aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Bill O'Reilly, Who Supposedly Believes In the Divinity of Christ, Says Jesus Would Respect the Ban on Drawing the Prophet of an Alien (and False) ReligionO'Reilly, who wrote the book on murdering the Savior, claims that Jesus would not have sponsored this cartoon-drawing contest. First of all, this is as stupid a hypothetical as asking if Memories Pizza would cater a gay wedding. With pizza. Because gays are all about avoiding campy pomp and circumstance in favor of fratty bro-casual chillaxitude. Anyway, is is true that Jesus -- who is, according to Christians, to which group O'Reilly claims to belong, the actual living Deity and Son of God, would abide by the forbiddances of a false (per this hypothetical) religion, thereby championing that false religion over the true one (to wit, His own)? This makes no sense. O'Reilly is actually arguing here that the real historical and divine Jesus would bow to the religious claims of a religion which would be, per all this absurd hypothetical, patently false and ergo a seduction towards Mortal Error as regards salvation. Sometimes, swear to God, when I hear "religious" people talk about their allegec "religion," it sounds to me like they do not actually believe a blessed word of it, and are chiefly using their "religion" to win arguments. Oh, and O'Reilly also says we shouldn't draw Mohammad because we need to Win Wars and Kill Jihadis. You know, like Jesus was always talking about. Jesus was all about Some People Just Need Some Killin'. What a horse's ass. And the attempt to play the I Love Our Troops Card? Pathetic. I love the troops too, Billy, but I don't think our troops are fighting over there so that we can impose shariah law for them for their homecoming.Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Ted Baxter's new book, "Killing Common Sense."
Posted by: Any better, I'd be twins at May 08, 2015 03:27 PM (rRBI0) 2
Well, you know, when Christ isn't busy texting Mike Huckabee to turn rabid killers loose on the street he likes to kick back and discuss art with Bill O'Reilly.../sarc
Posted by: Richard McEnroe at May 08, 2015 03:28 PM (XO6WW) 3
He does love trolling.
Posted by: Chupacabras at May 08, 2015 03:29 PM (q/kmn) Posted by: Roman Maroni at May 08, 2015 03:29 PM (vCA4F) 5
Jesus wouldn't marry a seven year old girl either, but no need to mention that because you're just "looking out for the folks".
Posted by: Any better, I'd be twins at May 08, 2015 03:29 PM (rRBI0) 6
Blowhards gotta blowhard.
Posted by: joncelli, Boned like You at May 08, 2015 03:30 PM (RD7QR) 7
Bill O'Reilly sucks. And Jesus stopped a stoning, chased out moneychangers, did works on the sabbath, and let his disciples eat without ritual washing. All things which pissed off a combination of fanatics and collaborators who killed him for his heresy.
O'Reilly is a fucking tool to think Jesus wouldn't say EXACTLY what Muhammed was. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at May 08, 2015 03:31 PM (oX9pn) 8
No, God would mock Muhammad too.
See also when He asked the Baal worshipers "what, your god's on vacation?" Posted by: Lauren at May 08, 2015 03:31 PM (yJV4S) 9
O'reilly is a fool. Jesus was a radical who punched all the establishment buttons regardless of consequences. He wasn't the least bit shy about voicing his religious opinions. Politics he left alone, not scripture.
Posted by: maddogg at May 08, 2015 03:31 PM (xWW96) 10
Jesus actually went out of His way to offend the oppressive and false religious sensibilities of His day on more than one occasion. That's why He got killed.
Posted by: Matt from CO at May 08, 2015 03:31 PM (+ermh) 11
Horses ass just about sums it up.
Posted by: pashmr at May 08, 2015 03:31 PM (3aNC4) 12
Thou shalt not draw the Prophet Mohammad because, whoa dude, those psycho'll kill ya.
m- Stuff Jesus Said vol. V. Posted by: The Great White Snark at May 08, 2015 03:31 PM (XUKZU) 13
Pam Gellar has exposed who will stand with or against Islam WTSHTF.
Posted by: Any better, I'd be twins at May 08, 2015 03:32 PM (rRBI0) 14
Bill O'Rielly sniffs his own farts.
Posted by: eleven at May 08, 2015 03:32 PM (IPzoI) 15
Bill is an idiot. A popular idiot, but still an idiot.
Posted by: rd at May 08, 2015 03:32 PM (DoEGi) 16
If memory serves, Muslims are no larger a minority in the US than homosexuals. Why does it 'provoke death' to make fun of one but not the other?
But then why is the number (of followers) even relevant? Freedom of Speech is an individual right and not subject to the approval of the majority. A person could theoretically offend 99.999% of his community, legally. (some have tried) Posted by: gastorgrab at May 08, 2015 03:32 PM (u6OFe) 17
God's snake would not eat the snakes of magicians.
Posted by: Bill O'Reilly at May 08, 2015 03:32 PM (oX9pn) 18
Posted by: eleven at May 08, 2015 03:32 PM (IPzoI) 19
WWJD? He threw the money changers out! And He has battled/banished the devil.
Posted by: mhf at May 08, 2015 03:32 PM (DbeTN) 20
He has just made himself part of the Kardashian crowd.
Posted by: maddogg at May 08, 2015 03:33 PM (xWW96) 21
Yeah Bill, that's ed zachary what Jesus would do - embrace a religion that threatens to cut your head off if you don't submit to it. Yup.
What a tool. Posted by: LGoPs at May 08, 2015 03:33 PM (Tqdpu) 22
i like my jesus wearing a tuxedo shirt
Posted by: Name That Tune at May 08, 2015 03:33 PM (n5fTN) 23
Jesus wouldn't marry a seven year old girl either, but no need to mention that because you're just "looking out for the folks".
Posted by: Any better, I'd be twins at May 08, 2015 03:29 PM (rRBI0) Well actual arranged marriages were the norm. So it is in the realm of possibility that he could of been "promised" in marriage as early as 5 or 6. Posted by: wrg500 at May 08, 2015 03:33 PM (S+el1) 24
Of course your psot is liekly correct.
But Oreilly is still arguing that others can't use their right to freely speak of what they abhore it it offens or hurts others feeling. which is why shitty little groups like the kkk can walk freely and demonstrate even tho their speech is piggish. we are fighting the right to say whatever. not fighting for a topic we must agree with. look you know how fkn offended i was during the Bush years and demonstrations with signs and yelling about pigs and jews and nazi bush . i was yet this disgusting speech is also protected. Posted by: willow at May 08, 2015 03:33 PM (nqBYe) 25
Oh, and O'Reilly also says we shouldn't draw Mohammad because we need to Win Wars and Kill Jihadis.
Good point, we should be ending the lives of these murderous slack-jawed hare-lipped bags of shit rather possibly offending them. Offending them: definitely off the table. Posted by: Heralder at May 08, 2015 03:34 PM (ECROs) 26
Well said, Billy boy needs a good beat down, Ace.
But, how do you avoid being a bully beating up the helpless? The guy has snot for brains. Posted by: just saying at May 08, 2015 03:34 PM (wkuqO) Posted by: Bigby's Oven Mitt at May 08, 2015 03:34 PM (3ZtZW) 28
...and how the fuck do you know what I'm thinking about, you fuckin windbag?
Posted by: Jesus, not "Hay-zeus" at May 08, 2015 03:34 PM (YFFpo) 29
OK, fine, let's go with that.
And so, it must also be true that Jesus does not approve of mocking drawing of Jesus and the virgin Mary. Say, let's extend that to movies, stand-up jokes, political speech, too, m'kay. We all cool with *that*? . . . . . Yeah, thought so. Posted by: Lizzy at May 08, 2015 03:34 PM (2TN4k) 30
Can't wait for a Huckabee/O'Reilly ticket.
Posted by: SFGoth at May 08, 2015 03:34 PM (wqlMJ) 31
I watched two of his shows and decided he was an idiot. I think the applicable words from Jesus for mooslimbs is "render under God what is God's, render unto Caesar what is Caesar's".
The mooslimbs use their so-called religion for government therefore it is not a valid religion. Not to mention the fact that it is the only religion I am aware of that calls for killing non-practioners. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at May 08, 2015 03:35 PM (wlDny) 32
Ugh. What a bloviating gasbag that guy is.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 08, 2015 03:35 PM (8ZskC) Posted by: Roman Maroni at May 08, 2015 03:35 PM (vCA4F) 34
Good point, we should be ending the lives of these murderous slack-jawed hare-lipped bags of shit rather possibly offending them. Offending them: definitely off the table.
Posted by: Heralder at May 08, 2015 03:34 PM (ECROs) Think back on how we depicted the Germans and Japanese during WWII. Did we worry about offending them. Shit. Posted by: maddogg at May 08, 2015 03:35 PM (xWW96) 35
Yeah, Jesus was all if those Romans threaten to throw you to lions, give it up. No use in being a damn fool about it.
Posted by: The Great White Snark at May 08, 2015 03:35 PM (XUKZU) 36
Last year: "Why does anyone NEED a firearm?"
This year: "Why does anyone NEED freedom of expression?" Answer: We don't 'NEED' any of our rights. They are not essential to our survival. In fact, some slaves have lived over 100 years of age without any rights at all. Posted by: gastorgrab at May 08, 2015 03:36 PM (u6OFe) 37
Bill, beware the worst words you can ever hear from the Savior: I never knew you.
Posted by: toby928(C) at May 08, 2015 03:36 PM (evdj2) 38
Carried over from last thread, here are the BLS numbers on people not in the labor force: Posted by: Insomniac at May 08, 2015 03:36 PM (2Ojst) 39
Jesus wasn't a politician and had better things to be concerned over than a cartoon contest and a bunch of barbarians.
O'Reily is a fucking idiot. Lost my respect for him back in his sexual harassment days. Posted by: SGTYork at May 08, 2015 03:36 PM (/yNLK) 40
Mocking the prophets of Baal is acceptable behavior.
Posted by: wisenheimer at May 08, 2015 03:36 PM (CstZL) 41
i like my jesus wearing a tuxedo shirt Posted by: Name That Tune at May 08, 2015 03:33 PM (n5fTN) I like to picture Jesus as a figure skater. He wears like a white outfit, and He does interpretive ice dances of my life's journey. Posted by: Heralder at May 08, 2015 03:36 PM (ECROs) 42
O'Reilly wrote a book about Jesus, so you'd think he'd know SOMETHING about the man. But clearly he doesn't. He seems to be buying into the pop culture image of Jesus as a kind of live-and-let-live, "Love Is All You Need" hippie.
As John Nolte's been remarking on Twitter, Jesus was far more provocative to the religious establishment in his day than Pam Geller's Mohammed cartoons are today. Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit & Vaginassassin, aka Beth at May 08, 2015 03:36 PM (4df7R) 43
secondly i still find it fascinating by their screaming Pam Gellar cannot insult because killing because insult occurs so killing ,well why shouldn't they kill over being insulted!!
lousy jerks, i'm sure glad they are on freedoms sifde. just shut up stupids. and maybe they'll give us something off their table at the least not behead us. Posted by: willow at May 08, 2015 03:36 PM (nqBYe) 44
Ace likes to talk about people acting on emotion instead of reason; this guy is exhibit "A." He has a gut reaction and then sticks to it in the face of all reason or logic. Call him on it? He'll start yelling over you which is the O'Reilly equivalent of sticking his fingers in his ears and saying I can't hear you.
Posted by: Duke at May 08, 2015 03:37 PM (ChY2Q) 45
Crap, the link doesn't work. Sorry.
Posted by: Insomniac at May 08, 2015 03:37 PM (2Ojst) 46
The funniest part is the screen caption behind Bill......"How Emotions Can Hurt America"
You mean like the emotions you have been playing on for years Bill to enrich yourself? hmmm....maybe you have a point. Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO Tax Preparer for the Stars of MSNBC and The Clinton Foundation at May 08, 2015 03:37 PM (/HC6x) 47
Yes, but, he's killing the competition in the ratings. Let's take a look at the competition.
Chris Hayes and Anderson Cooper. Hmm. Posted by: huerfano at May 08, 2015 03:37 PM (bynk/) 48
I like to believe that Jesus would unleash God's terrible swift sword on these medieval savages rather than embrace or endorse them.
But that's just me. YMMV. Posted by: LGoPs at May 08, 2015 03:37 PM (Tqdpu) 49
BOR is just being who he has always been. Why the surprise? I think that it was Iowahawk who tweeted that there are plenty of countries that ban blasphemy against the leave daily. Go. Posted by: Cheri at May 08, 2015 03:37 PM (oiNtH) Posted by: Lauren at May 08, 2015 03:37 PM (yJV4S) 51
BOR, professional horse's ass and self-described "deep thinker", ladies and gentlemen! Channelin' for J-Bro! Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars(TM) at May 08, 2015 03:37 PM (VLTL9) 52
Would this perhaps be the same Jesus who chased the Money Lenders from the Temple?
For essentially blaspheming a Holy Place? Posted by: History, Yelling LOUDLY but no on is listening at May 08, 2015 03:38 PM (qh617) 53
You know who would be fun to go LARPing with? Jesus.
Posted by: johnd01 at May 08, 2015 03:38 PM (ukNFU) 54
I've read the bible....Jesus said, "517 years from now, some dude is gonna be born, and .....oh by the way, don't draw him." He then goes on to talk about the best free apps at the google store.
Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at May 08, 2015 03:38 PM (uJK1E) 55
Oh, and Jesus is totes into loofahing women.
I forgot to mention that, as well. Posted by: Bill O'Reilly at May 08, 2015 03:38 PM (JoIcn) 56
Posted by: wth at May 08, 2015 03:38 PM (wAQA5) 57
And I like it how everytime Bill doesn't have a good argument he asserts that "X is not the issue here".
Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO Tax Preparer for the Stars of MSNBC and The Clinton Foundation at May 08, 2015 03:38 PM (/HC6x) 58
Jesus would of seen muslims as Blasphemers as they worshipped to his eyes a false god since he was proclaiming himself as the son of god. He would of had a lot of problems with Islam.
Posted by: wrg500 at May 08, 2015 03:38 PM (S+el1) 59
Try this one, click the box that says "Total not in the labor force" and then click the "retrieve data" button: Posted by: Insomniac at May 08, 2015 03:38 PM (2Ojst) 60
Posted by: wth at May 08, 2015 03:39 PM (wAQA5) 61
next time media offends me, why i atta do something about it!
They are responsible for offending me and What happens next by g-d! Posted by: willow at May 08, 2015 03:39 PM (nqBYe) 62
If only "moderate" Muslims would choose a side, we wouldn't have to offend them all.
Posted by: gastorgrab at May 08, 2015 03:39 PM (u6OFe) 63
I believe, if I'm remembering my Bible correctly, that when the woman taken in adultery was brought to him, Jesus was drawing pictures of Mohammed in the dust.
Posted by: Turd Ferguson at May 08, 2015 03:39 PM (VAsIq) 64
"Sometimes, swear to God, when I hear "religious" people talk about their allegec "religion," it sounds to me like they do not actually believe a blessed word of it, and are chiefly using their "religion" to win arguments."
Unfortunately, this is correct. I have seen too many people use their "religion" not to act in accord with it as a moral compass, but to excuse bad behavior or to gain advantage. Posted by: Duke at May 08, 2015 03:39 PM (ChY2Q) 65
But isn't Pamela Gellar Jewish? So isn't O'Reilly committing some kind of badthought no-no -ism by trying to force his belief in what Jesus would do on a non-Christian?
Turn this social justice bullshit back on them whenever and wherever we can, folks. Posted by: Mandy P., lurking lurker who lurks at May 08, 2015 03:39 PM (KkVB6) 66
Ted Baxter's new book, "Killing Common Sense."
Posted by: Any better, I'd be twins at May 08, 2015 03:27 PM *Ahem* Posted by: Phillip K. Howard at May 08, 2015 03:39 PM (h4vJk) 67
so are the WWJD bracelets back in vogue? Oreilly?
Posted by: willow at May 08, 2015 03:39 PM (nqBYe) 68
Posted by: wth at May 08, 2015 03:40 PM (wAQA5) 69
Assume for a moment that O'Reilly is right, and Jesus wouldn't draw Mohammed. What of it? The question is not whether anyone *should* draw Mohammed (and I can see many reasonable, sensible people not wanting to do something that might discomfit friends and neighbors who were Muslims), but whether someone should be *forbidden* to do so.
