinks the way you do in no time.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at June 27, 2015 10:19 AM (eEb+d)

260 247 For a national strike to work, you have to be willing to sacrifice both time and money.

Being able to pay the bills is a huge motivator to go to work. How do you get folks to risk keeping a roof over their head or the lights on, not to mention food on the table?

Posted by: SMFH at it all at June 27, 2015 10:16 AM (kmtse)

I can think of a few avenues, all involving us crowd-funding this effort... either on-line or through churches or through non-profits.

IIRC during the early days of the IRS stuff, some clever folks created non-profits with very "Progressive" sounding names in order to avoid drawing attention to themselves from the bureaucrats. We could do similar.

How about a National Union? I wonder if there's a way to create that?

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:20 AM (RWGcK)

261 On you feet or on your knee's, that is the choice.

Pick the hill to die on, or they will pick the ditch you die in.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2015 10:20 AM (G+3hN)

262 ISIS held a rooftop double gay marriage.

Posted by: Boss Moss at June 27, 2015 10:20 AM (CdIQH)

263 I like the letter idea. It would catch fire quickly on the net, which would get some attention in the media which would help galvanize support. Cruz and others are always saying that we need to speak out and this is one way to do that. Maybe, just maybe we can prove that we're not just a few in number and give a kickstart to the campaign for a convention.

Posted by: OldDominionMom at June 27, 2015 10:21 AM (GzDYP)

264 Another advantage other side has is they are being funded by our tax dollars.
Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 10:18 AM (DiZBp)


The GOPe crowd do not understand how devastating that is.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:21 AM (RWGcK)

247 For a national strike to work, you have to be willing to sacrifice both time and money.

Being able to pay the bills is a huge motivator to go to work. How do you get folks to risk keeping a roof over their head or the lights on, not to mention food on the table?
Posted by: SMFH at it all at June 27, 2015 10:16 AM (kmtse)

First you establish the support system and you don't plan a single strike, you plan a series of them coming in waves and targeted for maxmum effect.

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2015 10:21 AM (MQEz6)

266 National strike is a very interesting idea. Not being ironic, but national strikes have been effectively used in lots of European countries. It gets their attention.

Posted by: Emily at June 27, 2015 10:13 AM (7Rn+/)

A 3-Day Anti-Obamacare Doctor's Strike would certainly get a lot of attention.

I'm surprised it hasn't happened by now.

Posted by: naturalfake at June 27, 2015 10:21 AM (KUa85)

267 ISIS held a rooftop double gay marriage.

Posted by: Boss Moss at June 27, 2015 10:20 AM (CdIQH)

When that shit eventually hits the fan here, I wonder who is going to be considered the more protected class of special people.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 10:22 AM (DiZBp)

268 "I vote that all "Theirs and There's be combined into one word (somehow)"

Entirely different meanings. One denotes possession and the other a variety of things such as direction or the abstract.

Not related at all despite their similar appearance.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at June 27, 2015 10:23 AM (pCePB)

269 I wish mark Levin would use that big brain of his to wage relentless lawfare on the Left,

instead of musing on CloudCukooland.*
*Pre-Sunday Book Thread literary reference.
Posted by: naturalfake at June 27, 2015 10:17 AM (KUa85)

Levin's Landmark Legal Foundation files briefs in most SC cases. He and Landmark have filed suits against the EPA and the NEA.
Someone has to fund these cases, Levin and Landmark don't have unlimited resources.

Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2015 10:24 AM (OB/ib)

270 I think she's rather fetching. Don't you?

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2015 10:24 AM (sdi6R)

271 When that shit eventually hits the fan here, I wonder who is going to be considered the more protected class of special people.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.
But I WILL pop popcorn.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2015 10:24 AM (G+3hN)

272 "A Day without a Conservative"--Half the country calls in sick. Sure, the government agencies will hardly notice, but surely that would be a wake-up call?

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at June 27, 2015 10:24 AM (MYPM9)

273 You don't have to live off the grid but you do have to stop supporting the government at all levels and all of the media, the arts and most important of all charities. Stop trying to achieve that big paycheck and live modestly. Do not go to movies and avoid anything that is not free that supports Hollyweird where all the homofagfascists rule. Do not buy new, buy used: used houses, used cars, used whores, you get the picture. Pay as little taxes as you can. And when the time or chance comes, grab every government freebie you can and overload the system. Put your money in guns, gold and the mattress. Do not vote and do not fill out the census. Lie repeatedly on any government form when you can. Never play straight with those who hate you anyways.

Posted by: Underground Railroad at June 27, 2015 10:25 AM (JG47A)

274 Y-not,

The crowd-funding is a good idea...until said crowd-funding site shuts the funding down. A progressive name would work, for how long, who knows.

A national union may scare some folks

Best bet would be through the churches.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at June 27, 2015 10:25 AM (kmtse)

275 Now all I have to do is try and write sentences with out using there/their....

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 10:25 AM (VVrB8)

276 Let me use an analogy. The right is fighting like British red coats tut tutting and lining up in neat little to be slaughtered, and after losing every battle reforming and patting themselves on the back for playing by the rules and having honor.

The left is fighting like an Afghanistanian insurgency.

Posted by: Mr Pink at June 27, 2015 10:25 AM (iJm2C)

277 Have ya'll seen this? Chicago Activists Unchained, it's definitely worth a watch (4m23s)

Conservatives would do well to build bridges with such people.

Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at June 27, 2015 10:26 AM (4SQky)

278 "Entirely different meanings. One denotes possession and the other a variety of things such as direction or the abstract.

Not related at all despite their similar appearance."

How quaint.
Someone who believes that words have fixed and defined meanings.

To the Word Camps with you.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 27, 2015 10:26 AM (VPLuQ)

279 Now all I have to do is try and write sentences with out using there/their....

Posted by: Colin

Their they're, it'll be okay.

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at June 27, 2015 10:26 AM (MYPM9)

280 To continue my post I hit send prematurely, if you want to see what Landmark has been doing in the recent cases at the SC just decided, click on Public Accountability under Latest Developments and the current list of briefs, etc. will come up.

Levin and Landmark filed a brief in the Obamacare tax credits case.

Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2015 10:26 AM (OB/ib)

281 Y-not, I'm sure you will make a difference in a purple community. I've been here two years--moved here from a red state, partly because I'd felt so frustrated in 2012. It has taken a little work, but I have found a couple of conservative groups I'm comfortable working with.

Higgins--for learning about the reality of the USSR, pretty much any Solzhenitsyn book is a great place to start, IMHO. Also recommend "Forever Flowing" by Vasily Grossman, or his magnificent "Life and Fate" if you are ready for a longer read.

Posted by: Emily at June 27, 2015 10:26 AM (7Rn+/)

282 "Being able to pay the bills is a huge motivator to go to work. How do you get folks to risk keeping a roof over their head or the lights on, not to mention food on the table? "

Sorta circles back with off-grid living. More work, fewer bills. Less dependence on others for the basics. Always comes back to whether it is practical (or if you can make it practical) for you.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at June 27, 2015 10:26 AM (pCePB)

283 273,

Some of us are already doing most of what you suggest...mostly due to the fact we're too broke to do otherwise.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at June 27, 2015 10:27 AM (kmtse)

284 They're you have it.

Posted by: Boss Moss at June 27, 2015 10:27 AM (CdIQH)

285 "We're in a full on After Virtue situation here. " - tsrblke

Today is June 27, 1 AV (after virtue).

Posted by: Igotnothing at June 27, 2015 10:28 AM (O4cUV)

286 "Don't be fooled. Despite what we see online and on TV, we are not
outnumbered. Go to church or a bar, you'll find someone who thinks the
way you do in no time."

True, but that's only where you live. Nationwide we most certainly are outnumbered. And these are the people that hold the power. That's why I don't understand this obsession with trying to "save" the union, I don't want the union to hold, I want to break from these people and their ideology and system of government.

Posted by: lowandslow at June 27, 2015 10:28 AM (dItuC)

287 Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 10:12 AM (MYCIw

Of course it's happening.

The left made this a trendy cause. It will be largely forgotten inside of 10 years. But right now everyone is patting themselves on the back for something they don't really understand.

If these people read Zombie's post about Folsom Street Fair, they probably wouldn't find the cause so trendy.

Posted by: tsrblke, PhD(c) rogue bioethicst at June 27, 2015 10:28 AM (s92xH)

288 Would Obama's birthday, August 4, be a good day for "A Day without a Conservative"? We can all call in sick and sit home and read Levin's new book, which comes out that day.

Posted by: Emily at June 27, 2015 10:28 AM (7Rn+/)

289 If you want to read a pretty accurate prediction of how an Article V Convention would go down, look to Matt Bracken's (that magnificent bastard!) Enemies Foreign and Domestic, part of a 3-book series that everyone here needs to read.

[A small excerpt, plus a link to more of that particular passage from Matt's book.]

"I'll tell you what happened--I watched it happen. When the convention was over, that's when we knew that the old America was gone. It was over. Finished."

"The convention was in Philadelphia, right?"

Right. I was in Baltimore when it happened, but it was televised wall-to-wall. On television, the talking heads called it the con-con, like it was a big joke or something. Maybe constitutional convention was too hard to spell, or maybe it took them too long to say it. Too many syllables. You know--time is money. I think a lot of the people behind the convention couldn't even pronounce it, much less spell it, so it just became the con-con."

"It was two years ago?"

"Yeah, two years ago in September. You have to understand how bad things already were, even before the earthquakes, and before the big hurricanes hit the Gulf Coast. Even back then, the economy was so bad that people were calling it the Greater Depression. People were desperate. And not just welfare types--I'm talking about solid middle class citizens. Or formerly middle class, like my family. Nouveau poor, we called it. I think people were ready to try just about anything to get the economy moving. Nothing the government tried was working; everything was in a downward spiral. We were still using blue bucks then, what they called 'New Dollars.' Banks were failing left and right, only the Fed wouldn't let them fail--they pumped in trillions of dollars in new money to keep them open. Nobody wanted to hear that it might take years to unwind the economic mess we were in. That it took us decades to ruin the economy, and it would take a long time to fix it. Everybody wanted a quick fix, like pulling a rabbit out of a magic hat. But everything the president and Congress tried just made things worse. Especially printing so much new money."

Doug set his rifle barrel back down on the table and continued. "The country was already a mess, and that was undeniable. Everybody and his brother were proposing constitutional amendments, supposedly to fix the economy, or make everything fair for the poor, or whatever. That's how Congress came up with thirty-four state legislatures calling for amendments. There were seven or eight totally different amendment proposals, but it didn't matter. Once Congress had thirty-four states on record proposing amendments, they went for it. I think they were just waiting for the chance. Once they had thirty-four states, it only took a 51 percent vote in Congress to call for the convention."

"Congress? I don't understand. What do they have to do with the convention?" asked Carson.

"Everything, under Article Five. It all came down to Article Five of the old constitution. Congress runs the whole show for constitutional conventions."

"It does? I didn't know that."

"Yeah, well, join the club. That was a major surprise to almost everybody, since it had never happened before. Not in over two hundred years, since it was written. So nobody knew much about Article Five," said Doug.

"I guess that changed in a hurry."

Read a little bit more, here:

Posted by: Billy Barty, Mayor of Smallville at June 27, 2015 10:28 AM (mTo/m)

290 SJW: You will give me what I want!

Bewilderd Citizen: What do you want?

SJW: Everything!

Bewilderd Citizen: Everything?


Bewilderd Citizen: What do we get?


Posted by: Grump928(C) at June 27, 2015 10:29 AM (rwI+c)

291 I am boycotting Ferrari and Lamborghini.

Posted by: Boss Moss at June 27, 2015 10:29 AM (CdIQH)

292 Now all I have to do is try and write sentences with out using there/their....
Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 10:25 AM (VVrB


When in doubt, spell it "theiyre're."

(Saw that right here at the HQ.)

Posted by: IrishEi at June 27, 2015 10:29 AM (E6RIJ)

293 "We're in a full on After Virtue situation here. " - tsrblke

Today is June 27, 1 AV (after virtue).

