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Saturday Morning Politics Thread: Can We Forgive Marco Rubio? [Y-not]

Good morning, horde!

Rand Paul and Marco Rubio have officially entered the race. We covered them last year, and neither one of them made the cut after polling the horde, but I thought it might be a good idea to update our coverage of them.

I've been suffering pretty badly with sinus headaches, so in the interest of time/space/effort I'm going to abandon the usual format and just try to point out a couple of things about the candidate (and provide a few links), but leave much of this up to you for discussion.

Let's start with Marco Rubio this week and revisit Rand Paul next week.

Here's the GovTrack.US backgrounder on Senator Rubio, which focuses on what he has done since entering the U.S. Senate in 2011.

Govtrack provides an interesting graphical tool for legislators that they call a "sponsorship analysis:"


Our unique analysis of the bills Rubio has sponsored and cosponsored provides insight into his position in the Senate.
Each dot in the chart below is a member of the Senate. The dots are positioned horizontally according to our progressive -- conservative ideology score and vertically according to our leadership score (leaders toward the top). Rubio is shown as a purple triangle.

For comparison, I have shown Ted Cruz's score in this sponsorship analysis with the purple heart and Rand Paul's with the yellow diamond.

By the way, that red dot over by the Democrats is Susan Collins. smdh

You can read more about their methodology here. They've reproduced clickable maps for both houses of Congress at that page, so you can check to see how your favorite (or least favorite) Congress-critter fared. The data used appears to run from 2011 to present.

Back to Rubio:

Prior to serving in the U.S. Senate, Rubio was in Florida's legislature. Supporters have been touting his service as Speaker as an example of his leadership and "executive" skills. Here's Jim Geraghty on his time as Speaker:

Rubio managed the Florida House of Representatives as speaker for two years, a period marked by some distinct successes but also lingering frustration with Republicans he deemed too passive and comfortable with the status quo. As speaker and in earlier leadership positions in the Florida House, Rubio demonstrated a willingness to delegate to focus on his strengths, communicating and negotiating. The record suggests that a President Rubio would drive a hard bargain, and hold out until the eleventh hour, but rarely walk away from the table without a deal.

During Rubio's announcement speech, which you can read here, he emphasized his immigrant roots. His announcement was made at the Freedom Tower in Miami, which is known as the Ellis Island of the South, especially amongst Cuban Americans. Here's what he had to say about that:

I chose to make this announcement at the Freedom Tower because it is a symbol of our nation's identity as the land of opportunity. And I am more confident than ever that despite our troubles, we have it within our power to make our time another American Century.

In this very room five decades ago, tens of thousands of Cuban exiles began their new lives in America. Their story is part of the larger story of the American miracle. How, united by a common faith in their God given right to go as far as their talent and work would take them, a collection of immigrants and exiles, former slaves and refugees, became one people, and together built the freest and most prosperous nation ever.

The other major thrust of his speech was generational:

My parents achieved what came to be known as the American Dream. But now, too many Americans are starting to doubt whether achieving that dream is still possible:

Hard working families living paycheck to paycheck, one unexpected expense away from disaster...

Young Americans, unable to start a career, a business or a family, because they owe thousands in student loans for degrees that did not lead to jobs...

And small business owners, left to struggle under the weight of more taxes, more regulations and more government.

Why is this happening in a country that for over two centuries has been defined by equality of opportunity?

Because while our people and economy are pushing the boundaries of the 21st century, too many of our leaders and their ideas are stuck in the twentieth century.

That's a clear shot at Hillary, although it's really more age-relevant (she's 67) than accomplishments-oriented, given that her time in office (in the Senate and as Secretary of State) was in this millennium.

I admit, this approach doesn't play well with me, in large part because when I looked at specific issues that he cites, I don't see that Rubio has accomplished much of anything, novel or otherwise. For example:

They look for solutions in yesterday, so they don't see that good-paying modern jobs require different skills and more education than the past. They blindly support an outdated higher education system that is too expensive and inaccessible to those who need it most.

What has Rubio done to innovate higher education? Rubio on the Issues suggests very little. About a year ago, he released some ideas about higher education that had nothing to do with controlling costs and appeared to add to Federal involvement in colleges and universities (which, trust me, would increase costs). (Honestly, to my knowledge the only candidate who has actually tackled higher education issues and gotten results in Rick Perry.)

So what do you think of Marco Rubio's candidacy? Do you think the optimism he projected in his speech -- and the generational argument he laid out -- will sell beyond GOP primary voters?

More importantly, do you think GOP primary voters can -- or should -- forgive him for the Gang of Eight?

We haven't covered immigration in these weekly threads yet, but it's clearly a major hurdle for many of us, including yours truly.

Are you ready to forgive Rubio?

**UPDATE: I should have included this link to Hot Air describing Rubio's recent commitment to ending Obama's executive amnesty. Hat tip to Norsu on Twitter.**

Posted by: Open Blogger at 08:45 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 It's not a question of forgiving Rubio, it's a matter of trust. IMO he's a lot like Obama - a suit filled with hope. People say Rubio is a gifted speaker but I don't get it, and his affection for America is always linked to how awesome it is "because look at me!"

Posted by: major major major major at April 18, 2015 08:48 AM (QlI33)

2 I think Drew is right, that Rubio's rhetoric suggests that he has no real clue how bad things are for our constitutional system -- or he does, and he's not willing to argue for serious reform to counter the current administration's "fundamental transformation" -- so, no, not even if I thought he was serious on enforcement first, which I don't.

Posted by: Bubba at April 18, 2015 08:49 AM (5PA9K)

3 Forgive him? One has to been sorry and repent to be forgiven. He'll the US out with amnesty if given the chance.

Posted by: dogfish at April 18, 2015 08:49 AM (1vYi0)

4 ... He'll sell the US out...

Posted by: dogfish at April 18, 2015 08:49 AM (1vYi0)

5 Do not trust Rubio.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 08:49 AM (hNvdN)

6 I think Wubio's nice.

Posted by: Senator Bawney Fwank at April 18, 2015 08:50 AM (VAsIq)

7 People say Rubio is a gifted speaker but I don't get it, and his affection for America is always linked to how awesome it is "because look at me!"

Yeah, I kinda agree.

I recall a couple of years ago when he spoke at the Reagan Library reading so much drooling over his speech, so I watched it. Singularly unimpressed.

He strikes me as the favorite pet amongst a certain set who find him to be "safely ethnic" and bendable to their will.

Posted by: Y-not at April 18, 2015 08:51 AM (9BRsg)

8 Trust. Politician. The two are mutually exclusive.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at April 18, 2015 08:52 AM (60Vyp)

9 The ACA will require restaurants to list how many calories are in a glass of wine. Another thing that we found out about after it was passed.

Ya know someone could make a big deal out of repealing this piece of crap.

Posted by: freaked at April 18, 2015 08:52 AM (JdEZJ)

10 Forgot to add that forgiveness requires trust.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at April 18, 2015 08:53 AM (60Vyp)

11 He strikes me as the favorite pet amongst a certain set who find him to be "safely ethnic" and bendable to their will.
Posted by: Y-not

Chuck Schumer, for instance....

Posted by: Dr. Todd Ambrosius at April 18, 2015 08:53 AM (x550S)

12 I've written this here before, but Rubio reminds me of a cheeky kid telling the adults all the things. What I don't need is another pol ready to lecture me and then do whatever the hell they want. Rubio is a Jr GOPe.

Posted by: dogfish at April 18, 2015 08:54 AM (1vYi0)

13 That said, I am very torn about Rubio. He's clearly the backup plan to Jeb, so we really may be stuck dealing with him.

Do you think Marco Rubio standing next to (completely evil but "seasoned" and "experienced") Hillary Clinton is going to have enough gravitas to win the trust of general election LIVs on things like terrorism? To me he looks TOO young. I think his generational argument is a mistake.

Posted by: Y-not at April 18, 2015 08:56 AM (9BRsg)

14 What dogfish said.

Posted by: Y-not at April 18, 2015 08:56 AM (9BRsg)

15 I think Rubio has already demonstrated what kind of politician he is. So no I'm not enthusiastic.

Posted by: freaked at April 18, 2015 08:57 AM (JdEZJ)

16 It's not just a matter of trust, it's a matter of smarts. Rubio's involvement in the Gang of Eight bill showed that he was easily manipulated as a novice senator, and not smart enough to see beyond one move in the political chess game. The money he is currently raising shows he has the support of the RNC big money and that should be enough to make us all suspicious. The only candidate that has my full trust and support is Cruz, who has the smarts, principles and the cojones!

Posted by: elemaza at April 18, 2015 08:58 AM (JF94C)

17 Well he showed how naive and "bendable " he could be WRT the immigration issue led by FU Schumer. So no, his silver tongue does not sway me.

Posted by: Dr farsworth at April 18, 2015 08:58 AM (46ftr)

18 No. From now on I expect "conservatives" to have conservative instincts and not John McCain with the democrats at the first chance.

Posted by: traye at April 18, 2015 08:59 AM (dcsAe)

19 According to BB, Rubio went on Univision and said he won't overturn Barky's Dreamer amnesty.

He hasn't learned anything since his earlier amnesty clusterf#&%.

These dipshits just don't get it that the voters don't want amnesty.

As far as I'm concerned he's finished.

If our citizenship doesn't mean anything then what's the point?

Posted by: weirdflunkyonatablet at April 18, 2015 08:59 AM (1jJbj)

20 If Rubio were as innately gifted as they make him out to be, he wouldn't have made that rookie mistake with the Gang of Eight bill. Sorry -- he needs more experience.

Posted by: Abbie Normal at April 18, 2015 08:59 AM (PXnNl)

21 Go to the chart on the House. Find Boehner. Then tell me why on Earth he is speaker of the House with a Republican majority.

Posted by: MikeD at April 18, 2015 09:00 AM (0rpqu)

22 I dunno. Breitbart has a piece on his being OK with letting unconstitutional executive amnesties slide until Congress gets moving. Coulter thinks he's trying for a VP slot. Makes sense. Reminds me of this: I've been married twice now, and I've found encouraging words are key to a great marriage.

"Honey, you're very smart for a Tea Partier."

Posted by: @PeeteySDee at April 18, 2015 09:00 AM (Qpv4F)

23 Forget his backstabbing lies on amnesty. Put them aside. They don't even matter. The same question that applied to Obama applies to him. If he weren't Latino, would anyone even be talking about him?

He's done nothing at all, and yet has the brass to lecture me about why he's uniquely qualified. Why, Marco? Show me some evidence of your uniqueness other than the fact that you can give me a dry-mouthed speech full of platitudes.

Posted by: pep at April 18, 2015 09:01 AM (LAe3v)

24 Simple answer to Y-not's headline question: No. In fact, hell, no!

No need to forgive him, because aside from his fondness for amnesty, pandering and of course the all-important "hey, I can be a Historic First, too!" card -- which some Conservative Anal-ysts and some Moron commenters seem to be buying into -- he brings exactly nothing to the table.

