aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | LoveCrime: Someone Vandalized a Church, Causing $10,000 In Damages, By Painting It With Pro-Gay MessagesFrom IJR, this report from Fox8. Click the IJR link -- another church in the same county was also vandalized with pro-gay graffitti. This will not get any attention because the media approves of vandalism directed against Christians. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Flaming rage nozzles of tolerance.
Posted by: Toastrider at April 16, 2015 11:53 AM (w0vrv) 2
Well... if the news has taught me anything, it's that I should go with a presumption of maybe-this-was-a-hoax before I jump on board.
Also first. Also thanks for making this article not about France, Ace. Posted by: Masturbatin' Pete at April 16, 2015 11:54 AM (xN1DB) 3
Nice try Pete. Better luck next time
Posted by: Toastrider at April 16, 2015 11:55 AM (w0vrv) 4
I genuinely think for gay marriage advocates, 90% of it is just an outlet for them to get to stick a middle finger at organized religion.
I'm not much of a social conservative and could have easily seen myself backing gay marriage on a legal level, but the people pushing it have let their mask slip and its obvious to me at least this whole debate was never about "love" or "equality". Posted by: McAdams at April 16, 2015 11:56 AM (Fb72h) 5
There will be more of this.
As regards it being possibly a hoax, is there any history of non-leftists doing hoaxes like this? Isn't hoaxing one of their signature moves? Posted by: Kensington (@NYKensington) at April 16, 2015 11:56 AM (7Kbxu) 6
Dang. Knew it was too good to be true. But I'll take second. Normally by the time I make it over here to >, there are 450 comments.
Posted by: Masturbatin' Pete at April 16, 2015 11:57 AM (xN1DB) 7
"As regards it being possibly a hoax, is there any history of non-leftists doing hoaxes like this?"
- - - That fat chick who carved an O into her face in 2008 and blamed it on Obamatards. Posted by: Masturbatin' Pete at April 16, 2015 11:57 AM (xN1DB) 8
This shit is getting out of hand and when there is a beat down it will be us who are judged intolerant.
Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at April 16, 2015 11:57 AM (5IHGT) 9
Wait, no. It was a B. Carved a B into her fat face.
Posted by: Masturbatin' Pete at April 16, 2015 11:58 AM (xN1DB) 10
There's a video of John kerry caught in a gay fling- Posted by: naturalfake at April 16, 2015 11:58 AM (0cMkb) 11
Leftists love to vandalize. Prolife groups get vandalized constantly, yet it never gets more than a two line blurb. There's not any motivation to make something like this up because the media doesn't give a fuck.
Verdict: Deranged lefties did it. Posted by: Lauren at April 16, 2015 11:58 AM (MYCIw) Posted by: SE Pa Moron at April 16, 2015 11:58 AM (xQX/f) 13
#4 has it right. This is rapidly devolving from the stance of 'we'd like to have the same legal rights as heterosexual couples, kthx' into 'you must approve of whatever we do or we will shit all over your existence'.
And while shit is untidy, it really doesn't match 9x19mm or .45... folks need to consider where all this uncivilized behavior could end. Posted by: Toastrider at April 16, 2015 11:59 AM (w0vrv) 14
Once you believe that your opponents are not just wrong, but evil, you can justify anything. After all, what's a little vandalism if your target is evil? Not that leftists have much respect for property rights in the first place.
Posted by: Meric1837 at April 16, 2015 11:59 AM (yrsus) 15
Not a hoax. The silly string is the give-away that it was legit.
Posted by: Roy at April 16, 2015 11:59 AM (VndSC) 16
Putting bacon near mosque = hate crime tens of thousands spent investigating.
Hate speech painted on church = First Amendment right. White Christians, the government and their propagandists in the media HATE YOU! Act accordingly. Posted by: Jukin, Former Republican at April 16, 2015 11:59 AM (WGm5T) 17
Bales Memorial Wesleyan Church in Jamestown was spray painted, had flowers torn up
Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing? Where have all the flowers gone, long time ago? Where have all the flowers gone? Raging queers ripped them from the Earth Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn? Posted by: zombie at April 16, 2015 11:59 AM (K4YiS) 18
As regards it being possibly a hoax, is there any history of non-leftists doing hoaxes like this?
Isn't hoaxing one of their signature moves Posted by: Kensington (@NYKensington) at April 16, 2015 11:56 AM (7Kbxu) I'm thinking of the girl who carved a "B" into her own face and said Obama voters did it. Other than that though... nope. As to the likelihood that this is a hoax? I'd say slim to none. I base that on anecdotal evidence and the fact that this has happened in the same county to a different church. Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Keeper of the Guards at April 16, 2015 11:59 AM (fwARV) 19
no one told the right it was a good idea to agree to play by a different, more restrictive set of rules.
Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at April 16, 2015 11:59 AM (Uz6Si) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 16, 2015 12:00 PM (St6BJ) Posted by: Zephyer Springhill at April 16, 2015 12:00 PM (v516V) 22
13 #4 has it right. This is rapidly devolving from the stance of 'we'd like to have the same legal rights as heterosexual couples, kthx' into 'you must approve of whatever we do or we will shit all over your existence'.
And while shit is untidy, it really doesn't match 9x19mm or .45... folks need to consider where all this uncivilized behavior could end. Posted by: Toastrider at April 16, 2015 11:59 AM (w0vrv) As long as they own the legal system, you will eat their shit and act like it is delicious. Posted by: just bob at April 16, 2015 12:00 PM (wkuqO) 23
To paraphrase from "The Princess Bride":
Gay Marriage Advocates: "Tolerance!!!!!!!!eleventy!!!!" Gay Marriage Opponents: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Posted by: Phil Laicheaux at April 16, 2015 12:01 PM (HFs0X) 24
I'm a world-class hoax detector. This does NOT have the hallmarks of a hoax.
Posted by: zombie at April 16, 2015 12:01 PM (K4YiS) 25
Homosexuals vastly overestimate how much Christians talk about them in church, or think about them outside of it.
Posted by: Little Boomer at April 16, 2015 12:01 PM (ZuVs9) 26
I have a hard time believing even the most strident social conservative would ever vandalize a Church.
Posted by: McAdams at April 16, 2015 12:01 PM (Fb72h) 27
The mentally ill do what the mentally ill do.
Posted by: toby928(C) at April 16, 2015 12:01 PM (evdj2) 28
muslim hate crimes to right of me, gay hate crimes to the left, here I am stuck with the normals like you.
Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at April 16, 2015 12:02 PM (Uz6Si) 29
25 Homosexuals vastly overestimate how much Christians talk about them in church, or think about them outside of it.
----------------------------- Not just Christians, everyone on the planet. Posted by: Roy at April 16, 2015 12:02 PM (VndSC) 30
folks need to consider where all this uncivilized behavior could end.
The left is banking on the right being all talk and no action. Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at April 16, 2015 12:02 PM (W5DcG) 31
Homosexuals vastly overestimate how much Christians talk about them in church, or think about them outside of it.
*** but hollywood makes it seem that way, and that's who dictates reality. Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at April 16, 2015 12:02 PM (Uz6Si) 32
They're pushing too far. People who are nominally Christian are getting irritated by them. You know how I said a few nights ago that the key to dating is not to annoy the other person? Well, that's true in politics as well, and right now the LBGAFTE#%WQTBs are being as annoying as shit.
Posted by: Lauren at April 16, 2015 12:03 PM (MYCIw) 33
25 Homosexuals vastly overestimate how much Christians talk about them in church, or think about them outside of it.
Posted by: Little Boomer at April 16, 2015 12:01 PM (ZuVs9) As well as their population. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 16, 2015 12:03 PM (St6BJ) 34
This is Greensboro, where UNC-G, the old woman's college, is located. Many dykes. Also Guilford College is there. Very liberal.
My bet, it's a member's kids. Why pick out one church? Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:03 PM (0FSuD) 35
I'm not much of a social conservative and could have easily seen myself backing gay marriage on a legal level, but the people pushing it have let their mask slip and its obvious to me at least this whole debate was never about "love" or "equality".
Posted by: McAdams at April 16, 2015 11:56 AM (Fb72h) Pretty much where my attitude was. I was all for them getting the legal protections any married couple has without redefining it. But now? No way, after seeing what they do to people who don't buy into their bullshit I see them a suicide vest away from being muslim. Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at April 16, 2015 12:03 PM (FMbng) 36
Some day we are going to live up to our reputations the media have crafted for us.
Posted by: Jukin, Former Republican at April 16, 2015 12:03 PM (WGm5T) 37
26 I have a hard time believing even the most strident social conservative would ever vandalize a Church.
Posted by: McAdams at April 16, 2015 12:01 PM (Fb72h) Does ISIS fall in that category? Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 16, 2015 12:03 PM (St6BJ) Posted by: @JohnTant at April 16, 2015 12:04 PM (tVWQB) 39
>>>This will not get any attention because the media approves of vandalism directed against Christians.<<<
Vandalism? The media approves of Christians being slaughtered by the bushel in the Middle East by, - what's the word, what's the word... "extremists." Posted by: Fritz at April 16, 2015 12:04 PM (UzPAd) 40
For some reason I don't think this is going to turn out like all the "hate crimes" that happen on campus.
And by that I mean that its not going to end up being a member of the church doing it to show how full of hate the gay mafia is. That it was perpetrated by the progressive shitstains that swear they are all about tolerance is still going to end up being the same. Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 12:04 PM (zt+N6) 41
>>> no one told the right it was a good idea to agree to play by a different, more restrictive set of rules.
Mama and years of sitting in a pew did. We were supposed to be better than that, love our enemies, do good to those who hate us, etc. No more. Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at April 16, 2015 12:04 PM (5IHGT) 42
Barack Obama is a SCOAMT.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at April 16, 2015 12:04 PM (kff5f) 43
38 .....and sprayed with silly string.
Of course it was. Posted by: @JohnTant at April 16, 2015 12:04 PM (tVWQB Isn't that on the end of anal beads? Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 16, 2015 12:04 PM (St6BJ) 44
Homosexuals vastly overestimate how much Christians talk about them in church, or think about them outside of it.
Posted by: Little Boomer ____________________ +1000 I attended a Baptist Church and for about 15 years, the topic of homosexuality was probably brought up less than you can count on one hand. And it was never along the lines of "we need to be mean and nasty to gay people" Posted by: McAdams at April 16, 2015 12:05 PM (Fb72h) 45
I genuinely think for gay marriage advocates, 90% of it is just an outlet for them to get to stick a middle finger at
Fixed. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I am sick and tired of this country being hijacked by a bunch of whiny drama queens with daddy issues. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at April 16, 2015 12:05 PM (zF6Iw) 46
Burn it down (not the church).
Scatter the stones (again: not the church). Salt the earth where it stood (still: not the church). Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at April 16, 2015 12:05 PM (kff5f) 47
I'm surprise they dont have at least one security camera.
Posted by: Bruce J. at April 16, 2015 12:05 PM (iQIUe) 48
Remember the Cultural Revolution in China? When the government encouraged the youth to destroy the temples? And how it then spiraled out of control?
Remember the French Revolution of 1789, where the first target was the churches? And how that led to the public torture and execution of priests, culminating in the Reign of Terror? Me neither. I don't remember any of that. This time, it will be different. Swearsies! Posted by: every stupid leftist in America at April 16, 2015 12:05 PM (K4YiS) 49
A society, and a government, that gives its blessing to single out certain groups for destruction. To harass them, persecute them, to grind them into bone dust.
It does not end well. Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at April 16, 2015 12:06 PM (SCcgT) 50
Two scenarios:
Cis-normatives defaced church Homosexuals defaced church Vandalism is vandalism, but you can bet your bottom dollar the finger-pointing scolds in the media will blame (in the second scenario) heterosexuals for the actions of homosexuals. Posted by: SE Pa Moron at April 16, 2015 12:06 PM (xQX/f) 51
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I am sick and tired of this country being hijacked by a bunch of whiny drama queens with daddy issues.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at April 16, 2015 12:05 PM (zF6Iw) You rang? Posted by: President Barack Hussein Obama at April 16, 2015 12:06 PM (0cMkb) 52
"As well as their population. "
The left wants to reorganize American society to suit....4% of the population. In. Sane. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 16, 2015 12:06 PM (LA7Cm) 53
The left is banking on the right being all talk and no action.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at April 16, 2015 12:02 PM (W5DcG) I'd say they're 100% correct, frankly. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at April 16, 2015 12:06 PM (zF6Iw) 54
My bet, it's a member's kids. Why pick out one church? Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:03 PM (0FSuD) Two churches Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 16, 2015 12:06 PM (fWAjv) 55
Once you believe that your opponents are not just wrong, but evil, you can justify anything. After all, what's a little vandalism if your target is evil? Not that leftists have much respect for property rights in the first place.
Posted by: Meric1837 at April 16, 2015 11:59 AM (yrsus) That works both ways, and it will not end good for them. Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at April 16, 2015 12:07 PM (FMbng) 56
Time for another Gofundme.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at April 16, 2015 12:07 PM (F2IAQ) 57
the ones who demand tolerance are the least tolerant of all......
Posted by: phoenixgirl at April 16, 2015 12:07 PM (u8GsB) 58
The only way the media will cover this is if it can be pinned on a Church member trying to make Gays look bad....
Posted by: hello, it's Me Donna ....again at April 16, 2015 12:07 PM (Bn6aD) Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 12:08 PM (AkOaV) 60
I'm sure everyone in that locale is impressed with this.
The Left and all of their fellow-travelers better make sure their hand never wavers, never loses control for an instant. Posted by: Mikey NTH - Internecine Squabbles Coming to the Outrage Outlet! at April 16, 2015 12:08 PM (hLRSq) 61
Bales Memorial Wesleyan Church
Wait. Wesleyan Church? As in the Wesleyan Method? As in Methodists? As in, already have openly homosexual preachers? Why on earth would you vandalize *them* with pro-gay graffiti? Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at April 16, 2015 12:08 PM (kff5f) 62
Leftist orthodoxy now says, in all seriousness, that everyone is naturally gay, but a few violent crazies are brainwashed by capitalism into thinking they're straight.
DO NOT LET YOUR CHILDREN ATTEND UNIVERSITY. Posted by: zombie at April 16, 2015 12:09 PM (K4YiS) 63
The left is banking on the right being all talk and no action.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at April 16, 2015 12:02 PM (W5DcG) And there's literally zero evidence that they're wrong about that. This will continue until someone gets shot. Much like the Knockout Game will continue until it becomes the Shoot a Thug Game. Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Keeper of the Guards at April 16, 2015 12:09 PM (fwARV) 64
Two churches
Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 16, 2015 12:06 PM (fWAjv) Saw that when I read article. UNC-G dykes are my next guess. Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:09 PM (0FSuD) 65
the ones who demand tolerance are the least tolerant of all......
"Tolerance" is a dog-whistle for "here's who you should be bullying." (How's spypeach's daughter doing, btw?) Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at April 16, 2015 12:09 PM (ZKzrr) Posted by: Sharkman at April 16, 2015 12:10 PM (72D6h) 67
The gays pick their targets for harrassment, threats and general douchetardedness pretty well. They are only going after the folks they believe won't put a bullet in them for their lawfare and violence.
Posted by: GMan at April 16, 2015 12:10 PM (sxq57) 68
Good move. Nothing brings people to an unpopular cause by showing those supporting it will result to violence and damage if they don't get their way.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 16, 2015 12:10 PM (g1DWB) 69
This is right in my neck of the woods. I'll be in Guilford County again tomorrow, was just there Sunday. Haven't seen anything in the local paper, but I also haven't looked too closely.
Posted by: LincolnTf at April 16, 2015 12:10 PM (2cS/G) 70
Saw that when I read article. UNC-G **dykes** are my next guess.
Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:09 PM (0FSuD) ___________ Gee, I wonder why gays don't like Christians? It's such a mystery. Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 16, 2015 12:10 PM (0LHZx) 71
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I am sick and tired of this country being hijacked by a bunch of whiny drama queens with daddy issues.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at April 16, 2015 12:05 PM (zF6Iw) There's one sitting in the White House. To be fair, he's also got massive mommy issues too. Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 12:10 PM (zt+N6) 72
Abject amorality is hard to define but I know it when I see it.
