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Morning Thread (3-26-2015)

Sooooo, about that "Yemen is a great example of Obama's Middle East policy" thing ... I agree!

Posted by: Andy at 06:28 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 First?

Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2015 06:29 AM (FvdPb)

2 Wow! Third time this week. I need to get more sleep.

Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2015 06:29 AM (FvdPb)

3 You mean the Saudis are taking out the garbage the US threw? Well yeah.

Meanwhile US planes are supporting Iranian backed militia to retake Tikrit.

And yeah Bergdahl did serve just like Nidal Hassan.

This Administration seems to have a consummate skill to turn any situation into a dog's breakfast.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 26, 2015 06:31 AM (KJLsF)

4 Pretty good info here -- complete with photo of switch which co-pilot could use to keep pilot out

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 06:31 AM (xQX/f)

5 I'm surprised the administration isn't bragging about how they brought so many middle eastern countries together to contain Yemen.

Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2015 06:31 AM (FvdPb)

6 Well, I think it was the Dag Hammarskjold that did it. I'm like Willowed except with those weird Swedish umlauts and crossbars and shit. Wjyllho'd, let's say.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 06:31 AM (xq1UY)

7 Good Morning Morons. Today is Thursday, March 26, 2015. On this date in 1812 a political cartoon coined the term Gerrymander reflecting the drawing of voting district lines to favor political incumbents. It was named after then MA Governor Elbridge Gerry who signed the redistricting plan into effect. I find the process an abomination. Rulings by the Supreme Court have been all over the map on this since the 60s.

The latest ruling was in Alabama Legislative Black Caucus v. Alabama in which a Republican redistricting plan created minority-majority black districts which then allowed other districts to elect Republicans more easily. The Supremes sent the case back to district court after Kennedy sided with the liberals. Their rational was the court used the wrong legal theory (when the Supremes themselves have been all over the map on this). In theory, redistricting based on race alone is unconstitutional from previous cases but the dejure result is that it is done for racial purposes to achieve a quota of black delegates which the liberals like. Another prime example of that is our own SC 6th district which assures that the odious Jim Clyburn will be elected in perpetuity.

My feeling is that State election maps should be divided up by county lines and then adjoining counties aggregated into equal population units for federal elections. In State elections each county gets a proportional number of delegates elected "at large" in the county except where a county would get less than 1 delegate in which either that county would get a minimum of 1 or it would be aggregated with an adjoining county for delegates.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:32 AM (wlDny)

8 It's already time to get up?


Posted by: Ruth at March 26, 2015 06:32 AM (oo88B)

9 The Saudis have begun attacking rebels in Yemen (probably with US assistance).

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:32 AM (wlDny)

10 And Iran is not happy about this. Perhaps the Saudis will allow Obama to negotiate for them.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:33 AM (wlDny)

11 A NYT article is saying that the crashed German airbus voice recorder shows that the chief pilot was locked out of the cockpit when the aircraft began its descent and crash.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:33 AM (wlDny)

12 So if we cheer the Saudis does that mean we are dissing Obama's Iranian friends?
I'm so confused.

Posted by: @votermom at March 26, 2015 06:33 AM (cbfNE)

13 Jen "Big Tits" Psaki says yes, the trade for traitor Bergdahl was "worth it". It is amazing how these Obamanite stooges can lie straight to your face in a completely outrageous manner. They truly have signed onto the Joe Stalin big lie theory.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:33 AM (wlDny)

14 Jesse Jackson Jr. Will be released from prison today after serving 30 months for misuse of campaign finances. (Note the link at Fox does not work)

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:33 AM (wlDny)

15 It looks like the Supremes are once again equally divided over a case involving Obama's corrupt EPA. This time it is over the cost justification for the EPA's new Mercury rules which will in effect shutdown all coal and some oil fired power plants due to expense. It looks like Kennedy is back as the swing vote. My feeling, forget the damn dollar cost, what about causing rotating blackouts this summer due to power shortages? How has the EPA proven that the slight amount of mercury found in coal is causing health problems? I would guess based on past history that their scientific evidence is non-existent and their cost basis is a lie.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:33 AM (wlDny)

16 Oh, VNN incoming!
Yay Vic!

Posted by: @votermom at March 26, 2015 06:34 AM (cbfNE)

17 AP claims that Israel is not a democracy because the terrorists in the "occupied territories" can not vote.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:34 AM (wlDny)

18 re: germanwings crash.

As I said on the ONT, right now the Rumsfeld theory holds. About knowing what we don't know. Which in this case is a lot.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 26, 2015 06:34 AM (KJLsF)

19 The Iranians are shitting all over the Obama team on the illegal nuclear deal.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:34 AM (wlDny)

20 Federal taxpayers are funding abortions at a rate of $1.5B over the past three years to planned parenthood and its affiliates alone despite the Hyde amendment which forbids it. Democrats will say no, it is going to them for non-abortion related services, which of course is BS.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:34 AM (wlDny)

21 And speaking of the PP abortionists, a pro-abortion nutcase threw a Molotov cocktail at a prayer group outside of one of their clinics in Austin. The MFM is trying to make it look like a "right wing" attack on PP when it was obvious who the woman was attacking. And lo and behold the woman testified in favor of the Democrats fighting an anti-abortion bill in TX at a hearing. Sure, she is right wing.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:34 AM (wlDny)

22 I'm afraid that the investigators refusal to address GlowBull Worming, and it's effect on aircraft wing lift performance is preventing our ability to advance through the cause discovery phase of the investigation.

Well, that and it makes the Anglican baby Jesus cry.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 26, 2015 06:35 AM (F1jFR)

23 The cobs have locked Ace out of the cockpit and are turning this into a blog about swing dancing. Stay in your seats.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 06:35 AM (MMC8r)


Obama surely has jumped the shark on Israel now.

The Pentagon has declassified a document that was once labeled top-secret, which goes into sophisticated detail about Israel's nuclear weapons program. The document was released quietly just prior to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's March 3 speech to a joint session of Congress.

But impeachment is "off the table".

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:35 AM (wlDny)

25 The US department of education wants an expanded budget to hire 200 more civil rights investigators. In one instance two individuals have filed 1700 complaints alone. My thoughts, first off the Dept of Education has no justification for its existence under the Constitution and should be abolished. Second, even if it did, investigating civil rights complaints does not fall under the auspices of the DOE. That is a job assigned to the equally corrupt DOJ.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:35 AM (wlDny)

26 Illegal DC Reprehensive moonbat spent 30 minutes trying to park her car while scraping and banging the car next to her in DC. And it wasn't even parallel parking! She is a walking talking idiot serving as prime example of why the capitol should be moved to a new district somewhere in the middle of the country and make it illegal for anyone to be a permanent resident in the district. This is another job for the Art V convention.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:36 AM (wlDny)

27 Walker video: On day one I would reject any deal Obama makes with Iran. I would like him better if he said I will reverse every executive order Obama has ever made.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:36 AM (wlDny)

28 Obama executive order, which was not reported until now, has changed the L1B visa rules to allow companies with foreign offices to import workers in unlimited numbers for work in their American sites at any salary they want.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:36 AM (wlDny)


DAY 869

594 to go (667 to Inauguration Day 2017)

Muzzies, Marxists, Maoists, Mau-Maus, MFM's, Moochelle, Mao-suits, McCain's, McConnell's, machiavellian Mississippi mudslingers, McAuliffe's, Maduro's, MIRV's, Mexifornians, menacing Mozillan 'mo's, Mugwumps, Monrovian microbes, mutants, malcontents, malthusians, maniacs, malignant medical mandates, martial law, miscreants, microagressors, minions, maladjusted masochistic multiculturalists, momzers, mamalukes, mooks, mopes, mariuoli, meeskeits, maricons, marauders, malodorous militants, menstruating mons veneri, malfunctioning Moron microsites and miscellaneous meshugas notwithstanding.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 06:36 AM (St6BJ)

30 This is a bizarre bill whose necessity shows that federal employee unions like SEIU should be outlawed as they were for a long time.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:36 AM (wlDny)

31 IBD details the outrageous amount of money being spent by the Obama family and their cronies on travel. And no, very little of it has anything to do with actual government work.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:37 AM (wlDny)

32 A survey of company CEOs shows a large chunk of companies have cut back hours and laid people off just to lessen the high cost of Obamacare. That doesn't count the layoffs, hour cuts, and business closings due to the Obamaconamy. More proof positive that communism does not work, even in America.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:37 AM (wlDny)

33 The Daily Deals

That's it for today folks. I note after I finished this that a couple of these items were covered by previous night time threads. I will leave them for the Morons who don't go over the night time threads. Also, we finally get some "warming" here today. It is supposed to hit 81F but probably no porch rocking. It is also supposed to rain.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:37 AM (wlDny)

34 Hhhmmm, French photographer. In Harlem. In the 1970s

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 26, 2015 06:38 AM (KJLsF)

35 Good morning good morons, Vic, and assorted NSA snoops.

It's been days since we had a new revelation about Hillary! e-mails, I'm thinking we're due.

Posted by: Conservative Crank at March 26, 2015 06:38 AM (WUYpW)

36 24 Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:35 AM (wlDny)

Israel as a nation and people take security very seriously - in fact it is quite literally life and death to them and for very good reason.

Anyone on the planet who can recklessly put that nation in danger might very well find themselves in, shall we say, a perilous circumstance.

Take that statement any way you want.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 06:39 AM (St6BJ)

Interview went well yesterday. Down side is an hour commute to Stamford, CT. Plus side is it might be only 3 days a week (2 days working from home).

Even more plus - a steady paycheck for the first time in 6 years.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 06:41 AM (St6BJ)

38 Hope you get the job J.J. Sefton. And if it stays steady perhaps move closer to employment.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 26, 2015 06:41 AM (KJLsF)

39 30 This is a bizarre bill whose necessity shows that federal employee unions like SEIU should be outlawed as they were for a long time.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:36 AM (wlDny)

Is SEIU a federal (governmental) union? I thought it was private sector.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 06:42 AM (St6BJ)

40 Isn't it amazing. The echoes from the plane crash hadn't faded and Obama and Europeans were at the microphones saying it wasn't terrorism. And where are the pilots' names and backgrounds? That doesn't take any investigation.

Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2015 06:42 AM (FvdPb)

41 Morning, 'rons and 'ronettes.

Here's the "gerrymander" cartoon Vic was talking about:

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at March 26, 2015 06:42 AM (zF6Iw)

42 38 Hope you get the job J.J. Sefton. And if it stays steady perhaps move closer to employment.
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 26, 2015 06:41 AM (KJLsF)

Wifey's job is 3 blocks away so we ain't going anywhere.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 06:42 AM (St6BJ)

43 Good luck JJ!

Posted by: Conservative Crank at March 26, 2015 06:43 AM (WUYpW)

44 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 06:41 AM (St6BJ)

Hope you get the job, J.J. In these times, a steady paycheck is nothing to sneeze at.