Year Zero. You're soaking in it.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at June 27, 2015 10:30 AM (rwI+c)

294 280 To continue my post I hit send prematurely, if you want to see what Landmark has been doing in the recent cases at the SC just decided, click on Public Accountability under Latest Developments and the current list of briefs, etc. will come up.

They and Judicial Watch and the Goldwater Institute and... I *think* the Claremont Institute use "lawfare" effectively. That is a another way to go.

I knew people who were attacked by the IRS in the lead up to 2012. Rich, powerful people. They didn't fight back -- they just saved their skins. They had too much to lose and valued their place in the Right Circles too much.

It took a grassroots non-profit activist and Mark Levin to expose the IRS witch hunt.

Our elected officials, especially at the national level, seem to be less than useless most of the time. Very upsetting.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:30 AM (RWGcK)

295 When that shit eventually hits the fan here, I wonder who is going to be considered the more protected class of special people.
Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 10:22 AM

In the inevitable gays v. Muslims conflict, have no doubt- the left will side with the Muslims. (This is already happening in Europe, where, comically, many gays are turning to far-right political parties. They had their 15 minutes, but big gay party is over in Europe.)

Lib activists here don't really give a shit about gays, but find them a convenient cudgel against Western civilization, particularly Christianity. The more anti-Western you are, the more tolerance you get, so "Muslim" trumps "gay" every time.

Posted by: I Work for Dick Jones at June 27, 2015 10:30 AM (ERDLa)

296 True, but that's only where you live. Nationwide we most certainly are outnumbered.

Are we? It feels more like a coup.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at June 27, 2015 10:31 AM (rwI+c)

297 "Nouveau poor"


Posted by: SMFH at it all at June 27, 2015 10:31 AM (kmtse)

298 vote that all "Theirs and There's be combined into one word (somehow)"

They're homophones and SCOTUS had ruled there's nothing wrong with that.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at June 27, 2015 10:31 AM (lm+T6)

299 The solution to our problem will not come from the executive, judicial, or legislative branches of the Federal government. The problem is the Federal government. The solution will not come from the States. The States have become weak, subservient, and dependent on the Federal government. It will not come from any person you hope to elect. The time of ballots is done. The time of bullets is here. You want to see the solution look to the Battle of Athens, TN. You want to see the solution look to the Bundy Ranch standoff.

Posted by: Achilles at June 27, 2015 10:31 AM (TpeIH)

300 The strikes are not meant to directly save the USA.

They are a message.

"Things will not turn out the way you want."

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2015 10:31 AM (MQEz6)

301 Posted by: I Work for Dick Jones at June 27, 2015 10:30 AM (ERDLa

I don't suspect the black churches are going to just roll over either.

Posted by: tsrblke, PhD(c) rogue bioethicst at June 27, 2015 10:32 AM (s92xH)

302 *sniffles*

Posted by: Pander Bear at June 27, 2015 10:32 AM (MYPM9)

303 I don't think the left has as many supporters as we think. But they sure do have plenty of sympathizers depending on the issue. Facebook was a twitter yesterday with joy over the gay marriage ruling and I endured multiple postings of rainbow flags and cheers from "friends." The people posting are not gay and are not politically active, so why are they so happy?

Not unrelated--the other day I was talking to my brother and when we put our heads together, we couldn't believe how many of our friends--or people we knew from growing up--had children who turned out to be gay.

Posted by: JoeF. at June 27, 2015 10:32 AM (nzTXW)

304 Achilles,
Please tone it down. Thanks.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:33 AM (RWGcK)

305 (This is already happening in Europe, where, comically, many gays are turning to far-right political parties. They
had their 15 minutes)

#toolate Get the F out.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2015 10:33 AM (G+3hN)

306 I don't suspect the black churches are going to just roll over either.

Posted by: tsrblke


But just like Prop 8, nothing will happen to them. They will not lose thay'reire tax exempt status; they will not face the public shaming. It will just be understood that black people "aren't yet enlightened enough" among the left.

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at June 27, 2015 10:33 AM (MYPM9)

307 Doom. This song sums up my mood:

Posted by: Witchfinder at June 27, 2015 10:34 AM (MsFCE)

308 "Nationwide we most certainly are outnumbered."

I don't know about that. I think a sizable population, regardless of their political bend, just don't care or pay attention. Conservative, moderate, etc. It hasn't "hit home" so they tune it out and just try to get through.

The implications of this ruling have yet to "hit home."

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at June 27, 2015 10:34 AM (pCePB)

309 276 Let me use an analogy. The right is fighting like British red coats tut tutting and lining up in neat little to be slaughtered, and after losing every battle reforming and patting themselves on the back for playing by the rules and having honor.

The left is fighting like an Afghanistanian insurgency.

Nailed it.

Posted by: @votermom at June 27, 2015 10:34 AM (cbfNE)

310 The thing is, Americans didn't like what Obama and the Dems did, so the House became Republican. And then the Senate became Republican.

And then the liberals in the White House and the SCOTUS usurped the legislative function, rendering Congress irrelevant. Really, Congress could have stood up for itself, but it didn't.

The widespread corruption with the executive branch - typified by with the flagrant destruction of evidence in recent years - shows that Congress is impotent. The Chief Justice's actions in recent years show that he's either a coward or just plain COMPROMISED.

Liberals are a small minority (maybe 20%), but they can enact laws without even winning an election - nobody is stopping them as they overreach their authority.

It was left to the people of the US to be the stewards of our country - the Founders warned us that there was no magic formula that would automatically keep us free - we had to be vigilant. We didn't listen, and so our country was lost. Now we have a gay banana republic where people can lose their livelihood by stating simple facts of high school biology.

Posted by: Optimizer at June 27, 2015 10:35 AM (/q6+P)

311 Oh, this is fucking pathetic. "If only Congress knew, they'd stop this!"

Hint: They know and they don't fucking care.

Your sister just got raped in broad daylight in the middle of town by a known criminal and the best you have is "let's write a really badass letter to his brother, the sheriff."


Posted by: RoyalOil at June 27, 2015 10:35 AM (ZvKdv)

312 "True, but that's only where you live. Nationwide we most certainly are outnumbered. "

Many of us in our community have almost a secret society of conservatism in the middle of the Baltimore area.

But for the most part, it's a mixture of militant liberalism, Gay Liberation Theology, and shallow thinking half wits who can't figure out how to check the oil level on a Chevy Volt.

To them, that whole Heinlein quote about "Bad Luck" goes flying over their head without even ruffling a hair.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 27, 2015 10:36 AM (VPLuQ)

313 Any lauren baby news today?

Posted by: NCKate at June 27, 2015 10:36 AM (bP6xm)

314 Funny thing about their #LoveWins hashtag.The only ones I see really expressing that sentiment are the right/libertarian supporters.The left it is all"suck it!" "Fuck you!" etc.

Posted by: steevy at June 27, 2015 10:36 AM (sPO3u)

315 The answer of "what to do" is breathtakingly simple. Find principal figures who will confront and fight the Left and democrat-media complex. EVERY problem we are faced with today is a direct result of the failure to fight. It doesn't matter what else you do if you don't fight. Breitbart made this argument a thousand different ways. He was in fact making a difference -- not because he had a great platform or wrote endless column inches of brilliant, withering columns or even wrote a huge number of influential books -- because he got IN THEIR FACES. No one wants to do this. It's that simple. If we had Republicans who jumped out of bed every day with joy and spring in their step and said, "what can I do to mess with the Left today? My day won't be complete until I've picked a fight" we wouldn't be here today. And when Breitbart died all the alleged acolytes and admirers boasted about how "I am Breitbart" etc., but went back to writing columns and bitching and moaning among themselves about how bad the Left is.

We don't have leaders who either really get the Left and we don't have leaders who will fight them (for whatever reason you want to come up with). There it is.

Posted by: rrpjr at June 27, 2015 10:36 AM (s/yC1)

316 I don't suspect the black churches are going to just roll over either.
Posted by: tsrblke, PhD(c) rogue bioethicst at June 27, 2015 10:32 AM (s92xH)

I'm not so confident about that.

I also want to ask when the RC church is going to excommunicate Sotomayor and other RC leftist on the SC who voted for this yesterday.
And remember, Roberts DID NOT vote to impose gay marriage.....

Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2015 10:36 AM (OB/ib)

317 I don't know about that. I think a sizable population, regardless of their political bend, just don't care or pay attention. Conservative, moderate, etc. It hasn't "hit home" so they tune it out and just try to get through.

Yep. If I turned off and dropped out, I wouldn't know anything is amiss from my little town. People still go to work, still go to church, still smile at each other in the street. There is some bitching about prices and jobs but the feds have kept the plates spinning with the heretofore endless UE extensions and the EBT.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at June 27, 2015 10:36 AM (rwI+c)

318 Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2015 10:26 AM (OB/ib)

I know Levin and Landmark do good work.


I find this "Constitutional Convention" idea both silly and dangerous.

It's wasted energy and Pollyanna thinking.

The best solution is to find the most hardcore Federalist among the Republican candidates (It was Perry last time)-

and get them elected President.

Then let them use their first year in office-

to boldly dismantle and divest the Federal Gov't along the lines of the 10th amendment

as well as at the same time repeal every single bit of Obamacare legislation because 10th Amendment-

and ramping up the economy with extremely friendly tax and energy(fracking, nukes) policy.

Conservatives need to stop playing by polite Marquis de Queensbury rules-

and deliver gut punches that defund the Left and are hard to recover politically from.

Posted by: naturalfake at June 27, 2015 10:37 AM (KUa85)

319 The people posting are not gay and are not politically active, so why are they so happy?

One of the biggest disconnects btwn "our side" and "their side" is apparent in the Left's attempts at "gotcha" question with respect to attending a SSM wedding.

If someone is my friend and he (or she) decides to get "married" to their partner, I would attend that ceremony* -- or certainly the reception. That's just part of friendship.

If my sister divorced her husband to "marry" a woman, I would probably NOT attend the ceremony, because the bonds between us are different and that act would be a direct affront to my parents and our family. I would still, however, maintain my relationship with her.

The Left makes everything political. They demand everyone in their lives -- and even OUTSIDE of their lives -- walk in lockstep on every issue. They are intolerant, hateful a-holes.

*I would not attend it if it was held in a Catholic church or in some other non-sanctioned venue.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:38 AM (RWGcK)

320 I'm considering beginning every reference to an historical figure with "Noted bigot..." For instance, "Abraham Lincoln, noted bigot,..." I don't know why we're freaking out about Hamilton being tossed from the currency. Since none of them supported SSM, they were all noted bigots.

Yes, I AM disheartened this morning. Not because of the SCOTUS decision (I expected that. In a lot of ways the Obamacare decision was more surprising as it makes not a damn bit of sense.) but because of how it made me feel (to borrow a phrase) 'ashamed of my country for the first time in my adult life'. We don't have a representative government. My votes don't matter.

Being a conservative is like dragging back the reigns on a team of runaway horses as they gallop towards the cliff. I'm pulling and pulling and wondering when I need to think about cutting the reins so I'm not pulled over the cliff with them.

Posted by: Beanerschnitzel at June 27, 2015 10:38 AM (5ZiJ2)

321 Posted by: naturalfake at June 27, 2015 10:37

The president who attempted that would be impeached in a heartbeat.

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at June 27, 2015 10:38 AM (MYPM9)

322 "I'd like to see if we can come up with constructive ways to recapture the America most of us grew up with."

First, reject fatalism. It doesn't help, and is tedious to boot.

Second, understand that on a national level, we can no longer "recapture the America most of us grew up with." (That sounds fatalistic, but it's not. Just wait.) Our culture is rotten to its very core. We have to understand this. Our project to restore it will take generations. Theirs did. So will ours. The fundamental problem is not political. As we all know, and as Breitbart taught us, it's cultural. There's room for our politicians to maneuver in this cultural environment, but not in a way that fundamentally changes anything. So, while we do what we can in the political arena--understanding that it won't be much--we need to be playing the long game. Specifically:

1: We need to develop parallel cultural, artistic, educational, and commercial institutions that are insulated from SJW entryist tactics. We've already created parallel news media institutions--Breitbart News Network is the best example--but since they're not accompanied by other parallel institutions, their impact on the general culture is extremely blunted. We need our own institutions of higher learning. (As far as I'm aware, Hillsdale College is the only one we have.) We need our own Amazon. We need our own entertainment media. Our own art. And it needn't be all, or even mostly, *explicitly* political. It just has to be immune to SJW entryism. As the fruit rots, we will maintain and *grow* a cultural space insulated from the rot, a kind of cyst or reverse cancer if you will, which brings me to my next point.