That's right: no record of achievement, no coherent beliefs for which he will fight. The only thing I've seen -- based on his one big action in the Senate, an attempted filibuster -- is that he apparently can hold his urine. That makes him better than Joe Biden, but not by much.

Posted by: MrScribbler at April 18, 2015 09:01 AM (P8YHq)

25 "
If Rubio were as innately gifted as they make him out to be"

I don't get this. I don't care to hear anything he has to say. Almost as bad as Barky. And, as above, I'm not sure he's anywhere as smart as some make him out to be.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 09:02 AM (hNvdN)

26 To those who say they're not willing to forgive Rubio, what exactly are you holding out for? Who is the "pure" candidate in this race that can win? If you go solely on their record of governance, the nominee should be Jeb Bush, hands down.

Posted by: rexbatt at April 18, 2015 09:02 AM (woA40)

27 Seeing as how most legislation drags us further down, I think a trait of solid leadership is how FEW pieces of legislation a congresscritter sponsors.

Posted by: goatexhange at April 18, 2015 09:03 AM (C+vOU)

28 >>He's done nothing at all, and yet has the brass to lecture me about why he's uniquely qualified.


I found the "uniquely qualified" assertion to be particularly insulting.

Posted by: Y-not at April 18, 2015 09:04 AM (9BRsg)

29 They talk about him as a skilled negotiator-

but his little fandango with Schumer showed zero negotiating skill

which to me means that Rubio is another weak goober like Boehner who will always give the store away as long as he can wave a piece of paper at the end.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 18, 2015 09:04 AM (KUa85)

30 The only thing I've seen -- based on his one big action in the Senate,
an attempted filibuster -- is that he apparently can hold his urine.
That makes him better than Joe Biden, but not by much.

Jeez, you wet the Senate carpet a time or two and everyone freaks out. I said I was sorry!

Posted by: Joe Biden at April 18, 2015 09:04 AM (LAe3v)

31 "Then tell me why on Earth he is speaker of the House with a Republican majority."


Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 09:04 AM (hNvdN)

32 Someone said here the other day that Rubio is the Republican version of Obama. I agree. He's a clean, articulate ethnic who is telegenic and has almost no real accomplishments.

Posted by: rickl at April 18, 2015 09:04 AM (sdi6R)

33 'If you go solely on their record of governance, the nominee should be Jeb Bush, hands down.'

Well you have convinced me. I'll just stop thinking now.

Posted by: freaked at April 18, 2015 09:05 AM (JdEZJ)

34 Who is the "pure" candidate in this race that can win? If you go solely on their record of governance, the nominee should be Jeb Bush, hands down.
Posted by: rexbatt at April 18, 2015 09:02 AM (woA40)

Before I answer that question, back up your assertion that people here are demanding purity.

Otherwise, I'm not interested in discussing this with you.

Posted by: Y-not at April 18, 2015 09:05 AM (9BRsg)

35 Someone said earlier that if it came down to Rubio and Hillary!, they'd vote for him. I would, too.

I will stay home if it's Jeb.

Rubio would make a good Veep candidate, IMHO. A "Cruz/Rubio" ticket would at least create havoc among the identity-politicians.

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at April 18, 2015 09:05 AM (yxw0r)

36 26
To those who say they're not willing to forgive Rubio, what exactly are
you holding out for? Who is the "pure" candidate in this race that can

Bobby Jindal would be my pick. Can he be elected? I don't know, but he's the kind of guy I want. He's smart, ethical and willing to tell the Dems to suck it.

Posted by: pep at April 18, 2015 09:06 AM (LAe3v)

37 Do you think Marco Rubio standing next to (completely evil but "seasoned"...Clinton...?

No, for the reasons everyone has already stated.
1. Comes off as a know-it-all.
2. I too don't find his speeches impressive.
3. His debate skills are lacking the killer instinct but instead...
4. He bends like a willow to the GOPe so he won't have the support of wary conservatives nor does that squishy tactic ever win these rubes the center-left votes they crave.

Posted by: dogfish at April 18, 2015 09:06 AM (1vYi0)

38 "To those who say they're not willing to forgive Rubio, what exactly are you holding out for?"

Cruz. Maybe Walker.

Short of that, screw it and let's get this crash rolling.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 09:06 AM (hNvdN)

39 I am in no mood for the usual allegations from the Big Tent (except not YOU) wing of the Party that we're being irrational "true cons." Just don't go there. If you want to make that sort of allegation, back it up.

Posted by: Y-not at April 18, 2015 09:06 AM (9BRsg)

40 I'd take Marco as veep, sure, why not.

Posted by: goatexhange at April 18, 2015 09:06 AM (C+vOU)

41 40
I'd take Marco as veep, sure, why not.

Posted by: goatexhange


Posted by: One heartbeat at April 18, 2015 09:08 AM (LAe3v)

42 Posted by: rexbatt at April 18, 2015 09:02 AM (woA40)

Cruz. Maybe he can't win but he fights.

Jeb? Not a chance in this world will I vote for him.

If it ends up being Hillary so be it.

Voted for Mitt last time in the general. What was the point?

Never again.

Posted by: weirdflunkyonatablet at April 18, 2015 09:08 AM (1jJbj)

43 The purest candidates can be found either in the choir of angels singing praises to G-d or down in the 9th Circle of Hell. So adjust your expectations to better align with this mortal plain of human foibles, goofs, and outright stupidity.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at April 18, 2015 09:09 AM (r9H2F)

44 What dogfish said x100

Posted by: Weasel at April 18, 2015 09:09 AM (e3bId)

45 Yeah, as of today, I would vote for Rubio over Hillary (or probably any Democrat).

I would not vote for Jeb. He should have switched parties. He'd be an acceptable Democrat. He's a lousy Republican.

Posted by: Y-not at April 18, 2015 09:09 AM (9BRsg)

46 >>> Rubio is shown as a purple triangle.

So IOW, Rubio is Tinky Wink? Sorry, I agree that it's not a matter of forgiveness but a matter of trust. If I choose not to have dealings with the Jon Lovitz character, I may have forgiven him for lying to me in the past, but I'd be a fool to entrust him with anything.

Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at April 18, 2015 09:09 AM (3F6F8)

47 I'm with major major major major, Rubio is "a suit filled with hope." He looks like the Pillsbury Doughboy to me, sorry. Also I cannot forgive the amnesty betrayal, just as with Christie, I can't forgive him sloppy kissing Obama the day before the election.

What if--very unlikely, but still--the array of Republican candidates ran, brought in their individual constituencies--and then brought those voters to either Cruz or Walker? I see Cruz and Walker as the two top people in terms of being the kind of "chief administrator of the executive branch" (as Washington put it) that we need. If these many candidates end up doing what they ought to in terms of the party and the country--that is, articulating the conservative message, and then strongly supporting whoever wins the nomination--good things could happen. It would actually be awesome if all of these people run and DON'T start tearing each other to shreds.

My favorite thing about Rubio is that he might take Florida primary votes from Jeb.

Posted by: Emily at April 18, 2015 09:09 AM (7Rn+/)

48 I'd take Marco as veep, sure, why not.

Posted by: goatexhange at April 18, 2015 09:06 AM

No way. He hasn't earned the right to get that far up the ladder.

Once again, he may look good compared to Biden, but I'm sick of LOTEs. I want a President (and a veepee) who have demonstrated that they deserve the highest offices in the land, and will not abuse the trust we place in them.

Plus all that "one heartbeat away..." stuff.

Posted by: MrScribbler at April 18, 2015 09:10 AM (P8YHq)

49 Rubio is shown as a purple triangle.

I have shown Ted Cruz's score in this sponsorship analysis with the purple heart and Rand Paul's with the yellow diamond.

Always after me Lucky Charms!

Posted by: rickl at April 18, 2015 09:12 AM (sdi6R)

50 Cruz. Maybe Walker.

Short of that, screw it and let's get this crash rolling.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 09:06 AM (hNvdN)


Amen and amen.

Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at April 18, 2015 09:12 AM (XrHO0)

51 >>Always after me Lucky Charms!


I really wanted to use a silver dime to represent Rand, but I wimped out.

Posted by: Y-not at April 18, 2015 09:13 AM (9BRsg)

52 Maybe I'm seeing things that aren't there, but my sense is that the HQ is not a promising vote location for Rubio.

Posted by: pep at April 18, 2015 09:13 AM (LAe3v)

53 Cruz. Maybe he can't win but he fights.

Okay, I've heard this before. But exactly what, please, has Rubio "fought" for? What cause has he risked all -- or anything -- for?

Name one.

Posted by: MrScribbler at April 18, 2015 09:14 AM (P8YHq)

54 I'll adjust my expectations based upon reality.

We are in a shit whirlpool of fiscal insolvency, moral depravity, and, liberty theft.

Pardon me if I call a spade a spade. I'm not interested in anyone, at all, who is not welded to tackling head on these basic real issues.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 09:14 AM (hNvdN)

55 I understand the establishment and money types going for Jeb but the rank and file? I don't see it. He has the money to hand around but what exactly is his constituency?

He should have taken his mother's advice.

And the marshmallow man from New Jersey? Yeah no.

Posted by: weirdflunkyonatablet at April 18, 2015 09:15 AM (1jJbj)

56 But exactly what, please, has Rubio "fought" for? What cause has he risked all -- or anything -- for?

To be fair, he risked everything on the amnesty bill. He just didn't know it at the time, because he's not very bright.

Posted by: pep at April 18, 2015 09:15 AM (LAe3v)

57 To those who say they're not willing to forgive
Rubio, what exactly are you holding out for? Who is the "pure" candidate
in this race that can win? If you go solely on their record of
governance, the nominee should be Jeb Bush, hands down.
Posted by: rexbatt at April 18, 2015 09:02 AM (woA40)

This. Because Cruz and Perry are so damaged.

This is why I am voting, like all true conservatives should, for Elizabeth Warren

Posted by: Social Justice Barrista at April 18, 2015 09:15 AM (t//F+)

58 Okay, I've heard this before. But exactly what, please, has Rubio "fought" for? What cause has he risked all -- or anything -- for?

Name one.

Posted by: MrScribbler at April 18, 2015 09:14 AM

Rubio? Amnesty, until he didn't.

Posted by: huerfano at April 18, 2015 09:15 AM (bynk/)

59 RKill nailed it.

Posted by: goatexhange at April 18, 2015 09:15 AM (C+vOU)

60 That being said-

I think we're stuck with Rubio in some way shape of form-

probably as Veep.

Too many people, including Limbaugh are pushing him hard.

However, more and more I like the idea of a "double hispanic" ticket of

Cruz for Prez with Rubio as Veep.

The Dims have spent so much capital and time to flood the US with Hispanics that if they went all racisty racist-

like they always do against Republican minorities.

It would alienate a significant number of Hispanics.

And as we've seen with Obama, it's all about race when it comes to minority voting.

I see this as a potentially huge win-win and FU to the Dims.