And an hour commute - can you take the train? That way, you'd at least have an hour to relax and maybe nap a bit.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at March 26, 2015 06:44 AM (zF6Iw)

45 Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:37 AM (wlDny)

They'll of course say that it wasn't communism, but central planning always fails no matter what you call it. No small cabal is capable of controlling as something as complicated as the economy, and the nature of groupthink only makes the results worse.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at March 26, 2015 06:46 AM (J+mig)

46 39 Is SEIU a federal (governmental) union? I thought it was private sector.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 06:42 AM (St6BJ)

I thought it was government employees at all levels. I just checked, they are a services union, but not government services.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:49 AM (wlDny)

47 45 Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:37 AM (wlDny) They'll of course say that it wasn't communism, but central planning always fails no matter what you call it. No small cabal is capable of controlling as something as complicated as the economy, and the nature of groupthink only makes the results worse.
Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at March 26, 2015 06:46 AM (J+mig)

Ever wonder if maybe Karl just had it backwards? The implementation of Communism LEADS TO the uprising of the proletariat in violent revolution, because it just makes everything suck?*

*Just kidding. Marx was wrong about almost everything. Only "kernel of truth" I found in his writing was the concept of geist.

Posted by: Conservative Crank at March 26, 2015 06:49 AM (WUYpW)

48 44 And an hour commute - can you take the train? That way, you'd at least have an hour to relax and maybe nap a bit.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at March 26, 2015 06:44 AM (zF6Iw)

Yeah, Metro North. And they have a courtesy shuttle to pick you up and drop you off. Fingers crossed.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 06:49 AM (St6BJ)

The other down side of steady employment is severely cutting back my gross outs, rambling and other assorted chazarei that emerge from my addled mind.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 06:50 AM (St6BJ)

50 47 I found in his writing was the concept of geist.
Posted by: Conservative Crank at March 26, 2015 06:49 AM (WUYpW)

Willie Geist?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 06:51 AM (St6BJ)

51 46 I thought it was government employees at all levels. I just checked, they are a services union, but not government services.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:49 AM (wlDny)

Bedpan changers, building porters and others. That said, the porters and doormen in my building are the best. And quite a few of them are fairly conservative.

We often joke that "we're behind the lines."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 06:52 AM (St6BJ)

52 51 Bedpan changers, building porters and others. That
said, the porters and doormen in my building are the best. And quite a
few of them are fairly conservative.

We often joke that "we're behind the lines."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 06:52 AM (St6BJ)

Are they members of SEIU?

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:53 AM (wlDny)

53 Got my double caf at Tim Horton
Now I'm bangin' like Eleanor Holmes Norton

Mornin' 'rons

Posted by: MC Citizen X at March 26, 2015 06:56 AM (7ObY1)

54 Isn't it amazing. The echoes from the plane crash hadn't faded and Obama and Europeans were at the microphones saying it wasn't terrorism. And where are the pilots' names and backgrounds? That doesn't take any investigation.

Best part of Cruz speech was when he asked audience to imagine a world without a president afraid of uttering the phrase 'radical Islamic terrorism'. He slices, he dices.

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 06:58 AM (xQX/f)

55 Commuting from NYC to Connecticut? It's like the world's turned upside down. Mr Blandings' Dream House is in ruins. They're tearing them down, in CT.

The old prejudice about the Saud Air Force was that the pilots were not bad at all, warrior ethos and all that, but that something in the national cultural milieu held that maintenance and supply work was somehow beneath them. The Hashemites next door appear to have risen above the old stereotypes. Expect Moron input on this?

Marx had a sort of ellipsis "then a miracle occurs" about the dictatorship just fading away, and everybody living in self-actualizing co-operative communal bliss. If you eer want to see a sophomore communist turn purple, just suggest that in the long run village-capitalism yields the same result with less head-chopping.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 06:59 AM (xq1UY)

56 And where are the pilots' names and backgrounds? That doesn't take any investigation.

10.56 Note on the names: it's common practice in German media to name people only with a first name and the first letter of their surname, in order to get around the country's strict privacy laws.

10.51 Bild has named the captain as Patrick S. He was the father of two children. He flew for over ten years for Lufthansa and Germanwings and had completed more than 6,000 flight hours on the Airbus 320.

The paper names the First Officer as Andreas L. He was "young". He was from Montabaur, in Rhineland-Palatinate. He had 630 flight hours. He joined Germanwings in September 2013 straight from the Lufthansa Flight Training School in Bremen.

10.48 German newspaper Bild reporting an Andreas L is the co-pilot. NB. This has not been verified by the Telegraph.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 07:01 AM (IXrOn)

57 Anybody heard a rumor about Obama's nephew committing a rape at Wesleyan University that has (so far) been covered up? The nephew is supposedly a basketball player there.

Posted by: MC Citizen X at March 26, 2015 07:02 AM (7ObY1)

58 And an hour commute - can you take the train? That way, you'd at least have an hour to relax and maybe nap a bit.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at March 26, 2015 06:44 AM (zF6Iw)

Yeah, Metro North. And they have a courtesy shuttle to pick you up and drop you off. Fingers crossed.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 06:49 AM (St6BJ)

They've still got a bar car on the New Haven line, right? Or did the do-gooder nannies finally kill it off? Best damn deal for a beer in NYC on that bar car.

Posted by: mugiwara at March 26, 2015 07:03 AM (3a584)

59 57
Anybody heard a rumor about Obama's nephew committing a rape at
Wesleyan University that has (so far) been covered up? The nephew is
supposedly a basketball player there.

Posted by: MC Citizen X at March 26, 2015 07:02 AM (7ObY1)

Haven't read anything on that in all the sites I check for news in the morning.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 07:04 AM (wlDny)

60 For any society where the population, n, has a value n > 1, communism will invariably fail.

Either human nature will prevail, and net consumers will lead to gross consumption exceeding gross production, or competition will assert itself and net producers will dominate, leading to either oligarchy or capitalism.

Posted by: Conservative Crank at March 26, 2015 07:05 AM (WUYpW)

61 Morning Horde. Thanks for the news Vic. Maybe I'm just hyper - partisan but it seems to me the news---since Choom took over----has been shockingly bad. By design I'm sure. I should be used to it by now but it still churns my stomach. There is no way we woke up to this much crazy when Bush/Cheney were in. Am I wrong?

Posted by: small town girl, crusader at March 26, 2015 07:05 AM (rpAqR)

62 The echoes from the plane crash hadn't faded and Obama and Europeans were at the microphones saying it wasn't terrorism. And where are the pilots' names and backgrounds? That doesn't take any investigation.

If Imam Obama says it wasn't terrorism, then it certainly was. This repulsive fuck lies about everything.

Posted by: great big Banana Republic at March 26, 2015 07:05 AM (+kznc)

63 Haven't read anything on that in all the sites I check for news in the morning.

At this point I don't want to say where I've heard it, but I have a gut feeling there's some "there" there.

Posted by: MC Citizen X at March 26, 2015 07:06 AM (7ObY1)

64 Good luck J.J. Six years, damn. I know that has to be rough on you. Hope everything works out.

Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at March 26, 2015 07:07 AM (wf3Kt)

65 OK, time for morning meeting. This one promises to be extra excruciating.

See you all at lunch.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at March 26, 2015 07:08 AM (zF6Iw)

66 57: I'm sure the tongue bathing Obama cultists that make up the MSM will get right on that.

Posted by: puddleglum not at work at March 26, 2015 07:11 AM (zcpIm)

67 52 Are they members of SEIU?
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:53 AM (wlDny)

I believe that that is their union, yes. But they have no choice in the matter. Ain't liberty wonderful? /s

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 07:15 AM (St6BJ)

68 Posted by: small town girl, crusader at March 26, 2015 07:05 AM (rpAqR)

I call it scandal fatigue. It's like they're keeping such a steady stream of outrages that it's just boiled over into a wish that they'd just ride off into the sunset and leave me the fuck alone already. But that can't happen until all of those scum are ejected from office. Hopefully the next election makes some progress clearing out the weeds, but I know better than to get my hopes up.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at March 26, 2015 07:15 AM (J+mig)

69 58 They've still got a bar car on the New Haven line, right? Or did the do-gooder nannies finally kill it off? Best damn deal for a beer in NYC on that bar car.
Posted by: mugiwara at March 26, 2015 07:03 AM (3a584)

I think the bar car is still there in the evenings. I do a reverse commute but there should be no distinction between inbound and outbound booze.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 07:16 AM (St6BJ)

70 few good tweets


Saudi bombed Yemen. Jordan bombed Syria. Egypt bombed Libya. Iran pulling strings in Iraq.

Looks like we have entered an Islamic World War.

David Rothkopf

US provides air support for Iran in Iraq, supports Saudi against Iran in Yemen, negotiates nuke deal w/them while fighting cyber war against

Look at it this way: our Mideast policy is balanced because it is random and apparently unguided by any strategy, history or ties.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 07:19 AM (IXrOn)

71 distinction between inbound and outbound booze.

Kind of lends new meaning to the old railroading terms, "Running back empty" and "deadheading." Considering the traffic load, they ought to pay you to ride. It's unlikely they will pay you to drink.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 07:19 AM (xq1UY)

72 There is no way we woke up to this much crazy when Bush/Cheney were in. Am I wrong?

Posted by: small town girl, crusader at March 26, 2015 07:05 AM

One big difference between Dubya's administration and the Choom Boy regime: back in the day, America's enemies were almost always foreign.

Now, not so much.

Vic's News Parade today almost serves as Articles of Impeachment for the Mocha Messiah. And this isn't the first day that has happened. Thank you, Poppin' Fresh and the rest of the Konservative Komment Kommandos for bowing to race guilt, reaching-across-the-aisle and, above all, Good Optics to render President Historic FirstŠ invulnerable.

Posted by: MrScribbler at March 26, 2015 07:20 AM (P8YHq)

73 I have just gone back and reviewed March 26, 2007 to see what the "news" brought. There was no "Morning news thread then and it was before I started commenting over here. At that time I was still hanging out at Townhall before the trolls got so bad I gave up in disgust.

But looking at the titles of Ace's posts, which appear to be only a few a day, most items dealt with the loons more than the commie party politicians.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 07:20 AM (wlDny)

74 Another comment on that comment #26 above. That illegal DC Representative banged up that car nest to he space and did not even leave a note giving her name and insurance information. Technically she was guilty of leaving the scene of an accident.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 07:25 AM (wlDny)

75 If I'm a radical muslim and I see things like the US providing air cover for my ilk in Tikrit (just as was done in Syria) I would see that as a sign that allah is with my cause.