2: Breed. Find some form of alternate schooling for your kids. Pass on your world view.

3: Also related to point one, I'd say its about time we start boycotting, to the extent possible, those corporations who contribute most heavily to the cultural rot. I don't use a Google browser. I don't use a Google search engine. I don't buy Coke or Pepsi. I don't fly American or Jet Blue. I don't use Amazon unless I can't get something somewhere else. I avoid Target. And, after yesterday, I'll probably be switching to Discover instead of Visa or Mastercard. The biggest corporations in the country hate you. Stop giving them your business. Again, some of them aren't, as of yet, actually avoidable. This is s do-what-you-can-do sort of thing.

So, there's a start. And it's a good one. Probably the only one.

Posted by: Mr. Estrada at June 27, 2015 10:39 AM (RPsRI)

323 We don't have leaders who either really get the Left and we don't have leaders who will fight them (for whatever reason you want to come up with). There it is.


Let it burn is not hoping for Mad Max. It's recognizing that our current political class is corrupt, and the ones who are not are cowardly or marginalized. Let it Burn is saying Don't bust your ass to make *their* unworkable schemes almost work. If people want socialism, let them have it, good and hard.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at June 27, 2015 10:39 AM (rwI+c)

324 "The solution to our problem will not come from the executive, judicial, or legislative branches of the Federal government."

No it will not. States or the actions of the populace en masse is the trick.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at June 27, 2015 10:39 AM (pCePB)

325 Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2015 10:36 AM (OB/ib)

I suspect they won't. Unlike abortion, I'm not sure fucking with civil marriage is high on the church's ban list.

Again, until they come for the churches (and they will) right now this is just fucking with some civil contract law.

Posted by: JoeF. at June 27, 2015 10:32 AM (nzTXW)

Bandwagon effect. The left made it culturally trendy to support gay marriage. We could learn from that.

Posted by: tsrblke, PhD(c) rogue bioethicst at June 27, 2015 10:39 AM (s92xH)

326 Does this mean that sucking cock is now a tax? Because I have a lot of deductions this year...

Posted by: Barack Obama at June 27, 2015 10:40 AM (FcR7P)

327 Then let them use their first year in office- to boldly dismantle and divest the Federal Gov't along the lines of the 10th amendment as well as at the same time repeal every single bit of Obamacare legislation because 10th Amendment- and ramping up the economy with extremely friendly tax and energy(fracking, nukes) policy.

Conservatives need to stop playing by polite Marquis de Queensbury rules-

Pen and a phone. "EPA, thank you for your service, but it it is no longer needed. Good bye".

Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2015 10:40 AM (G+3hN)

328 U.S. Grant owned slaves.

Posted by: Boss Moss at June 27, 2015 10:40 AM (CdIQH)

329 In the end, you get the democracy you deserve.

I could understand the election of Barack Obama.

But it's hard, if not impossible, to believe that a nation that would re-elect Barack Obama has much of a future.

Posted by: I Work for Dick Jones at June 27, 2015 10:40 AM (ERDLa)

330 "
313 Any lauren baby news today?"

Ugh, no. I'm in that annoying place where if I stand up I'll have contractions right on top of each other, but the second I lay down again they slow to every 10 minutes or so. I'm full term today though, so I'm considering going for a long walk, eating some spicy food, and seducing Mr. Lauren, perhaps not in that order haha.

Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 10:41 AM (MYCIw)

331 If someone is my friend and he (or she) decides to get "married" to their partner, I would attend that ceremony* -- or certainly the reception. That's just part of friendship.

If your friend decided they were into sacrificing animals , would you attend the ceremony, because it's part of friendship?

Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2015 10:41 AM (OB/ib)

332 True, but that's only where you live. Nationwide we most certainly are outnumbered. And these are the people that hold the power. That's why I don't understand this obsession with trying to "save" the union, I don't want the union to hold, I want to break from these people and their ideology and system of government.

Point taken.

I do have an alternative: just start acting as though these people are wrong (which they are). Subtle conversational points can make a big difference, like "Really? How would you like to have that done to you against your wishes?" or "Who do you want to control your life: you or some bureaucrat in DC?" or my personal favorite, "Thanks, but I'm a grownup and can make my own decisions. I don't need anyone else doing it for me."

My point is to start bringing some genuine, personal peer pressure on the easily-swayed, always with love. As we've seen, they are legion and have no rudder, no inner guide to show them right from wrong. By being an example, you may just help them find their own way in life and to not be sheep any more.

Be an individual. It may shock those who've never encountered such a soul before, but hey, everyone needs a hobby.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at June 27, 2015 10:41 AM (eEb+d)

333 Perhaps I missed it here, but Cruz is now calling for a Constitutional Amendment to subject SC justices to periodic elections.

Posted by: pep at June 27, 2015 10:41 AM (LAe3v)

334 Nothing's really changed. All that happened is the mask was fully pulled off. We're faced with a more honest enemy, is all.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at June 27, 2015 10:42 AM (39g3+)

335 Posted by: rrpjr at June 27, 2015 10:36 AM (s/yC1)


The GOP is not weak and stupid, it is on the other side.

The clever pundits never put anything at risk and never stray from polite territory.

We, the folks who comment here, can set up a real-world network to game this thing out and set things in motion.

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2015 10:42 AM (MQEz6)

336 Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2015 10:41 AM (OB/ib

I've got a lot of friends who haven't figured out the "no fornication" thing.

I don't walk around tut-tutting them and I don't ban their date of the month from social events.

Posted by: tsrblke, PhD(c) rogue bioethicst at June 27, 2015 10:42 AM (s92xH)

337 Create a sub-culture of truth.
Call out lies.
When people go PC on you, say, I respect your feelings, but I believe in telling the truth as it is. I am sorry, but your feelings cannot compel me to lie.

Posted by: @votermom at June 27, 2015 10:42 AM (cbfNE)

338 Reporter: "Mr. Turd, would you attend a gay wedding?"

Me: "Maybe."

Reporter: "'Maybe?' What kind of answer is that, you homophobic bigot?"

Me: "Well, where is the wedding? Is it in Hawaii? I can't afford to go to Hawaii for a wedding! When is it, a Tuesday morning? I have a job! Was I even invited to the wedding? You want me to just crash a gay wedding? Are you out of your mind!? Do you have any idea how much planning those two did for that event, making sure everyone was seated in just the right place, and you want me to just show up, uninvited, and throw that all that planning out the window? You're a monster!"

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at June 27, 2015 10:42 AM (MYPM9)

339 318
The best solution is to find the most hardcore Federalist among the Republican candidates (It was Perry last time)-

and get them elected President.

Then let them use their first year in office-

to boldly dismantle and divest the Federal Gov't along the lines of the 10th amendment

Posted by: naturalfake at June 27, 2015 10:37 AM (KUa85)/i]

Oh please. We are not going to be saved by a Man on a White Horse.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2015 10:42 AM (sdi6R)

340 "There's boycotting. (Really, the companies jumping up and down to align themselves with the SSM crowd was disgusting.) "

Yes and also the retards who issue waivers for friends and relatives because they are 'the right kind of gay' are vomit inducing.

Your 'friends' were out partying and would still be partying while churches are shut down.

The sucking up to those people is pathetic. You will NEVER convince them and they are a minuscule percentage of votes.

Posted by: fromabroad at June 27, 2015 10:43 AM (rnV3B)

341 2: Breed.
Posted by: Mr. Estrada

BRB--gotta go wake the Missus!

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at June 27, 2015 10:44 AM (MYPM9)

342 I seem to be immune to italic barreling for some reason.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2015 10:44 AM (sdi6R)

343 Ha! Thinking about you, Lauren. Wishing you the very best.

Posted by: NCKate at June 27, 2015 10:44 AM (bP6xm)

344 Here's what I said on Zuckerberg's evil empire. Shockingly it's already gotten a few likes from people with rainbow profiles. I don't know what the hell's up with that.

Why I won't be rainbowizing my profile picture: I long supported gay marriage. I even wrote in support of it in my AP test in high school. For years, even long after I became more conservative, I continued to support gay marriage, both because I have no personal qualms with the people who want to get married, and because I have pretty strong libertarian leanings. However, recently that calculus has changed. Seeing business people run out of business because they refuse to participate in something that they consider to be a risk to their own souls put a very bad taste in my mouth. It was very clear that this was no longer about "equality" and about pushing an agenda that silences those who do not enthusiastically embrace it. There is nothing in the supreme court's ruling that gives me assurances that churches will not be similarly forced to assimilate to this new normal. Just as I would never walk into a Catholic church and demand they perform martial rites for me as a protestant, so too should they be shielded from performing ceremonies for unions they consider outside of their teachings. This is true multiculturalism and tolerance, but I fear it has been abandoned. People of good will, who harbor no animosity towards anyone, feel that they can not participate in such ceremonies, yet it seems very clear that they will not be given the option to make this determination. Perhaps I was naïve, and this was always the goal of those pushing for gay marriage, but I distinctly remember hearing (and making) the promise that no one would ever be forced into participating in the unions against their will. Is that still true? I see no evidence given the gleeful way some (and certainly not all) celebrate shutting down an elderly couple's wedding stand or a family's bakery. That's not love. That's not tolerance. That's hate. And here we are.

Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 10:44 AM (MYCIw)

345 Also, how about a campaign to ban divorce?
If marriage is a right, then surely divorce is a violation of that right.

Posted by: @votermom at June 27, 2015 10:45 AM (cbfNE)

346 We're going to have to reform our colleges and universities if we're going to have any chance of succeeding in the long term. I wouldn't let these people have any more tenure, in the non-STEM/business areas, they shouldn't have any say in what the curricula will be, nor should the non-STEM/business areas allow their faculty to have say in who is hired and fired, and I would eliminate outright all of the studies programs.

That would be where I would start with them, though I am very much open to doing more. Much more. Above all else, I want the leftists who are currently in control of these public institutions to know that they are in deep trouble with a large segment of the population. I want them soiling their pants.

Posted by: Sasquatch, the trans-Wookie Original at June 27, 2015 10:45 AM (n3akS)

347 " We're faced with a more honest enemy, is all."

Just confirmed what we already knew. If you're moral, have standards, believe in freedom or are this government's #1 enemy.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at June 27, 2015 10:45 AM (pCePB)

348 I seem to be immune to italic barreling for some reason.

Close tags in the nic FTW!

Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2015 10:45 AM (G+3hN)

349 Re: Article V convention.

I'd like to greatly expand the size of the House. More representatives makes election jiggery-pokery less likely to produce a meaningful impact and it makes the cost of lobbyist vote-buying go up considerably. It's one thing to buy a couple dozen congressmen. Buying a few hundred is a bit more financially challenging . I like the idea of pinning a rep to a certain number of people, 1 rep per 100,000 people or something.

And clarify that only lawful residents count towards those representiation.

Posted by: f2000 at June 27, 2015 10:46 AM (TsUei)

350 331 If someone is my friend and he (or she) decides to get "married" to their partner, I would attend that ceremony* -- or certainly the reception. That's just part of friendship.

If your friend decided they were into sacrificing animals , would you attend the ceremony, because it's part of friendship?

Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2015 10:41 AM (OB/ib)


I don't consider those to be equivalent.

I acknowledge and accept that people form attachments and that someone else's relationships are not mine. I accept that a person can be basically good, even as he (or she) is pursuing what I consider to be an immoral lifestyle.

The same goes for people who shack up before marriage, btw. If I held all of my friends to my standards of morality, I would have no friends.