My dream candidates would be Cruz and Haley in some combination.

I would also like to see Perry in the mix but the Dims may have sidelined him, unfortunately. He seems to be the strongest federalist candidate.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 18, 2015 09:15 AM (KUa85)

61 Posted by: MrScribbler at April 18, 2015 09:14 AM (P8YHq)

Didn't say Rubio fights. I don't support Rubio. Cruz has my support.

Posted by: weirdflunkyonatablet at April 18, 2015 09:17 AM (1jJbj)

62 Being a Professional Curmudgeon, I'm inclined to support what some consider to be old-fashioned notions.

Among these are the idea that American citizens come first and that American jobs can and should be promoted. Amnesty flies in the face of that.

IMHO, the biggest driving force behind this anti-American push to import a cheap, foreign laborers is a too-powerful federal government using unnecessarily oppressive overregulation to squash the private sector. Yet I haven't heard one candidate say that.

And to answer the question, no, I cannot forgive Dondi. There is absolutely no excuse for promoting amnesty for illegals. In fact, they should be officially encouraged to leave and start the process over by getting in line with everyone else. Learn English, freedom and the American Way (meritocracy, not AA), then apply for citizenship.

I'd go so far as to make all government transactions in English only. If you can't understand the dominant culture here and won't learn it, then leave. I have no pity for you.

Please to be noticing the green leafy things at your feet.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at April 18, 2015 09:17 AM (0HooB)

63 It's not immigration, it's an invasion.

This cannot be repeated enough.

Posted by: Gem at April 18, 2015 09:19 AM (c+gwp)


He, like Sarah, best exemplifies my idea of who/what my country needs as a leader.

Posted by: irongrampa at April 18, 2015 09:19 AM (jeCnD)

65 Just updated the post with a link to Rubio saying (NOW) that he would repeal Obama's executive amnesty.

A couple of years ago, he said it wouldn't happen.

Posted by: Y-not at April 18, 2015 09:20 AM (9BRsg)

66 RINO Rubio is the second choice of the RNCe. They saw that the Jebbie could not get any traction so they are running him out there. Piss on him. I voted for my last RINO last time.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at April 18, 2015 09:20 AM (wlDny)

67 And I will never vote for R. Paul either. He is looking more and more like that nutbag of a father.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at April 18, 2015 09:22 AM (wlDny)

68 Rubio is not ready for prime time. Needs another couple of trips around Mt Sinai.

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 18, 2015 09:23 AM (JO9+V)

69 Cruz. Maybe he can't win but he fights.

Jeb? Not a chance in this world will I vote for him.

There was a talk-show host last week opined that Romney never made a fist in his life. The same for Jeb and I suspect the same for Rubio.

Maybe I am being unfair, but the amnesty thing soured me on it all. I do thank him for the attempts he has made about Ocare, but he failed. I am tired of rewarding failure.

I tried" is not good enough when the house is on fire and you have been seen "playing with matches.

Posted by: Kindltot at April 18, 2015 09:23 AM (t//F+)

70 Didn't say Rubio fights. I don't support Rubio. Cruz has my support.

Posted by: weirdflunkyonatablet at April 18, 2015 09:17 AM

If the election were held today, I'd vote for Cruz as well.

But there's plenty of time left for Cruz to step on his Male Reproductive Unit (or, to be fair, polish his resume further).

Posted by: MrScribbler at April 18, 2015 09:23 AM (P8YHq)

71 65 Y-not,

He's lying go to Breitbart in Spanglish he is praising DACA...

Juan Pablo speaks with el forked tongue

Posted by: The Smiling Bandit@sven10077 at April 18, 2015 09:24 AM (/4AZU)

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me...

It has to stop. This blatant lying and then turning around and doing what they want. Not even a rational explanation as to why they changed their stance.

Posted by: Bruce J. at April 18, 2015 09:25 AM (iQIUe)

73 For the record, and OT, I hate heavy Marie Harf glasses frames on women. Awful. They will be looked back on the way we look back on 70's fashion.

That said, my teenaged daughter has them. For a reason.

Posted by: Just some guy at April 18, 2015 09:26 AM (yxw0r)

74 If Rubio were as innately gifted as they make him out to be, he wouldn't have made that rookie mistake with the Gang of Eight bill. Sorry -- he needs more experience.

Not to fuss too much, but all politicians need a firm set of values and principles (preferably those of the Founders), a strong sense of what's right and wrong, a steel will and love of reality.

Unfortunately, politics attracts no one like this.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at April 18, 2015 09:27 AM (0HooB)

75 We already have one Maverick. Why do we need another one?

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at April 18, 2015 09:28 AM (wlDny)

76 Yabba Dabba Doo

Posted by: Marco Rubio R-Bedrock at April 18, 2015 09:28 AM (GCJsh)

77 It has to stop. This blatant lying and then turning around and doing what they want. Not even a rational explanation as to why they changed their stance.

Posted by: Bruce J. at April 18, 2015 09:25 AM (iQIUe)


It's impossible to have a Representative Republic if every single mofo is lying about what they will do.

In that case, let's just do away with elections and all hail our new class of royals.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 18, 2015 09:29 AM (KUa85)

78 "Juan Pablo speaks with el forked tongue"

Talks out of one side, then the other.

No. Not buying.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 09:29 AM (hNvdN)

79 Am I the only one that does not understand this Iowa and New Hampshire have to be first eleventy!!!!!!! bs?

The only thing most of the country has we've these two is is well I don't know.

This tradition is stupid and counterproductive.


Posted by: weirdflunkyonatablet at April 18, 2015 09:31 AM (1jJbj)

80 For those of you asking why Rubio is considered a great speaker, go here:

Sorry about the inelegance of my naked link, I am internet-retarded.

Go to the 12 minute mark and listen to him talk about his father, and how as a boy Rubio would hear his father's keys jingle in the lock as he left for work in the wee early hours, to return after dark.

Maybe that doesn't resonate with some of you, but it does with me. This isn't Rand Paul, representative's son; or Jeb, president's son. This is a manual laborer's son. There's more upward mobility across socioeconomic strata in the US than anywhere else, but it's still neither easy nor common.

So yes, I would forgive Rubio. No, I don't completely trust him on amnesty. I don't trust politicians in general, because while I might be internet-retarded, I am not a full-blown moron. I don't trust Perry on the 2A, and I don't trust him not to start stammering during a debate; I don't trust Paul on foreign policy; each candidate has his flaws.

Rubio's not my first choice. I'd probably go:

My cat

...but I'd be very happy with Rubio as a candidate. I consider this field to be the deepest in my lifetime.

Posted by: Pastafarian at April 18, 2015 09:31 AM (pCf+a)

81 I want a governor -- someone who has shown how they will govern, what they wish to accomplish, and how they do in a gunfight. Walker is the only one I see who can the you-know-whats to fight and the smarts to pick the battles that are good ones and that can be won. He is not perfect, not by a long shot, but get rid of all these Senators. They don't know shit; they can't given the way they are treated y "leadership" -- no annual budget, no bills that can be read. Give me a break.

On governors there is Perry. I think his foolishness last time (not only memory loss) gives him a sinkhole underneath. The other matter, didn't Texas get covered over and over and over by "windmills" under his administrations?

Posted by: pyromancer76 at April 18, 2015 09:32 AM (zvcr8)

82 So how many R's are going to throw their name in the hat? 20+? Fiorino said this morning she would make formal announcement in a few weeks. Huckabee is teasing an announcement on May 5th in Hope, AR. And Trump and Santorum are still posturing.

Posted by: olddog in mo at April 18, 2015 09:32 AM (3eZI/)

83 All politicians are inherently useless. Rubio is not much better or worse than the others.

If its a Jeb/Hillary contest, then I'm out, as a vote for either is a vote for the crap that got us into this mess.

Cruz I could vote for, but the media won't let that happen.

Santorum, Huckabee and others of their ilk need to stay home, and not participate.

I like Haley, Walker, and Snyder. Snyder is my governor right now, and I wouldn't want to lose him.

Pence, Christie, and Jindal all have issues of one major sort or another.

Whose left? Rand? Seriously?

Jeb isn't conservative nor is he republican.

I would quite enjoy if Fauxahantas was the donkey nominee. That would be fun, no matter who opposed her. We'd get to pick apart the "principled" progressive bullshit in a public forum.

My prefs are Cruz, Walker, Haley, or Snyder. Anyone else is largely meh.

Posted by: V Putin at April 18, 2015 09:34 AM (80GjT)

84 So, apparently, Gary Oldman is in a movie that was blocked by Russia. I so wanna see it. That Oldman is in it is enough for me but it has the added benefit of offending Communists.

Posted by: Katya the designated driver at April 18, 2015 09:34 AM (czIfS)

85 Posted by: Pastafarian at April 18, 2015 09:31 AM (pCf+a)

Well said.

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at April 18, 2015 09:34 AM (yxw0r)

86 When I listen to Rubio speak, I zone out. Can't stand being hammered with an avalanche of "conservative" platitudes at warp-speed tempo in order to portray himself as an intelligent thinker, while simultaneously denying the listener time to truly process whether he actually believes what he is saying. A GOP version somewhat similar to the speaking style of that other fraud, Michael Eric Dyson. All part of a calculated effort, IMHO, to snooker the conservative base. It is his actions that conservatives must pay attention to, not his manipulative speeches. And his pro-amnesty actions revealed all the truth I need to know in order to never vote for him.

Posted by: KatDance at April 18, 2015 09:35 AM (/JWgM)

87 "didn't Texas get covered over and over and over by "windmills" under his"

The windmill fiasco began under Bush. But, but, Perry has let it run to fruition.

Yes, yes, hundreds sitting around....not spinning.....blighting the landscape.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 09:36 AM (hNvdN)

88 63 It's not immigration, it's an invasion.

This cannot be repeated enough.

Posted by: Gem at April 18, 2015 09:19 AM (c+gwp)


The Dems importing a large foreign contingent in order to steal sovereignty from lawful citizens, and usurp power for themselves in perpetuity. That's treason pure and simple. Not as bloody as bringing in a foreign army, but still treasonous. And this has nothing to do with being uncompassionate- if labor participation were high and we still had a shortage, we could still allow them to stay with migrant worker status, and allow productive law abiding ones to become citizens. That's just common sense.

Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at April 18, 2015 09:38 AM (3F6F8)

89 As for my voting for him in the general, he is nose holdable.
That's sorta between voting multiple times and ballot burning. Still holding out for zombie apocalypse and Reagan/Fry.

Posted by: Man from Wazzustan at April 18, 2015 09:40 AM (uPxUo)

90 Well, we need more candidates. It's hard to have a circular firing squad with just two people.

Posted by: Gem at April 18, 2015 09:40 AM (c+gwp)

91 Cruz or Rubio or Paul would all be an improvement over the swine we have now, or the swine (Hillary, O'Malley, Warren, Jeb Bush, etc.) who are or may be running soon.