For example, I have absolutely no desire to engage in male sodomy. Never have, never will. And I strongly doubt that Jesus does, either. So does that mean that gay men should be *forbidden* to indulge in that practice with each other, in private? Or, more to the point, that we should tolerate vigilantes who threaten them with death because it offends their religious sensibilities? This is a non sequiteur at best, at worse a diversion from the real issue: not whether Pam Gellar should or should not be drawing Mohammad, but whether we should tolerate, even for a moment, anyone who uses violence or the threat of violence to stop her. That is the only question that matters. Posted by: Brown Line at May 08, 2015 03:40 PM (zcbZo) 70
Posted by: wth at May 08, 2015 03:40 PM (wAQA5) 71
"The point is we want to defeat the jihad" - BO'R Talking Point
Yeah, so mocking them is a good start. So is a brave stand against their religious laws. And then there's the whole TWO JIHADIS GOT SHOT part. I'd say Mission Accomplished, Ms. Gellar. Posted by: Lizzy at May 08, 2015 03:40 PM (2TN4k) 72
63 I believe, if I'm remembering my Bible correctly, that when the woman taken in adultery was brought to him, Jesus was drawing pictures of Mohammed in the dust.
Posted by: Turd Ferguson at May 08, 2015 03:39 PM (VAsIq) Maybe not right then, but he had to pee sometime..... Posted by: maddogg at May 08, 2015 03:40 PM (xWW96) 73
Jesus would also know what "to play us out" means and not have a shouting fit at the TV crew and scream "fuck it we'll do it live"
Posted by: Buzzion at May 08, 2015 03:40 PM (z/Ubi) 74
I also love how the shooters are the victims in all this.
Poor things. If mean ol Pam Geller hadn't hosted that event they'd still be alive! Posted by: Lauren at May 08, 2015 03:40 PM (yJV4S) 75
He knows he fucked up but doesn't want to admit it so he's doubling down and getting all ragey and self-righteous because he's a Manly Man who speaks Common Sense from his Gut, and his Heart, on behalf of The Folks.
I hate this douchebag. I hate lefties but assume them to be idiots (either by choice or birth). This fuck, however, knows better and is doing this, and leading his folk astray, for purely selfish reasons of image. Feh. Posted by: AMartel at May 08, 2015 03:40 PM (WWgnZ) 76
What a world we live in.
Chris F'ing Hayes is on the right side of this issue and almost everyone at FNC is on the wrong side. When I'm agreeing with Chris F'ing HAYES, we're through the looking glass. Posted by: Citizen X at May 08, 2015 03:40 PM (7ObY1) 77
46 The funniest part is the screen caption behind Bill......"How Emotions Can Hurt America" Tonight on the Factor, "Who is doing greater harm to 'Merica: True Cons or Emoticons?" Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars(TM) at May 08, 2015 03:41 PM (VLTL9) 78
Posted by: wth at May 08, 2015 03:41 PM (wAQA5) Posted by: willow at May 08, 2015 03:41 PM (nqBYe) 80
I stopped watching that tool about five years ago. Lord Grant me serenity if I ever met Bill. Read a few history books you populist numbnut. Travel Europe, N. Africa and Asia. The religion IS the culture. It's everything and it's relentless.
Posted by: Dave on safari at May 08, 2015 03:41 PM (U8sWC) 81
Unbelievable. For Jesus the whole of the law consisted of doing unto others, and loving your neighbor as yourself. I don't think any interpretation of that includes suicide bombing. Or murder.
Posted by: Auntie Doodles at May 08, 2015 03:41 PM (FlsBJ) 82
Fuck Bill OReilly. He's just an aging blowhard.
Posted by: Fen at May 08, 2015 03:41 PM (zhb21) 83
Our military members don't need you BOR - really they don't. You love our military? So do the majority of Americans blowhard.
Posted by: Cheri at May 08, 2015 03:41 PM (oiNtH) 84
Spartacus would have never advocated rebellion against government.
Posted by: Bill O'Really at May 08, 2015 03:41 PM (VAsIq) 85
Now this here's my kinda infidel. We'll kill him last.
Posted by: Just Another Good Ol Boy Texas Muslim at May 08, 2015 03:41 PM (YFFpo) 86
55 Oh, and Jesus is totes into loofahing women.
I forgot to mention that, as well. Except that Bill got confused and said he was going to "falafel" her. Well, maybe he wasn't confused and is into that sort of thing. Posted by: Duke at May 08, 2015 03:41 PM (ChY2Q) 87
Well we all can't be Jesus.
Running the -borrowing authority from Jesus gambit- usually a signal that an intelligent person knows in his heart that he is wrong, in this case it probably the simple superiority game of an individual blessed or burdened with an abundance of ego. Posted by: River Guide at May 08, 2015 03:41 PM (RJMhd) 88
Willow, how you holding up?
Posted by: maddogg at May 08, 2015 03:42 PM (xWW96) 89
yeah, sometimes I swear people use this stuff because they think they're fooling the rubes...
"you do like Jesus, don't you?" "You do support the troops, don't you? So why do you have them fight a war?" Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 03:42 PM (ZtH3P) 90
"Think back on how we depicted the Germans and Japanese during WWII. Did we worry about offending them."
---- Yeah, but maybe yer just 'Nazi-phobic'! (I couldn't resist) Posted by: gastorgrab at May 08, 2015 03:42 PM (u6OFe) 91
But isn't Pamela Gellar Jewish? So isn't O'Reilly
committing some kind of badthought no-no -ism by trying to force his belief in what Jesus would do on a non-Christian? Posted by: Mandy P., lurking lurker who lurks at May 08, 2015 03:39 PM Yes, Geller is Jewish. Which makes BORe the prime-time equivalent of the stupid shit Martha MacCallum was droning on about the other day. Posted by: huerfano at May 08, 2015 03:42 PM (bynk/) 92
Didn't Jesus work mostly with watercolor?
Posted by: Garrett at May 08, 2015 03:42 PM (qHdWr) 93
Jesus would never draw to an inside straight.
Posted by: The Great White Snark at May 08, 2015 03:42 PM (XUKZU) 94
Jesus allowed himself to be beaten and tortured by the Romans before being crucified--the most humiliating form of execution in the Roman Empire. I think he would have been able to handle a drawing, eh?
Posted by: Dr. Todd Ambrosius at May 08, 2015 03:42 PM (x550S) 95
What Would Jesus Do?
Knocking over tables and chasing people with a whip is not outside the realm of possibility. Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet validates insecurities, hang-ups, neuroses, and parking! at May 08, 2015 03:42 PM (hLRSq) 96
Posted by: Jesus at May 08, 2015 03:42 PM (IPzoI) 97
Posted by: Clutch Cargo at May 08, 2015 03:43 PM (sH832) 98
Damn it brilliant ending Ace.
Posted by: River Guide at May 08, 2015 03:43 PM (RJMhd) 99
My favorite parable of Jesus was the one where the cartoonist was banished to hell for drawing Muhammed. And then told his disciples to keep their mission on the down low.
Posted by: Landofskybluewater at May 08, 2015 03:43 PM (JoIcn) 100
Things that are offensive: Frontpaging your contempt for the victim of an attack on free speech and then exempting yourself from criticism on the grounds of free speech.
Posted by: AMartel at May 08, 2015 03:43 PM (WWgnZ) 101
I want some good old-fashioned smiting.
Posted by: Insomniac at May 08, 2015 03:43 PM (2Ojst) 102
Davy Crockett would never harm a Mexican.
Posted by: Bill O'Really at May 08, 2015 03:43 PM (VAsIq) 103
A weak argument (for once). Sounds to me like all he's saying is that Jesus wouldn't like your going out of your way to offend someone (phony-baloney god, or no). Or your daring some pathological nutjob to kill you by going out of your way to piss him off. And he's not suggesting that anybody bow to Sharia law.
The basic question is whether Ms Gellar is a hero, or just kind of a jerk. I say that one doesn't preclude the other. Posted by: Optimizer at May 08, 2015 03:43 PM (/q6+P) 104
Because gays are all about avoiding campy pomp and circumstance in favor of fratty bro-casual chillaxitude.
I am compelled to point out to you that I was gay-married in a room above a tavern. We forgot to get figures for the wedding cake, so my son and I ran down the street to a comic book store and bought action figures. Our wedding cake was topped with Harley Quinn and Cyborg. If you think I'm kidding, I have pictures. Posted by: Gregory of Yardale at May 08, 2015 03:43 PM (O7MnT) 105
And maybe there's a happy little money lender who lives next to the Temple?...
Posted by: Jesus Ross at May 08, 2015 03:43 PM (qHdWr) 106
Didn't Jesus work mostly with watercolor?
No, he used an airbrush. Did a lot of motorcycle tanks and the occasional van. Posted by: Clutch Cargo at May 08, 2015 03:43 PM (sH832) 107
Anyone can takes a real man to pee the picture in the snow.
Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at May 08, 2015 03:44 PM (uJK1E) 108
Jesus would never draw to an inside straight. This one time.....I turned an inside straight into a Royal Flush. Posted by: Jesus at May 08, 2015 03:44 PM (IPzoI) Posted by: River Guide at May 08, 2015 03:44 PM (RJMhd) 110
Thanks for the ass-whoopin you put on Ted Baxter.
Bill O'Reilly is the THE earthy god for the LIV. Posted by: the roost aint what it used to be at May 08, 2015 03:44 PM (PHYjx) 111
So I guess this means there won't be an O'Reilly penned book titled, "Killing Mo" ?
Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 08, 2015 03:44 PM (K7krX) 112
Sometimes, swear to God, when I hear "religious" people talk about their allegec "religion," it sounds to me like they do not actually believe a blessed word of it, and are chiefly using their "religion" to win arguments.
---- This is very true. If someone talks about their 'religion' (versus their faith, their belief, or their spirituality), it is a fairly reliable indicator that aren't genuine believers. The same way if you walk into a bookstore, if you see a section on 'Religion' (and not 'Spirituality' or 'Faith') it's a pretty good indication that the owners of said bookstore are just stocking books to keep those mouth-breathing Christists happy. Posted by: HuuskerDu at May 08, 2015 03:44 PM (gYAkw) 113
Yes, but, he's killing the competition in the ratings. Let's take a look at the competition. Chris Hayes and Anderson Cooper. .................................. Only so many gheys to go around. Posted by: wth at May 08, 2015 03:45 PM (wAQA5) 114
But clearly he doesn't. He seems to be buying into the pop culture image of Jesus as a kind of live-and-let-live, "Love Is All You Need" hippie.
Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit & Vaginassassin, aka Beth at May 08, 2015 03:36 PM *sings* Imagine no O'Reilly.... Posted by: Stuff John Lennon Should Have Said at May 08, 2015 03:45 PM (h4vJk) 115
The basic question is whether Ms Gellar is a hero, or just kind of a jerk. I say that one doesn't preclude the other.
Posted by: Optimizer at May 08, 2015 03:43 PM (/q6+P) the hell you say!!! Posted by: Andrew Jackson at May 08, 2015 03:45 PM (qh617) 116
This screams out for a sequel to "Stuff Thomas Jefferson Said":
"I am the Lord your God; you shall have no other gods before me. Those buff Roman 'gods' definitely make for some interstng stories, though, amirite?" -- Stuff Jesus Said Posted by: Kevin in ABQ at May 08, 2015 03:45 PM (BvTwT) 117
There was a time when liberals claimed *not* funding blasphemous art was akin to terrorism... back when blasphemous art meant dunking Jesus in urine.
Posted by: Gregory of Yardale at May 08, 2015 03:45 PM (O7MnT) 118
We already know how Jesus would respond to Bill O'Reilly, "I never knew you. Away from me, ye who work inequity."
Posted by: billy sastard at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (VDovR) 119
If you want to kick Bill in the nuts, he's got an online poll going at his webpage....
Poll at O'Reilly's page about provoking the innocent Moslems for those that enjoying f#cking bullshit online poll questions. Posted by: andycanuck at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (kivUY) 120
From the Even Newer Testament Brittany 2:17 - Then the Lord said, "Whatever Dude, it's all good." Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (kdS6q) 121
Bill O'Reilly - High priest in the First Church of Retardidity.
Posted by: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (YYJjz) 122
The basic question is whether Ms Gellar is a hero, or just kind of a jerk. I say that one doesn't preclude the other.
Posted by: Optimizer at May 08, 2015 03:43 PM (/q6+P) I disagree that that's the basic question. We shouldn't be having a debate over Ms. Geller's jerkiness. The only question when jihadi's come to kill a free people is "will you stand with the free people?" Posted by: Duke at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (ChY2Q) 123
There is an important distinction that is missing here.
Jesus taught and exemplified personal morals and actions, attitudes and behavior. It is extremely difficult to extrapolate this to how a government or society is to behave. There were many things which were 'legal' that Jesus taught were wrong. He didn't try to change the governing laws, just how people lived in relationship to God. Examples of things that were (are?) considered wrong, but should probably not be illegal: homosexuality, adultery, worshipping Zeus, etc. Jesus said forgive and turn the other cheek, but a governing law based on that ethic can not survive. Based on what Jesus taught, I don't believe he would have sponsored the contest, because it doesn't show love to the other. You can't easily extrapolate to the law of the land: Jesus teachings are meant to be used that way. Posted by: Kevin Canuck at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (RMOt8) 124
Poor ol' Ted's just not as smart as he thinks he is but no one can tell him that. Or get a word in edgewise.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (LA7Cm) 125
Check out the #ImAllForFreeSpeechBut hashtag. Please jump in.
Posted by: @PeeteySDee at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (KF/jv) 126
Joan of Arc would not have done anything to upset the status quo in France.
Posted by: Bill O'Really at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (VAsIq) Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (k+itx) 128
I would never sexually assault a woman -- I might have to pay her off in hush money.
Posted by: Super Bill at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (wkuqO) 129
47 Yes, but, he's killing the competition in the ratings. Let's take a look at the competition.
Chris Hayes and Anderson Cooper. Hmm. ---------------------- One looks like a girl and the other takes it like a girl. Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (oDCMR) 130
And the really ironic thing is that there a ton of idiots who think he is a conservative.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (wlDny) 131
But clearly he doesn't. He seems to be buying into the pop culture image of Jesus as a kind of live-and-let-live, "Love Is All You Need" hippie.
Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit & Vaginassassin, aka Beth at May 08, 2015 03:36 PM Pharisees: This woman was caught in the act of adultery! O'Reilly's Jesus: Like, far out, man! Hey, babe, how 'bout a little free love? I already know you're easy! Posted by: Insomniac at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (2Ojst) 132
As I recall Christian Bill is also pro-abortion on demand.
Posted by: andycanuck at May 08, 2015 03:47 PM (kivUY) 133
Yes, but, he's killing the competition in the ratings. Let's take a look at the competition.
Only if you look at news. SpongeBob still kicks his ass roundly every evening. Posted by: Clutch Cargo at May 08, 2015 03:47 PM (sH832) 134
Uh, graven image, dude.
Posted by: AP, 1944 at May 08, 2015 03:47 PM (oVJmc) 135
Jesus would not also waste his time watching Bill.
Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO Tax Preparer for the Stars of MSNBC and The Clinton Foundation at May 08, 2015 03:47 PM (/HC6x) 136
The tide goes in ... the tide goes out, ace. That's how we know God exists. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Posted by: Bill O'Reilly at May 08, 2015 03:47 PM (xkSSa) 137
>> i like my jesus wearing a tuxedo shirt
Dear baby infant Jesus, little balled up fists in your crib, don't got a worry in the world... Posted by: Mike Honcho at May 08, 2015 03:47 PM (PA7DS) 138
A prophet of God--like Noah--would never leave people to drown when he had a perfectly serviceable boat.
Posted by: Bill O'Really at May 08, 2015 03:47 PM (VAsIq) 139
111 So I guess this means there won't be an O'Reilly penned book titled, "Killing Mo" ?
Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 08, 2015 03:44 PM (K7krX) Actually... there is a theory out there that Moh never existed in the first place.... as there is no historical records which even come close to talking about him. Which would go a long way towards explaining why they say 'you can't have pictures of him'... its because they never did exist... Posted by: BB Wolf at May 08, 2015 03:47 PM (qh617) 140
The Question isn't about Geller the question is are we going to curtail the actions of any American to a freelancing foreign terrorists that enforces sharia law?
