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EMT 5/17/15 Lemonade edition [krakatoa]

When the world gives you lemons, put those suckers in the freezer for a few hours and fire them back at the world with a potato canon.

- Better living, Better Life with The Juice Weasel.

Posted by: Open Blogger at 06:00 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Hello?

Posted by: Santa at May 17, 2015 06:01 AM (cU4mN)

2 bored. early morning with a cold the kid gave me although he's still konked out. drinking coffee and reading about how much the decembrists suck.

i mean they seriously do. wtf happened to music anyway

Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at May 17, 2015 06:12 AM (nUxhj)

3 If there's an open thread and no one comments is it really open?

Posted by: random lurker at May 17, 2015 06:17 AM (WF5ei)

4 Whether and how much the Decembrists sucked was an item of discussion between Mensheviks and Bolsheviks. I guess you coule say you can't dance to it...

Have to admit, Union of Salvation is a better name for a rock band than The Faithful and True Sons of The Fatherland. "The Decemberists" is spelled wrong.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at May 17, 2015 06:19 AM (xq1UY)

5 Morning all.

My internet is spotty in this bunker I am in.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 17, 2015 06:21 AM (wtgLh)

6 Good morning. I went to bed around 12:30 and left the page open. When I woke up, I continued reading the comments where I left off.

See roughly the 12:00-2:00 time frame in the ONT. Now I'm depressed again.

Posted by: rickl at May 17, 2015 06:22 AM (sdi6R)

7 Eastern time, that is.

Posted by: rickl at May 17, 2015 06:23 AM (sdi6R)

8 The F-35: It's a floor topping and a dessert wax.

Posted by: rickl at May 17, 2015 06:24 AM (sdi6R)

9 Now I'm depressed again.
Posted by: rickl at May 17, 2015 06:22 AM (sdi6R)

Have a cup of java with a little Brandy in it. Or maybe get into bed with Brandy? Which ever one works best or both

Posted by: Nevergiveup at May 17, 2015 06:27 AM (wtgLh)

10 g'mornin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at May 17, 2015 06:30 AM (KCxzN)


Oh, thanks, cthulhu. I'll call you sometime.
It's been really fun. I'll call my friend Tiffany, she costs a bit more, but she'll fulfill those two little requests much happier than I could ever XOXOXOXO
Posted by: but first.. at May 17, 2015 06:06 AM (0guAH)

578 BTW -- if you'd known to ask about it when you chatted with my ex-boss.....why was it so unusual? Was it, perhaps, that I'm a hardline asshole?
Posted by: cthulhu at May 17, 2015 06:13 AM (T1005)

BTW -- if you'd known to ask about it when you chatted with my ex-boss (WTF?)

.....why was it so unusual? (WTF?)

Was it, perhaps, that I'm a hardline asshole? (WTF?)

Posted by: cthulhu at May 17, 2015 06:13 AM (T1005)

Posted by: but first.. at May 17, 2015 06:16 AM (0guAH)

SOOOO sorry pixienation just eats things between SOOO sorry for any confusion
Posted by: but first.. at May 17, 2015 06:23 AM (0guAH)

581 577

Oh, thanks, cthulhu. I'll call you sometime.

It's been really fun. I'll call my friend Tiffany, she costs a bit
more, but she'll fulfill those two little requests much happier than I
could ever XOXOXOXO

Posted by: but first.. at May 17, 2015 06:06 AM (0guAH)

Keep digging. I'm watching. And please do call me.
Posted by: cthulhu at May 17, 2015 06:24 AM (T1005)

582 Well now, Watching.... Hmmm I sure hope for your sake you don't get 2 feet inside my door.
Posted by: but first.. at May 17, 2015 06:28 AM (0guAH)

583 Really.....are you back? I'll be sharing all your info with the Horde.
Posted by: cthulhu at May 17, 2015 06:30 AM (T1005)

Posted by: but first.. at May 17, 2015 06:35 AM (0guAH)

12 looked at the ONT and that's about 5 minutes I'll never get back. what is so depressing? looks like the usual time wasting bullshit.

Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at May 17, 2015 06:46 AM (mmz07)

13 What the hell? Just heard a noise - there's a huge dent in the side of my car and a frozen lemon in my driveway.

Posted by: FireHorse at May 17, 2015 06:53 AM (wdXFj)

14 burp

Posted by: scrood at May 17, 2015 06:53 AM (3b9U4)

15 Thanks to whomever is in charge of this operation this morning.

Posted by: FireHorse at May 17, 2015 06:55 AM (wdXFj)

16 That was weird, the poster that had #13 was changing posts without new post numbers and was then deleted. I've not seen that before.