Posted by: Zombie Potter Stewart at April 16, 2015 12:10 PM (Dwehj) 73
Go tell Dykes on Bikes they can't use that word, Foo-Foo. We'll wait.
Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at April 16, 2015 12:11 PM (ZKzrr) 74
However, it would be a "Hate Crime" if you ran across these yutz's doing this and beat the snot of them. Also MSM would be all over that story, but misreporting it.
Posted by: Paladin at April 16, 2015 12:12 PM (LTquJ) 75
"Why on earth would you vandalize *them* with pro-gay graffiti?"
Because lefties are idiots who know nothing about religion. Posted by: Lauren at April 16, 2015 12:12 PM (MYCIw) 76
I sure hope they used complimentary colors when painting that church.
Posted by: Mr. Foo Foo at April 16, 2015 12:12 PM (Dwehj) 77
Why on earth would you vandalize *them* with pro-gay graffiti?
You think those tolerant gays are going to lower themselves with understanding the ins and outs of the various religions of the breeders?! It's a church. That was enough for them. Posted by: @JohnTant at April 16, 2015 12:12 PM (tVWQB) 78
However, it would be a "Hate Crime" if you ran across these yutz's doing this and beat the snot of them
The key is not getting caught. Posted by: GMan at April 16, 2015 12:12 PM (sxq57) 79
Waiting for the inevitable: "How will this effect gays?" report.
Posted by: Joe Mama at April 16, 2015 12:12 PM (IRiM9) Posted by: Permissive Parent at April 16, 2015 12:12 PM (xQX/f) 81
I would like to request an addendum to the rules for the meet up. Ette's must wear ribbons. Posted by: wrg500 at April 16, 2015 12:12 PM (sgrzZ) 82
Fuckin asshole liberals
Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 16, 2015 12:12 PM (rDqRv) Posted by: Lauren at April 16, 2015 12:12 PM (MYCIw) Posted by: JackStraw at April 16, 2015 12:13 PM (g1DWB) 85
Oh, God, moo moo woke up. Dickhead, ever heard of "Dykes on Bikes" You can not older than 14. Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:13 PM (0FSuD) 86
"Gee, I wonder why gays don't like Christians? It's such a mystery."
Gee, I wonder why no-one likes you? It's such a mystery. Posted by: GMan at April 16, 2015 12:13 PM (sxq57) 87
Saw that when I read article. UNC-G **dykes** are my next guess.
Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:09 PM (0FSuD) ___________ Gee, I wonder why gays don't like Christians? It's such a mystery. Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 16, 2015 12:10 PM (0LHZx) And how do you know Nip Sip is a Christian? Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at April 16, 2015 12:13 PM (zF6Iw) 88
"Why on earth would you vandalize *them* with pro-gay graffiti?"
Hit on the minister and got rejected? Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at April 16, 2015 12:13 PM (ZKzrr) Posted by: Roy at April 16, 2015 12:13 PM (VndSC) 90
Sigh. There goes the Morning Thread prayer for a Moo Moo free day.
Posted by: @JohnTant at April 16, 2015 12:14 PM (tVWQB) Posted by: Retard Strength Trumps Smart Power at April 16, 2015 12:15 PM (27KAF) 92
Why didn't these a-hole vandalists mention trans people? Why are they so bigoted. I'd like to beat the crap out of them before I lose my source of testosterone. I really hate hypocritical turds like this.
Posted by: Bruce Jenner at April 16, 2015 12:15 PM (xkSSa) 93
Removing the graffiti is a hate crime.
Posted by: Gwyneth's steaming hooha at April 16, 2015 12:15 PM (Cz/08) 94
Because, I know moo moo has a hard time with tinyurls, here is a quote from the story.
On November 13, 2006, the Dykes on Bikes won the battle to trademark the name, having struggled since 2003 to persuade the PTO that "dyke" was not offensive to the lesbian community Get it now moo moo? Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:15 PM (0FSuD) 95
Well... if the news has taught me anything, it's that I should go with a presumption of maybe-this-was-a-hoax before I jump on board. Also first. Also thanks for making this article not about France, Ace. Posted by: Masturbatin' Pete at April 16, 2015 11:54 AM (xN1DB) Christians don't roll like that :-( Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 12:15 PM (OrI3J) 96
Moo knows less about Christianity than he knows about finance.
Posted by: toby928(C) at April 16, 2015 12:16 PM (evdj2) 97
The gays pick their targets for harrassment, threats and general douchetardedness pretty well. They are only going after the folks they believe won't put a bullet in them for their lawfare and violence.
Posted by: GMan at April 16, 2015 12:10 PM (sxq57) Yes, you do not see them targeting Mosques, which are just full of people who are taught to kill homosexuals as abominations. At the rate the world is going, if the gays manage to outlaw Christians and Jews and are left with Muslims as the dominant world religion, they will get to see what a fundamentalist theocracy really looks and acts like. Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at April 16, 2015 12:16 PM (kXoT0) 98
Sigh. There goes the Morning Thread prayer for a Moo Moo free day.
Posted by: @JohnTant at April 16, 2015 12:14 PM Look at the bright side. Now you can see his mad theological skillz on display. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 12:16 PM (oxZzd) 99
Hey conservatives. They didn't mention trans people which is offensive! So you have nothing to worry about. We will destroy one another, along with the Muslims. We will implode like a black hole.
Posted by: Bruce Jenner at April 16, 2015 12:17 PM (xkSSa) 100
Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 16, 2015 12:17 PM (rDqRv) 101
96 Moo knows less about Christianity than he knows about finance. Posted by: toby928(C) at April 16, 2015 12:16 PM (evdj2) And debt. Morality. Human behavior. How to not fuck barnyard animals. Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 12:17 PM (zt+N6) 102
I can say for certain that "dyke" is not offensive in the LBGQQQAAAQQQ world.
I have several lesbian friends and relatives who use that word to describe themselves. Although, apparently it can be a hateful word... depending on how you say it. So I would advise caution. Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 12:17 PM (AkOaV) 103
Moo knows less about Christianity than he knows about finance.
Is there such a thing as negative knowledge then....? Posted by: @JohnTant at April 16, 2015 12:17 PM (tVWQB) 104
"Gee, I wonder why gays don't like Christians? It's such a mystery."
Tell us more about the short skirt this congregation wore. Posted by: Shoot Me at April 16, 2015 12:17 PM (EQcfE) 105
The gay people I know who are married are older and most have been together for decades. They want companionship and have assets they want to protect. I use to argue that there were other ways of going about it but it is more involved. Making it more difficult for them is just being dickish. Posted by: Bruce J. at April 16, 2015 12:17 PM (iQIUe) 106
Moo knows less about Christianity than he knows about finance.
Pfooey! I'm the Howard Hughes of the interwebz! Posted by: Mr. Foo Foo at April 16, 2015 12:17 PM (Dwehj) 107
Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:15 PM (0FSuD)
No, he doesn't. Because he's a narcissistic, know-it-all pissant of a troll. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at April 16, 2015 12:18 PM (kff5f) 108
I guess my morning prayer was not answered. Best we ignore, maybe they will kick him out of the library. Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:18 PM (0FSuD) 109
Call me hater, call me intolerant, call me bigot, you'll be calling me sir when you're begging me to save you from the world you're making.
...and I'll whisper, "No." Posted by: Brother Cavil, Unrepresented Christian Objectivist at April 16, 2015 12:18 PM (DT3rQ) 110
Gee, I wonder why gays don't like Christians? It's such a mystery.
Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 16, 2015 12:10 PM (0LHZx) Yes, the organized persecution of homosexuals by Christians - the on-going pogroms, forced relocation, unlawful executions... Wait - Christians? Oh, yeah they don't do that. Some disapprove of homosexuality - and those some are not the Methodists. Posted by: Mikey NTH - Internecine Squabbles Coming to the Outrage Outlet! at April 16, 2015 12:18 PM (hLRSq) 111
To be fair, he's also got massive mommy issues too.
Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 12:10 PM (zt+N6) And issues with the gay house boy who was his babysitter while Mommy was deconstructing Colonialism. Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at April 16, 2015 12:19 PM (kXoT0) 112
"Making it more difficult for them is just being dickish."
Civil unions were perfectly acceptable. Posted by: Lauren at April 16, 2015 12:19 PM (MYCIw) 113
I'm the Andrew Carnegie of cyberspace!
Posted by: Mr. Foo Foo at April 16, 2015 12:19 PM (Dwehj) 114
Posted by: toby928(C) at April 16, 2015 12:19 PM (evdj2) 115
Pfooey! I'm the Howard Hughes of the interwebz!
Posted by: Mr. Foo Foo at April 16, 2015 12:17 PM (Dwehj) So you save your piss in mason jars and toe nail clippings? Posted by: wrg500 at April 16, 2015 12:19 PM (sgrzZ) 116
How else are they gonna get laid? Birthday parties in Georgia? Posted by: rickb223 at April 16, 2015 12:19 PM (/gH7O) 117
31 For even more depression in the side-bar. Judge shields GM from being sued over bad ignition switches. Hey Judge Dumas, remember the Pinto?
This comment was from the last thread. I want to inject some sanity into the "ignition switch" idiocy. GM did NOT have a faulty ignition switch. My Impala got recalled, and i brought it to the dealer. When I picked it up, I asked them what, exactly they did. The tech pointed to my key, and showed me where they filled the slot the split-ring ran through. it had a little insert added to make the slot a hole. The issue is people who dangle their entire lives from their key chain can shut off the ignition if there's enough weight on the outside of the key. So some idiot with 3 framed pictures of her kids hanging off their ignition key hits a bump, and twists the key, shutting off the ignition. Then sues GM. F'ng plaintiff's attorneys. Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at April 16, 2015 12:20 PM (5buP8) 118
And then he said "No, I'm Mr. Moo Moo."
Posted by: Just The Punchline at April 16, 2015 12:20 PM (tVWQB) Posted by: GMan at April 16, 2015 12:20 PM (sxq57) 120
Q: What do hate crimes that target conservatives have in common with hate crimes that target liberal victim group?
A: They perp is always a leftist Posted by: George Orwell de Leon at April 16, 2015 12:20 PM (1BQGO) 121
Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at April 16, 2015 12:19 PM (kXoT0)
I think Obamas babysitter in Indonesia was a member of the transsexual community, not the homosexual community. Although I'm sure there is large overlap. Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 12:20 PM (AkOaV) 122
*but the people pushing it have let their mask slip and its obvious to me at least this whole debate was never about "love" or "equality"*
This. I've contended for years that the gay marriage push is primarily about gays giving the middle finger (by proxy, usually) to their disapproving Christian parents. Posted by: What, me worry? at April 16, 2015 12:21 PM (vDEpI) 123
25 Homosexuals vastly overestimate how much Christians talk about them in church, or think about them outside of it.
----------------------------- Not just Christians, everyone on the planet. Peter Lorie: "Rick, I know you despise me." Rick Blane (Bogie): "I sapose if I ever thought of you, I probably would." Posted by: Paladin at April 16, 2015 12:21 PM (LTquJ) 124
Civil unions were perfectly acceptable.
Posted by: Lauren at April 16, 2015 12:19 PM (MYCIw) Uh, no. Less protection and not recognized in every state. Posted by: Bruce J. at April 16, 2015 12:21 PM (iQIUe) 125
Gee, I wonder why gays don't like Christians? It's such a mystery. Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 16, 2015 12:10 PM (0LHZx) We love The Gheys. They fall from buildings so artfully and we can use smaller stones to stone them with. Posted by: Mohamed, the goat fucker at April 16, 2015 12:21 PM (0FSuD) Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at April 16, 2015 12:21 PM (0HooB) 127
>>Civil unions were perfectly acceptable.
Yep. And I would have more respect for those arguing for gay marriage if they would just once admit that what they are asking for is not equal rights but an entirely new right. Doesn't mean I would grab a rainbow flag and join the protest but I used to be pretty ambivalent on the topic. I am rapidly moving toward opposition and it is 100% because of the mau mau (not to be confused with moo moo) methods the SJWs use. Posted by: JackStraw at April 16, 2015 12:21 PM (g1DWB) 128
Hoverin' by my suitcase Tryin' to find a warm place to spend the night Heavy rain fallin', seems I hear your voice callin' "It's all right" A rainy night in Georgia A rainy night in Georgia It seems like it's rainin' all over the world I feel like it's rainin' all over the world Posted by: toby928(C) at April 16, 2015 12:21 PM (evdj2) Posted by: alexthechick at April 16, 2015 12:22 PM (FVIOu) 130
The TrueCons haven't had a good Crusade in over 700 years. Just sayin'.
Posted by: Fritz at April 16, 2015 12:22 PM (UzPAd) 131
Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at April 16, 2015 12:20 PM (5buP
Right. And even if your 50 pounds of bullshit weighed down the key so much that it turned the car off, ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Shift in to neutral and restart the car if you have to, or just roll over to the side of the road, put it in park, and restart your car. Then take all the bullshit off your key chain. I used to have a car that died regularly on the highway. It was a manual, so I'd just pop the clutch but... Not a big deal. You don't need power steering at high way speeds. #firstworldproblems Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 12:22 PM (AkOaV) 132
in other news, the guy that shot the community college teacher? says he is a neo Nazi. also says the teacher made sexual advances to his 16 year old brother Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:23 PM (zOTsN) 133
I'm not being flippant either. Civil unions addressed all the logistical elements of marriage. The ONLY thing it didn't do was push the social element, which was always the goal.
I was a fool to ever support gay marriage. The socons were 100% right about the true objective of the cause. Posted by: Lauren at April 16, 2015 12:23 PM (MYCIw) 134
Is it any wonder why teh Christians and teh Joos hate cows so much?
Posted by: Mr. Foo Foo at April 16, 2015 12:23 PM (Dwehj) 135
What's the difference between a "good Ghey" and a bad one?
The good ones die on the first bounce, no need for stones. Posted by: Mohamed, the goat fucker at April 16, 2015 12:23 PM (0FSuD) 136
How to not fuck barnyard animals.
Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 12:17 PM (zt+N6) That reminds me of a possibly apocryphal Lyndon Johnson story: early in his political career, he wanted to start a whisper campaign that his opponent dabbled in bestiality. His campaign manager was horrified. "Lyndon, we can't call him a pig fucker!" "Maybe not," Johnson chortled, "but we can sure as shit make the sonofabitch have to deny it!" Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at April 16, 2015 12:23 PM (zF6Iw) 137
The only time when I was in a church when homosexuality was mentioned, all it was was an old lady asking for prayer for her gay grandson who was dying of AIDS. She was weeping profusely and told us something like, "I don't love all his choices, but, I do love him, and I wish he could suffer less than he is."
Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at April 16, 2015 12:23 PM (kXoT0) 138
Mentally ill. SMDH.
It was billed as homophobic vandalism but a queer group has now claimed credit for the defacing of a sequined ATM. ANZ gave an Aukland ATM a glittering sequined makeover as a 'GAYTM' but by Friday someone had smothered it in pink paint, which bank describing it 'as pretty sad'. It was labelled a homophobic attack, coming just before the Auckland Pride Festival. But in an anonymous online post, a group calling themselves 'Queers Against Injustice' claimed credit for the 'pink-washing'. They claim the bank had 'co-opted' gay symbolism for commercial purposes, using them to obscure their business practices and treatment of workers. 'It is disheartening that the representation of our symbolic pinkwashing of the GAYTM has been manipulated into an act of hatred and complicity. This misrepresentation reinforces the image of tolerance that ANZ has spent a lot of money marketing to us.' Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 16, 2015 12:23 PM (fWAjv) 139
Mentally ill. SMDH.