Posted by: River Guide at May 08, 2015 03:47 PM (RJMhd) 141
I love the troops too, Billy, but I don't think our troops are fighting over there so that we can impose shariah law for them for their homecoming.
I wonder how many WWI doughboys knew they were fighting for Prohibition? Posted by: rickl at May 08, 2015 03:47 PM (zoehZ) 142
Sometimes O'Reilly is right, but sometimes he is so far off the mark he looks like a crackhead. I guess he is a blind hog.
Posted by: maddogg at May 08, 2015 03:48 PM (xWW96) 143
No, I don't think Jesus would endorse an anti-Islam cartoon exhibit. I'm not good at referencing Scripture, but I'm pretty sure Jesus said something about not taking part in idiotic things.
Posted by: FireHorse at May 08, 2015 03:48 PM (8LT/S) 144
Our wedding cake was topped with Harley Quinn and Cyborg.
If you think I'm kidding, I have pictures. Posted by: Gregory of Yardale at May 08, 2015 03:43 PM (O7MnT) I have to ask, who is the Harley Quinn in your relationship? Posted by: Heralder at May 08, 2015 03:48 PM (ECROs) 145
As I recall Christian Bill is also pro-abortion on demand.
He's just looking out for you. The blob of cells, not so much. Posted by: Clutch Cargo at May 08, 2015 03:48 PM (sH832) 146
As I recall Christian Bill is also pro-abortion on demand.
Posted by: andycanuck at May 08, 2015 03:47 PM (kivUY) ******************* That can't be. I'm a Catholic. Posted by: Bill O'Reilly at May 08, 2015 03:48 PM (xkSSa) 147
Jesus said the 7th Commandment doesn't apply when making creepy unwanted sexual advances towards your producer.
Posted by: Bill O'Reilly at May 08, 2015 03:48 PM (JoIcn) 148
What's a cartoon? Posted by: Jesus at May 08, 2015 03:48 PM (wAQA5) 149
Jesus raised a 9-year-old girl from the dead; Mo humped one.
Posted by: andycanuck at May 08, 2015 03:49 PM (kivUY) 150
It's almost as if the entire MFM is on the islamonazi payroll
Posted by: Taqyia2Me at May 08, 2015 03:49 PM (sJuKe) 151
I disagree that that's the basic question. We shouldn't be having a debate over Ms. Geller's jerkiness. The only question when jihadi's come to kill a free people is "will you stand with the free people?" Good said. Posted by: eleven at May 08, 2015 03:49 PM (IPzoI) 152
Shill O'Reilly.
Posted by: zombie at May 08, 2015 03:49 PM (jBuUi) 153
The basic question is whether Ms Gellar is a hero, or just kind of a jerk. I say that one doesn't preclude the other.
Posted by: Optimize it's not the basic question. it's irrelevant. but you did stumble on the basic answer, that the people offended are pathological nutjobs. Posted by: Name That Tune at May 08, 2015 03:49 PM (n5fTN) 154
Geller isn't the question at all.
The question is 'Are we being silenced by the threat of violence,' and the answer from all the cacophony is clearly 'Yes.' Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at May 08, 2015 03:50 PM (oVJmc) 155
Would this perhaps be the same Jesus who chased the Money Lenders from the Temple? For essentially blaspheming a Holy Place?
Posted by: History, Yelling LOUDLY but no on is listening at May 08, 2015 03:38 PM (qh617) ---------------------------------------- Is this the same Jesus that told his disciples to buy a gun? Posted by: Soona at May 08, 2015 03:50 PM (/HX7u) 156
David wouldn't have tried to kill Goliath--he would have tried to co-exist with his neighbors through appeasement.
Posted by: Bill O'Really at May 08, 2015 03:50 PM (VAsIq) 157
"No one is saying the exposition was illegal..."
You're right, dildo. People are saying it should be illegal. Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Keeper of the Guards at May 08, 2015 03:50 PM (fwARV) 158
maddog, alright, little tearful at times, angry at times, but i'm sure thats a normal part of this.
Posted by: willow at May 08, 2015 03:50 PM (nqBYe) 159
>>>Based on what Jesus taught, I don't believe he would have sponsored the contest, because it doesn't show love to the other.
assuming Jesus was a real God of his own religion, then he would not have observed a false religion's forbiddances. To observe a false religion's forbiddances is to suggest, however slightly, that that religion is correct. Now, *I* would not sponsor such a contest, but that's because I don't believe in Salvation, and ergo do not believe people can be led astray on the point. But if I understand the plot here, Jesus was of an entirely different mindset on this point. Posted by: ace at May 08, 2015 03:50 PM (PA7DS) 160
Jesus would not also waste his time watching Bill.
Jesus wouldn't even have a premium cable package. Basic cable only. Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 08, 2015 03:50 PM (8ZskC) 161
Bill O'Reilly is rewarding the Islamic dogs with a Pavlovian cookie they will come back more rapidly for their second feeding.
Posted by: River Guide at May 08, 2015 03:50 PM (RJMhd) 162
BOR is a fool. He proves it frequently.
Posted by: nip at May 08, 2015 03:51 PM (a6Odp) 163
I have to ask, who is the Harley Quinn in your relationship?
That's a good question. And I don't have an answer. If I had been willing to spend more, it could have been Darryl from TWD and Wash from Serenity. Posted by: Gregory of Yardale at May 08, 2015 03:51 PM (O7MnT) 164
Jesus would be welcoming to Muslims, inviting them to the one and only way to the Father. He would castigate the false worship of Islam.
Christianity is not (nor should it ever have been presented) as "nice". It's not moral therapeutic deism. It's following Jesus. Posted by: James at May 08, 2015 03:51 PM (9ui3c) 165
O'Reilly isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. There are strengths and weaknesses among all opponents. Freedom is not only a US strength, but also a weakness. Freedom means that a jihadi who gets into the country can move around to find targets of opportunity. It also means that other Americans can carry guns and take care of the jihadi. One of the weaknesses of mohammedans is that they freak like killer bees when somebody pokes fun at their deity. It makes it easy to pick them out from the crowd and take them out, so we work with it.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada at May 08, 2015 03:51 PM (yIZJ3) 166
>>>From the Even Newer Testament
Brittany 2:17 - Then the Lord said, "Whatever Dude, it's all good." ... And Jesus sayeth unto him, "You do you, Broseph." Posted by: ace at May 08, 2015 03:51 PM (PA7DS) 167
I definitely would have equated to Wash in that circumstances.
Posted by: Gregory of Yardale at May 08, 2015 03:51 PM (O7MnT) 168
If'n we's a speculatin' here, I reckon there's a good chance that Jesus was a referrin' to Islam as the Beast in His Revelation to John.
Posted by: Alvin C York at May 08, 2015 03:51 PM (6E2VN) 169
O'Reilly should read "The War Prayer" and maybe reflect on what he's been asking 0bama do in comparison with Gellar asking people to draw cartoons.
Posted by: ryukyu at May 08, 2015 03:52 PM (j29PP) 170
All religion aside; if you believe you are looking at a lie, and if you believe that people have a right to know, then you are obligated to call it a lie.
Posted by: gastorgrab at May 08, 2015 03:52 PM (u6OFe) 171
Posted by: willow at May 08, 2015 03:50 PM (nqBYe)
You are in my prayers, and that isn't a platitude. Posted by: maddogg at May 08, 2015 03:52 PM (xWW96) 172
Yup. The guy who chased the moneychangers out of the temple with a whip woulda been super chillaxe a DEATH CULT.
You betcha. Posted by: Warden at May 08, 2015 03:52 PM (wHAYQ) 173
It's that-a-way, I reckon, with other things 'sides plowin'. Satan's got ya by the shirt tail, Bill!
Posted by: Pastor Pyle at May 08, 2015 03:52 PM (6E2VN) 174
So maybe what Jesus would've said is more along the lines of the ole "If thine eye offends thee pluck it out" and then He'd like command the Muslims to blind themselves or STFU.
DEATH DEATH TO THE EYEBALLS Posted by: Bigby's Oven Mitt at May 08, 2015 03:52 PM (3ZtZW) 175
I am a devout Catholic, and I'll say that there are wide range of issues that I can't imagine speculating what The Son Of God's opinion would be - farting in a crowded elevator, eating the last doughnut, laughing when a fat person falls, belching and blowing it in a friend's face, drawing a cartoon of Mohammed, etc.
In the big perspective, the time I spend in Purgatory for any of the above is going to be a very tiny percent of the more serious shit I've done. Posted by: Fleegle at May 08, 2015 03:52 PM (jxdK2) 176
Oh, and O'Reilly also says we shouldn't draw Mohammad because we need to Win Wars and Kill Jihadis.
Sounds like we should. What better way to flush them out? Posted by: rickb223 Straight, Conservative Clinger at May 08, 2015 03:52 PM (+zma3) 177
You should watch the movie Interstellar it has a moment like that in it.
--- Insterstellar has one of the strongest pro-faith depictions on film that I've seen in years. I wrote a short story that goes past the end of the film and explains how the exciting advances in physics and cosmology during the past two decades strongly indicate that the Universe is not random. See slash 1FUf4W4 Posted by: HuuskerDu at May 08, 2015 03:52 PM (gYAkw) 178
So if Gellar is a jerk, then so are the South Park guys and every other Hollywood screenwriter/comedian/author/journalist who has ever written something that mocks Jesus, etc.
If that's how we want to go, fine, but they *all* have to own up to their jerkitude. Not just Gellar. Posted by: Lizzy at May 08, 2015 03:53 PM (2TN4k) 179
Because Jesus never mocked the Pharisees.
Posted by: exhelodrvr at May 08, 2015 03:53 PM (x4xDj) 180
I've been thinking about how I feel about this..
And, basically I think the draw mohammed stunt was stupid and tasteless. But, in this country, you have to right to do stupid stuff and insulting a religion is included, just like the artist who had crucifixes in urine and statues of Mary covered in feces. So, lets defend the rights of people to say whatever they want. yes.. but lets not fall over ourselves congratulating idiots like Pam Geller for doing something "courageous". It was simply stupid and tasteless. Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at May 08, 2015 03:53 PM (so+oy) 181
Jesus would not also waste his time watching Bill.
Jesus wouldn't even have a premium cable package. Basic cable only.Posted by: Cicero (@cicero).............................Oh, no no no! He's a Premium Member. Posted by: Bill O'Reilly at May 08, 2015 03:53 PM (wAQA5) 182
O'Reilly is an idiot. That's not exactly news. I hate all these hypothetical WWJD things, although I'm sure I've been guilty before. No, I don't think Jesus would be involved in this because he would be busy doing other things. Like knocking over tables and healing the blind and telling people who act suspiciously like modern day muslims to shove it when they are trying to murder a woman and turning water into wine. Good wine. Not the cheap stuff you usually get at the end of a party. Posted by: Lea at May 08, 2015 03:53 PM (lIU4e) 183
if she smokes, she'll fuck
Posted by: other stuff Jesus said at May 08, 2015 03:53 PM (n5fTN) Posted by: Roy at May 08, 2015 03:53 PM (VndSC) 185
BTW, thanks to all this news about the cartoon contest shootings, my death-threats-per-week rate has skyrocketed recently. Jihadist searching for info about "Mohammed cartoons" discover my Mo Archive by accident and generally go ballistic
Here's a death threat that just arrived: --------------------------------- From: Hassan Bakari Subject: U dont deserve to live Date: May 4, 2015 3:35:51 PM PDT I dont know what to say but ill pray to Almighty Allah to destroy u and your family and to change u to anything worse in shaa Allah amin.ur whole life wil b in hell --------------------------------- I tried to check the IP to see where it came from, but since it was a "gmail," the IP just traces back to Google's servers, and no further. (When I post these death threats on my site, I usually like to note what country they're coming from.) Posted by: zombie at May 08, 2015 03:54 PM (jBuUi) 186
Take my prostitute...please!
Hey, you know what brand of underwear I wear? Fruit of the Womb! I'll be here all night. Try the loaves and fishes. Posted by: Standup Jesus at May 08, 2015 03:54 PM (7ObY1) 187
ty, md
Posted by: willow at May 08, 2015 03:54 PM (nqBYe) 188
Jesus might also say that Bill O'Reilly is an asshole
Posted by: kbdabear at May 08, 2015 03:54 PM (GrXXa) 189
Oh, and O'Reilly also says we shouldn't draw Mohammad because we need to Win Wars and Kill Jihadis.
Charlie Chaplin's merciless mockery of Hitler prolonged WWII by at least four years. Posted by: Bill O'Reilly at May 08, 2015 03:54 PM (8ZskC) 190
Don't hide your light under a bushel..Oh shit, a Muslim!!
This conversation never happened! Posted by: Stuff Jesus said at May 08, 2015 03:55 PM (JoIcn) 191
Also, I'm sure this has been mentioned already since I'm late, but it's pretty hysterical to watch people go all 'this is not what Jesus would do!' to someone who is apparently Jewish.
Posted by: Lea at May 08, 2015 03:55 PM (lIU4e) 192
Send me!
Posted by: The 3rd Batallion 75th Ranger Regiment Cartoonists at May 08, 2015 03:55 PM (6E2VN) 193
If I had been willing to spend more, it could have been Darryl from TWD and Wash from Serenity.
Posted by: Gregory of Yardale at May 08, 2015 03:51 PM (O7MnT) Hahah, great choices. Posted by: Heralder at May 08, 2015 03:55 PM (ECROs) Posted by: Ricardo Kill at May 08, 2015 03:55 PM (LA7Cm) 195
More seriously tho
Isn't all the kill kill die die shit just like infantile temper tantrums? I mean, look idiots NO ONE has offended you is what should be said, along with and we're gonna knock the shit out of you for having the ragesquirts and timeout, little mans until they get older anyway. Posted by: Bigby's Oven Mitt at May 08, 2015 03:55 PM (3ZtZW) 196
"I am a devout Catholic, and I'll say that there are wide range of issues that I can't imagine speculating what The Son Of God's opinion would be - farting in a crowded elevator..."
Just this one time I will let you know my thoughts: He who smelt it, dealt it. Posted by: Jesus H. Christ at May 08, 2015 03:56 PM (nFdGS) 197
I'm gonna get killed for this.
O'Reilly is Catholic. I was educated by Catholics all the way up to my doctorate. Many are wonderful people in sync with God. Many are into following the outward traditions of the Church out of habit and/or a desire to be seen as righteous, and have no real relationship with God. I'm reasonably sure O'Reilly is one of the latter. I can almost guarantee he hasn't fallen on his face in tears crying out to Abba Father for forgiveness and mercy recently, if ever. I'm not sure Jesus wants us to openly antagonize anyone. We are to speak truth in love. As a Christian, I can't say Ms. Gellar did what she did out of love. As an American, however, I'll take a bullet for her right to do it. Posted by: Random guy at May 08, 2015 03:56 PM (yxw0r) 198
I'm pretty sure that the man that said "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last" doesn't take to kindly to some goat humper that has inspired his followers to murder Christians.
He knew it would happen and warned the Apostles. But to think that today he would care about a cartoon is an entirely new level of stupid that can't be measured. Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at May 08, 2015 03:56 PM (X+nFp) 199
So, lets defend the rights of people to say whatever they want. yes.. but lets not fall over ourselves congratulating idiots like Pam Geller for doing something "courageous". It was simply stupid and tasteless.
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at May 08, 2015 03:53 PM (so+oy) You mean stupid and tasteless like stating bullshit gun death statistics? Posted by: maddogg at May 08, 2015 03:56 PM (xWW96) 200
JC said "ye seek to kill me because my word hath no place in you.
ye are of your Father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in truth, because there is no truth in him. It seems significant JC said they wanted to kill him for speaking "truth" that they didn't want to hear. Whether Geller's artists were speaking truth or not doesn't matter much, the radical Islamic response is to murder. Seems directly analagous to what JC confronted, yet he kept speaking what the Pharisees considered to be blasphemy against their church. Also of interest, the crowd on crucifixion day chanted "give us Barabas" when they could have chosen to "pardon" JC. No doubt a community organizer like Obama/Sharpton was out their riling up the mob, the same way they used government to convict JC. O'Reilly is a pinhead. Radical Islam is a big problem, but so is communism, and the PC religion it uses to control leftists. Posted by: Illiniwek at May 08, 2015 03:56 PM (QGjci) 201
What did BOR say about the piss Christ? The riots killed thousands, the rebuilding will take generations.
