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Morning Thread (3-4-2015)

"I, for one, am shocked to see Hillary Clinton involved in recordkeeping and fundraising scandals," said no one who remembers 1996.

Posted by: Andy at 06:06 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Inspector Ken Starr is shocked I tell you at this turn of events.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 04, 2015 06:07 AM (0Ci8R)

2 Good morning! Let's smile and be happy and strike fear in the hearts of killjoy leftists everywhere.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at March 04, 2015 06:08 AM (u82oZ)


Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 04, 2015 06:08 AM (0Ci8R)

4 Hillary could devour a toddler on live TV and nothing would happen to her.

Posted by: eman at March 04, 2015 06:11 AM (MQEz6)

5 Wait...a Clinton who fails to follow the law?


Wait till her husband hears about this.

Not to mention Obama.
Once he reads about it in the newspapers.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 06:15 AM (lEV42)

6 Between Hillary and Bill we will see a scandal every month. The Democrats would be nuts to nominate her. It's Liawatha.

Posted by: MTF at March 04, 2015 06:16 AM (GaIDK)

7 I keep forgetting to ask.
Is it just me, or does Insty's place seem to be down right now?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 06:16 AM (mW6r7)

8 8Th

Posted by: scottst at March 04, 2015 06:16 AM (CBrm4)

9 Where is Blanco Basura?

Seems Ciudad Blanca deep in a Honduran rain forest has been found. The fabled city of the Monkey God.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 04, 2015 06:17 AM (0Ci8R)

10 Different rules for Democrats.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 04, 2015 06:17 AM (MMC8r)

11 Insty is down.

He's refilling the site with hehs.

Posted by: eman at March 04, 2015 06:19 AM (MQEz6)

12 9 Where is Blanco Basura?

Seems Ciudad Blanca deep in a Honduran rain forest has been found. The fabled city of the Monkey God.
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 04, 2015 06:17 AM (0Ci8R)

Cue Indiana Jones music.

Posted by: eman at March 04, 2015 06:20 AM (MQEz6)

13 "Insty is down. "

Thanks for checking.
Home internet here gets flakey at times.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 06:20 AM (mW6r7)

Ken Starr is no one to talk. He shd have been disbarred for submitting perjured affidavits in a death penalty case. He blamed his investigator. But the investigator worked for him. Anyone with an IQ wd have known that they were false. The fix was definitely in and they didnt even reprimand him.

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 06:23 AM (iQIUe)

15 Weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning. -Psalm 30:5

Never give up. Never, never,never, never, never give up. -Winston Churchill

These two quotes will get us through Obama.

Posted by: Jmel at March 04, 2015 06:23 AM (cfFqn)

16 How dumb do you have to be to use "private" email? The foreign government money thing is something anyone could have done. Any one that sleazy that is.

Posted by: scottst at March 04, 2015 06:24 AM (CBrm4)

17 Good Morning Morons. Today is Wednesday, March 4, 2015. On this day in 1789 the first US Congress met in NYC which was the first capital. The Bill of Rights was written and submitted as agreed during the debate on ratifying the Constitution. This capitol building was located at 26 Wall Street. It was demolished in 1812. The building that is there now named the Federal Hall National Memorial was built in 1842 and was originally a customs house.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:25 AM (wlDny)

18 @11 Indeed.

Today is National Grammar Day. I'm not expecting much, really.
For most of us around here, it means a trip over the river and through the woods.

Maybe we could split the difference between now and Schickelgruber's birthday, and declare on or about 3/27 to be Grammar Nazi day.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 04, 2015 06:25 AM (xq1UY)

19 As would be expected, the US hostages taken in Iran are not too happy with the choom selling out to Iran.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:25 AM (wlDny)

20 Fox Headline: As Supreme Court takes up ObamaCare, GOP offers alternatives, Dems warn of massive damage

The "GOP" has been reduced to three RINOs; Orin Hatch, Lamar Alexander, and John Barrasso.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:25 AM (wlDny)

21 You folks in the Northeast will get another round of global warming here shortly. It is supposed to get up to 80F here today but it has a long way to go to get that.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:25 AM (wlDny)

22 Canadian Treckies have been altering the Canadian $5 bill to make the man on it look like Spock.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:25 AM (wlDny)

23 RIP M. Stanton Evans, conservative pioneer, at 80.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:26 AM (wlDny)

24 Several BBQ entrepreneurs at an AL event were ordered to take down their American flags they had on display. A few became disgruntled and put theirs back up and then a whole lot of finger pointing and accusations about who ordered the action were made. It turns out that the order came from the tour director of the Kansas City Barbecue Society who was sponsoring the event.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:26 AM (wlDny)

25 The Air Force wants to spend $55B developing a new long-range stealth bomber. I doubt they will get this under Obama.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:26 AM (wlDny)

26 The feds say they are cracking down on Chinese Birthing Houses in CA where rich Chinese pay as much as $80,000 to fly their pregnant wives over here so their babies can be born as American citizens. This BS drop a baby on US soil citizenship is NOT backed up by anything in the Constitution OR any court cases despite the lies which have been promulgated by the "no borders crowd". Congress needs to address this NOW but since we have no Party it will never happen.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:26 AM (wlDny)

27 Researchers think they have found the house that Jesus grew up in.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:27 AM (wlDny)

28 Well it looks like the witch hunt to "get" Patraeus" has finally ended and the Obamanites are happy to get a misdemeanor conviction after spending millions.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:27 AM (wlDny)

29 Wow Ace is slow this early. Silly CA guy on stupid East Coast trip is hungry for Vic.

Posted by: scottst at March 04, 2015 06:27 AM (CBrm4)

30 O'Choom has set another new record. This one is for rewarding cronies with positions in embassies. Could this be why our foreign policy is such a mess? Not totally but I am sure it has had an impact.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:27 AM (wlDny)

31 The Feds have manatees on the endangered specie list despite tons of evidence saying they are not endangered. That is nothing new. This has long been a method for Democrats to shit on people by taking their land. This has been one of the most abused laws in the history of the country and should be either repealed or drastically altered.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:27 AM (wlDny)

32 Gabby Giffy is back in DC trying to stir up another gun control bill.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:28 AM (wlDny)

33 Brit researchers do a massive study and find that 5 inches is not 12 inches as some men claim.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:28 AM (wlDny)

34 The University of MN is cracking down on student newspapers who make fun of terrorists. Morons of MN, write your congress critters to demand that State funding be cut off.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:28 AM (wlDny)

35 Al Bore skates out of Jury duty. I suspect a lot of DAs are glad of that.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:28 AM (wlDny)

36 NYC Morons beware! All those rats you see running around could be carrying bubonic plague. I suppose that doesn't include DeBlasio the Commie Rat.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:29 AM (wlDny)

37 Commie town in VT wants to lower its 18 year old voting age to 16.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:29 AM (wlDny)

38 If you missed the Netanyahu speech or want to read the transcript WZ has it here.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:29 AM (wlDny)

39 I see Venezuela is ordering the US to reduce its embassy size in Caracas.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 04, 2015 06:30 AM (0Ci8R)

40 Representative Spider Face (C-AZ) is going after a GA Tech scientist who questioned the AGW theory. He wants her "financial info". If I were she I would give the standard Southern response for that; "shit in one hand and hold out the other and see which one fills up the fastest".

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:30 AM (wlDny)

41 But he later retracts it.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:30 AM (wlDny)

42 Idiot moonbats are now going after Scott Walker because his spokeswomen are too hawt. Moonbat doesn't like the hotties on Fox news either. I think he has a problem.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:30 AM (wlDny)

43 Clinton aids also used private email accounts to perform government business. Somebody needs to go to jail.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:30 AM (wlDny)

44 And now the House Oversight Committee will join the fray and "investigate" whether Scankles broke the law in using private email to perform government work. The only "investigation" should take about 5 min, did she do it or not.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:31 AM (wlDny)

45 The Iraqi Deputy Minister of Tourism and Antiquities says evil Joos are responsible for ISIS destroying those antiquities in Mosul.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:31 AM (wlDny)

46 Soros's Media Matters commies say American with guns are more dangerous than Iran with Nukes.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:31 AM (wlDny)

47 Chuck Hagal has also joined the crowd. He denied an FOIR because he said he had no official email account. Is there anybody in the administration who actually obeys the law? Yeah I know, stupid question.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:31 AM (wlDny)

48 NYC Morons, be happy. Your taxes are being given to illegals who paid out of State tuition to CUNY.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:32 AM (wlDny)

49 Boner to House Republicans: "We all need to be team players and support each other". How about you first asshole.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:32 AM (wlDny)

50 Ben Carlson looks like he is getting ready to join in on the 2016 fray.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:32 AM (wlDny)

51 >>> Hillary could devour a toddler on live TV and nothing would happen to her.

I ain't no ways hongry.

Posted by: Hillary! at March 04, 2015 06:32 AM (Ua6T/)

52 Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen criticized the ethics of bankers at big firms Tuesday evening, saying that recent scandals raise legitimate questions about whether bankers' behavior threatens the safety of their businesses.

I would say that your mentor the Choom King's policies are more of a threat than anything these bankers do.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:32 AM (wlDny)

53 Trey Gowdey says the House committee will not release Scankles emails for public consumption. I can agree with that until she is tried and convicted in court.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:33 AM (wlDny)

54 And Ted Cruz has a plan for Obamacare if SCOTUS shoots it down.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:33 AM (wlDny)

55 Yes, Let's keep out rich Chinese. They may cause as much trouble as all those white Europeans.

What we need more of is poor S Americans.

Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at March 04, 2015 06:33 AM (LWu6U)

56 Just weeks after federal authorities arrested the former speaker of the New York State Assembly on corruption charges, Gov. Andrew Cuomo quietly informed lawmakers there of his plan to purge all state employee emails that are 90 days or older.

I guess we know where he stands on lawbreaking by his fellow Democrats.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:33 AM (wlDny)

57 Obama's illegal Operation Chokepoint is not just going after gun sellers.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:34 AM (wlDny)

58 Heritage states the obvious, Obama doesn't have the legal authority to raise taxes via executive order. Well folks at Heritage, as long as congress does nothing he can do any damn thing he wants.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:34 AM (wlDny)

59 And Heritage is finally fed up with congressional Republicans and their "this is not the hill to die on" strategy.

Hey Heritage; we have no Party.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:34 AM (wlDny)

60 Ramirez

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:34 AM (wlDny)

61 The Daily Deals

That's it for today folks. And I will only be here for a short short this morning.

Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:35 AM (wlDny)

62 Thanks vic,

Morning morons.

Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at March 04, 2015 06:37 AM (LWu6U)

63 Thanks Vic.

How was the Dentist yesterday?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 06:39 AM (j8ddJ)

It appears the DOJ's report is based on disparate impact - not actual criminal behavior. IOW, it's policing by quotas now.

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 06:40 AM (iQIUe)

65 hdr22@ Hillary Diane Rodham. So I guess she is dropping her last name, because of that sex offender thing. Makes sense.

Posted by: redenzo at March 04, 2015 06:40 AM (WCnJW)

66 55
Yes, Let's keep out rich Chinese. They may cause as much trouble as all those white Europeans.

What we need more of is poor S Americans.

Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at March 04, 2015 06:33 AM (LWu6U)

Its too early for trolls, go see hot air.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 06:40 AM (wlDny)

67 Those rubes loved that macaroni & cheese line.

Where's my fucking scotch?

Posted by: Hillary at March 04, 2015 06:41 AM (Ua6T/)

68 Scanning for ammo deals...

Posted by: Man Without a Party at March 04, 2015 06:41 AM (lG2E3)

69 63 How was the Dentist yesterday?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 06:39 AM (j8ddJ)

Good since they did not find any cavities.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 06:42 AM (wlDny)

70 64

It appears the DOJ's report is based on disparate impact - not actual criminal behavior. IOW, it's policing by quotas now.

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 06:40 AM (iQIUe)

Holder has been pushing that BS in every civil rights case since he took office and every one that has gone to court he has lost.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 06:43 AM (wlDny)

71 At this point, it's all just one big continuous clown show.

Posted by: Man with no party at March 04, 2015 06:43 AM (TaO1J)

Let's see:

1. amnesty
2. lied to and sold out by own party
3. iran will go nuclear & obama will shoot IAF jets out of air.
4. black criminals are now untouchable.
5. Unemployment and underemployment while inflation continues to jump

Ace is right. Life sucks big time. Amazing how Obama & his cronies can destroy this country in 7 years...

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 06:43 AM (iQIUe)

73 Weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning. -Psalm 30:5

Never give up. Never, never,never, never, never give up. -Winston Churchill

These two quotes will get us through Obama.

I don't see how we can get through Oboehner.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 04, 2015 06:43 AM (LImiJ)

74 Between Hillary and Bill we will see a scandal every month. The Democrats would be nuts to nominate her.

Over/under on doubling down?

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 06:44 AM (4n9re)

The Government has NO Opposition.

It's a shame, but that's the way it is.

Posted by: Case at March 04, 2015 06:45 AM (tjj0w)

The Government has NO Opposition.

It's a shame, but that's the way it is.

Posted by: Case at March 04, 2015 06:45 AM (tjj0w)

77 "Between Hillary and Bill we will see a scandal every month."

I gots minions, yo.

Posted by: President Lieawatha at March 04, 2015 06:45 AM (lG2E3)

78 Ace is right. Life sucks big time. Amazing how Obama & his cronies can destroy this country in 7 years...

Sucks donkey dongs when cronies = GOPe.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 06:46 AM (4n9re)

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 06:46 AM (CMkNk)

80 Holder has been pushing that BS in every civil rights case since he took office and every one that has gone to court he has lost.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 06:43 AM (wlDny)

But can these communities fight the doj in court? It's expensive and Ferguson has been run dry. They'll also get nailed for fighting it. Well, Holder has to file a suit first. But he has achieved his goal without even going to court. What bullshit!

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 06:47 AM (iQIUe)

81 You know what's really disappointing? Turns out Hillary was right. At this point what difference does it make?

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 04, 2015 06:48 AM (LImiJ)

82 But can these communities fight the doj in court?


Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 06:48 AM (4n9re)

83 "79"

You forgot the title:

"Reasons Why Conservatives Still Support the Republican Party"

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at March 04, 2015 06:48 AM (lG2E3)

84 55 Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at March 04, 2015 06:33 AM (LWu6U)

Just in case you are not a troll and are serious. The point is birthright citizenship should not enable foreigners to come over here for the sole purpose of dropping a youngin' to become a citizen. It doesn/t matter if its Chinese or Mexican (who also do this a lot) or the Swedish Bikini Team. (But they have better ways of getting citizenship.

That was not the purpose of the 14th amendment and not the ruling on Wong Kim Arc.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 06:49 AM (wlDny)

85 Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 06:43 AM (iQIUe)

It's been fundamentally transformed. Almost to the point where it can no longer be recognized as the United States of America.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 06:50 AM (J+mig)

86 80 But can these communities fight the doj in court?
It's expensive and Ferguson has been run dry. They'll also get nailed
for fighting it. Well, Holder has to file a suit first. But he has
achieved his goal without even going to court. What bullshit!

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 06:47 AM (iQIUe)

I(n some cases the "communities" can sue to get court costs back so the only ones that are held accountable are the taxpayers. He keeps doing this lawfare BS because even though he loses every time it costs him NOTHING.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 06:51 AM (wlDny)

87 Headline on Comcast homepage: "Snow, Ice Threaten 47 Million Americans..."

I guess "...With Global Warming," wouldn't fit.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at March 04, 2015 06:51 AM (BZAd3)

DAY 848

615 to go (688 to Inauguration Day 2017)

Muzzies, Marxists, Maoists, Mau-Maus, MFM's, Moochelle, McCain's, McConnell's, machiavellian Mississippi mudslingers, McAuliffe's, Maduro's, MIRV's, Mexifornians, menacing Mozillan 'mo's, Mugwumps, mutants, malcontents, malthusians, maniacs, malignant medical mandates, martial law, miscreants, microagressors, minions, maladjusted masochistic multiculturalists, momzers, mamalukes, mooks, mopes, mariuoli, meeskeits, maricons, marauders, malodorous militants, menstruating mons veneri, malfunctioning Moron microsites and miscellaneous meshugas notwithstanding.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 06:51 AM (CMkNk)

minus 75 in Pikmiktalik, Alaska.


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 06:52 AM (CMkNk)

90 It is supposed to hit 80F here today and I had planned on breaking out my lawn sweeper and getting up all the leaves that come off the neighbors trees. But it has rained all night and the fog is so thick you can't see 10 feet in front of your face.

Besides, I have already started hitting the bottle.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 06:54 AM (wlDny)

91 1996? That's like, ancient history, man.

Posted by: Evil Otto at March 04, 2015 06:54 AM (6eVVe)

minus 75 in Pikmiktalik, Alaska.
J.J. Sefton

talk about shrinkage

Posted by: Case at March 04, 2015 06:55 AM (tjj0w)

93 My prediction for 2016:


Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at March 04, 2015 06:55 AM (lG2E3)

94 'Researchers think they have found the house that Jesus grew up in.'

That's like every house in Tijuana right?

Posted by: freaked at March 04, 2015 06:56 AM (JdEZJ)

Besides, I have already started hitting the bottle.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 06:54 AM (wlDny)


That's impressive Vic.

Posted by: Molly k. at March 04, 2015 06:56 AM (yB/19)

96 Oh THAT Jesus. Never mind.

Posted by: freaked at March 04, 2015 06:57 AM (JdEZJ)

97 "Besides, I have already started hitting the bottle."

Might be taking that "No Drinking 'Till 5" sign a bit too literally...

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at March 04, 2015 06:58 AM (lG2E3)

98 94 'Researchers think they have found the house that Jesus grew up in.'

That's like every house in Tijuana right?
Posted by: freaked at March 04, 2015 06:56 AM (JdEZJ)

Oh the south side of Chicago,
Is the baddest part of town . . .

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 06:58 AM (CMkNk)

99 95 That's impressive Vic.

Posted by: Molly k. at March 04, 2015 06:56 AM (yB/19)

When wifey gets out of bed she probably will not be impressed.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 06:58 AM (wlDny)

100 97
Might be taking that "No Drinking 'Till 5" sign a bit too literally...

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at March 04, 2015 06:58 AM (lG2E3)

Well I didn't start until about 5:30

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 06:59 AM (wlDny)

101 Just in case you are not a troll and are serious.

The point is birthright citizenship should not enable foreigners to come over here for the sole purpose of dropping a youngin' to become a citizen.

Fruit of the poisoned tree. You cannot gain from illegal activity.

Otherwise, Vic could rob a bank, head out of town, drop it off with me, and I get to keep the cash.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 07:00 AM (4n9re)

102 82
But can these communities fight the doj in court?


Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 06:48 AM (4n9re)

In fact, they have to fight it in court. Under the Civil Rights law these cases are filed in civil court by the DOJ against the State or community.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:05 AM (wlDny)

Evidently, Hillary's State Dept. staff are now implicated in hiding their e-mails.


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:05 AM (CMkNk)

104 Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:26 AM (wlDny)

It's cute that you think Congress will/can do anything about that.

You still have a tiny tiny bit of hope left inside, don't you?

I'd get rid of that tout suite if I was you. You're going to be disappointed.

(at least for the next two years anyway)

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at March 04, 2015 07:05 AM (zRby/)

105 Thanks, Vic.

I was listening to Mark Levin last night and he played the opening applause for Netanyahu. Wow. The petulant, shrivelled-soul SCOAMF must have been gnashing his teeth.

Now to WZ to read the "contentious" (Journolist-approved adjective - I think I heard it decribed that way four or five times) speech.

Posted by: Gem at March 04, 2015 07:08 AM (c+gwp)

'Researchers think they have found the house that Jesus grew up in.'

You make claims that cant be verified and make a documentary and sell for lots of money. Isnt that what James Cameron tried to do?

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 07:08 AM (iQIUe)

107 Do you think the Republicans will vote to confirm Billy Ayers to the Supreme Court? Or Eric Holder? Likely.

What a fucking week. My young wife asked me to live another thirty years. Why?

Posted by: Mr. Dave at March 04, 2015 07:08 AM (xmwOU)

108 105 Posted by: Gem at March 04, 2015 07:08 AM (c+gwp)

American Spectator's analysis is that SCOAMF and the Dems really shot themselves in the foot with their collective (and pre-planned) insanity.

Sadly, they are in the driver's seat since they will act lawlessly and there is no opposition party to stop them.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:11 AM (CMkNk)

109 Cameron's Brother of Jesus fraud with Simcha, so remember it. Phony religious artifacts dates back further than St. Helena being offered the True Cross.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 04, 2015 07:11 AM (0Ci8R)

The way the DOJ leaked this report and have yet to release it and how it is being misrepresented, the biggest fucking racist is Holder. Disgusting.

