aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Early Morning Thread 3/22/15 - Gee Wally, This game sure is fun edition. [krakatoa]Stayed up all night long playing a solo version of pin the tail on the donkey. Which is as good a reason as any for why my ass hurts so much. Feel free to come up with some of your own, but try to remember you email your mothers with those fingers.Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Posted by: JTB at March 22, 2015 06:04 AM (FvdPb) 2
Wow! That's never happened before.
Posted by: JTB at March 22, 2015 06:04 AM (FvdPb) 3
Morning! Morons and all the ships at sea
Posted by: Gouverneur Morris at March 22, 2015 06:05 AM (PHxng) 4
No more all-nighters since I don't imbibe the mass quantities of coffee needed to stir my bulk. Figure I did enough of them over the last 60 years to cover the quota in old age. Besides, I have to be compos mentis (to a degree) for the book thread in a few hours.
But good mornin' to all the other early risers in the Horde. Posted by: JTB at March 22, 2015 06:17 AM (FvdPb) 5
Wow! The Blog is open early on a Sunday morning.
What's the weather look like? Posted by: Amos Quillpen at March 22, 2015 06:17 AM (BsD0c) 6
I stayed up all night answering questions from people who should have known the answers to their questions.
Refusing to read the rules means that I have to re-supply the rules. ...such is Life. Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at March 22, 2015 06:19 AM (16bOT) 7
If you have any Fantasy Baseball questions? Ask them now, while I am still in that "mode". won't last more than another half-hour. Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at March 22, 2015 06:20 AM (16bOT) 8
Nine Degrees.
So everyone's mood improved? Mine has not. Still in the burn it down and bulldoze the rubble into the sea frame of mind. Posted by: Amos Quillpen at March 22, 2015 06:21 AM (BsD0c) 9
Crap. Rain and more rain. Looks like I'm not going to get to race around a parking lot today.
Posted by: freaked at March 22, 2015 06:22 AM (JdEZJ) 10
Ok, news.
Minutes ago, Ted Cruz announced that he is going to run for President. (Bing Political News, citing some TV station.) Posted by: Amos Quillpen at March 22, 2015 06:25 AM (BsD0c) 11
Nice early spring weather, which means temps above single digits. But the percolator is bubbling, I'm reading about fly fishing, and carefully avoiding the black pit of rage politics brings on.
Posted by: JTB at March 22, 2015 06:26 AM (FvdPb) 12
Fantasy Baseball? Ya, I fantasize that I'm sixteen years old again and in good health, but I want to know at sixteen what I now know when much, much older.
Posted by: Amos Quillpen at March 22, 2015 06:31 AM (BsD0c) Posted by: sock_rat_eez at March 22, 2015 06:32 AM (go6ud) 14
Want to partially "spoil" the beautiful Springtime that is baseball?
...become a Commissioner of more than one Fantasy League. As someone once called golf; "A Good Walk, Spoiled", so goes the Commissionership of multitudes of argumentative stat-heads and juvenile competitors. Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at March 22, 2015 06:35 AM (16bOT) 15
Fantasy baseball question (I have never tried it but love the game). How much does spring training performance impact your opinions on veteran players? Example : Verlander pitching
Posted by: Gouverneur Morris at March 22, 2015 06:37 AM (PHxng) 16
CB, that someone was Mark Twain.
Posted by: Dave, 8 miles high at March 22, 2015 06:38 AM (CgrKm) 17
Wait, gotta change nic.
Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at March 22, 2015 06:39 AM (CgrKm) 18
BTW... since this isn't a "baseball thread", feel free to disparage the sport in the form that has become a "Nip-Sip" tradition.
You've got another ten minutes. I'm just tired. Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at March 22, 2015 06:39 AM (16bOT) 19
Bing Entertainment news.. Ok, not seeing any cleavage issues right off the top.
Bing Business news. GM invests big in Carbon Offsets. NYTimes doesn't see the Early Easter spending season to help the economy much after a brutal winter. Not many people buying hats, apparently. Chicago Tribune - - How liberals block affordable housing. Ok, forget it. It's the Tribune The UK is going to send 5 Billion in arms to countries that are on the list of human rights violators. Makes sense. If anyone needs weapons it would be those countries. LATimes -- China's communal farms being taken over by big agribusiness. That's a surprise. Posted by: Amos Quillpen at March 22, 2015 06:41 AM (BsD0c) 20
"CB, that someone was Mark Twain."
-Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at March 22, 2015 06:39 AM (CgrKm) Thanks! My attributes are often lacking. The guy was brilliant for a multitude of reasons. Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at March 22, 2015 06:42 AM (16bOT) 21
Good Morning Morons; I see Krak posted the morning thread about the same time I got up this morning. Which leads me to beg forgiveness. No gloomy news this morning because slept too late. I will give the this day thingy.
On this day in 1630 The Massachusetts Bay Colony outlawed the possession of cards, dice, and gaming tables. This making an early showing of what fascist liberals will do and MA long term stuff. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 22, 2015 06:47 AM (wlDny) 22
"On this day in 1630 The Massachusetts Bay Colony outlawed the possession of cards, dice, and gaming tables."
That is interesting. I didn't know that they had cards, dice and gaming tables or that anyone played those games for money. Makes sense, though. England did, and here is a perfect example of people emigrating from a place they didn't like and recreating the very thing they didn't like in the place they moved to. They didn't outlaw brothels, unless that was on a different day. Odd, what? Posted by: Amos Quillpen at March 22, 2015 06:51 AM (BsD0c) 23
The dog woke me up on a Sunday. How come krakatoa and everyone else?
Posted by: Smilin' Jack at March 22, 2015 06:52 AM (p59v3) 24
Morning weather here 57F and overcast. It was beautiful yesterday which is what led to rocking chair and sleeping late. Supposed to rain all day today so no porch today.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 22, 2015 06:52 AM (wlDny) 25
DAY 865 598 to go (671 to Inauguration Day 2017) Muzzies, Marxists, Maoists, Mau-Maus, MFM's, Moochelle, Mao-suits, McCain's, McConnell's, machiavellian Mississippi mudslingers, McAuliffe's, Maduro's, MIRV's, Mexifornians, menacing Mozillan 'mo's, Mugwumps, Monrovian microbes, mutants, malcontents, malthusians, maniacs, malignant medical mandates, martial law, miscreants, microagressors, minions, maladjusted masochistic multiculturalists, momzers, mamalukes, mooks, mopes, mariuoli, meeskeits, maricons, marauders, malodorous militants, menstruating mons veneri, malfunctioning Moron microsites and miscellaneous meshugas notwithstanding. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 22, 2015 06:53 AM (St6BJ) 26
Another day full of possibilities of fresh, bold lies from The Regime......and truly creative ways to surrender by the 'opposition'.