Posted by: Hillary's Heroic Spanx at March 26, 2015 07:26 AM (i7JE3)

76 Morning, Glories!

Yesterday we had temps almost to 80°F. Then the rain, and north wind, and we dropped almost to the 30s.

And wind. One dead in Tulsa, many injured in twisters. One 'nader followed the path of the deadly Moore OK hit of deferral years ago. Seems to be a prime tornado path.

Spring has officially arrived.

Posted by: mindful webworker - 1 for the money at March 26, 2015 07:26 AM (sLVyZ)

77 One big difference between Dubya's administration and the Choom Boy regime: back in the day, America's enemies were almost always foreign.

I never doubted W's love of our country either. Its quite obvious that our current god-king in chief hates our nation.

Posted by: puddleglum not at work at March 26, 2015 07:27 AM (zcpIm)

"....serving as a prime example of why the capitol should be moved to a new district some where in the middle of the country...."-Vic

Yeah, I've been saying that for years. How about Hell's Half Acre in Wyoming. And a good size pay cut since the cost of living is so much lower. (hate to do that to Wyoming though) but can only hope it lives up to its name.

Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at March 26, 2015 07:27 AM (tjj0w)

79 This Administration seems to have a consummate skill to turn any situation into a dog's breakfast.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 26, 2015 06:31 AM (KJLsF)

Dog is more of a dinner meat.

Posted by: Teh SCOAMT at March 26, 2015 07:28 AM (cL79m)

80 77 I never doubted W's love of our country either. Its quite obvious that our current god-king in chief hates our nation.

Posted by: puddleglum not at work at March 26, 2015 07:27 AM (zcpIm)

Only the white part. He is a racist communist asshole.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 07:29 AM (wlDny)

81 Too feeble-minded to park a car, but give her the reins of government, ya?

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 07:31 AM (MMC8r)

82 I think the bar car is still there in the evenings. I do a reverse commute

So you get the bar car in the mornings

Posted by: rickb223 at March 26, 2015 07:32 AM (JaIUI)



lots of video of the tornado's in Oklahoma yesterday

here's one of the live tv videos

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 07:33 AM (IXrOn)

84 78 Yeah, I've been saying that for years. How about
Hell's Half Acre in Wyoming. And a good size pay cut since the cost of
living is so much lower. (hate to do that to Wyoming though) but can
only hope it lives up to its name.

Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at March 26, 2015 07:27 AM (tjj0w)

I would say somewhere more in the geographic center like Kansas. And I would limit its size to about a 1 mile radius. Just enough room to put the congress and White House and maybe a building for security personnel.

And as I said, no permanent residents at all. All homes, hotels, and bunking facilities would be required to be outside the circle in State land.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 07:34 AM (wlDny)

85 lots of video of the tornado's in Oklahoma

Soona, please pick up the white courtesy phone. Soona, please pick up the white courtesy phone.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 26, 2015 07:36 AM (JaIUI)

Jen "Big Tits" Psaki says yes, the trade for traitor Bergdahl was "worth it". It is amazing how these Obamanite stooges can lie straight to your face in a completely outrageous manner. They truly have signed onto the Joe Stalin big lie theory. by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:33 AM (wlDny)

I wonder what Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty have to say about Obamas' claim that they won't leave anyone behind?

Posted by: Darth Randall at March 26, 2015 07:36 AM (KlVdw)

87 I wonder what Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty have to say about Obamas' claim that they won't leave anyone behind?

Posted by: Darth Randall at March 26, 2015 07:36 AM (KlVdw)

They're as unavailable for comment as I am.

Posted by: Mary Jo Kopechne at March 26, 2015 07:38 AM (cL79m)

88 And along with that, I would give the entire city of Washington to MD so it would quit polluting VA.

Once all the DC commies and hangers on left the city and the VA area perhaps VA would go back to being red.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 07:38 AM (wlDny)

89 It has been highly successful ...

... for extreme Leftist values of success.

Posted by: EndOfPatience at March 26, 2015 07:39 AM (xvblb)

90 I would say somewhere more in the geographic center like Kansas. And I would limit its size to about a 1 mile radius. Just enough room to put the congress and White House and maybe a building for security personnel.

And as I said, no permanent residents at all. All homes, hotels, and bunking facilities would be required to be outside the circle in State land.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 07:34 AM (wlDny)

If it wouldn't cost so much, I'd say an Aleutian island.

Oh, and they'd have to grow their own food and generate their own power.

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 07:40 AM (cL79m)

91 It's a good thing the only Norton can do is talk. No voting for her. After that performance, her license should be revoked.

Posted by: no good deed at March 26, 2015 07:41 AM (ZKGnj)

92 If it wouldn't cost so much, I'd say an Aleutian island.
Oh, and they'd have to grow their own food and generate their own power.

If that's the case, Moon Base Bravo.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 26, 2015 07:41 AM (JaIUI)

93 @88. Yes, give it to Maryland. Virginia don't want it. Most of it was carved out of Maryland anyway.

Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at March 26, 2015 07:42 AM (tjj0w)

94 Good morning, morons.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 07:43 AM (9BRsg)

95 @88. Yes, give it to Maryland. Virginia don't want it. Most of it was carved out of Maryland anyway.

Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at March 26, 2015 07:42 AM (tjj0w)

All of the current District was carved out of Maryland. The portion originally carved out of Virginia was given back to Virginia and named Arlington.

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 07:44 AM (cL79m)

96 91
It's a good thing the only Norton can do is talk. No voting for her. After that performance, her license should be revoked.

Posted by: no good deed at March 26, 2015 07:41 AM (ZKGnj)

Ah but she does get to site on committee positions and if I am not mistaken, vote on issues in those committees. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that allows DC to have a congressional representative.
I don't think the founders foresaw DC becoming a couple of hundred thousand lobbyists and trolls in the FSA.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 07:44 AM (wlDny)


Ann doing what Ann does.

COULTER: Hey, Pretty Boy: Do You Actually Know What's In The News?

simply stated

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 07:45 AM (IXrOn)

98 Was I the only one to not recognize a bunch of the blogs from that Newsmax Top 50 conservative blog list in the sidebar? There were some I recognized, but don't visit... but quite a few I'd never heard of or followed a link to.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 07:48 AM (9BRsg)

99 @AP

BREAKING: Prosecutor: Co-pilot, alone at helm of Germanwings, began descent manually, `intentionally' .

Posted by: Tami at March 26, 2015 07:49 AM (v0/PR)

100 Was I the only one to not recognize a bunch of the blogs from that Newsmax Top 50 conservative blog list in the sidebar? There were some I recognized, but don't visit... but quite a few I'd never heard of or followed a link to.
Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 07:48 AM (9BRsg)

I noticed.

Also, some were missing. One, I can think of is The Right Scoop. They do a great job of segmenting video clips, and also usually always providing live feeds very quickly to important events.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 07:50 AM (IXrOn)

101 Was I the only one to not recognize a bunch of the blogs from that Newsmax Top 50 conservative blog list in the sidebar? There were some I recognized, but don't visit... but quite a few I'd never heard of or followed a link to.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 07:48 AM (9BRsg)

Considering blogging is pretty much dead (I'm Exhibit M for Moron), I'm surprised Newsmax found 50.

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 07:50 AM (cL79m)

102 97: Meanwhile, an Senior Editor for Ebony Magazine equates country music with killing muslims. That little nugget of insanity was on the top of your link. Time to dig out my Merle Haggard CDs!!

Posted by: puddleglum not at work at March 26, 2015 07:51 AM (zcpIm)

103 @79 Now why would you want to do that to Wyoming? If you're going to inflict Capitolism on a people, why not someone who's just asking for it? Iowa.

Then they can have their goddamn First Caucuses for effin' ever. Good'n'hard.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 07:52 AM (xq1UY)

104 99 @AP BREAKING: Prosecutor: Co-pilot, alone at helm of Germanwings, began descent manually, `intentionally' .
Posted by: Tami at March 26, 2015 07:49 AM (v0/PR)

Yeah, the scenario floated about sudden decompression seems to be less and less likely. And the co-pilot was trying to smash the door down to the cockpit.

AND. . . why have the names of the pilots not been released yet?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 07:52 AM (St6BJ)

105 Considering blogging is pretty much dead (I'm Exhibit M for Moron), I'm surprised Newsmax found 50.

Heh. Ironically, PW made their list.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 07:52 AM (9BRsg)

106 >>Also, some were missing. One, I can think of is The Right Scoop.

Yes, that's a good one. Did you see Jawa Report or Blackfive? I don't think I saw those two. Or Directorblue.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 07:53 AM (9BRsg)

107 Also, some were missing. One, I can think of is The Right Scoop. They do a great job of segmenting video clips, and also usually always providing live feeds very quickly to important events.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 07:50 AM (IXrOn)

I noticed TRS doesn't run NewsMax ads. Something tells me that just might have played into their decision not to include him.

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 07:53 AM (cL79m)

108 That Eleanor Holmes Norton video is why we can't have flying cars.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 07:53 AM (MMC8r)

109 BREAKING: Prosecutor: Co-pilot, alone at helm of Germanwings, began descent manually, `intentionally' .
Posted by: Tami at March 26, 2015 07:49 AM (v0/PR)

from my above post

The paper names the First Officer as Andreas L. He was "young". He was from Montabaur, in Rhineland-Palatinate. He had 630 flight hours. He joined Germanwings in September 2013 straight from the Lufthansa Flight Training School in Bremen.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 07:53 AM (IXrOn)

110 Every Ivy League lawyers worst nightmare. To be banished to the middle of Jesusland surrounded by cowboys, rednecks and locals all carrying guns. And they are just waiting for the politicalassholes to say something stupid.

Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at March 26, 2015 07:53 AM (tjj0w)

Co-pilot started plane's descent

"Then we hear the commander asking the co-pilot to take over.

"Then we hear the sound of a chair being pushed back on the door closing.

"The co-pilot uses the flight monitoring system to start the descent of the plane.

"This action can only be voluntary - it is not automatic."

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 07:53 AM (xQX/f)

112 I'm going to rage-stroke if this turns out to be another "random act."

Obama had better call out the death cult this time.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 07:54 AM (9BRsg)

113 I noticed TRS doesn't run NewsMax ads. Something tells me that just might have played into their decision not to include him.

Semi-related. Why doesn't Legal Insurrection ever link to Ace? Is there some conflict I missed? I know we've linked to him before.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 07:55 AM (9BRsg)

114 AND. . . why have the names of the pilots not been released yet?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 07:52 AM (St6BJ)

privacy laws

see my above post with their partial names, supposedly


Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 07:55 AM (IXrOn)

115 From:

The pilots named as Patrick S and Andreas L

Posted by: Tami at March 26, 2015 07:56 AM (v0/PR)

116 g'mornin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at March 26, 2015 07:56 AM (hSlC9)

117 98 Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 07:48 AM (9BRsg)

As I said yesterday I think that list told us more about the click-bait side of Newsmax than anything else. bad list, imo.