Posted by: just saying at May 08, 2015 03:56 PM (wkuqO) 202
If only "moderate" Muslims would choose a side, we wouldn't have to offend them all.
Posted by: gastorgrab at May 08, 2015 03:39 PM (u6OFe) Yeeeeeah, about that. What are we going to do? Obey, the MSM and progtards, or obey Allah and his words in the Koran and kill the unbelievers? You do know according to Allah it's moral and all to lie to your face, don't you? Yeah, just checking.... Posted by: "Moderate" Muslims at May 08, 2015 03:56 PM (0cMkb) 203
WWJD doesn't mean much to Geller anyway, because she's Jewish, O'Reilly you ass.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at May 08, 2015 03:57 PM (oVJmc) 204
BOR is a terribly stupid douchebag.
Posted by: Gwyneth's steaming hooha at May 08, 2015 03:57 PM (Cz/08) 205
I remember catching some of Jesus' Fireside chats on the TV when I was a Youngun in Scranton.... Literally.
Posted by: Joey Biden... Tellin' Stories at May 08, 2015 03:57 PM (fLKzW) 206
Commandment #2
4Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or ANY LIKENESS of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: That includes images of a long hair false Christ, a cross, or a 6th century "prophet". Posted by: bigtabasco at May 08, 2015 03:57 PM (FKBLq) 207
Verily I say unto thee, if thou drawest a Muhammed cartoon and thine neck is slit from some cray-cray Muzzie, then thou didst have it coming, fool.
Posted by: Warden at May 08, 2015 03:57 PM (wHAYQ) 208
Actually... there is a theory out there that Moh never existed in the first place.... as there is no historical records which even come close to talking about him.
Which would go a long way towards explaining why they say 'you can't have pictures of him'... its because they never did exist... Posted by: BB Wolf Yeah, I've seen that mentioned here and there, but Mecca and Medina were conquered by some group of rabid thugs, and the text of the Koran had to have been written by a group or someone. So that framework kind of makes sense, but it's a much more elaborate hypothesis than the one in which a single maniac is the central actor who didn't bother with the typical iconography and veneration of conquering maniacs. Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 08, 2015 03:57 PM (K7krX) 209
Billy is just Establishment. As such, he would appreciate it if we would just Shut the Hell Up ... so shit can get back to normal and he can make his next Killing So and So book for another pile of cash.
That's all he, and the GOPe, and the Chamber of Commerce really give a flying fuck about. Their next pile of cash. The sooner us Proles get with the program, the better off they'll be. Posted by: ScoggDog at May 08, 2015 03:57 PM (dP3gR) 210
Jesus would not also waste his time watching Bill. ........................................ But he might tune in occasionally for Megyn Kelly. Posted by: guy who's hoping Jesus is not reading these comments at May 08, 2015 03:57 PM (wAQA5) 211
Interesting thing about these death threats: They very often also threaten to kill my family. Because, really, if you think about it, they deserve murdering too, since they're related to someone who reposted something on the Internet.
Seriously, Islam is an organized and codified form of mental illness, a vast coalition of psychopaths who feed off each other's personality disorders. Posted by: zombie at May 08, 2015 03:57 PM (jBuUi) 212
Huusker Du.
Damn it that sounds interesting as hell- as soon as I am off this stupid iPhone platform-- I'm going to check that out. Posted by: River Guide at May 08, 2015 03:57 PM (RJMhd) 213
Zombie, what an illuminating killer coconut you got there.
See they want to scare everyone into submission.. aka Islam. Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at May 08, 2015 03:58 PM (k+itx) 214
Just got back from errands - was listening to the comedy radio station (nothing but stand-up clips). Heard one of 'em do a whole bit on how stupid Christians are how they don't like fact, they're idiots to explain away bad stuff with 'God works in mysterious ways', etc.
Why is that OK and not drawing Mohammed. Why do they get extra-special kidglove treatment and I don't (not that I want it)??? I'd rather live in a world where people can mock my faith than live in fear of having their head lopped off for it. Posted by: Lizzy at May 08, 2015 03:58 PM (2TN4k) 215
Jesus would never intentionally hurt or offend people like that.
Posted by: The truth at May 08, 2015 03:58 PM (ibvmu) 216
I heard it like - 'if she smokes, she'll put anything into her mouth'.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada at May 08, 2015 03:58 PM (yIZJ3) 217
"To observe a false religion's forbiddances is to suggest, however slightly, that that religion is correct. "
No ace, that just ain't so. There is a lot of overlap between religions for one thing. Even where there isn't overlap, Jesus certainly never intimated a theology like you suggest. For example, he didn't worship Caesar, he never insulted or denigrated Caesar, even when given perfect opportunities to do so. Posted by: Kevin Canuck at May 08, 2015 03:58 PM (RMOt8) 218
Remember when it was all about *not* letting the terrorists win?
Posted by: Gregory of Yardale at May 08, 2015 03:58 PM (O7MnT) 219
Isn't Vanity one of the Cardinal sins? Bill O seems like a very vain man.
Posted by: berberbilder at May 08, 2015 03:59 PM (KqdfW) 220
Of course Geller is being provocative, she's trying to provoke her society to deal with a serious problem it has steadfastly ignored, largely because a substantial number of people think you can make the problem going away by ignoring it.
The previous paragraph has been used to justify a million obnoxious liberal causes. I just like pointing out how hypocritical liberals are. I especially like how they say that claiming Geller's message is hateful because it's true - it's hard to distill their claim that the terror attack is her fault without reducing it to that. In other words, they make the same claim she does, it's just wrong for her to do it. Pretty much the excuse every bigoted leftist who drew racialist cartoons of Clarence Thomas or called Condoleeza Rice a "house slave" used - they're on the "right side," so bigotry is okay for them. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at May 08, 2015 03:59 PM (bLnSU) 221
And what point is that blowhard trying to make? That we should abdicate the First Amendment to a bunch murderous zealots because "that's what Jesus would do?" This isn't about our religion vs. theirs - it's about freedom of speech vs. kowtowing to a bunch of murderous terrorists.
Fuck off, O'Reilly. Posted by: Eisenhorn at May 08, 2015 03:59 PM (1li1B) 222
Like Levin said, O'Reilly is missing the point. It goes deeper than free speech. It points to Sharia Law. We should be asking, why are the Democrats supporting Sharia Law. And O'Reilly. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 08, 2015 03:59 PM (IXrOn) 223
Based on what Jesus taught, I don't believe he would have sponsored the contest, because it doesn't show love to the other.
Posted by: Kevin Canuck at May 08, 2015 03:46 PM (RMOt ![]() ***************************************** Read Mt 23. Jesus could be quite caustic and mocking at times. Also as noted above various prophets such as Elijah and Isaiah created withering mocking word-caricatures of false gods. Prophets inspired by Jesus himself. Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at May 08, 2015 03:59 PM (xkSSa) 224
All but one of the twelve Apostles were martyred for their faith in Jesus as the risen Son of God.
They all chose death before forsaking Him. Matthew: killed by the sword in Ethiopia. Mark: dragged by horses through the streets in Alexandria, Egypt. Luke: hanged in Greece. John: faced martyrdom when he was boiled in a vat of oil, but miraculously escaped death, and was exiled to the island of Patmos, where he wrote Revelation, the last book of the Bible. The only Apostle who wasn't martyred. Peter: crucified upside-down on an X-shaped cross, after telling his tormenters that he wasn't worthy to die in the fashion of his Lord. James the Less: beaten to death with a fuller's club outside the Temple in Jerusalem. James the Greater: Was beheaded in Jerusalem. The Roman officer who guarded him at the trial was so moved by this that he accepted Christ, bowed his head, and was beheaded alongside James. Bartholomew: flayed to death by a whip in Armenia. Andrew: crucified on an X-shaped cross in Greece. He preached the Word to his killers for two days as he hung there. Thomas (the Doubter): stabbed with a spear in India. Jude: killed with arrows when he refused to deny Christ. Matthias: stoned to death by the Jews in Jerusalem, then beheaded. Barnabas: stoned to death at Salonica. Phillip: crucified. Paul: tortured and beheaded by Emperor Nero of Rome. So, no. Jesus himself said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes unto the Father but by me." Posted by: Beverly at May 08, 2015 03:59 PM (40Ujt) 225
It's kind of strange how so many so-called conservative media talking heads are all lock-step on this one issue, united with the left. Very strange. I seem to recall something about a UN resolution to ban blasphemy, and that Hillarity was in favor of it (I could be wrong).
Looks like we're (be)headed that way. Posted by: fly gal at May 08, 2015 03:59 PM (8TdcF) 226
Yes, we want to defeat Jihad. Guess what, dumbass, you don't defeat something by embracing the restrictions they wish to place upon you.
Posted by: no good deed at May 08, 2015 03:59 PM (GgxVX) 227
Theoretically . . .
Jesus WOULD have opposed drawing Morehammad. Because the Law of Moses commands not to make any graven images of man (or beast). Morehammad being a "man", by technicality of genetic composition, not be demonstration of any virtue or even basic humanity, images of him are forbidden. Of course Jesus also acknowledged the image of Caesar on a coin, along with the use of said coin, so it can also be expected that Jesus would not object to those not bound by the Law of Moses, or interpreting it in a fashion so as to allow portraiture, and thus caricature, drawing Morehammad. And, given the way Jesus enthusiastically denounced flaws priests within Judaism, it is extremely unlikely he would oppose denouncing flawed priests, even prophets, of other religions, particularly when their values are in such opposition to the ones he endorsed. So while Jesus would not, on an individual basis, have engaged in making such cartoons, it is highly unlikely he would denounce others, except on a technical point, which is the core of what he preached against in the first place. Posted by: Sam at May 08, 2015 04:00 PM (mkv9z) 228
You mean stupid and tasteless like stating bullshit gun death statistics?
Posted by: maddogg ........... I retracted that almost immediately. I took the wrong numbers and admitted so. Asshole. Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at May 08, 2015 04:00 PM (so+oy) 229
"To observe a false religion's forbiddances is to suggest, however slightly, that that religion is correct."
Are we assuming here that Jesus is walking the earth (and gaining disciples and performing acts, etc.) amid an Islamic society governed by sharia rather than pagan Rome? In this case, Jesus would abide by Islamic law (i.e., the law) to the extent that it doesn't contradict anything he's preaching. As far as I know, Jesus was very much against pissing off authority of any kind just for the sake of doing it. Posted by: FireHorse at May 08, 2015 04:00 PM (8LT/S) Posted by: The Underwear Gnomes at May 08, 2015 04:00 PM (O7MnT) 231
Even where there isn't overlap, Jesus certainly never intimated a theology like you suggest. For example, he didn't worship Caesar, he never insulted or denigrated Caesar, even when given perfect opportunities to do so.
It wouldn't have worked. I know how to handle hecklers. Posted by: Sid Caesar at May 08, 2015 04:00 PM (8ZskC) 232
Ace; First off, you're arguing about what an idiot said/says.
Second; I'd just about guarantee that anyone you talk to who claims to know what Jesus would do about anything, is a Christian in Name Only and not a "believer" (lots of "religious" people fall into this group). (in other words they have some other motive for expressing their beliefs and it isn't to praise God or Believe in Jesus) Third; Again, O'Really's an idiot. Taking his word about religion is like taking the word of a gay about heterosexual sex. I'm sure they don't care for it and probably don't know much about it's pleasures and pitfalls even though they may have tried it. Did I mention he's an idiot? Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at May 08, 2015 04:00 PM (zRby/) 233
MLK exposed hate and prejudice in the Jim Crow south by marching and drawing out the haters.
Geller is drawing out the Muslim extreme and showing the hate. Posted by: redenzo at May 08, 2015 04:00 PM (WCnJW) 234
After the fact, O'Reilly gets all emotional (read: angry and defensive), telling people not to become so emotional... Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 08, 2015 04:00 PM (IXrOn) 235
Jesus would never intentionally hurt or offend people like that.
Posted by: The truth at May 08, 2015 03:58 PM (ibvmu) ********* The Fuck Man...... Posted by: Money Changer.... In the Temple at May 08, 2015 04:01 PM (fLKzW) 236
But to think that today he would care about a cartoon is an entirely new level of stupid that can't be measured.
----------------------------------- They actually do measure it - in units of McKinney-Boxers, after Cynthia McKinney and Senator Ma'am Posted by: Roy at May 08, 2015 04:01 PM (VndSC) 237
To observe a false religion's forbiddances is to suggest, however slightly, that that religion is correct.
*** interesting that there aren't too many cross faith exchanges in the new testament (that I can describe off of the top of my head). Probably better are stories that deal with different nationalities interacting, as in with the good samaritan. Interesting. But the point here is that, AFAIK, Gellar wants to "raise awareness" by "getting in your face"....which is supposedly a good thing. We, as Christians (even if you are an atheist, in the West, you are a fish swimming in our waters where your values of humanism is simply the after effect of being Christian without the God stuff) generally assume goodness in others, will help people, and so forth. We're not well prepared for muslim colonists who pretty much despise our whole tradition, except for the religious portion. So instead of humanists swimming in Christian love, we're getting weirdo cultists that only respect the theological life. so raise awareness, that despite all the not all muslims bomb marathons, throw acid at bitches, set up rape centers, and what not, we're incompatible. Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:01 PM (ZtH3P) 238
Posted by: bigtabasco at May 08, 2015 03:57 PM -- You do understand the concept of 'graven image', yes? It doesn't mean cartoon, nor does it mean portrait. Posted by: Vashta Nerada at May 08, 2015 04:01 PM (yIZJ3) 239
Bill O'Reilly: 5000 years of religious thought reduced to a Jot cartoon. Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at May 08, 2015 04:01 PM (kdS6q) 240
This is a very UN-PC opinion, but I'm just about convinced that Islam is going to turn out to be the anti-Christ religion from Revelation.
Posted by: Mandy P., lurking lurker who lurks at May 08, 2015 04:01 PM (KkVB6) 241
I watch O'Reilly Wednesdays starting at 8:40, because Miller is da bomb.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 08, 2015 04:01 PM (JtwS4) 242
159 I don't know about that. Jesus went out of his way to be deliberately provocative towards the Pharisees, often metaphorically spitting in their face.
It's one of the reasons they were pushing for his crucifixion. Posted by: Landofskybluewater at May 08, 2015 04:02 PM (JoIcn) 243
Ha that's why they picked gmail, if they did not use a mobile sometimes you can get te originating domain. Sounds like they used a mobile service. Posted by: River Guide at May 08, 2015 04:02 PM (RJMhd) 244
Bill is a big git.
Now, git has two definitions. One, it is a slang New England version of get. Second, it a noun that means 'a contemptible person, often a fool'. Deciding which definition I'm shooting for is an exercise left to the reader. Posted by: zombie at May 08, 2015 03:54 PM (jBuUi) Which is why it is essential that zombie maintain his/her anonymity. Please don't try and figure out exactly who zombie is; it could cost zombie's life. Posted by: GnuBreed at May 08, 2015 04:02 PM (gfdW1) 245
First off, you're arguing about what an idiot said/says.
Toid in a diaper repaid an idiot. Palindrome Posted by: Gregory of Yardale at May 08, 2015 04:02 PM (O7MnT) 246
I don't watch Fox because of O'Reilly and Hannity. I get all the news I need regarding these issues right here without wasting time with those embarassments to "the cause"
Posted by: Robschr at May 08, 2015 04:02 PM (DTQWc) Posted by: River Guide at May 08, 2015 04:02 PM (RJMhd) Posted by: Jukin, Former Republican at May 08, 2015 04:02 PM (TV9BR) 249
>>>> This fuck, however, knows better and is doing this, and leading his folk astray,
This, BTW, is axiomatic for EVIL in the Buddhist sense. Works for Christians, too, since Bearing False Witness. Posted by: Bigby's Oven Mitt at May 08, 2015 04:02 PM (3ZtZW) 250
Yes, of course. after all Jesus would, by his non participation, support false God's, said nobody ever.
This doesn't even make sense intellectually. Never mind philosophically or in a religious sense. I'm a little tired of the WWJD crowd, who wields that phrase like a platitude. Especially when it's pretty clear what he would do. O'Reilly, is just an entertainment buffoon. Posted by: Marcus T at May 08, 2015 04:02 PM (GGCsk) 251
Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Its not what would Jesus do... its what is he GOING to do.... Posted by: BB Wolf at May 08, 2015 04:03 PM (qh617) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 08, 2015 04:03 PM (ODxAs) 253
O'Reilly does love Jesus. Didn't you see Jesus quotes on the Factor Gear coffee mugs?