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 07:12 AM (iQIUe)

111 104 Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at March 04, 2015 07:05 AM (zRby/)

If you are refeering to #26 they could pass the law using the 50% option that Dirty Hairy started. Obama may veto it but it can always be reposted assuming the RNCe doesn't drive away all their base.

But it is crucial to get this done as well as close the border.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:12 AM (wlDny)

112 40
Representative Spider Face (C-AZ) is going after a GA Tech scientist who
questioned the AGW theory. He wants her "financial info". If I were she
I would give the standard Southern response for that; "shit in one hand
and hold out the other and see which one fills up the fastest".

More like "Come get some."

That rat faced weezil commie asshole needs someone o tell him to shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

Posted by: Gmac - Driving into the future from the past at March 04, 2015 07:13 AM (4pjhs)

113 37 Commie town in VT wants to lower its 18 year old voting age to 16.
Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:29 AM (wlDny)

Are they all dying off and/or aborting themselves into oblivion?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:13 AM (CMkNk)

114 Yes, Hillary is a filthy skunk. And yet, she will most likely be the next filthy skunk to den up in the people's house. That is, of course, if the current filthy skunk leaves the people's house.

Posted by: Eromero at March 04, 2015 07:13 AM (go5uR)

115 Latest Global warming disaster Need More Ice Beeakers on Great Lakes

Posted by: Tmitsss at March 04, 2015 07:14 AM (Pa9vP)

116 Oh later this morning on TCM is The Brain That Wouldn't Die. Isn't this also the story of Hillary?

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 04, 2015 07:15 AM (0Ci8R)

117 113 Are they all dying off and/or aborting themselves into oblivion?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:13 AM (CMkNk)

I would tend towards they are driving out all the normal people and figure 16 year olds will keep up the communist doings.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:15 AM (wlDny)

Talk about Jornalistas, I'm still pissed off about Dave Weigal & Nick Gillespie's behavior regarding Netanyahu.

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 07:16 AM (iQIUe)

119 107 What a fucking week. My young wife asked me to live another thirty years. Why?
Posted by: Mr. Dave at March 04, 2015 07:08 AM (xmwOU)

Today, I am 20,001 days old.

Never thought I'd say this but if the Lord calls on me, I won't be that upset.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:16 AM (CMkNk)

120 117 I would tend towards they are driving out all the normal people and figure 16 year olds will keep up the communist doings.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:15 AM (wlDny)

Well, in the spirit of adding napalm to Let It Burn, I vote we should send at least 500,000 "Dreamers" to Vermont to make it even dreamier!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:17 AM (CMkNk)

121 I didn't catch the rest of that sentence so I see that you too see the realities.

And even though what you say is sensible, it wouldn't happen (and didn't) in past better days.

There's a reason for that and we all know what it is.

Affirmative Action, PC and the worship of diversity are the primary tools used to undermine rational political thinking and action in this country.

It took years to set things up for Obama to step up to the plate and blast things out of the park. (and let's be real, that's what he's done and he's done what he said he will do).

There isn't much chance of reversion from this point. I just don't see how any reversals can be made due to fundamental flaws in our academia and the constant propagandizing by the Media.

Rational thought is seen as hate, reasonable action is seen as racism, concerns about criminality are seen as racist.

There's no way to fight it without a fundamental change in our enemies camp.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at March 04, 2015 07:17 AM (zRby/)

122 Progs want 16 year old to vote but won't let 18 year olds drink

Posted by: Tmitsss at March 04, 2015 07:18 AM (Pa9vP)

123 Progs want 16 year old to vote but won't let 18 year olds drink.

Or drunk people to kcuf.

Posted by: Count de Monet at March 04, 2015 07:19 AM (JO9+V)

124 119 Today, I am 20,001 days old.

Never thought I'd say this but if the Lord calls on me, I won't be that upset.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:16 AM (CMkNk)

Happy Birthday, next Monday I will be 30,660 days old.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:19 AM (wlDny)

125 Just in case you are not a troll and are serious

Sorry vic, I was working.

I am, of course, 100% against birthright citizenship. Maybe it was tolerable when you needed to get on a boat, and there was no welfare state, etc. but right now birthright citizenship is unsustainable, immoral, theft.

And a giant fuck you to the taxpayers as well.

But I am a little shocked that the one group of people that we should be eager to welcome to the country (wealthy) are the only ones that people seem to get upset about. How do you explain this other than that the elites have confused our immigration policies with some kind of international charity.

Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at March 04, 2015 07:20 AM (LWu6U)

126 And Ted Cruz has a plan for Obamacare if SCOTUS shoots it down. Posted by: Vic at March 04, 2015 06:33 AM

So another Revered Conservative Icon joins the "we can do ChoomCare better!!11!!" brigade?

This has a hint of Bitch McConnell/Cheeto Boner stench to it. Let's all hold hands and make nice with Our Friends Across the Aisle.

I have a plan for Congress, too. They wouldn't much like it.

Posted by: MrScribbler at March 04, 2015 07:20 AM (P8YHq)

127 I'm surprised to read that lake freighters are even trying to operate in these conditions. Overnight low temperatures are still below zero, and barely above freezing for a daytime high, if that.

Winter won't go away for at least another six weeks and could be end of May. I've seen ice on the shore on Memorial Day.

Posted by: Ralph Quickly at March 04, 2015 07:22 AM (bchLv)

Douchebag shot dead by LAPD just got out of the can for armed robbery and was living under an assumed name. The cops were trying to arrest him for a parole vilation. So, why wasnt he deported?

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 07:22 AM (iQIUe)

129 126 I have a plan for Congress, too. They wouldn't much like it.

Posted by: MrScribbler at March 04, 2015 07:20 AM (P8YHq)

I got the feeling that his "plan" is the same one Republicans have always had. Let people shop across State lines for insurance.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:23 AM (wlDny)

130 124 Happy Birthday, next Monday I will be 30,660 days old.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:19 AM (wlDny)

You can't be THAT old!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:23 AM (CMkNk)

131 Hahaha! He robbed a bank to pay for acting classes.

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 07:23 AM (iQIUe)

132 Instapundit seems to be down. Hope it's nothing serious.

Posted by: Emily at March 04, 2015 07:24 AM (7Rn+/)

133 He was a method actor? Wanted to play a bank robber?

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 04, 2015 07:24 AM (0Ci8R)

1. Drive up healthcare and insurance costs with Medicare/Medicaid
2. Rail against evil insurance companies and doctors for 40 years for being greedy
3. Nationalize the entire thing and destroy it.
4. Profit!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:25 AM (CMkNk)

135 Damn. Just a hair shy of 12,000 myself.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 07:25 AM (J+mig)

Hahaha! He robbed a bank to pay for acting classes.

Freeze dirtbag! *click*

*raises hands* and scene!

Posted by: Count de Monet at March 04, 2015 07:26 AM (JO9+V)

137 135 Damn. Just a hair shy of 12,000 myself.
Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 07:25 AM (J+mig)

I remember being 12,000.

(**wistful sigh**)

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:26 AM (CMkNk)

138 128

Douchebag shot dead by LAPD just got out of the can for armed
robbery and was living under an assumed name. The cops were trying to
arrest him for a parole vilation. So, why wasnt he deported?

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 07:22 AM (iQIUe)

Doesn't matter, his pigmentation allowed him to break multiple laws and be discharged from a mental institution.

And it allows his "fellow" pigmented brothers to shop for super discount flat screen TVs and build fires during these cold winter months.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:26 AM (wlDny)

139 Federal judge rips the EPA for lying to the court:

I can remember when this was illegal.

Damn, I'm old.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at March 04, 2015 07:26 AM (BZAd3)

140 130 You can't be THAT old!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:23 AM (CMkNk)

I am surprised I made it that far with some of the wild shit I have done plus a heart attack and cancer.

Well technically I haven't made it that far yet.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:28 AM (wlDny)

141 139 Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at March 04, 2015 07:26 AM (BZAd3)

You can thank Mark Levin's Landmark Legal Foundation for that.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:28 AM (CMkNk)

142 >>> if the Lord calls on me, I won't be that upset.

J.J., there is a place prepared for me. I'm ready whenever the Lord wants me. I just don't think He wants me yet.

Posted by: Mr. Dave at March 04, 2015 07:29 AM (J/LnV)

143 Just got to hear the execrable Lanny Davis on the radio this am.

Kept hammering the talking point that this Hillary Clinton thing is a double standard, that Rice and Powell did it, along with Jeb Bush and Chris Christie. So they are starting with that to see if it sticks.

However, I'm pretty sure Clinton is unique in owning and running her own email server out of her house, then limiting use of that private (and I do mean PRIVATE) email to SecState stuff. She went to third party email after leaving the SecState gig.

Posted by: @JohnTant at March 04, 2015 07:31 AM (PFy0L)

144 142 Posted by: Mr. Dave at March 04, 2015 07:29 AM (J/LnV)

Not to be depressing, but all I want is to see America restored (or well on the way to it) and Israel secure.
That might be a long way off and a lot of misery along the way.


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:32 AM (CMkNk)

145 Good morning, 'rons. I hope you are all well.

Posted by: DangerGirl at March 04, 2015 07:32 AM (gECZB)

146 You can thank Mark Levin's Landmark Legal Foundation for that.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:28 AM (CMkNk)

I can remember a few discussions here wherein some accused Mark of teetering on the edge...

Most people here now, I would venture to guess, are likely thinking that he was pretty damned prescient.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at March 04, 2015 07:32 AM (BZAd3)

147 143 Posted by: @JohnTant at March 04, 2015 07:31 AM (PFy0L)

Typical Dem defense - "Everybody does it". When in fact, only Dems do it.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:32 AM (wlDny)

148 So, NOW they are investigating Mrs. Boston Bombing Terrorist? She didnt think it was odd that they had pressure cookers all over the apt? Whey didnt the DOJ see who bought that crap to begin with?

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 07:34 AM (iQIUe)

149 Not to be depressing, but all I want is to see America restored (or well on the way to it) and Israel secure.
That might be a long way off and a lot of misery along the way.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:32 AM (CMkNk)

The Jewish people are going to make it. They always pull through. America? Answer cloudy, ask again later.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 07:34 AM (J+mig)

150 g'mornin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at March 04, 2015 07:35 AM (2Ayux)

151 Time for some art I guess

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 04, 2015 07:35 AM (0Ci8R)

152 Purim starts tonight.

Bibi made mention of Queen Ester in his speech.