Posted by: MTF, vote for someone the GOP insiders hate! at March 26, 2015 07:56 AM (FCsIb)

118 Semi-related. Why doesn't Legal Insurrection ever link to Ace? Is there some conflict I missed? I know we've linked to him before.
Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 07:55 AM (9BRsg)

I thought, in the past, I had seen a link to Ace from LI.

LI did cover the lawsuit, because of one of their own, but it also did mention Ace.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 07:56 AM (IXrOn)

119 He had 630 flight hours.

I used to figure a work year as 2,000 hours. 40 hours per week X 50 weeks.

A novice. But still he put the plane in descent.

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 07:57 AM (xQX/f)

120 Oh sorry artisanal, didn't see your previous post....

Posted by: Tami at March 26, 2015 07:57 AM (v0/PR)

121 Sh*t status: Real. Real as 149 innocents murdered by a maniac. I look forward to the tearing apart of everything known about this co-pilot, so Obama can make a speech denouncing this as a lone-wolf action in no way influenced by the likely Islamic faith of the co-pilot and not at all inspired by repeated calls to kill any and all infidels. *Spits*

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at March 26, 2015 07:57 AM (5w+hA)

122 >>I thought, in the past, I had seen a link to Ace from LI.

I've never seen a link to this blog in his sidebar.

Not that it matters. It just sort of sticks out for me, the absence of links.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 07:58 AM (9BRsg)

123 What I admire about communism is the genius of Maximum Leader wearing a drab military uniform. It communicates "hey, I'm just a simple peasant like you, that's why I'm dressing down", as well as "I am the military, and if you get out of line, I'll have you mown down without a second thought". Very effective at psyching out the proles and keeping them in line. When will Obama start wearing a general's uniform?

Posted by: Comrade Louis XIV at March 26, 2015 07:59 AM (cIoI4)

124 Copilot last name is Lubitz...

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at March 26, 2015 07:59 AM (5w+hA)

125 I look forward to the tearing apart of everything known about this co-pilot

Matt Lewis and McKay Coppins will get right on that investigative reporting... right after they finish talking to Ted Cruz's aunt's gardener and the salesclerk who sold Jeb Bush's wife a scarf twenty years ago.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 08:00 AM (9BRsg)

Co-pilot 'alive and breathing when he crashed plane'

"We hear several cries from the other pilot asking to be allowed back in.

"He's asking through the telephone intercom system.

"He identifies himself on the intercom but there's no response form the co-pilot.

"He then knocks on the door and then asks for it to be opened and he has no response from the co-pilot.

"We hear breathing and you can hear this breathing until the moment of impact, so we know the co-pilot was still alive. at this point."

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 08:00 AM (xQX/f)

127 Semi-related. Why doesn't Legal Insurrection ever link to Ace? Is there some conflict I missed? I know we've linked to him before.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 07:55 AM (9BRsg)

No clue.

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 08:00 AM (cL79m)

128 Andreas Lubitz

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 26, 2015 08:01 AM (iQIUe)

129 We can't go by names any longer. They convert too many. "Young man" may be indicative enough.

I guess we'll find out.

Seems to me if he was doing this for Allah (may He burn in the fires of Hell), there'd be some indication on the tape, wouldn't there? Don't they usually chant some nonsense before the end?

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 08:01 AM (9BRsg)

130 Oh sorry artisanal, didn't see your previous post....

Posted by: Tami at March 26, 2015 07:57 AM (v0/PR)

heh. no matter. we all share all info

So, he was very young, just out of school, and very few hours of flying.

I really don't like the sound of this.

Would a young guy, fresh out of school, finally doing what he was just trained to do commit suicide? Maybe.

Then there were all those terrorists taking flight courses, even in the US.

We need to dig into his background.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 08:01 AM (IXrOn)

131 WOW at the live presser Fox News carrying it from Sky News NOW

Posted by: Baldy at March 26, 2015 08:02 AM (sEXjW)


Maybe, he was just nuts and not a muslim.

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 26, 2015 08:03 AM (iQIUe)

Pilots both German and 'not listed as a terrorist'

Mr Robin is asked about the pilots nationalities and ethnicities.

He says both were German but he doesn't know about their ethnicity.

"He is not listed as a terrorist if that's what your asking," he says.

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 08:03 AM (xQX/f)

134 Re the First Family's travel expenses. A few years ago I read "Love, Ronnie," Nancy Reagan's collection of letters from RR plus her commentary/explanations. In it she said that during Reagan's second term they consciously limited their foreign travel because they didn't want to burden the taxpayers with the huge costs of traveling as President and First Lady. Most of their trips were back home to the ranch in California.

The current WH occupants have an entirely different attitude. I wonder how many trips they will manage to squeeze in before Barack finally leaves office?

Posted by: biancaneve at March 26, 2015 08:03 AM (Zl68m)

135 Seems to me if he was doing this for Allah (may He burn in the fires of Hell), there'd be some indication on the tape, wouldn't there? Don't they usually chant some nonsense before the end?
Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 08:01 AM (9BRsg)

hard to know what anyone will do

he may have been crying

or too scared to speak

I cannot stand the thought of this being intentional. Just like school shootings. So many innocent people.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 08:03 AM (IXrOn)

136 The L. in Andreas L. is Lubitz. The French prosecutor is saying he's not known as a wanted terrorist.

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 08:04 AM (cL79m)

137 132 Maybe, he was just nuts and not a muslim

both. alternate definitions of the same word.

Posted by: MTF, vote for someone the GOP insiders hate! at March 26, 2015 08:04 AM (FCsIb)

138 >>I cannot stand the thought of this being intentional.

Neither can I. Just awful.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 08:04 AM (9BRsg)

Pilots both German and 'not listed as a terrorist'

Well, hopefully not.

Do they have pilots who ARE listed as terrorists?

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 08:04 AM (MMC8r)

140 Does "Andreas" sound neo-nazi to you? What's EuroSpeak for "Tea Partier"?

On Nortonism: new news today, that SJW's who don't repay student loans won't be able to get driver's licenses. Wow, instant membership in the Urban Creative Class. Way to isolate them from American experience. No, I say give them jobs as over-the-road truck drivers, or, if too sissy for that, public transit motormen.

And chain'em to the cab, too. Casey Jones meets Phantom 309, head-on.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 08:04 AM (xq1UY)

141 (No Allah Akbar)

'The co-pilot never said a word'

Mr Robin says the co-pilot "never said a word" in the 10 minutes before the crash.

He said he never answer a question or opened the door before the plane hit the ground.

He says the planes descent was "voluntary".

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 08:05 AM (xQX/f)

142 Does "Andreas" sound neo-nazi to you? What's EuroSpeak for "Tea Partier"?

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 08:04 AM (xq1UY)

I'm on it.

Posted by: Brian Scott at March 26, 2015 08:06 AM (cL79m)

143 The French prosecutor is saying he's not known as a wanted terrorist."

*head, meet desk*

Posted by: anon a mouse at March 26, 2015 08:07 AM (KnbYp)

144 Morning all.

So just got to work. What's up with that plane crash? I don't speak french

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:07 AM (rDqRv)

145 Strict privacy laws? Were the pilots undergoing medical treatments whilst flying (or as the case appears, NOT flying) said plane?

Posted by: BurtTC at March 26, 2015 08:08 AM (Dj0WE)

146 Morning all.

So just got to work. What's up with that plane crash? I don't speak french

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:07 AM (rDqRv)

It's a case of Sudden Kamikaze Syndrome. It's unknown whether it's the Islamokazi strain.

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 08:08 AM (cL79m)

147 The French prosecutor is saying he's not known as a wanted terrorist."

*head, meet desk*

Posted by: anon a mouse at March 26, 2015 08:07 AM (KnbYp)

Neither was Nidal Hasan

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:08 AM (rDqRv)

You know what caused the plane crash? It was the inflight movie!!11!!!!!!

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at March 26, 2015 08:08 AM (HSmrB)

149 Was he muzzie, yes or no?

Posted by: Answer the fucking question at March 26, 2015 08:08 AM (+OYy0)

150 I thought, in the past, I had seen a link to Ace from LI.

I've never seen a link to this blog in his sidebar.

Not that it matters. It just sort of sticks out for me, the absence of links.
Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 07:58 AM (9BRsg)

It's there, in LI's "Blogs Read"
Just click on More
Ace is there.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 08:09 AM (IXrOn)

I may become a Ted Cruz fan just for the lovely, lovely Cruz Derangement Syndrome:

Lewis Black: Not even taking LSD in my youth could prepare me for Ted CruzComedian Lewis Black seemed shocked that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) could be seriously considered as a presidential candidateFrom a lib friend's FB post.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:09 AM (JtwS4)

Wait, I thought the great Ernst Lubitsch died ages ago. His career sure did.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:09 AM (St6BJ)

153 Based on twitter trends, you'd think that Zayn Malik, or whatever the F is his name, was on the German flight. Good grief.....

Posted by: Tami at March 26, 2015 08:10 AM (v0/PR)

154 Associated Press Its Not So Clear That Israel Is A Democratic State

Weasel Zippers

Well it's early but here is my first FUCK YOU of the day

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:10 AM (rDqRv)

Strict privacy laws? Were the pilots undergoing medical treatments
whilst flying (or as the case appears, NOT flying) said plane?

A) They're dead.

B) They're main figures in a mass death.

C) There's public safety at issue.

Not a privacy issue as far as I can see.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 08:10 AM (MMC8r)

156 GM is alive and Al Qaeda is dead.

Posted by: redenzo at March 26, 2015 08:10 AM (WCnJW)

157 Drudge has a headline saying "Co-Pilot Intentionally Forced Plane Into Dive", but the linked NBC News video does not say that. It is mentioned as a possibility, along with "medical emergency". That headline needs to be changed.

Posted by: rickl at March 26, 2015 08:10 AM (sdi6R)

158 We might never know what the co-pilot's motivation was.

Posted by: Count de Monet at March 26, 2015 08:10 AM (JO9+V)

159 The co-pilot, now named as Andreas Lubitz ->

Posted by: Yes means Maybe at March 26, 2015 08:10 AM (7wyDO)

160 @123 Obama's General uniform would look a lot like Morgan Freeman's in RED.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 08:11 AM (xq1UY)

161 The co-pilot, now named as Andreas Lubitz ->
Posted by: Yes means Maybe at March 26, 2015 08:10 AM (7wyDO)

He was the one that crashed the plane?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:11 AM (rDqRv)

162 151 Lewis Black: Not even taking LSD in my youth could prepare me for Ted CruzComedian Lewis Black seemed shocked that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) could be seriously considered as a presidential candidateFrom a lib friend's FB post.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:09 AM (JtwS4)

That's the problem, Lewis. Maybe if you didn't take LSD and damaged your brain, you would have a firm grasp of reality.