It was billed as homophobic vandalism but a queer group has now claimed credit for the defacing of a sequined ATM. ANZ gave an Aukland ATM a glittering sequined makeover as a 'GAYTM' but by Friday someone had smothered it in pink paint, which bank describing it 'as pretty sad'. It was labelled a homophobic attack, coming just before the Auckland Pride Festival. But in an anonymous online post, a group calling themselves 'Queers Against Injustice' claimed credit for the 'pink-washing'. They claim the bank had 'co-opted' gay symbolism for commercial purposes, using them to obscure their business practices and treatment of workers. 'It is disheartening that the representation of our symbolic pinkwashing of the GAYTM has been manipulated into an act of hatred and complicity. This misrepresentation reinforces the image of tolerance that ANZ has spent a lot of money marketing to us.' Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 16, 2015 12:23 PM (fWAjv) 140
"Yes, the organized persecution of homosexuals by Christians - the on-going pogroms, forced relocation, unlawful executions... "
And the Amish are tossing them of the roofs of their barns to their deaths too! Yup, Murica is one deadly place to live, if you're gay. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at April 16, 2015 12:24 PM (gSDyW) 141
There's a REASON that one of the more popular SoCal lefty bumper stickers is "I support the separation of church and h8". Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 16, 2015 12:24 PM (SpnVI) 142
I'm sure the SPLC will get right on hounding this home-grown radical hate group.....
Posted by: gwelf at April 16, 2015 12:24 PM (TJ8HB) 143
Neon signs a-flashin' Taxi cabs and buses passin' through the night A distant moanin' of a train Seems to play a sad refrain to the night A rainy night in Georgia Such a rainy night in Georgia Lord, I believe it's rainin' all over the world I feel like it's rainin' all over the world Posted by: toby928(C) at April 16, 2015 12:25 PM (evdj2) 144
The thing is I know how this story ends.
Posted by: alexthechick at April 16, 2015 12:22 PM (FVIOu) Everyone who stars in it thinks it will be different because they are in charge. That's an example of a fatal conceit. Posted by: Mikey NTH - Internecine Squabbles Coming to the Outrage Outlet! at April 16, 2015 12:25 PM (hLRSq) 145
@112, I don't get this argument AT ALL. My brother and I were both single until 33, my best friend is still single at 35, I have two very good friends single at 48, and my uncle is single at 68. We have assets, we have end-of-life preferences. There is absolutely NO hardship on a gay person that doesn't also exist for a single person or a widow.
Sometimes there are parts of life that are easier for some people than for others. DEAL WITH IT. If you are such a delicate flower that you can't handle making a freaking will, setting up your insurance beneficiaries properly, and creating a living will, then you aren't adulting right, anyway. Posted by: sunny-dee at April 16, 2015 12:25 PM (EBoCD) 146
Posted by: Lizzy at April 16, 2015 12:26 PM (2TN4k) 147
Everyone who stars in it thinks it will be different because they are in charge. That's an example of a fatal conceit.
Posted by: Mikey NTH - Internecine Squabbles Coming to the Outrage Outlet! at April 16, 2015 12:25 PM (hLRSq) You've read my book! Posted by: Friedrich von Hayek at April 16, 2015 12:26 PM (oxZzd) 148
I actually meant to agree with @112 against the other guy. Apologies, Lauren!
Posted by: sunny-dee at April 16, 2015 12:26 PM (EBoCD) 149
How many times I wondered It still comes out the same No matter how you look at it or think of it It's life and you just got to play the game I find me a place in a box car So I take my guitar to pass some time Late at night when it's hard to rest I hold your picture to my chest and I feel fine But it's a rainy night in Georgia Baby, it's a rainy night in Georgia I feel it's rainin' all over the world Kinda lonely now and it's rainin' all over the world Posted by: toby928(C) at April 16, 2015 12:26 PM (evdj2) 150
And I would have more respect for those arguing for gay marriage if they
would just once admit that what they are asking for is not equal rights but an entirely new right. BruceJ pretty much admitted up above that they want entrance to a privileged class for financial reasons. Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at April 16, 2015 12:26 PM (ZKzrr) 151
"It is disheartening that the representation of our symbolic pinkwashing of the GAYTM has been manipulated into an act of hatred and complicity. This misrepresentation reinforces the image of tolerance that ANZ has spent a lot of money marketing to us."
Just give up. There's no point even trying to play by their rules because they will keep shifting. I feel very bad for the average gay couple who just wants to live their life and be left alone, because their "activists" are absolutely destroying their image. Posted by: Lauren at April 16, 2015 12:26 PM (MYCIw) 152
If you are such a delicate flower that you can't handle making a freaking will, setting up your insurance beneficiaries properly, and creating a living will, then you aren't adulting right, anyway.
Posted by: sunny-dee at April 16, 2015 12:25 PM (EBoCD) But their love isn't REAL! unless the government acknowledges it and forces you to do so at gun point as well. Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 12:27 PM (zt+N6) 153
Oh, have you ever been lonely, people? And you feel that it was rainin' all over this man's world You're talking 'bout rainin', rainin', rainin', rainin', rainin', rainin', rainin' Rainin', rainin' rainin', rainin', rainin' rainin' rainin' over the world I said now, rainin', rainin' rainin' Posted by: toby928(C) at April 16, 2015 12:27 PM (evdj2) 154
Gee, I wonder why gays don't like Christians? It's such a mystery.
Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 16, 2015 12:10 PM (0LHZx) Because they don't like being told that: 1) there are moral absolutes in this world and 2) homosexual sex is a sin so they are on the wrong side of those moral absolutes.It is not, contrary to popular opinion because actual Christians are hateful to them. Christians are called to love the sinner at the same time as the hate and reject the sin. Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 12:27 PM (OrI3J) 155
And Federal hate Crime charges will be brought...
well... maybe AFTER the next election.... this is soooo F'd up.... Posted by: BB Wolf at April 16, 2015 12:27 PM (qh617) 156
Hey, remember when the Nazis did this type of thing to the Jews?
Posted by: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus at April 16, 2015 12:27 PM (YYJjz) 157
Proof that having sphincter contusions and friction burns on your lips make you angry.
Posted by: Marcus T at April 16, 2015 12:28 PM (GGCsk) Posted by: Lizzy at April 16, 2015 12:28 PM (2TN4k) 159
You've read my book!
Posted by: Friedrich von Hayek at April 16, 2015 12:26 PM (oxZzd) Nope. I've just put 49 years in as a human and have paid attention to things that happen. Posted by: Mikey NTH - Internecine Squabbles Coming to the Outrage Outlet! at April 16, 2015 12:28 PM (hLRSq) 160
We have assets, we have end-of-life preferences. There is absolutely NO hardship on a gay person that doesn't also exist for a single person or a widow.
I'm working on that private property thing. Posted by: obama at April 16, 2015 12:29 PM (wkuqO) 161
If you are such a delicate flower that you can't
handle making a freaking will, setting up your insurance beneficiaries properly, and creating a living will, then you aren't adulting right, anyway. Posted by: sunny-dee at April 16, 2015 12:25 PM (EBoCD) Some times it is not that easy. A gay friend of mine died last month of cancer, I helped him get in business. Yes, he WAS a florist! He married his "companion" of 30 years the week before. It was a huge relief for him to be able to give his business to him. Just saying when the government gets into shit, shit will happen. Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:29 PM (0FSuD) 162
This is what happens when the federal government promotes mob rule.
Get ready cuz it's going to get a LOT worse in the next few years. Posted by: Sponge at April 16, 2015 12:30 PM (F4u7C) 163
local crime story Posted by: kj at April 16, 2015 12:30 PM (lKyWE) 164
>>BruceJ pretty much admitted up above that they want entrance to a privileged class for financial reasons.
Which they could have received with civil unions. Had them in MA and they had all the financial protections afforded married couples. But they wanted a new right, the right for same sex marriage and the argument was always equality. Nobody had that right before, marriage was reserved for one man and one woman, period. Same sex marriage is a new right. As I said, I used to be pretty ambivalent on the topic but the methods the SJWs are using are driving me away from support. And thats on them not me. Posted by: JackStraw at April 16, 2015 12:30 PM (g1DWB) 165
If you are such a delicate flower that you can't handle making a freaking will, setting up your insurance beneficiaries properly, and creating a living will, then you aren't adulting right, anyway.
Posted by: sunny-dee at April 16, 2015 12:25 PM (EBoCD) Agreed. CAIR got Oklahoma's amendment on the use of Sharia and foreign law halted by a Liberal judge on the grounds that its implementation would prevent Muslims from writing their wills in accordance with Islamic principles. Which was laughable because in Oklahoma, leftover from frontier days, you can probate a will leaving all your worldly goods to gremlins,even if it was written in crayon on a grocery sack and signed with an X--provided it was witnessed and you were of sound mind and body and your intent can be discerned. Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at April 16, 2015 12:30 PM (kXoT0) 166
>>>Proof that having sphincter contusions and friction burns on your lips make you angry.<<<
Yes, but their uniforms and jackboots are snappy and smart. Posted by: Fritz at April 16, 2015 12:30 PM (UzPAd) 167
>>Gee, I wonder why gays don't like Christians? It's such a mystery.
Dunno, Moo Moo. Guess I'll ask one of the gay parishioners at my church on Sunday. Bet he will be surprised to learn that he hates himself, being all icky Christian AND gay. Or I could ask our lesbian minister... Posted by: Lizzy at April 16, 2015 12:31 PM (2TN4k) 168
BruceJ pretty much admitted up above that they want entrance to a privileged class for financial reasons.
Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at April 16, 2015 12:26 PM (ZKzrr) -------------------------- Put a sock in it, Heather. I am not a spokesman for anyone and I did not admit anything. Posted by: Bruce J. at April 16, 2015 12:31 PM (iQIUe) 169
. There is absolutely NO hardship on a gay person that doesn't also exist for a single person or a widow.
Singles are Unpeople. Some bint at Slate last week was all "I can't believe in 2015 women actually still care about their marital status, it's not like our society measures their value that way" and I was all "Derp, if our society didn't use it to measure a person's value, why the fuck are the gays so obsessed by it?" but I can't post Slate comments at work. Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at April 16, 2015 12:31 PM (ZKzrr) 170
This will not get any attention because the media approves of vandalism directed against Christians.
Which reminds me, how many years has it been since Sarah Palin's church was burned to the ground, almost killing 19 people? Strange how un-curious the FBI is about that. Ain't no way in fcuking hell nobody knows anything. Wasilla is a small town and the arsonists were almost certainly from out of towm. Somebody knows who did it. 19 counts of attempted murder, plus felony arson. And law enforcement couldn't care less because CHRISTIANS. Posted by: Citizen X at April 16, 2015 12:31 PM (7ObY1) 171
Roadside Sparkle Bomb
Posted by: Garrett at April 16, 2015 12:31 PM (7Jagj) 172
Because they don't like being told that:
1) there are moral absolutes in this world and 2) homosexual sex is a sin so they are on the wrong side of those moral absolutes.It is not, contrary to popular opinion because actual Christians are hateful to them. Christians are called to love the sinner at the same time as the hate and reject the sin. Also... 3. They reject the concept of "mating parts." Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at April 16, 2015 12:31 PM (0HooB) 173
Security cameras for the win. Systems are pretty affordable now. They're going to be everywhere soon anyways.
Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at April 16, 2015 12:31 PM (IxEWc) 174
Well, they don't like God and his church because it calls homosexuality a sin. So any opposition to the gay cult, whether from God or his servants can't be tolerated.
I never remember adulterers and other sinners vandalizing a church. But I may have missed it. They don't want acceptance. They want conformism at any cost. Posted by: Marcus T at April 16, 2015 12:32 PM (GGCsk) Posted by: Hillary Clinton at April 16, 2015 12:32 PM (HSmrB) 176
Or I could ask our lesbian minister...
Posted by: Lizzy at April 16, 2015 12:31 PM (2TN4k) The one that married my son? I didn't know you were an Episcopalian! Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:32 PM (0FSuD) 177
Do these assless chaps make my udders look big?
Posted by: Mr. Foo Foo at April 16, 2015 12:32 PM (Dwehj) 178
Posted by: toby928(C) at April 16, 2015 12:26 PM (evdj2)
Damn I love that song. Southern Soul at its best. Posted by: Citizen X at April 16, 2015 12:33 PM (7ObY1) 179
And they got what they wanted with the GAYTM hoax 'This highlights the need for Auckland's Rainbow community to stand together united and supportive of our amazing community. Saturday night we'll be able to show Aotearoa and the world just how non-judgmental and inclusive we are as a nation,' says Mr Taki. Police are also showing their support, with officers in full-uniform set to march for the first time in the parade's history. Police Commissioner Mike Bush says Auckland Diversity Liaison Officers have been working to ensure the force is represented by sworn and non-sworn staff of various rank, gender identity and orientation. 'Staff are well organised and prepared for this year's parade and while I can't give too much away...the committee plans to put on a good show,' he says. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 16, 2015 12:33 PM (fWAjv) 180
Hey, remember when the Nazis did this type of thing to the Jews?
Sure, you also have to remember that Germany was pretty accepting of homosexuals until one day they weren't anymore. see also; learn, history, repeat, destined Posted by: SE Pa Moron at April 16, 2015 12:33 PM (xQX/f) 181
Prior to this, A straight man could marry a straight woman, and a gay man could marry a straight woman, if they so chose to...right?
And a straight man was prohibited from marrying a straight man, and a gay man was prohibited from marrying a gay man, right? Sounds equal to me. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at April 16, 2015 12:33 PM (gSDyW) 182
Well it's a good thing that being gay doesn't perpetuate itself in anyway.
I''ll just keep reproducing. Posted by: Marcus T at April 16, 2015 12:33 PM (GGCsk) 183
The socons were 100% right about the true objective of the cause.
I expect I'll hear a lot of that as the blindfolds are being put on. A lot more between "Ready" and "Aim". Posted by: Brother Cavil, Unrepresented Christian Objectivist at April 16, 2015 12:34 PM (DT3rQ) 184
If I was gay I'd make it my mission to hunt down every one of these little bastards for Blue Falconing me.
Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 12:34 PM (x3YFz) 185
176 Or I could ask our lesbian minister...
Posted by: Lizzy at April 16, 2015 12:31 PM (2TN4k) The one that married my son? I didn't know you were an Episcopalian! Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:32 PM (0FSuD) When that happens in my church, I'm gone. Posted by: Golfman at April 16, 2015 12:35 PM (z5oYl) 186
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:23 PM (zOTsN)
Face and throat tattoos certainly indicate he's part of *some* group. Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at April 16, 2015 12:35 PM (GDulk) 187
>>The one that married my son? I didn't know you were an Episcopalian
Right you are! It's a conservative church overall, and almost completely non-political. I hesitated to refer to her as a lesbian minister because her sexual orientation doesn't even make it into the top 20 most interesting things she identifies about herself. Posted by: Lizzy at April 16, 2015 12:35 PM (2TN4k) 188
Ft Hood survivors will receive full benefits after getting purple hearts. Army finally reversed their decision. Which means Congressmen finally put the muscle on the Sec Army
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:35 PM (zOTsN) 189
Well, they don't like God and his church because it calls homosexuality a sin. So any opposition to the gay cult, whether from God or his servants can't be tolerated.
I never remember adulterers and other sinners vandalizing a church. But I may have missed it. They don't want acceptance. They want conformism at any cost. Posted by: Marcus T at April 16, 2015 12:32 PM (GGCsk) We Christians get that. But, dayum, it should would be nice to see them use those balls they insist on displaying in gay pride parades to complain about Islam. Nope, Islam regularly murders homosexuals in horrific ways and all we hear from the LBGTQ community is "crickets". Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at April 16, 2015 12:35 PM (kXoT0) 190
As I said, I used to be pretty ambivalent on the topic but the methods
the SJWs are using are driving me away from support. And thats on them not me./i] Yup. They want companionship and have assets they want to protect. Bruce, you said it was about assets. Stick your own sock in yours. Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at April 16, 2015 12:36 PM (ZKzrr) 191
Face and throat tattoos certainly indicate he's part of *some* group.
Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at April 16, 2015 12:35PM (GDulk) Teh stoopid group. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 12:36 PM (x3YFz) 192
I hesitated to refer to her as a lesbian minister because her sexual orientation doesn't even make it into the top 20 most interesting things she identifies about herself.