Posted by: Lance Culpepper at April 18, 2015 09:43 AM (U936r)

92 It's as much about what he did as who he did it with.

McCain, Schumer are two of the biggest traitors in the Senate.

And he's on the podium yucking it up with them.

Almost the same visual as Christie and Obama on the beach hugging.

It reveals their true viewpoint; the Democrats are brothers in arms, fellow Congress people fcuking the American public one day at a time.

So. NO. No forgiveness.

And btw. Is Jeb TRYING to say everything that will piss off the conservatives?

He's come up with a bunch of stuff that it almost seems like he's trying to throw the game. Or he's hoping he squeaks by and then no one can say he didn't warn us what he was all about.

Fcuk him too.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 18, 2015 09:43 AM (zRby/)

93 Forgive? Maybe. Trust? No freaking way!

Posted by: BamaBubba at April 18, 2015 09:45 AM (vKTRb)

94 Rubio may have respected his Dad's hard work, but he doesn't get it. His views on immigration hurt working Americans, especially unskilled ones.

Posted by: Y-not on the phone at April 18, 2015 09:47 AM (9BRsg)

95 "Is Jeb TRYING to say everything that will piss off the conservatives?"

Yes. He's sorta the GOPe neo-candidate. He's trying to engage the "new base." Whatever the Hell the GOPe thinks that is.

Now, of course, the GOPe is bullet-proof to the fact he is disliked by both sides and he has no, zero, appeal to anyone really.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 09:47 AM (hNvdN)

96 I guess I missed Mark Everson's announcement. Former head of IRS and Amer RedCross. His 6 primary issues:

1. Tax reform.
2. Confront lawlessness of Big Banks.
3. Bring back draft for shared sense of nat'l srvc.
4. Real reforms to entitlement programs.
5. Reinforce American tradition of assimilation thru comprehensive immigration reform.
6. Serving single term to keep re-election politics out of Presidential decision-making.

Posted by: olddog in mo at April 18, 2015 09:48 AM (3eZI/)

97 Can We Forgive Marco Rubio?


Posted by: Weirddave at April 18, 2015 09:49 AM (WvS3w)

98 If nominated, I will not run.

If elected, I will not serve.

I know when I have it made.

Posted by: Pastafarian's Cat at April 18, 2015 09:50 AM (0HooB)

99 Well, we need more candidates. It's hard to have a circular firing squad with just two people.
Posted by: Gem at April 18, 2015 09:40 AM (c+gwp)

And that's why I will announce my candidacy this week!!

Posted by: Mike Huckabee at April 18, 2015 09:51 AM (V+kmg)

100 Can We Forgive Marco Rubio?
Not in the primary.

Posted by: revolting peasant at April 18, 2015 09:51 AM (bO4UR)

101 90
Well, we need more candidates. It's hard to have a circular firing squad with just two people.

Posted by: Gem at April 18, 2015 09:40 AM

Well, according to this link we could have around 22 running.

Posted by: olddog in mo at April 18, 2015 09:52 AM (3eZI/)

102 Gem said circular firing squad

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 09:52 AM (/4AZU)

103 Yes, yes, hundreds sitting around....not spinning.....blighting the landscape.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 09:36 AM (hNvdN)

Yeah, the Port of Corpus Christi is still paved over with wind turbine parts I noticed last weekend. . Those things aren't even built in the US. They come from Korea and other countries.

I memtioned the other day that I went to a Cruz fundraiser on Tax Day. This time I met his wife too. She's charming. Cruz was impressive as always, but I'm afraid my support will jinx him. My guy never wins the presidential primary. We don't even get to vote in it here in TX. Blecchhh. I hate this shit.

Posted by: stace at April 18, 2015 09:52 AM (71o8T)

104 Posted by: Lance Culpepper at April 18, 2015 09:43 AM (U936r)

That's like saying a hot awl up your ass would be better than the ice pick that's currently in your eyeball.

Yes it's a different quality of pain but still pain nonetheless.

So. No. I'm not voting for RINO's and can kickers.

And if illegal immigration is so great why on earth doesn't Mexico do the same thing?

I'll tell you why, because the folks coming here are semi-literate in their own language let alone English and they're criminals or neer do wells at home at they're unwelcome there which is why they're coming here.

Met and had to work with too many. Some are okay but it's rare. most are ignorant peasants who can barely put their clothes on straight. They send all the money they get home because when they're through here they'll go back and be rich or their family will be rich and take them back.

They are not here to forge a new life as a citizen.

Many HATE the US and blame us for all the problems in their little banana republics.

So Double fcuk them.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 18, 2015 09:53 AM (zRby/)

105 Hehe "circular firing squad"

not this time, I've been given implicit assurance that Hillary Clinton
is a great leader and not a candidate I need to be afraid of having

you know who told me?

Jeb Bush on the anniversary of Benghazi no less.

Yup mortal political enemies.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 09:53 AM (/4AZU)

106 97 Posted by: Weirddave at April 18, 2015 09:49 AM (WvS3w)

Considering he is still telling Telemundo "hey I've got your back mi amigos" that would be a "no."

It'd be an IMPROVEMENT for us to have simply a circular firing squad, Rubio and Bush in fact join ranks with the enemy and pour in fire ala McCain.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 09:55 AM (/4AZU)

107 This NO! has been formatted to fit your screen. Original size is six foot high.

Posted by: Ben Had at April 18, 2015 09:56 AM (U1a1l)

108 Posted by: Ben Had at April 18, 2015 09:56 AM (U1a1l)


Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 18, 2015 09:56 AM (zRby/)

109 103 Posted by: stace at April 18, 2015 09:52 AM (71o8T)

Dubya was trying to be the camel to thread the eye of the goreon needle...

I loathe subsidized wind and solar with the fury of a thousand suns, but our clusterfuck is what it is....

The Estados Unitados sits atop more energy potential than any region on the planet so of COURSE we must lock ourselves out of it to shave the whales...

the people tolerating this state of affairs tells me we're done as a great people and frankly I welcome our new islamo-hispano overlords if they make better use of this soil's bounty than we do.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 09:58 AM (/4AZU)

110 No green clover in these Lucky Charms?

Posted by: Miley's Tongue at April 18, 2015 09:58 AM (+Y3QE)

111 110 Posted by: Miley's Tongue at April 18, 2015 09:58 AM (+Y3QE)

We replaced it with pink purses...

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 09:59 AM (/4AZU)

112 And btw. Is Jeb TRYING to say everything that will piss off the conservatives?

I think he is trying for the demo at nomination.

Posted by: Chilling the most at April 18, 2015 09:59 AM (zW5rQ)

113 I have shown Ted Cruz's score in this sponsorship analysis with the purple heart and Rand Paul's with the yellow diamond.
Get your hands off me Lucky Charms!

Posted by: joey biden at April 18, 2015 10:01 AM (kivUY)

114 AP is making a big deal of Obama's appeal to lift the injuction issued by the TX federal court on his illegal amnesty. They don't mention the fact that he is not following it anyway.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at April 18, 2015 10:01 AM (wlDny)

115 So Marco Rubio ran on the tea party wave in 2010, sold out the tea party on immigration, now wants to run as... what? Tea party acceptable? Unity somethingerother?

Running for higher office does not buy back in those you already sold out. As for being a great speaker of the Florida house: Rubio is a US Senator now; promotion or max Peter principle achieved?

If he such a natural executive, why didn't he run for Florida governor?

Posted by: Not Mr. Blackwell at April 18, 2015 10:01 AM (2a821)

116 No, don't trust him either.

Posted by: SouthTexas at April 18, 2015 10:02 AM (/orPj)

117 >>>>I think he is trying for the demo at nomination.<<<<<

I have had a similar thought. When he gets his ass thrashed in the primaries he will switch parties and establish the Democrat wing of the Bush family business.

Posted by: the guy that moves pianos for a living... at April 18, 2015 10:02 AM (MkQKr)

118 "Those things aren't even built in the US. They come from Korea and other countries."

The turbine/generator may not be. However, the masts and blades are. There's a big blade plant in Gainesville for example.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 10:03 AM (hNvdN)

119 Nope. Don't trust him.



That or I'll have a free Tuesday in November.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 18, 2015 10:03 AM (XAFOu)

120 Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 09:58 AM (/4AZU)

Yep. I hate those things too. The only tiny upside is that when you drive around and see pump jacks next to wind turbines in cornfields with refineries in the background, as I did last weekend, you can say that at least here in TX we're doing all of the above to supply energy. The giant subsidized bird blenders are really superfluous to the equation though. They're scary up close too.

Posted by: stace at April 18, 2015 10:04 AM (71o8T)

"I have had a similar thought. When he gets his ass thrashed in the primaries he will switch parties and establish the Democrat wing of the Bush family business."

He is most likely in the mix to syphon $ / votes off Cruz.

Posted by: Not Mr. Blackwell at April 18, 2015 10:04 AM (2a821)

122 These 'fight for 15' folks.

They are the voting majority.

We're f'ed

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 18, 2015 10:05 AM (XAFOu)

123 I wonder if Jeb and Marco are trying to liberate the democratic and hispanic voters next election. The sort of Reagan Democrat action.

Unfortunately, this ain't gonna work. All you get by acting like a Dem is to make yourself appear to be both a liar and exactly like all the other Dems. Why vote for someone you suspect is lying and promises to make no difference?

Posted by: Kindltot at April 18, 2015 10:06 AM (t//F+)

124 "That or I'll have a free Tuesday in November."


Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 10:06 AM (hNvdN)

125 So Double fcuk them.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 18, 2015 09:53 AM (*/)


The Dems ideal naturalization process would consist solely of the following: "Ok, you take the No. 2 pencil and fill in the oval next to the Democrat candidate". There would be no emphasis on the founding principles or ethos of this country.

Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at April 18, 2015 10:06 AM (XrHO0)

126 80
For those of you asking why Rubio is considered a great speaker, go here:

Sorry about the inelegance of my naked link, I am internet-retarded.

Go to the 12 minute mark and listen to him talk about his father,
and how as a boy Rubio would hear his father's keys jingle in the lock
as he left for work in the wee early hours, to return after dark.

That's nice. You know who else did a good job of that? Jimmy Stewart. Sorry, but electing someone who could read lines and emote and nothing else is what got us into this mess in the first place.

Posted by: pep at April 18, 2015 10:09 AM (LAe3v)

127 But hey, 'Armada of Iranian ships headed to Yemen' so maybe we won't have to worry about a pesky election.

America Strong!!

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 18, 2015 10:09 AM (XAFOu)

128 Cruz/Walker


That or I'll have a free Tuesday in November.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 18, 2015 10:03 AM (XAFOu)


I'd at least show up to write in a longshot, if there are any decent ones on the ballot.

Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at April 18, 2015 10:09 AM (XrHO0)

129 126 Posted by: pep at April 18, 2015 10:09 AM (LAe3v)

I like Rubio's story, of course I like Cruz's better.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:10 AM (/4AZU)

130 The turbine/generator may not be. However, the masts and blades are. There's a big blade plant in Gainesville for example.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 10:03 AM (hNvdN)

I didn't know that. That's good. I've seen blades, masts and nacelles on ships in the port recently, but it was several years ago that I drove by the yard and saw the Korean letters on the mast section covers. Maybe theyre no longer coming from overseas.

Posted by: stace at April 18, 2015 10:10 AM (71o8T)

131 105 Hehe "circular firing squad"

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 09:53 AM (/4AZU)

Did I say that wrong, lol? It's not going to be a circular jerk, that's for certain. Stupid GOP is stupid.

Posted by: Gem at April 18, 2015 10:10 AM (c+gwp)

132 131 Posted by: Gem at April 18, 2015 10:10 AM (c+gwp)

circular firing squad or for that matter circle jerk implies there's in fact two groups at play Gem...

at this point I'd say more than 1/2 our candidates caucus with the Democrat line.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:12 AM (/4AZU)

133 'Nuff said.

Can hear them shitting their pants from here.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 18, 2015 10:13 AM (XAFOu)

134 FWIW thus far I think these three GOPers have played nicely, especially Cruz who has been quite tracious to Rand and Marco.

Posted by: Y-not on the phone at April 18, 2015 10:14 AM (9BRsg)

135 Gracious not tracious!

Posted by: Y-not on the phone at April 18, 2015 10:14 AM (9BRsg)

136 >>You know who else did a good job of that? Jimmy
Stewart. Sorry, but electing someone who could read lines and emote and
nothing else is what got us into this mess in the first place.

Posted by: pep

Actually, we would be much better off with Jimmy Stewart. He was a patriot and a conservative.

Posted by: Aviator at April 18, 2015 10:14 AM (sQzB6)

137 136 Posted by: Aviator at April 18, 2015 10:14 AM (sQzB6)

he loved America, hated commies, and was smart enough not to try to be the smartest man in the room.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:16 AM (/4AZU)

138 the people tolerating this state of affairs tells me we're done as a great people and frankly I welcome our new islamo-hispano overlords if they make better use of this soil's bounty than we do.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 09:58 AM (/4AZU)


That's not the only option. I've seriously been considering joining to Amish. I have no love nor attachment to mainstream culture left. I'm completely, blissfully ignorant about most of the gaming/movie/tv threads posted here. Only problem is, I'm an atheist and I don't know German. I doubt they'd have me.

Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at April 18, 2015 10:17 AM (XrHO0)

139 Rubio and Paul are on the Senate foreign relations committee and voted with the cabal to gut Congress's Treaty power by reversing the 2/3 requirement for a treaty and instead, if Corker's bill becomes law, requiring 2/3 to overturn Obama's Iran deal. See also recent comments by Rubio regarding DACA at Breitbart.

Posted by: Scoob at April 18, 2015 10:17 AM (BFk4h)

140 Instead of Geraghtys fluffer piece, people should take a look at the obligatory Daily Caller piece about Rubios time as Speaker in Florida, which also puts an end to the myth that Rubio somehow was "rolled" by Chucky Shumer.

I guess you can forgive a con-artist, but dont be surprised if he keeps kickin ya in the teeth.

Posted by: Harley Quinn at April 18, 2015 10:17 AM (x24aT)

141 "Gracious not tracious!"

Was looking up "tracious."


Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 10:18 AM (hNvdN)

142 138 Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at April 18, 2015 10:17 AM (XrHO0)

Their German is almost proto-Swiss...

Anyway the Amish are lucky enough to have us as landlord...

the new Hispano-Islamo overlords will not tolerate them, and they are not geared to resist.

I'd work on your Spanish and your Farsi.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:18 AM (/4AZU)

"UPDATE: I should have included this link to Hotair describing Rubio's recent commitment to ending Obama's executive amnesty."

Rubio may be saying in English that he will end the policies supported by executive amnesty but he is saying something entirely different in Spanish:

I do not trust him and he has done nothing to show he has changed his stance on amnesty.

Posted by: redbanzai at April 18, 2015 10:19 AM (5DGKy)

144 Moi frenzies! You have nothing to fear from a Rubio presidency.

Rubio's conservative steadfastness has been clearly demonstrated, just like my friend, Junior Senator Jeff, who by the way would make a fine Vice-President.
Rubio-Flake 2016!

Posted by: Az Sen. John Maccaine at April 18, 2015 10:19 AM (sqaXk)

145 Was looking up "tracious."


Me too.

Hey, this mouse isn't a real mouse. Whazzup with that?

Posted by: Pastafarian's Cat at April 18, 2015 10:20 AM (0HooB)

146 "Actually, we would be much better off with Jimmy Stewart. He was a patriot and a conservative."

God Bless Jimmy Stewart. Veteran. SAC pilot. Good American.

We could use one right now.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 10:20 AM (hNvdN)

147 That's not the only option. I've seriously been considering joining to Amish. I have no love nor attachment to mainstream culture left. I'm completely, blissfully ignorant about most of the gaming/movie/tv threads posted here. Only problem is, I'm an atheist and I don't know German. I doubt they'd have me.

Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at April 18, 2015 10:17 AM (XrHO0)

Ever seen 'Amish Mafia?'

Kidding. But it is a show.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 18, 2015 10:20 AM (XAFOu)

148 #117 If only the Dems would run someone as "reasonable" as Jeb Bush.

Posted by: Miley's Tongue at April 18, 2015 10:20 AM (+Y3QE)

149 Here is the English translation of Rubio's interview with Jorge Ramos yesterday:

Posted by: redbanzai at April 18, 2015 10:24 AM (5DGKy)

150 "More importantly, do you think GOP primary voters can -- or should -- forgive him for the Gang of Eight?"


McCain was a bigger amnesty shill than Rubio and he won the nomination in 2008. So yes, GOP primary voters don't seem to be too bothered by a pro-amnesty candidate.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:26 AM (0LHZx)

151 149 Posted by: redbanzai at April 18, 2015 10:24 AM (5DGKy)

Right and Mark the Rube would tell you he is not speaking out of both sides of his mouth we willy gringos just don't ask the right questions....

Nah I'm done with him, any politician that thinks illegals deserve better political representation than US citizens can go fuck themselves.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:26 AM (/4AZU)

152 Rand

Though I may be into the politics of spite. I'm may be voting based on the size of the middle finger..

I'll show up for anyone except Bush.. Maybe not Christie, depends.. on how big of a middle finger he can muster

Posted by: Legalizehazing at April 18, 2015 10:26 AM (LFROT)

The ACA will require restaurants to list how many calories are in a
glass of wine. Another thing that we found out about after it was

Ya know someone could make a big deal out of repealing this piece of crap.

Posted by: freaked at April 18, 2015 08:52 AM (JdEZJ)

Cruz is the only one who does.

Posted by: redbanzai at April 18, 2015 10:27 AM (5DGKy)

154 150 Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:26 AM (0LHZx)

Try it again then...

I was one of the earliest people to point out Obama's communist ties, and the racial hate he stewed in mau mau...

I hate Hillary but America knows who the bitch is in a way they didn't Obama...

try the conservatives again.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:27 AM (/4AZU)

155 ""

No one is advocating deporting 12 million people?

I think I see the problem.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 10:28 AM (hNvdN)

156 shave the whales...

The full bush v hardwood debate continues.

Posted by: DaveA at April 18, 2015 10:28 AM (DL2i+)

157 Posted by: redbanzai at April 18, 2015 10:24 AM

Thank you. As far as I'm concerned, Rubio's political "life" is over, in the cold, cold, ground, and the headstone's in place.

In fact, for future reference, I want to see an end to this notion of "forgiving" politicians. From here on out, it's one and done for anything more serious than what is demonstrably a slip of the tongue or typo.

Pols are not worthy of forgiveness. Any of them. Ever.

Posted by: MrScribbler at April 18, 2015 10:29 AM (P8YHq)

158 134 FWIW thus far I think these three GOPers have played nicely, especially Cruz who has been quite tracious to Rand and Marco.
Posted by: Y-not on the phone at April 18, 2015 10:14 AM (9BRsg)

Cruz has explicitly said that he wouldn't get into the gutter and make it personal--just policy fights.

Posted by: stace at April 18, 2015 10:29 AM (ImzkZ)

159 Try it again then...

I was one of the earliest people to point out Obama's communist ties, and the racial hate he stewed in mau mau...

I hate Hillary but America knows who the bitch is in a way they didn't Obama...

try the conservatives again.
Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:27 AM (/4AZU)



Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:29 AM (0LHZx)

160 156 Posted by: DaveA at April 18, 2015 10:28 AM (DL2i+)

Hey sweethaaht I prefer they look like little calves...

//Zombie ted in the Atlantic ocean

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:29 AM (/4AZU)

161 "Mr. Moo Moo"

Dude, your act has worn out. Give it a rest.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 10:30 AM (hNvdN)

162 Rubio's conservative steadfastness has been clearly demonstrated, just
like my friend, Junior Senator Jeff, who by the way would make a fine

Rubio-Flake 2016!

Yeah the Quisling / Chamberlain redux ticket.

Posted by: Count de Monet at April 18, 2015 10:30 AM (JO9+V)

163 Moo Moo trying to understand Sven. this should be fun.

Posted by: Grey Fox at April 18, 2015 10:30 AM (OBj9M)

Re: dog article in sidebar -- one of the unique things about dogs is that they allow you to rub your feet on them. And if they stink, more the better. Wd a cat allow that? Your wife? NO!

Posted by: Bruce J. at April 18, 2015 10:30 AM (iQIUe)

165 159 Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:29 AM (0LHZx)

I'd have backed pee Wee Herman against Ogabe Bova...

When the GOP has given a known asshole leftoid like Hillary the kidd of approval this gun's retired.

Nominate Jeb, Chrispy, or Huckafuck I'll vote for her myself.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:31 AM (/4AZU)

166 you sound like a high school girl who saw the quarterback kiss another girl ... don't kid yourself, when he asks you out your legs will pop open just as fast ...

forgive him for what ? sponsoring a bad bill that became law ? well no ... working with Schumer ... ? working with McCain the GOP's Presidential candidate from 2008 ?

he admits the Gang of Eight was an error ...

Posted by: KaiserDerden at April 18, 2015 10:31 AM (k5jE4)

167 Build the damned fence! Uh, I mean follow the law.

Posted by: Marco 'handpuppet' Rubio at April 18, 2015 10:32 AM (zt+N6)

168 163 Posted by: Grey Fox at April 18, 2015 10:30 AM (OBj9M)

Moo moo trying not to understand rather.

Politics and the nomination process are my thing...

it is the area of idiocy I was posting at in the 3 to 5,000s

I am not going to do that again, because I don't care as much anymore.

Like I said above Hillary will be a fine President Jebba Bush told me so.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:32 AM (/4AZU)

169 nood

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at April 18, 2015 10:32 AM (wlDny)

170 I think Rubio is getting a raw deal on immigration. There are too many people on our side that will not accept anything other than kick the illegals all out and build a big fence and don't let anyone else in.