Posted by: sawhorse at May 17, 2015 06:57 AM (jm3+c)

17 I went to an Air Force air show yesterday. The P-51 flying demo was my favorite. Kicked the tires on a B-52. Now have a crush on the attractive blonde A-10 pilot.

Posted by: tmitsss at May 17, 2015 06:59 AM (Tt6V6)

18 What am I, chopped liver?

Posted by: Chopped Liver at May 17, 2015 07:05 AM (BLFGI)

19 yeah somebody's being actively deleted. ira whatever

Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at May 17, 2015 07:05 AM (5AvFV)

20 ok boring

see you some other time

Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at May 17, 2015 07:08 AM (5AvFV)

21 Ira was man of few words and numbers.

Posted by: scrood at May 17, 2015 07:08 AM (3b9U4)

22 Post #11 seems to have a sociopath vibe to it. Weird, creepy, and nonsensical.

Posted by: Puddleglum at May 17, 2015 07:09 AM (NdpBS)

23 okay. so, i'm watching "the thing" right now (it's on the IFC channel) for the umpteenth time. and the thing is with "the thing": why would a bunch of scientists in the antarctic have a flame thrower?

Posted by: emily post at May 17, 2015 07:13 AM (CrYC8)

24 ... which, for some reason, never struck me as odd before.

Posted by: emily post at May 17, 2015 07:15 AM (CrYC8)

25 i know, it makes sense, just in case... but still...

Posted by: emily post at May 17, 2015 07:18 AM (CrYC8)

26 don't forget all of that dynamite...

Posted by: scrood at May 17, 2015 07:18 AM (3b9U4)

27 ... guess i'm getting soft.

Posted by: emily post at May 17, 2015 07:18 AM (CrYC8)

night owls!

Posted by: Mitzy at May 17, 2015 07:19 AM (zL0Mr)

A retort:

Posted by: A retorting hat at May 17, 2015 07:23 AM (7YlUk)

29 Flamethrowers. Don't leave home without 'em.

I got one of those big torches that goes on a BBQ size propane tank last year, to fix my dad's driveway (had to melt tarry substance into blacktop cracks). It says right on there, don't use to melt ice. So I show it to BIL, he gets one ("for weed control"), and now he uses it for everything. Breakfast. Deliberate brushfires. Snow. Tries to light my cigarette with it. At least, he's having the house foundation relaid, so all the sidewalks he cracked are going away anyway. And, ISYN, the wooden decks he scorched...

He's gonna wet the bed, grandma used to say.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at May 17, 2015 07:25 AM (xq1UY)

30 It's all over, CNN headline, ice melt will flood us all by 2020, goodbye cruel world....

Posted by: colin at May 17, 2015 07:27 AM (P8/B4)

31 AHA!

ice melt, flame throwers, it's those damn scientists!

Posted by: emily post at May 17, 2015 07:30 AM (CrYC8)

32 ... they're all the same. they say they're working for us but all they want is to rule the world!

Posted by: emily post at May 17, 2015 07:35 AM (CrYC8)

33 It was like the death of tens of comments.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at May 17, 2015 07:35 AM (V70Uh)

34 It's all over, CNN headline, ice melt will flood us all by 2020

Unpossible! Algore said we're all gonna burn up by next January!

You'd think by now they'd be smart enough to pick a date none of us will still be around to point and laugh at how wrong they were.

Posted by: HR drinking beer and drinking beer at May 17, 2015 07:38 AM (rHXGG)

35 [that line is from "young frankenstein" and it really does apply to the climate cult.]

Posted by: emily post at May 17, 2015 07:38 AM (CrYC8)

36 Strange goings on going on around here.

Posted by: teej at May 17, 2015 07:39 AM (qyZxC)

37 The part of Thing I liked? The thermite circle. Now that's ice-meltin'.

In the original version, the early set-up dialogue is real snappy, like Raymond Chandler. Those "Professor's Daughter" roles were strong female presences.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at May 17, 2015 07:39 AM (xq1UY)

38 death by non-sequiter. sorry. i'm done.

Posted by: emily post at May 17, 2015 07:40 AM (CrYC8)

39 "Strange goings on going on around here."

It's that season.....

Posted by: Luap Nor's never ending hash story at May 17, 2015 07:49 AM (91eZY)

40 Pam Geller has 'no regrets' in wake of hacking incident.

Posted by: Associated Press at May 17, 2015 07:51 AM (rwI+c)

41 30 It's all over, CNN headline, ice melt will flood us all by 2020, goodbye cruel world....
Posted by: colin at May 17, 2015 07:27 AM (P8/B4)

If I was a gambling man, I'd put my money on a new ice age beginning by then.