Posted by: kbdabear at May 08, 2015 04:03 PM (GrXXa) 254
@ Ace, I think you forgot to mention that O'Reilly is a pompous ass. and YES he is an idiot.
Posted by: Coldwarrior57 at May 08, 2015 04:03 PM (rO5kl) 255
Only 1 "falafel": Except that Bill got confused and said he was going to "falafel" her. Well, maybe he wasn't confused and is into that sort of thing. Posted by: Duke I'm disappointed, horde. I agree with Bill however. Muslms are such petulant, violent child-minds that we must cater to their whims to avoid public temper tantrums. Posted by: imp at May 08, 2015 04:03 PM (XIXZz) 256
We, as Christians (even if you are an atheist, in the West, you are a fish swimming in our waters where your values of humanism is simply the after effect of being Christian without the God stuff) generally assume goodness in others, will help people, and so forth.
Orthodox Christianity does not teach that goodness is the default state of man. Quite the opposite, actually. Posted by: Insomniac at May 08, 2015 04:04 PM (2Ojst) Posted by: kbdabear at May 08, 2015 04:04 PM (GrXXa) Posted by: River Guide at May 08, 2015 04:04 PM (RJMhd) Posted by: ScoggDog at May 08, 2015 04:04 PM (dP3gR) 260
I can almost guarantee [O'Reilly] hasn't fallen on his face in tears crying out to Abba Father for forgiveness and mercy recently, if ever.
Look who thinks he's nothing! Posted by: bill o'reilly's priest talking to a rabbi punchline at May 08, 2015 04:04 PM (kivUY) 261
It's telling how this odd little event has certainly separated the wheat from the chaff. I knew Oblowhole wasn't conservative, but a lot of others we can count to be siding with the GOPe and can now be ignored as well.
So, Savage, Levin and? Posted by: Clutch Cargo at May 08, 2015 04:05 PM (sH832) 262
I don't think that Jesus being the Son of God would believe it to be okay to give reverence to a false prophet. Blasphemy of false gods would not be something he has a problem with. Protecting them would be something he would have a problem with.
I'm pretty sure the Golden Calf story from the bible is evidence of such a thing. Posted by: kzintius at May 08, 2015 04:05 PM (ZfKzG) 263
This is a very UN-PC opinion, but I'm just about convinced that Islam is going to turn out to be the anti-Christ religion from Revelation. Posted by: Mandy P., lurking lurker who lurks at May 08, 2015 04:01 PM (KkVB6 ********** Turn out to be? Turn out to be? Sorry, I was channeling Al Sharpton. But no, they are. Posted by: Random guy at May 08, 2015 04:05 PM (yxw0r) 264
Listen, fellas, if a bunch of head chopping loons are running around threatening you for drawing their fake hate-god, just humor 'em a bit, would ya?
Do whatever they want. Maybe even join them in their hatred of everything under the sun. Posted by: Jesus Christ, Just One of the Folks at May 08, 2015 04:05 PM (wHAYQ) 265
Jesus also would not have a commentary show on FOX News.
Posted by: Scott at May 08, 2015 04:05 PM (8YE33) 266
"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto whitewashed sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but with are full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness!"
-- stuff that namby pamby milquetoast Jesus said Posted by: Insomniac at May 08, 2015 04:06 PM (2Ojst) 267
Orthodox Christianity does not teach that goodness is the default state of man. Quite the opposite, actually.
*** probably. But what I am talking about is how we, the lay people, see the world. In the Christian West (the Christian South and Middle East having been slaughtered by Iszzlam), there's a certain level of humanity, as we call it, that we expect from each other, even if we're on different sides of the border...that we won't see across certain borders. Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:06 PM (ZtH3P) 268
Posted by: zombie at May 08, 2015 03:57 PM (jBuUi)
I agree. I've often wondered about all his followers knowing he's pedo and still following him. It must have already been a tradition and he gave them cover by saying their pagan moon god supports. Posted by: ryukyu at May 08, 2015 04:06 PM (j29PP) 269
I can almost guarantee [O'Reilly] hasn't fallen on his face in tears crying out to Abba Well, not to the dudes maybe. I've fallen to my knees and cried out for Agnetha Faltskog. Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 08, 2015 04:07 PM (JtwS4) 270
Would Jesus have supported the Susan G Komen Foundation and wore a pink ribbon to fight breast cancer?
I believe he would have. Posted by: Warden at May 08, 2015 04:07 PM (wHAYQ) 271
You folks are hearing me all wrong. You're too emotional. This isn't about free speech, it's about burning books. Starting with The Divine Comedy.
Posted by: Ted Baxter at May 08, 2015 04:07 PM (nFdGS) 272
I don't watch Fox because of O'Reilly and Hannity.
How do you get to learn of Karl "the architect" Rove's latest whiteboard pearls of wisdom then? Posted by: Clutch Cargo at May 08, 2015 04:07 PM (sH832) 273
that humanity...should really be called Christianity. But we're so immersed in it, we assume it's a human characteristic.
Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:07 PM (ZtH3P) 274
BOR is a narsisisstic, self aggrandizing, populist, idiot.
Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at May 08, 2015 04:08 PM (1JqUE) 275
Would Jesus have supported the Susan G Komen Foundation and wore a pink ribbon to fight breast cancer?
I believe he would have. *** even though it supports abortion? Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:08 PM (ZtH3P) 276
Would Jesus have done everything he could to bring undocumented Americans out of the shadows?
It's clear that the answer is yes. Posted by: Warden at May 08, 2015 04:08 PM (wHAYQ) 277
They are controlling the oil prices, that's a fact !
Posted by: bahh bahh O'really at May 08, 2015 04:08 PM (dULJN) 278
Two she-bears, that's how a real god deals with people who disrespect his prophets.
Using two goat-porking ragheads? That kinda god probably has trouble making the quarter disappear. Posted by: jwpaine at May 08, 2015 04:08 PM (0bXhD) 279
But what I am talking about is how we, the lay people, see the world. In the Christian West (the Christian South and Middle East having been slaughtered by Iszzlam), there's a certain level of humanity, as we call it, that we expect from each other, even if we're on different sides of the border...that we won't see across certain borders. Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:06 PM (ZtH3P) As I read it that sounds more broadly like civilization versus barbarism. Posted by: Insomniac at May 08, 2015 04:08 PM (2Ojst) 280
Would Jesus have supported a living wage?
Well, wasn't he a champion of the underdog? I think you have your answer. Posted by: Warden at May 08, 2015 04:09 PM (wHAYQ) 281
DirecTV: Hear it straight from the horse's mouth
O'Reilly Factor: Hear it straight from the horse's ass Posted by: kbdabear at May 08, 2015 04:09 PM (GrXXa) 282
BOR is a narsisisstic, self aggrandizing, populist, idiot. ** Preach on!! Another reason why I don't watch FNC. He gives Irish a bad name. Posted by: OurCountryIsScrewed at May 08, 2015 04:09 PM (DlmoZ) Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:10 PM (ZtH3P) 284
Jesus, Bill O'Reilly really needs to start reading AOSHQ if he wants to learn how troll like a big boy.
Then again, maybe Mr. Moo Moo is BO? hmm. Posted by: Fritz at May 08, 2015 04:10 PM (UzPAd) 285
O'Reilly is a moron. Geller is a genius.
Well, not a genius exactly, but she's playing the long game, and she understands what needs to be done. And it's exactly the right strategy. The Muslim population is growing exponentially around the globe. And Muslim extremism is growing exponentially as well. With every passing year, they get more numerous, more well-armed, and more extreme. At some point in the future -- 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, 100 years? -- the forces of jihad will be on a par with the forces of the West. And at that point there is no guarantee that "the good guys" will win World War IV. So the correct strategy is the draw out the jihadists into open conflict now, or as soon as possible, to goad them in to a war when they are not yet capable of winning it. That's what Geller is doing. She is trying to exacerbate the situation, intentionally, to get the Big Fight over with while we still have the advantage. Because if we wait, twiddling our thumbs, the forces of jihad will just grow and grow until one day they are equal to or stronger than us, and then they will win that war, and the world will be plunged into hell. There is no way to avoid the war. It is coming, sooner or later. These "isolated incidents" will coalesce into out-and-out battle. Geller is doing what many on our side see what needs to be done: jab the jhadists with a stick and say "Bring it on!" so they can be comprehensively defeated NOW, while we still have a good chance to win. Posted by: zombie at May 08, 2015 04:10 PM (jBuUi) Posted by: Clutch Cargo at May 08, 2015 04:10 PM (sH832) 287
The Caesar in Jesus's time was pretty much nobody. Well, okay; the history books tell us it was Tiberius. But Tiberius had done all he could to tell the Senate that it was its turn again, to the point of buggering off to Capri. Sejanus was in charge, as much as anybody. Pilate was Sejanus's boy, not Tiberius's.
Tiberius's face was still on Judaea's coinage (I think) but everybody knew that he was a figurehead by choice. So, I guess Jesus *could* have mocked the Emperor at the time, but nobody would have listened, not when there were more oppressive people closer to home (like Pilate and various Herods). Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at May 08, 2015 04:10 PM (FcWXM) 288
The Caesar in Jesus's time was pretty much nobody. Well, okay; the history books tell us it was Tiberius. But Tiberius had done all he could to tell the Senate that it was its turn again, to the point of buggering off to Capri. Sejanus was in charge, as much as anybody. Pilate was Sejanus's boy, not Tiberius's.
Tiberius's face was still on Judaea's coinage (I think) but everybody knew that he was a figurehead by choice. So, I guess Jesus *could* have mocked the Emperor at the time, but nobody would have listened, not when there were more oppressive people closer to home (like Pilate and various Herods). Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at May 08, 2015 04:10 PM (FcWXM) 289
Jesus himself was an undocumented immigrant.
Posted by: Nanny Pelousy at May 08, 2015 04:10 PM (fLKzW) 290
Top left drudge on economy all you need to know about current USA. Current citizens don't count, illegal immigrants a priority. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 08, 2015 04:10 PM (ODxAs) 291
Bow to the false prophet and its followers lest they behead you, because living in disgrace is better than dying virtuously.
Posted by: Stuff Jesus Said at May 08, 2015 04:10 PM (e0gbP) Posted by: Stuff Jesus said at May 08, 2015 04:11 PM (JoIcn) 293
"I'm pretty sure the Golden Calf story from the bible is evidence of such a thing."
But...but...TOLERANCE! Posted by: Lauren at May 08, 2015 04:11 PM (yJV4S) 294
rupert murdock and rodger ailes has business connection with muslim world. nuff said
Posted by: captain*arizona at May 08, 2015 04:11 PM (CDQDE) 295
@238 Vashta:
"You do understand the concept of 'graven image', yes? It doesn't mean cartoon, nor does it mean portrait." --- Sure. You do understand what "or any likeness" means, yes? Posted by: bigtabasco at May 08, 2015 04:11 PM (FKBLq) 296
Pharisees were like lawyers arguing Jewish law, which they had perverted (like our power figures pervert our constitution). JC was versed in the law and argued with them on legal terms. He was not a wimp or a victim.
JC is also called the second Adam. As the story goes, he chose to freely give his life (could have called on a legion of angels to deliver him, he said). His life was payment (the perfect lamb of God) and he fulfilled aspects of the law. He was not a hippy that said cool things and hung out then sadly they killed him. He was like a top legal scholar that took on a corrupt Supreme Court, and eluded capture till it was the right time. I haven't read O'Reilly's book, but I have to imagine he gets it wrong. JC was a Breitbart, but in a perfect way. Of course much of religion is more about their own power structure, so belief needs to be decentralized like government or other power structures. Posted by: Illiniwek at May 08, 2015 04:11 PM (QGjci) Posted by: Algore at May 08, 2015 04:11 PM (7YlUk) 298
Back when he first got his show, Bill O'Reilly was genuinely entertaining. His show was varied. I expect that it was a result of audience testing that he reduced the variety and just did his pompous blowhard shtick which he has been doing ever since. Like a lot of things, that particular act is better in moderation but I guess there is a built in audience for that stuff.
I have not watched him in years now. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at May 08, 2015 04:12 PM (KDbAT) 299
Jesus would have supported an increase in the minimum wage. I know this to be true. I am a television evangelist.
Posted by: Bill O'Reilly at May 08, 2015 04:12 PM (GGCsk) 300
It causes me great pain to think that my mother and grandmother didn't have the kind of reproductive freedom that women have now.
Posted by: More stuff Jesus said at May 08, 2015 04:12 PM (2Ojst) 301
What would Jesus say?
King James Bible Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Yeah, he gave us about six centuries warning. Posted by: SE Pa Moron at May 08, 2015 04:12 PM (xQX/f) 302
Were Jesus not dead.... he would be telling us, his followers, to legislate the Living Wage of $25 and hour
Posted by: Nanny Pelousy at May 08, 2015 04:12 PM (fLKzW) 303
I'm pretty sure the Golden Calf story from the bible is evidence of such a thing.
Posted by: kzintius at May 08, 2015 04:05 PM (ZfKzG) Moses was a bit before the time of Jesus, and the two men had very different personalities as well as one being the chosen son of God and the other not. Not sure you can conflate these two. Posted by: Heralder at May 08, 2015 04:12 PM (ECROs) 304
"I don't watch Fox because of O'Reilly and Hannity. I get all the news I need regarding these issues right here without wasting time with those embarassments to "the cause"" You are not a great American. Posted by: Sean Hannity at May 08, 2015 04:13 PM (OD2ni) Posted by: JohnnyBoy at May 08, 2015 04:13 PM (l2Gqi) 306
But to think that today he would care about a cartoon is an entirely new level of stupid that can't be measured. ----------------------------------- They actually do measure it - in units of McKinney-Boxers, after Cynthia McKinney and Senator Ma'am Posted by: Roy ........................... With Babs retiring we'll have to switch over to McKinney-Jackson-Lees. Posted by: wth at May 08, 2015 04:13 PM (wAQA5) 307
I must be a fallen Christian. I'm going to fight these muzzie assholes any way I can. Fuck sharia. Give me freedom.
Posted by: Soona at May 08, 2015 04:13 PM (/HX7u) 308
Orthodox Christianity does not teach that goodness is the default state of man. Quite the opposite, actually. One of the fundamental reasons Leftism hates Christianity-- Leftism holds all men as angels until they're corrupted by 'injustice,' so they endlessly try to re-perfect Man. Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at May 08, 2015 04:13 PM (oVJmc) 309
I agree with Bill however. Muslms are such petulant, violent child-minds that we must cater to their whims to avoid public temper tantrums.
Posted by: imp at May 08, 2015 04:03 PM (XIXZz) I remember when my twins were about 6... we were in a restaurant where a kid was throwing a temper tantrum.... as its parents sat by and ignored it... ruining dinner for the other patrons. My Son looked at the Kid and said... 'wow, if we did that, we'd get a whuppin'... I said 'you're right... and those parents deserve one for allowing that child to behave that way...' Civilized behavior is learned... and un civilized behavior needs to be punished... otherwise children will not learn... As you propose to treat Moslems. Posted by: BB Wolf at May 08, 2015 04:13 PM (qh617) 310
Would Jesus do this? Would Jesus do that? We can ask all of these silly hypothetical arguments and answer these silly questions with what we consider a logical answer.
Honestly - in today's society I think Jesus would shake the dust off his shoes and move on. Posted by: OurCountryIsScrewed at May 08, 2015 04:14 PM (DlmoZ) 311
The commies had their useful idiots too, Islam seems to have found the same ones. If we would have sent the soviets all our commie idiots they would have learned what 'progress' is all about. Send them to the sand box now and let them learn about islam in person.
Posted by: just saying at May 08, 2015 04:14 PM (wkuqO) 312
Don't be a Jackanapes !!
Posted by: bahh bahh O'really at May 08, 2015 04:14 PM (dULJN) 313
oh right, I guess we forget the whole point Jesus was making in the New Testament. He was God coming to earth among a bunch of pagans and the Jews to say "I am God" not any of these other fake ass pagans.