My bff here is married to a guy I consider to be a borderline, pig, frankly, but my approval of her husband or other aspects of her life is not the basis of our friendship.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:46 AM (RWGcK)

351 wiki/Debt_of_Honor

It worked for Al-Queda

/.5 sarc

Posted by: DaveA at June 27, 2015 10:47 AM (DL2i+)

352 "and seducing Mr. Lauren,"

Okay, I don't know nuthin' 'bout birthin' no babies, but, does that "help" things along?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at June 27, 2015 10:47 AM (pCePB)

353 They are going to be trimming trees all day and I will have to listen to that shit. Shoot me now!

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at June 27, 2015 10:48 AM (iQIUe)

354 My point is to start bringing some genuine, personal peer pressure on the easily-swayed, always with love.

Yes, this is a good approach.

I do that with abortion sometimes.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:48 AM (RWGcK)

355 How will the boys at Univision be able to maintain the grounds if Trump has banned them from the Golf Course?

Posted by: Boss Moss at June 27, 2015 10:48 AM (CdIQH)

356 LIB condemns all chronic pharmaceutical users to a lingering death or increased suffering. Every Type I diabetic, every hypertensive person, etc., will die without drug delivery.

So that is right out. I'm too old to break in a new wife.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 27, 2015 10:48 AM (u82oZ)

357 Morning horde.

Nice and rainy around Mordor today. Kind of fitting.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at June 27, 2015 10:48 AM (XAFOu)

358 "does that "help" things along? "


Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 10:48 AM (MYCIw)

359 Lauren, pure awesomeness.

I am an American first and a gay person second. Trying to pervert the Constitution to give me fake "rights" while trampling the real ones insults me as a gay and undercuts the very foundation of why I'm an American.

You are not alone.

Posted by: North Dallas Thirty at June 27, 2015 10:48 AM (5FF7K)

360 To the Ben Had letter, I don't know if this is to Congress as much as to any Administration, but the notion that they are entitled to our information. When I worked as a NASA Contractor, HSPD-12 required that I fill out a SF-86, which apparently was stored electronically and poorly managed. The Patriot Act led to any of my phone calls, not just known terrorists, being intercepted and recorded. SCOTUScare provides for all my medical records to now become federal property as well.

Yet, far be it for me to ask for non-secure electronic communications about how my government plans to manage tax laws or matters of state.

The first, third, and fourth amendments were about giving the people the power to question their governments motive and intent while being protected from that government seeking retribution. Today, I need not worry about housing government soldiers in my home, as they are quite comfortable ease dropping on my life from anywhere in the world, or better yet, demand I send them the information they want to use against me. I can't deny them that information, regardless of what the fourth amendment claims. And good luck questioning any of this in a court of law that can hold you accountable for violating a gag order, if not some other crime.

I'm sure all I wrote above is unartfully stated, and can be summed up by another person without the needless snark that I tried to refrain from incorporating.

Posted by: Leland at June 27, 2015 10:49 AM (5wUny)

361 >>Posted by: tsrblke, PhD(c) rogue bioethicst at June 27, 2015 10:42 AM


Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:49 AM (RWGcK)

362 Lib activists here don't really give a shit about
gays, but find them a convenient cudgel against Western civilization,
particularly Christianity. The more anti-Western you are, the more
tolerance you get, so "Muslim" trumps "gay" every time.

Posted by: I Work for Dick Jones at June 27, 2015 10:30 AM (ERDLa)

That and Mohammed will slit your throat for being an infidel whereas your local queen won't go quite that far. What the left doesn't understand in all of its "tolerance" is that Western civilization or what's left of it, is all that's keeping the celebrated gays from getting tossed off of buildings.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 10:49 AM (DiZBp)

363 @344
Lauren- It's tempting to ascribe the motivations and behaviors of the most extreme to the entire community. Think Roof or the NBP.

IMO, the majority, probably the vast majority, of the gay community doesn't believe in the tactics you're describing. They want to be left alone, just like we do. I have to remind myself of this constantly in these dark days.

Posted by: pep at June 27, 2015 10:49 AM (LAe3v)

364 I know I am pretty far down this post, but if any of you think we are going to 'vote' our way out of this abyss, you're crazier than I thought.

Posted by: Dumbplumber at June 27, 2015 10:49 AM (64/wz)

365 Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 10:48 AM (MYCIw)

There's actually SCIENCE behind it.

Deals with the prostaglandins in the semen. (Which is used in non IV inducements too.)

Posted by: tsrblke, PhD(c) rogue bioethicst at June 27, 2015 10:50 AM (s92xH)

366 There's a raft of people wary of commenting on threads like these .
With good reason .
Visions of federal ninjas fast roping , dogshooting , and flashbanging their way into our living rooms are not just for paranoids anymore .

Posted by: awkward davies at June 27, 2015 10:51 AM (Jws+u)

367 281 Emily thank you for the suggestions.

I appreciate that everybody here is trying to think of strategies, and also it is important to stay positive. I need to go read the "fighting fatalism" piece and then get to work here, i've got a ton of stuff to do. jon gabriel is always a good read.

But here's the thing: all these plans regarding working within the system, I just keep thinking that they redesigned the system so that these kinds of efforts just evaporate into nothing. What happened to the tea party? There was all this momentum, and the left ran their smear program in the culture, and that momentum vanished. When we work within the existing framework of rules, they have pre-canned methods that turn our efforts into more ammo for them for their devalidation campaign.

I keep hearing the same kinds of strategies and the same thought processes that we've been doing for years now, and how has that worked out? I'm not trying to shut anyone up or denigrate these ideas, I am trying to respectfully say that doing the same behaviors and expecting different results is not a good use of our time and efforts.

I don't know what to do, I just believe that when we plan within the confines of the system whose rules they have rewritten, we are wasting our time. They have changed *language itself*, it is going to take more than just a few more turns on the same old carousel we have been riding.

I wish I had better ideas to offer. I think it is good that people are trying to think strategy. Organizing nationally is key. But I don't understand how the "new national organization" will not be taken over and corrupted and repurposed by the same kinds of grifters that own and operate the existing national structures.

okay, i've got to get to work, later all, have a good weekend.

Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at June 27, 2015 10:51 AM (4SQky)

368 Science is on our side if we can keep applying social and political pressure.

In reversible reactions, acting on one side of an equilibrium forces the reaction to respond.

This is Le Chatelier's principle. It works in the social and political word of humans as well.

Use this, and keep up the pressure.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 27, 2015 10:51 AM (u82oZ)

369 There's a raft of people....

Posted by: awkward davies


Posted by: Turd Ferguson at June 27, 2015 10:52 AM (MYPM9)

370 Brava for that FB post Lauren!

PS be sure to get someone to update us on the baby's arrival.

Posted by: @votermom at June 27, 2015 10:52 AM (cbfNE)

371 With regards to the corporations, sports teams and state institutions (eg, Washington State ferry (!) system) flying the rainbow flag:
It is part tribal identification
It is part PR
It is part cover your ass from the SJW and outrage specialists-- better to fly it than not and deal with the protests and outrage

Posted by: Far Post at June 27, 2015 10:52 AM (wQ/Pn)

372 "They are going to be trimming trees all day and I will have to listen to that shit. Shoot me now!"

A chainsaw makes a beautiful sound. Grab a beer or a drink and enjoy the show.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at June 27, 2015 10:52 AM (pCePB)

373 348
Close tags in the nic FTW!

Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2015 10:45 AM (G+3hN)

That's what's puzzling. I don't have close tags in my nick.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2015 10:52 AM (sdi6R)

374 Breed. That's why I've always believed that the birth control bill was the most insidious invention. Yes, it was fun;but it also severely brought down the births of white people, and --combined with abortion and unfettered legal and illegal immigration from the third world--led us to the demographic nightmare we are only now beginning to face. Look around at the number of Muslims and Mexicans. They both breed like crazy. No birth control (or abortion) for them. No "family planning" at all.
And both groups--especially Muslims-- were totally off the radar in the late '70's (outside California and the SW with the Mexicans). How many white couples do we know with one or NO children?

Posted by: JoeF. at June 27, 2015 10:52 AM (nzTXW)

375 BLT for breakfast.

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2015 10:53 AM (MQEz6)

376 *Jumps up and down*

I'm outside the box!

Posted by: Pander Bear at June 27, 2015 10:53 AM (MYPM9)

377 Maybe we should use Alinsky' s rules for radicals?

Posted by: @votermom at June 27, 2015 10:54 AM (cbfNE)

378 An Article V convention is a nice thought, but ...

Posted by: AZ Hi Desert

Wrong, and repeating wrong is tedious.

Posted by: DaveA at June 27, 2015 10:54 AM (DL2i+)

379 344
Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 10:44 AM (MYCIw)

Excellent comment, Lauren.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2015 10:54 AM (sdi6R)

380 I use 'white" as a catchall that reflects the traditional majority of the country--not out of racism. It can even include "blacks' because they are also in a demographic freefall....

Posted by: JoeF. at June 27, 2015 10:54 AM (nzTXW)

381 I loved your facebook post, too, Lauren!

Posted by: Sasquatch, the trans-Wookie Original at June 27, 2015 10:55 AM (n3akS)

382 This Congress won't do a damned thing when its own powers are co-opted by the other two branches, do you really think they'll do anything to protect *us*? That said, here are three things I think we should be doing:

1. Ace's plan to target the republican leadership in the primaries and in the general, if necessary. But I think his idea of targeting 10 to 15 is too ambitious and should be scaled back to 5. They have awarded themselves very secure positions and just getting one of Boehner or McCarthy would be an enormous task. It would help to know at what point a grassroots effort like this would need to start complying with campaign rules? This might not even help, but it would be nice to see one of those smug faces removed from the public stage.

2. Target the Chamber of Commerce and the major corporations that have been working to make us serfs. I wouldn't organize a formal boycott, but if we could get a few million people to commit to buying less, and to buying from friendly or neutral businesses that would start to get noticed. Get off of Facebook & Twitter. Your life was just fine before those life-wasters came along. Avoid Google and Apple products. etc.

3. I (currently) live in a formerly red region of a commie state. But if I lived in one of the states that just had its authority usurped (again), I would like my state to start making formal arrangements of economic and emergency cooperation with other like-minded states. Agreements not to poach businesses from each other, but only from the commie states. Agreements to cooperate in the mobilization of certain "assets" in the event of "natural disasters". The sort of thing that could start out in small ways but could grow to reaffirm more and more mutual interests. The states would no longer be isolated when dealing with an over-reaching federal government. (Look at the map of states that had their laws overturned yesterday - the strategic possibilities are encouraging)

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at June 27, 2015 10:55 AM (nFdGS)

383 I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm afraid we are well past the point where writing a thoughtfully strong letter is going to do anything at all. I'm not a Libertarian, but the following quote seems about right to me.

'America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.'
- Claire Wolfe

Posted by: Weasel at June 27, 2015 10:55 AM (e3bId)

384 Posted by: naturalfake at June 27, 2015 10:37

The president who attempted that would be impeached in a heartbeat.

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at June 27, 2015 10:38 AM (MYPM9)

Oh please. We are not going to be saved by a Man on a White Horse.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2015 10:42 AM (sdi6R)


Obviously, he has to have a Republican or better yet, Conservative Republican Congress to work with.


Not "man on white horse" thinking at all.

To get what we want,

we have to actually elect people who will actually do what we want,

and have the bravery and boldness to just do it early in their term.

That is essentially what Reagan did.

He used his political capital up-front, and then let the Left whine about it.

Rather, than propose something, let the Left whine and build opposition, and then do nothing. ( See W and Social Security reform).

That's how things get done in this society, unless you're a LiB guy or want a Violent Revolution.

How's that going to work?

Step 1: Let it Burn or Violent Revolution

Step 2: ??????????

Step 3: Democratically elected Representative Republic paradise!

Posted by: naturalfake at June 27, 2015 10:55 AM (KUa85)

385 Also, now that major corporations have decided we
don't matter, either, try to stop buying from them. Go local, go to
goodwill, do whatever little bit you can to starve the beast.

Posted by: Lilredhen at June 27, 2015 09:11 AM (Imjui)

This. Go economic Galt on the major corporations. Yes, it is impossible to implement absolutely, but if we can get 10 million conservative adults - with 20 million kids and relatives along for the ride - to simply NOT buy from the companies that jumped on the rainbow symbol bandwagon after the scotus decision, it will make a difference.