Loud unfunny grating douchebag is not a way to go through life, though somehow you make money off it.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:11 AM (St6BJ)

163 He was the one that crashed the plane?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:11 AM (rDqRv)


Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 08:12 AM (cL79m)

164 I may become a Ted Cruz fan just for the lovely, lovely Cruz Derangement Syndrome:

Yeah, Zimmern was flaking out, too.

None of these people know the first thing about Cruz. You can disagree with him all you want, but painting him as unintelligent or even as unhinged is not consistent with the facts of 5 cases won before SCOTUS.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 08:12 AM (9BRsg)

165 Ted Cruz certainly maddens the right people.

Posted by: steevy at March 26, 2015 08:12 AM (KETbL)

Catching up to the plane talk here.

Krauts are saying that the co-pilot's breathing was audible and normal all the way into the ground.

And no possible way other than that the descent was intentional.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:12 AM (JtwS4)

167 28 ha? Was he former German Air Force?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:12 AM (rDqRv)

168 I could never trust a pilot whose name ends in Zed.
Now Zed as a first name, that's Day by Day.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 08:13 AM (xq1UY)

169 Was he natural born German or a immigrant?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:13 AM (rDqRv)

170 Drudge has a headline saying "Co-Pilot Intentionally Forced Plane Into Dive", but the linked NBC News video does not say that. It is mentioned as a possibility, along with "medical emergency". That headline needs to be changed.

Posted by: rickl at March 26, 2015 08:10 AM (sdi6R)

Drudge just needs to find an updated video. The French are saying exactly that live.

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 08:13 AM (cL79m)

171 >>Loud unfunny grating douchebag is not a way to go through life

I never got him. My husband enjoyed him back in the day, but Black has become so angry (oddly, given who is in the WH) that I don't think even Mr Y-not enjoys him now.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 08:13 AM (9BRsg)

172 It's funny that so many lefties are apoplectic over Cruz, considering he has pretty much the same resume they claimed Obama had in 2008 (though more documented and more distinguished).

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 08:13 AM (MMC8r)

173 I'll bet the co-pilot did not leave a note behind either. Wonder if the authorities have already searched his living space.

Posted by: Count de Monet at March 26, 2015 08:14 AM (JO9+V)

174 Maybe there should be 3 person crews, along with a rule that at least 2 people must be in the cockpit at all times. I wonder, if Orville and Wilbur had been Muslim, would they have intentionally blown themselves up at Kittyhawk?

Posted by: Brucella Jenner, my perineum is my cockpit at March 26, 2015 08:14 AM (XrHO0)

175 You'd have to be one cool bastard to breathe normally as you dove a plane into the ground.

Posted by: steevy at March 26, 2015 08:14 AM (KETbL)

176 167 28 ha? Was he former German Air Force?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:12 AM (rDqRv)

Just because it was 70 years ago, I don't think he was trying to recreate Operation Bodenplatte.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:14 AM (St6BJ)

None of these people know the first thing about Cruz.

They know everything Deceptive Editor Jon Stewart told them.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 08:14 AM (MMC8r)

178 Former German Air Force?


Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 08:15 AM (xq1UY)

179 Israel fears for safety of Yemen's remaining few Jews
With Saudi and allies striking Iranian-backed fighters, Israel and Jewish Agency increasingly frustrated by refusal of handful of Jews left in the country to leave.


Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:15 AM (rDqRv)

180 175 You'd have to be one cool bastard to breathe normally as you dove a plane into the ground.
Posted by: steevy at March 26, 2015 08:14 AM (KETbL)

Or bite down on an Adolf/Eva black capsule as you shoved the yoke forward.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:15 AM (St6BJ)

181 179 Israel fears for safety of Yemen's remaining few Jews
With Saudi and allies striking Iranian-backed fighters, Israel and Jewish Agency increasingly frustrated by refusal of handful of Jews left in the country to leave.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:15 AM (rDqRv)

They're finished if they do not leave (if they can) now. Say Kaddish.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:16 AM (St6BJ)

182 Say Kaddish.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:16 AM (St6BJ)

The way the world is going, I think I better bone up so I know it by heart

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:17 AM (rDqRv)

You'd have to be one cool bastard to breathe normally as you dove a plane into the ground.

Yeah, right?

It's so odd it makes speculation hard.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:17 AM (JtwS4)

184 I want to see a picture of this Lubitz fellow

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:17 AM (rDqRv)

'You can only hear the passenger's screams at the last minute'

To recap, Mr Brice said earlier that co-pilot Lubitz directed the plane into the ground 'voluntarily' but the passengers only realised what was happening "in the last moments".

"He took this action, for reasons we still don't know why," he said.

"We can only deduce he destroyed the plane. He voluntarily allowed the plane to lose altitude.

"I think the victims only realised at the last moment because on the recording you only hear the screams on the last moments."

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 08:18 AM (xQX/f)

186 Sitting in the Jury Pool waiting room. Bibles distributed among the seats. Old guy with thick Southertn accent says "I thought this was a Government Building, not a Church!". I told him that they haven't managed to ban that book, yet. He harrumphed and is now sitting a few chairs over.

Posted by: Lincolntf at March 26, 2015 08:18 AM (4PmlF)

187 @174 if Orville and Wilbur had been Muslim, would they have intentionally blown themselves up at Kittyhawk?

You might want to look up who Selfridge AFB was named for...

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 08:19 AM (xq1UY)

188 183
You'd have to be one cool bastard to breathe normally as you dove a plane into the ground.

Yeah, right?

It's so odd it makes speculation hard.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:17 AM (JtwS4)

Islam notwithstanding, if you want to kill yourself, just suck on the business end of a Walther. Don't take 150 others with you. If it was suicide - koran inspired or otherwise -I really hope his soul burns.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:19 AM (St6BJ)

'You can only hear the passenger's screams at the last minute'

Which shows it wasn't a remarkably sharp dive.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 08:19 AM (MMC8r)

190 Andreas Lubitz was 28-years-old.

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 08:19 AM (xQX/f)

191 Sitting in the Jury Pool waiting room. Bibles distributed among the seats. Old guy with thick Southertn accent says "I thought this was a Government Building, not a Church!". I told him that they haven't managed to ban that book, yet. He harrumphed and is now sitting a few chairs over.
Posted by: Lincolntf at March 26, 2015 08:18 AM (4PmlF)

You should have turned to him and said: " You all have something against the baby Jesus"?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:19 AM (rDqRv)

192 He was only 24, with barely 18 months since finishing Lufthansa training school, so I cant imagine he had much Air Force background.

The NYT article says the microphone picked up his calm breathing right up until the ground proximity alarm went off.

Posted by: MTF, vote for someone the GOP insiders hate! at March 26, 2015 08:19 AM (FCsIb)

I want to see a picture of this Lubitz fellow

Google him. Looks like a perfectly nice young Kraut professional.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:19 AM (JtwS4)

194 It's so odd it makes speculation hard.

The horde will not be deterred!....

copilot was German born 28 yo
only 630 hours on airbus
Normal breathing on tape during decent

Posted by: JDub (was BunkerintheBurbs) at March 26, 2015 08:19 AM (X3xYu)

195 The left is hoping and wishing that he is not a muslim convert.Whatever else he is they will say "see not just muslims do this".

Posted by: steevy at March 26, 2015 08:20 AM (KETbL)

196 183 It's so odd it makes speculation hard.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:17 AM (JtwS4)

Cyanide capsule as you shove the stick forward all the way.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:20 AM (St6BJ)

197 Greta VS:
"nothing to suggest terrorist attack" Fr prosecutor (BTWsingle person killing 149 is terrorism to me)

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 08:21 AM (9BRsg)

Which shows it wasn't a remarkably sharp dive.

It isn't. The Marseilles guy said 1,000 meters per second is not at all extreme.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:21 AM (JtwS4)

199 191 You should have turned to him and said: " You all have something against the baby Jesus"?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:19 AM (rDqRv)

I would have said "shut up, you heathen Joo-bastard!"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:21 AM (St6BJ)

200 Maybe, co pilot passed out? A stroke?

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 26, 2015 08:22 AM (iQIUe)

201 You should have turned to him and said: " You all have something against the baby Jesus"?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:19 AM (rDqRv)

I would have said "shut up, you heathen Joo-bastard!"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:21 AM (St6BJ)

That'l work also

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:22 AM (rDqRv)

202 Alternate theory:the world has gone insane.

Posted by: steevy at March 26, 2015 08:22 AM (KETbL)

203 195 The left is hoping and wishing that he is not a muslim convert.Whatever else he is they will say "see not just muslims do this".
Posted by: steevy at March 26, 2015 08:20 AM (KETbL)

If he is a convert, the meme will be "evil Christianity forced me to convert to Islam."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:22 AM (St6BJ)

204 Was he muzzie, yes or no?
Posted by: Answer the fucking question "

Global warmening is something we're sure of.

Guys suddenly embracing 72 raisins?



Posted by: anon a mouse at March 26, 2015 08:23 AM (KnbYp)

205 198 The Marseilles guy said 1,000 meters per second is not at all extreme

per second?

Posted by: MTF, vote for someone the GOP insiders hate! at March 26, 2015 08:23 AM (FCsIb)

206 Twisted story about that German pilot.

Obviously, if it will save the life of even one child we must immediately seize and destroy all airplanes.

Seriously, though, I'd really like to know this guy's religion. Given how slow they were to release his name I'm pretty suspicious.

Posted by: Blacksheep at March 26, 2015 08:23 AM (bS6uW)

207 196 183 It's so odd it makes speculation hard.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:17 AM (JtwS4)

Cyanide capsule as you shove the stick forward all the way.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:20 AM (St6BJ)

But he wouldn't still be breathing for eight minutes, would he?

Posted by: rickl at March 26, 2015 08:23 AM (sdi6R)

208 "This Administration seems to have a consummate skill to turn any situation into a dog's breakfast.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 26, 2015 06:31 AM (KJLsF)"

Hence the nickname Shit Midas.

Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 26, 2015 08:23 AM (KDbAT)

209 Insane?
Terminal disease?
Lousy love life?
Money problems?
Drug use?
Brain tumor?

Seems to me if you were doing it for Allah you'd be letting people know.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 08:23 AM (MMC8r)

210 It isn't. The Marseilles guy said 1,000 meters per second minute is not at all extreme.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:21 AM (JtwS4)

Er, 1,000 meters/second would be 1 mile every 1.6 seconds, or roughly 2,250 miles per hour.

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 08:24 AM (cL79m)

211 Per minute, not per second.

Posted by: rickl at March 26, 2015 08:24 AM (sdi6R)

212 The Marseilles guy said 1,000 meters per second is not at all extreme"

???? I sincerely hope that's a mistake. Otherwise, I'd like to see him dropped 3,300 fps...