Oh, and speaking of gambling, this has got to be the silliest quiz I've ever seen:

Posted by: rickl at May 17, 2015 07:52 AM (sdi6R)

42 Morning!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at May 17, 2015 07:56 AM (UpGcq)

43 Anyone else getting a "untrusted connection" with Tiny URL?

Posted by: Luap Nor's never ending hash story at May 17, 2015 08:00 AM (91eZY)

44 It's much more likely that everything north of 40 degrees latitude will look like the set from The Thing than that we'll be flooded from melting ice.

Posted by: Count de Monet at May 17, 2015 08:00 AM (JO9+V)

45 Ho-lee crap! I was sitting on the patio yesterday afternoon and it started to rain. As the drops fell onto the fence or some other hard surface they turned to snow/slush then melted. 10 minutes after the rain stopped all that was left was cold rainwater. But there's snow on the mountains and it's definitely hard nipple weather when the sun goes down. This ain't Texas!

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 17, 2015 08:01 AM (hrMmk)

46 Yeah.. I got that weird message too...

Just tried again, and now it works!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at May 17, 2015 08:02 AM (UpGcq)

47 The world gave me lemons. I gave it many lemon-shaped bruises. We seem to have found a mutual respect for each other now.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at May 17, 2015 08:05 AM (HalrA)

48 Weird, I have never seen that with TURL before. Now can't connect at all.

Did the Magnetic Poles shift again and forget to notify anyone?

Posted by: Luap Nor's never ending hash story at May 17, 2015 08:06 AM (wd16z)

49 Last night I posted:

Just drove home through wild wind & rain, listening to the radio guys talk about 70mph gusts and funnels spotted just a few miles south of us. Sweaty moments, but made it home. The front porch is a sea.

Just another Spring evening in NE Oklahoma.

Did anyone say, glad you're safe? or, wow that sounds wild? or even, hello? No they did not.

The ONT are a closed and unfriendly society.

For all the wind we had last night, very little tree debris on the ground this morning - we already had our pruning winds, it seems.

Morning, Glories! Now to read that long, long post, and the wisdom of the horde commentariat.

Posted by: mindful webworker - safe n sound at May 17, 2015 08:08 AM (0PD0H)

50 MWW I am glad you got home safely, we had our own moment like that yesterday. Not fun!

Posted by: FCF at May 17, 2015 08:17 AM (kejii)

51 So, no Vic again today (he did warn us) and I gather there's already been some banhammering on the EMT? Is this a way to start a Sunday?

Posted by: mindful webworker - now with caffeine! at May 17, 2015 08:17 AM (0PD0H)

52 Glad to hear all is well MWW! Wx like that is pretty exciting.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 17, 2015 08:26 AM (hrMmk)

53 I see where ISIS is threatening to assassinate President Obama in retaliation for the strike that killed their leader...
It is not often that I am simply left speechless.

Posted by: An Observation at May 17, 2015 08:26 AM (L3yi9)

54 Vic said he was going to be out for a few days. I don't remember why.

Posted by: Cicero Skip at May 17, 2015 08:26 AM (FIrEF)

55 Rich, FCF: See, now, the morning crowd will at least acknowledge one's presence.

Might be a crude acknowledgement, but it'll be an acknowledgement.

What this sleepy Sunday morning thread needs is some churchifyin'. Where's Pastor FenelonSpoke? (Oh, yeah, probably at church.)

This'll have to do.

Posted by: mindful webworker - now with caffeine! at May 17, 2015 08:28 AM (0PD0H)

56 Glad you made it home safe, Mindful. Here in northern Ohio, it has just hit that sweet spot where you know spring has won and summer is on its way. Plenty of leaves on the trees. Cloudy and in the 70s yesterday and all the neighbors were out working in the yard. The bluejays are after the birdseed I left on the patio. Coffee is brewing and I'm determined to make it to church this morning. "Pruning winds" is a good expression--never heard that one before!

Posted by: Emily at May 17, 2015 08:29 AM (7Rn+/)

57 57>> I'm sure the response from the administration will be something along the lines of profuse apologies and a request for additional funding. Can you imagine the response if some redneck conservative said something like that?

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 17, 2015 08:30 AM (hrMmk)

58 That tiny URL was to a NYT article on risk.. But I also clicked over to another article talking about how China is increasing its nuclear weapon capabilities by replacing single warheads with multiple warheads.

What could go wrong?

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at May 17, 2015 08:31 AM (UpGcq)

59 It is not often that I am simply left speechless.

I believe I can speak for the entire Horde when I say:



Posted by: rickl at May 17, 2015 08:31 AM (sdi6R)

60 Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons; what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down... with the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!