Corporations track sales in exhaustive detail. ANY disruptive patterns they spot will be noticed and, often, agonized over. If we can make the kulturkampf between the SJWs and "politically-influenced purchasers" we have a chance to rein in this idiotic bandwagon-jumping corporations engage in as a PR exercise.
PR don't feed the bulldog.

Posted by: Josef K. at June 27, 2015 10:56 AM (RcpcZ)

386 For the past two years the administration has been grooming the public to accept the idea that the greatest threat to domestic security comes from 'right wing extremists.' The idea is laughable, but has been a recurring theme cultivated by the White House.

The public, by and large ignorant and apathetic, will turn on demonstrators as they did the Tea Party when fed lies about that group.

This has been a long game by the Left, and will not be easy to overturn.

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at June 27, 2015 10:56 AM (l3vZN)

387 Nood

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:56 AM (RWGcK)

388 My bff here is married to a guy I consider to be a borderline, pig, frankly, but my approval of her husband or other aspects of her life is not the basis of our friendship.
Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 10:46 AM (RWGcK)

Y-not, I asked this question because one of the features of the left that has given them this power over us is their ability to stand firm in their convictions and to demonstrate them

If I were friends with a gay person, and that gay person decided to marry another gay person, by me participating/witnessing that ceremony is endorsing it. If my religious beliefs are such that I believe this is a grave sin I am obligated to not attend nor endorse this marriage.

One can be a friend to someone who is sinning and yet not encourage or participate in that sin. I also have friends who live together without marriage and I simply do not encourage it. Why are my beliefs any less valid than theirs? Why do I have to compormise in order to 'keep" their friendship?

You don't need to shun someone in order to promote your own beliefs, although I am understanding the Amish more and more as this society hurtles toward a certain collapse. But you do need to practice and be an example of what you espouse.

Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2015 10:56 AM (OB/ib)

389 Great post Lauren, 344

Posted by: Leland at June 27, 2015 10:56 AM (5wUny)

390 t ferguson . Them too .
Pardon my southernism . I blame the battle flag .

Posted by: awkward davies at June 27, 2015 10:56 AM (Jws+u)

391 LIB condemns all chronic pharmaceutical users to a lingering death or increased suffering.

In modern life, what comes so sudden to an entire society?

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2015 10:57 AM (jT+gh)

392 That's what's puzzling. I don't have close tags in my nick.
Posted by: rickl

First poster right behind you might have.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2015 10:57 AM (G+3hN)

393 "I keep hearing the same kinds of strategies and the same thought processes that we've been doing for years now, and how has that worked out? I'm not trying to shut anyone up or denigrate these ideas, I am trying to respectfully say that doing the same behaviors and expecting different results is not a good use of our time and efforts."

That's why we start building parallel cultural and commercial institutions and start, *to the extent possible*, boycotting the existing ones that are part of the rot.

Posted by: Mr. Estrada at June 27, 2015 10:57 AM (RPsRI)

394 I hate to be the Eeyore, but this needs saying.

All of this is useless, unless you first defeat, or at least neuter, the MSM and it's pipeline to the Low Information Voter.

The late Vince Flynn's first book, was "Term Limits". It's a good read, and sadly, is very likely instructive of the path things will have to take to get any meaningful change to occur.

I'm not in the Let it Burn camp. But I am always comfy around a nice cozy campfire.

Far more than any politician, the Media is the enemy against which we fight. They direct the culture, and politics is always downstream from culture.

Stephanglumpulus needs to become the Greek word for "piñata". Just the first on a long, long list of anti-American traitors in the press.

I'll stop typing there. Even though Bob at NSA has already logged my deleted keystrokes, right?

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 27, 2015 10:57 AM (RzZOc)

395 "IMO, the majority, probably the vast majority, of the gay community doesn't believe in the tactics you're describing"

Yeah, I really think it's something like the mob tactics zombie(?) described.

You've got the foot soldiers/protesters who are totally unaware of the real agenda who provide cover. They're good, if misguided, people who legitimately believe the Big Lie being pushed.

Then you've got the people willing to stir up trouble and harass people, but not do something overtly terroristic.

And finally, at the top you have the people pulling the strings and dropping the bombs who use all the people below them to advance the agenda without them ever being aware of what they're doing.

Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 10:58 AM (MYCIw)

396 Good post, Lauren. Exactly the type of loving rebuke needed.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at June 27, 2015 10:58 AM (eEb+d)

397 Wait what?

DoJ to pay the Charleston families 29 million?

Again, what?


Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at June 27, 2015 10:59 AM (XAFOu)

398 "You are not alone.
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty "

North Dallas, glad to have you here. I, nor do most, "hate" gays. We mostly don't care. However abrogating clearly written law can sort of rub us the wrong way. It should rub everyone the wrong way.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at June 27, 2015 10:59 AM (pCePB)

399 Whats strange to me is how people are treating this as some magnificent, immense, and glorious moment. It really isn't that noteworthy at any level at all but out comes all the rainbow stuff as if people feel compelled to yell and scream they're all with the plan.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at June 27, 2015 11:00 AM (39g3+)

400 Step 1: Let it Burn or Violent Revolution

Step 2: ??????????

Step 3: Democratically elected Representative Republic paradise!

When disaster strikes, pass the hat along with the observation noting central planning's impotence.

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2015 11:01 AM (jT+gh)

401 >>Posted by: naturalfake at June 27, 2015 10:55 AM

I agree with you.

We do need more grassroots efforts, aside from just the ballot box.

The national strike or Millions March ideas appeal to me.

Also, winning over the winnable people in purple communities, appeals to me. That can be achieved through working on common goals in local government.

In that sense, I reject the calls to withdraw from the arts or universities or other less overtly political institutions. If I have an interest in wildlife conservation and that brings me in contact with people on the other end of the political spectrum, I think those interactions CAN be productive. The peer-pressure idea, applied daily, is a good one.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 11:01 AM (RWGcK)

402 I am an American first and a gay person second. Trying to pervert the
Constitution to give me fake "rights" while trampling the real ones
insults me as a gay and undercuts the very foundation of why I'm an

You are not alone.

It might feel like it right now!

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 11:02 AM (VVrB8)

403 If It Ain't One Thing, It's Another by Richard "Dimples" Fields

Song is over 30 years old, but still very relevant, especially nowadays.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at June 27, 2015 11:02 AM (kmtse)

404 We the SCOTUS majority find that while the Republican candidate by far got the most votes in both the popular vote and electoral college, it was clearly the people's intent to put Obama in for a third (this time 30 year term).

wtf you gonna do about it?

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at June 27, 2015 11:03 AM (QdAXQ)

405 North Dallas, glad to have you here. I, nor do most, "hate" gays. We mostly don't care. However abrogating clearly written law can sort of rub us the wrong way. It should rub everyone the wrong way.


Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2015 11:03 AM (G+3hN)

406 I have the maturity of an 8 year old and am in Time Out.

Posted by: fromabroad at June 27, 2015 11:03 AM (rnV3B)

407 What can we do? What must we do? I think that one of the answers lies within something you said in your excellent post. And I apologize in advance if I get a bit long-winded.

"Second, my lifestyle is such that I cannot live "off the grid." Although
I admit this is a less noble reason for not subscribing to the LiB
philosophy, it is no less valid. The life my husband and I have built
for ourselves is a community based one. We aren't hunters or subsistence
farmers or members of a large extended family, therefore we are to some
extent dependent on a properly functioning American society to survive."

I think one of the unique opportunities that the interwebz has created is the ability to reach out, beyond but through the web, to touch, educate and organize communities of like-minded people - tribes, if you will - on a scale, numerically, demographically and geographically which was, previously, impossible for regular working people.

The web has allowed for the creation of communities on more than one level, but the potential has been largely untapped at this time.

Here, at AOSHQ, there is obviously a community of like-minded people. It is a community which goes deeper than the ordinary "posters" and "commenters." It goes beyond what used to be found in "letters to the editor" (I am not in any way disparaging "letters to the editor", BTW. I am saying that, here, the relationships go way beyond that level). Other blogs and websites have similar communities of people who have become connected on a level beyond the exchange of bits, bytes and words.

In the midst of the storm we are experiencing, the creation of safety nets (mentally and physically) becomes more important. Alternets, if you will (older computer geeks, see what I did there?). These require some work, some trust and some luck, but these alternets are well worth the effort.

I love this site, and occasionally comment, but I am not invested here as others obviously are. I have a tribe, though, which evolved organically at another site. What began as a thread on a large forum became a subforum, became a website and a host to a forum on its own. And continues to grow. But that history is not the important part or the part which I believe is one of the answers to "what are we to do in the face of an amazing, dismaying world turned upside down."

Many of us at that site have moved beyond the site to become friends and tribal members in a way that would survive if the website was scrubbed tomorrow. But we are not a sect, a cult, or even a movement. People come and go. No bosses. No dues. No oaths of allegiance.

Many sites have occasional "meet-ups." Go beyond that. We have some (organized) national and regional meet-ups. Not conferences or conventions, but get togethers. We meet with others, have lunch or dinner or watch TV, in our informal tribe in the same way as you would with local friends, geography permitting of course. We borrow and lend tools and books and other stuff, help out in economic and health jams, teach, provide shoulders to cry on and hands to lighten the load. We try to help each other be prepared for whatever may come our way. We laugh a lot, and are less than worried about being PC, or acting the fool among ourselves. And as diverse a group as you'd otherwise never meet in "real-time." Cowboys cowgirls, lawyers, mineworkers, entrepreneurs, mechanics, authors, "homemakers," armed services, retired and a representation of a variety of religions, ethnic and national backgrounds (but we don't ask; we don't care). And each maintains, at the same time, a life of their own outside the tribe.

The point is not that I now have around 20 brothers and sisters - my tribe - to whom I can turn, physically, if a Florida hurricane makes me a refugee. The point is that, in the midst of the "big crazy," this is a way to maintain sanity, a sense of reality, and continuity with the America we grew up in. It is real life proof that each of us is not alone, or an island in a flood of G-d knows what.

Sorry if I got carried away. Anyway, in this crazy and unpredictable world, I believe that one of the most important things people can do is to actively create a real-time community.

Posted by: AmericanBTGoG at June 27, 2015 11:03 AM (DhZHL)

408 Can the Congress refuse to fund the Supreme Court? That's what I would do.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at June 27, 2015 11:04 AM (QdAXQ)

409 I would suggest the book Enjoy the Decline: Accepting and Living With the Death of United States by Aaron Clarey. Some of it is more geared toward young and single people but there is a lot of relevant material. The majority of this Country wants socialism. I don't think we can come back from that. Secession would be treated like the CBF. An Article V Convention doesn't seem to matter since no one in the federal gov seems to care or follow the laws right now.

I tend to think that the political sees a collapse coming and is just trying to get as much loot as they can for themselves. Unfortunately I think the time to hoist the black flag is fast approaching.

Posted by: prophet at June 27, 2015 11:05 AM (eDnoq)

410 >>Posted by: North Dallas Thirty at June 27, 2015 10:48 AM

Thanks for that.

Are you still on Twitter? I thought I followed you, but I can't find your account.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 11:07 AM (RWGcK)

411 "Avoid Google and Apple products. etc."

Okay, I'm currently avoiding Google. I use the SRWare browser and usually the Duckduckgo search engine. But how the hell do I find an alternative to itunes and how do I get all my itunes songs onto it?

Posted by: Mr. Estrada at June 27, 2015 11:07 AM (RPsRI)

412 There is no law that they will follow. So a bright new shiny Constitution would be spit on.

Posted by: Velvet Ambition

If you shoot em beforehand though it's just moider.

Posted by: DaveA at June 27, 2015 11:07 AM (DL2i+)

413 Ricardo Kills, no worry.

The reason most gays blindly claim that conservatives "hate gays" is twofold: one, the constant bombardment by leftists and the Obama Party that gays are poor helpless victims who are incapable of taking care of themselves without benevolent whitey liberal massas, and second, the fact that the Obama Party actively encourages verbal and actual violence against gays who defy the Obama Party.

The way out is for conservatives to just laugh in their face and ask what qualifies as hate, when you have Democrats openly calling for Republicans to be murdered, Democrats claiming gays who don't obey them are mentally ill, and one of Obama's own radio puppets telling gays to vote Obama or commit suicide.