Posted by: anon a mouse at March 26, 2015 08:24 AM (KnbYp)

213 Or it's like that M.Night Shama Lama movie where the plants made all the evil people commit suicide for destroying the planet.

Posted by: steevy at March 26, 2015 08:24 AM (KETbL)

214 he was seduced and then abandoned by Lily von Schtoop.

Also, 600 type hours in a heavy like a 320 is a significant amount. He was not a novice.

Posted by: Some Dude at March 26, 2015 08:25 AM (UWSPb)

215 1000 meters per second is more than 2000 mph, no? It's early for math but I think that's right.

Posted by: Blacksheep at March 26, 2015 08:25 AM (bS6uW)

216 Well wait till they serach his house and email and finances and love life.

Maybe he wanted to become Ingrid Lubitz and Lufthansa will not pay?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:25 AM (rDqRv)

217 Yeah, I had a friend start with the Ted Cruz snark on Facebook already. One of the comments on his post was "I was listening to the radio on a road trip and could only get AM stations. Rush Limbaugh was interviewing someone, and I thought wow, this guy is sounds reasonable and found myself agreeing with him. Limbaugh then thanked Ted Cruz for his time. I felt like scrubbing my brain with Brasso." Okay, then.

Posted by: no good deed at March 26, 2015 08:26 AM (ZKGnj)

218 Er, 1,000 meters/second would be 1 mile every 1.6 seconds, or roughly 2,250 miles per hour.


There is no maths on this here blog.

Posted by: anon a mouse at March 26, 2015 08:26 AM (KnbYp)

219 Israel fears for safety of Yemen's remaining few Jews
With Saudi and allies striking Iranian-backed fighters, Israel and Jewish Agency increasingly frustrated by refusal of handful of Jews left in the country to leave.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:15 AM (rDqRv)

President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi fled Yemen by sea.

Might be the only way out.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 08:26 AM (IXrOn)

220 Drudge has added a third headline, but the links still don't back up what the headlines claim. As someone said above, he needs to find updated links if that's what the authorities are really saying.

Posted by: rickl at March 26, 2015 08:26 AM (sdi6R)

221 Ahem.

There is no maths on this here blog.

Posted by: anon a mouse at March 26, 2015 08:26 AM (KnbYp)

That's what they told you. Fortunately, you're given the answers.

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 08:27 AM (cL79m)

222 The media so routinely lies and distorts things that they make it difficult to believe it was not another instance of Islamic terrorism. They are undermining their own cause.

Posted by: Brucella Jenner at March 26, 2015 08:27 AM (XrHO0)

223 Its not suicide when you fly a passenger plane into a mountain intentionally. Its a mass murder, and the specialty of a certain religion.

Posted by: The Prophet at March 26, 2015 08:27 AM (hKyl0)

224 >>Maybe, co pilot passed out? A stroke?

No. There's an override mechanism from the outside that the pilot could have used to get into the cockpit. The only way for the co-pilot to keep the pilot out was an interior mechanism that required him to be conscious.

Posted by: Y-not at March 26, 2015 08:27 AM (9BRsg)

225 217 Posted by: no good deed at March 26, 2015 08:26 AM (ZKGnj)

And you are on Facebook, WHY?!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:27 AM (St6BJ)

226 Well this is an interesting article from Sept. '13.

FAA recognizes Andreas Guenter Lubitz
Rheinland Pfalz-based pilot sets positive example

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is recognizing Andreas
Guenter Lubitz with inclusion in the prestigious FAA Airmen
Certification Database.

The database, which appears on the agency's website at,
names Lubitz and other certified pilots who have met or exceeded the
high educational, licensing and medical standards established by the

Pilot certification standards have evolved over time in an attempt to
reduce pilot errors that lead to fatal crashes. FAA standards, which
are set in consultation with the aviation industry and the public, are
among the highest in the world.

Transportation safety experts strongly recommend against flying with
an uncertified pilot. FAA pilot certification can be the difference
between a safe flight and one that ends in tragedy.


Posted by: Tami at March 26, 2015 08:27 AM (v0/PR)

227 "I was listening to the radio on a road trip and could only get AM
stations. Rush Limbaugh was interviewing someone, and I thought wow,
this guy is sounds reasonable and found myself agreeing with him.
Limbaugh then thanked Ted Cruz for his time. I felt like scrubbing my
brain with Brasso." Okay, then.

IE, don't trouble me with reality.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 08:27 AM (MMC8r)

228 "Meters per second." Have we fully investigated the possibility (after initial reports of the crash scene altitude were of by a factor of 39 and 3/8 inches) that this was all just a metric-to-English computation error? After all, it can happen in the best of Jet Propulsion Labs...

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 08:27 AM (xq1UY)

229 I felt like scrubbing my brain with Brasso." Okay, then.
Posted by: no good deed at March 26, 2015 08:26 AM (ZKGnj)

already brainwashed

no reason
no rational thought
no common sense


Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 08:28 AM (IXrOn)

230 he was seduced and then abandoned by Lily von Schtoop.

Fifteen is my limit on schnitzengruben....

Posted by: anon a mouse at March 26, 2015 08:28 AM (KnbYp)

231 It's a case of Sudden Kamikaze Syndrome. It's unknown whether it's the

Islamokazi strain.

Pure poetry.

Submit to the AoSHQ Style Guide for inclusion?

Posted by: rickb223 at March 26, 2015 08:28 AM (JaIUI)

232 If it was Sudden Jihad Syndrome, why not fly the plane into a populated area?

Posted by: @votermom at March 26, 2015 08:28 AM (cbfNE)

233 article from 2013 on co-pilot getting FAA cert

Posted by: Baldy at March 26, 2015 08:28 AM (sEXjW)

I think we need to go back to 3 people manning the plane - 2 in the cockpit at all times.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:29 AM (St6BJ)

235 CBS quotes Capt. Sullenberger as saying the US requires two air crew in the cockpit at all times, but Europe does not. If the pilot steps out to the can here, a stewardess steps in.

Posted by: MTF, vote for someone the GOP insiders hate! at March 26, 2015 08:29 AM (FCsIb)

236 Do we have enough tactical nukes left to bring Fascist Italy to justice?

Posted by: Boss Moss at March 26, 2015 08:29 AM (b4JMJ)

237 "Meters per second." Have we fully investigated the possibility (after initial reports of the crash scene altitude were of by a factor of 39 and 3/8 inches) that this was all just a metric-to-English computation error? After all, it can happen in the best of Jet Propulsion Labs...

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 08:27 AM (xq1UY)


Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 08:29 AM (cL79m)

238 Sorry Tami everyone for posting what Tami just did (FAA copilot article), I need to refresh more

Posted by: Baldy at March 26, 2015 08:30 AM (sEXjW)

239 Seems to me if you were doing it for Allah you'd be letting people know.

Yep. Where are the proud announcements and celebrations?

Posted by: t-bird at March 26, 2015 08:30 AM (FcR7P)

Lubitz 'showed no signs of depression last year'

Mr Robin named the co-pilot as Andreas Lubitz. In the German town of Montabaur, acquaintances said he was in his late 20s and showed no signs of depression when they saw him last autumn.

"He was happy he had the job with Germanwings and he was doing well," said a member of a glider club, Peter Ruecker, who watched him learn to fly. "He gave off a good feeling."

Lubitz had obtained his glider pilot's license as a teenager and was accepted as a Lufthansa pilot trainee after finishing a tough German college preparatory school, Mr Ruecker said.

He described Lubitz as a "rather quiet" but friendly young man.

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 08:30 AM (xQX/f)

241 After all, it can happen in the best of Jet Propulsion Labs... "

Hey, that was a coverup - I know, I saw it in a movie once!

Posted by: anon a mouse at March 26, 2015 08:30 AM (KnbYp)

242 Insane?
Terminal disease?
Lousy love life?
Money problems?
Drug use?
Brain tumor?

Seems to me if you were doing it for Allah you'd be letting people know.
Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 08:23 AM (MMC8r)

If it isn't terrorism, my bets are ... girlfriend/boyfriend.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 08:31 AM (IXrOn)

243 Pure poetry.

Submit to the AoSHQ Style Guide for inclusion?

Posted by: rickb223 at March 26, 2015 08:28 AM (JaIUI)

Cool - my first Style Guide entry (if it happens, that is).

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 08:31 AM (cL79m)

244 "Or bite down on an Adolf/Eva black capsule as you shoved the yoke forward. "

Shouldn't be sounds of breathing if he did that.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 26, 2015 08:31 AM (F1jFR)

245 It just as easily could have been an A380 with 600 people on it.

Spider sense says this was an Ackbar Event, Level 3.

Posted by: eman at March 26, 2015 08:31 AM (MQEz6)

246 Fahrvergnügen?

Posted by: Boss Moss at March 26, 2015 08:31 AM (b4JMJ)

247 186 Sitting in the Jury Pool waiting room. Bibles distributed among the seats. Old guy with thick Southertn accent says "I thought this was a Government Building, not a Church!". I told him that they haven't managed to ban that book, yet. He harrumphed and is now sitting a few chairs over.


I really liked your answer!

Posted by: Chilling the most at March 26, 2015 08:31 AM (zW5rQ)

Er, 1,000 meters/second would be 1 mile every 1.6 seconds, or roughly 2,250 miles per hour.

I'm quoting from a Krautish live blog.

"Tausend Meter pro Sekunde sind kein extremer Sinkflug", sagt der Staatsanwalt.

They may have misreported. If it's +/- 10,000 meters over ten minutes, that's 1,000 meters per minute.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:31 AM (JtwS4)

249 And you are on Facebook, WHY?!

It's a great way to keep up with my friends and family what with all of the moving we do. I mostly just hide the annoyances, but I also consider that stuff "opposition research."

Posted by: no good deed at March 26, 2015 08:31 AM (ZKGnj)

250 This is very likely what happened to the missing Malaysia plane too, He crashed the plane in the sea because he didn't want anyone to know he was responsible.

It just seems crazy to me that there isn't a way for the door to be opened if one of the pilots is locked out.

Posted by: Jon (not the troll) at March 26, 2015 08:31 AM (HA+/6)

251 Cruz had done things.What did obama do? He got offered some cushy job in a firm that he didnt deserve, got offered a one class teaching position, elected to a state senate where he did nothing. Cruz was AG in Texas. That's a big position.

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 26, 2015 08:31 AM (iQIUe)

252 No worries Baldy....I did it earlier on something artisanal 'ette had already posted.

Posted by: Tami at March 26, 2015 08:31 AM (v0/PR)

253 He described Lubitz as a "rather quiet" but friendly young man.

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 08:30 AM (xQX/f)

You always have to worry about the quiet ones.