Posted by: redgrains at March 22, 2015 06:53 AM (7GI9v) 27
"On this day in 1630 The Massachusetts Bay Colony outlawed the possession of cards, dice, and gaming tables.
This making an early showing of what fascist liberals will do and MA long term stuff." April flowers bring May showers. What do Mayflowers bring... ...Fascists? Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at March 22, 2015 06:53 AM (16bOT) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 22, 2015 06:54 AM (St6BJ) 29
27 What do Mayflowers bring...
...Fascists? Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at March 22, 2015 06:53 AM (16bOT) High class hookers! Posted by: Sidney Biddle Barrows at March 22, 2015 06:54 AM (St6BJ) 30
Upper East Side madam sock off.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 22, 2015 06:55 AM (St6BJ) 31
The word "brothel" irritates me. Sounds like a Yiddish word meaning a small cup of broth. "You want I should bring you a bissel brothel, maybe?" Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 22, 2015 06:56 AM (St6BJ) 32
1641 Massachusetts Bay Colony becomes the first colony to legalize slavery. Posted by: Amos Quillpen at March 22, 2015 06:58 AM (BsD0c) 33 gleanings/ 2015/ march/ forgiving-isis-christian-resistance-viral-video-sat7-myriam.html
[remove spaces] Ten-year old Miryam, from Mosul, explains the whole of the Gospel pretty well to the Sat-7 interviewer. Going viral, they say, in the Arabic-speaking world, and beyond. Now, which ISIS fighter wants her for his bride? Posted by: Outarange Guy at March 22, 2015 06:59 AM (XBF+S) 34
Life is not a highway strewn with flowers,
Still it holds a goodly share of bliss, When the sun gives way to April showers, Here is the point you should never miss. Though April showers may come your way, They bring the flowers that bloom in May. So if it's raining, have no regrets, Because it isn't raining rain, you know, (It's raining violets,) And where you see clouds upon the hills, You soon will see crowds of daffodils, So keep on looking for a blue bird, And list'ning for his song, Whenever April showers come along. And where you see clouds upon the hills, You soon will see crowds of daffodils, So keep on looking for a blue bird, And list'ning for his song, Whenever April showers come along. Al Jolson Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 22, 2015 06:59 AM (wlDny) 35
I remember the real story of the "First Thanksgiving". You know what is better than stupidity, collectivism and thievery?
The "Second Thanksgiving"! The story of a free market, skills and Worship! Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at March 22, 2015 07:00 AM (16bOT) 36
1641 Massachusetts Bay Colony becomes the first colony to weigh a duck.
Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at March 22, 2015 07:00 AM (CgrKm) Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at March 22, 2015 07:01 AM (16bOT) 38
Morning all. Baby feeding woke me up early today. Hope all is well.
Posted by: Throat Wobbler Mangrove at March 22, 2015 07:01 AM (Z/SQH) 39
1641 Massachusetts Bay Colony becomes the first colony to legalize slavery. Posted by: Amos Quillpen at March 22, 2015 06:58 AM (BsD0c) WOW Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 22, 2015 07:02 AM (wlDny) 40
Ted Cruz going straight to Presidential run. Good for him for bypassing all the exploratory crap. The man is coming out of gate saying " I want to be President"
Posted by: Ben Had at March 22, 2015 07:02 AM (h+0fC) 41
Up every hour waiting for a mare to foal. Now she's four days overdue. Bitch.
Posted by: dr kill at March 22, 2015 07:03 AM (X49oH) 42
dr kill- are you using the 342 day count?
Posted by: Ben Had at March 22, 2015 07:05 AM (h+0fC) 43
And The Houston Barnacle couches it as the "divisive" Ted Cruz.
Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at March 22, 2015 07:09 AM (CgrKm) 44
Yes I am.
Posted by: dr kill at March 22, 2015 07:11 AM (X49oH) 45
dr kill- I've had them lie to me by as much as ten days. Even had one that had a three day colostrum drip.
Posted by: Ben Had at March 22, 2015 07:14 AM (h+0fC) 46
American Institute : Rhode Island Religious Freedom . . and legalized prostitution (indoors only) Further research is required. Working . . . Posted by: Amos Quillpen at March 22, 2015 07:15 AM (BsD0c) 47
Just stirring from bed, forced to dislodge the Siamese cat from the crook of my arm, to face a day with a broken down car, wife out of town and general malaise. First thing, get the car looked at, then either fix it on the spot or get a lift to the Greensboro airport, pick up my wife's car (she's in Berlin) and use that for the week. By 11 I have to be back in town and mobile in order to tend to the horses. Must make coffee.
Posted by: Lincolntf at March 22, 2015 07:18 AM (2cS/G) 48
More Massachusetts Bay Colony History
"An Arrow Against Profane and Promiscuous Dancing" Posted by: Amos Quillpen at March 22, 2015 07:22 AM (BsD0c) 49
What did people study in school, if all this Massachusetts history is new to them? I grew up there, so of course we learned about/saw all the Puritan/Colonial/Revolutionary history every day. I suppose different regions got different educations.
Posted by: Lincolntf at March 22, 2015 07:27 AM (2cS/G) 50
and some mysterious piece of code, buried deep withing the bowels of this obsolete hardware, some dependency, some memory leak in some included library has just blown up and the system has to reboot, again. Posted by: Amos Quillpen at March 22, 2015 07:28 AM (BsD0c) 51
"Stayed up all night long playing a solo version of pin the tail on the donkey."
Lizzie and I are the only tail available to those in the donkey party. Pity us. Posted by: Hillary Clinton at March 22, 2015 07:31 AM (3F6F8) 52
"I suppose different regions got different educations."