We do need to fix our immigration system, enforce the current laws is not enough. Rubio's initial proposal and speech was good and well thought out and probably something a party which is labeled (unfairly or not) as anti immigrant could use.

He couldn't get support from his side and then got suckered by Schumer. That part is much more worrisome. It was a rookie mistake made by a rookie.

I think Rubio is a good candidate ( though my rule that elected executives only should apply ) and a net positive on the stage with other candidates. I don't think we should be savaging him with traitor or untrustworthy labels.

We've got a very good bench and the slate of candidates should be awesome. Rubio is not establishment (come on ace gets all chickabowbow with his garbage so he can't be too awful). Conservatives have a chance to reject the RINOs and put a candidate who can win in position to do so.

Posted by: blaster at April 18, 2015 10:32 AM (kGsA2)


Cruz is the only one who does.
Posted by: redbanzai at April 18, 2015 10:27 AM (5DGKy)

Yep, and he's still saying it at his appearances. .

Posted by: stace at April 18, 2015 10:33 AM (ImzkZ)

172 " working with McCain the GOP's Presidential candidate from 2008 ?

Yes. McCain's a boob.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 10:33 AM (hNvdN)


Posted by: I R A Darth Aggie at April 18, 2015 10:33 AM (VvOZ5)

174 Looks like 2016 will be a repeat of 2012/2008. The far right (and I don't mean that in a pejorative way) will swear up and down they will never vote for X Y or Z candidate. X Y or Z will win the primary sometime in March/April. Between March/April and August everyone will swear that a vote for Hillary will be no different than X/Y/Z. Then aroun September 2/3 of you will say fuck it, I'll hold my nose. But 1/3 of you will still be in "teach the GOP a lesson" mode.

Then on the first tuesday after the first Monday in November Hillary will win 325 EVs. But the 1/3 who refused to vote for a socialist amnesty loving RINO will all have taught the GOP a lesson. And a year later Hillary will sign an EO that makes every illegal, legal immediately. Yep, you showed them!!!

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:34 AM (0LHZx)

175 Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:34 AM (0LHZx)

Fuck off you dishonest amoral strawman burning shitstain.

Posted by: buzzion at April 18, 2015 10:36 AM (zt+N6)

176 "But the 1/3 who refused to vote for a socialist amnesty loving RINO
will all have taught the GOP a lesson. And a year later Hillary will
sign an EO that makes every illegal, legal immediately. Yep, you showed

Yep. Socialist, amnesty loving RINO vs. socialist, amnesty loving Dem. You got it nailed.


Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 10:37 AM (hNvdN)

I think Rubio is getting a raw deal on immigration. There are too many people on our side that will not accept anything other than kick the illegals all out and build a big fence and don't let anyone else in.

We got the "we'll secure the border" line of crap in 1986. How'd that work out?

So the proper answer is "we'll work on immigration reform after the fucking border is actually secure. If Rubio is too much of a newb to get that, then he shouldn't be let anywhere near actual power.

Otherwise we might as well just annex Mexico and be done with it.

Posted by: I R A Darth Aggie at April 18, 2015 10:38 AM (VvOZ5)

178 Even if you put the immigration issue aside, I find Rubios constant emphasis on his biography grating. I thought we left this kind of narcissism behind with Obama, but evidently there must be a Republican sequel to this horrible tale.

Posted by: Harley Quinn at April 18, 2015 10:38 AM (x24aT)

179 175 Posted by: buzzion at April 18, 2015 10:36 AM (zt+N6)

He has no issue with anything Hillary wants done, other than he wants GOP "credit" for doing it...

I say take his ilk up on their dare...

Nominate a Liberal GOPer make mine Hillary.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:38 AM (/4AZU)

180 There is a segment of the left that things Hillary is too far right. Those people are as insane as those of you who think Rubio is as far left as Hillary.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:39 AM (0LHZx)

181 176 Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 18, 2015 10:37 AM (hNvdN)

We need to run the car off the cliff at 40mph rather than Hillary's 80mph....fuck all you who don't want to wreck the car.

//mau mau operative of rove inc

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:39 AM (/4AZU)

182 180 Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:39 AM (0LHZx)

Absolutely, so you won't mind my getting confused and voting for her then right mau mau?

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:40 AM (/4AZU)

183 My reservations about Rubio have more to do with his moral and intellectual grounding. The presidency is an exercise in adult decisions, ie no 'good' decision, and using your moral and intellectual values to make and implement a decision that nobody else can make for the citizens of the US.

As a retail politician, he is a patchwork of popular talking points. He just does not appear to have the moral or intellectual underpinning to make and execute the kinds of decisions that must be accomplished.

Cruz does have those basics. Rand is slightly better than Rubio and I am more comfortable with him than Rubio, but Cruz has the moral and intellectual basics and the will to go on with 'unpopular' decisions.

Posted by: mustbequantum at April 18, 2015 10:40 AM (MIKMs)

184 Start with this. So far he is the only Republican in to have "it." Think JFK.

Posted by: Bobby Ahr at April 18, 2015 10:41 AM (zmZ2x)

185 178 Even if you put the immigration issue aside, I find Rubios constant emphasis on his biography grating. I thought we left this kind of narcissism behind with Obama, but evidently there must be a Republican sequel to this horrible tale.
Posted by: Harley Quinn at April 18, 2015 10:38 AM (x24aT)


That's what sells. Obama won because of who he was not what he said or what he did. Rubio is smart to understand this phenomenon. He's got a compelling story that the LIVs will like.

In case you've been asleep for the past 40 years or so, politician campaigns are won based on who the LIV wants to have a beer with, not which candidate actually has the best policy ideas.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:41 AM (0LHZx)

186 Absolutely, so you won't mind my getting confused and voting for her then right mau mau?
Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:40 AM (/4AZU)


I really have no clue what you're trying to say. Come on man it's not even noon, and you're already drunk. Pitiful.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:42 AM (0LHZx)

187 178 Posted by: Harley Quinn at April 18, 2015 10:38 AM (x24aT)

Let's see 1st term Senators who became PotUS...

(Counting 1 full term by JFK)

Almost started WW3 on a lark

Has doubled the national debt from the prior 43 Presidents.

and uh lied his ass off about Amnesty(assuming Rubio wins)....

yeah uh "no'

our ancestors were wise enough to avoid this idiocy.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:42 AM (/4AZU)

188 186 Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:42 AM (0LHZx)

You're saying the communist bat shit kos kids say Hillary is a republican...

and "idiot conservatives' think Rubio is a democrat....

Well actually i think principled people have identified the republicrat party champ...

Nominate jebba or Chrispy and you'll find out a lot of us get indifferant or confused...

You'll note i do not put even a lying fuckwit like Rubio in my "fuck you 3"

The three aforementioned have earned their place by all praising the Hildebeast.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:45 AM (/4AZU)

189 Oh fuck me, not the experience issue again. No, we can't have Rubio or Cruz as president because they have no "experience". OK then I guess Harry Reid or John McCain would be fabulous presidents since they've been career politicians for decades. Maybe Chuck Shumer or Bernie Sanders as VP they've got a ton of "experience" as well.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:45 AM (0LHZx)

190 Sven,

Dude, I want to understand what you're trying to say, but honestly, I have no idea. You are an incoherent mess. Get a cup of coffee, and maybe try back in 30 mins?

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:46 AM (0LHZx)

191 189 Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:45 AM (0LHZx)

The dumbass pols who only have to face the electorate every 6 fucking years club is a shit place to find a leader anyway sport...

add in the joy of a literal first termer and "thanks no"

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:46 AM (/4AZU)

That's what sells. Obama won because of who he was not what he said or what he did. Rubio is smart to understand this phenomenon. He's got a compelling story that the LIVs will like.

In case you've been asleep for the past 40 years or so, politician campaigns are won based on who the LIV wants to have a beer with, not which candidate actually has the best policy ideas.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:41 AM (0LHZx)
Yeah, but Im not an LIV and I know Rubios record. And I have no interest in seeing politicians win who dont represent my interests, no matter how well they play with LIVs.

Posted by: Harley Quinn at April 18, 2015 10:48 AM (x24aT)

193 Ever seen 'Amish Mafia?'

Kidding. But it is a show.
Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 18, 2015 10:20 AM (XAFOu)


Oh yeah. There was exactly one Amish mafia incident I heard about a few years ago. They shaved some guy's beard off, to shame him. The horror. He got a free shave.

Scorcese and DeNiro should do a movie about that. I'm sure it would be riveting.

They have a rite of passage, Rumspringa, where their young adults spend a year in mainstream culture. Most return. None, so far as I know have become so enraged that they tried to blow people up.

sven10077 is probably right, our overlords would destroy them eventually, but it might be nice to have a few years of blissful ignorance before that happens, instead of the daily angst.

Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at April 18, 2015 10:49 AM (3F6F8)

194 190 Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:46 AM (0LHZx)

Mau Mau,

No you don't and it is not cryptic at all.

I gave thousands of dollars and time to Juan McQueeg and Mitt Romney men whose political choices I loathed because I understood America did not grasp and the media would NEVER explain what a shitheel Obama was.

If America is stupid enough to elect Hillary then we're deservedly fucked anyone who does not know who she is is a retard and beyond redemption anyway.

Nominate people who have given her verbal hummers on the GOP side and my indifference will grow to joy as I will save the money and the time I wasted in 08 and 12.

If the car is going over the cliff I'd rather have a democrat at the wheel.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:50 AM (/4AZU)

195 He's sure got a purty mouth.

Posted by: Chuck Schumer at April 18, 2015 10:51 AM (QRz0C)

196 195 Posted by: Chuck Schumer at April 18, 2015 10:51 AM (QRz0C)

You can't rape the willing Chuck and Mark was ALWAYS willing to help you get satisfaction buddy...

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:52 AM (/4AZU)

197 Igor! We need to make a candidate with Perry's rugged good looks (especially that mugshot smile), Cruz's steadfast principles, Gowdy's tenaciousness, Cotton's freshness, Palin's sincerity, annnd... Reagan's voice. We still have some Reagan DNA in the freezer, I think. To the laboratory!

Posted by: Frank N. Stein, Doctor of Republicanology at April 18, 2015 10:52 AM (sqaXk)

198 Rubio is a Democrat now?

I'm sorry, but in that chart above, isn't the x coordinate of the violet triangle roughly equal to that of the purple diamond?

So that indicates that in terms of ideology, Cruz and Rubio are pretty even. Clearly not on one issue; and that's a big issue. And this chart's methodology might be flawed. But overall, no, Rubio is no Democrat.

And Rubio's chance of beating Shrillary seem better, to me, than Cruz's chance, one-on-one. And that should matter, to anyone not actively welcoming The Burning Times. Personally, I have a cat (and children) to worry about, and I would prefer to forestall The Burning Times for as long as possible.

I'd still take Cruz over Rubio, but it's a close call, frankly.

Posted by: Pastafarian at April 18, 2015 10:55 AM (pCf+a)

199 "People like Rush are pushing him hard."