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 08:32 AM (cL79m)

254 240 He described Lubitz as a "rather quiet" but friendly young man.
Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 08:30 AM (xQX/f)

Substitute Lubitz for any NSDAP member or Trench Coat Mafia-type.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:32 AM (St6BJ)

255 234
I think we need to go back to 3 people manning the plane - 2 in the cockpit at all times.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:29 AM (St6BJ)

Sounds reasonable. As since they've decided they don't need a flight engineer anymore, make the 3rd one an armed guard?

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at March 26, 2015 08:32 AM (J+mig)

256 I felt like scrubbing my brain with Brasso." Okay, then.
Posted by: no good deed

Send your friend a bottle of Brasso, a wire brush, and a note saying,
"You don't have a hair on your ass if you don't ".

Posted by: rickb223 at March 26, 2015 08:32 AM (JaIUI)

257 246 Fahrvergnugen?
Posted by: Boss Moss at March 26, 2015 08:31 AM (b4JMJ)


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:33 AM (St6BJ)

258 They may have misreported. If it's +/- 10,000 meters over ten minutes, that's 1,000 meters per minute.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:31 AM (JtwS4)

Chalk it up to Presstitute Follies, German Edition.

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 08:33 AM (cL79m)

259 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:16 AM (St6BJ)

Israel will get them out if they want to go.....It's a point of tremendous pride.

But they have to want to leave. If they stay they will be massacred. Of course they have lived in Yemen for possibly 2,000 years. I can imagine why they might be hesitant.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 26, 2015 08:33 AM (Zu3d9)

260 If the pilot steps out to the can here, a stewardess steps in.

Posted by: MTF, vote for someone the GOP insiders hate! at March 26, 2015 08:29 AM (FCsIb)

rules my ass, that's for a quick BJ

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:34 AM (rDqRv)

261 240 He described Lubitz as a "rather quiet" but friendly young man.

These kind of quotes always make me think of the SNL "Assassination of Buckwheat" sketch.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 08:35 AM (MMC8r)

262 Sounds reasonable. As since they've decided they don't need a flight engineer anymore, make the 3rd one an armed guard?

Plane re-design with a head in the cockpit. No resaon to leave.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 26, 2015 08:35 AM (JaIUI)

263 But they have to want to leave. If they stay they will be massacred. Of course they have lived in Yemen for possibly 2,000 years. I can imagine why they might be hesitant.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 26, 2015 08:33 AM (Zu3d9)

There's a time when it's time to give up on ancestral homelands, and they're long past it. I guess I'm the other extreme, my family's greatest and most documented talent is leaving failed states as they were failing. We ended up here early in the country's history, naturally.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at March 26, 2015 08:35 AM (J+mig)

264 CBS quotes Capt. Sullenberger as saying the US requires two air crew in the cockpit at all times, but Europe does not.

These planes can take off and land without humans.

Reminds me of old joke about 'the factory of the future. It will have machines, one dog, and one man.

The mans job is to feed the dog, the dogs job is to make sure the man doesn't touch anything.

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 08:35 AM (xQX/f)

265 259 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 26, 2015 08:33 AM (Zu3d9)

Agreed. Sadly this was the rationale with many German Jews pre-1939. But 2,000 years of heritage is a tough nut, despite direct evidence of impending doom.

Get 'em out and let them be sad, but free. And alive.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:35 AM (St6BJ)

266 264 CBS quotes Capt. Sullenberger as saying the US requires two air crew in the cockpit at all times, but Europe does not.

These planes can take off and land without humans.

Reminds me of old joke about 'the factory of the future. It will have machines, one dog, and one man.

The mans job is to feed the dog, the dogs job is to make sure the man doesn't touch anything.
Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 08:35 AM (xQX/f)

The problem is they need humans to crash them.

Doing the jobs robots and dogs won't do.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:37 AM (St6BJ)

267 Prosecutor says he does not believe disaster was terrorism or suicide


Posted by: Bruce J. at March 26, 2015 08:37 AM (iQIUe)

268 I can't believe Matt Drudge is already up.

Posted by: Boss Moss at March 26, 2015 08:37 AM (b4JMJ)

269 Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at March 26, 2015 08:35 AM (J+mig) me...I agree with you 100%.

But I do understand what they must be thinking.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 26, 2015 08:37 AM (Zu3d9)

270 Get 'em out and let them be sad, but free. And alive.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:35 AM (St6BJ)

You can always go back later if there's anything worth going back to. There usually isn't.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at March 26, 2015 08:37 AM (J+mig)

271 Agreed. Sadly this was the rationale with many German Jews pre-1939. But 2,000 years of heritage is a tough nut, despite direct evidence of impending doom.

Get 'em out and let them be sad, but free. And alive.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:35 AM (St6BJ)

yeah but the mimd set in these very old Jewish Communities in Arab Countries is very different. I am sure "Most" of the Jews in Yemen are older. I would bet most of the young Jews have left. It is very sad

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:37 AM (rDqRv)

272 To recap, prosecutor Brice Robin said earlier that Air Traffic Control in Marseille asked the Germanwings Airbus for a distress signal but there was no response.

"So the plane becomes a priority for a forced landing," he said.

"Control asks other planes to contact this Airbus and no answer is forthcoming.

"There are alarm systems which indicate to all those on board the proximity of the ground.

"Then we hear noises of someone trying to break into the door. The door is reinforced according to international standards."

Mr Robin went on: "Just before final impact we hear the sound of a first impact. It’s believed that the plane may have hit something before the final impact. There is no distress signal or Mayday signal. No answer was received despite numerous calls from the tower."

Referring to Lubitz, Mr Robin said: "He did this for a reason which we don’t know why, but we can only deduct that he destroyed this plane.

"We have asked for information from the German investigation on both his profession and personal background."

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 08:37 AM (xQX/f)

273 Religions: He's a native of Rhineland/Palatinate. Youse may roll out all your bad Lutheran and Amish jokes. More Catholics than anything else. Less than 3% Musselmen. Used to be Jews there, too, back in the day.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 08:38 AM (xq1UY)

274 Only positive out of this crash is that we know that the cabin doors work in preventing unwanted entry.

Posted by: Ted Cruz at March 26, 2015 08:38 AM (e8nnW)

275 Get 'em out and let them be sad, but free. And alive.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:35 AM (St6BJ)

And Israel will welcome them. They will be happy within a few months.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 26, 2015 08:38 AM (Zu3d9)

276 Put a pilots potty in the cockpit.

Posted by: Boss Moss at March 26, 2015 08:38 AM (b4JMJ)

277 On first glance it would "appear" that this suicide by pilot has nothing to do with Islam, but time will tell.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:39 AM (rDqRv)

278 Anybody notice if Burgdahl has learned how to speak english again?

Gotta sort of suck trying to communicate with his defense attorney otherwise.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 26, 2015 08:39 AM (F1jFR)

279 The hills are alive with the sound of music.

Posted by: Boss Moss at March 26, 2015 08:40 AM (b4JMJ)

280 Agreed. Sadly this was the rationale with many German Jews pre-1939. But 2,000 years of heritage is a tough nut, despite direct evidence of impending doom.

Would you rather be right, or dead right?

I can live with just being right sometimes.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 26, 2015 08:40 AM (JaIUI)

281 It is very sad

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:37 AM (rDqRv)


Israel is good at this....maybe it will work out well.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 26, 2015 08:40 AM (Zu3d9)

282 I think Vic is confusing SEIU with AFSCME

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at March 26, 2015 08:41 AM (V70Uh)

283 Anybody notice if Burgdahl has learned how to speak english again?

Gotta sort of suck trying to communicate with his defense attorney otherwise.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 26, 2015 08:39 AM (F1jFR)

If he has a Club Gitmo attorney, it wouldn't be a problem.

Posted by: steveegg at March 26, 2015 08:41 AM (cL79m)

284 @260
"Don't forget the coffee, dear..."
Just The Punchline.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 08:41 AM (xq1UY)

285 If it wasnt suicide and not terrorism, what was it? A medical emergency??

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 26, 2015 08:41 AM (iQIUe)

286 285 Workplace violence.

Posted by: Boss Moss at March 26, 2015 08:41 AM (b4JMJ)

287 Put a pilots potty in the cockpit.

A urinal would be simple, but sexist.

The bigger problem is doubt over the trust you can place in your flight crews.

Local radio guy is interviewing Marie Harf's father (he's local).

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 08:42 AM (MMC8r)

288 @247 No. But they have banned the Ten Commandments.

Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at March 26, 2015 08:42 AM (tjj0w)

289 Hmm, with a name like that, it makes the muslim angle less likely. I wonder if we'll ever be able to figure out the motivation. That would be pretty damn unsettling.

Posted by: Landofskybluewater at March 26, 2015 08:42 AM (JoIcn)

290 "If it wasnt suicide and not terrorism, what was it? A medical emergency??"

GlowBull Worming...wingnutz.

And denying it makes the Anglican baby Jesus cry.


Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 26, 2015 08:43 AM (F1jFR)

You know, I really like this idea.

Posted by: maddogg at March 26, 2015 08:43 AM (xWW96)

292 Speaking of bergdahl, they are NOT going to be confining him pre-trail? What the fuck. Is anyone going to be watching him?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:43 AM (rDqRv)

293 270 You can always go back later if there's anything worth going back to. There usually isn't.
Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at March 26, 2015 08:37 AM (J+mig)

The few Polish Jews who somehow escaped the ovens and Einsatzgruppen came back to a pogrom that killed several hundred in '45-'46.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:43 AM (St6BJ)

294 I felt like scrubbing my brain with Brasso." Okay, then.
Posted by: no good deed

Send your friend a bottle of Brasso, a wire brush, and a note saying,
"You don't have a hair on your ass if you don't ".

And send him a sawmax so he can cut a hole in his skull to get to his brain

Posted by: Cicero Skip at March 26, 2015 08:43 AM (FIrEF)

295 nice looking 28 year old airline pilot? He could bang ten chicks a day and 20 on Sunday.

much more likely he was a faggot. German homos are notorious for killing and occasionally eating each other.

Posted by: Some Dude at March 26, 2015 08:44 AM (UWSPb)

296 I could use some prays. My 78 year old mother had a major stoke last night and the family is being called in. I'm about to hit the road back to Buffalo to be with her.

Posted by: wrg500 at March 26, 2015 08:44 AM (C278+)

297 German homos are notorious for killing and occasionally eating each other.
Posted by: Some Dude at March 26, 2015 08:44 AM (UWSPb)

And we know that how?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:44 AM (rDqRv)

298 NRC regulations require two people in the Control Room at all times when the plant is operating at power. A minimum of one licensed operator and one senior licensed operator.