Posted by: Cave Johnson at May 17, 2015 08:35 AM (trb6f)

61 Also speaking for the lurkers!

Posted by: FCF at May 17, 2015 08:35 AM (kejii)

62 Remember Alberto Nisman? From the Wall Street Journal we are getting glimpse in this case what the US legal system is becoming.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at May 17, 2015 08:36 AM (enkX0)

63 55!

Posted by: Ruth at May 17, 2015 08:39 AM (oo88B)

64 Wow crap

Posted by: Ruth at May 17, 2015 08:39 AM (oo88B)

65 Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at May 17, 2015 08:36 AM (enkX0)

It's behind a paywall. What's the gist of the story?

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at May 17, 2015 08:41 AM (hrMmk)

66 Here in northern Ohio, it has just hit that sweet spot where you know spring has won and summer is on its way.

Here in central Indiana, it's been summer for a month.

Demand to see life's manager!

And you'll get to, after you die. O_o

Life is like a mop.

Posted by: HR drinking beer and drinking beer at May 17, 2015 08:43 AM (rHXGG)

67 63 55!
Posted by: Ruth at May 17, 2015 08:39 AM (oo88B)

64 Wow crap
Posted by: Ruth at May 17, 2015 08:39 AM (oo88B)

*points, laughs*

Posted by: mindful webworker - in an entirely friendly manner, of course at May 17, 2015 08:43 AM (0PD0H)

68 okay. so, i'm watching "the thing" right now (it's
on the IFC channel) for the umpteenth time. and the thing is with "the
thing": why would a bunch of scientists in the antarctic have a flame

Posted by: emily post at May 17, 2015 07:13 AM (CrYC

For all the same reasons they had Gatling guns in Armageddon.

Posted by: An Observation at May 17, 2015 08:45 AM (L3yi9)

69 mww, our daughter is living in Moore. She texts us when their conditions are right for severe weather. I've got 3 OK weather apps that I watch to see what's going on down there. Would not like to be down there in the spring.

Posted by: someoldguy at May 17, 2015 08:46 AM (q3hBJ)

70 Basically Kirchner has packed the judicial system with loyalists to the party, not to the constitution. The official investigation operated from the beginning as a suicide though their own tests later showed no gun powder residue on Nisman's alleged gun hand. That the investigators allowed many people to trample the crime scene, even letting Nisman's mother wash dishes. That somehow photos of Nisman on vacation taken by his phone have made it to the press in a bid to damage his reputation.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at May 17, 2015 08:47 AM (enkX0)

71 An observation.

Trying to get a dog to decide what he wants to do (e.g. go inside/outside) only works when he has a real need (e.g. to go outside to take a dump). Otherwise, what a loyal dog only wants is to know what you want the dog to do.

I can sympathize, sort-of.

Posted by: mindful webworker - oh, man! at May 17, 2015 08:50 AM (0PD0H)

72 And in other news, the President's Egyptian butt-buddy Mo Morsi has been sentenced to death by an Egyptian court. A total of 106 in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt have been sentenced to death.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at May 17, 2015 08:50 AM (enkX0)

What's Cheyenne like?

Posted by: Soothsayer at May 17, 2015 08:52 AM (IvTw6)

74 Top o' the Mornin' my Good Fappers.

I'm still going through the remainders of the ONT and saw this

Orangello and Yellangello. (Twins. Named after orange jello and yellow jello)
Posted by: DC in River City at May 17, 2015 12:42 AM (e+1S5)

Years ago a coworker was in the waiting room awaiting his and his wife's new baby when a nurse came in asking for the father of "Uh...Orange Jello and Lemon Jello...?". The father huffily said "That's Orangello and Lemongello!".

Wonder if these sets of twins will ever meet up.

Posted by: All Hail Eris at May 17, 2015 08:55 AM (jR7Wy)

75 Anna@79- Huma and her mother and all the state dept. hacks hardest hit.

Posted by: Ben Had at May 17, 2015 08:55 AM (S9VD9)

76 someoldguy: "Would not like to be down there in the spring."

It's a mixed bag. The most beautiful time of year, merely punctuated with occasional twisting wind monsters. Just stay out of their way, and you're okay. :O

I think if you're living in the OKC/Moore area, though, you should be living underground.