Posted by: Lizzy at April 16, 2015 12:35 PM (2TN4k) What do you mean by "things she identifies about herself"? Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 12:36 PM (oxZzd) 193
Two scenarios: Cis-normatives defaced church Homosexuals defaced church Vandalism is vandalism, but you can bet your bottom dollar the finger-pointing scolds in the media will blame (in the second scenario) heterosexuals for the actions of homosexuals. ---------- It was probably done by heterosexual SJW's, trying to make themselves feel good by standing up for an oppressed minority. Posted by: Cave Johnson at April 16, 2015 12:36 PM (2jQGY) 194
167 >>Gee, I wonder why gays don't like Christians? It's such a mystery.
I come from a reformed church. We love everyone. it's their sin that is to be despised. Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at April 16, 2015 12:36 PM (5buP8) 195
Security cameras for the win. Systems are pretty affordable now. They're going to be everywhere soon anyways.
Hoodie and a Guy Fawkes mask for the defeat. Besides, the quality pics afforded by those "affordable" systems? You get better images out of an ink blot test. Posted by: rickb223 at April 16, 2015 12:36 PM (/gH7O) 196
"Ft Hood survivors will receive full benefits after getting purple hearts. Army finally reversed their decision."
Great news! That's the one thing my congressman (he represents Ft Hood as well) has been pushing for since it happened. Glad it paid off, even if he is GOPe. Posted by: Lauren at April 16, 2015 12:37 PM (MYCIw) 197
I feel very bad for the average gay couple who just wants to live their life and be left alone, because their "activists" are absolutely destroying their image.
Posted by: Lauren at April 16, 2015 12:26 PM (MYCIw) I used to feel that way. No more. The talking part of this crap is over, as far as I'm concerned. All of this was avoidable, all of it. There are no civilians in this one in my opinion. They could have stopped it but they didn't, every last one of them is thrilled with the fascist tactics, and that they don't have to get their hands dirty because their mercenary pigs will run kristallnacht for them. Bring it on, i don't care what happens anymore, let's get it over with. no prisoners as far as i'm concerned. fuck every one of them. After alix bryan and so many others, these demonic psychopath amoral lying sadistic... i don't have the words man. no more benefit of the doubt for any of them. no way to make it right with me, no way to unring the bell, forever, until i am in my grave. Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at April 16, 2015 12:37 PM (IxEWc) 198
When that happens in my church, I'm gone.
Posted by: Golfman at April 16, 2015 12:35 PM (z5oYl) If I could find an Anglican church near by, I would leave. You know what they call the 11:15 service? Gheys and Grays service. Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:37 PM (0FSuD) 199
I come from a reformed church. We love everyone. it's their sin that is to be despised.
Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at April 16, 2015 12:36 PM (5buP I come from a very orthodox Church. We believe the same. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 12:38 PM (oxZzd) 200
our synagogue in NJ was vandalized no less than three times. We had cameras. Synagogue leadership refused to prosecute on the theory they were "kids".
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:38 PM (zOTsN) 201
>>Security cameras for the win. Systems are pretty affordable now. They're going to be everywhere soon anyways.
<<. As are shotguns and LL rounds. Posted by: Marcus T at April 16, 2015 12:38 PM (GGCsk) 202
Civil Unions were a perfect answer, but the reason conservatives were unable to support them was because a judge would immediately say it was a "separate, but equal" type argument and would have used that to fast track gay marriage.
So instead, the judges just decreed "Gay marriage, just because we can" even when a state like California changed their Constitution, the judges still overruled them. Posted by: McAdams at April 16, 2015 12:38 PM (Fb72h) 203
>>What do you mean by "things she identifies about herself"?
I guess what I meant was if you were to talk to her, you'd learn all sorts of things about her before her sexual orientation. There was some concern when she was being considered for the church, but it became clear upon getting to know her that this is not a big part of her identity. Hope I explained that adequately. Posted by: Lizzy at April 16, 2015 12:38 PM (2TN4k) Posted by: Mr Wizard at April 16, 2015 12:39 PM (eOpVe) Posted by: Lauren at April 16, 2015 12:39 PM (MYCIw) 206
Synagogue leadership refused to prosecute on the theory they were Black "kids".
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:38 PM (zOTsN) FIFY. Is this guess correct? Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:39 PM (0FSuD) 207
"Teh stoopid group."
I know lots of stoopid people without tattoos. But yes...just like having a coexist sticker, it is an indicator. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at April 16, 2015 12:39 PM (gSDyW) 208
All of this was avoidable, all of it. There are no civilians in this one in my opinion.
Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at April 16, 2015 12:37 PM (IxEWc) Disagree. Google the name "Courtney Hoffman" and tell me she's cool with this shit. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 12:39 PM (oxZzd) 209
And in Mexico another small container of radioactive material has vanished. A box of Iridium-192 in fact. Just hope none of that misguided JV team VagISIL stumble across it, who knows what kind of mischief those yutes will get into with it. Booze fueled naked Twister is doubtful.
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at April 16, 2015 12:40 PM (XM03m) 210
As are shotguns and LL rounds.
Posted by: Marcus T LL Bean ....Bag rounds Posted by: Mr Wizard Rock salt and bacon rind. Posted by: rickb223 at April 16, 2015 12:40 PM (/gH7O) 211
Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at April 16, 2015 12:37 PM (IxEWc)
That's not true. I know several gay couples who want nothing to do with the SJW shit. The militant gay activists are leftists first, gay second. And they intimidate other gays in to going along with it by calling them the gay equivalent of "uncle toms" for not being with the program. So most just ignore it. I would love to see the real number of gay activists out there. I bet we're talking 100 or so people, led by a handful of Bay Area lawyers who claim to speak for every single gay person in the US, which they like to pretend is more than the several million it is. Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 12:40 PM (AkOaV) 212
The new face of the KKK marches with a rainbow flag.
Posted by: RoyalOil at April 16, 2015 12:41 PM (ZvKdv) 213
>>I come from a reformed church. We love everyone. it's their sin that is to be despised.
<< I am a little unclear how that differs from the Catholic Church. Because it does not. They don't like that you catalogue homosexuality a sin and as a matter of faith disagree and fail to condine the practice. Period. Posted by: Marcus T at April 16, 2015 12:41 PM (GGCsk) 214
Ft Hood survivors will receive full benefits after getting purple hearts. Army finally reversed their decision. Which means Congressmen finally put the muscle on the Sec Army
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:35 PM (zOTsN) About fuckin time Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 16, 2015 12:41 PM (rDqRv) 215
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at April 16, 2015 12:40 PM (XM03m)
I feel like Mexico loses a lot of nuclear material. Remind me again why they have nuclear material in the first place? Did we give them some to make power plants, or do they just like losing unstable isotopes? Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 12:42 PM (AkOaV) 216
the largest number of Pakistanis outside of Pakistan are in Middlesex County NJ. kids
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:42 PM (zOTsN) 217
We had cameras. Synagogue leadership refused to prosecute on the theory they were "kids".
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:38 PM (zOTsN) ---- That pisses me off. In few years... those "kids" will be adults. Little late at that point to have any hope of reforming their behavior. Posted by: fixerupper at April 16, 2015 12:42 PM (NaV4z) 218
>>Remind me again why they have nuclear material in the first place? Did we give them some to make power plants, or do they just like losing unstable isotopes?
Mostly medical equipment waste I believe. Posted by: JackStraw at April 16, 2015 12:43 PM (g1DWB) 219
Prior to this, A straight man could marry a straight woman, and a gay man could marry a straight woman, if they so chose to...right?
And a straight man was prohibited from marrying a straight man, and a gay man was prohibited from marrying a gay man, right? This line of logic is hate. /sarc And the counter-argument, that's if it's all about marrying whomever one loves, logically leads to "Well then, why would you possibly have any objection to pedophiles marrying children, if it's all about love." But that line of logic is hate too. Posted by: bonhomme at April 16, 2015 12:43 PM (jhqr1) 220
great news about Ft Hood tho. Finally
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:43 PM (zOTsN) 221
208 All of this was avoidable, all of it. There are no civilians in this one in my opinion.
Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at April 16, 2015 12:37 PM (IxEWc) Disagree. Google the name "Courtney Hoffman" and tell me she's cool with this shit. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 12:39 PM (oxZzd) I know, and I read some stuff by Camille Paglia that I really respected. There are others. Let me be very clear, I'm not saying I'm right. I know it's wrong to be unforgiving. I am being irrational and angry, I admit that. Too bad. I'm going to hell. I don't care. I won't change my mind. I am so angry about this bullshit, it is better if I stop talkiing about it. I don't care if I'm wrong. They or anyone else can come shoot me bring it on, fuck it i nno longer care. Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at April 16, 2015 12:43 PM (IxEWc) 222
They don't like that you catalogue homosexuality a sin and as a matter of faith disagree and fail to condine the practice. Period.
Posted by: Marcus T at April 16, 2015 12:41 PM (GGCsk) Gay folks hate the Catholic Church because the catechism describes homosexual sex (not the person mind you) as "fundamentally disordered." That's their biggest issue with Catholics. Look, if gay sex were "normal" then the human race would have flamed out at the starting line.'s not "normal." Period. It doesn't mean you get to treat gay people like shit. "Christians" who think otherwise are not Christians in the strictest definition of the term. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 12:44 PM (oxZzd) 223
our synagogue in NJ was vandalized no less than three times. We had cameras. Synagogue leadership refused to prosecute on the theory they were "kids".
I wonder if the last two incidents would've happened if the first group of "kids" had been prosecuted? If bad behavior isn't punished, you'll get more of it, to paraphrase Insty. Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at April 16, 2015 12:44 PM (0HooB) 224
Posted by: RoyalOil at April 16, 2015 12:41 PM (ZvKdv)
Yep, the left NEVER changes tactics, just "victim" groups. At one point, they tried to sell poor uneducated whites the "victim" status by claiming blacks were stealing their jobs and voting Republican and bringing carpet bagging yankees to take over the southland. When those whites started to become middle class, they flipped the script and went to blacks and said "you're the new victim class, at the hands of the white man." Then Hispanics. Then Gheys. And the tactics are always the same. 100 years ago, that meant the KKK to keep blacks from the voting booth and to keep carpet baggers from crossing the mason dixon. Today, it's the gay mafia to keep christians from living their faith. Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 12:44 PM (AkOaV) 225
208 All of this was avoidable, all of it. There are no civilians in this one in my opinion.
Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at April 16, 2015 12:37 PM (IxEWc) Disagree. Google the name "Courtney Hoffman" and tell me she's cool with this shit. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 12:39 PM (oxZzd) She's a class act. Posted by: Insomniac at April 16, 2015 12:44 PM (2Ojst) 226
I don't care. I won't change my mind. I am so angry about this bullshit, it is better if I stop talkiing about it.
I don't care if I'm wrong. They or anyone else can come shoot me bring it on, fuck it i nno longer care. Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at April 16, 2015 12:43 PM (IxEWc) ------ See?????? It *works*. Posted by: Saul Alinksy at April 16, 2015 12:45 PM (NaV4z) Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars(TM) at April 16, 2015 12:45 PM (rQe9y) 228
Posted by: zombie at April 16, 2015 12:09 PM (K4YiS) My cousin's daughter just got a full four-year ride to Amherst. When she visited the campus, one of the complaints that kept cropping up from current students was that it was too politically correct there, and that it was exhausting to try to keep track of what you could say so that you wouldn't inadvertently offend someone. Posted by: kathysaysso at April 16, 2015 12:45 PM (fMQoG) 229
our synagogue in Houston has a lot of cameras and a 23 foot fence around the property perimeter, gates and cops no problem so far Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:45 PM (zOTsN) Posted by: Sven10077 at April 16, 2015 12:45 PM (/4AZU) 231
Let me be very clear, I'm not saying I'm right. I know it's wrong to be unforgiving. I am being irrational and angry, I admit that.
Too bad. I'm going to hell. I don't care. I won't change my mind. I am so angry about this bullshit, it is better if I stop talkiing about it. I don't care if I'm wrong. They or anyone else can come shoot me bring it on, fuck it i nno longer care. Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at April 16, 2015 12:43 PM (IxEWc) I get it. I do. I'm sympathetic with the emotion even. But....God's infinite mercy is available to you. Just like it is to gay people. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 12:45 PM (oxZzd) 232
Yep Sean, how does a species pass on successful genes if the preferred sexual union results in nothing.
I always joke, just ponder how humanity would have turned out if sex was always painful. Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at April 16, 2015 12:45 PM (XM03m) 233
'God loves fags! He hates you!'
Damn, I saw this coming two weeks ago. Never thought it would happen this fast! Pic: Coming Soon From The 'Westboro Tolerance Church': God Hates Christians! Posted by: PredictableHistory at April 16, 2015 12:46 PM (D1LUp) 234
>>Gay folks hate the Catholic Church because the catechism describes homosexual sex (not the person mind you) as "fundamentally disordered."
Didn't the Vatican just refuse the new French Ambassador because he was gay? Why on earth would the French even send a gay person in an official capacity if not to stir the pot? Posted by: JackStraw at April 16, 2015 12:46 PM (g1DWB) Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 12:46 PM (x3YFz) 236
Posted by: JackStraw at April 16, 2015 12:43 PM (g1DWB)
I was unaware Mexico had a medical system. I thought they just sent everyone to Norte Americano where the gringos will pay for it. Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 12:47 PM (AkOaV) 237
135 What's the difference between a "good Ghey" and a bad one?The good ones die on the first bounce, no need for stones. Posted by: Mohamed, the goat fucker at April 16, 2015 12:23 PM (0FSuD) Hmmm. That was basically exactly the reason for a banning last week, Nip. Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 12:47 PM (JtwS4) 238
Yeah, this will never be covered because Christians can't ever be portrayed as victims. It was one of the reasons the libs made ACT-UP stop attacking St. Pats because it made Catholics the victims, and they were supposed to be the bad guys.
Its like those stories about GLAAD being pissed because Gays only make up 17-20% of characters in movies. There aren't enough. Meanwhile gays only make up 1-2% of the population, so in reality they're over-represented in movies. What nobody has the guts to ask is, who's being under-represented in movies while the GLAAD gays are taking their roles? Posted by: Iblis at April 16, 2015 12:47 PM (9221z) 239
that's a 12 foot fence. I need to read before I hit the button
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:47 PM (zOTsN) 240
Posted by: JackStraw at April 16, 2015 12:46 PM (g1DWB)
Because they're French. And the French are notoriously dickish. I wonder if they sent a gay ambassador to Saudi Arabia... Or Iran... Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 12:47 PM (AkOaV) 241
>>But....God's infinite mercy is available to you.
Just like it is to gay people. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 12:45 PM (oxZzd) i'm tryin man i try every day. maybe it will work, i will not give up on that. but i know what abuse is, and i know what evil is, and there are things i will not allow to happen around me. ok now my hands are shaking so i gotta go later all, thanks for talking. Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at April 16, 2015 12:47 PM (IxEWc) 242
Didn't the Vatican just refuse the new French Ambassador because he was gay? Why on earth would the French even send a gay person in an official capacity if not to stir the pot?
Posted by: JackStraw at April 16, 2015 12:46 PM (g1DWB) Yes. And...yes....thats' exactly what the French were doing. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 12:47 PM (oxZzd) 243
God evolves
Posted by: The Church of What is Happening now at April 16, 2015 12:48 PM (wkuqO) 244
Here's the thing, Christian Churches and the Bible are FAR more "harsh" on divorce then they are homosexuality.
Yet why aren't divorced people vandalizing Churches? If that's what this is really all about? And get this, there's divorced couples that regularly attend Church despite Biblical teachings. So for gay activists, if this a religion you don't believe in anyway and it's condemning an act you participate in, why do you care? Unless deep down you think there's some truth behind it? I don't have any impulse to vandalize a Mosque because they condemn by consumption of pork and alcohol. Posted by: McAdams at April 16, 2015 12:48 PM (Fb72h) 245
Last few cases in Mexico have been radioactive isotopes for medical use. At least one time the foolish people cracked open the case to the Cobalt.
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at April 16, 2015 12:48 PM (XM03m) 246
our synagogue in NJ was vandalized no less than three times. We had cameras. Synagogue leadership refused to prosecute on the theory they were "kids".