Michigan History. The nickname for the first janitor at the University of Michigan was 'professor of dust and ashes'. You could get an 'A' on the final and for the class if you could memorize the triva. This is called a 'liberal education'. Posted by: Amos Quillpen at March 22, 2015 07:36 AM (PZ25B) 53
>>> and some mysterious piece of code, buried deep withing the bowels of this obsolete hardware, some dependency, some memory leak in some included library has just blown up and the system has to reboot, again.
It saw the last link you posted and had to retire to its bunk. Posted by: fluffy at March 22, 2015 07:36 AM (Ua6T/) 54
The man is coming out of gate saying " I want to be President"
Posted by: Ben Had at March 22, 2015 07:02 AM At last! Now we will learn whether Cruz is the Real Deal or just another pandering hack politico. He has plenty of time to walk back his conservative positions and head down the "nuanced" road. Will he? Compared to our current Supreme Leader (and, of course, his tasteless clod of a wife), Cruz doesn't have to do much to get my support. Posted by: MrScribbler at March 22, 2015 07:43 AM (P8YHq) 55
51 Lizzie and I are the only tail available to those in the donkey party. Pity us.
Why? Most men in your party are after Pajama Boy. It's not like you're getting a lot of the business. Posted by: Agent J at March 22, 2015 07:43 AM (9Mtv3) 56
Since we have pulled everyone out of Yemen, wouldn't this seem to be a good time to do a detonation test of some kind; just to make sure that our stuff works as expected? I think it is winter there, so maybe they could use the heat?
Posted by: goon at March 22, 2015 07:45 AM (gNTQS) 57
"And The Houston Barnacle couches it as the "divisive" Ted Cruz." -Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at March 22, 2015 07:09 AM (CgrKm) Tiny words allow for the public to "absorb" what is today's propaganda. Media-to-English dictionary: R- "Divisive" D- "Inclusive" R- "Roadblock" D- "Stand" R- "Reactionary" D- "Proactive" R- "Exclusionary" D- "Elite" R- "Racist" D- "Extraordinary" R- "Defiant" D- "Resistant" R- "Dogged" D- "Engaged" R- "Exclusive" D- "Qualitative" R- "Capitalism" D- "Free Market" R- "Cut" D- "Savings" R- "Anti-Death of Babies" D- "Pro-Choice" there's that. Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at March 22, 2015 07:45 AM (16bOT) Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at March 22, 2015 07:47 AM (16bOT) 59
Quit all of this political crap! We are beaten. Just be negative and nasty, like our opponents, and we will win their hearts and kidneys. (I would have said "minds", but they don't have any.)
Posted by: goon at March 22, 2015 07:48 AM (gNTQS) Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at March 22, 2015 07:49 AM (V70Uh) 61
Coffee, shower, church in hour.
I've been up all night reading and watching old movies (The Guns of Navarrone and It Happened One Night) b/c of horrible GE reflux. I can take my meds now- Tums weren't cutting it. I probably should forego the coffee, but I need it and at least it's low acid. Getting older really does suck! Posted by: Gem at March 22, 2015 07:49 AM (dUqfn) 62
I'm not going out to the ballpark again until I am sure that all of the killer bees (the African ones, not the regular ones that chase me around the lawn..) are exterminated! This could be the end of baseball!?
Posted by: goon at March 22, 2015 07:51 AM (gNTQS) 63
MrScribbler- The only thing I would like to see is for him to use his own voice and not rely so much on Reagan. Those days are gone, so say what you have to say in today's context.
Posted by: Ben Had at March 22, 2015 07:52 AM (h+0fC) 64
Getting older really does suck!
Posted by: Gem at March 22, 2015 07:49 AM (dUqfn) It is not for the weak! But, we are Klingons! Posted by: goon at March 22, 2015 07:52 AM (gNTQS) 65
Fox News, (profanities) Trigger Warnings.
An article on Fed Budget. All the hot buttons are pressed inducing apoplexy; not conducive to improving one's attitude. . Posted by: Amos Quillpen at March 22, 2015 07:53 AM (PZ25B) 66
What MA history?
Did MA have any obscure black agitators between 1600 and 1800 shouting hands up don't musket me? Did MA have any Hispanic drunk mule riders between 1600 and 1800? Did MA have any lezzie agitators with bellies and ass bigger than sagging tits? Its is obvious that MA has no history. Posted by: Deptartment of education common core standards committee at March 22, 2015 07:55 AM (wlDny) 67
So Cruz is running....well, well, it looks like I MAY be making a political contribution again after all, heh! Nothing big, just symbolic like. Only to candidates, no parties.
Posted by: lindafell and doesn't want to get back up at March 22, 2015 07:56 AM (LbPGR) 68
I got yer "gaps remain", right here Secretary Kerry! Gaps remain? Gaps REMAIN! Hell yessss, gaps remain! Those suckers hate our guts. That's a gap remains! Tell them to suck it and walk out of there before they take your dumb ass hostage!
Posted by: goon at March 22, 2015 07:57 AM (gNTQS) 69
61 Getting older really does suck!
Posted by: Gem at March 22, 2015 07:49 AM (dUqfn) Hey but you get to meet a lot of new friends with "MD" initials! Posted by: Deptartment of education common core standards committee at March 22, 2015 07:57 AM (wlDny) 70
>>> Did MA have any obscure black agitators between 1600 and 1800 shouting hands up don't musket me?
Greetings, Wench. Posted by: Crispus Attucks at March 22, 2015 07:58 AM (Ua6T/) 71
The next time the RNC calls I think I WILL pick up the phone just to tell them I gave Cruz my money, heh, heh!!!
Posted by: lindafell and doesn't want to get back up at March 22, 2015 07:59 AM (LbPGR) 72
46 ... Rhode Island is my home state and I always took pride that it was founded by people who pissed off the Puritans and generally caused trouble for the powers that be. (They actually taught this stuff during the 50s. Doubt that still applies.) But the place has gone as bat shit liberal as the rest of New England. I miss the sea shore but not the rest. Glad I moved away all those years ago.
Posted by: JTB at March 22, 2015 08:00 AM (FvdPb) 73
Just got text, wife is at Heathrow waiting for connecting flight to Berlin. I'm in my kitchen waiting for co-worker to arrive so we can fuck around with the car all day. Who would I rather be?
Posted by: Lincolntf at March 22, 2015 08:01 AM (2cS/G) 74
Ah, man, having the chair lift slide backwards down the mountain (as at Sugarloaf Mountain), can you imagine that?! Talk about shit-yer-pants! I would go to the hospital too, just so I could get cleaned up before my friends saw me again and started pointing at me and laughing!