Posted by: North Dallas Thirty at June 27, 2015 11:07 AM (5FF7K)

414 "I am an American first and a gay person second. Trying to pervert the Constitution to give me fake "rights" while trampling the real ones insults me as a gay and undercuts the very foundation of why I'm an American.

*high fives*

Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 11:09 AM (MYCIw)

415 I'm late to the thread. Can someone name the companies that are so happy about this? I escaped to a friend's place last nite.

Posted by: Infidel at June 27, 2015 11:09 AM (5fRix)

416 fromabroad at June 27, 2015 11:03 AM (rnV3B)

Do you ever get tired of being a dick, or is it just second nature to you, so you no longer even notice?

Posted by: pep at June 27, 2015 11:09 AM (LAe3v)

417 Lauren
Do you have a list? It would be helpful.
I saw Jello and Android (I think) and some others. I was hitting the Block button like a monkey on crack.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 11:10 AM (RWGcK)

418 315 The answer of "what to do" is breathtakingly simple. Find principal figures who will confront and fight the Left and democrat-media complex. EVERY problem we are faced with today is a direct result of the failure to fight. It doesn't matter what else you do if you don't fight. Breitbart made this argument a thousand different ways. He was in fact making a difference -- not because he had a great platform or wrote endless column inches of brilliant, withering columns or even wrote a huge number of influential books -- because he got IN THEIR FACES.

Great comment, rrpjr!

Posted by: Emily at June 27, 2015 11:10 AM (7Rn+/)

419 I have the maturity of an 8 year old and am in Time Out.

Posted by: fromabroad at June 27, 2015 11:12 AM (rnV3B)

420 The people posting are not gay and are not politically active, so why are they so happy?

I guess the defining characteristic of modern culture is that people want to be a part of bigger things and something epic. Its like your team winning in a sport: you had nothing to do with it, but you say WE WON! and party. What does it mean? Nothing. How much were you invested in this? Nothing until the end of the season. But now you feel like you're part of something more important. Yeah, my generation woo!

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at June 27, 2015 11:13 AM (39g3+)

421 simply because I believe Huckabee could win those Democrats.

While losing the fis-cons, etc. and even if he got in accomplishing nothing more than pardoning Mumia and Lerner (if she ever gets caught).

Posted by: DaveA at June 27, 2015 11:13 AM (DL2i+)

422 OK, fromabroad, you are being forwarded for banning and you are getting an immediate timeout.

Grow up, jerk.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 11:13 AM (RWGcK)

423 Posted by: fromabroad at June 27, 2015 11:12 AM (rnV3B)

I see you are missing your shine box. I think it's under the stairs.

Posted by: Infidel at June 27, 2015 11:14 AM (5fRix)

424 I have a friend who blindly hates Republicans, his daughter is married to another women, and he has been told by the media that if the Repub's elect a president in 2016 all social advances will be repealed. He truly believes this and watches MSNBC for his news.
I asked him if he would vote for Hillary (silly question) Of course he would. Has questions about Sanders age, but would vote for him....I told him I liked Trump for telling the truth, thinks I'm crazy.

Posted by: Colin at June 27, 2015 11:14 AM (VVrB8)

425 prophet,

Read that book a while back...made me laugh and shake my head in dismay. Bought copies for both my daughters...whether they read it or not, who knows.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at June 27, 2015 11:15 AM (kmtse)

426 I have the maturity of an 8 year old and am in Time Out.

Posted by: fromabroad at June 27, 2015 11:15 AM (rnV3B)

427 Easy, pep.

Fromabroad is right. The nature of the beast is pretty much that there are three kinds -- the hardcore child-raping Terry Bean activists who want to destroy Christianity, those of us who see the child rapists for what they are, and the sheep who are terrified of being ostracized and beaten by the child rapists and this obediently fall in line.

The split is about 40-40-20.

And to From's point, that means you probably SHOULD be treating the vast majority of gays as enemies. It stinks, but frankly, those of us who are conservative figured out a long time ago that demanding you trust us is playing very poor odds.

In other words, don't shoot us on sight, but don't feel obliged to put down your rifle just yet.

Posted by: North Dallas Thirty at June 27, 2015 11:16 AM (5FF7K)

428 "I guess the defining characteristic of modern culture is that people want to be a part of bigger things and something epic"

Yep. And it's all about loooooooove, which makes everyone all happy clappy.

And here we sit with our cold, dead hearts talking about boring things like rights and the constitution.

Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 11:16 AM (MYCIw)

429 The GOPe crowd do not understand how devastating that is.

Of course they do, privatizing govt. is just about shifting some of the graft to the country club set.

Posted by: DaveA at June 27, 2015 11:18 AM (DL2i+)

430 I'm late to the thread. Can someone name the companies that are so happy about this?

All of them will at least pretend to, if the know what's good for them

Posted by: Internal Revenue Service at June 27, 2015 11:18 AM (39g3+)

431 Yep. And it's all about loooooooove, which makes everyone all happy clappy.

Nah, that's just a slogan. This is like cheering for the Avengers for people. They just like the movement and the feeling. Its something to belong to so they can forget for a little while how empty and miserable they feel.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at June 27, 2015 11:19 AM (39g3+)

432 I guess the defining characteristic of modern
culture is that people want to be a part of bigger things and something
epic. Its like your team winning in a sport: you had nothing to do with
it, but you say WE WON! and party. What does it mean? Nothing. How
much were you invested in this? Nothing until the end of the season.
But now you feel like you're part of something more important. Yeah, my
generation woo!

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at June 27, 2015 11:13 AM (39g3+)

And the only history they've been taught it about social justice. So in their warped minds supporting this is akin to the civil rights movement of the 1950-60s. They've overcome the big evil oppressing people

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 11:20 AM (DiZBp)

433 The rainbow thing is helpful though. It shows me who in my twitter and facebook contacts lists are sane, like that retarded equals symbol last year.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at June 27, 2015 11:21 AM (39g3+)

434 And the only history they've been taught it about social justice. So in their warped minds supporting this is akin to the civil rights movement of the 1950-60s.

Exactly, they think that some vast horrible oppression has been overthrown, that they're just as cool as their grandpa or mom who said they marched in Selma. They're significant!

But self identifying as a fool helps me adjust my thinking about someone for later interaction.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at June 27, 2015 11:22 AM (39g3+)

435 Our elected officials, especially at the national level, seem to be less than useless most of the time. Very upsetting.

They're deliberately enabling because their actual goals don't match ours.

Posted by: DaveA at June 27, 2015 11:23 AM (DL2i+)

436 Yep. And it's all about loooooooove, which makes everyone all happy clappy.

And here we sit with our cold, dead hearts talking about boring things like rights and the constitution.

Posted by: Lauren at June 27, 2015 11:16 AM (MYCIw)

Yes, we're in an age of feelings over thoughts. We're talking about Articles of the Constitution and the left is going on about we're evil and they're about love. It's an easy choice for the LIV.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 27, 2015 11:23 AM (DiZBp)

437 , and shallow thinking half wits who can't figure out how to check the oil level on a Chevy Volt.

That gag works better if you use Nissan Leaf.


Posted by: DaveA at June 27, 2015 11:27 AM (DL2i+)

438 The split is about 40-40-20.

And to From's point, that means you probably SHOULD be treating the
vast majority of gays as enemies. It stinks, but frankly, those of us
who are conservative figured out a long time ago that demanding you
trust us is playing very poor odds.

In other words, don't shoot us on sight, but don't feel obliged to put down your rifle just yet.

Interesting. My personal experience with gays is very different.

Posted by: pep at June 27, 2015 11:27 AM (LAe3v)

439 "A letter to Congress" smacks of "If only Comrade Stalin knew...."

Posted by: PersonFromPorlock at June 27, 2015 11:27 AM (U4QC6)

440 In life you're sometimes faced with the choice between what feels right and what you know is right. That's where you find out how mature you are as a human being and thinker. Intellectual maturity is a result of tough choices, examining your worldview, and learning to control and shape your emotions with reason.

Its a skill few are taught today, because the people doing the instructing rarely learned it.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at June 27, 2015 11:29 AM (39g3+)

441 Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 09:16 AM (RWGcK)

Fear of retribution (IRS, DOJ, NSA) is valid and is a point in itself. I do not know if lack of real names invalidates an open letter, but if not it could be signed

Citizen USA, Constituent Senator __________, Congressman ___________

Pretty sure there are some in Congress who are more than capable of thinking this would not apply to them.

Posted by: gracepmc at June 27, 2015 11:30 AM (DMQhB)

442 We are in need of a revolution and the only revolutionary figure running who can win the general is Rand Paul.

Posted by: Carl at June 27, 2015 11:30 AM (18DFB)

443 442 We are in need of a revolution and the only revolutionary figure running who can win the general is Rand Paul.
Posted by: Carl at June 27, 2015 11:30 AM (18DFB)

Honestly, I'm completely on board with you now. He isn't the embodiment of everything conservative, but he's gonna shake up the system more than anybody. Hell he might even break the whole thing...and I'm ok with that

Posted by: Billy bob at June 27, 2015 11:32 AM (88ZzX)

444 I'd like to greatly expand the size of the House

And make their district pay for them, their office and staff.

Posted by: DaveA at June 27, 2015 11:33 AM (DL2i+)

445 Its important that people understand the difference between a fool and a monster. People can be very, very wrong, even aggressively so, without being evil. People can be very mistaken and confused without being malicious about it.

I think for many, they find out that homosexuals aren't freaky monsters that they thought and go "well then this isn't so bad, Bob is a nice guy!" But that's irrelevant to the equasion. Being a nice guy doesn't make what you do right. A lot of mobsters are very charming and fun guys to hang out with.

Example: Donny Brasco (Joe Pistone) tells a story about hanging out with a mob boss in their shorts on the couch eating breakfast watching cartoons like regular guys.

Someone can be a nice guy and be very, very wrong. Being nice and friendly and easy to like doesn't make what you do right, let alone something that everyone should be compelled to accept, or even endorse.

And if someone is truly disturbed, truly mentally damaged they can still be very charming and pleasant people. They can be nice. But that doesn't make them any less messed up. Treating their insanity as normal because they seem nice about it is bad for them.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at June 27, 2015 11:33 AM (39g3+)

446 442 We are in need of a revolution and the only revolutionary figure running who can win the general is Rand Paul.
Posted by: Carl at June 27, 2015 11:30 AM (18DFB)

Of course, I'm not totally against the idea of an actual revolution at this point

Posted by: Billy bob at June 27, 2015 11:33 AM (88ZzX)

447 That's a good idea, gracepmc.

BTW, Weirddave's thread is up, icymi.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 11:33 AM (RWGcK)

448 wait, i think i saw a post from fromabroad and now i don't see it... about moderate gays and so on... was something by him deleted? i don't know his reputation here, but how many messages are being censored here?

censorship and arbitrary rules by the popular clique was why i left Conservative Union on google+, and i was in that group from before they officially formed.

deleting messages from liberal trolls is one thing, but deleting dissent from conservatives here is another. i hope i'm just misunderstanding what's happening here.

the whole culture has been telling me to STFU for 15 years. if i see that happening here, there is no reason for me to stay.

Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at June 27, 2015 11:34 AM (4SQky)

449 National Journal had a round up of the candidates' statements:

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 11:35 AM (RWGcK)

450 I have not seen Rand's statement on this ruling. Has he issued one?

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 11:36 AM (RWGcK)

451 We are in need of a revolution and the only revolutionary figure running who can win the general is Rand Paul.

Whether that's true or not doesn't change the fact that revolutions don't start at the top, and that one man in one office cannot turn this ship around. Even if 400 Rand Pauls were elected to congress... cannot turn this ship around.

Voting for some guy might not be a bad idea, but the change has to start at the culture, in the streets, in your neighborhood. Shuffling around the figureheads at the top doesn't make any difference.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at June 27, 2015 11:36 AM (39g3+)

452 deleting messages from liberal trolls is one thing, but deleting dissent from conservatives here is another. i hope i'm just misunderstanding what's happening here.