Inner city juries let "kids" off all the time because of this sentiment. Nevermind that a gang member at age 14 already has a few violent felonies under their belt. Posted by: bonhomme at April 16, 2015 12:48 PM (jhqr1) 247
I come from a reformed church. We love everyone. it's their sin that is to be despised. Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at April 16, 2015 12:36 PM (5buP I come from a very orthodox Church. We believe the same. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 12:38 PM (oxZzd) I am Southern Baptist and we believe the same, too. I will also point out it is an act that is condemned by the Bible not any inclinations. There are individuals in my Church who feel they are homosexuals but refrain from sex because they value their relationship with God more than they value getting their rocks off (so to speak). I know people who are divorced and attend my Church who do (don't do) the same thing because sex after most divorces would be considered adultery. Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 12:48 PM (OrI3J) 248
Posted by: Deputy Director Higgins at April 16, 2015 12:47 PM (IxEWc)
Don't let it get you so worked up. Gotta find humor it in all or it will drive you crazy. Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 12:48 PM (AkOaV) 249
"I always joke, just ponder how humanity would have turned out if sex was always painful."
We always joked that if sex was work, only the enlisted folk would fcuk. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at April 16, 2015 12:48 PM (gSDyW) 250
our synagogue in Houston has a lot of cameras and a 23 foot fence around the property perimeter, gates and cops
no problem so far Thanks for the recon data. Posted by: Mohhamed with a 24 foot ladder at April 16, 2015 12:48 PM (xQX/f) 251
I see that Coca-Cola has an offering called "Life". Their next move (or so I hear) is to branch out into two products - "Life Without Parole" and "Life With Time Off For Good Behavior" Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars(TM) at April 16, 2015 12:48 PM (rQe9y) 252
Hmmm. That was basically exactly the reason for a banning last week, Nip.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 12:47 PM (JtwS4) How first two lunch martinis must have kicked in so it's about time for his daily dose of bigotry. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 12:49 PM (oxZzd) 253
At least someone is going after the JV team. SAS quad bike squads kill up to 8 jihadis each day... as allies prepare to wipe IS off the map: Daring raids by UK Special Forces leave 200 enemy dead in just four weeks Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 16, 2015 12:49 PM (fWAjv) 254
They don't like that you catalogue homosexuality a sin and as a
matter of faith disagree and fail to condine the practice. Period. Posted by: Marcus T at April 16, 2015 12:41 PM (GGCsk) just because they don't like that their act is called a sin.....doesn't make it not a is.....i don't hate them because of their sin.....i do hate their sin....just as i hate the sins i commit......the church doesn't come at them with malice.....the church is trying to help them....they can accept the help or not.....but to try to force me into not believing that what they are doing is sinful is ridiculous..... Posted by: phoenixgirl at April 16, 2015 12:49 PM (u8GsB) 255
I was unaware Mexico had a medical system. I
thought they just sent everyone to Norte Americano where the gringos will pay for it. We put the waste in their pockets and send them back. Win-win. Posted by: rickb223 at April 16, 2015 12:49 PM (/gH7O) 256
I feel like Mexico loses a lot of nuclear material.
Remind me again why they have nuclear material in the first place? It what gives street tacos their extra zing. Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at April 16, 2015 12:49 PM (8ZskC) 257
we have members of our synagogue who have CCHL. We joke that we know who to sit by
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:50 PM (zOTsN) 258
There are individuals in my Church who feel they are homosexuals but refrain from sex because they value their relationship with God more than they value getting their rocks off (so to speak).
Rick Perry said that is what he would do if he were gay when he was asked about it in San Francisco. And they of course lost their shit over it, and some San Fran residents here on the blog got their frilly shirts and knickers all up in a bunch about it too. Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 12:51 PM (zt+N6) 259
We always joked that if sex was work, only the enlisted folk would fcuk.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at April 16, 2015 12:48 PM (gSDyW) There's the apocryphal story of a young English nobleman who, after having sex for the first time, proclaimed that it was "too good for the poor." Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at April 16, 2015 12:51 PM (zF6Iw) 260
I am a little unclear how that differs from the Catholic Church. Because it does not.
I wasn't trying to make a distinction between reformed church vs. any religion. It was just a point of reference for my beliefs. Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at April 16, 2015 12:51 PM (5buP8) 261
concealed carry armed jooooossss for the win
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:51 PM (zOTsN) 262
How first two lunch martinis must have kicked in so it's about time for his daily dose of bigotry.
Which are you taking in the brackets, 20" black dicks or ugly joo babies? Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 12:51 PM (JtwS4) 263
I genuinely think for gay marriage advocates, 90% of it is just an
outlet for them to get to stick a middle finger at people while appearing altruistic. Posted by: Yes means Maybe at April 16, 2015 12:52 PM (7wyDO) 264
It really is all about sin, isn't it?
I think that's one of the big differences between the left and right. We here at AoSHQ are all too ready to say that we are sinners. The left? Not so much. Sin is icky. Posted by: Lauren at April 16, 2015 12:52 PM (MYCIw) 265
George Lucas, 2011: "I want to build a studio on land I own."
Marin County, 2011: "No." George Lucas, 2013: "Since you're not going to let me use land I own for *my* purposes, I'll use it for the public: low income housing." Marin County, 2013: "NO." George Lucas, 2015: "I'm making that affordable housing with my own money, whether you like it or not. Because *I'm* your father." Marin County, 2015: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Posted by: Fringe at April 16, 2015 12:52 PM (Stqj5) 266
who got banned last week?
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:52 PM (zOTsN) 267
Well back to the writing.
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at April 16, 2015 12:52 PM (XM03m) 268
>>It doesn't mean you get to treat gay people like shit. "Christians"
who think otherwise are not Christians in the strictest definition of the term.<< The fundamental principle of freedom is that individuals have personal liberty and are free to exercise that in ways which do not materially harm another person. What they want is the "freedom" to act in a certain manner and then use coercion to force others into approving that personal proclivity. There are very few thing further than individual liberty that this type of coercion and the mayhem being used to enforce it. You shouldn't treat anyone "like shit". But human nature being what it is, people do- for various reasons. I'm not condoning or rationalizing it. Just stating fact. To state that Christians, largely as a community, treat homosexuals like shit, is not anywhere close to my personal experience. In fact. it;s the opposite. Many gays don't like Christians because of the basic believe, which is part of church doctrine, that homosexuality is a sin. No amount of shaming, church vandalism, public hate, vitriol or personal attacks is going to change that. Christians have died, and still die, for their beliefs. So they are not about to change their beliefs because some clownish cult buffoons keep attacking them. Posted by: Marcus T at April 16, 2015 12:53 PM (GGCsk) 269
Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 16, 2015 12:49 PM (fWAjv)
THAT is badass. Can I get a machine gun mount for my quad? Do they sell that at cabellas? Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 12:53 PM (AkOaV) 270
Which are you taking in the brackets, 20" black dicks or ugly joo babies?
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 12:51 PM (JtwS4) The latter. It's a little long on the odds, but if I hit it, you'll all be drinking for free at NoVAMoMee Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 12:53 PM (oxZzd) 271
the largest number of Pakistanis outside of Pakistan are in Middlesex County NJ. kids
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 12:42 PM (zOTsN) I would believe it. I grew up in that county. I don't fucking recognize it anymore when I go there. Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at April 16, 2015 12:53 PM (FMbng) 272
Shame on the Weekly Standard; getting on Hillary's case for parking in a handicapped spot.
I'm sure the Mystery Machine has a placard. Having busted my femur last year, I know how hard it is to get in and out of vehicle when you have physical challenges. Posted by: duke at April 16, 2015 12:53 PM (ChY2Q) 273
This will not get any attention because the media approves of vandalism directed against Christians.
I think the best way of putting this is "this story will get the appropriate amount of attention given its significance and scope" The problem here isn't that this stuff gets little national coverage, its that other stuff gets insanely too much. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 12:54 PM (39g3+) 274
Hmm, let's see if I can cherry pick a Bible verse or two that will put the socons in their place.
Posted by: Mr. Hoo Haa at April 16, 2015 12:54 PM (Dwehj) Posted by: Buzzsaw at April 16, 2015 12:54 PM (wrS2o) Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:54 PM (0FSuD) 277
I don't have any impulse to vandalize a Mosque because they condemn by consumption of pork and alcohol.
Posted by: McAdams at April 16, 2015 12:48 PM (Fb72h) I kinda do, not that I ever would. That whole women have half a soul, can be stoned to death for being raped, honor killings, and female genital mutilation shtick just pisses me off. Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at April 16, 2015 12:54 PM (kXoT0) 278
Prosecute the vandals and it just makes them more militant, more angry and you get more vandalism.
Don't prosecute the vandals and they believe they can get away with it, should get away with it, are entitled to get away with it, because they are justified in their vandalism, and you get more of it. It's the aggressor who makes the rules. It's a ego thing. There is no negotiation with megalomania, no appeasement is enough, any challenge results in escalation. Once you have captured their attention, it's either fight or emigrate. Posted by: Zephyer Springhill at April 16, 2015 12:55 PM (v516V) 279
It what gives street tacos their extra zing.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at April 16, 2015 12:49 PM (8ZskC) LOL! WINNER! Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:55 PM (0FSuD) 280
just because they don't like that their act is
called a sin.....doesn't make it not a is.....i don't hate them because of their sin.....i do hate their sin....just as i hate the sins i commit......the church doesn't come at them with malice.....the church is trying to help them....they can accept the help or not.....but to try to force me into not believing that what they are doing is sinful is ridiculous..... Posted by: phoenixgirl at April 16, 2015 12:49 PM (u8GsB) The bible isn't a law book intended to empower imperfect people to judge or condemn others. It's not a hunting license. It's a guide. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 12:55 PM (x3YFz) 281
Shame on the Weekly Standard; getting on Hillary's case for parking in a handicapped spot.
I'm sure the Mystery Machine has a placard. If they have a handicapped placard, it has a serial number! We should find out who it's issued to and for what reason. Posted by: bonhomme at April 16, 2015 12:56 PM (jhqr1) 282
I kinda do, not that I ever would. That whole women
have half a soul, can be stoned to death for being raped, honor killings, and female genital mutilation shtick just pisses me off. Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at April 16, 2015 12:54 PM (kXoT0) You will be eaten first in the lean times. Posted by: Jihadi Joe at April 16, 2015 12:56 PM (ecDRv) 283
Two Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters (JSFs) will arrive in Israel in December 2016, making the Israeli Air Force (IAF) the first outside of the United States to receive the combat jet, a senior Lockheed Martin official said Wednesday.
Israel has ordered 33 additional F-35s and intends to acquire another 17 in the coming years, to form two full squadrons. Not sure if this is to celebrate or be unhappy about? Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 16, 2015 12:56 PM (rDqRv) 284
Isn't it about time The Prophet Ace, leaves twitter and makes another post?
Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:56 PM (0FSuD) Posted by: Hilly for Sloppy Seconds at April 16, 2015 12:57 PM (/WmRg) 286
There are individuals in my Church who feel they
are homosexuals but refrain from sex because they value their relationship with God more than they value getting their rocks off (so to speak). Rick Perry said that is what he would do if he were gay when he was asked about it in San Francisco. And they of course lost their shit over it, and some San Fran residents here on the blog got their frilly shirts and knickers all up in a bunch about it too. Posted by: buzzion _________________________________ I was born with this sickness that makes me want to have sex with beautiful women that I'm not married to. Clearly, any religion that prohibits what's in my nature is wrong and I should be free to carry on adulterous relationships without any judgement or consequence. I was born this way! I didn't choose to carry this burden! Posted by: McAdams at April 16, 2015 12:57 PM (Fb72h) 287
I hope they find out who the vandals were so the churches can invite them over for a pancake breakfast with the rest of the congregation. A good chance to apply Matthew 5:44.
Posted by: lurkingestlurker-Giant Monastic Plush Porcupine at April 16, 2015 12:57 PM (k8xvx) 288
The bible isn't a law book intended to empower imperfect people to judge or condemn others.
It's not a hunting license. It's a guide. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 12:55 PM (x3YFz) ___________________________ Let me tell you a thing or two about the bible... Posted by: Joe Biden at April 16, 2015 12:58 PM (HSmrB) 289
Not sure if this is to celebrate or be unhappy about?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 16, 2015 12:56 PM (rDqRv) They say that they "think" the 35 can evade the new Russian SAM missiles Iran is getting. Key word, "think" Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:58 PM (0FSuD) 290
Okay, I'll try this - "Let he who has a poor rate of return on investment cast the first stone."
Posted by: Mr. Hoo Haa at April 16, 2015 12:58 PM (Dwehj) 291
"Isn't it about time The Prophet Ace, leaves twitter and makes another post?"
It's FleaDip Thursday. Give him till about three o'clock. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at April 16, 2015 12:58 PM (gSDyW) 292
You will be eaten first in the lean times.
Posted by: Jihadi Joe at April 16, 2015 12:56 PM (ecDRv) K, just to be clear, come the lean times, that delightful fragrance I will be sporting is bacon grease. That and I am tough and stringy. Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at April 16, 2015 12:58 PM (kXoT0) 293
And in Mexico another small container of radioactive material has vanished. A box of Iridium-192 in fact. Just hope none of that misguided JV team VagISIL stumble across it, who knows what kind of mischief those yutes will get into with it. Booze fueled naked Twister is doubtful.
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at April 16, 2015 12:40 PM (XM03m) The "good" news is it's mostly beta radiation that's given off in the decay process, so unless one sleeps with it or eats it, iridium-192 isn't all that dangerous. The bad news - what isn't beta radiation is gamma. Posted by: steveegg at April 16, 2015 12:58 PM (cL79m) 294
I doubt it a hoax, but might be. Nevertheless, the gay activists hate Christians for their beliefs, but say to others don't hate me because of my beliefs. Tolerance is a one way road to them, just like my colon is to me. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at April 16, 2015 12:58 PM (ODxAs) 295
It's interesting to see the nature of the attacks become more aggressive as the size of the demands become more audacious. At first it was peaceful protest for civil unions. Then, it was more aggressive protest (and lots of lawfare) for marriage rights. Next, it will be outright violence for the right to be married in churches whether the congregation likes it or not.
Gays had what they said they wanted with civil unions (which I supported). But what they say they want always seems to be evolving. Posted by: joncelli at April 16, 2015 12:58 PM (RD7QR) 296
Did the library close early or did someone give poo poo the hammer?
Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:59 PM (0FSuD) 297
The Catholic Church position -- last time I checked -- is that homosexual sex is an act of idolatry.
1: the worship of a physical object as a god Posted by: SE Pa Moron at April 16, 2015 12:59 PM (xQX/f) 298
Israel has ordered 33 additional F-35s and intends to acquire another 17 in the coming years, to form two full squadrons. Not sure if this is to celebrate or be unhappy about?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 16, 2015 12:56 PM (rDqRv) Maybe they'll actually figure out a way to make them work. Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 12:59 PM (zt+N6) 299
Posted by: duke at April 16, 2015 12:53 PM (ChY2Q)
Low blow, National Review. Picking on any old lady for her mobility problems. Jeez. That's what handicapped spaces are for -- so old people don't have to painfully shuffle across an entire parking lot to get to where they are going. Cut grandma hillary some slack, will ya? Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 12:59 PM (AkOaV) Posted by: Sven10077 at April 16, 2015 12:59 PM (/4AZU) 301
Ha! Well, I'm sure there were some outspoken atheists in the 18th centurywho had issues with Christianity's sexual dictates for heterosexuals, so your feeling is nothing new. Posted by: lurkingestlurker-Giant Monastic Plush Porcupine at April 16, 2015 12:59 PM (k8xvx) 302
Nasa needs more mooselimbs in space. Nasa needs more gahys in space. Just not on the same flight.
Posted by: Obama at April 16, 2015 12:59 PM (wkuqO) Posted by: wrg500 at April 16, 2015 12:59 PM (sgrzZ) 304
24 I'm a world-class hoax detector. This does NOT have the hallmarks of a hoax.
Posted by: zombie at April 16, 2015 12:01 PM (K4YiS) What are the hallmarks? Posted by: ConservativeMonster, Rabid Puppy at April 16, 2015 12:59 PM (0NdlF) 305
Okay, I'll try this - "Let he who has a poor rate of return on investment cast the first stone."