Posted by: goon at March 22, 2015 08:02 AM (gNTQS) 75
lindafell- perfect. Will do the same.
Posted by: Ben Had at March 22, 2015 08:02 AM (h+0fC) Posted by: Ed Anger at March 22, 2015 08:03 AM (RcpcZ) 77
co-worker? wife away? is there a pattern emerging? Berlin would be funner!
Posted by: goon at March 22, 2015 08:05 AM (gNTQS) 78
Why does anyone think Cuba would take Robert Durst in if he tried to flee there? Sure he has money but he's hardly a political prisoner and it wd be difficult to transfer money to him and it wd irreparably hurt cuba-obama relations. Posted by: Bruce J. at March 22, 2015 08:05 AM (iQIUe) 79
Wow. has decided to shit the bed while jumping over a shark. You have to read this piece of crap published under their banner to see the full on hate being expressed at Israel: Here. let me briefly summarize for you -- Iran good, Hamas good, Hezballah good, Israel bad. Israel is responsible for almost all terrorism in the world, per this Sheldon Richman asshole. *deletes Reason bookmark* Posted by: GnuBreed at March 22, 2015 08:10 AM (ZU3lp) 80
I had a heater resistor repeatedly burn out. The obvious problem was the blower fan was drawing too much current. After replacing the fan the plug into the resistor melted. Turns out that when the resistor keeps burning out the fan relay is bad. I'll fix it when the weather gets warmer -- 'til then it's driving with a blanket on my lap. I've spent WAY too many winter days working on vehicles.
Posted by: Ed Anger at March 22, 2015 08:12 AM (RcpcZ) 81
The car developed a major noise/clunking sound in the area of the driver's side front tire. Work guy just left, he's going to take care of the horses this morning, when he gets back in about an hour we're going to check it out. If it's not a quick-fix like a bad tire then we have to drop it and head to Greensboro where I'll grab my wife's car from the airport parking lot, hopefuly make it back in time to tend to the horses at 11.
Posted by: Lincolntf at March 22, 2015 08:13 AM (2cS/G) 82
Is anyone besides me sick and tired of having a self absorbed idiot sitting in the oval office?
Posted by: rld77 at March 22, 2015 08:15 AM (POKHf) 83
Our old Pontiac Montana is 13 years old, bills finally getting too high, so yesterday we traded it in and bought a Honda Fit. It's blue and it has a moonroof! My husband questioned the moonroof, but I reasoned that I'm 55, and if we keep this car as long as we kept the van, I'll be 68 by the time we shop for another vehicle. And by then, I won't WANT to drive around with the wind blowing my hair! This is my last chance to have a car I can have fun driving.
Posted by: Dr. Mabuse at March 22, 2015 08:16 AM (VBbCO) 84
Know just how that goes - had to replace my heater blower last year in the dead of winter, in the driveway.
Not a lot of fun, but it was nice when I finished. Posted by: sock_rat_eez at March 22, 2015 08:17 AM (go6ud) 85
The car developed a major noise/clunking sound in the area of the driver's side front tire
Could be a sway bar, or a worn out bushing.Does the steering seem normal? Posted by: Cicero Skip at March 22, 2015 08:18 AM (FIrEF) 86
Steering seemed okay, but after the sound developed I drove about 10mph all the way home, so it's hard to tell.
Posted by: Lincolntf at March 22, 2015 08:19 AM (2cS/G) 87
I woke up,shaking from the cold & usually leave heat at night set at 64, I like to be cool when I'm sleeping.
Plus it's a waste of oil to heat house when I'm covered in blankets. It was less than 62 in living room, where thermostat is. I put on 2 Sherpa lined jackets to go to basement & reset switch. It's 25 degrees out near Boston. Posted by: Carol at March 22, 2015 08:20 AM (sj3Ax) 88
Replaced the blower motor in my truck last year. It would work whne it wanted to. When it did not work I would have to get it up to around 80 mph on the expressway, then it would run ok.
Posted by: Cicero Skip at March 22, 2015 08:20 AM (FIrEF) 89
@83 We had a Pontiac Montana. Drove across the street to a restaurant, opened the driver side door, and the panel stuck and popped. Got worse from there. Sat there watching my beautiful 4-Runner be driven away and wanted to cry. Didn't get any better for us with that car. Was the biggest piece of scheizte. Was the first model year, we knew that wasn't recommended, but needed the 9 seats. Traded it in for a Suburban as soon as all but the youngest was out of a car seat.
Posted by: RedDish at March 22, 2015 08:23 AM (5eXg1) 90
And good morning everyone!
Posted by: RedDish at March 22, 2015 08:24 AM (5eXg1) 91
At least Reason isnt hiding their joo hate not that they ever did... Posted by: Bruce J. at March 22, 2015 08:24 AM (iQIUe) 92
I had a car that the sway bar bushing clamp came loose on the drivers side . The clamp was attached to the radiator support, and the heads of the bolts snapped off of the clamp. drill, tap new bolts, no more noise.
If the car has shock absorbers check the bushing on the shocks. Posted by: Cicero Skip at March 22, 2015 08:25 AM (FIrEF) 93
@89 - Ours lasted pretty well, but as we live in eastern Ontario, it's the rust that finally did it in. It wouldn't pass a safety check any more, and every time I took it in for an oil change, there was something new that needed fixing. Last year we had the same problem as Lincolntf - it was a detached sway bar banging away underneath. Very scary to drive, and just another bill to pay.
Posted by: Dr. Mabuse at March 22, 2015 08:26 AM (VBbCO) 94
Steering seemed okay, but after the sound developed I drove about 10mph all the way home, so it's hard to tell.
Posted by: Lincolntf at March 22, 2015 08:19 AM (2cS/G) CV Joint? And morning all. Looking for a high of 53 next Saturday. Only 16 degrees below normal. Posted by: Golfman - We Have No Hill at March 22, 2015 08:27 AM (iVjJr) 95
The guy I work with has mechanic/auto body experience, I'm hoping he can diagnose/maybe fix the problem when he gets back. Didn't sound like it was something minor, there was some grinding noise. Sway bar/bushing, that sounds about right. I'm still holding out hope it's just an effed up tire/rim.