So. while he told us to love our neighbors, forgive sins, and give to the poor...he wasn't on an inter-faith tolerance mission. He'd tell you point blank that your false idol is false and you are turning away from salvation from worshipping it. Only difference is, if an anachronistic muzzie tried to gun him down, he'd have the choir of angels to protect him...not just 2 off duty cops. Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:14 PM (ZtH3P) 314
Sorry but Jesus wasn't a liberal. He was all about salvation and nothing else. He didn't condemn slavery, he never discussed wages, none of that silly shit. He was concerned with eternity, and that stuff fades to nothing in light of that.
Posted by: maddogg at May 08, 2015 04:14 PM (xWW96) 315
Jesus himself was an undocumented immigrant. Posted by: Nanny Pelousy at May 08, 2015 04:10 PM (fLKzW)" No. That is Superman. I know you have trouble telling them apart. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at May 08, 2015 04:14 PM (KDbAT) Posted by: The Great White Snark at May 08, 2015 04:14 PM (XUKZU) 317
That is if those who wear diapers on their head don't kill him first, or if the left doesn't incarcerate him for spouting hate speech
Posted by: OurCountryIsScrewed at May 08, 2015 04:14 PM (DlmoZ) 318
I agree, zombie.
I also think she's been very clever in only using their vices against them Past efforts have included buying bus and subway signs that use quotes from Muslims themselves explaining their intolerance and malice toward infidels. With this contest she is showcasing their intolerance for free speech. I'm not aware of anything she's said that was not truthful - even though she's been accused of being hateful and bigoted. Posted by: Lizzy at May 08, 2015 04:14 PM (2TN4k) 319
When the Pharisees (the ultra-devout Jews of the day) tried to trap Jesus in an indiscretion to get him into trouble with the Roman rulers, they asked him if the Jews should pay tribute to Caesar. Jesus said, "Why do you tempt me, hypocrites? Show me the tribute money." And they brought him a penny. And he said, "Whose is this image and superscription?" and they answered, "Caesar's." And Jesus said, "Render therefore unto Caesar's the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things which are God's."
Think about it. ;-) He also said, "The devil is a liar, and the Father of Lies": "He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell you the truth, you do not believe me." BOR should read the Bible. Posted by: Beverly at May 08, 2015 04:15 PM (40Ujt) 320
That's right, I would prefer to sponsor a wet T-shirt contest.
Posted by: Hunky Jesus at May 08, 2015 04:15 PM (wAQA5) 321
The left thinks that Jesus would have spouted Fat Tony's logic behind selling stolen cigarettes.
Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:15 PM (ZtH3P) 322
why would anyone with an IQ larger than their hat size give a F what that ignorant idiot has to say about anything?
Posted by: redc1c4 at May 08, 2015 04:15 PM (pZtrP) 323
Lay down with dogs and get fleas, it's only fair you white evil oppressors.
Posted by: Stuff Jesus Said at May 08, 2015 04:15 PM (/nR7C) 324
Take Geller out of this equation. People know her as a rightwing activist, and there are many on both sides who don't like her. So take her out of it. Because THIS ISN'T ABOUT HER. This is about the Islamist jihadis who tried to kill her and numerous others.
Ask these ppl who are all, "I believe in free speech, BUT-" what they'd be saying if these muzzies had tried to shoot up a Slut Walk. Or the Folsom Street Fair. Or a Women's Studies lecture hall. Or a gay wedding. Or an atheist protest march. Because all of those things are things that are PROVOCATIVE to hardline Islamists. Uncovered women? Homosexuality? Infidel thoughts and actions? Every ONE of those are things that ISIS alone have shown us are punishable by the most gruesome and inhumane tortures and modes of death. Would these "I'm all for free speech, BUT-" people be preaching the same tune if these two filthy jihadis had shot up a Berkeley "Take Back the Night" event? Speech is speech. That's what this is about. Speech is speech, regardless of whether someone else finds it hateful or distasteful. Hateful, objectionable and distasteful speech are what the 1st amendment is there to protect. No one need to protect someone's right to say, "Bunnies are cute." No one's going to find that offensive (except some spectacularly pampered snowflake on a modern college campus). Burning the Koran? Shitting on the Bible? Dumping a Torah in the latrine? All of those are blasphemous and objectionable to SOMEBODY, and EVERY ONE OF THEM should be allowed by free speech standards. If you don't like it, you answer their provocation with more speech. What you DON'T do is : A) Try to murder the speaker(s), and B) Defend the would-be (or successful) murderer(s) When you start saying "I support free speech, BUT-" instead of "I don't like the idea of drawing Mohammed, BUT-," then you've lost the war. Just start hoping the jihadis will do you a solid and use a SHARP knife when it comes time for them to saw off your head. Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit & Vaginassassin, aka Beth at May 08, 2015 04:15 PM (4df7R) 325
For the life of me, I don't even understand how this circus clown is there number one rated show. He can't even juggle or swallow swords.
Posted by: Marcus T at May 08, 2015 04:16 PM (GGCsk) Posted by: Heralder at May 08, 2015 04:16 PM (ECROs) 327
Posted by: zombie at May 08, 2015 04:10 PM (jBuUi)
She certainly has bigger balls than O'Reilly. Than a lot of people it seems. Many of them GOPe. Correlation? Causation? We report, you decide. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at May 08, 2015 04:16 PM (zRby/) 328
One of the weaknesses of mohammedans is that they freak like killer bees when somebody pokes fun at their deity. It makes it easy to pick them out from the crowd and take them out, so we work with it.
Like the scene in Shogun where the Samurai have to stamp on the icon to prove they're not Christians. Posted by: toby928(C) at May 08, 2015 04:16 PM (evdj2) 329
Well, not a genius exactly, but she's playing the long game, and she
understands what needs to be done. And it's exactly the right strategy. We started this thing almost 10 years ago? I looked at my links for when the first "draw mohammed" contest was held, Feb 2006. When Theo was murdered and the first Dutch cartoons came out. She's been plugging at this non-stop ever since with her site and Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch. Was there any outrage in the more recent draw mo contests? What was it that exacerbated it this time? Is it that ISIS is that much bolder? Was it because it was more heavily promoted? Posted by: Clutch Cargo at May 08, 2015 04:17 PM (sH832) 330
Geller has found the terrorist Achilles heel. It's like jujitsu.
It should have been easily understood as an irrational law of Islam- the asymmetric penalty for drawing. How the hell are Liberals explaining their chastising of Geller to their ten year olds? Posted by: River Guide at May 08, 2015 04:17 PM (RJMhd) 331
The word of the day is "pontificate," Bill-o.
Posted by: fly gal at May 08, 2015 04:17 PM (8TdcF) 332
I remember some hyper left bumper sticker I saw at a community college: "Get real Republicans. Like God would support bombing people and private gun ownership." There was another one on the car saying God was a liberal. But we're the crazy ones... Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at May 08, 2015 04:17 PM (1JqUE) 333
Tell ya the truth, if I said I don't care either way, would you believe me?
Posted by: Jesus at May 08, 2015 04:18 PM (YFFpo) Posted by: Jukin, Former Republican at May 08, 2015 04:18 PM (TV9BR) 335
? Just how indescribably bad are the competing 'news' programs at MSNBC and CNN to allow Bill O'Reilly to be stuffing them?
Posted by: the roost aint what it used to be at May 08, 2015 04:18 PM (PHYjx) 336
Bill stepped in it and He won't reverse... He just keeps adding to the stupidity...
Posted by: hello it's Me Donna... again at May 08, 2015 04:18 PM (Bn6aD) 337
You wingnuts still talking about my girlfr..... I mean That Shreiking Harpy Pamela?
Posted by: Cahrles Jhonson at May 08, 2015 04:18 PM (fLKzW) 338
I've got a broken record I listen to instead of Hannity.
Posted by: wth at May 08, 2015 04:18 PM (wAQA5) 339
I'm not sure Jesus wants us to openly antagonize anyone. We are to speak truth in love. As a Christian, I can't say Ms. Gellar did what she did out of love. As an American, however, I'll take a bullet for her right to do it. ------ Jesus told his disciples to preach the word. An act that was antagonistic to the Pharisees as well as the Romans. So yeah he did want them to openly antagonize and even be willing to die for their beliefs. Now it doesn't mean he would do it in such a mocking way as drawing Mohammad but then saying that the way to God is through Christ is going to get you killed by Muslims too. Oh and Matt Stone and Trey Parker received death threats for depicting Mohammad as well, and their depiction wasn't even a negative one. Posted by: Buzzion at May 08, 2015 04:18 PM (z/Ubi) 340
BOR is a drunken fuckin blowhard mick. Fuck him with the barbed cock of satan. Who watches or pays attention to this sucker of cock? He will die in the same fire as his muzzie heroes. Asshole.
Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at May 08, 2015 04:19 PM (ucDmr) Posted by: Beverly at May 08, 2015 04:19 PM (40Ujt) 342
And I Sayeth unto you, if one of your brothers is whack and wishes to cut off his junk, then you must call him sister and pay for the surgery.
Posted by: Stuff Jesus Said at May 08, 2015 04:19 PM (/nR7C) 343
Because setting aside one's most cherished beliefs in order to appease tyrants is what all the smart people do.
Posted by: Daniel Simpson Day at May 08, 2015 04:19 PM (aA2hG) 344
What about the schoolgirls getting mowed down by Boko Haram? Aren't they guilty for 'offending' those Islamists?
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at May 08, 2015 04:19 PM (oVJmc) 345
O is a fucking asshole, as are most of the FoxNewsies.
I'm glad I chopped off the cable. With the antenna, we get most all the local channels, and the web brings us Ace, Netflix, and Amazon. Posted by: the littl shyning man at May 08, 2015 04:19 PM (U6f54) 346
>>>To observe a false religion's forbiddances is to suggest, however slightly, that that religion is correct.
You know how the pilgrims dealt with that? If, say, an Indian said this snake was a symbol of his diety, why they'd grab a stick and kill it in front of him as An Instruction to Save his Everlasting Soul. See, they did not believe in subsidizing or permitting another person's self-destruction, which sometimes meant not giving alms to indolent, and it was all of a piece. Totes Christian, BTW. More serious than anybody living now, probly. They'd be among the ISIS captives *now* and singing Hoseannas as their necks were cut. Posted by: Bigby's Oven Mitt at May 08, 2015 04:20 PM (3ZtZW) 347
Sorry but Jesus wasn't a liberal. He was all about salvation and nothing else. He didn't condemn slavery, he never discussed wages, none of that silly shit. He was concerned with eternity, and that stuff fades to nothing in light of that. Posted by: maddogg at May 08, 2015 04:14 PM (xWW96)" Well, actually Jesus did discuss wages. He told the parable of the man who hired worker all throughout the day and then paid the ones who had worked for only one hour the same as the ones who had worked all day. Some smart alecks (like me when I was 12 in religion class) like to take that as a lesson that the best strategy in life is sin and dissipation followed by a deathbed conversion. I now take it as a statement that it is never too late and nobody is beyond salvation. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at May 08, 2015 04:20 PM (KDbAT) 348
320 That's right, I would prefer to sponsor a wet T-shirt contest. Posted by: Hunky Jesus The "Hunky Jesus" event, which I covered extensively a few years back, is far more extreme than a mere "wet t-shirt contest." Check out my explicit coverage here: ------------------------- Christians mock gays at shocking Easter service by Zombie April 27, 2011 - 12:10 pm Thousands of Christians gathered for an outdoor Easter Sunday service in San Francisco to publicly mock gays and humiliate gay heroes. The flagrant attack, which included skits, obscenities and impersonations satirizing gays and gay stereotypes, sent shockwaves of outrage and disgust throughout the region and across the nation. This report features photo and video documentation of the free public Easter service, which was attended by a majority of Christians in the city, who laughed at and insulted gays and the homosexual community. Thousands of Christians make fun of gay stereotypes by dressing up as gays in Mission Dolores Park as they watch an anti-gay religious service and performance. One of the Christian performers paraded around nude on stage, in an attempt to make gays look bad. Another Christian satirized gay behavior by standing on his head and displaying his anus to the crowd. This 12-minute (NSFW) video shows highlights of the shocking Easter service: Furthermore – - - booooooooooooop! THIS HAS BEEN A TEST OF THE EMERGENCY DOUBLE-STANDARD SYSTEM If this had been an actual case of Christians mocking gays, you would have heard about it in the mainstream media. As you’ve undoubtedly noticed by now, everything in the report above is the exact opposite of true. Yes, there really was a huge public event in San Francisco on Easter Sunday involving Christians, gays, mockery and humiliation. But it was gays mocking Christians and it involved thousands of people laughing at the Christian “hero,” Jesus. ------------------------- With plenty of X-rated pictures for your (lack of) enjoyment. Posted by: zombie at May 08, 2015 04:20 PM (jBuUi) 349
But we're the crazy ones...
** If they're not projecting, they're being vituperative. "You wingnuts love, Jesus, right? Well I heard he liked peace, so you should peacefully submit to our totalitarian urges." Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:20 PM (ZtH3P) 350
You wingnuts still talking about my girlfr..... I mean That Shreiking Harpy Pamela?
You get back inside this instant and finish cleaning you no good bum! Posted by: Sharmuta at May 08, 2015 04:20 PM (sH832) 351
Atlas's heart has always been in the right place the excitement in the old days was about a certain global right wing feminism.
Someone a galaxy ago it seems like was a global Lincoln for women. Posted by: River Guide at May 08, 2015 04:20 PM (RJMhd) 352
This is all so acrimonious, may I talk to you about the Flying Spaghetti Monster who can shrive you of your sins with his noodley appendage.
Posted by: Pastafarian Evangelist at May 08, 2015 04:20 PM (7YlUk) 353
to the point of buggering off to Capri.
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at May 08, 2015 04:10 PM (FcWXM) ISWYDT Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at May 08, 2015 04:21 PM (zRby/) Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 08, 2015 04:21 PM (JtwS4) Posted by: Marcus T at May 08, 2015 04:21 PM (GGCsk) 356
O/T, but years ago I noticed that O'Reilly and Hannity do not seem to notice each others existence. Does anyone know why?
Posted by: Benji Carver at May 08, 2015 04:22 PM (OD2ni) 357
If you want to hunt a predator you put out some bait and wait for them to come after it. If you want to get rid of radical Islam just start mocking Muhammad and the jihadis will come running like moths to a flame.
Posted by: Mike Brown at May 08, 2015 04:22 PM (5fSr7) 358
Oh and Matt Stone and Trey Parker received death threats for depicting
Mohammad as well, and their depiction wasn't even a negative one. IIRC, there was a British chick who wrote a novelization of Aisha's life who got death threats for making up dialogue for the assorted characters. She didn't even have to draw the piece of crap. Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at May 08, 2015 04:22 PM (ZKzrr) 359
I'm not sure what Jesus would say about the suicide/murder cult, but I can say without fear of anyone contradicting me, he would definitely
KEEP IT PITHY! Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at May 08, 2015 04:22 PM (X+nFp) 360
We, as Christians (even if you are an atheist, in the West, you are a fish swimming in our waters where your values of humanism is simply the after effect of being Christian without the God stuff) generally assume goodness in others, will help people, and so forth.
Orthodox Christianity does not teach that goodness is the default state of man. Quite the opposite, actually. - Yeah, it's more the commies that believe the new socialist man will be willing to work for the benefit of others. Posted by: The Great White Snark at May 08, 2015 04:22 PM (XUKZU) 361
"Get real Republicans. Like God would support bombing people and private gun ownership."
Um, yeah, about that... Posted by: Zombie Sodomites and Gomorrahns at May 08, 2015 04:23 PM (2Ojst) 362
? Just how indescribably bad are the competing 'news' programs at MSNBC and CNN to allow Bill O'Reilly to be stuffing them? Posted by: the roost aint what it used to be at May 08, 2015 04:18 PM (PHYjx)" To ask that question is to answer it. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at May 08, 2015 04:23 PM (KDbAT) Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at May 08, 2015 04:23 PM (0HooB) 364
Tonight on the Factor: Would Jesus have given Factor Gear to Mom for Mother's Day?
Posted by: USA at May 08, 2015 04:23 PM (tfM+W) 365
IIRC, there was a British chick who wrote a
novelization of Aisha's life who got death threats for making up dialogue for the assorted characters. Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at May 08, 2015 04:22 PM (ZKzrr) Maybe she made Mohammed a sparkly vampire and that pushed them over the edge. Posted by: Heralder at May 08, 2015 04:23 PM (ECROs) 366
Well, actually Jesus did discuss wages. He told the parable of the man who hired worker all throughout the day and then paid the ones who had worked for only one hour the same as the ones who had worked all day. Some smart alecks (like me when I was 12 in religion class) like to take that as a lesson that the best strategy in life is sin and dissipation followed by a deathbed conversion. I now take it as a statement that it is never too late and nobody is beyond salvation.
Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at May 08, 2015 04:20 PM (KDbAT) Thats because you now understand the parable. But Jesus wasn't commenting on the fairness of the wage, the workers got what they agreed to, and therefore had no right to complain. Posted by: maddogg at May 08, 2015 04:23 PM (xWW96) Posted by: Sean Hannity at May 08, 2015 04:23 PM (OD2ni) 368
Yeah, Bill, and Jesus would be totes okay with your constantly referring to Pedo-Mo as "the PROPHET Mohammed" while you refer to Jesus, your claimed Savior, as "the Nazarene".
Geller should have done something more socially acceptable like sponsor a "Hunkiest Mohammed" contest. Posted by: Momentarily out of lurk mode at May 08, 2015 04:23 PM (d/MYT) 369
I'm gonna jihad the next douchebag I see with a Darwin fish on the back of his rusted out Cavalier.
Bill said it was totes cool. Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at May 08, 2015 04:24 PM (oVJmc) 370
Very true that Jesus would not have sponsored the contest. He probably wouldn't have attended the contest. He was busy preaching His own message, and living His own life, and suffering and dying to achieve our salvation. He also probably wouldn't have gone on the O'Reilly Factor. And if He did, He wouldn't sit on one of those stupid wobbly chairs O'Reilly gives his guests. Or He'd miraculously fix it, and make Bill's chair wobble. That would be awesome.
Posted by: notropis at May 08, 2015 04:24 PM (uJpiH) 371
Yeah, it's more the commies that believe the new socialist man will be willing to work for the benefit of others.
** FIFY: Yeah, it's more the commies that believe the new socialist man will be *made* to work for the benefit of *the party*. Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:24 PM (ZtH3P) 372
364: If he did, pretty sure mom would take a dump on the doormat, and smashed the cheesey coffee cup.
Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at May 08, 2015 04:25 PM (ucDmr) 373
Shorter Bill O'Bloviation: The way to defeat jihad is to cower and hide from it.
Posted by: Blanco Basura at May 08, 2015 04:25 PM (YEelc) 374
The Proof that Atlas is not anti Islamic in the day she was so excited for them to have Liberty. I don't know she could have changed.
Ace try not fighting that salvation idea so hard. Posted by: River Guide at May 08, 2015 04:25 PM (RJMhd) 375
371 Yeah, it's more the commies that believe the new socialist man will be willing to work for the benefit of others.
** FIFY: Yeah, it's more the commies that believe the new socialist man will be *made* to work for the benefit of *the party*. Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:24 PM (ZtH3P) And if he doesn't, well, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot all had ideas for how to deal with that. Posted by: Insomniac at May 08, 2015 04:25 PM (2Ojst) Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at May 08, 2015 04:25 PM (ZKzrr) 377
Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at May 08, 2015 04:20 PM (KDbAT)
God is not mocked. He will know whether your repentance is real or not. As you stand in front of Him for judgment, you will not need to say anything (nor will your words be listened to) for He knows what's in your heart and what was in your heart when you sinned and when/if you repented. He's worse than Santa Claus. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at May 08, 2015 04:25 PM (zRby/) Posted by: Rev. J. Jones at May 08, 2015 04:25 PM (7YlUk) 379
nood pod people
Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at May 08, 2015 04:26 PM (X+nFp) 380
Oh crikey. I think I lost brain cells just thinking about what O'Reilly said.
Posted by: alexthechick - Oh please intervene SMOD at May 08, 2015 04:27 PM (mf5HN) 381
I can't believe its been about 3 years now since I stopped watching FoxNews.* How time flies. Really didn't miss it. Moved over to Newsmax channel when I still had cable. Now, nothing but net man. *Maybe an occasional big event, but not regular. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 08, 2015 04:27 PM (ODxAs) 382
(When I post these death threats on my site, I usually like to note what country they're coming from.)
I started my blog about the same time as JWF and Pam Geller. Was beating JWF in hits per month for a while. But the death threats wear a person down after a while, so I walked away after many years. Kudos to you guys for not backing down. Anyway, most of the ip addys of death threats I received originated in Amsterdam. Pot and Allah, apparently makes one want to kill. Come to think of it the Boston Bomber dudes were pretty heavy weed people. There's an idea for you... Posted by: SE Pa Moron at May 08, 2015 04:27 PM (xQX/f) 383
Bill O'Reilly saying he's a Christian should be viewed in the same way as when someone with Down's syndrome says they're a Christian. O'Reilly wants to fit in, but he really has no understanding of what it means. Just smile and nod along until he's finished speaking.
Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 08, 2015 04:27 PM (IN7k+) 384
Jesus might not have supported bombs, but then as a victim of state violence it's unlikely he'd have thought much of warfare as a whole. (Just-war theory came later, after centuries of internal Christian debates.)
But he *did* support private ownership of weapons for self defence. "Buy a sword" and all that. Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at May 08, 2015 04:27 PM (FcWXM) 385
Bill O'Really can go pound sand, he's a populist attention whore that jumps onto the cool kid's side of every argument and is usually wrong.
Posted by: Gmac- Pulling in feelers in preperation... at May 08, 2015 04:28 PM (4CRfK) 386
When the Pharisees (the ultra-devout Jews of the day) tried to trap Jesus in an indiscretion to get him into trouble with the Roman rulers, they asked him if the Jews should pay tribute to Caesar. Jesus said, "Why do you tempt me, hypocrites? Show me the tribute money." And they brought him a penny. And he said, "Whose is this image and superscription?" and they answered, "Caesar's." And Jesus said, "Render therefore unto Caesar's the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things which are God's." because jesus taught thateverything we are everything we'll ever be is due to god the father our jobs,families homes, nothing belongs to caesar.jesus was messing with pharisees who where trying to trap him Posted by: kj at May 08, 2015 04:28 PM (lKyWE) 387
also, pretty sure that in Jesus's time, the idea of an able bodied man not working was...unheard of.
Charity was for the infirm, elderly, and widows. as for dealing with invading barbarian hordes...Jesus said things about the rock upon which he builds his church andprobably more about how it should be defended. I don't think he'd advise his sheep to line up to slaughtered on the beach by ISIS. Our shepherd probably would have advised something other than turn the cheek against the wolf. Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:28 PM (ZtH3P) 388
of course, most illiterate people don't discuss the other 2 foundations of the Catholic faith, the apostolic tradition and the Catechism...which expands upon these things
Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:29 PM (ZtH3P) 389
Geller's getting a ton of press what with all the Good Commentators running out to proclaim their aversion to her.
Her views didn't even need to be part of the story. The story was: Homegrown Islamic terrorists caught and shot in attempt to kill people because of what they were saying. The content of the speech is irrelevant, and needn't have been mentioned, except that some people wanted to slant the story as being about "provocative" "hate" speech (that they don't like). Geller clearly intended to make the point that Islamic fundamentalists are thin-skinned bitches who don't care about civil rights, and ... she was exactly right. Some people enjoy, way too much, the fact that she got exactly what she anticipated. Once Geller became part of the story then all the Good Commentators had to talk about how much they looove free speech but (without any concrete examples, of course) how much they despise Geller. Clusterfuck of the Vanities Posted by: AMartel at May 08, 2015 04:29 PM (WWgnZ) 390
Posted by: guy who says MASSIVE TOOL at May 08, 2015 04:30 PM (q177U) 391
303 Heralder at May 08, 2015 04:12 PM (ECROs)
not really trying to conflate them at all. Jesus said that he didn't come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. The story of the Golden Calf is still about the law and how it was being broken. If the law has not been abolished by Christ then the law being broken in the story of the Golden Calf is applicable. It is not a parable but a historical event to Christianity. While it was of Moses time it was about God's law being broken and since the law was not abolished by Christ it is still applicable to the views of God on blasphemy both before and after the arrival of Jesus. Posted by: kzintius at May 08, 2015 04:31 PM (ZfKzG) 392
That's what Geller is doing. She is trying to exacerbate the situation, intentionally, to get the Big Fight over with while we still have the advantage. Posted by: zombie at May 08, 2015 04:10 PM (jBuUi) I don't know if Geller is doing that deliberately, but I completely agree with your analysis. We need to get this show on the road. 1400 years of Islam is enough. Posted by: rickl at May 08, 2015 04:31 PM (zoehZ) 393
Probably the lone issue on which I agree with the vast majority of leftists ...
Bill O'Reilly is a self-aggrandizing blowhard. Posted by: The Spelling Police at May 08, 2015 04:32 PM (UlI/7) 394
Gellar is just "getting in their face" to "raise awareness".
Isn't that the highest calling one can have? Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at May 08, 2015 04:32 PM (ZtH3P) Posted by: Bill O' Portunist at May 08, 2015 04:33 PM (NUCTk) 396
>>>O'Reilly, who wrote the book on murdering the Savior, claims that Jesus would not have sponsored this cartoon-drawing contest.
Because Christ never belittled the false beliefs of religious zealots. NOT ONCE!! Posted by: MikeTheMoose at May 08, 2015 04:33 PM (0q2P7) 397
Oh, come on Bill's not bad, just simple.
Posted by: Vermin at May 08, 2015 04:33 PM (I42hL) 398
Posted by: rickb223 Straight, Conservative Clinger at May 08, 2015 04:33 PM (+zma3) 399
Bill seems to be a tad pecksniffian. Posted by: wth at May 08, 2015 04:34 PM (wAQA5) 400
Gellar is just "getting in their face" to "raise awareness". Isn't that the highest calling one can have? i don't know about the highest calling but it is certainly the first comandment of the progressive bible Posted by: kj at May 08, 2015 04:34 PM (lKyWE) 401
Eh, even Mohammed realized what a powerful religious figure Jesus was. One of the first things Mo'Hamhead did was undercut the story of Christ's Crucifixion and divinity- by having Jesus Christ simply be another "prophet" who wasn't crucified as Allah played the Old Switcheroo with and stuck some poor sucker on the cross in Christ's place and brought Jesus to Paradise. Muslim's whole religion is mockery of Christ and, for those of you keeping score- blasphemy and heresy on a regular basis. They should be able to stand a few scribblings of their phone baloney prophet. Posted by: naturalfake at May 08, 2015 04:34 PM (0cMkb) 402
Instead of guessing what Jesus would have done, lets put in place a law or a series of laws that guarantee the freedom of ex...huh...
Posted by: guy who says MASSIVE TOOL at May 08, 2015 04:35 PM (q177U) 403
So in China, unlike the west, they get it. The Chinese authorities launched a series of "strike hard"campaigns to weaken the hold of the drug of Islam in China's western region. So they have ordered Muslim shopkeepers and restaurant owners in its troubled Xinjiang region to sell alcohol and cigarettes, and even promote them in "eye-catching displays," as Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported. Alcohol and tobacco, while it is a problem, to the Chinese is the lesser of the two evils. So now establishments that failed to comply were swiftly dealt with and were threatened with closure and their owners with prosecution.
Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at May 08, 2015 04:35 PM (d6Zcu) 404
I have more talking points for O'Reilly.
Jesus probably would't wear a size C bra, or listen to Wayne Newton. He probably would not rotate tires every six months. I doubt that he would watch The View. He certainly wouldn't play defensive tackle for the Patriots, or want a sex change operation. He might like Pam Geller though. She's got the courage of her convictions. That's a rare commodity these days. Posted by: Levin at May 08, 2015 04:37 PM (6pgRO) Posted by: Jesus having some harmless fun with the disciples at May 08, 2015 04:38 PM (ZbV+0) 406
Muslim: should people refrain from drawing cartoons with images of the Prophet ?
Jesus: Who is this "Prophet" ? Didn't my father tell you about "false gods" and such ? I have no record of any franchises granted to some "Prophet". Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at May 08, 2015 04:40 PM (d6Zcu) 407
I guess we LOST the war on Islamic terrorism, now and forever. Australia is now the last bastion of western civilization.
Posted by: Rusty Nail at May 08, 2015 04:40 PM (ok6SQ) 408
. He certainly wouldn't play defensive tackle for the Patriots, he wouldn't deflate footballs either Posted by: kj at May 08, 2015 04:40 PM (lKyWE) 409
Jesus strikes me as the kind of guy who might be an NFL kicker or play soccer.
Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at May 08, 2015 04:42 PM (d6Zcu) 410
and Jesus was not a Christian, he came expressly for Israel. So he confronted the corrupt Pharisees and did some miracles, but he wasn't there for the Gentiles (the rest of the world) ... till after Pentecost we got "the new deal", Jews and Gentiles, joint heirs with out brother JC ... for those that so choose.
So the Christian question is really different ... what would Paul do? Paul certainly confronted. But Islam itself needs to confront their imams that demand death for those that disagree and speak freely, or THEY are the problem, even if they are just sleepers for now. Posted by: Illiniwek at May 08, 2015 04:42 PM (QGjci) 411
Posted by: ConservativeMonster at May 08, 2015 04:43 PM (0NdlF) 412
he wouldn't deflate footballs either If Jesus was a defensive center, he would re-pressurize the football, in what Tom Brady might call ... an anti-miracle Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at May 08, 2015 04:44 PM (d6Zcu) 413
This inspires me to go down to the National Gallery and look at religious art, and be grateful I belong to a culture wherein representational art is done to glorify God and is not an offense punishable by death.
Posted by: All Hail Eris at May 08, 2015 04:44 PM (jR7Wy) 414
@5: "Jesus wouldn't marry a seven year old girl either"
True dat, He preferred professionals. Lord love the workin' girls. Posted by: Mary Magdelene at May 08, 2015 04:45 PM (amQXf) 415
O'Reilly has the Catholic interpretation that Jesus was a frail, week emaciated man hanging from a cross. The Puritans (those guys who were founders of this country) had a saying "He who resists tyranny, obeys God". Jesus also told the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem (not too unlike these Muslims) that they were "like white washed tombs" which was a way of saying they looked good on the outside but were filled with dead mans bones and they stink. Now that was very inflammatory and provacative. Read the Gospels and you will see that Jesus was a very confrontational person who probably hated politicians. My king of guy.
Posted by: Rich at May 08, 2015 04:45 PM (BcWH9) 416
Of course Geller had the right to hold this exposition of free speech and offensive (to me) art; I just wish she wouldn't exercise it.
Patriots like me who want to protect the folks know when to exercise rights and when to drown them in a bucket of water. And the Word of the Day... stifle. As Archie Bunker used to say to the likes of Geller, "Stifle yourself, Dingbat." Posted by: Bill O'Really at May 08, 2015 04:46 PM (1CroS) 417
O'Reilly unwittingly made clear that he didn't write a WORD of his "co-authored" book, "Killing Jesus".
On page after page, Jesus is depicted poking sharp sticks in the eyes of the Jewish "establishment"----the reason , the book concludes, he was killed! Posted by: Jimmy Swaggart's Unborn Evil Twin at May 08, 2015 04:47 PM (FkgZk) 418
Stop listening to the blowhard years ago and this proves I was right to do so. What Geller did has nothing to do with Jesus approving or not about her holding this drawing Mohammed contest.
Geller said it herself that this is about showing Islam for being the intolerant religion it is. It was a cartoon! Crass, mean, or even tasteless...sure, but at level to kill someone? As Sgt. Hulka once said, "Lighten up Francis." Posted by: RGallegos at May 08, 2015 04:48 PM (edmJ3) 419
Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute. Several centuries after her death several stories were conflated turning her into a fallen woman. The Scripture says that she she was a person whom Jesus healed of seven demons. She was there when Jesus was crucified and the first person the resurrected Jesus showed himself to. She had great faith, strength and courage.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 08, 2015 04:50 PM (1sJza) 420
Bill O'Reilly (to guest): Whoa know. Slow down. You know I'm a simple man. Please explain it to me like I'm a ten year old hearing this for the first time.
Guest: You know, Bill, I actually do now think you're a simple man and this hasn't been some sort of mechanism by you to clarify for the folks the issues. Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at May 08, 2015 04:52 PM (1CroS) 421
Just wait 'til the Moooslums blow up a Gay Pride parade.