Posted by: Mr. Hoo Haa at April 16, 2015 12:58 PM (Dwehj) For those about to rock - FIRE! Posted by: steveegg at April 16, 2015 01:00 PM (cL79m) 306
I'll give a shit about the Militant Gays when they start taking Islam on.... until then, they're "punching down".....
Posted by: Dirty Randy at April 16, 2015 01:00 PM (jjaLl) 307
Leftist orthodoxy now says, in all seriousness, that everyone is naturally gay, but a few violent crazies are brainwashed by capitalism into thinking they're straight. DO NOT LET YOUR CHILDREN ATTEND UNIVERSITY. Posted by: zombie at April 16, 2015 12:09 PM (K4YiS)" Certainly not in California where heterosexuality is essentially illegal for men. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at April 16, 2015 01:00 PM (KDbAT) 308
K, just to be clear, come the lean times, that delightful fragrance I will be sporting is bacon grease.
How YOU doin'? Posted by: rickb223 at April 16, 2015 01:00 PM (/gH7O) 309
Morgan-Greene 2016
Posted by: Man from Wazzustan at April 16, 2015 01:00 PM (uPxUo) 310
Posted by: steveegg at April 16, 2015 12:58 PM (cL79m)
Uhhmmm... sleeps with it? Is there some new craze going on among the kids I don't know about? Or do you mean that as in "uses as a pillow"? Sorry, so many questions... Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 01:00 PM (AkOaV) 311
The Catholic Church position -- last time I checked -- is that homosexual sex is an act of idolatry.
1: the worship of a physical object as a god Posted by: SE Pa Moron at April 16, 2015 12:59 PM (xQX/f) Mmmmmm....source? Not saying you're wrong. I've just never heard that. The Church's position is inherently intertwined with how it defines the dignity of a human person. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 01:01 PM (oxZzd) 312
"What are the hallmarks?"
Not necessarily a hallmark, but a good indicator is any association with Al Sharpton. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at April 16, 2015 01:01 PM (gSDyW) 313
The bible isn't a law book intended to empower imperfect people to judge or condemn others.
It's not a hunting license. It's a guide. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 12:55 PM (x3YFz) no disagreement from me..... Posted by: phoenixgirl at April 16, 2015 01:01 PM (u8GsB) 314
.....i do hate their sin....
Sin is a theological construct, construed differently by different faiths, sects thereof, and individual adherents. "Gay sex is sin" is a pointless assertion in civil society. And dumb. Sex outside the confines of marriage? I think most of the Horde has been there. Blowjobs? Likewise. Anal? Only the more adventurous, but it can be great fun. Calling someone a sinner based on the way they like their sex is dumb. Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:02 PM (JtwS4) 315
I'll give a shit about the Militant Gays when they start taking Islam on.... until then, they're "punching down"..... Posted by: Dirty Randy at April 16, 2015 01:00 PM (jjaLl)" You know what Gary Trudeau say is acceptable for people who punch down. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at April 16, 2015 01:02 PM (KDbAT) 316
So apparently Melissa Harris-Perry hasn't been paying her taxes. I wonder where an MSNBC host would get the idea that taxes didn't apply to her?
Posted by: Iblis at April 16, 2015 01:02 PM (9221z) 317
Gays had what they said they wanted with civil unions (which I supported). But what they say they want always seems to be evolving.
Posted by: joncelli at April 16, 2015 12:58 PM (RD7QR) One of my all time favorite quotes is the one that goes, The love that dare not speak its name has become the love that won't shut up. Roberston Davies Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at April 16, 2015 01:02 PM (kXoT0) Posted by: Sven10077 at April 16, 2015 01:02 PM (/4AZU) 319
this large purchase of aircraft by Israel shows that the JEF has provoked the predicted arms race in the ME do he and Michelle have any stock in the vast military industrial complex? Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 01:03 PM (zOTsN) 320
Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 01:01 PM (oxZzd)
When I went to catholic school, we were taught the church's position was straight outta Leviticus, yo. Nothing about false idols... If I recall, something about men sleeping with men as they would a woman (see what they did there? nice...) being an abomination. Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 01:03 PM (AkOaV) 321
So apparently Melissa Harris-Perry hasn't been paying her taxes. I wonder where an MSNBC host would get the idea that taxes didn't apply to her? Where did you see that? Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 01:03 PM (0FSuD) 322
It's not a hunting license. It's a guide.
Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 12:55 PM (x3YFz) Damn and I just bought the tag. Open season no limit. I'm always buying something obsolete Posted by: Have gun will travel at April 16, 2015 01:03 PM (wkuqO) 323
Are we all still good on the
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at April 16, 2015 01:03 PM (gSDyW) 324
This put's their "NO H8!" mantra in a new light doesn't it.
Posted by: WisRich at April 16, 2015 01:04 PM (hdpay) 325
So apparently Melissa Harris-Perry hasn't been paying her taxes. I
wonder where an MSNBC host would get the idea that taxes didn't apply to her? I guess she'll have to put her tampon earrings on eBay. Posted by: Insomniac at April 16, 2015 01:04 PM (2Ojst) 326
And dumb. Sex outside the confines of marriage? I think most of the Horde has been there. Blowjobs? Likewise. Anal? Only the more adventurous, but it can be great fun.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:02 PM (JtwS4) Don't quit your day job. You're not much of a theologian. But, kudos, because this is the first time I've seen logical fallacies in what is purportedly a theological argument. So you got that goin' for ya. Which is nice. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 01:04 PM (oxZzd) 327
Well, it's good that they've declared their level of evolution.
Or should it be devolution. Reading some old material I noted how they've become what they hated and chafed under during the later part of the previous century. It's as if some Jews became skinheads. That level of turnabout. Pitiful. And where's the outcry and condemnation from the supposed sensible part of the "LGBT community"? They've become what they hated and made Christians into Saints. (and unfortunately, martyrs) For so long they had the secular moral high ground. They've thrown that all away. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:04 PM (zRby/) 328
Calling someone a sinner based on the way they like their sex is dumb.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:02 PM (JtwS4) No. Having a massive hissy fit and demanding the courts tell everyone that its not a sin and you must love it or lose your business or go to jail is dumb. Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 01:04 PM (zt+N6) 329
How YOU doin'?
Posted by: rickb223 at April 16, 2015 01:00 PM (/gH7O) Hmmm, found the sweet spot? Just fine, thankee kindly. Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at April 16, 2015 01:04 PM (kXoT0) 330
Pretty much, Sven. That's what bothers me about people who talk about Christians being more likeable. Now, I don't deny that we have self-inflicted baggage caused by our approach to the world sometimes, and we can improve that approach. But even if we were totally nice, and didn't get into personal wars with groups and but were(as a body) powerfullyfollowing Christ and had revival of the Holy Spirit in this country...well, let's just say that the problems we're seeing now would be several times worse, atleast. On the upside, we wouldbe getting a lot of converts. "If they call the Masterof thehouse,Beelzebub...." Posted by: lurkingestlurker-Giant Monastic Plush Porcupine at April 16, 2015 01:04 PM (k8xvx) 331
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 01:03 PM (zOTsN)
Israels wanted new planes for a while. So has the USAF for that matter. The F-35 program has been a fucking nightmare from day 1. Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 01:04 PM (AkOaV) Posted by: rickb223 at April 16, 2015 01:04 PM (/gH7O) 333
Hmmm, found the sweet spot?
Don't think he has yet, but would like you to provide him the opportunity. Posted by: Insomniac at April 16, 2015 01:05 PM (2Ojst) 334
I know. I was making mock
Posted by: ThunderB at April 16, 2015 01:05 PM (zOTsN) Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:05 PM (JtwS4) 336
Calling someone a sinner based on the way they like their sex is dumb.
Baravo! It's both an entrance and an exit! Posted by: Mr. Hoo Haa at April 16, 2015 01:05 PM (Dwehj) 337
And yes, I like the option in paragraph 2. The body of Christ could use less popularity and more disciples. Posted by: lurkingestlurker-Giant Monastic Plush Porcupine at April 16, 2015 01:06 PM (k8xvx) 338
Calling someone a sinner based on the way they like their sex is dumb.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:02 PM (JtwS4) ----- My Man!!! Posted by: Roman Polanski at April 16, 2015 01:06 PM (NaV4z) 339
When I went to catholic school, we were taught the church's position was straight outta Leviticus, yo.
Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 01:03 PM (AkOaV) He was making more of a dogmatic statement and I was just curious about the source, because I had never seen it put that way. Scriptural truth does not always translate into a dogmatic statement - and vice versa. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 01:06 PM (oxZzd) Posted by: Mike at April 16, 2015 01:06 PM (1V9qu) 341
340 Too many great responses here to pick a thread winner. You're all winners! Posted by: Mike at April 16, 2015 01:06 PM (1V9qu) Commie. Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 01:06 PM (zt+N6) 342
Hmmm, found the sweet spot?
Don't think he has yet, but would like you to provide him the opportunity. She had me at "smells like bacon grease". Posted by: rickb223 at April 16, 2015 01:07 PM (/gH7O) 343
321 316
So apparently Melissa Harris-Perry hasn't been paying her taxes. I wonder where an MSNBC host would get the idea that taxes didn't apply to her? Where did you see that?Where did you see that? Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 01:03 PM (0FSuD) Breitbart. Where else? Posted by: Iblis at April 16, 2015 01:07 PM (9221z) 344
Calling someone a sinner based on the way they like their sex is dumb.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:02 PM (JtwS4) Yeah! Stupid Bible! Leviticus is for haters!!!!! Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 01:07 PM (AkOaV) 345
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:02 PM (JtwS4)
To belabor the obvious (but that apparently needs to be done for you); just because a lot of people do something doesn't mean it isn't a sin or that it isn't morally wrong to many others. Get the point? Or do you need smaller words? Or pictures? Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:07 PM (zRby/) Posted by: wrg500 at April 16, 2015 01:07 PM (sgrzZ) 347
>>So apparently Melissa Harris-Perry hasn't been paying her taxes.
Typical Lefty. Taxes and rules are for other people. Posted by: Lizzy at April 16, 2015 01:07 PM (2TN4k) 348
New thread
Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at April 16, 2015 01:07 PM (kXoT0) Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at April 16, 2015 01:08 PM (gSDyW) 350
Logical fallacies?
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:05 PM (JtwS4) --- Try.... "if nothing is wrong.... everything is right." Down THAT path lies chaos. Welcome to the jungle, baby. Posted by: Roman Polanski at April 16, 2015 01:08 PM (NaV4z) 351
The bible isn't a law book intended to empower imperfect people to judge or condemn others.
Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 12:55 PM (x3YFz) TangoNine, it is pretty clear from this statement that you know very little about the Bible. The same story where Jesus said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone.", he also said, "go and sin no more". Christians are called in many, many Bible passages to discern right from wrong and righteousness from sin. We are called not only to police ourselves but other believers also lest any fall from God's path. We are called to teach sound doctrine and cautioned that "but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble (fall into sin on account of false or weak teaching), it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea". Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:08 PM (OrI3J) 352
Did the library close early or did someone give poo poo the hammer?
Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:59 PM (0FSuD) 12:59 PM (0FSuD) Says the guy who says good gays are the ones who die when you throw them off of buildings... Posted by: Mohamed, the goat fucker at April 16, 2015 12:21 PM (0FSuD) Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Keeper of the Guards at April 16, 2015 01:08 PM (fwARV) 353
Calling someone a sinner based on the way they like their sex is dumb.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:02 PM (JtwS4) just because it's dumb doesn't make it not a sin...i didn't make the rules......i just try to follow them to the best of my limited abilities.... Posted by: phoenixgirl at April 16, 2015 01:08 PM (u8GsB) 354
All these Tax dodgers have been dreaming that some big event will happen whereby they will not be paying their Taxes...
True religion.. well we see what the boy prince hath done and we are still here and Sharpless and Meracist Perry will have to pay their fair share, Posted by: Hilly for Sloppy Seconds at April 16, 2015 01:08 PM (/WmRg) 355
341 340 Too many great responses here to pick a thread winner. You're all winners! Posted by: Mike at April 16, 2015 01:06 PM (1V9qu) Commie. Posted by: buzzion _____________________ And you get a car. and you. and you get a car! Posted by: Oprah at April 16, 2015 01:08 PM (ODxAs) 356
61 Bales Memorial Wesleyan Church
Wait. Wesleyan Church? As in the Wesleyan Method? As in Methodists? As in, already have openly homosexual preachers? Why on earth would you vandalize *them* with pro-gay graffiti? Wrong denomination, I go to a Wesleyan church and we are a Holiness church. About as conservative as it gets. Posted by: Emile Antoon Khadaji at April 16, 2015 01:09 PM (Nj2wY) 357
don't pretend to be one. Logical fallacies?
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:05 PM (JtwS4) To belabor the obvious (but that apparently needs to be done for you); just because a lot of people do something doesn't mean it isn't a sin or that it isn't morally wrong to many others. Get the point? Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:07 PM Thanks for saving me the post. The logical fallacies were: The Fallacy of Composition and Argumentum ad Hominem Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 01:09 PM (oxZzd) 358
Uhhmmm... sleeps with it?
Is there some new craze going on among the kids I don't know about? Or do you mean that as in "uses as a pillow"? Sorry, so many questions... Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 01:00 PM (AkOaV) Any which way you want to look at it. Posted by: steveegg at April 16, 2015 01:09 PM (cL79m) 359
Sin is a theological construct, construed differently by different faiths, sects thereof, and individual adherents. "Gay sex is sin" is a pointless assertion in civil society.
You believe that because different faiths disagree on what sin is, that it's a philosophical debate that's not needed in "civil society", where presumably norms are settled in civil, logical ways. Christians believe that God exists, and that sin is not philosophical but what actually separates one further from God. To us, it's not pointless because we actually believe that all of us need to be close to God, and that not doing our duty to proclaim the word of God endangers not only your relationship to Him but ours as well. Of course this proclamation should be done as a gentle invitation, but it should be done. Posted by: bonhomme at April 16, 2015 01:09 PM (jhqr1) Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:10 PM (x3YFz) 361
In short, TangoNine, Christianity is not some weak-kneed facsimile of Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley.
Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:10 PM (OrI3J) 362
Too many great responses here to pick a thread winner. You're all winners! Posted by: Mike at April 16, 2015 01:06 PM (1V9qu) -------------------------------------- See that ^^^ I'ma' winner! Posted by: Joe Biden at April 16, 2015 01:10 PM (HSmrB) 363
"Calling someone a sinner based on the way they like their sex is dumb.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:02 PM (JtwS4)" I suppose for an atheist much of what people of faith believe, say and do is dumb. Nevertheless, they believe it. If you do not accept the premise which is the basis of a religion, the behavior of people who do accept that premise may seem dumb but it can be predictable. For example, I do not worry that tasting the flesh of cows or pigs will endanger my soul but the people who issued the M1853 Enfield rifle to the Indian army along with paper cartridges greased with lard or beef tallow that needed to have the end bitten off before the powder was dumped down the barrel were aware of the beliefs of their soldiers and should have been able to predict the Sepoy Mutiny. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at April 16, 2015 01:11 PM (KDbAT) Posted by: kj at April 16, 2015 01:11 PM (lKyWE) 365
Nothin' wrong with a little brown on the ol' johnson, I always say!
Posted by: Sandra Flook at April 16, 2015 01:11 PM (Dwehj) 366
Maybe they'll actually figure out a way to make them work
. Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 12:59 PM (zt+N6) Step 1 - Remove the crippleware avionics. Posted by: steveegg at April 16, 2015 01:11 PM (cL79m) 367
You guys are doing great!
Posted by: Zombie Caesar Nero at April 16, 2015 01:12 PM (cIoI4) 368
The bible isn't a law book intended to empower imperfect people to judge or condemn others.
Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 12:55 PM (x3YFz) Yeah.... they're really just... guidelines... Posted by: The Burning Bush, talking to some Shepard guy, who then misunderstood at April 16, 2015 01:12 PM (qh617) Posted by: Lauren at April 16, 2015 01:12 PM (MYCIw) 370
Yeah! Stupid Bible! Leviticus is for haters!!!!!
Posted by: mynewhandle at April 16, 2015 01:07 PM (AkOaV) And stupid 1 Corinthians, Timothy, Titus and Jude, too!!!!!! Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:13 PM (OrI3J) 371
368 The bible isn't a law book intended to empower imperfect people to judge or condemn others.
Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 12:55 PM (x3YFz) Yeah.... they're really just... guidelines... Posted by: The Burning Bush, talking to some Shepard guy, who then misunderstood at April 16, 2015 01:12 PM (qh617) Or suggestions. Posted by: Iblis at April 16, 2015 01:13 PM (9221z) 372
Step 1 - Remove the crippleware avionics. Posted by: steveegg at April 16, 2015 01:11 PM (cL79m) heh. it's lockmart. I wouldn't buy a rock from them because it'd be 10 years late and $3B over budget. and then they'll ask for a charge code. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:14 PM (x3YFz) 373
In short, TangoNine, Christianity is not some weak-kneed facsimile of Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley.
Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:10 PM (OrI3J) Well, yes. But to him, they are exactly that. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 01:14 PM (oxZzd) 374
Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 12:59 PM (zt+N6)
They'll load them up and use them as drones. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:14 PM (zRby/) 375
>>Calling someone a sinner based on the way they like their sex is dumb.
But why do you care? I'm sure every church on the planet thinks something I've done or do is a sin. So what? I think the Pope's hats are ghey. I doubt it makes much of a ripple in his day. I also don't give a wet fart if Muslims look down on my love of all things pork (accept when I happen to be in the middle east and you can't find a decent piece of bacon), more pig for me. Believe whatever you want to believe, makes no difference to me. Just don't get in my face and I won't get in yours and all is good. I just don't get some people's need to try and change or punish people who don't agree with the way they live their lives. Posted by: JackStraw at April 16, 2015 01:15 PM (g1DWB) 376
I suppose for an atheist much of what people of faith believe, say and do is dumb. Nevertheless, they believe it.
I was, I think, trying to call out the capriciousness by which some here call out a particular "sin". I am a bad theologian and a non-believer, but I don't think that the beliefs of the faithful are dumb. Not at all. The very best people I know are devout and their faith is a major source of their goodness. Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:15 PM (JtwS4) 377
heh. it's lockmart. I wouldn't buy a rock from them because it'd be 10 years late and $3B over budget.
and then they'll ask for a charge code. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:14 PM (x3YFz) One would be better off getting the SR-71 out of them (the last good thing to come out of Rockwell). Posted by: steveegg at April 16, 2015 01:16 PM (cL79m) 378
He was making more of a dogmatic statement and I was just curious about the source, because I had never seen it put that way.
You probably have to 'drill down' into the source encyclicals to find it. But you can Bing catholic church homosexuals as idolatry There's a lot in there. Finding the exact encyclical is above my pay grade. Posted by: SE Pa Moron at April 16, 2015 01:16 PM (xQX/f) 379
Or suggestions.>>>
I remember the ex wife's suggestions were not to be taken lightly if I knew what was good for me. Those kinds of "suggestions"? Posted by: Buzzsaw at April 16, 2015 01:16 PM (wrS2o) 380
I almost had that Bannion character. Damn that cheat.
Posted by: The Barrell at April 16, 2015 01:16 PM (cL79m) 381
Calling someone a sinner based on the way they like their sex is dumb.
I agree. Sin is when we fail to obey God and follow His righteous commands. Trying to portray sin as meaningless because people have different faiths is like trying to portray math as meaningless because different people get different things wrong on a test. There's only one truth, no matter how many arguments and disagreements there are about the topic. What matters is what the truth is, not how you feel about it or what others say. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:17 PM (39g3+) 382
I was, I think, trying to call out the capriciousness by which some here call out a particular "sin".
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:15 PM You're absolutely correct on that point. They suck as theologians too. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 01:17 PM (oxZzd) Posted by: Hank at April 16, 2015 01:17 PM (U/UEh) 384
I almost had that Bannion character. Damn that cheat.
Posted by: The Barrell at April 16, 2015 01:16 PM (cL79m) Bite me, bitch. Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 01:18 PM (oxZzd) 385
Seriously, the IAF has a way of turning crap into nigh-unbeatable dogfighters.
Posted by: steveegg at April 16, 2015 01:18 PM (cL79m) Posted by: NAMBLA at April 16, 2015 01:19 PM (3F6F8) 387
TangoNine, it is pretty clear from this statement that you know very little about the Bible.
Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:08 PM (OrI3J) you're in error. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:19 PM (x3YFz) 388
Is Obama sending the Israelis the F-35 some of his payback for Netanyahu still being Prime Minister?
Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 01:19 PM (zt+N6) 389
Is Obama sending the Israelis the F-35 some of his payback for Netanyahu still being Prime Minister?
Posted by: buzzion at April 16, 2015 01:19 PM (zt+N6) Probably. Step 2 for the IAF - Rebuild the airframes from scratch. Posted by: steveegg at April 16, 2015 01:20 PM (cL79m) 390
One would be better off getting the SR-71 out of them (the last good thing to come out of Rockwell).
Posted by: steveegg at April 16, 2015 01:16 PM (cL79m) now you're making me misty Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:21 PM (x3YFz) 391
The number one, basic, rock solid foundational truth of Christianity is that we're all sinners. That's as basic as it gets, and why Jesus Christ lived and died on this earth, because we need a savior.
But realizing our own sin doesn't somehow negate it in others. I recognize my sins but that doesn't blind me to other people's sin. We can't point our finger in arrogant condescension and condemn others as being more sinful than us because we all have fallen short of God's commandments, we're all hellbound unless plucked out by the saving work of Christ. We all stand guilty before God. But we can and should realize when people are sinning against God and condemn that sin. If someone murders, steals, rapes, defrauds, gossips, disobeys a righteous command by a parent, lusts after another than their spouse, etc... that's still sinful even if I'm just as sinful. And at the very least, Christians are not to go along with a culture that pretends otherwise. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:21 PM (39g3+) Posted by: Country Singer at April 16, 2015 01:22 PM (8hctH) 393
Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:08 PM (OrI3J)
While you're right on what the Bible says ... T9 said it wasn't a hunting license. And it is not. It is a guide - and the most important one for human living. Posted by: ConservativeMonster, Rabid Puppy at April 16, 2015 01:22 PM (0NdlF) 394
Ok, except the politics part, obviously.
Posted by: Country Singer at April 16, 2015 01:22 PM (8hctH) 395
Seriously, the IAF has a way of turning crap into nigh-unbeatable dogfighters.
I think that has more to do with who they are going up against than any particular merit of the IAF or the planes they fly. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:22 PM (39g3+) 396
But to him, they are exactly that.
Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 01:14 PM (oxZzd) hmm. ok. /noted /logged Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:23 PM (x3YFz) 397
There's a lot in there. Finding the exact encyclical
is above my pay grade. Ultimately every sin of every kind by every person in the history of mankind boils down to one thing: believing you know better than God. Its rebellion against righteous authority, it is all at its core idolatry: "I am the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong, not God." Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:25 PM (39g3+) 398
38 .....and sprayed with silly string. Did they wear fake glasses/mustaches while they did it? Really showed those Christians that they were SERIOUS this time, didn't they. Those Christian bigots better wise up or the next time it will be toilet paper and a flaming sack of dog shit on the Narthex steps!! Posted by: 1bulwetweft at April 16, 2015 01:25 PM (CzJOg) 399
So many Unbelievers seem to think that because Christians (in this case) have a set of beliefs that they try to follow, somehow means that they believe they're better than anyone else that's non-Christian.
Sure I would guess that some will fall into that sin (swidt?) but for the most part Christians understand all too well (and our Gospels make this point over and over) that we are sinners. All of us whether Christian or Wiccan or Jew are sinners and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; We make a very large POINT about being sinners. WE not just YOU but WE meaning US Christians. All you unbelievers out there it's taken for granted but WE know we are sinners and have fallen short and Jesus wept for us and sacrificed himself for us and our sins. So although we are Sinners, we do have the saving grace of knowing that as Christians we will be forgiven and our sins washed away. That's the only thing Christians believe we have that non believers don't. (well we also have Christian Fellowship and a really good book of guidelines and recommendations for a civil society but that's just extra) Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:25 PM (zRby/) 400
And I point that out because my knee-jerk reaction was to disagree too... but did not find it wrong.
Not how I would describe it, but still not wrong. Posted by: ConservativeMonster, Rabid Puppy at April 16, 2015 01:26 PM (0NdlF) 401
While you're right on what the Bible says ... T9 said it wasn't a hunting license. And it is not.
It is a guide - and the most important one for human living. Posted by: ConservativeMonster, Rabid Puppy at April 16, 2015 01:22 PM (0NdlF) Point me to the place where Christians are hunting anyone. Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:26 PM (OrI3J) 402
ok. /noted /logged Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:23 PM (x3YFz) Let me know if ever you need a retransmit Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 01:27 PM (oxZzd) 403
Did they wear fake glasses/mustaches while they did it? Really showed those Christians that they were SERIOUS this time, didn't they.
Yeah its difficult to take this attack seriously. My guess is pretty young and stupid people involved, fewer than 5. Point me to the place where Christians are hunting anyone. God put lots of warnings against self righteousness in the Bible for a reason; because its the tendency of human nature to think we're better than others. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:28 PM (39g3+) 404
Sean --
I did the research about a decade ago when a Catholic I knew asked me the Catholic Church position on homosexuality -- as they felt some same sex attraction (not to me, thank God). I was pretty sure it was a little more nuanced then Leviticus. So I looked and looked and found that connection. It's a little less judgmental. Posted by: SE Pa Moron at April 16, 2015 01:28 PM (xQX/f) 405
Point me to the place where Christians are hunting anyone.
Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:26 PM (OrI3J) judgmentally. It's not a literal statement. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:29 PM (x3YFz) 406
I think that has more to do with who they are going up against than any particular merit of the IAF or the planes they fly.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:22 PM (39g3+) While the Syrians and Egyptians were piss-poor pilots, the Royal Jordanian Air Force had some good training from the Brits. It didn't save the RJAF. Posted by: steveegg at April 16, 2015 01:30 PM (cL79m) 407
Let me know if ever you need a retransmit
Posted by: Sean Bannion at April 16, 2015 01:27 PM (oxZzd) nope. 5x5. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:30 PM (x3YFz) 408
Here's a great opportunity for the gay community to show how "this isn't who we are!" By offering to pay for all damages.
Posted by: Null at April 16, 2015 01:30 PM (Y2pzy) 409
Calling someone a sinner based on the way they like their sex is dumb.
Yet a staple of human religion. Posted by: toby928(C) contemplates his lawn at April 16, 2015 01:30 PM (rwI+c) 410
God put lots of warnings against self righteousness
in the Bible for a reason; because its the tendency of human nature to think we're better than others. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:28 PM (39g3+) And I repeat, point me to the place where Christians are hunting anyone. Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:31 PM (OrI3J) 411
Point me to the place where Christians are hunting anyone.
I don't. The Bible is not a hunting license, as T9 said. If you're going after him for implying that someone here is hunting ... you'll have to make the case. I responded to what you emphasized in your response. In context of his whole post, he is also correct that we who are Christians are not judges or condemners. But we do need judgement to identify and avoid sin, and we do need to use that same judgement for the benefit of others. Posted by: ConservativeMonster, Rabid Puppy at April 16, 2015 01:32 PM (0NdlF) 412
And I repeat, point me to the place where Christians are hunting anyone.
Posted by: redbanzai They hunt me down...EVERY YEAR! Posted by: Easter eggs at April 16, 2015 01:32 PM (Spluw) Posted by: kj at April 16, 2015 01:33 PM (lKyWE) 414
changing often and quickly; especially : often changing suddenly in mood or behavior not logical or reasonable : based on an idea, desire, etc., that is not possible to predict. Since when and who was "capricious". We have a whole book chock full of analogies, histories and fables called allegories explaining certain facts of existence common to most everyone and how to cope with it, how it's been done and been a failure and how to tell the difference while you're in the process of doing it. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:33 PM (zRby/) 415
Here's a great opportunity for the gay community to show how "this isn't who we are!" By offering to pay for all damages.
They're coming right after the Leftist Committee to Clean Up After Our Rallies meets. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:33 PM (39g3+) 416
It's not a literal statement. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:29 PM (x3YFz) Again, I will say judgment of the final disposition of our souls lies with God but nowhere in the Bible does it say Christians are to refrain from discerning right from wrong lest we hurt someone's feelings. The exact opposite is true and we are expected to be hardest on ourselves in that judgement. Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:34 PM (OrI3J) 417
they make good table saws
Posted by: kj at April 16, 2015 01:33 PM (lKyWE) Different company (ex-Allen Bradley), same name. Today's Rockwell has nothing to do with aviation. Posted by: steveegg at April 16, 2015 01:35 PM (cL79m) 418
They hunt me down...EVERY YEAR!
Posted by: Easter eggs at April 16, 2015 01:32 PM (Spluw) Take that up with the Easter Bunny:-P Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:35 PM (OrI3J) 419
The Usual suspects and their vain, LOOK AT ME I"LL DO WHAT I WANT heel kicking to humiliate their sires because of their poor job parenting?
Posted by: Bob Seger sings songs about those damnable, infernal Mennonites at April 16, 2015 01:36 PM (vmAFq) 420
They're coming right after the Leftist Committee to Clean Up After Our Rallies meets.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:33 PM (39g3+) In other words, the 98th of Never. Posted by: steveegg at April 16, 2015 01:36 PM (cL79m) 421
Since when and who was "capricious".
The people picking out homosexual sex as a sin; particularly a sin grave enough that those inclined toward homosexuality ought to just lay off the sex stuff entirely. As opposed to all of the other sex sins that we commit. Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:37 PM (JtwS4) 422
i know Posted by: kj at April 16, 2015 01:37 PM (lKyWE) 423
You really are not that familiar with the concept of religion, are you?
Posted by: toby928(C) contemplates his lawn at April 16, 2015 01:38 PM (rwI+c) 424
200 johnsons swinging by his side.
Not a hunting license, you say? Could have fooled me. Or Josh, or Jehoshaphat, or Josiah. Posted by: David went a courting, he did ride at April 16, 2015 01:38 PM (vmAFq) 425
that jaw horse thingy is pretty good also.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:38 PM (zRby/) 426
Again, I will say judgment of the final disposition
of our souls lies with God but nowhere in the Bible does it say Christians are to refrain from discerning right from wrong lest we hurt someone's feelings. The exact opposite is true and we are expected to be hardest on ourselves in that judgement. Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:34 PM (OrI3J) so you're saying I'm right. Well, I guess we're done. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:39 PM (x3YFz) 427
The people picking out homosexual sex as a sin; particularly a sin grave enough that those inclined toward homosexuality ought to just lay off the sex stuff entirely.
Nobody is being capricious or inconsistent about that. Its only noticed because 1) Homosexual activists are so in your face that Christians are responding louder 2) The hate against historic Christianity is becoming more pronounced and mainstreamed Christians also say I shouldn't have sex, because I'm not married. They say that pedophiles shouldn't have sex with kids, caprophiles with goats, and adulterers with someone other than their spouse. That's not capricious, its very consistent. We all struggle with sins. Christians say we should resist those sins, whatever their shape. Whether its theft, murder, gossip, or hate, its all sin and we should refrain from it. This is not capricious. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:41 PM (39g3+) 428
As opposed to all of the other sex sins that we commit.