Sounds like the same is needed here.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 08:44 AM (wlDny)

299 But impeachment is "off the table".
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 06:35 AM (wlDny)

What pisses me off about this is that the mlilitary, (re Pentagon), is supposed to be non-political, but Obama has the military so cowed through purges, that they are just another political arm of Obama and the left now, just like the State Dept. or the EPA or any number of other "independent" departments of the government.

The danger of this to the constitution is enormous.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at March 26, 2015 08:45 AM (BZAd3)

300 "I could use some prays."

Travel safe

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 26, 2015 08:45 AM (F1jFR)

301 I could use some prays. My 78 year old mother had a major stoke last night and the family is being called in. I'm about to hit the road back to Buffalo to be with her.
Posted by: wrg500 at March 26, 2015 08:44 AM (C278+)

My thoughts are with you for your Mother and because yu have to go to Buffalo

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:45 AM (rDqRv)

302 294 And send him a sawmax so he can cut a hole in his skull to get to his brain
Posted by: Cicero Skip at March 26, 2015 08:43 AM (FIrEF)

When the Russkies banned alcohol sales before noon (even if you could afford it), kids would shave a spot at the top of their skull and put ammonia and bleach on it. Seeped right in.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:45 AM (St6BJ)

And we know that how?

Stormfront Style Guide?

Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:46 AM (JtwS4)

304 I wonder if we'll ever be able to figure out the motivation."

Yeah, the stacked prayer rugs and red crescent in his apartment will be dismissed as "no particular evidence" or something...

So it'll be unlikely that anyone will ever be certain.

Posted by: anon a mouse at March 26, 2015 08:46 AM (KnbYp)

305 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:43 AM (St6BJ)

Didn't know about that, and yeah. Not every seeming improvement is an actual improvement, either. Probably just better off staying somewhere safe, if you find a safe place. I'm not sure there will be any when the US goes down, though. I hope my instincts are wrong and the country outlives me. Lately, they're screaming at me.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at March 26, 2015 08:46 AM (J+mig)

306 NRC regulations require two people in the Control Room at all times when the plant is operating at power. A minimum of one licensed operator and one senior licensed operator.

Sounds like the same is needed here.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 26, 2015 08:44 AM (wlDny)

2 man rule around all Nuclear Weapons and their deliver systems also

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:46 AM (rDqRv)

307 Plane re-design with a head in the cockpit. No resaon to leave.
Posted by: rickb223 at March 26, 2015 08:35 AM (JaIUI)

other than the smell

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 08:47 AM (IXrOn)

308 So sorry wrg. Prayers up.

Posted by: Y-not on the phone at March 26, 2015 08:48 AM (9BRsg)

And we know that how?

Other than the recent case of a similar nature, I don't know that there's a trend.

Or maybe it's just trollin'.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 26, 2015 08:48 AM (MMC8r)

310 Prayers for your mom,wrg500, and for you.

Posted by: @votermom at March 26, 2015 08:48 AM (cbfNE)

311 The Skynet Defense System can fly military and civilian aircraft with a perfect operational record.

Posted by: eman at March 26, 2015 08:49 AM (MQEz6)

312 >>Plane re-design with a head in the cockpit. No reason to leave.

That would make the Mexico City route very unpopular.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at March 26, 2015 08:50 AM (PtTYB)


Ich habe Hunger. Ich mochte einen Hobo essen.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 26, 2015 08:51 AM (St6BJ)

314 On large Jumbo Jets- do the Pilots have their own Heads?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:51 AM (rDqRv)

315 He was losing his hair at 28.
And I bet Airbus is breathing a lot easier this AM

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:52 AM (rDqRv)

So I'm reading a Krautish chat board and someone said that Lubitz was living with his parents.

No cite, so even less reliable than an unsubstantiated statement in the Horde. But I'm a sharer.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 26, 2015 08:52 AM (JtwS4)

317 Recent average, one deliberate auguring-in per year. A hundred or two dead, just on average. Still safer than commuting to Stamford by train. Average.

Price of adding a third person to cabin crew? Why, it would raise ticket prices. You'll never get this through the Chamber of Commerce Congress.

It would be a dagger to the heart of the whole discount airline industry!

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 08:53 AM (xq1UY)

318 Illegal DC Reprehensive moonbat spent 30 minutes trying to park her car while scraping and banging the car next to her in DC. And it wasn't even parallel parking!

I call that "Obama parking".

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 26, 2015 08:53 AM (MvnKL)

319 Did this get mentioned around here?

Exhuming Pearl Harbor Dead?
William Cole,

The Pentagon is considering ordering the exhumation of nearly 400 sailors and Marines who died on the battleship USS Oklahoma on Dec. 7, 1941, and were buried as "unknowns" at Punchbowl cemetery, so they can be identified and returned to families.

Those exhumations could be followed by the disinterment of unknowns killed on the battleships California and West Virginia, and other World War II losses, as the U.S. military tries to increase its annual identification of Americans missing from past wars

Posted by: mindful webworker - 2 for the show at March 26, 2015 08:53 AM (sLVyZ)

320 Sorry to hear, wrg. Thoughts out.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 26, 2015 08:54 AM (I8yfx)

321 The last flight I was on, I saw the cockpit door open and one of the pilots went to the bathroom. One of the flight attendants stood in the open door way of the cockpit, facing the rear of the plane until the pilot came out of the bathroom.

Posted by: Cicero Skip at March 26, 2015 08:54 AM (FIrEF)

322 Press conference over.

Now the press has to dig. Or maybe they won't and
chalk it up to 'right wing' without any proof.

Anyway it's homicide and suicide. By jumbo jet. Again.

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 26, 2015 08:54 AM (xQX/f)

323 Hashemites next door appear to have risen above the old stereotypes.

Somewhat, they actually understand its value and budget for it. They still rely too much on foreign help, but that pays my bills. They are actually too small to support the real tail needed - tech schools, industrial base, etc.

Posted by: Jean at March 26, 2015 08:55 AM (ztOda)

324 Illegal DC Reprehensive moonbat spent 30 minutes trying to park her car while scraping and banging the car next to her in DC. And it wasn't even parallel parking!
I call that "Obama parking".

"Women drivers".

Posted by: rickb223 at March 26, 2015 08:55 AM (JaIUI)

325 Dump up.

Posted by: HH at March 26, 2015 08:55 AM (Ce4DF)

326 Saudi Led forces strike rebel bases in Yemen as Iran warns of dangerous step

Hum? Iran objects? I guess that is as good as coming from the White House also

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:55 AM (rDqRv)

327 314 On large Jumbo Jets- do the Pilots have their own Heads?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:51 AM (rDqRv)


Morning horde.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at March 26, 2015 08:55 AM (fWAjv)

328 Planes need to beam out cockpit data in real-time by satellite. Black-box tech should be back-up.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at March 26, 2015 08:56 AM (ZPrif)

329 You know, I really like this idea.

Cool except you can't drive to Hawaii.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 26, 2015 08:57 AM (fAyOF)

330 Most people I know named Ford have a tendency to own Fords. Just, a thing. In a nearby town, leading citizen named Adler went to great lengths to obtain an impossibly rare Adler car. The football player Andy Studebaker? He owns one.

I am trying hard to picture Eleanor Holmes on a Manx or an Atlas. Also trying to work the legals on how to require this, constitutionally. They are easy to park.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 08:59 AM (xq1UY)

331 other than the smell

Just crack a window.

Posted by: t-bird at March 26, 2015 08:59 AM (FcR7P)

332 Two man rule is in place for US airlines, not Euros.

I still think there is a market space for a high security, El Al type, airline. Pay more, get more.

Posted by: Jean at March 26, 2015 09:00 AM (ztOda)

333 If there's one skill that Obama and the democrats have that is effective in its destructive capability it would be dividing people and pitting them against one another. Alinsky's methods arent restricted to borders. The democrats are engineering a nice balls out war between two rival religious sects, Shia and Sunni. Everything they've done including serving up a "dirty" ambassador to clean up loose ends has been designed to result in what we are witnessing today. Remember what Michael said in the Godfather, sure Omalley or what ever his name is a police captain. But he's a dirty police captain and that makes him fair game for elimination.

Unless Walker shows he can continue the strategy, HRC will be President because she knows all the family secrets.

Posted by: Anthropology Guy at March 26, 2015 09:00 AM (09RTR)

334 their own Heads?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 26, 2015 08:51 AM (rDqRv)

Some 747 do.

Posted by: Jean at March 26, 2015 09:01 AM (ztOda)

335 @331 Anyone who has spent much time with pilots knows they would never consider this a problem. They don't believe theirs stinks. And Aviators, OMG.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 26, 2015 09:02 AM (xq1UY)

336 wrg500

Prayers sent for your Mom and your family.

Posted by: FCF at March 26, 2015 09:04 AM (kejii)

337 The link to that cockpit door post mentions that there is a security code that the crew OUTSIDE the cockpit can use to gain entry through a locked cockpit door.

The person INSIDE the cockpit, however, can override that security code and keep the door locked. BUT, he has to be cocnscious and actively override the code.

Bottom line is, you can design this stuff to the nth degree, but fuckups will always go to the nth + 1 degree.

Posted by: Tex Lovera at March 26, 2015 09:05 AM (wtvvX)

338 [quote]Jen "Big Tits" Psaki says yes, the trade for traitor Bergdahl was "worth it". It is amazing how these Obamanite stooges can lie straight to your face in a completely outrageous manner. They truly have signed onto the Joe Stalin big lie theory.[/quote]

If I was advising Obama, knowing the press will blindly accept any ludicrous thing he says, I'd pitch this angle:

"Hey, after all, we offered to trade John Andre for Benedict Arnold [so we could hang him]. So, hey, Obama is just like George Washington, except that Obama succeeded in making the trade."

See, Obama just wanted Bergdahl so he could see him face justice.

Posted by: Kid in Megadeth at March 26, 2015 09:13 AM (OGNIf)

339 "Saudi bombed Yemen. Jordan bombed Syria. Egypt bombed Libya. Iran pulling strings in Iraq.

Looks like we have entered an Islamic World War.

David Rothkopf

US provides air support for Iran in Iraq, supports Saudi against
Iran in Yemen, negotiates nuke deal w/them while fighting cyber war

Look at it this way: our Mideast policy is balanced because it is
random and apparently unguided by any strategy, history or ties.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 26, 2015 07:19 AM (IXrOn)"

Well, this actually has the germ of a coherent policy. In an Islamic world war, we should support bot sides in order to prolong the war as long as possible and try to encourage as many casualties on both sides as can be inflicted.

I am reminded of Henry Kissinger who when asked what we should hope for when the Iran-Iraq war broke out in the early 1980s replied, "A long bloody war with many casualties that ends in a stalemate."

Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 26, 2015 09:43 AM (KDbAT)

340 X gets the square!

Posted by: cthulhu at March 26, 2015 10:40 AM (T1005)

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