Happy Purim.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at March 04, 2015 07:36 AM (BZAd3)

153 She was testing out the starting up of a Jihadi Fried Chicken franchise concept. Hence the pressure cookers.

Posted by: Count de Monet at March 04, 2015 07:36 AM (JO9+V)

154 Morning Miss DG.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 07:36 AM (4n9re)

155 Did Vic post the Ramirez cartoon yet. If not, here it is:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 04, 2015 07:36 AM (DXzRD)

Hillary's email account was legal, and she doesn't wear pantsuits to hide her balls.

Posted by: Huma Abedin at March 04, 2015 07:37 AM (P330y)

Remember when Michele Catalano claimed to be a pressure cooker victim? lol I wonder if she divorced that husband. She goes thru husbands like socks.

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 07:37 AM (iQIUe)

158 @151 Waldo is sure dressing up funny these days. Sign of the times?

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 04, 2015 07:37 AM (xq1UY)

159 Hey guys if we are going Democrat, Joe Biden should be our candidate.

Posted by: blaster at March 04, 2015 07:38 AM (Rx8ML)

160 How many other government folks have private home email servers?

Posted by: eman at March 04, 2015 07:39 AM (MQEz6)

Israel will not fall. I really believe that.

The U.S. however could use a makeover.

Posted by: Case at March 04, 2015 07:40 AM (tjj0w)

162 159 Hey guys if we are going Democrat, Joe Biden should be our candidate.
Posted by: blaster at March 04, 2015 07:38 AM (Rx8ML)

I'm not going Democrat. I'm just covering every possible contingency plan of Operation GTFO. My family's been leaving countries that are going to shit ever since we left what is now Italy one step ahead of Octavian's armies. I won't be the weak link that breaks or dishonors such an ancient and time-honored tradition.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 07:41 AM (J+mig)

It's Purim! Go out and get some "hamentashen" and celebrate.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 07:41 AM (CMkNk)

164 Evidently, Hillary's State Dept. staff are now implicated in hiding their e-mails.

Whys everyone looking at me?

Posted by: Jen Psackofshit at March 04, 2015 07:42 AM (tU+ul)

165 155
Did Vic post the Ramirez cartoon yet. If not, here it is:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 04, 2015 07:36 AM (DXzRD)

Yes I did at #60.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:43 AM (wlDny)

166 160
How many other government folks have private home email servers?

Posted by: eman at March 04, 2015 07:39 AM (MQEz6)

You can have all the private e-mail accounts you want, you just can not use them to do government work.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:44 AM (wlDny)

167 Morning, Glories.

Appreciate the news, as ever, Vic.

High temperatures in the coming days:

39, 49, 57, 61, 63, 68, 69 all clear and sunny.

High for today:

29. With good chance of snow showers.

If I can just make it through today...!

Posted by: mindful webworker at March 04, 2015 07:46 AM (REkPr)

168 Mmmmmm hamentashen.

Posted by: DangerGirl at March 04, 2015 07:46 AM (gECZB)

169 Why not just ask the obvious question: What was Hillary trying to hide?

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 04, 2015 07:47 AM (MMC8r)

170 I know it's been done before, but I'd be interested in a good discussion of places to go for those of us who want to GTFO. I suspect I can't afford it, but it's time to examine that option thoroughly.

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at March 04, 2015 07:47 AM (lG2E3)

171 You make claims that cant be verified and make a documentary and sell for lots of money. Isnt that what James Cameron tried to do?

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 07:08 AM (iQIUe)

Al Gore's A Convenient Lie.

Posted by: The Georgia Goober at March 04, 2015 07:47 AM (sy6zs)

172 Off Jimmy Do Nothing sock.

Posted by: RickZ at March 04, 2015 07:48 AM (sy6zs)

173 170
I know it's been done before, but I'd be interested in a good discussion
of places to go for those of us who want to GTFO. I suspect I can't
afford it, but it's time to examine that option thoroughly.

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at March 04, 2015 07:47 AM (lG2E3)

I have been all over the world except for Europe and South America. There are no "good" places to go. The best place I have ever been is Hobart Tasmania in Australia.
Why do you think everyone wants to come to the US?

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:49 AM (wlDny)

174 Did I tell you guys that my crazy coworker (the one I filed a complaint against a year or so ago) got the boot two weeks ago? Work is actually enjoyable.

Posted by: DangerGirl at March 04, 2015 07:49 AM (gECZB)

175 Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at March 04, 2015 07:47 AM (lG2E3)

I'm leaning towards Belize. The drive through Mexico will be dangerous, of course, but the important thing is that I could drive it, which drastically reduces costs and cuts things like any no-fly lists that may be beefed up in the future out of the picture.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 07:50 AM (J+mig)

176 I saw spider face man being interviewed.

What is his deal? He can barely talk. He looks as tho he just strolled out of middle earth, and he is bat shit crazy

WTF New Mexico. Not rich. Not connected. Not influential. Not good looking. Not smart. Not principled. Not persuasive. How did he get elected?

Sometimes I think no one must want the job

Posted by: ThunderB, Shapeshifter at March 04, 2015 07:50 AM (zOTsN)

177 >>>>Trey Gowdey says the House committee will not release Scankles emails for public consumption. I can agree with that until she is tried and convicted in court.

.I have a suspicion that someone found what could potentially be classified material in at least some of those emails.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at March 04, 2015 07:51 AM (4oSLk)

178 I know it's been done before, but I'd be interested in a good discussion of places to go for those of us who want to GTFO. I suspect I can't afford it, but it's time to examine that option thoroughly.

Texas, Oklahoma,.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 07:52 AM (4n9re)

179 177 .I have a suspicion that someone found what could potentially be classified material in at least some of those emails.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at March 04, 2015 07:51 AM (4oSLk)

Probably, which would be yet another felony which the Scrunt will never be prosecuted for. .

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:52 AM (wlDny)

180 but I'd be interested in a good discussion "

73 Countries under my belt.


And of course, Alextopia.
But, I'm beginning to doubt the existence of Alextopia.

So, pretty much Israel.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 07:53 AM (j8ddJ)

181 So, pretty much Israel.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 07:53 AM (j8ddJ)

It's very high on a very short list.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 07:54 AM (J+mig)

182 I have a suspicion that someone found what could potentially be classified material in at least some of those emails.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at March 04, 2015 07:51 AM (4oSLk)

What difference, at this point, does.....meh, I got nothin'.

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at March 04, 2015 07:55 AM (yxw0r)

183 An observation:

Canadian Bacon is no substitute for the real thing.

Posted by: mindful webworker - breakfast philosopher at March 04, 2015 07:56 AM (REkPr)

184 So, pretty much Israel.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 07:53 AM (j8ddJ)

But you have to deal with this:

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 04, 2015 07:56 AM (Zu3d9)

185 Now that this blog no longer supports the Republicans, will you stop telling GOP voters who to support.

Posted by: Moderate Republican at March 04, 2015 07:57 AM (yI8HS)

186 Well folks, I am the point where bad typing is becoming no typing so I am going to move back to the rocking chair.

Be good. I may check in from time to time.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:57 AM (wlDny)

187 Mornin', 'rons!

So, The New Yorker saw fit to run a flattering article on Greg Gutfeld and Red Eye...the week after he leaves Red Eye.

What's the old saying, the only good conservative is a dead conservative?

(I know Gutfeld describes himself as a Conserv-a-tarian, but I am positive the New Yorker considers him a conservative.)

Posted by: Citizen X at March 04, 2015 07:57 AM (7ObY1)

188 I would be extremely wary of moving to any foreign country to live. I have been to some places that were extremely nice and very friendly to expats but then turned bad. the Philippines used to be the number 1 place for Navy men to retire to. Not anymore. Heck a US citizen cant even buy property there now.

You just never can tell. The wife and I are seriously looking at moving to Texas when we retire for the third time.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at March 04, 2015 07:57 AM (4oSLk)

189 Pikmiktalik. Why does Alaska name a town after Superman's foe from the Fifth Dimension?

Posted by: Little Miss Spellcheck at March 04, 2015 07:58 AM (4pyhg)

190 182 I have a suspicion that someone found what could potentially be classified material in at least some of those emails.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at March 04, 2015 07:51 AM (4oSLk)

Posted by: Tmitsss at March 04, 2015 08:00 AM (Pa9vP)

191 You just never can tell. The wife and I are seriously looking at moving to Texas when we retire for the third time.
Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at March 04, 2015 07:57 AM (4oSLk)

Texas is great, I moved here a year and a half ago, but there's so much uncertainty over exactly how bad it's going to get that it's better to be over-prepared than under-prepared. Sometimes things that seem solid aren't as solid as they seem.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:00 AM (J+mig)

192 Cato

A good friend visited Belize to size up moving there. He said the packet that he received stated that it is extremely difficult to import guns, that certain guns are illegal and that it's difficult to get permits and that the permits are $500 per weapon.

This was 3-4 years ago, so maybe that's changed.

Posted by: Usedtocould at March 04, 2015 08:02 AM (WTxuq)

193 VIA, also 73 countries here. Currently in Thailand. I agree Israel, if I have to leave my beloved Texas.

Posted by: Mr. Dave at March 04, 2015 08:03 AM (gFJSC)

194 166 160
How many other government folks have private home email servers?

Posted by: eman at March 04, 2015 07:39 AM (MQEz6)

You can have all the private e-mail accounts you want, you just can not use them to do government work.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 04, 2015 07:44 AM (wlDny)


So who has them?

Posted by: eman at March 04, 2015 08:03 AM (MQEz6)

195 People were living in Bolivia due to low cost and ideal climate. But the country is run poorly where even a trip to the post office is maddening and the gov is corrupt as hell.

I've also read about "nomads" -- retirees in SA who live in small hotels that are extremely cheap.

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 08:04 AM (iQIUe)

196 I love Texas. I just wish my family was here and it wasn't like the surface of the sun from May to October.

Posted by: DangerGirl at March 04, 2015 08:04 AM (gECZB)

197 This was 3-4 years ago, so maybe that's changed.
Posted by: Usedtocould at March 04, 2015 08:02 AM (WTxuq)

That's a problem, but it beats living in an Orwellian police state, which there's a fairly high probability of becoming a reality, no matter what anybody does about it.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:04 AM (J+mig)

198 196 I love Texas. I just wish my family was here and it wasn't like the surface of the sun from May to October.
Posted by: DangerGirl at March 04, 2015 08:04 AM (gECZB)

I used to be a Floridian. The only difference to me is that in the summer, my eyes feel like raisins and sweating actually works. Start sweating in FL, and that's it, you're soaken wet until you go somewhere that has air conditioning.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:05 AM (J+mig)

199 Good morning, all

Posted by: Bigby's Fistbump at March 04, 2015 08:06 AM (3ZtZW)


>>>Bibi made mention of Queen Ester in his speech.