Posted by: mindful webworker - a different game of "twister" at May 17, 2015 08:57 AM (0PD0H)

77 67 63 55!
Posted by: Ruth at May 17, 2015 08:39 AM (oo88B)

64 Wow crap
Posted by: Ruth at May 17, 2015 08:39 AM (oo88B)

*points, laughs*

........crawls into hole, curls to fetal position, begins rocking back & forth while sucking thumb

Posted by: Ruth at May 17, 2015 09:04 AM (oo88B)

78 To honor fallen officers...

Yesterday, flags were flying at half-mast.

Yesterday, a long line of police cars and fire trucks made their way slowly, sirens sounding, up the highway.

Yesterday, MSNBC posted a video of a cop getting dragged by a car, adding clown music and joking about it. (They have since withdrawn the tweet and posted a non-apology, but, strangely, the video continues to exist on the web.)

Gateway Pundit

LaughingStock Media are a whole 'nother country, and it sure ain't 'Merica.

Posted by: mindful webworker - respect for the badge at May 17, 2015 09:10 AM (0PD0H)

79 Oh, yes, and...

Yesterday, Barack Obama marked National Peace Officers Memorial with a picture of (one guess)...


Posted by: mindful webworker - respect for the badge at May 17, 2015 09:15 AM (0PD0H)

80 ABC will be all over this story:

Hefalumtamus will have to go ANOTHER extra mile now.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at May 17, 2015 09:15 AM (BZAd3)

81 I calculate that mine are about 10% of the comments this morning. I know it's a realllly slow-moving thread, but that's almost -- oh, what's it called? -- embarrassing?

C'mon, let's get some commentin' goin' out there, horde! Anna Puma, we need more links, stat! You, the lurker over by the coffee pot, what's your thinking on the Obama beheading threat? And you, over there by the... hey, you shouldn't be doing that to the couch....

Posted by: mindful webworker - i am the 10% at May 17, 2015 09:23 AM (0PD0H)

82 Green Eggs is people!

Posted by: mindful webworker - respect for the badge at May 17, 2015 09:27 AM (0PD0H)

83 You, the lurker over by the coffee pot, what's your thinking on the Obama beheading threat? And you, over there by the... hey, you shouldn't be doing that to the couch....
Posted by: mindful webworker - i am the 10%

uh, just getting a spot of coffee, yeah i don't know that person by the co

Obama and Isis? uch. Can i say although i hate Obama as a President and maybe as a fellow american. Isis is definitely scum and better watch their backs for threatening a potus.

well if he can bring himself to miss a golfgame for a national security meeting. Or his SS team will be right on it if they aren't drunk laying around brothels .

the country is wild now and i'm just hanging on by my fingernails hoping to ride it out.

Posted by: willow at May 17, 2015 09:32 AM (nqBYe)

84 Lone Star,
They definitely do not want to out their own very un-professional conduct .

why people might actually start wondering about the news and the political process.

Posted by: willow at May 17, 2015 09:34 AM (nqBYe)

85 The couch was asking for it

Posted by: Ruth at May 17, 2015 09:34 AM (oo88B)

86 Hey mw.

Your line of storms have moved into Arkansas now. All the streams and rivers are way high. Flash flood warnings everywhere.

I need it to stop for a while anyway. Today is Decoration Day here and I want to go visit Dad. He passed last June.

The VA hasn't delivered his service plaque yet...

...I guess it is a good thing he wasn't waiting for some health related service.

Posted by: Spun and Murky at May 17, 2015 09:37 AM (XtR0g)

87 i wonder if JournOlist is still active .
would be nice to have that get a lot more attention.

especially the active planned propaganda in unison as a media tactic to assist the Progs in elections and forcing ideology.

Posted by: willow at May 17, 2015 09:40 AM (nqBYe)

88 nverfknmind, i see another thread is up.

i suppose that is my call to do chores.

Posted by: willow at May 17, 2015 09:42 AM (nqBYe)

89 willow: "uh, just getting a spot of coffee"

willow: "i see another thread is up."

Oh, that's just the book thread. Nobody goes there. You have to wear pants.


Back in the USSA:

The US spends more than 17 times that of socialist China on social programs!

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit

Posted by: mindful webworker - respect for the badge at May 17, 2015 09:47 AM (0PD0H)

90 i wonder if JournOlist is still active .

Not a chance.

Posted by: CabaList at May 17, 2015 10:31 AM (rwI+c)

91 Came here for #60, was not disappointed.

Posted by: captslaq at May 17, 2015 11:03 AM (4lHJo)

92 whyn did we have to stop posting about the underage Dominican hookers and Menendez?

Posted by: righter at May 17, 2015 11:41 AM (ZwpLm)

93 Actually, kind of disappointed that #60 didn't happen until #60.

Posted by: PCachu at May 17, 2015 04:48 PM (gR+qu)

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