Posted by: Lincolntf at March 22, 2015 08:28 AM (2cS/G) 96
Speaking of rust, what is the general opinion regarding rust-proofing? We turned down several expensive extra treatments for the new car, including rust-proofing. I've heard that the sprays and things don't really do that much, but I'm willing to learn otherwise because I want to keep the new car going as long as possible.
Posted by: Dr. Mabuse at March 22, 2015 08:28 AM (VBbCO) 97
54 The man is coming out of gate saying " I want to be President"
Posted by: Ben Had at March 22, 2015 07:02 AM At last! Now we will learn whether Cruz is the Real Deal or just another pandering hack politico. --- Yep. The long knives are out for him (Matt Lewis already published oppo research on his aide in the Daily Caller and the slime-weasel McKay Coppins ran a smear job on Mrs Cruz in Buzz Feed, both a week ago), but he strikes me as someone who can navigate through that stuff. The bigger issue really will be the donors and chattering classes, most of whom seem to hate him, and the (non unreasonable) knock on his experience. That said, of all the candidates I've researched, Cruz is the one with whom I really connect on a "trust" and ideological level. I don't think he can win (this time) or is likely to go deep into the primaries, but I can't say that I'm upset at the prospect of having a coherent case for conservatism made by a guy like Cruz in the early phase of the primary. If he can help force the others to confront real issues rather than weaseling out of them, that's a great thing. Posted by: Y-not at March 22, 2015 08:28 AM (9BRsg) 98
Posted by: Y-not at March 22, 2015 08:28 AM (9BRsg)
I just hope he doesn't hire someone that dissed Iowa on the Twitters. Posted by: Golfman - We Have No Hill at March 22, 2015 08:30 AM (iVjJr) 99
The guy I work with has mechanic/auto body experience. Posted by: Lincolntf
That's good. I like to throw out all the little things that have happened to me over the years, to help the next guy save some money. Posted by: Cicero Skip at March 22, 2015 08:31 AM (FIrEF) 100
Speaking of age and things not working, any of the horde present have experience with LASIK surgery?
Posted by: RedDish at March 22, 2015 08:32 AM (5eXg1) 101
Posted by: Lincolntf at March 22, 2015 08:32 AM (2cS/G) 102
#99: I like to throw out all the little things that have happened to me over the years, to help the next guy save some money. That's why I posted about the relay being bad instead of the fan. I learned about the relay problem being common after spending $75 on a new fan. Posted by: Ed Anger at March 22, 2015 08:34 AM (RcpcZ) 103
Y-not- When he ran in Texas he had those same odds against him and he prevailed. Granted Texas is not a national run but by declaring now there is plenty of time to work on the ground game, and that is what won it for him before.
Posted by: Ben Had at March 22, 2015 08:34 AM (h+0fC) 104
Regarding rust proofing, I used to get my cars done by Ziebart. The last car I had done, was a one year old Lincoln LS. Got into an accident a year later and had to replace the passenger side door. The body shop showed me the inside of the door and the rust proofing was terrible. It look like the mark of Zorro.
Last time I had one rustproofed. Posted by: Cicero Skip at March 22, 2015 08:35 AM (FIrEF) Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 22, 2015 08:36 AM (F1jFR) 106
Whatever there might be to agree with over at Reason is sure to be offset pretty quickly by several other things to put them in the 'crackpot' category.
Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 22, 2015 08:40 AM (MMC8r) 107
I could remember when I stayed up all night, but I don't.
The WI MoMe was good, even if I had to bail early to get back to the bunker. Posted by: steveegg at March 22, 2015 08:42 AM (cL79m) 108
I just hope he doesn't hire someone that dissed Iowa on the Twitters.
Posted by: Golfman - We Have No Hill at March 22, 2015 08:30 AM McKay Coppin's hit piece was on one of Cruz's aides, who worked in MO politics. They tried to imply that aide's work on an ad caused Auditor Schweich's suicide. Trouble is, we know from the auditor's own staffers - one of whom was speaking with him and then his wife when the suicide occurred - that the "Deputy Barney Fife" ad did not bother Schweich. It was the whisper campaign over his religion from the MO GOP chairman. I did not read a single defense of Cruz's aide or an Outragey pieces over that hit piece in the conservosphere. Not one. I am so sick of the reflexive defense of Walker's incompetent former communications consultant. I don't fault Walker at all for letting her go. She was -- and continues to be -- an undisciplined ass on Twitter (which is the medium in which she is supposedly an expert). The blowback she received was predictable and no different than what I would have received for stupid comments of that sort in jobs I've held. When you're an online communications "expert," your Twitter feed - that you run under your own byline - is essentially part of your portfolio. Was the Outrage Brigade motivated by some twisted sense of chivalry b/c this aide was a chick and Cruz's wasn't? Or was it just because she was pals with a lot of them? IDK. Walker's not "my guy" but I am really surprised some of his supporters lost faith in him over that episode. Posted by: Y-not at March 22, 2015 08:42 AM (9BRsg) 109
I mean, Matt Lewis' hit piece.
Coppins' was about a decade old episode Mrs. Cruz had with depression. Posted by: Y-not at March 22, 2015 08:43 AM (9BRsg) 110
Mornin' all!
Stayed up late playing Wenches and Warlocks, the new role-playing game. Winner gets spanked with the expanded version rule book, which is as good an excuse as any for why my .... Posted by: All Hail Eris at March 22, 2015 08:44 AM (KH1sk) 111
I've heard similar things, Cicero. I'm inclined to skip the rustproofing. I've never heard anyone declare that their 10-year old car is rust-free because they had it rustproofed every year. It just doesn't seem to pay that much to have it done.
Posted by: Dr. Mabuse at March 22, 2015 08:44 AM (VBbCO) 112
You should take better care of your ass, Krak'.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 22, 2015 08:45 AM (Perx6) 113
100 Speaking of age and things not working, any of the horde present have experience with LASIK surgery? It's lots of fun for about 10 years. I don't know if I'm getting a cataract now, if I need glasses or if I need a surgical tune-up. Gotta see the eye doctor soon. One thing about LASIK -- if you really treasure\need crisp night vision I'd recommend against it. Almost everybody gets halos around bright lights (eg. stars, street lights) at night. I also needed glasses for best distance vision -- they turned my 20/30 eye into 20/15. I actually needed a couple of surgeries and had to wear some bandage contact lenses for a while because of complications, but it was worth it. If you have diabetes the doc may recommend against it. Posted by: Ed Anger at March 22, 2015 08:47 AM (RcpcZ) 114
So Cruz is running? That pretty much limits the "not bushes" to him and Walker. I call for Governor Walker to stand down and let a better qualified candidate take the lead.