What was Moochelle's response? She do that eye thing and call him a nasty old heathen?

Posted by: Bigby's Fistbump at March 04, 2015 08:07 AM (3ZtZW)

201 Now that this blog no longer supports the Republicans, will you stop telling GOP voters who to support.

Posted by: Moderate Republican at March 04, 2015 07:57 AM (yI8HS)

You think you have a choice? That's cute.

Posted by: GOPe at March 04, 2015 08:08 AM (MMC8r)

202 "Was this the house where Jesus grew up? It is impossible to say on archaeological grounds...."

Or any other.

Posted by: mindful webworker - when in fact... at March 04, 2015 08:10 AM (REkPr)

203 "the woman reduced the office of Secretary of State to a global fleecing operation. She gets an Ambassador killed on her watch" and quotes "What difference does it make?"

Robert Stacy McCain has a way with words-global fleeing operation.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 04, 2015 08:10 AM (DXzRD)

204 I won't necessarily classify this as good news but it is a distraction from the absolute bell going on around us. The have been several comments lately about the Battle of Leyte Gulf and, indeed, I find the Battle very interesting. Now they have found the battleship Mushasi, sister ship of the Yamato.

No word as to whether Jesus was on board.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 04, 2015 08:11 AM (ee9LE)

205 @176
I thought Grivalvalvoline Spider Face was from AZ.

Posted by: Y-not on her phone at March 04, 2015 08:12 AM (9BRsg)

>>>would be extremely wary of moving to any foreign country to live. I have been to some places that were extremely nice and very friendly to expats but then turned bad.

Stay away from islands, for that reason.

Posted by: Bigby's Fistbump at March 04, 2015 08:12 AM (3ZtZW)

207 Why not just ask the obvious question: What was Hillary trying to hide?

Slower, I'm writing this down. Good stuff, keep it coming.

Posted by: MFM ace reporter at March 04, 2015 08:12 AM (JO9+V)

208 >>>>Now that this blog no longer supports the Republicans, will you stop telling GOP voters who to support.

Posted by: Moderate Republican at March 04, 2015 07:57 AM (yI8HS)<<<<<

Why? You have been taking your marching orders from the Dems for the last 8 years or so anyway.

Posted by: the guy that moves pianos for a living... at March 04, 2015 08:12 AM (MkQKr)

209 If I may ask, "In what way was your co-worker crazy?" I didn't see your account of it.

I am glad, though, that work is better

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 04, 2015 08:13 AM (DXzRD)

210 The worse , the better . Words to live by . Off to the range for a few rounds and then off to the boozer . The worse, the better . Have a nice life .

Posted by: jaytrain at March 04, 2015 08:13 AM (uvj0z)

211 Mornin Morons. What evil lurks about today?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, looking for Billy The Mountain at March 04, 2015 08:13 AM (YOPoU)

212 Do you think Boehner has any idea how much we hate him?

Posted by: Boehner *hic* at March 04, 2015 08:13 AM (A98Xu)

213 No word as to whether Jesus was on board.
Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 04, 2015 08:11 AM (ee9LE)

I know he's not, him and his brother Raoul are shoveling my driveway right now

Posted by: MikeH at March 04, 2015 08:14 AM (DNTer)

214 211 Mornin Morons. What evil lurks about today?
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, looking for Billy The Mountain at March 04, 2015 08:13 AM (YOPoU)

Lurks? It's on parade.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:15 AM (J+mig)

215 Do you think Boehner has any idea how much we hate him?

It's mutual.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 04, 2015 08:15 AM (MMC8r)

>>>What evil lurks about today?

Got a staff meeting comin up. That count?

Posted by: Bigby's Fistbump at March 04, 2015 08:15 AM (3ZtZW)

217 216
>>>What evil lurks about today?

Got a staff meeting comin up. That count?
Posted by: Bigby's Fistbump at March 04, 2015 08:15 AM (3ZtZW)

Insipid evil is the tastiest evil

Posted by: MikeH at March 04, 2015 08:16 AM (DNTer)

Keep at it, HIllary Haters and you will be sleeping with the fishys!

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 08:16 AM (iQIUe)

219 I'm just waiting for the "old lady isn't tech savvy and couldn't navigate the .gov email interface" defense, so I can ask why such a Luddite was able to run an email server in her own home.

Posted by: @JohnTant at March 04, 2015 08:16 AM (eytER)

220 That twitchy sidebar about the Lib in CA who used to support Obamacare is High-larious!!!

Sample tweet excerpt: :"i support obamacare, but not incompetence.:

LOL! It's like these people think that everything is going to be run by them, instead of by average govt. employees...

Posted by: JeremiadBullfrog at March 04, 2015 08:16 AM (kQOYH)

Today is National Grammar Day. I'm not expecting much, really.
For most of us around here, it means a trip over the river and through the woods.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 04, 2015 06:25 AM (xq1UY)

Thats way cool, Kids today should be teached those things. Bad grammar is something with which i will not put up.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 04, 2015 08:16 AM (cSU3r)

222 I am glad, though, that work is better
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 04, 2015 08:13 AM (DXzRD)

She constantly talked to herself. She had no stop valve between her brain and her mouth. She had an extremely short fuse. She thought she was all of our boss. She accused us many times of stealing her stuff. She was a hoarder. She was written up three times for calling coworkers names, telling them to go kill themselves, throwing the F word around like crazy and mentally beating us all down.

It was exhausting.

Posted by: DangerGirl at March 04, 2015 08:17 AM (gECZB)

223 Thanks for the news, Vic. Felt fairly good this morning until I looked out the windows (foot of snow on the ground) and read the news. I just shake my head at the daily GOP rectal-cranial inversions. Any predictions on when the culture war finally goes hot in the next two years?

Posted by: 1bulwetweft at March 04, 2015 08:17 AM (TR90z)

224 Is Obama a Dictator?

Is Obama a dictator? He has circumvented both the Congress and the Constitution in appropriating funds and trampling on the Bill of Rights.

But what about Congress... which is supposed to write the law?

At this point I think we can finally admit that Congress has ceased to be a branch of government.

At most, they pass enabling acts.

Obama is a dictator.


Posted by: The Political Hat at March 04, 2015 08:18 AM (0Ew3K)

225 That Smoking Gun reveals another tidbit: Sid Blumenthal still uses *AOL* in 2013.

/Top Men

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 04, 2015 08:18 AM (MMC8r)

226 That twitchy sidebar about the Lib in CA who used to support Obamacare is High- larious!!!

Sample tweet excerpt: :"i support obamacare,
but not incompetence.:

"I support the DMV, ............."
"I support the ............"

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 08:18 AM (4n9re)

227 225 That Smoking Gun reveals another tidbit: Sid Blumenthal still uses *AOL* in 2013.

/Top Men
Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 04, 2015 08:18 AM (MMC8r)

It's hard to give up the whine of modem training, very hard.

Posted by: MikeH at March 04, 2015 08:19 AM (DNTer)

228 On Monday, it was parents in Maryland who let their free range kids walk alone being "found responsible for unsubstantiated charges" by the child welfare authorities.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister of Israel had to come to Washington to shame the party of American Jews and put some steel in a few hundred Democratic spines.

Today, it is some "scientist" saying that: "it is impossible to say on archaeological grounds [this this is the house Jesus grew up in]...." but then he goes on to offer speculation that is exactly the opposite of what the scientific is.

What the hell is happening in this world?

It's as if forty years of intellectual and moral rot has reached critical mass in just a few days.

Posted by: Reieu at March 04, 2015 08:19 AM (4HYng)

229 This morning I'm proud to formally admit Ace into the LIB Club. There's no shame in hope, but ignorance and naivety cannot be coddled in the 6th Year of the Obama. We saw what a united congress did under Bush. Why would anyone expect better under Obama?

Posted by: Beefy Meatball at March 04, 2015 08:19 AM (bUmSq)

230 Any predictions on when the culture war finally goes hot in the next two years?
Posted by: 1bulwetweft at March 04, 2015 08:17 AM (TR90z)

I'm hoping the government runs out of money, fed tricks, and such and simply turns the lights off. All 50 states suddenly have to grapple with independence.

I'm fearing that any resistance won't be enough, or that America will go out with a whimper and that we'll end up in an Orwellian police state.

I'm expecting chaos, destruction, and misery for a long time to come.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:20 AM (J+mig)

231 "Currently in Thailand."

Please, please tell me that you're not wearing brown leather sandals, black socks and shorts.

Just kidding.

But, I saw so many European men in their 55-67's walking about, all with very young looking people hanging off their arms, and dressed exactly that way.

And the older guys in Sasebo all had this dream of retiring to Pattaya beach, and run a bar.

And I'm thinking, "So what happens when your teeth rot out, and your liver shits the bed? Where you gonna go for medical".

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 08:21 AM (j8ddJ)

232 It was exhausting.
Posted by: DangerGirl at March 04, 2015 08:17 AM (gECZB)

I've had bosses like that. Getting rid of a boss or coworker like that is a blessing.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:21 AM (J+mig)

233 What evil lurks about today?

Yector, for starters.

Posted by: Citizen X at March 04, 2015 08:22 AM (7ObY1)

234 >>>Now that this blog no longer supports the Republicans, will you stop telling GOP voters who to support.<<<

No. Jeb is your man. He's raking in the big bucks and establishment loves him. Bonus: Jeb and Hillary are opposite sides of the same coin.

Posted by: Fritz at March 04, 2015 08:22 AM (dVmLD)

DC embarasses me.

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 08:22 AM (iQIUe)

236 There is no safe place in this world. Things are unpredictable and the world is flawed and corrupt.
The best we can do- as a person of faith-is to listen to the advice of Reinhold Neibuhr-the author of the serenity prayer:

God, give me grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 04, 2015 08:22 AM (DXzRD)

237 Wouldn't it stand to reason that the more conservatives congregate in one place the more conservative that place becomes?

Posted by: Ben Had at March 04, 2015 08:23 AM (qngSw)

238 "People were living in Bolivia due to low cost and ideal climate. But the
country is run poorly where even a trip to the post office is maddening
and the gov is corrupt as hell."