Wow, y'all are so far to the right that Rush Limbaugh is a moderate now. I guess we're gonna hear that all these groups (women, youth, Hispanic) should come around to your candidate because tax cuts are good for everyone!

Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 10:58 AM (nCKKS)

200 198 Posted by: Pastafarian at April 18, 2015 10:55 AM (pCf+a)

Neither Cruz(despite my love of his ideological bent and rhetorical skills) nor Rubio(because he is a lying cocksucker who knows what Charles Schumer tastes like) would be my first choice along with Luap Darn b/c they are Senators...

I'll tolerate anyone but the three I mentioned.... I'd really prefer a Governor who doesn't blow a Clinton(bush) or Obama (Chrispy) and has not been demonized to the point of lunacy(palin)

Haley, Martinez, perry, or jindal would get my full enthusiasm...

any but the "magic three' will get my vote and my money.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:59 AM (/4AZU)

201 In case you've been asleep for the past 40 years or so, politician campaigns are won based on who the LIV wants to have a beer with, not which candidate actually has the best policy ideas.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 10:41 AM (0LHZx)


Things have changed in the past 40 years. People aren't dependent on attack ads or door to door sycophants for information about a politician and what he supports.

Gore's information superhighway and all that. Pethaps it's not being properly leveraged, seeing ad how most LIVs are younger and would be more inclinef to use it.

I don't think I'll convert you, Moo, just refuting your stupid assertion in case you've conned anyone.

Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at April 18, 2015 10:59 AM (cIoI4)

202 199 Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 10:58 AM (nCKKS)

If only we could convince Perry to chop his dick off and become a Black/Hispanic ABBA fan....

we'd be golden.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 11:00 AM (/4AZU)

203 any but the "magic three' will get my vote and my money.
Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 10:59 AM (/4AZU)


Thank you for your support.

Posted by: President Elect Clinton at April 18, 2015 11:00 AM (0LHZx)

204 203 Posted by: President Elect Clinton at April 18, 2015 11:00 AM (0LHZx)

No sweat thank the GOP for running assholes who may as well have been you who like McCain and Romney don't want to win anyway....

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 11:01 AM (/4AZU)

205 Things have changed in the past 40 years. People aren't dependent on attack ads or door to door sycophants for information about a politician and what he supports.

Gore's information superhighway and all that. Pethaps it's not being properly leveraged, seeing ad how most LIVs are younger and would be more inclinef to use it.

I don't think I'll convert you, Moo, just refuting your stupid assertion in case you've conned anyone.
Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at April 18, 2015 10:59 AM (cIoI4)


Who said anything about attack ads? Rubio is selling himself, telling a story. It's what works. But he's a socialist commie amnesty loving RINO so no matter what he does you'll shit on him.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 18, 2015 11:02 AM (0LHZx)

206 Thank you for your support.

Posted by: President Elect Clinton at April 18, 2015 11:00 AM (0LHZx)
You know, I think Orwell once wrote about a party that was so morally bankrupt that it had to drag out Emmanuel Goldstein every day, to maintain its political viability.

Posted by: Harley Quinn at April 18, 2015 11:04 AM (x24aT)

207 Cruz came out in favor of amnesty that involves legalization but not citizenship. See NYT Cruz Tries To Take Middle of the Road On Immigration, which is so very Canadian of him.

Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 11:05 AM (nCKKS)

208 206 Posted by: Harley Quinn at April 18, 2015 11:04 AM (x24aT)

Worse is the fact that Hillary! and friends are the stamping boot...

GOPe is the cuckold in the corner beating off while the Donks rape Lady liberty

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 11:06 AM (/4AZU)

209 I guess we're gonna hear that all these groups (women, youth, Hispanic) should come around to your candidate because tax cuts are good for everyone!
Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 10:58 AM (nCKKS)


What a fcuking stupid comment. A successful heist is "good" for the burglars. The question isn't "is it good for me (in the short term)". The question is, "is it ethical?". The fact that basic ethics no longer has anything to do with policy, it's just, "if we get our guy eleected, we can get away with this", is why I despise libprogs as sociopaths.

Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at April 18, 2015 11:07 AM (XrHO0)

210 202 199 Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 10:58 AM (nCKKS)

If only we could convince Perry to chop his dick off and become a Black/Hispanic ABBA fan....

we'd be golden.
Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 11:00 AM (/4AZU)

Instead Perry removed his other brain for the debates last run. I like him, a lot people did, but he stepped in it himself.

Perry: Commerce, Energy, Homeland Security. You're welcome.

Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 11:09 AM (nCKKS)

211 "People like Rush are pushing him hard."

Wow, y'all are so far to the right that Rush Limbaugh is a moderate now. I guess we're gonna hear that all these groups (women, youth, Hispanic) should come around to your candidate because tax cuts are good for everyone!

Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 10:58 AM (nCKKS)

Wow, you are tremendously stupid.

Rush is centrist right. That's how he's built the huge audience he has.

You really should give him a month's worth of listening just so you know what you're talking about.

But, that wasn't really the point-

the point is that Rubio is being given a broad push from almost all major Republican voices -

Rush, never starts throwing his weight behind someone this early, yet there he was the other day issuing the same kind of apologetics for Rubio that someone like McCain would.

There you go- an explanation so simple, even a progtard like yourself can understand it.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 18, 2015 11:10 AM (KUa85)

212 I'm late to the thread but I'll repeat what I've been saying for at least a year now: Rubio's one of those folks who interviews well but then can't deliver on the job.

It isn't the empty-suited hope that I worry about. It's his naivete.

Who the hell ties their future to the likes of McCain and Graham?

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at April 18, 2015 11:11 AM (DmNpO)

213 What a fcuking stupid comment. A successful heist is "good" for the burglars. The question isn't "is it good for me (in the short term)". The question is, "is it ethical?". The fact that basic ethics no longer has anything to do with policy, it's just, "if we get our guy eleected, we can get away with this", is why I despise libprogs as sociopaths.
Posted by: Sunni LeBeouf at April 18, 2015 11:07 AM (XrHO0)

You should tell them 47% of them don't even pay taxes and can go to hell for all you care. They'll love that.

Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 11:11 AM (nCKKS)

214 sven at 200: "Haley, Martinez, perry, or jindal would get my full enthusiasm..."

No mention of Walker? In what way did he figuratively piss in your corn flakes?

Posted by: Pastafarian at April 18, 2015 11:12 AM (pCf+a)

215 214 Posted by: Pastafarian at April 18, 2015 11:12 AM (pCf+a)

I'm a perry guy...

I backed him last cycle...problem is I just don't see him getting it b/c Texas tolerates Austin's fucktardery.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 18, 2015 11:14 AM (/4AZU)

216 Let's say that we can't forgive him, for now, but when "we" are about to loose to Dems AGAIN: I say we forgive him and hope+pray to win...

Posted by: MoJoTee at April 18, 2015 11:21 AM (aR8Ih)

217 "Rush is centrist right. That's how he's built the huge audience he has."

Hahahaha not even Rush would describe himself as anything remotely moderate. That isn't to say he's a bad person, quite the contrary, but it does show you're proving my point.

Rush, like FNC, is so "popular", because he has a monopoly of right wing infotainment, while the leftist hydra has diluted its ratings. CNN cannot break out when it is competing with and MSNBC, even ESPN and Comedy Central, really. There is nothing on the left like Rush, but he is easy to isolate, able to withstand the fire trained on him, but unable to drown out the total media domination of the left... Your candidate better be prepared for that btw, and nice of Rush to urge primary voters to keep an open mind instead of commence the purge.

Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 11:22 AM (nCKKS)

218 sven, do you remember Y-not's excellent posts in which she polled us and asked us to prioritize issues?

I think many commenting here put immigration down as number one. My number one is gun rights. It's the one right that ensures we keep all of the others.

And Perry has stated that he considers Second Amendment issues to be "states' rights issues." I don't think I need to point out how factually wrong this is -- the notion that states should be able to abrogate basic human rights, like the right to keep and bear arms.

I suppose it's possible he misspoke. But it's a pretty fundamental thing -- it's not like he was deep in the weeds of a complicated policy issue. So either he has no respect for the second amendment, or he's a bit of a dipshit. Strike one, Governor Perry.

I mean, I'd vote for him in the general, certainly. I actually still like him a little more than Rubio. But I also like him as a candidate only a little bit more than my cat.

Posted by: Pastafarian at April 18, 2015 11:24 AM (pCf+a)

219 No.

Though it would amuse me to no end if Rubio wound up as the gope alternative to jeb.

Posted by: Methos at April 18, 2015 11:28 AM (ZbV+0)

220 Rubio is giving interviews in Spanish as we speak saying how important Obama' amnesty was and how people are benefiting from it.

Are conservatives the most gullible people on Earth or what? How do we get snowed into supporting people who stab us in the back so routinely?

Posted by: Dan at April 18, 2015 11:35 AM (COpZ4)

221 What is the most important attribute (not issue) for you to go to battle for and eventually vote for? Character, willingness to fight, oratorical abilities, elect-ability, appearance...Most of the time voting is a decision between 2 parties so thats the easy decision but what is the "it" factor that makes people give time and treasure to support?

I'm all-in for Cruz already for many reasons but Carly Fiorina should be on the VP short-list for any of the male POTUS candidate with her effective takedowns of HRC. There is no one else who can hammer away at Hillary without worrying about any sexism label (and be particularly good at it). If not Fiorina, Bobby Jindal...

Posted by: Tony253 at April 18, 2015 11:35 AM (3yMFT)

222 Methos, it's happening. Rubio and Jeb are good friends. He has the looks, Jeb has the money. If Jeb can't close the deal, and there's a reason they ran his younger brother first; he's just not a very good politician from what I've seen. If Rubio can catch fire, I think it will be a Rubio/Bush ticket. It seems the money is seeing how poisonous the Bush name will be.

I like Martinez, a former Dem, but she hasn't shown interest in running and sounds sincere not Shermanesque when asked. I don't think she would carry NM or draw supporters from Hillary or neutralize accusations of sexism, which will be a neglible influence on the race. Hillary doesn't seem human, let alone feminine. The closest she came was NH 2007.

Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 11:38 AM (nCKKS)

223 Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 11:22 AM (nCKKS)

So, it's clear you've never listened to Rush.

Okay, I get that. You're a progtard and can't tolerate opposing views. They make your little brain all dizzy and such.

Your thinking is muddled. Their is "no Rush of the left" because leftist views straight up with no chaser are simply unpalatable to most people.

Hidden behind hardluck stories or inserted into popular programs or made part of the school curriculum or simply lied about - yeah sure.

But, listening daily to some whining, whinging professional leftist grump about their delusional views of reality...Nope. Not gonna fly.

Not that Rush needs me to explain him-

but he would be the first to state that he is a centrist, right center, sure.

Again, you don't build a huge audience by catering to a fringe. You build it by serving the large middle.