This is my thread and I won't tolerate the slurs he's tossing around -- and aiming at fellow members of the horde.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 11:37 AM (RWGcK)

453 . Ace's plan to target the republican leadership in the primaries is great and in the general, if necessary. is completely nuts

They don't listen to negatives, they can't hear non-votes and they'll take voting for D to mean they should've moved further left.

Any system that doesn't have FYNQ as an input does not cover all the use-cases.

Posted by: DaveA at June 27, 2015 11:39 AM (DL2i+)

454 Higgins, I defended Fromabroad's statement to some effect. But it's Y-not's sandbox, and that wasn't the direction the post was meant to go. Take a little, give a little.

To pep's point, everyone's experience is going to be different. As a conservative gay, one learns very quickly that yours is the minority opinion, and that, while there is no shortage of intelligent and decent gay people, there is a lot of "good German" syndrome -- that is, people rationalizing awful behavior for fear of the gay brownshirts. Unfortunately, it's going to take exactly what it took to get rid of the Nazis to break their hold on the gay community.

Posted by: North Dallas Thirty at June 27, 2015 11:40 AM (5FF7K)

455 The posts I zapped used slurs to describe members in good standing of this community. They were not "dissent," they were lazy insults.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 11:42 AM (RWGcK)

456 What slurs are you referring to, I'm not sure I saw them. Now that the messages are gone, I have no way to judge for myself what his character is or what the offense was. I just have to trust that you will decide what shall constitute an acceptable intellectual diet for me shall be. In recent years I have become acclimated to this.

It's your show, do as you like. I will also follow my own conscience.


Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at June 27, 2015 11:42 AM (4SQky)

457 Have a nice day, Deputy Director Higgins.

Bless your heart.

Posted by: Y-not at June 27, 2015 11:43 AM (RWGcK)

458 But Y-not is completely fine with insults thrown at me by pep, since he is a buddy and I am not.

This is the 'logic' of some people here.

Posted by: fromabroad at June 27, 2015 11:44 AM (rnV3B)

459 Deputy Director Higgins, I have thrown insults only to the person who threw at me first. I had written a post about Russia that did not refer to any other post and that was deleted too.

Posted by: fromabroad at June 27, 2015 11:46 AM (rnV3B)

460 ignore_user()

Posted by: DaveA at June 27, 2015 11:48 AM (DL2i+)

461 ignore_user(fromabroad)

Posted by: SMFH at it all at June 27, 2015 11:53 AM (kmtse)

462 Do we have the dignity to have our desire to consume transfers acknowledged by the fda? How about the digit its s own guns?

Posted by: Lostintexas at June 27, 2015 11:56 AM (Uysai)

463 Fuck all y'all.

Posted by: Francis Wilkinson Pickens at June 27, 2015 11:59 AM (lct4V)

464 States should enact Article 5

Mark Levins show Friday outlined how the people can rein n the rogue court, president, congress

The conservatives need to mirror the tactics of SJW against the Left, the corporations that march lockstep with the Left, SJW

Posted by: Eca at June 27, 2015 12:07 PM (SNqwm)

465 399 Bathing the White House with colors like a cheap whorehouse does tend to make one notice and assume something might be going on.

Posted by: gracepmc at June 27, 2015 12:09 PM (DMQhB)

466 This is the 'logic' of some people here.

This is not Hyde Park. The internet is vast. Explore it.

Posted by: Stuff Abraham Lincoln Said, Vol IV at June 27, 2015 12:11 PM (rwI+c)

467 dammit

Posted by: Grump928(C) at June 27, 2015 12:11 PM (rwI+c)

468 397 If so, the they should pony up for all the Americans killed by illegal aliens.

Posted by: gracepmc at June 27, 2015 12:17 PM (DMQhB)

469 I haven't read all of the comments above, but quite a few, and I would like to briefly sum up what the actual tax exemptions that churches get. There are only two, one minor and one major. The minor exemption is that the Sanctuary and Educational building, if any, are not subject to property taxes. Parking lots, Parsonages, and any other property not actively used for worship are subject to property tax. The major exemption is in the area of income taxes. Church income (Tithes and Offerings) is not currently subject to income taxes. Obviously, the reversal of this would destroy a church. Can you imagine a mega church paying the maximum tax on their income? It would be devastating. One commentator above said he would help them pay, but that again would increase the base for taxation. It all goes back to the old saying, "The power to tax is the power to destroy."

Posted by: TimothyJ at June 27, 2015 12:30 PM (SXEL0)

470 In the Letter of Complaint demand that Conservative Representatives and Senators return home.

Atomic wedgie for Orange and Turtle.

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2015 12:37 PM (MQEz6)

471 Focus on the debt to the exclusion of everything else. Do a "Climate Change " makeover on the messaging around it. It's obvious that we will see mass destruction from the continuing debt growth far sooner than the Pacific will be an inch deeper.

Focusing on the catastrophic effects of the ever multiplying debt, while avoiding discussion about specifics of the ways to fix it, will ensnare support from even the low-info crowd that just votes against anything bad.

Most of the problems you are ultimately trying to solve are rooted in Big Gubmint, but there isn;t a majority constituency against that. Instead, focus on something you can build a constituency around, and drive it like a bulldozer.

Posted by: Geekenstein at June 27, 2015 12:38 PM (HmHls)

472 427 Easy, pep.

Fromabroad is right. The nature of the beast is pretty much that there are three kinds -- the hardcore child-raping Terry Bean activists who want to destroy Christianity, those of us who see the child rapists for what they are, and the sheep who are terrified of being ostracized and beaten by the child rapists and this obediently fall in line.

The split is about 40-40-20.

And to From's point, that means you probably SHOULD be treating the vast majority of gays as enemies. It stinks, but frankly, those of us who are conservative figured out a long time ago that demanding you trust us is playing very poor odds.

In other words, don't shoot us on sight, but don't feel obliged to put down your rifle just yet.

Posted by: North Dallas Thirty at June 27, 2015 11:16 AM (5FF7K)

Wow. That was a hell of a comment.

Good to have you here, NDT.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2015 12:47 PM (sdi6R)

473 Mark Levin, Dennis Prager, and Thomas Sowell

Finance, religion, liberty, and race fully covered.

Posted by: doesky2 at June 27, 2015 12:47 PM (M2wss)

474 Honestly, ScoggDog, if you can't enter into the spirit of the Saturday
Morning threads, why do you participate? Do you think your thoughts are
so Important that they can't wait for another thread? That's some ego
you have.

It's not ego ... it's realism. And, although I didn't mean to, I elicited a response that proves my greater point.

Smiling, happy "Can we do it - yes we can" thoughts will make about as much difference as a fart in a whirlwind. We find ourselves in this mess because, for decades, our elders and ourselves attempted to "stay out of the mud" when confronted, relentlessly, by a political enemy that knew no bounds and whose appetites knew no ends.

And, now that we're less than a lifetime away from the actual camps ... what do we hear ? A nice call for a constructive solution. And, apparently, a complaint that I harsh your Saturday morning mellow.

Somebody should be harshing your mellow a hell of a lot more - not less. But don't worry. I think the Progressives ain't too far away from that.

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 27, 2015 12:50 PM (FAbks)

475 Let it burn.

Posted by: goon at June 27, 2015 12:52 PM (gy5kE)

476 add to Ben Had's list:

Government employees exempt themselves from the laws and codes created by the government.

A few examples ...
...Congress + staff, POTUS + administration, SCOTUS etc. should be Obamacare'd without any additional back door subsidies or health care perks.
...IRS, State Dept. (including H. Clinton) etc. employees should be charged / arrested for obstruction of justice, etc.

Posted by: joan of ny at June 27, 2015 01:27 PM (d6Boz)

477 I despise the career politician.
I am disgusted with the democrats.
I am disgusted with republicans.
I cannot see any difference in these two groups of career politicians.
Yet one must vote for somebody to not vote leaves these clowns and idiots in full charge.
At this point one jackass resembles the other so much if not for the (D) or (R) after their names I couldn't tell who was who.

Posted by: obsidian at June 27, 2015 04:25 PM (ARK2U)

478 Super-Petitions are great and should be tried; politics should be tried; reality is it will probably take force of arms of some fashion. The longer you delay the greater amount it will take, till the inflection point is reached, and no amount matters. This is not to mean suffer evils while sufferable, just that is pretty much the only think I think you will be getting out of it. Hopefully I am wrong, thus wait till the next election, and see what happens, and what happens after the election.

You are dealing with an expansionist social empire. They aren't going to yield, and absent a major check on the order of a political Tours, think they have the winds at their back.

I think by 2021 you will know what the future holds.

Posted by: Horatius at June 27, 2015 04:36 PM (UKhBB)

479 12 Very depressing week indeed. But for some reason, seeing the White House bathed in the rainbow lights felt like a punch in the gut. Obama did this not to celebrate with the gays and lesbians; he did it to stick it in the face of those who opposed same sex marriage.

I feel like Obama's personal pinata.

Actually it felt like someone throwing a giant finger to those who disagreed

Posted by: Mad as heck at June 27, 2015 05:02 PM (V9+OI)

480 12 Very depressing week indeed. But for some reason, seeing the White House bathed in the rainbow lights felt like a punch in the gut. Obama did this not to celebrate with the gays and lesbians; he did it to stick it in the face of those who opposed same sex marriage.

I feel like Obama's personal pinata.

Actually it felt like someone throwing a giant finger to those who disagreed

Posted by: Mad as heck at June 27, 2015 05:02 PM (V9+OI)

481 Don't have time to read the whole thread so apologies if this point has been made. As to the letter to Congress, it isn't just that they don't read legislation, it's that they think new legislation is the only damned answer to everything. They must instead start repealing existing legislation that is outdated, intrusive, incomprehensible or just plain silly and then, and this is huge, THEY MUST DEFUND THE BUREAUCRACIES that have sprung up like weeds to "enact" the legislation with zero accountability to the voters.

Posted by: sasso333 at June 27, 2015 05:21 PM (pyYXJ)

482 Great thread, from utterly cynical to soldiering on -- and I use this term purposefully. I feel cynical, but I am determined to soldier on. My intuition says to do something like "all of the above" in this long thread, except to leave the country, but with a purpose and a plan to escalate the opposition, to let it grow and turn Alinsky-tactics on their head. Instead of divide by hatred and frustration in order to conquer, contain, transform, manage the paranoid responses -- all the bad is over there -- continue to develop creative and productive means to win. WeirdDave's "E Pluribus Unum" is a great uniter.

1. Yes, to the letter. Let that begin as a position paper -- gives an idea of all the push-back that will be coming from the opposition as well as (strong) positions of supporters. I like the allusion to 95 Theses.
2. Yes, to a march, so long as millions will turn out.
3. Yes, to plans for a Constitutional Convention, although the risks of it being subverted are considerable. Planning does not mean the necessity to execute. In addition to marriage and partnership unions (the latter my requirement) being established by the states, I like Backwardsboy's ideas --Repeal the 17th Amendment, term limits, balanced budget, (flat tax I am not so enamored of -- those who earn more pay more, not just by percentage), stop anchor babies, no immunity for any members of Congress or Fedzilla, seal the border -- my additions: feds out of education; SCOTUS term limits; reconsideration of the Federal Reserve. I will read Liberty Amendments by Mark Levin. I'm sure there are many more. We must be selective and aggressive for those we agree upon.
4. Like-minded people must include gays and lesbians in the human-community of loving individuals who wish to form life-long partnerships with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities (exactly similar to marriage for heterosexuals, using a different term than marriage). Marriage is reserved and traditional. Using a movie line, life-long intimacy provides a witness to one's life. If the convention simply prevents "marriage" to gays and lesbians, unless they move to a certain state, then all the hatred remains, all the deciding what is a sin, continuing the willingness to eliminate inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to a certain group of Americans. For me, this is no solution, and would prevent me from wholehearted participation. (A side note to the idea that polygamy is next -- what do you think islamists want, in addition to girls' labia -- a polite word? Whatever islamists want, the big O wants.)
5. Yes to crony corporate push-back. Eliminate as many products as possible -- I am off Google, Apple, Twitter, Facebook, and there probably should be many more. Horde people (and other blogger families) might be able to suggest alternatives. Keep a roster of the corporate borg who foster "leftist" policies and/or contribute to propaganda and scientific fraud front and center so every reader can see it everyday.
6. Yes to naming the borg tyrants (not true capitalistic CEOs) every day -- Larry Page, Google; Tim Cook, Apple; Twitter, Dick Costolos; Mark Zuckerberg, FaceBook, etc. etc. Along with the names, do we have good investigative journalists who can find out how much each corporation is sucking on the corporate teat? Shame them, hate them (in a non-paranoid way -- for stealing our money, for propaganda), out them, make them centers for derision, ridicule, and contempt for each of their transgressions of American values. The third section of the list would enumerate and explain the exact ways, with examples, as to how right now they are subverting American society.
7. No more Bushes. They never ever were our friends; only friends of big government. Roberts? Roberts? No record of anything and he becomes Chief Justice. Scorn, contempt.
8. Do the same as #6 with the so-called "media" -- keep names of the owners up front rather than their stupid lap dogs who pretend to be investigative reports or opinion-makers. Keep the numbers of the audience they reach and compare that to bloggers and other, real investigative, sources of information. Intimidate them -- they don't reach so many. Ridicule and disdain lies while consistently asking why their leash-holders (owners) keep such sorry pets.
9. Identify the sources of funding for so-called black-urban unrest, the BlackGrievanceIndustry, anti-police movement, the AGW-Climate Change fraud. Blast the information everywhere, naming names.
10. Begin to ridicule the big O -- think of all the secrets people have on him. Find them, out them, destroy his lies, hatred, and destructiveness.