I lived there for 3 years and met my wife there. Country is very poor and has many problems, including very high crime and political chaos but still has a nice charm and can be very pleasant if you have a little money and don't have to work for $5 a day. Govt is currently very left wing but in a way it doesn't matter. Govt. has very little money or power and NOBODY is scared of it, its bureaucrats and regulations or the police. People do what they want, when they want. You can sense the freedom (or anarchy) as soon as you get off the plane. Lots of good and bad in that but coming back here always feels like walking into a jail cell.

Posted by: George Orwell de Leon at March 04, 2015 08:23 AM (1BQGO)

239 224 great post, Hat.
Tweeted it.

Posted by: @votermom at March 04, 2015 08:23 AM (EEJSD)

240 It's as if forty years of intellectual and moral rot has reached critical mass in just a few days.

Posted by: Reieu at March 04, 2015 08:19 AM (4HYng)

Things are speeding up, much as they do for the turd as it circles ever closer to the drain.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:24 AM (J+mig)

241 Pikmiktalik. Why does Alaska name a town after Superman's foe from the Fifth Dimension?


Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 08:24 AM (4n9re)

242 Today is National Grammar Day.

Its the most goodest day ever.

Posted by: Citizen X at March 04, 2015 08:24 AM (7ObY1)

243 Texas?

I'm not living anywhere with tarantulas, scorpions and rattlesnakes. I'll stick with copperheads in NC.

Posted by: jjod at March 04, 2015 08:25 AM (0r7PZ)

244 And I'm thinking, "So what happens when your teeth rot out, and your liver shits the bed? Where you gonna go for medical".

Bangkok has some of the best hospitals on the planet.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at March 04, 2015 08:25 AM (659DL)

245 Guten morgen, meine fapperschen! Hopefully today will be a brighter day, after the rather ugly clusterf*ck that was the first half of last night's ONT.

Posted by: Insomniac at March 04, 2015 08:25 AM (2Ojst)

246 241 Pikmiktalik. Why does Alaska name a town after Superman's foe from the Fifth Dimension?

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 08:24 AM (4n9re)

Not as bad as Mxyzptlk, FL

Posted by: MikeH at March 04, 2015 08:25 AM (DNTer)

247 I'm not living anywhere with tarantulas, scorpions and rattlesnakes.

As a former Texan I have only two words to say: fire ants.

Posted by: Citizen X at March 04, 2015 08:25 AM (7ObY1)

248 Today is National Grammar Day.

Its the most goodest day ever.

Today ARE National Grammar Day.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at March 04, 2015 08:26 AM (659DL)

249 If you love fucked up politics, you'll love Israel. Israel owns the trademark. Political corruption is an art form - at all levels.

Just sayin'

OTOH, I hope to move there myself as soon as the wife retires, so I know what you mean.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at March 04, 2015 08:26 AM (BZAd3)

250 OK off to the races

Posted by: Bigby's Fistbump at March 04, 2015 08:26 AM (3ZtZW)

251 242
Today is National Grammar Day.

I seen it was National Grammar Day, as you was saying.

Like, awesome.

Posted by: 1bulwetweft at March 04, 2015 08:26 AM (CzJOg)

252 great post, Hat.
Tweeted it.

Posted by: @votermom at March 04, 2015 08:23 AM (EEJSD)

Tips hat.

Posted by: The Political Hat at March 04, 2015 08:26 AM (0Ew3K)

253 And an interesting reflection on freedom by Fr. Walter Ciszek, a priest from PA who went to Poland to evangelize but was taken prisoner by officials in the USSR and he was thrown in the notorious Lubyianka Prison and then spent decades in the gulags before being returned to the US:

Freedom and God's will:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 04, 2015 08:27 AM (DXzRD)

254 243 Texas?

I'm not living anywhere with tarantulas, scorpions and rattlesnakes. I'll stick with copperheads in NC.
Posted by: jjod at March 04, 2015 08:25 AM (0r7PZ)

Ain't seen none of those yet. I live in College Station/Bryan. Scorpions and Rattlesnakes tend to be in the drier parts of the state. No idea where you'd find a tarantula but a pet shop.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:27 AM (J+mig)

255 242 Today is National Grammar Day.

Its the most goodest day ever.
Posted by: Citizen X at March 04, 2015 08:24 AM (7ObY1)

Don't mean nothin'.

Posted by: Insomniac at March 04, 2015 08:27 AM (2Ojst)

256 Wouldn't it stand to reason that the more conservatives congregate in one place the more conservative that place becomes?

Well, we know it works the other way because Berkeley.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at March 04, 2015 08:27 AM (659DL)

257 236 Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 04, 2015 08:22 AM (DXzRD)

When SCOAMF referenced Niebuhr a way's back, it soured me on him. Had no idea he wrote that.

Oh well.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:27 AM (CMkNk)

258 Read about that white guy who decided to pick up 2 black guys and give them a ride while driving with his 6 year old daughter. He makes a left turn causing another car to swerve to avoid a collision and is pulled over. The black guy in the back with the kid jumps over the seat and drives away at a high rate of speed dragging the cop with him, refusing to stop, until the cop shoots him 3x.

Dad blames cops. LOL

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 08:27 AM (iQIUe)

259 Today ARE National Grammar Day.

I is so excited!

Posted by: Citizen X at March 04, 2015 08:27 AM (7ObY1)

260 The Presidential Records Act mandates the preservation of all presidential records. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and the Wall Street Journal contend that the missing emails may constitute a violation of this Act.

Posted by: Dick Tracy at March 04, 2015 08:27 AM (e8kgV)

261 People do what they want, when they want. You can sense the freedom (or anarchy) as soon as you get off the plane. Lots of good and bad in that but coming
back here always feels like walking into a jail cell.

Can you get dynamite for stump removal without a governmental proctological exam?

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 08:28 AM (4n9re)

262 Today is National Grammar Day.

Its the most goodest day ever.

Today ARE National Grammar Day.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at March 04, 2015 08:26 AM (659DL)

Today BE'S National Grammar Day.

Posted by: Golfman in NC at March 04, 2015 08:28 AM (iVjJr)

263 As a former Texan I have only two words to say: fire ants.

Posted by: Citizen X at March 04, 2015 08:25 AM (7ObY1)

Yeah, but we don't get blizzards. It evens out.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:28 AM (J+mig)

264 As a former Texan I have only two words to say: fire ants.

As in, ants that can only be killed with fire.

Posted by: Insomniac at March 04, 2015 08:29 AM (2Ojst)

265 Yeah, but we don't get blizzards. It evens out.Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:28 AM (J+mig)

Rather have blizzards than hurricanes.

Posted by: 1bulwetweft at March 04, 2015 08:29 AM (CzJOg)

266 Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson alleged that his wife's identity was covert and that members of the George W. Bush administration knowingly revealed that information as retribution for his New York Times op-ed entitled "What I Didn't Find in Africa," of July 6, 2003, regarding the claim that Saddam Hussein was seeking uranium. Patrick J. Fitzgerald, while investigating the leak, found that emails were missing from the White House server. Mother Jones wrote that this is possibly the reason the RNC changed the policy of deleting emails after 30 days to saving all email sent and received by White House officials. In light of the apparent vanished emails Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has asked to reopen the investigation.

Posted by: Dick Tracy at March 04, 2015 08:29 AM (e8kgV)

267 261 Can you get dynamite for stump removal without a governmental proctological exam?
Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 08:28 AM (4n9re)

Barbara Mikulski is retiring, so save the dynamite.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:29 AM (CMkNk)

268 No idea where you'd find a tarantula but a pet shop.

On your ceiling.

(Yes, that sound you just heard was 'ettes)

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 08:29 AM (4n9re)

269 Dad blames cops. LOL
Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 08:27 AM (iQIUe)

A friend of mine who's a Sheriff's Deputy put it best.

"When people love the thugs more than the police, you have anarchy."

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:30 AM (J+mig)

270 Yeah, but we don't get blizzards. It evens out.

Oh, absolutely! No doubt.

I loved the weather in Tejas. Never saw a rattlesnake or a tarantula there either.

And one is highly unlikely to come across a scorpion unless you're out in the middle of the night. Even on my camping trips to the desert, I only ever saw a dead scorpion or two, floating in a stream.

Posted by: Citizen X at March 04, 2015 08:30 AM (7ObY1)

271 Getting rid of a boss or coworker like that is a blessing.
Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:21 AM (J+mig)


The thing that gets me is that even after three writeups, she had no interest in changing. One day, she was telling someone they were an idiot and I said, "haven't you gotten in trouble for calling people names? You might think about not doing that."

Her response? "if you don't like it, go talk to HR. I don't care."

Posted by: DangerGirl at March 04, 2015 08:30 AM (gECZB)

272 Grammar is just another oppressive construct of the white, cis-normative, heterocentric patriarchy.

Posted by: Insomniac at March 04, 2015 08:30 AM (2Ojst)

273 "Bangkok has some of the best hospitals on the planet."

Bangkok might. I have not been in Bangkok.
Have been to the Hospital in Pattaya though.
Had to pick up one of our Sailors who was injured while on liberty there.
Not overly impressed.

But I'm talking about long term, medical care over the remaining life span of a standard military retiree.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 08:30 AM (j8ddJ)

274 Rather have blizzards than hurricanes.
Posted by: 1bulwetweft at March 04, 2015 08:29 AM (CzJOg)

I wouldn't, and unlike when I lived in FL, I'm +/- 90 miles inland from Houston. A hurricane would be very weak by the time it got here. Land takes the starch outta them in a hurry.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:31 AM (J+mig)

275 Diplomacy with a Regime that has Declared their Intent to Destroy You, Isn't

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to a joint session of Congress to give fair warning of the intent of Iranian leaders. Unsurprisingly, all the usual suspects threw a hissy-fit. Why did they have a hissy-fit? Because doubting that diplomatic solutions with a regime that had openly declared their intent to commit genocide somehow totes bad!

Posted by: The Political Hat at March 04, 2015 08:31 AM (0Ew3K)

Never knew the Serenity Prayer was longer than the classic, popular telling. Beautiful.

Of course, being naturally crotchety, misanthropic, and antisocial, I prefer a different version.

Lord, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage, to change the things I can,
And the Wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill because they pissed me off.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 04, 2015 08:31 AM (cSU3r)

277 The black guy in the back with the kid jumps over the seat and drives away at a high rate of speed dragging the cop with him, refusing to stop, until the cop shoots him 3x.