We'll see an entirely different argument --- that gays are not trying to provoke Islam, only Christians. Posted by: Jimmy Swaggart's Unborn Evil Twin at May 08, 2015 04:52 PM (FkgZk) 422
Been tolerating this self important pant load for a long time only because he was the only thing on that wasn't clearly communist.
Now, he's dead to me. Posted by: Leonard Pinth-Garnell at May 08, 2015 04:52 PM (Ilm6f) 423
Look, the biggest disadvantage we have in the existential war with Islam (yes) is the kumbaya LIVs. They will not respond to intellectuual argument even in their best interests - they are conditioned to be repelled by it, only to the kind of pervasive mockery that makes something stupid and uncool.
America, meet your Joan of Arc with a great rack. Posted by: Ray Van Dune at May 08, 2015 04:55 PM (ompLI) 424
BTW. If you read the Old Testament, Book of Judges, you will find that every Judge who rescued Israel was a military leader first and a Judge second. Strange the way these Catholics like O'Reilly would like to change the character of God to their own image. Also, look at history and you will see that Rome always had a good relationship with big governments, monarchs, etc. If you do not believe that just consider that South America and North America were colonized at the same time. North America had British Common Law and Protestantism while South America had Roman law, Monarchs and Jesuits.
Posted by: Rich at May 08, 2015 04:56 PM (BcWH9) 425
Jesus also told the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem (not too unlike these Muslims) that they were "like white washed tombs" which was a way of saying they looked good on the outside but were filled with dead mans bones and they stink. Now that was very inflammatory and provacative. Read the Gospels and you will see that Jesus was a very confrontational person who probably hated politicians. My king of guy.
Posted by: Rich at May 08, 2015 04:45 PM (BcWH9) ----------------------------------------------- This is all true. But did he draw them on paper? Big difference. Posted by: Soona at May 08, 2015 04:57 PM (/HX7u) 426
If memory serves, Muslims are no larger a minority in the US than homosexuals. Why does it 'provoke death' to make fun of one but not the other? What an interesting question... Posted by: Family Resource Council door guard at May 08, 2015 04:58 PM (XO6WW) 427
BTW once again thread winner is right up front at #2. Only improvement would be to leave off the /sarc, IMHO.
Posted by: Ray Van Dune at May 08, 2015 04:59 PM (ompLI) 428
O'Reilly wrote a book about Jesus, so you'd think
he'd know SOMETHING about the man. But clearly he doesn't. He seems to be buying into the pop culture image of Jesus as a kind of live-and-let-live, "Love Is All You Need" hippie. As John Nolte's been remarking on Twitter, Jesus was far more provocative to the religious establishment in his day than Pam Geller's Mohammed cartoons are today. Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit Vaginassassin, aka Beth at May 08, 2015 03:36 PM (4df7R) It seems like I am constantly reminding people that Christianity is not some weak-kneed "Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley" type of gig. Posted by: redbanzai at May 08, 2015 04:59 PM (OrI3J) 429
As to O'Reilly's Catholic orthodoxy, somebody ask him what he thinks about Papal infallibility.
As with most modern so-called 'Catholics', who enjoy the history, romance and ritual of it but don't actually believe a word. Posted by: Old Tom at May 08, 2015 04:59 PM (GJely) 430
Seriously, who do SF gays think they're hurting when they do a x-rated hunky Jesus contests? Christians who are having a wonderful day in church celebrating the resurrected Lord?! Christians in the Mideast who are killed for proclaimed their faith in Jesus? I didn't know anything about "hunky" Jesus contests until I read it about it here and I certainly don't need to look at the pictures. When militant gays do a hunky Mohammed contest then I might take notice. Of course, they'd be far too cowardly to do that.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 08, 2015 05:00 PM (1sJza) Posted by: Lepus Protection Front at May 08, 2015 05:00 PM (DL2i+) 432
Anyone else having trouble getting the main page to load? For three days now its spotty from my android.
Posted by: Texas Dan at May 08, 2015 05:02 PM (TqXWc) 433
No one need to protect someone's right to say, "Bunnies are cute.
----------------------------------------- Damn! Now you've done it. Posted by: Soona at May 08, 2015 05:03 PM (/HX7u) 434
That rabbit's dynamite!
Posted by: toby928(C) at May 08, 2015 05:05 PM (evdj2) 435
Can't wait to get Bill's translation of the King James.
I've always been sure there's something about vibrators and phone calls and blowing off steam in there somewhere. Posted by: Howie Feltersnatch at May 08, 2015 05:06 PM (6E2VN) 436
Hey Bill, please review Jesus and the moneychangers and get back to us.
Posted by: Bob at May 08, 2015 05:07 PM (fVGlW) 437
CHRIST JESUS is 1/3 of the TRINITY, along with GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT. I don't believe JESUS would bow to olla, or indeed, satan, in any form. I never cared for o'reilly. Last time I watched him was before 2005. The damn guy is all about himself. The sanctimonious bastard will not show up on my radar again. Ever.
Posted by: Eromero at May 08, 2015 05:10 PM (go5uR) 438
Some folks are suggesting that one of the commandments forbids creating art that reflects life. Not True.
The commandment is against worshipping an icon or symbol. Golden Calf, anyone? Posted by: OneEyedJack at May 08, 2015 05:11 PM (XmOA9) Posted by: DaveA at May 08, 2015 05:13 PM (DL2i+) 440
Can't wait to get Bill's translation of the King James. Posted by: Howie Feltersnatch at May 08, 2015 05:06 PM (6E2VN) Catholic. No KJV. Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at May 08, 2015 05:21 PM (yxw0r) 441
I can't compete with Ace's wit, so I'll just add that Bill O'Reilly should stuff horse balls down his throat till He chokes.
Posted by: Old Hob at May 08, 2015 05:24 PM (Z+7WE) 442
Today Geraldo was on F&F spouting the same nonsense. I believe he said that Pamela Geller's actions "make us Jews look bad". And of course Donald Trump also thinks Pamela Geller is horrible person. Bill O makes this a real triumvirate. Of pompous, ridiculous, egomaniacal idiots.
Geraldo also said, stupidly, that you cannot yell fire in a crowded theater. I hate Geraldo. Oh, Pam Geller is unnecessarily provocative? With the cartoon contest? I think people who openly discuss killing me and my countrymen are the provocative ones. I find filming the beheading of U.S. soldiers provocative. Posted by: grandmalcaesar at May 08, 2015 05:28 PM (yrohn) 443
I'd like to join a few thousand people in mailing O'Reilly a picture of Mohammad. Maybe I'll learn how to use Twitter and start a trend of posting Mo on every tweet.
Posted by: Old Hob at May 08, 2015 05:29 PM (Z+7WE) Posted by: Sponge at May 08, 2015 05:33 PM (F4u7C) 445
@ 200 I like that,
PC is the religion Marxism uses to control leftist drones. Posted by: billy sastard at May 08, 2015 05:34 PM (VDovR) 446
okay maybe jesus wouldn't have held a draw mohhammed event but he did have a pin the tail on caesar contest at his bat mitzvah which was very provocative for the day Posted by: kj at May 08, 2015 05:39 PM (lKyWE) 447
Three generations of idiots using "shouting fire in a crowded theater" in support of censorship is enough.
If you don't get that joke, which Ted O'Baxter wouldn't, you ain't no business spouting off about 1st Amendment jurisprudence. Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at May 08, 2015 05:42 PM (dvuhZ) 448
Jesus also told the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem (not too unlike these
Muslims) that they were "like white washed tombs" which was a way of saying they looked good on the outside but were filled with dead mans bones and they stink. Now that was very inflammatory and provacative. Read the Gospels and you will see that Jesus was a very confrontational person who probably hated politicians. My king of guy. Posted by: Rich at May 08, 2015 04:45 PM (BcWH9) ----------------------------------------------- This is all true. But did he draw them on paper? Big difference. THERE IS????? I hope you are indulging in sarcasm. Posted by: Rich at May 08, 2015 05:43 PM (BcWH9) 449
Is Bill O'Reilly a priest? I though he was just some tv guy that liked buying dildos.
Posted by: otro consolador at May 08, 2015 05:43 PM (6E2VN) 450
opps bar mitzvah,sorry big guy no offense intented Posted by: kj at May 08, 2015 05:44 PM (lKyWE) 451
Not all churches believe the "trinity" stuff (word is not in the Bible) or the "God the Son" stuff ... also not in the Bible. I don't care what people believe, but I think an average man, or atheist man is better reading the gospels seeing a man that suffered in all points like as we ... as a person. He was a second Adam, and had the choice to disobey his Father ... God. As the story goes.
The trinity and about many pagan traditions started around the third century. "Babylon Mystery Religion" revealed the basis of so many of the Catholic traditions, some of which most other churches have at their core. I'm fine with people that follow those things, but many traditions in any religion have alternate sources. It just seems odd that they emphasize "one God", then turn it into a three headed God. Just trying to show speaking "Truth" can insult any religious person. ha. Obama brings up the crusades because he sees that as against Islam I guess, but the "Christian" church had centuries of rather barbarous activity. But fundamentalist Bible following Christians are mostly peaceful with the "infidels", whereas fundamentalist Islam is ISIS. Posted by: Illiniwek at May 08, 2015 05:44 PM (QGjci) 452
Nobody's brought this up, so I'll set the cat among the pigeons: BOR is of a generation of Catholics (BOR b. 1949) who didn't go to Sunday school like Protestants do, and were firmly discouraged from reading the Bible. The Roman Catholic Church didn't allow the laymen (non-priests; congregations) to read the Bible, and indeed burned alive the men who translated it from Latin into English, for a couple of centuries.... This was all about the priestly hierarchy keeping control of the Message.
So he may not be well versed in the parables, sayings, and stories of Jesus at all. I say this because I know quite a few Italian Catholics in NYC who are astoundingly ignorant of what Jesus said and did: whenever I quote him, I am amazed to get a blank look. I have asked a couple of them what on earth they did in church, and they said they went to Mass on Sundays, which was conducted in Latin until 1967. During the week, in Catholic school, they had Religion class, in which they studied Catholicism. Protestants, on the other hand, are steeped in the Gospels and their sayings and stories, from a very young age. The main idea in Protestantism being to get "back to basics," and try to reconnect with First Century Christianity. Posted by: Beverly at May 08, 2015 05:48 PM (40Ujt) 453
The thing is, see, Jesus knows Satan when he sees him. O'Reilly doesn't. But O'Reilly, arrogant doof that he is, likes to play the Marie Harf role in being a spokesman for something he knows little, and about which he assumes too much.
Posted by: Michael Haz at May 08, 2015 06:00 PM (Mrbck) 454
So if the Muslims declare that a woman's apparel is repugnant to them, we bundle our women up in an attire that covers them from head to please Allah.
BTW...Jesus was THE PROPHET, not that other guy. He also came along 700 years before him. If these people can say "The Prophet," then I can say "The Christ." Posted by: Supreme Being at May 08, 2015 06:10 PM (SJ184) 455
IDK but anytime a Christian speaks of Christ in past tense I wonder if they mean when He was here on Earth or they're admitting w/o realizing it that He died and never rose. Because if it's the latter then the Apostle Paul said we are the biggest of fools if He didn't rise again (paraphrase). I do believe He rose again and no way does He speak well of a false belief system.
I truly feel bad for Ms. Gellar. Within a week or so she had jihadists try to slaughter her and her friends, she found out how many punks are on the right, she saw how many leftists really want her dead (bet she knew that already but still) and just how indifferent many are about this. That woman hasn't been playing games yet many on the right are. Nobody. I mean nobody does what she does if they weren't serious. Never met her but I bet deep down she has to be feeling pretty low seeing her fellow citizens leaving her to die. My 2 cents. Posted by: Lou at May 08, 2015 06:33 PM (feyBm) 456
#119 If that O'Reilly question was anymore slanted it would slide off the monitor. And notice how he doesn't let you view the results?
Posted by: Family Resource Council door guard at May 08, 2015 07:10 PM (XO6WW) 457
That feckin' idiot almost always speaks of the PHILOSOPHER Jesus.
Posted by: Least in ID (not CA thaNk God) at May 08, 2015 07:31 PM (lGLAo) 458
And the scribes and the PPharisees came unto the Lord with a man holding a pencil in one hand and a parchment in the other. And they said unto Him "whatever should be done with this man?"
"'What is on the parchment?" "A rendering of a Arab possessed by demons who will be born 600 years hence." "Render that which is Caesar as Caesar and that which is a maniacal Arab as a maniacal Arab." Posted by: Minuteman at May 08, 2015 07:33 PM (yQVAQ) 459
And the scribes and the PPharisees came unto the Lord with a man holding a pencil in one hand and a parchment in the other. And they said unto Him "whatever should be done with this man?"
"'What is on the parchment?" "A rendering of a Arab possessed by demons who will be born 600 years hence." "Render that which is Caesar as Caesar and that which is a maniacal Arab as a maniacal Arab." Posted by: Minuteman at May 08, 2015 07:33 PM (yQVAQ) 460
Did Bill give anyone advice on not starting a radio talk show because you think Rush Limbaugh is going deaf? He is the expert on this topic from his own personal experience. Bill O Ted Baxter thinks that besting Jon Stewart in a debate is difficult. But he is looking out for the folks.
Posted by: Thomasone at May 08, 2015 08:15 PM (NQ+CL) 461
No disrespect to Christians, but what does Jesus' assumed opinion on a cartoon have to do with anything here?
We do not have a Christian-based government, regardless of what anyone tries to assert, and our democratic form of government owes more the ancient Greece and Rome than the Bible. Jesus also asserted some pretty anti-capitalist / free market ideas in saying that "the meek shall inherit the earth," and "it is easier for a camel to pass through a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven." In addition, he cast the merchants out of the Temple, guys who were just trying to make a living and responding to market demand that they be there. Christianity's influence on this nation and culture are undeniable, and this influence has been beneficial. That being said, can people like Bill please stop pretending that they can read the mind of the Son of God and tell us what he would do? It should be noted that Christians never rioted because an artist put a crucifix in a jar of urine, and Christians have also never put out a hit one someone for criticizing their religion. Posted by: Mistress Overdone at May 08, 2015 08:53 PM (2/oBD) 462
That being said, can people like Bill please stop pretending that they can read the mind of the Son of God and tell us what he would do? Posted by: Mistress Overdone at May 08, 2015 08:53 PM (2/oBD) I wonder what devout Muslims would do to someone who presumed the omniscience to opine about what The Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) would think or say about a given situation in today's world. I suspect they wouldn't take it well. Posted by: rickl at May 08, 2015 09:35 PM (sdi6R) Posted by: Bill O'Reilly at May 08, 2015 09:36 PM (q52Ma) 464
Salman Rushdie was needlessly provocative.
Posted by: Kenny Fucking Powers at May 08, 2015 09:42 PM (y8idZ) Posted by: William Eaton at May 08, 2015 09:43 PM (q52Ma) 466
Just lookin' out for the folks! Except for those folks who blaspheme The Prophet; they're on their own.
Posted by: Bill al-Reilly at May 08, 2015 10:49 PM (a5m3K) Posted by: ccoffer at May 09, 2015 01:09 AM (SOLiP) Posted by: Ruta22 at May 09, 2015 01:55 AM (I1OlJ) 469
O'Reilly is a dumbass
Posted by: Sam at May 09, 2015 04:30 AM (V64OO) 470
And I wish Jesse Waters would take his place. So may are sick of his pompous attitude: that is exactly why Donahue lost his following.
Posted by: Sam at May 09, 2015 04:32 AM (V64OO) 471
Ands I love how easy it is to post here. Kudos to this site.
Posted by: Sam at May 09, 2015 04:33 AM (V64OO) 472
a glass of wine, a fine time! to say what is on your mind!!
Posted by: Sam at May 09, 2015 04:35 AM (V64OO) 473
And I recently read that Martin Luther King did the same as Pamela Geller. Expose your enemies!
Posted by: Sam at May 09, 2015 04:38 AM (V64OO) 474
Still waiting for Bill to answer question when's he will author the book Killing Muhamed. If not, why not? This is an historical figure who has and is having an impact on life around the world. I dare him to write it or answer why he won't.
Posted by: Free_Spyryt at May 09, 2015 10:02 AM (uWaQa) 475
Of course Bill is correct. Jesus would not sponsor a drawing contest like this. He would not do anything just to aggravate people. The shallowness here is sickening.
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