Yes a better qualified candidate. "Experience". "Seasoning" Just words that do not mean anything. You do not need how many years of these to know right from wrong. Posted by: Luap Nor's last brain cell at March 22, 2015 08:47 AM (GoyxN) 115
Yes, I'd like to hear any reports on Lasik. My eyesight is almost comically bad, but I'm leery of getting it done. Glasses or contacts are an inconvenience, but having a perpetual corona around everything -- when not imbibing Corona -- would be maddening.
Posted by: All Hail Eris at March 22, 2015 08:47 AM (KH1sk) 116
Yes, I'd like to hear any reports on Lasik. My eyesight is almost comically bad, but I'm leery of getting it done. Glasses or contacts are an inconvenience, but having a perpetual corona around everything -- when not imbibing Corona -- would be maddening.
Posted by: All Hail Eris at March 22, 2015 08:48 AM (KH1sk) 117
Speaking of rust, the conventional wisdom that cars age faster/rust more in a New England climate versus, say, a Southern one, is completely correct. I'm over it now, but for the first couple years I lved here, I'd be doing double-takes as I drove down the highway being passed by 1980's vehicles like K-Cars, Citations, even 280Zs, cars that exist in New England only as rusted out hulks these days, in pristine condition. Salt in the winter for the roads, salt in the summer from the beach, es no bueno.
Posted by: Lincolntf at March 22, 2015 08:50 AM (2cS/G) 118
I think the one thing to look for regarding rust, is a car wash that cleans the underbody.
There is a chain of car washes here in the Chicago suburbs, that has a 7 day rain guarantee. You can return for a rewash for any reason within 7 days. I get the car or truck washed as soon as possible after a snowstorm to get the salt off the bottom. With the guarantee you don't have to worry if the forecast is for more snow in a day or two. Posted by: Cicero Skip at March 22, 2015 08:50 AM (FIrEF) Posted by: Y-not at March 22, 2015 08:52 AM (9BRsg) 120
I see we went Car Thread in under 100.
Vic's news was strangely not filling at all this morning. I woke up so late the sun was up. Got dressed and, before anything, just because I could, I went out and took a walk. Wore a vest - still slightly cool out - but didn't button it. Two fawns near the house did not take off immediately as GoodDog and I approached, but eventually darted away, to expose the rest of the group hiding in the west yard. Heavy but low fog rising in the woods beyond the pasture. And that one bird is insane. So... Morning, Glories. Palin/Cruz 2016 Posted by: mindful webworker - ready for Summer at March 22, 2015 08:55 AM (wmrFg) 121
Anybody else seeing a gay British vacation ad under this thread?
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 22, 2015 08:56 AM (Perx6) 122
Y-not- Don't mean to bug you, but did you get a chance to look at the subject we talked about? This goes directly to candidates.
Posted by: Ben Had at March 22, 2015 08:56 AM (h+0fC) 123
My daughter had the lasik. No major problems. She was bragging to me once that her eye doc told her she was 'Better then 20/20'. We were sitting outside and I asked her to count the number of flags stuck in the ground about 500 feet away. She couldn't. I wear contacts and could count every one.
So I'm a little skeptical of the claims. Posted by: se pa moron at March 22, 2015 08:57 AM (xQX/f) 124
In a new interview with Playboy, controversial rapper Azealia Banks complained about the United States in a very big way.
"I hate everything about this country," Banks told Playboy. "Like, I hate fat white Americans. All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative white people who live on their farms. Those little teenage girls who work at Kmart and have a racist grandma, that's really America." When asked who she looks up to, Banks says that she only admires Jay-Z, who she believes has never done anything to pander to white audiences. In Banks' view, black artists like Pharrell, Kendrick Lamar and Kanye West exploit black culture while playing to a white crowd. .... yes, there is racism in this country, but like Michael Jackson said .. "start with the man in the mirror' Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at March 22, 2015 08:58 AM (e8kgV) 125
I had lasik, but I had what's called PRK, which is on the outer surface of the eye because my corneas were too thin to make a flap.
If I had it to do over, I'd seriously think twice. Since the surgery, I've had a problem with 'filmy' eyes (which could be due to having the outer layer worked on, rather than underneath). It absolutely destroys your tiniest vision because of the change and rigidity of focus. I used to paint and do electronics work and can only do it now with a lot of magnification because I just don't have the tiny focus that I enjoyed when I was nearsighted. And, as I get older and deal with presbyopia, my ability to read and look at tiny handheld devices is suffering significantly. Again, my procedure is not the norm, but there are complications to consider, especially down the road. Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 22, 2015 08:59 AM (MMC8r) 126
Thanks EdAnger. Is there anything you can do for the halo effect?
I am comfortable in contacts, but my new eye doc said my old eye doc was telling me the wrong thing about my extended wear lenses. Instead of going 2 weeks with a 1 day break, I should replace them every week. Gonna double the cost (math is hard!) and if I'll still need contacts after the surgery, not really sure it's worth it. I can't wear glasses (need the cheaters for computer and reading) because they won't sit on my face properly---uneven ears or something. Eyes look healthy otherwise, no other issues like cataracts yet. I'm off to walk the four legged child, but appreciate any real world input. Thanks all. Posted by: RedDish at March 22, 2015 08:59 AM (5eXg1) 127
Posted by: Y-not at March 22, 2015 08:42 AM (9BRsg)
I don't know what to think about the whole fiasco. We on the right are held to a higher standard. One should know that going in. They (MFM et al.) will let a lot of stuff slide if it is from the left. While what she said is actually correct, he should have vetted her better. She chose her field and she should know better. I hope Walker learns his lesson and doesn't make the same mistake again. Not the mistake a thorough executive should be making. And BTW, I wish all the major candidates would take their money and time somewhere other than Iowa. Iowa is relevant only because they make it so. Posted by: Golfman - We Have No Hill at March 22, 2015 09:00 AM (iVjJr) 128
Ahh, thanks y-not, will check that when back. Doggie is waiting, not very patiently
Posted by: RedDish at March 22, 2015 09:00 AM (5eXg1) 129
The ad I see now is for Ford Motor Company Maintenance plans. I've noticed that the ads almost instantaneously conform to mentions in posts. I've posted about Heathrow Airport and a bunch of car related stuff, probably why the British ad/Car maintenance ads showed up.