Dad blames cops. LOL

Bad shoot. Cop shot wrong guy.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 08:32 AM (4n9re)

278 Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:30 AM (J+mig)

I wd expect the mother to rip his head off. He didnt know these guys at all.

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 08:32 AM (iQIUe)

279 274 Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:31 AM (J+mig)

There are always tornadoes.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:32 AM (CMkNk)

280 Heritage states the obvious, Obama doesn't have the legal authority to raise taxes via executive order. Well folks at Heritage, as long as congress does nothing he can do any damn thing he wants.

Yep. Obama doesn't have the legal (or constitutional) authority to institute his own immigration system and refuse to deport illegal aliens, issue them SS numbers, work and residency permits, billions of dollars in back "tax credits" etc. -- and yet he's doing it, and congress is funding it.

The law doesn't matter anymore. The constitution doesn't matter anymore. The only thing that matters anymore is Obama and what His Holiness decides is best for us ignorant peasants.

Posted by: Enraged American at March 04, 2015 08:32 AM (lmdHn)

281 Coming Out Is A One Way Street

Now-a-days, a person who "comes out of the closet" as homosexual is lauded as a brave individual! In contrast someone who has come to the conclusion that they aren't really Gay is condemned as a monster. Even the Federal courts have rules that that is totes OK!

Posted by: The Political Hat at March 04, 2015 08:32 AM (0Ew3K)

282 "As in, ants that can only be killed with fire."

22. LR works.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 04, 2015 08:33 AM (kTKO6)

283 "Can you get dynamite for stump removal without a governmental proctological exam?"

Yes. I did a tour of the old gold mines in Oruro. Teenagers sell it at stands along with drinks and snacks to whoever wants it. Our tour guide bought a few stick and we were tossing it around like fireworks outside the mines. True story.

Posted by: George Orwell de Leon at March 04, 2015 08:33 AM (1BQGO)

284 Her response? "if you don't like it, go talk to HR. I don't care."

Posted by: DangerGirl at March 04, 2015 08:30 AM (gECZB)

Obviously wasn't too attached to her job. Bonus if you have any friends that want to fill her opening. Any unemployed Horde members might want to speak up?

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:33 AM (J+mig)

285 @272 So is structural engineering, once you look at it that way.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 04, 2015 08:33 AM (xq1UY)

286 So, the "road rage" murder, where the woman was murdered while teaching her daughter to drive?

Every word of the MFM's reports was false.

Not road rage, not out teaching her daughter to drive. The husband knew all along that his wife knew the kid, and he lied to the press.

Doubt she was having an affair with some homeless punk. I would bet anything it was drug related.


Posted by: Citizen X at March 04, 2015 08:33 AM (7ObY1)

287 I probably don't have any kids, but check to see if school is closed to get idea about road conditions. They closed local school dist here, which they rarely do. Have to take dog to vet later. She HATES driving in snow. Scares her. Something is wrong with her, hope it is not cancer or something serious.

Posted by: Baldy at March 04, 2015 08:33 AM (+35FH)

288 Did grad school in AZ. Had a scorpion walk between my bare feet while I was "on the throne". Ever hear the phrase "scared the sh!t out of me"? Well.........

Posted by: jjod at March 04, 2015 08:34 AM (0r7PZ)

289 The Beauty of Social Justice

Saying a person's worth has nothing to do with their body type is an affirming and nice gesture. Of course, it also makes you an evil oppressor of the Kyriarchy!!1!

Posted by: The Political Hat at March 04, 2015 08:34 AM (0Ew3K)

290 Morning all

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 04, 2015 08:34 AM (nzKvP)

291 Yes. I did a tour of the old gold mines in Oruro. Teenagers sell it at stands along with drinks and snacks to whoever wants it. Our tour guide bought a few stick and we were tossing it around like fireworks outside the mines. True story.

THAT is a measure of freedom!

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 08:34 AM (4n9re)

292 The GOP Must Go Full Brazilian: No Bush

To putit simply:

Posted by: The Political Hat at March 04, 2015 08:35 AM (0Ew3K)

293 Gasoline and a match kills fire ants but good.

Posted by: DangerGirl at March 04, 2015 08:35 AM (gECZB)

294 Our tour guide bought a few stick and we were tossing it around like fireworks outside the mines. True story.

Posted by: George Orwell de Leon at March 04, 2015 08:33 AM (1BQGO)

Go on....

Posted by: Charles Darwin at March 04, 2015 08:35 AM (yxw0r)

295 Posted by: The Political Hat at March 04, 2015 08:34 AM (0Ew3K)

That one still makes my brain hurt.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:35 AM (J+mig)

If that happens, the way you say, I think like-minded states will stick together and form new countries. Texas would draw in most all of the south and mid-west (OK up to ND) and a good deal of the west. The other parts of the country would wind up commie dumps. Except Alaska.

Posted by: Case at March 04, 2015 08:36 AM (tjj0w)

Dad blames cops. LOL

He was a good boy. He was turning his life around.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 04, 2015 08:36 AM (MMC8r)

298 292
To putit simply:
Posted by: The Political Hat at March 04, 2015 08:35 AM (0Ew3K)

The photo simply ruins an otherwise wonderful image.

Posted by: Insomniac at March 04, 2015 08:36 AM (2Ojst)

299 Scorpions?

We used to have them in the basement when we lived in Italy.

Cats used to play with them if they came up into the living area.

One of the cats dragged one into the foyer of the same house from outside, and sat there with it to show us what he was gifting us with.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 08:37 AM (j8ddJ)

300 No idea where you'd find a tarantula but a pet shop.

My dog found one in my backyard last year. I beat it to death with a shovel. My little dog grabbed one of the hairy legs and was running around the yard with it hanging out of her mouth (she loves her trophies). Gross, but funny.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at March 04, 2015 08:37 AM (lmdHn)

301 Oh, fudge! The guy who was shot was a child molester!

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 04, 2015 08:37 AM (iQIUe)

302 To putit simply:
Posted by: The Political Hat at March 04, 2015 08:35 AM (0Ew3K)

The photo simply ruins an otherwise wonderful image.

Posted by: Insomniac at March 04, 2015 08:36 AM (2Ojst)

That's the point.

That's the warning...

Posted by: The Political Hat at March 04, 2015 08:37 AM (0Ew3K)

303 "THAT is a measure of freedom!

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 08:34 AM (4n9re)"
I did there every day that would get me thrown in jail here. We have house and property there and plan on bailing out of here one the SHTF here. Putting up with the crime and poverty will be worth it for the freedom.

Posted by: George Orwell de Leon at March 04, 2015 08:38 AM (1BQGO)

304 Every word of the MFM's reports was false"

So initial claims and reports are often bogus tales spun for the biggest impact?

Do tell...

Posted by: anon a mouse at March 04, 2015 08:38 AM (/jpU8)

305 CBD

Thanks for the link to the female Israeli soldiers.

Even Mrs VIA says that you can see the love of life in their eyes and faces.
Which is one of the things that contributes to their beauty.

Plus, women with guns are almost always the Hawt.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 08:39 AM (j8ddJ)

306 Snakes?
One of the cats dragged one into the foyer of the same house from outside, and sat there with it to show us what he was gifting us with.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 08:37 AM (j8ddJ)

I had a snake get into the house once when I lived in FL. I managed to get a hold of a broom and a plunger, trap it between the two, jam its head down in the toilet, and pushed and flushed until it was gone.

I hate snakes.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:40 AM (J+mig)

307 I did there every day that would get me thrown in jail here.

I bet you could shoot rats at the town dump too.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 08:40 AM (4n9re)

4th Grade riddle:

Kid 1 - "What's the capital of Thailand?"

Kid 2 - "What?"

Kid 1 - (punching Kid 2 in the nuts) "Bangkok!"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:40 AM (CMkNk)

309 "but I'd be interested in a good discussion "

If you have a solid U.S. source of income for retirement, look to countries where there is financial trouble to make your dollars go as far as possible.


Argentinians like the U.S. and everyone wants dollars. Buenos Aires looks like Paris. Rents and restaurants are cheap.

No chance of race riots. If all the blacks in Buenos Aires got together, you could probably buy them all lunch.

Good health care, water you can drink, roads and electricity. Everything an expat could ask for.

Posted by: jwest at March 04, 2015 08:40 AM (9ZZd+)

310 "No idea where you'd find a tarantula but a pet shop."

Tarantulas come out of nowhere. Never see 'em until you run across one crawling across the yard. No idea where it came from or where it's going.

I leave 'em alone. They're out killing wasps and shit.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 04, 2015 08:41 AM (kTKO6)

NGU is here!

Rinse and spit.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:41 AM (CMkNk)

312 I for one feel like I've been prison-raped by Republicans, says every Republican voter after yesterday.

Posted by: Marcus T at March 04, 2015 08:42 AM (GGCsk)

313 Interesting eye of the beholder story with amazing photo.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 04, 2015 08:42 AM (ee9LE)

314 Ok, time to do some work.

Posted by: DangerGirl at March 04, 2015 08:43 AM (gECZB)

315 309 Good health care, water you can drink, roads and electricity. Everything an expat could ask for.
Posted by: jwest at March 04, 2015 08:40 AM (9ZZd+)

Most of the Nazi's are now dead. But they've been replaced by Muzzies and leftists.

Then again, the steaks!!!!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:43 AM (CMkNk)

316 My young wife asked me to live another thirty years. Why?

So that you have the opportunity to die with your boots on in a pile of corpses and empty brass. Because that's the point Barack and Hillary's (and all those like them who share the same goal) difference has made.

Posted by: Rifleman Dodd at March 04, 2015 08:44 AM (SOf+k)

317 314 Ok, time to do some work.
Posted by: DangerGirl at March 04, 2015 08:43 AM (gECZB)

Have a good one.

Almost time for me to go home.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:44 AM (J+mig)

318 Living in Texas, I'm pretty used to the creatures that want to kill me. Didn't make it any easier when I reached in to grab a pan a pulled it out with a scorpion rider though.

Posted by: Lauren at March 04, 2015 08:45 AM (MYCIw)

319 "I bet you could shoot rats at the town dump too.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 08:40 AM (4n9re)"I never did that but if you did I doubt anybody would bother you. One day I was in a taxi in the countryside. Driver saw a wild turkey, stops the car, grabs his rifle, .22 I think, and fires a few shots. He missed, curses and keeps driving like it was no more than spitting out the window.