These are my starters. Like mindful webworker says, the spirit of 76 will not be squelched.

Posted by: pyromancer76 at June 27, 2015 07:02 PM (zvcr8)

483 "They're still gonna fuck you whether you give permission or not."

As the great Richard Pryor said about convicts sodomizing you in prison, "They don't do it because you LIKE it: they just do it to see that Look on your face!"

Posted by: Beverly at June 28, 2015 12:20 AM (dAzfW)

484 History: The Soviet Union's economy was 50% in the black market by the time they collapsed.

FIFTY percent had resorted to living off the grid and in the shadows. The Communist plutocrats (only 10% of the population were "allowed" to be Party Members) let them do it for two reasons: it kept the whole shambling mess more or less upright, and second, it meant that any time they wanted to shaft someone working in the black market, they could easily do so.

Another USSR statistic: The vast [slave] collective farms were outproduced 20 to 1 by the acreage they allowed the people/slaves to farm for their own profit.

Posted by: Beverly at June 28, 2015 12:24 AM (dAzfW)

485 I'm ploughing through every single comment - cuz the collective wisdom of this horde is unbeatable. So far, only 1/4 of the way thru. Here's the wisdom I can process from it all:

* Critics of the idea of a letter or petition are right. The biggest fundamental problem is lawlessness of the government, so simply asking, or even demanding, them to stop being corrupt is well-meaning, but downright silly. Used to be that if something had enough signatures, politicians will at least pretend to pay attention, but not any more. It didn't work with George III; it has zero chance of working here.

* Similarly with the convention idea, if they don't observe the current rules (which are fine, for the most part, if you follow them), why would a new set matter? Maybe Levin addresses that adequately (I haven't looked into it), and maybe it would make a few people wet their pants, but I have to be skeptical. Also, as someone here pointed out, if we can't dominate the political scene as it is, what makes them think we could dominate a Convention? Things could go far worse if the Commies seize control of it.

* #125 was particularly worth reading. To add a little to what they and others were saying, I will observe that the Right historically gains politically through SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE. By embracing capitalism (to the extent they do, superior performance is a "given"). In contrast, the Left aims to tear down society, making them helpless and dependent on the govt. THEY can only succeed through DIRTY TRICKS - in other words, Alinsky stuff.

* So the answer is to fight "dirty" as well. Not the illegal and immoral shit THEY pull, but organized and focused propaganda. SHINE THE LIGHT on what they're doing - as they say, it's a great disinfectant. The overwhelming majority of Americans ***ARE*** good people, but are easily manipulated by the endless Leftist propaganda they are exposed to BECAUSE IT IS NOT COUNTERED EFFECTIVELY ENOUGH. On the BRIGHT SIDE, it should speak VOLUMES that - despite DECADES of relentless brainwashing, there are STILL a great many people who refuse to buy it!! Civil disobedience sounds good; a massive, armed, march on Washington sounds good; overwhelming the system with litigation sounds great - anything that makes them SHIT THEIR PANTS.

* REMEMBER THE TEA PARTY!! It was illegally attacked with a shameless vengeance because it was SUCCESSFUL. DO IT AGAIN! TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL!

* As to those speaking of giving up, I feel your pain, but SHAME ON YOU. Washington and the Founders faced far worse, and you guys aren't putting everything on the line like he did, and most probably really haven't done much. SURRENDERING IS NOT AN OPTION. If your life is owned by others, you have no life. You at least have the advantage of only needing to get things back on track - it's not like you have to organize an overthrow of Castro within Cuba! THERE IS INHERENT WEAKNESS IN THE LEFT. They are the takers; we are the makers.

Posted by: Optimizer at June 28, 2015 03:44 AM (/q6+P)

486 #125 There is more than what Cato posted, but...Term Limits has to fit in there somewhere...and if they want to serve, should only reimbursed for Congressional sessions and travel. The rest is up to them. Have peanut butter and fucking jelly, why don't they? Every person who wants to serve the people should be able to make this happen because "non wealthy" folks have just as much to offer. If and when the people recognize they are TRULY being represented, maybe they get something from their state only in terms of reimbursement-- more of the free ride bullshit--i.e. boondoggles, leased cars, apartments, benefits out the wazoo...Grass roots and being in touch with real frigging people, not TV Ads, money and what it can do for them. US as in United States!

And while I support the "let it burn" mantra-- it is more of a vent for my frustration--I too, have never been willing to surrender, or abandon what many of us have fought or died for.

Posted by: DefendUSA at June 28, 2015 09:02 AM (nAHMK)

487 (continued)


That post has the germ of an idea, if anybody's still out there. The left flagrantly defies the law, so what would be the implications if the affected states simply defied the Supreme Court? Obviously, there have to be SOME things they can do, but they only have a year and a half to work with, and probably wouldn't see it coming.

Technically, that's not even Civil Disobedience. Technically, if the Supreme Court disobeys the Constitution, it has no legitimacy, and does not have to be obeyed. Obviously, the legal framework for that does not exist, and it defies long-standing tradition.

But the court's actions have been so aggregious, that it's time to challenge even the precedent set in the early 1800s, where the SCOTUS was established UNOFFICIALLY, and by CUSTOM and practical NECESSITY as the final arbitor of the Constitution. It has abused that authority, and so it should be challenged.

#215 had a great idea about marching on the border with pictures of the victims of illegal aliens, as well.

Oooh! The message that the futures of under-40s have been undermined by these bastards sound like a winner. I was struck by a remark my dentist made recently, when we were talking about my daughter going to grad school. She said, "Best to stay in school. There are no jobs."

Fortunately my daughter should be in great shape, with her engineering degree, but for most other phoney-baloney degrees she may still be right. - STILL. After over 5 years. That's unforgivable.

For kids younger than THAT, in the pipeline, something that is not usually thought of is that the kids positively DESPISE Michelle Obama for the Food Nazi stuff that she put them through. They may actually UNDERSTAND about statism from personal experience DESPITE all the brainwashing.

Calls to mind that the socialists have some serious upheaval that they will have to deal with if they maintain power. Unfortunately, that's part of the Fabian Socialist Cloward-Piven Plan, but when the shit hits the fan, you don't necessarily know where it will fly.

Simply true, and something to remember.

National Strike IS interesting...

Is very informative, and has some great ideas. Those dudes 240 years ago really saw everything coming.

"Another advantage other side has is they are being funded by our tax dollars. "

A good point, which unfortunately reveals that the Republicans in Congress are accomplices in all this. Obviously, they can not be depended upon.

Wise and informative words.

#260 & #265
Disguised crowd-funding - plus a PLAN. Another piece of the solution! Also need to create such a site where stuff can't be shut down by marxists.

"Sic Semper Tyrannis" - We even have a motto now!!

Great analogy.

Good observation.

"I don't suspect the black churches are going to just roll over either."

I could be wrong, but it sure seems like the entirety of black culture is to blame everything on whitey. I hear few, if any, black people spouting anything about religion, but if you so much as question their anti-white racism they're all up in your face. A pretty small fraction does NOT feel that way, but - as they say - have "left the Plantation" of black culture.

The lessons of Breitbart! How was that not brought up sooner!?!

A call for the RCC to excommunicate offending justices. But WOULD they? They're run by a Marxist too now.

Bold; I like it.

This is one of those things that seems so simple and obvious after you read it that you feel stupid for not coming up with it yourself - because it's brilliant! I guess I slightly touched on that by suggesting our OWN fundme site.

Yes, but go further. One pundit (I forget who, sorry) recommended publicly making fun of the opposition - always in a cheerful, light-hearted way. The guy who comes across as angry, loses. Their ideas are so stupid and failed, this should be pretty easy. Sounds like the sort of thing Breitbart - or even REAGAN would be a master at.

My hat is off to you...

Idiocracy, yes. But I don't write-off the Mexicans completely. Many could climb out of the dependency pit and seek a better life.

Yes, yes, and "Hell, Yes!"

Many of us probably don't want to admit it to ourselves, but that is exactly right, and very well put. I brings to mind another important point - that real Americans have smelled this coming for a long time - and have been arming themselves to the teeth. That's vitally important.

Yes. One point that is not well known is that since liberalism is all about elitism and parasitism, that most of the guys running large corporations are liberals. (Reminds me of how I have shut down leftists on Global Warming - cold - when I point out that huge corporations are making hundreds of billions a year selling worthless junk every year, and not paying any taxes at all!)

Second, one way Al Sharpton extorts money for his race-baiting is by threatening to poison a company's market share. So "Hell, yes!" on this one, too.

I could add that any gay persons who were actually serious about wanting to be accepted have seriously and permanently had that goal seriously undermined by having this forced upon them, and then rubbed in their face. You've been betrayed, and it's only a matter of time before they feed you to the Islamists.

Note well the similarity between this manic orgasmic nonsense and how they got when their "first black president" who wasn't even black was elected. How did THAT turn out - even for THEM?

Long, but well worth the read. Author describes a situation that I see as the exact replacement for many of the the non-religious functions that local churches used to do on the frontier in the 1800s.

You know, I HAD been boycotting Google by using Bing, but then they put rainbow crap up, and I am completely done with them just that quickly. I was going to ask the horde where to go, and there you have it: Duckduckgo!

Informative, and heroic.

I'm not sure about some of the earlier items, but some of the later ones look useful.

Interesting facts!

All in all, I'd say a useful and informative thread, Y-Not! Going through EVERY SINGLE comment was WORTH IT. We really just have to get out of the mode where we think in terms of our being the "home team" with home field advantage.

One last thing, about being "outnumbered". You know, the Republicans outnumber Dems in both the House and Senate right now, and the number of states owned by the Republicans is kind of staggering - roughly 3/4 (I think that's regarding governors). The Dems have very few options they can draw from that have executive gravitas, and all those are in states that have huge problems. The number of Independents are growing - because they are leaving the Dems - so just a little bit of appealing branding could scoop them in. Actual liberals are probably around 20%, and even THEY don't like to admit to who they are. There are things that can be done to win the LIVs and Independents. We're FAR from being hopelessly outnumbered, they're acting pretty scared, and they're vile and destructive and hate America. So take heart!

Posted by: Optimizer at June 28, 2015 04:06 PM (/q6+P)

488 You know, all the ideas here would make for the start of a good book that might sell really well right now...

Posted by: Optimizer at June 28, 2015 04:14 PM (/q6+P)

489 I have a problem with the religious justification of the commenter's intolerance of homosexuals. Namely, you Western "Christians" seriously owe radical Islam some royalty checks.

Posted by: Just about any imam in residence at June 28, 2015 04:45 PM (UG+6Y)

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