Of course, if you actually understood capitalism and marketing or even the simple idea of service-

you wouldn't be the prorated that you are.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 18, 2015 11:38 AM (KUa85)

224 "Are conservatives the most gullible people on Earth or what? How do we get snowed into supporting people who stab us in the back so routinely?"

Now this sort of sentiment is distinctly unhelpful.

Posted by: John Boner in Assless Chaps at April 18, 2015 11:38 AM (QRz0C)

225 Short answer: no, I haven't forgiven him for the Gang of 8. I don't trust him at all, andI think he'll try to push amnesty as soon as he can. I won't vote for him in the primary, but I could possibly hold my nose and vote for him in the general.

You can never trust a traitor.

Posted by: OSusux at April 18, 2015 12:08 PM (bgHQM)

226 If you can not , when the situation demands it, cut out your opponents heart with a dull knife and make a feast of that heart, then you are, in a word, APUSSY.
Rubio is a pussy.

Posted by: The roost aint what it used to be at April 18, 2015 12:13 PM (7GI9v)

227 The one BIG thing he screwed us over on was the one big thing that will keep him from fulfilling all his fancy promises. It's a deal-killer and worse, it's a nation-killer.

Marco Rubio is not worth that risk. We don't have the slack to cover for him anymore.

Posted by: Richard McEnroe at April 18, 2015 12:28 PM (XO6WW)

228 Doesn't anyone here see Cruz as the smarmy quasi- televangelist that he is? Ick. Give me Rubio anyday.

Posted by: Alix at April 18, 2015 12:37 PM (fXzSI)

229 _Rubio is an appealing speaker and probably a good guy. But their are men in the running who have not gone back on their word; Men who do what they say they will do. Our job is to pick from the best of those choices.

Rick Perry may not be as eloquent but ...Texas.
Cruz, he does have a history, ask the Supreme Court.
Walker, his resume' may be short but it's thick. Ask the union.

The rest are second tier and may be worthy of a place as VP.

Jeb Bush is excluded from these thoughts, entirely.

Posted by: Ralph at April 18, 2015 12:37 PM (MWX7h)

1 It's not a question of forgiving Rubio, it's a matter of trust. IMO
he's a lot like Obama - a suit filled with hope. People say Rubio is a
gifted speaker but I don't get it, and his affection for America is
always linked to how awesome it is "because look at me!"

Posted by: major major major major at April 18, 2015 08:48 AM (QlI33)
Nailed it. It's not so much that the policy is awful (it is); it's that he was so easily rolled by Schumer, McCain Naivete is not a good quality in a president.
His speeches speak more to tweaking this or that to get it right than the fundamental change that is needed.. He seems to be offering a bit more than tax collector for the welfare state Bob Dole, but not much.

Posted by: duke at April 18, 2015 12:38 PM (enhDu)

231 Rubio is always playing eromenos to some erastes in the hierarchy. It used to be Bush, but he's moved on to Romney. Keep that in mind. The big money Rubio is now adept at tapping is Romney money. He has been given access to Romney money because Romney wants to damage Bush. That is all. Romney doesn't care whether Rubio wins, he only cares that Bush does not.

I keep hearing of three qualities that make Rubio eligible for the Presidency.

1. He's eloquent.
2. He's smart, quick on his feet.
3. He's a uniquely gifted, highly skilled politician.

I haven't seen a shred of evidence to support any of this.

He does parrot the neocon foreign policy boilerplate well, though.

Posted by: Niccolo Machiavelli at April 18, 2015 12:42 PM (Eszro)

232 "I keep hearing of three qualities that make Rubio eligible for the Presidency.
1. He's eloquent.
2. He's smart, quick on his feet.
3. He's a uniquely gifted, highly skilled politician.
I haven't seen a shred of evidence to support any of this. "

Really?! Watch this from 18:00 on and you'll see #1 and #2 and might change your opinion on #3. I don't understand how you CANNOT see it.

Also, he is interesting to LIVs. He' young, Hispanic, has great humor and smile. Wife from with parents from Columbia. Like it or not we live in the age of screens and social media, and that god-awful music that Rubio likes. My kids (age 17, 14, 13) have asked me about Rubio and if I like him. They don't know any other candidates. They've seen him on their websites -- they like him! I know we should not care about the 'kids' and their opinion but we have no choice. Let's face it. And Cruz is not screen friendly -- he's downright hard to look at.

Posted by: Alix at April 18, 2015 01:05 PM (fXzSI)

233 He's a nice guy, charismatic but he can't lead. Who'd follow Republican Ken doll anywhere? Where's the backbone? He's not a fighter.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at April 18, 2015 01:34 PM (pWzW/)

234 Won't they vote for us to suppress them? I mean, if we give them someone that they can identify with? They voted for a black senator from Hell, I think. So, why wouldn't they be willing to vote for an Hispanic Senator from little-Cuba? What's the problem! Get elected. Get elected. Do what ever the hell you have to do to get elected. Then, do the Barack, just as he has. His actions have provided a nearly complete alibi for almost anything that an incumbent would wish to do. We're fu*ked anyway, so we may as well choose our dance partner, right!?

Posted by: goon at April 18, 2015 01:38 PM (A53Jp)

235 _[/]Let's face it. And Cruz is not screen friendly -- he's downright hard to look at.
Posted by: Alix at April 18, 2015 01:05 PM (fXzSI)

Scratch him off the list, our candidate must be easy on the eye.
Yeah, and easy on the ear also.

Posted by: Ralph at April 18, 2015 01:40 PM (KlMn1)

236 "You're a progtard and can't tolerate opposing views."

It seems you're the one who can't tolerate dissent, true-con.

Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 02:16 PM (nCKKS)

237 Just googling some of Rush's more moderate comments.

Like when he said feminism ruined the women's movement, which he enjoys while walking behind it, as a Miss America pageant judge. Or when he discouraged people from donating to Haitian relief after the earthquake, because they get enough welfare from the US taxpayer in the form of foreign aid. Or when he congratulated George Steinbrenner on being a "cracker" who made a lot of blacks rich.

Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 02:25 PM (nCKKS)

238 If you don't punish Rubio you get Charlie Crist clones. Voting for Rubio, if he wins, will be its own punishment. I'm sorry for you if you think otherwise.
Realize that current agencies and political parties would be willing to send you and yours to a slaughter house or glue factory to retain their social status and keep themselves on their career path. Not. Kidding.

Posted by: theTruth at April 18, 2015 02:28 PM (PGh+Q)

239 When he said "stupid" and "unskilled" Mexicans should be allowed to take all the jobs Americans don't want, I guess that makes him a moderate on immigration policy.

Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 02:29 PM (nCKKS)

240 So Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep, are we suppost to listen to Rush's show and find out why he holds these beliefs? Or are we just suppost to take your word for it that they are wrong? Next you will be telling me FDR couldn't walk and that that fact was hidden from the masses. Or will Rush tell me that?

Posted by: Beliefs at April 18, 2015 02:41 PM (PGh+Q)

241 Sarah Palin will be drafted to serve as President if war breaks out. That's because she is the only widely known politician that the LIV would see as a warrior.

Posted by: WarsFuture at April 18, 2015 02:50 PM (PGh+Q)

242 If you go to the GovTrack link and look at the house, see how quickly you can find Boehner. Hint: look just where you'd expect for leadership and ideology.

Posted by: cthulhu at April 18, 2015 03:17 PM (T1005)

243 My friends, I have a real problem with any methodology that concludes John McCain and Orrin Hatch are more ideologically conservative than Ted Cruz.

Figures don't lie, but liars can figure...

Posted by: JewishOdysseus (@JewishOdysseus) at April 18, 2015 03:27 PM (FWwQD)

244 Rubio's better than Jeb!...and if that sounds like the faintest of praise, it's probably still too loud.

Posted by: A pot of message at April 18, 2015 03:54 PM (kk2ap)

245 "Are you ready to forgive Rubio?"

Fine rhetoric, full of hope, which is somewhat Obamanesque. Hope means diddly. It's an aspiration, not tangible. He's counting on us to believe he'll parlay that into policy action. And not just action, but action grassroots conservatives can support.

His brief record doesn't indicate that. He betrayed everyone in the grassroots responsible for his ascension. He remains untrustworthy. His pre-legislation words do not match his vote. That's a problem.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at April 18, 2015 06:06 PM (1CroS)

246 Hey, I never told you not to listen to Rush, just pointing out he doesn't sound remotely moderate. He wouldn't get those kind of ratings, if he was. He has a monopoly on the fringe.

Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 06:36 PM (nCKKS)

247 It just blows my mind that someone you guys admire so much says keep your mind open about this Rubio guy, and you still want to burn him at the stake for the heresy of working on a bipartisan immigration law in the senate that never became a law. You have a good bench this year. Why do you guys have to be such a bunch of assholes?

Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 18, 2015 06:39 PM (nCKKS)

248 > Why do you guys have to be such a bunch of assholes?
Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep

Why? Because he lied to us and betrayed us at the very first opportunity. Sunni LeBeouf hit the nail square on what he joined (importing foreigners to steal our sovereignty) and justly opined: "That's treason, pure and simple."

To "adjust" CrotchetyOldJarhead's comment:

Trust. Politician who has already betrayed the country. The two are mutually exclusive!

Posted by: Ranten N. Raven at April 18, 2015 09:46 PM (YGFs5)

249 He just sold out to the C.O.C. So he can bite me...

Posted by: marine43 at April 18, 2015 11:43 PM (YYVwb)

250 His position is exactly the same as every other Republican candidate's including Walker and Cruz. They will all "betray" you.

Posted by: Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep at April 19, 2015 12:29 AM (o1woq)

251 Did anyone else notice that Tattoo Ewe For the Year of the Sheep failed to provide a single reason to support Rubio -- except for asserting that he has the "looks?"


An unaccomplished first term Senator should be our default candidate for some as yet unspecified reason.

Posted by: Y-not at April 19, 2015 11:09 AM (9BRsg)

252 Rubio is a fraud. His record shows he is an establishment shill who wants amnesty but knows what he has to say during a campaign.
Everything ive read about his career in the Florida legislature frames him as a guy who talks a tough game but eventually folds in the name of "getting something done".
He has cut ties with the grass roots people who got him elected.
I believe he was convinced to run by establishment types hoping he would steal thunder and votes from Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. He was probably promised the VP slot.

Bottom line--- i dont trust Rubio, i dont think he would be a good President, and i think he is painfully naive.

Oh, and the only candidate to have never wavered on amnesty and to have NEVER supported it in any form is Ted Cruz.

Thats why i believe Ted Cruz is the only candidate to support if stopping amnesty is important to you. Every other candidate will allow it to stand....IMHO.

Posted by: AlecJ at April 19, 2015 11:54 AM (ckdjX)

253 No Rubio
No Bush
Cruz would be MAGNIFICENT
Walker I'll take him because he knows how to fight but do not like his liberal leanings.
The Others - Dead in the water

Posted by: JohnAllen at April 19, 2015 04:22 PM (yB+al)

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