Uh, lay off all the sex sins, guys. Including the gay butt hole stuff. Gay sex gets attention because the Left made it the issue, not because Christians are obsessed with it. Do you think Memories Pizza was looking for gay marriages to not cater? You're acting like the Leftist who seeks Outrage. Posted by: ConservativeMonster, Rabid Puppy at April 16, 2015 01:41 PM (0NdlF) 429
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:37 PM (JtwS4)
OH. Those are sins also. Were just focusing on one thing at a time. If you want to start enumerating what is sinful and what is not and then claiming that there's some bias toward one sin or another and letting one sin slide and another get jumped on, then you're talking individuals and not a Religion. And they'd be wrong. all Sins are equal. Just some need more attention and speedier resolution than others. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:41 PM (zRby/) 430
Since when and who was "capricious". The people picking out homosexual sex as a sin; particularly a sin grave enough that those inclined toward homosexuality ought to just lay off the sex stuff entirely. As opposed to all of the other sex sins that we commit. Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:37 PM (JtwS4) Bandersnatch, all sexual impurity (sex outside of covenant marriage) is condemned by the Bible. I do not know where you get the idea that homosexual sex is uniquely condemned. I mean other than homosexuals demanding the rules of God be changed for them as opposed to adulterers and fornicators who are making no such demands. Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:41 PM (OrI3J) Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:41 PM (39g3+) 432
Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:39 PM (x3YFz)
I wouldn't climb up on that high horse so quickly if I were you. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:43 PM (zRby/) 433
I wonder how long it will be before drone tech results in a court decision about how much airspace around your house is your property?
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:43 PM (39g3+) 434
... so, want some of this sun tea?
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:41 PM (39g3+) would be awesome! Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:44 PM (x3YFz) 435
Bandersnatch, all sexual impurity (sex outside of covenant marriage) is condemned by the Bible. I do not know where you get the idea that homosexual sex is uniquely condemned
^^This. *Everyone* is to avoid sin, including sexual immorality (of which homosexual sex is just one flavor). Posted by: GMan at April 16, 2015 01:44 PM (sxq57) Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:45 PM (OrI3J) 437
I wouldn't climb up on that high horse so quickly if I were you.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:43 PM (zRby/) you shouldn't be so quick to correct my horse/height choices. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:46 PM (x3YFz) 438
And actually, it's NOT the Christians picking this particular fight. How much were Christians going around denouncing gays before this whole shitshow with gay marriage started? I mean, the fire and brimstone denunciations?
Posted by: GMan at April 16, 2015 01:46 PM (sxq57) 439
He married his "companion" of 30 years the week before. It was a huge relief for him to be able to give his business to him.
Posted by: Nip Sip at April 16, 2015 12:29 PM (0FSuD) I don't know that he would have had any issues leaving his business to anyone. Anyways, if he knew the guy for 30 years, he had all sorts of options besides inheritance to make sure he was set. Posted by: Not Loved Time to be Feared at April 16, 2015 01:47 PM (nRvEn) 440
*gets on high horse for not engaging in this conversation. The weight of my sanctimony causes me to fall tail over quills over teakettle and land on my head.*
Ouchie. Posted by: lurkingestlurker-Giant Monastic Plush Porcupine at April 16, 2015 01:47 PM (k8xvx) 441
421 Since when and who was "capricious".
The people picking out homosexual sex as a sin; particularly a sin grave enough that those inclined toward homosexuality ought to just lay off the sex stuff entirely. As opposed to all of the other sex sins that we commit. Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:37 PM (JtwS4) I've heard far more in church about not engaging in premarital sex than I ever did homosexuality. So fuck you with your bullshit. Posted by: Buzzion at April 16, 2015 01:48 PM (tKKcs) 442
Consider this: high school girls are hot, they really are very beautiful and have wonderful bods. Let's not pretend otherwise or act like we haven't noticed.
But its wrong to sex them up until they grow up. They're too young, you just don't do it. This isn't some cruel imposition of societal rules or oppression no matter how hot that sophomore blonde in the front row in the miniskirt is. Just because you might want to bang the JV cheerleading squad doesn't mean its right or okay or that its acceptable. Its wrong to do so, no matter how pure your motives or how willing she is. Life is full of things like that: wrong to do even if you want to and you don't think anyone gets hurt. Its just wrong. Your urges or "natural" desires or inclinations are irrelevant. Don't do it. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:48 PM (39g3+) 443
I am saying no such thing.
Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:45 PM (OrI3J) are you just like perpetually offended or not smart enough to realize that everyone has a different world view? Let it rest. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:48 PM (x3YFz) 444
I'm not correcting anything. Just handing out some friendly advice.
See how that works? I offer a suggestion and you took it as an instruction. Some of a lot of the butt hurt (tee hee) about all this is because of what people THINK others are saying and not LISTENING to what they are saying. English, Mother Fcuker, do you speak it? (that's aimed at everyone who seem to lack comprehension skills or they let their emotions do the listening and since they're primed to be outraged, why of course they get outraged. Don't matter what was said.) Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:49 PM (zRby/) 445
Calling someone a sinner based on the way they like their sex is dumb.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 16, 2015 01:02 PM (JtwS4) Well this has to be one of the dumbest statements I have ever seen. Posted by: Not Loved Time to be Feared at April 16, 2015 01:49 PM (nRvEn) 446
I don't know that he would have had any issues leaving his business to anyone.
Yeah I'm not getting what changed here, you can leave your business to whomever you wish, if you control it. People leave entire fortunes to pets for crying out loud. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:50 PM (39g3+) 447
#145, I have often wondered if all of this is because, about 30 years ago, gay people started getting in-your-face hostility from the families of their lovers because, AIDS.
Posted by: delayna at April 16, 2015 01:50 PM (KnC4k) 448
Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:45 PM (OrI3J)
He agreed with what you said there. You've interpreted his earlier comment in a way that you disagreed with; but there's an alternate interpretation that is in agreement with what you said. Given that, is it more or less likely that you two are actually agreed on the substance of the issue? And given that, should you have held your fire in saying T9 knew very little about the Bible? It's important to make correct judgements, right? Posted by: ConservativeMonster, Rabid Puppy at April 16, 2015 01:52 PM (0NdlF) 449
Some of a lot of the butt hurt (tee hee) about all this is because of what people THINK others are saying and not LISTENING to what they are saying.
I'd like to gently suggest that perhaps that's what you're doing with T9's statement. You and he are in basic agreement here. I cannot figure out how this is a fight, its like those times when two people are really tired with a headache and just start fighting because they feel miserable. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:53 PM (39g3+) 450
Seconded. (Except for the "fcuk you with your bullshit" bit. Poor Bander, was what he didso wrong that we would wishthat a turd would have carnal intercourse with him?) *is trampled by the high horse again* Dangit! Ouchie! Posted by: lurkingestlurker-Giant Monastic Plush Porcupine at April 16, 2015 01:53 PM (k8xvx) 451
I blame Jerry Falwell and a bunch of TV evangelists who have an extremely tentative grasp on righteousness but who (for reasons of pride and mammon) make the extreme attempt to come across as the ultimate authority on all things Christian.
Jesus would probably have smacked them around back in the day. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:54 PM (zRby/) 452
I have often wondered if all of this is because, about 30 years ago, gay people started getting in-your-face hostility from the families of their lovers because, AIDS.
What an amazing departure from history and reality. You have it exactly opposite, about 30 years ago homosexuals started getting in-your-face with everyone else. And in typical leftist pattern, when people reacted, they shrieked victimhood and oppression. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 16, 2015 01:54 PM (39g3+) Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:55 PM (zRby/) 454
are you just like perpetually offended or not smart enough to realize that everyone has a different world view?
Let it rest. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:48 PM (x3YFz) No... I am actually rather laid back about most things. You, however, are wrong about what the Bible says. I pointed out you were wrong and you doubled down instead of admitting you were wrong. You are entitled to your own opinions (world view) but you are not entitled to your own facts. And fact is, the Bible clearly does not say what you represent it as saying (in the process of condemning Christians for not following your completely made up interpretation). Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:56 PM (OrI3J) 455
T9 knew very little about the Bible? It's important to make correct judgements, right?
Posted by: ConservativeMonster, Rabid Puppy at April 16, 2015 01:52 PM (0NdlF) it's ok. Not offended. He doesn't know me, I don't know him. What we should do is be patient, discerning and slow down. you can't pass wisdom to others by being impatient and dismissive. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:56 PM (x3YFz) 456
History and reality don't need to be close for a SJW. In fact, I think the one repels the other two and vice versa. Posted by: lurkingestlurker-Giant Monastic Plush Porcupine at April 16, 2015 01:57 PM (k8xvx) 457
It's the problem of the internets.
Tone of voice and body language and facial expression is non existent. We really are a VISUAL species. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 01:57 PM (zRby/) 458
No... I am actually rather laid back about most
things. You, however, are wrong about what the Bible says. I pointed out you were wrong and you doubled down instead of admitting you were wrong. You are entitled to your own opinions (world view) but you are not entitled to your own facts. And fact is, the Bible clearly does not say what you represent it as saying (in the process of condemning Christians for not following your completely made up interpretation). Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 01:56 PM (OrI3J) you haven't actually pointed out where I'm wrong. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 01:58 PM (x3YFz) 459
Damn Lutherans.
Posted by: Zombie John Gotti at April 16, 2015 02:00 PM (ND9o5) 460
What's really sad is that colleges and society are indoctrinating a whole generation of young men and women to think like that, and to abandon history, reality, or biology. Some do it to go along to get alone and never totally buy in. Others...I knew one drop-dead gorgeous woman in law school who had her head so completely turned around it wasn't funny. She was a Christian, and wouldn't identified as a liberal, probably, but her beliefson a number of points wereutterly misaligned. Was really sad to see. Posted by: lurkingestlurker-Giant Monastic Plush Porcupine at April 16, 2015 02:00 PM (k8xvx) 461
it's ok. Not offended. He doesn't know me, I don't know him.
But I am offended. And for those of us who wish to provide loving judgement, we have to own up to our own mistakes. Take out the log, then the splinter. Posted by: ConservativeMonster, Rabid Puppy at April 16, 2015 02:01 PM (0NdlF) 462
Flag on the play. Incorrect thought reception by one side and concurrent invalid expression by the other side. 15 yard penalty for both sides. The ball will be placed at the fifty yard line and a free for all will ensue for possession. *Tweeett* Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 02:02 PM (zRby/) 463
In case it hasn't been mentioned, when the report came about the girl with the B carved into here face, conservatives were the first to smell something fishy, and the hoax was done by the next day.
Lefties tend to believe or are at least sympathetic with all of their hoaxers, even after they've bene debunked repeatedly. Posted by: stace at April 16, 2015 02:03 PM (ImzkZ) 464
But I am offended.
And for those of us who wish to provide loving judgement, we have to own up to our own mistakes. Take out the log, then the splinter. Posted by: ConservativeMonster, Rabid Puppy at April 16, 2015 02:01 PM (0NdlF) as I've had to tell myself over decades: patience and wisdom. it ain't easy Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 02:04 PM (x3YFz) 465
Nood. It's MATH!!!!111!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 02:07 PM (zRby/) 466
"The bible isn't a law book intended to empower imperfect people to judge or condemn others."
This statement, TangoNine, as both exactly wrong about what the Bible is AND a half-assed condemnation of Christians. It is offensive and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what the Bible says about judging the sin of others. Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 02:08 PM (OrI3J) 467
When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a rainbow flag and carrying a "No Justice, No Peace" sign.
Posted by: holygoat at April 16, 2015 02:09 PM (0KY5i) 468
Posted by: holygoat at April 16, 2015 02:09 PM (0KY5i)
And apparently wearing assless chaps. *yeah yeah. I know. ALL chaps are assless.* Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 02:11 PM (zRby/) Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 16, 2015 02:12 PM (zRby/) 470
It's funny that people are trying to call Christians hypocrites over pointing out sins, because these are invariably the same people who state that lying like Harry Reid, not paying your taxes like Reverend Al, flagrantly disobeying Federal law when it comes to erasing emails and having private servers like Hillary, making death threats against people, vandalizing churches, outright defiance of the law when it comes to immigration don't count as "sins".
In other words, they want Christians to tie themselves in knots while they and their fellow Democrats and gay-sex marriage supporters lie, cheat, steal and break whatever laws they want. This is Alinsky bullshit, and Christians should never fall for it. Instead Christians should point at them and ask flat-out, "Why are YOU demanding I follow to the letter a belief system and laws that YOU will NOT?" Christians are humble before God, not before man. And people who support gay-sex marriage are nothing but antireligious bigots and pigs whose sole purpose is to destroy Christianity. Posted by: North Dallas Thirty at April 16, 2015 02:16 PM (fGyAu) 471
Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 02:08 PM (OrI3J)
For you to call that statement wrong, you have to say that the Bible IS a law book intended to empower imperfect men to judge or condemn others". Which it is not. It does have books of law in it. It does tell of the judgement and condemnation of men by God, and how men were to carry that out. But it is not about men judging and condemning other men, nor is that result it's purpose. The Bible is also not a self-help book about how to enjoy ourselves. You're applying too much scrutiny to a quick Internet comment, and you've stepped out of bounds in the process. I am pointing this out to you because you are more demonstrably wrong than what you are trying to correct. Posted by: ConservativeMonster, Rabid Puppy at April 16, 2015 02:21 PM (0NdlF) 472
"Love Crime" ha. Nothing wrong with a little constructive vandalism! If the church removes the love-graffiti they should be charged with a hate crime.
Posted by: Roscoek at April 16, 2015 02:47 PM (GNEo9) 473
"Calling someone a sinner based on the way they like their sex is dumb. "
as usual pro-fags like banderstach show ignorance of several aspects of human nature, history and obviously theology. Leaving aside what the bible (or any other religious book) says homosexuality has always been strictly coded even before Christianity started. During the greeks and the romans the male 'bottom' was considered effectively half a female (and females back in those days weren't worth much). Zeus (or Jupiter) wanted to have sex with Ganimede (a male) and obviously he disposed him shortly afterwards as a toy. What does it tell you about homosexuality 2000 years ago? It was not the sugary tales we hear today about adam and steve being together since kindergarten (!!!!) and wanting to play house by purchasing a living doll from a poor Russian woman. Despite being use as an access to acceptable sex in a time where contraception was simply not there, it was not glorified or paraded around. Same thing with Samurai's homosexual sex and all the other examples of homosexuality in history. So throughout history, taking it up the ass has always been seen as a way to emasculate a man. Why nowadays it should be any different is beyond me. But the stupid pro-big anus they think there is something intrinsically 'special' in a sex action that has been performed since forever, but in 2000 AD it needs to be glorified by constant standing ovations. As I always say, it will be either the Russians, the Chinese or the muslims taking care of this problem. Our dear faggot friends would have destroyed any Christian in sight. Let them deal with their ISIS friends. Posted by: fromabroad at April 16, 2015 03:33 PM (rnV3B) 474
I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. Can't prove anything.
Posted by: Varg Vikernes at April 16, 2015 03:54 PM (amQXf) 475
"This will not get any attention because the media approves of vandalism directed against Christians."
I live one county over from Guilford and this is the first I'm even hearing about it. Posted by: RedStick at April 16, 2015 04:19 PM (k6J0K) 476
This statement, TangoNine, as both exactly wrong
about what the Bible is AND a half-assed condemnation of Christians. It is offensive and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what the Bible says about judging the sin of others. Posted by: redbanzai at April 16, 2015 02:08 PM (OrI3J) you're doing it wrong. Posted by: TangoNine at April 16, 2015 05:50 PM (x3YFz) 477
Unlike all the tremendous media attention anti-gay vandalism gets.
Note that a search for "anti-gay graffiti" on Google pulls about 727,000 results. Posted by: seattle slough at April 16, 2015 06:14 PM (mCz8+) 478
No amount of paint and slogans can cover up what Jesus said in Revelation 22:15. In short, no person who practices sexual immorality can inherit the Kingdom of God. Rage all you want. Doesn't change a thing.
Posted by: theBuckWheat at April 16, 2015 09:50 PM (nmcha) 479
That's not true. Paint covers up words in the bible as well as in any book. Paint is actaully really good at covering up words in books. After all, there's a fine line between White-out and white paint.
And do you want to know what else doesn't change a thing? The Book of Revelation which was written by men and put in the bible by men and is simply a book written by men who had no idea what they were talking about. Posted by: seattle slough at April 17, 2015 05:54 PM (mCz8+) Processing 0.06, elapsed 0.087 seconds. |
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