Posted by: Lincolntf at March 22, 2015 09:01 AM (2cS/G) 130
The ad I see now is for Ford Motor Company Maintenance plans. I've noticed that the ads almost instantaneously conform to mentions in posts.
In that case, I'm shopping for a double-D bra. Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 22, 2015 09:02 AM (MMC8r) Posted by: Big Brother at March 22, 2015 09:03 AM (iVjJr) 132
Try it. Brasseire. Mention it a few times, see if an ad appears. Brassiere. Bra. Bras.
Posted by: Lincolntf at March 22, 2015 09:03 AM (2cS/G) 133
I tend to forget that I am running AdBlock.
And it's pretty seamless on the HQ, so I don't see any of the ads that everyone is talking about. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 22, 2015 09:06 AM (F1jFR) 134
Posted by: mindful webworker - literally at March 22, 2015 09:07 AM (wmrFg) 135
I just found, on the kitchen table, that Milady has purchased Manischewitz Shabbat Candles.
I don't know why she bought them. We've never purchased Shabbatt candles before that I know of. My only concern would be if my bacon supply is threatened. Posted by: mindful webworker - oy oh oy at March 22, 2015 09:10 AM (wmrFg) 136
And BTW, I wish all the major candidates would take their money and time somewhere other than Iowa. Iowa is relevant only because they make it so.
-- Yeah, I'm just as frustrated by Iowa as the rest of them. And, sure, maybe Walker could have vetted her better -- but I expect he was relying on a lot of folks' recommendations and his own previous work with her. I don't understand why some of these people who want to vent on Twitter don't just set up a second, anonymous account for doing that. I assume it's ego -- they want their rant-y tweets to carry the "weight" from their reputation/name. But then don't act surprised when it bites you on the ass. One thing that bothers me about the whole incident (as someone who is still considering Walker and not on his "team") is that his supporters seemed more bothered by this firing than they were by his pandering on ethanol in Iowa a week before. Staffers *can* matter, but hiring and firing a consultant (or her firm, I guess) isn't as important as appearing to flip flop on ethanol mandates. To me, anyway. Posted by: Y-not at March 22, 2015 09:10 AM (9BRsg) 137
My eye doctor couldn't get good close + distant vision in both eyes so he made one eye better for close and the other better for distant vision. It worked fine for me, however, some people's brains can't integrate the two.
As for picking out distant objects, a big part of that is knowing how to look. The kind of stuff they teach snipers. My former work required good distant vision, which were the only times I wore glasses. And after getting used to my new vision I rarely needed them. Most people actually get better results from LASIK than I did. Considering everything, I'd do it again. Ten years without glasses were wonderful. Posted by: Ed Anger at March 22, 2015 09:10 AM (RcpcZ) 138
You know, we left this England place 'cause it was bogus; so if we don't get some cool rules ourselves, pronto, we'll just be bogus too!
Posted by: toby928(C) at March 22, 2015 09:10 AM (rwI+c) 139
I had Lasik quite awhile ago, like about 15 or more years ago and in general I would say it's been good. Hard to describe how good it feels not having to mess with glasses or contacts anymore. I did get slight halos at night, but afte awhile, you get used to it. Also, it does make your near vision slightly worse, but in my case, I've had cataracts in both eyes too, so I've had the lenses replaced and got corrective lenses for that and it gave me back a good bit of the near vision I had lost. Plus, now my eyes twinkle. Bonus.
The only thing I would recommend is that you pick your surgeon carefully. Find the person who has done tons of it and don't skimp on costs. Posted by: Last at March 22, 2015 09:11 AM (8HiDF) 140
136 Y-Not
Agreed. Walker could get some major cred nationwide by standing up to the ethanol crowd. Nope, he flopped. Posted by: Golfman - We Have No Hill at March 22, 2015 09:15 AM (iVjJr) 141
Y-not- Don't mean to bug you, but did you get a chance to look at the subject we talked about? This goes directly to candidates.
-- I did read jwest's comments and wasn't sure what to make of them. Between the Saturday Politics threads - especially the polling but also the horde's discussions - and Niedermeyer's recent weekend threads about Hills to Die On, I think that topic *is* being discussed. jwest may just have missed those threads or not participated in them. I'm not sure if "we" can/should agree on what "our" issues are, anyway. Each of us has our set of pet issues and non-conforming opinions etc... Big Tent! :-) Posted by: Y-not at March 22, 2015 09:15 AM (9BRsg) Posted by: freaked at March 22, 2015 09:16 AM (JdEZJ) 143
126 Thanks EdAnger. Is there anything you can do for the halo effect? Not to my knowledge. But since I haven't kept up with the latest advances in LASIK you should find someone who knows more about it than me to ask. Posted by: Ed Anger at March 22, 2015 09:18 AM (RcpcZ) 144
Walker could get some major cred nationwide by standing up to the ethanol crowd. Nope, he flopped.
--- Yeah, it's not a deal-breaker for me, but I went from being impressed by him (based on his earlier statements where he appeared to oppose him) to being disappointed. And the spin about his flip in Iowa was infuriating. Everyone from Team Walker was running around denying that he'd changed his position and claiming that Perry had become a pro-RFS (federal ethanol mandates) guy -- which was not true. I hate this phase of the election cycle. There's so much spinning and lying and distortion out there, even from "our side." Very frustrating. Posted by: Y-not at March 22, 2015 09:18 AM (9BRsg) 145
jwest actually made some sense with that post.
The big tent thing is over-rated. Most Americans and maybe all of us here have 4 or 5 major things that need to be addressed. Period. Address the big issues a lot of the little things go away. Posted by: Golfman - We Have No Hill at March 22, 2015 09:19 AM (iVjJr) 146
Khamenei calls Death to America as Kerry hails progress on nuke.