Posted by: George Orwell de Leon at March 04, 2015 08:46 AM (1BQGO)

320 Most of the Nazi's are now dead. But they've been replaced by Muzzies and leftists.

Then again, the steaks!!!!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:43 AM (CMkNk)

I see far more Muzzies and leftists in Ann Arbor than I do in Buenos Aires. Large Jewish community.

Posted by: jwest at March 04, 2015 08:46 AM (9ZZd+)

321 318 Living in Texas, I'm pretty used to the creatures that want to kill me. Didn't make it any easier when I reached in to grab a pan a pulled it out with a scorpion rider though.
Posted by: Lauren at March 04, 2015 08:45 AM (MYCIw)

Fun Fact: Aside from Austrailia, Florida is the only other place on TVTropes that is featured in the Real Life section of "Everything is Trying To Kill Me".

Why are Florida people always so crazy? Because the sane ones leave.

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:47 AM (J+mig)

322 320 Large Jewish community.

Posted by: jwest at March 04, 2015 08:46 AM (9ZZd+)

Hence, the Iranian attack on the JCC in '94 and Kirchener's coverup.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:48 AM (CMkNk)

323 Hence, the Iranian attack on the JCC in '94 and Kirchener's coverup.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:48 AM (CMkNk)

And the good deli's.

Posted by: jwest at March 04, 2015 08:49 AM (9ZZd+)

324 In the Maproom with the Candelabra is a YouTubeVideo blaming it all on Major Mustard. Stuff Hillary, Susan Rice, Jon Gruber, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, CNN, and MSNBC all agree on.

Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at March 04, 2015 08:49 AM (oDCMR)

325 Oh forgot - Marie Harf.

Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at March 04, 2015 08:50 AM (oDCMR)

326 "309 Good health care, water you can drink, roads and electricity. Everything an expat could ask for.

Posted by: jwest at March 04, 2015 08:40 AM (9ZZd+)"

Plus eating good beef is not only not demonized, it is encouraged. The gaucho culture is still admired and part of he national identity, unlike the cowboy culture here that has been demonized by the libs and is being erased from the history books.

Posted by: George Orwell de Leon at March 04, 2015 08:50 AM (1BQGO)

327 4th Grade riddle:

Kid 1 - "What's the capital of Thailand?"

Kid 2 -

Kid 1 - ...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:40 AM (CMkNk)


Posted by: หมวกการเมือง at March 04, 2015 08:51 AM (0Ew3K)

328 Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 08:30 AM (j8ddJ)

Spent a week in Pattaya Beach in 1989. Beach area was nice but the "town" was best described as an adult playground. Spent one night at hotel in Bangkok and was glad to finally get back to the ship. You can only handle so much pollution, filth, and sleaze, even as a sailor. Bangkok is the only place I've ever been where it hurt to breathe the air - the exhaust fumes from the scooters, motorbikes, and gp's were suffocating.

Posted by: 1bulwetweft at March 04, 2015 08:52 AM (CzJOg)

329 325 Oh forgot - Marie Harf.
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at March 04, 2015 08:50 AM (oDCMR)

That reminds me, I need to add an entry to the book I'm writing. It's sort-of a modern take on the Devil's Dictionary.

Harf (v.): 1. To vomit. 2. To tell an absurd lie.

"Did you hear what the Obama Administration Harfed up today?"

Posted by: Cato at March 04, 2015 08:53 AM (J+mig)

330 Morning, all!

Any good news...other than Bibi giving a kick-ass speech to a joint session of Congress yesterday? I'm choosing to remember *that* from yesterday instead of the GOPe jerks.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 04, 2015 08:53 AM (lHHyw)

General al-FUCKING-Sisi does this:

"Egyptian Government Closes 27,000 MOSQUES in Move to Fight Terrorism"

HT/Gateway Pundit

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:53 AM (CMkNk)

332 331
General al-FUCKING-Sisi does this:

"Egyptian Government Closes 27,000 MOSQUES in Move to Fight Terrorism"

HT/Gateway Pundit
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:53 AM (CMkNk)

Looks like somebody found the root cause at last...

Posted by: Insomniac at March 04, 2015 08:54 AM (2Ojst)

333 Dynamite, South America. There are two ways you can go here, and only two:

Wages of Fear, or

Spoiler alert?: Either way, Kaboom.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at March 04, 2015 08:56 AM (xq1UY)

334 >>General al-FUCKING-Sisi does this..

Whoa, there buddy, that sounds like "backlash" to me. Who's going to organize an "I'll pray with you, Muslim Brotherhood" twitter campaign? Oh, barely any Christians left and none are interested what with all those church burning on Christmas eve and whatnot...? Huh. weird.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 04, 2015 08:57 AM (lHHyw)

335 More fun "nature is trying to kill me" stories.

My last house had lava rocks along the side planter and of course various plants as well. I'm walking up my sidewalk on evening and look down and there's a rattle snake curled up on the lava rocks.

Doesn't seem like the most comfortable spot to warm a belly, but what do I know.

Posted by: Lauren at March 04, 2015 08:57 AM (MYCIw)

336 I voted in the last elections (straight ticket Republican, much to my eventual chagrin). I was born in 1996.

Posted by: Spacs at March 04, 2015 08:57 AM (EOnrD)

337 Anyone thought the weasel was doing something *other* than attacking the woodpecker? Huh. I just assumed.... - c/o Great White Snark
Blaze links should come with a warning.

Now the ground is covered with "ice pellets." When I was young, I remember snow, sleet, and hail, but I don't remember "ice pellets." Is this a sign of globull warning?

Posted by: mindful webworker - so I thought at March 04, 2015 08:59 AM (REkPr)

338 331

General al-FUCKING-Sisi does this:

"Egyptian Government Closes 27,000 MOSQUES in Move to Fight Terrorism"
HT/Gateway Pundit Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:53 AM (CMkNk)

So now the US has more open mosques than EGYPT?

Posted by: 1bulwetweft at March 04, 2015 08:59 AM (TR90z)

339 >>>Did grad school in AZ. Had a scorpion walk between my bare feet while I was "on the throne". Ever hear the phrase "scared the sh!t out of me"? Well.........
.We had tons of them when we were stationed at GITMO. Almost sitting on scorpions was at least a weekly occurrence. We also had Tarantulas. Black, Red and brown ones. My poor little Scotty would dig them up out of their holes in the back yard and get bit all the time.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at March 04, 2015 09:00 AM (4oSLk)

340 >>So now the US has more open mosques than EGYPT?

And you're welcome.

Posted by: Eric Holder at March 04, 2015 09:00 AM (lHHyw)

"Egyptian Government Closes 27,000 MOSQUES in Move to Fight Terrorism"

A good start. I bet he listened to Bibi's speech LIVE.

Posted by: Jean at March 04, 2015 09:01 AM (ztOda)

342 Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at March 04, 2015 09:00 AM (4oSLk)

You throw any of them over the wall?

Posted by: 1bulwetweft at March 04, 2015 09:01 AM (TR90z)

343 Dump up.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 04, 2015 09:02 AM (4n9re)

344 "We had tons of them when we were stationed at GITMO. "

Was it GITMO, or Roosevelt Roads that had the banana rats?

Would eat the rubber hoses right out of your car's engine compartment.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 04, 2015 09:02 AM (j8ddJ)

Morning Horde!

I had some connectivity issue where I could access the comments (I know, right?) and a couple of other sites. I swapped out a girlie pic for a landscape as my wallpaper in case I had to get the IT guy to fix it.

Fortunately I cleared it up myself and order is restored to the fappiverse.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 04, 2015 09:02 AM (JtwS4)

346 >>Blaze links should come with a warning.

So I guess no one at the Blaze has ever watched NatGeo channel...?

Posted by: Lizzy at March 04, 2015 09:02 AM (lHHyw)

347 >>>You throw any of them over the wall?
.Why? They had plenty on their side.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at March 04, 2015 09:03 AM (4oSLk)

348 Dump Up

Posted by: ALH at March 04, 2015 09:03 AM (yAPdC)

349 Next, Sisi will ban Islam and revert Egypt to Amonhotep.

Posted by: Jean at March 04, 2015 09:04 AM (ztOda)

350 Why? They had plenty on their side.Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at March 04, 2015 09:03 AM (4oSLk)

Make it harder for them to pick out their lawyers?

Posted by: 1bulwetweft at March 04, 2015 09:04 AM (TR90z)

351 >>>Was it GITMO, or Roosevelt Roads that had the banana rats?

Would eat the rubber hoses right out of your car's engine compartment.
.Gitmo, and those things were a pain in the ass. You couldn't go to the outdoor movies unless you carried a broom to push them away from your popcorn.

They were all pretty much gone when we left in 95. The Cuban and Haitian camps were allowed to hunt them.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at March 04, 2015 09:05 AM (4oSLk)

352 Barbara Mikulski is retiring, so save the dynamite.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 04, 2015 08:29 AM (CMkNk)

I lived around the corner from that nasty little lesbian for 4 years in the '90's. She is a vile little creature who was despised by the entire neighborhood. I said hello every time I saw her and never got more than a grunt and a shitty look from her. I hope she crawls under a rock when she retires.

Posted by: Timon at March 04, 2015 09:05 AM (ZDJwC)

353 General al-FUCKING-Sisi does this: "Egyptian Government Closes 27,000 MOSQUES in Move to Fight Terrorism"

I surmise that just like the other players in the ME, and throughout history, the state is attempting to control a rival for power. This time we're not talking about tithes, lands or serial divorce.

Having said that, good for him.

Posted by: Blue Hen at March 04, 2015 09:08 AM (Spluw)

354 This will be a no brainer for the GOP to exploit against H Clinton. All the GOP will have to do is show how GW Bush complied with the law, and ... oops

Doesn't matter. She broke Obama's rule, right? Cuz he brought in that rule in 2013, and she didn't leave State until .... 2012. Okay that can't be right.

Someone explain to me what law she broke that was in place and in force when she was Secretary of State, and then when and where the government's going to carry out the execution or what prison she'll be committed to.

Posted by: Wax the Gunter Flog at March 04, 2015 09:53 AM (lqeGC)

355 Fritzworth,

Regarding your digging into the domain. Were the IMAP / POP3 / SMTP email servers being hosted in the BVI or just the WWW server? It is entirely possible that while the WWW page was parked and directed to a server in the BVI, the email servers were indeed located at the home of the Clintons.

Hell, I've been thinking for a while that I should get off Gmail and set up my own private email servers... but I don't have the Secret Service paying my mortgage and millions of dollars in speaking fees to cover exoskeleton research!

Posted by: Santos L. Halper at March 04, 2015 05:47 PM (d1C5e)

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