This will not end well. Posted by: freaked at March 22, 2015 09:16 AM (JdEZJ) What ever do you mean? Posted by: Shit Midas at March 22, 2015 09:20 AM (iVjJr) 147
58 That last one was bad.
R- "Pro NOT-CHOICE" D- "Pro Choice" ...*static* Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at March 22, 2015 07:47 AM (16bOT) *** Still not quite accurate. How 'bout: R-you want women to die on the floors of hospitals. I forget the exact phrase, but it was OTT like that. At least: R-you want to deny women control of their own bodies. Which raises the question, if you starve your (born) kids, can this be defended by, "I have control over my own finances". Posted by: Hillary Clinton at March 22, 2015 09:21 AM (XrHO0) 148
#139 ... The only thing I would recommend is that you pick your surgeon carefully. Find the person who has done tons of it and don't skimp on costs. Excellent advice! Also check to see if the doctor will do any follow up procedures for free if there are any complications. Mine did. Otherwise I probably would've paid twice as much. Posted by: Ed Anger at March 22, 2015 09:24 AM (RcpcZ) 149
Golfman- That is the point. No can cover everything , so refine the main 4 or 5 issues and go with those.
Posted by: Ben Had at March 22, 2015 09:25 AM (h+0fC) 150
If Cruz is the nominee, I'll vote. If Walker is the nominee, I might vote. If it's any of the others, I won't vote.
Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at March 22, 2015 09:32 AM (lG2E3) 151
@71 It would appear they've already taken him hostage and we now see Stockholm Syndrome.
Posted by: John Boehner's Liver at March 22, 2015 09:37 AM (euC96) 152
151 was supposed to @68. Woops
Posted by: John Boehner's Liver at March 22, 2015 09:38 AM (euC96) 153
Does underline work?
Posted by: mindful webworker - jest a test at March 22, 2015 09:41 AM (wmrFg) Posted by: navybrat at March 22, 2015 09:42 AM (JgC5a) 155
Home in one piece at 230 from the wismomee. Loved it. I may try to get to others. If you get a chance, go.
Posted by: lurking grandma at March 22, 2015 09:43 AM (2VaQu) 156
>>jwest actually made some sense with that post
Except that it ignored all of the content that is posted here on that exact topic. The weekenders HAVE been trying to draw the horde out in terms of their priority issues and deal-breaker positions. And I have been going through topics based on an early poll of the horde's priorities. Posted by: Y-not at March 22, 2015 09:45 AM (9BRsg) 157
Ted Cruz Senate Committee assignments- Joint Economic, Armed Services, Commerce Science and Transportation, Judicary and Rules and Administration.
Posted by: Ben Had at March 22, 2015 09:46 AM (h+0fC) 158
149 Golfman- That is the point. No can cover everything , so refine the main 4 or 5 issues and go with those.
--- Why? We do not agree and never will. Disqualifying positions for you might differ from DQing positions for me. That's fine. I whittled down the list of candidates based on polling performance here (and added a couple that I wanted to cover out of my own interests). jwest is free to participate in the Issues threads on the topics that interest him. Posted by: Y-not at March 22, 2015 09:49 AM (9BRsg) 159
Y-not - I don't think this as much about jwest as it about each of usasking ourselves to define in our own mind what these things are. I am now having to sit down and really consider what Amnesty is rather than just saying I oppose it. In doing so hopefully my arguments will be based in fact.
Posted by: Ben Had at March 22, 2015 10:00 AM (h+0fC) 160
Re: undercoating I live in eastern Ontario too and my FIL restores cars does collision work etc... He swears by undercoating can't say enough good about it. I took the new truck to krown and they do a really thorough job. If you plan to own a car for more than 4 years get it done you won't regret it. And don't fall for that electronic crap it's garbage.
Posted by: canuckjack at March 22, 2015 10:02 AM (SN74r) 161
I commend you Y-Not on all the work involved.
It just seems that the Republican candidates allow themselves to drug into the weeds of minor/non-important to middle American's issues. No one cares about the Import/Export bank. Hell, no one even knows what they do. But tell the voters that the size and scope of government needs to be reduced. If that includes the I/E bank, good. I'll look at the main issues for myself and will continue to share Y-Not's posts with others. One issue I will not compromise on is Character. Walker's performance on the ethanol and amnesty shows some teetering. I have 4 or 5 hills. Does the current GOPe have any? No. Well, they have one. Capitol Hill and that is all they are worried about. Posted by: Golfman - We Have No Hill at March 22, 2015 10:03 AM (iVjJr) 162
Again, thanks for the time and effort put into your threads. Same goes for WeirdDave, and his posts. In politics, as in life, it's not always about getting the answers...but first, knowing the right questions to ask. Then, study the answers. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 22, 2015 10:09 AM (F1jFR) 163
For those who didn't see the comment, here's the link: blog=86&post=355623#c23412687 Anyway, re-reading it he's sort of asking to discuss the GOP (or Ace Party) Platform. I raised that a couple of years ago, but was told Platforms Don't Matter. And, anyway, looking at the issues he thinks are important, I think it'll just devolve into a Libertarian vs Fiscal Conservative vs Social Conservative bloodbath. Sadly, we are already entering the "spin" phase of the primary run up. What the candidates SAY they'll do -- or what their supporters BELIEVE they'll do -- is already tailored to their presidential aspirations. So that's why I'm digging through their actual records. And it's why a guy like Rand Paul or Ben Carson has virtually no chance to earn my vote -- b/c their public records are simply too short. Posted by: Y-not at March 22, 2015 10:12 AM (9BRsg) 164
124: One of the joys of being a frumpy middle aged white man is that when I see "controversial rapper Azealia Banks" in an article, I can proudly say "Who?". I read what she said but my outrage meter broke a long time ago. She's just another stupid marginal celeb.
Posted by: puddleglum not at work at March 22, 2015 10:45 AM (bXWSd) 165 Are you a puppet?
Posted by: Jeffrey Carter (@pointsnfigures) at March 22, 2015 10:56 AM (LnE5F) 166
Gee Wally, getting educated edition.
I was up all night reading "Hot to Speed-Read" but I'm only 1/2 done and I must return the book to the library. Posted by: bour3 at March 22, 2015 12:26 PM (5x3+2) 167
Thanks, canuckjack, I'll look up Krown and keep asking around.
Posted by: Dr. Mabuse at March 22, 2015 01:14 PM (VBbCO) Processing 0.02, elapsed 0.0485 seconds. |
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