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"America's Foremost Public Intellectual" Melissa-Harris Perry: I Hope Trayvon Martin "Whooped the Sh**" Out of George Zimmerman

On top of him, pounding his head MMA style, bouncing his head off the concrete?

He did, Missy. He did "whoop the sh**" out of him. And I think you've long known that, as every witness said he did, and Zimmerman's head showed injuries consistent with having one's head punched repeatedly into the concrete.

I think you've had a secret position all along, a hateful, racist one, that you will not confess:

That you know Trayvon Martin did just what all the witnesses said he did, and that George Zimmerman was perfectly sober in deciding his life was in some danger, but you think Zimmerman should have taken his punishment happily, whether he wound up dead or brain damaged or not, because he had the temerity to challenge Trayvon's right to be in that housing development, and therefore Martin was entitled to dish out a little Impromptu Street Justice and Two-Fisted Racial Healing, even if it resulted in man's death.

I think some of our more Racialist friends on the left have long held this position -- that yes, Martin was pounding Zimmerman's head into the concrete, but so what, Because Zimmerman deserved it for being a "racist," and the Rule of Street Justice says that a black man who feels disrespected is entitled to some self-determined Racial Payback if he likes.

So yeah, that's what I think. The seething "Let's get Justice for Travyon" types usually don't admit that Martin was pounding Zimmerman, but, and this is key, they usually don't spend much time denying that salient fact either. They just sort of handwave it away, as if that's just a trivial detail and not very important to their Big Picture legal analysis.

And on that point I think they're being honest-- they don't see this as important in their legal analysis. Zimmerman deserved what he was getting for the crime of Disrespecting a Black Man, and he broke the Rules by putting a stop to his chastisement.

Whether he feared for his life or not, so what? Racial Justice demands that he take his Justice, as Trayvon determined it should be meted out.

By the way, MHP:

If Zimmerman just wanted to shoot Martin, he could have done so while still on his feet. It is "Stand Your Ground," after all, not "Get Taken to the Ground, Then Get Your Head Dribbled on the Cement for Five Minutes, Then Get Out Your Gun."

If Zimmerman just wanted to plug Martin, he sure was slow on the draw.

Posted by: Ace at 04:59 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 They're the racists they claim we all are.

Posted by: Fourth Horseman looking for my saddle at February 25, 2015 05:00 PM (A7LEa)

2 and so it begins

Posted by: that guy that always thinks it's beginning at February 25, 2015 05:01 PM (evdj2)

3 Seeing red,

Justice was served

Posted by: Jean at February 25, 2015 05:01 PM (ztOda)

4 Do you mean an ass whoopin' like that Fox News gives you and your network, Melissa.

Posted by: paulejb at February 25, 2015 05:01 PM (hKkZN)

5 3 Seeing red,

Justice was served

Except Zimmermans life has been destroyed...

Posted by: hello, it's Me Donna ....again at February 25, 2015 05:02 PM (Bn6aD)

Spiteful, feckless, vengeful little fcuks arent they??

Posted by: fixerupper at February 25, 2015 05:02 PM (NaV4z)

7 Barack Obama is a SCOAMT.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 25, 2015 05:02 PM (kff5f)

8 I'm confoozed... didn't Trayvon *get* Justice?

Posted by: hindmost at February 25, 2015 05:02 PM (7/oiP)

9 Gentle giants gonna go gangsta

Posted by: wooga at February 25, 2015 05:02 PM (eoJ1a)

10 I for one am glad Traytable Martin is dead. You could give this spokesbitch 5 names and she'd still be a racist loser.

Posted by: Boss Moss at February 25, 2015 05:03 PM (ntuyY)

11 Spiteful, feckless, vengeful little fcuks arent they??

They've learned from the best... BHO...

Posted by: hello, it's Me Donna ....again at February 25, 2015 05:03 PM (Bn6aD)

12 Not just confoozed, but slow too.

Posted by: hindmost at February 25, 2015 05:03 PM (7/oiP)

Yep. I've even read comments that we should hand over Darren Wilson just b/c of all the "injustices" the black man has suffered. It would make us even or something.

Posted by: Bruce J. at February 25, 2015 05:03 PM (iQIUe)

14 Hey, dipshit, if he DIDN'T do that, he'd be alive today.

Same for Michael Brown.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at February 25, 2015 05:03 PM (MMC8r)

15 Scratch a Leftist ...

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 25, 2015 05:03 PM (Q/1Jp)


Melissa Harris-Perry: Professor, Author, Impromptu MMA Enthusiast

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at February 25, 2015 05:04 PM (kdS6q)

17 Anyone who deems tampons a fashion accessory is skullfcuked beyond worldly measure.

Posted by: Fritz at February 25, 2015 05:04 PM (dVmLD)

18 Shit gets real when the metal strikes the meat.

Posted by: toby928(C) at February 25, 2015 05:04 PM (evdj2)

19 I sincerely believe that if the smash and grab robberies in Zimmerman's old neighborhood had continued apace, it would have been all over the news.

Posted by: Garrett at February 25, 2015 05:04 PM (QzCjE)

20 I don't give a good goddamn why the caged bird sings.

Posted by: Boss Moss at February 25, 2015 05:04 PM (ntuyY)

21 Teach your kid to NOT be a violent thug, and it's a lot less likely he'll get shot in self-defense.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at February 25, 2015 05:05 PM (MMC8r)

22 And I think you've long known that, as every witness said he did, and
Zimmerman's head showed injuries consistent with having one's head
punched repeatedly into the concrete.

Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who. Can't we all just agree that the black man is always the victim, and the "white" man is always the aggressor?

Posted by: Melissa Harris-Perry at February 25, 2015 05:05 PM (4nR9/)

23 I simply can't take her seriously unless her ears are adorned with tampons.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at February 25, 2015 05:05 PM (1CroS)

24 They sealed and deleted everything they could about Martin. I'm sure there was some very interesting shit about him. I still love the fact that they claim he was a great student even though he routinely came in late, skipped, and was suspended for a total of a month before the school year even finished.

Posted by: Bruce J. at February 25, 2015 05:05 PM (iQIUe)

25 Zimmerman admitted to me that he killed Trayvon just because he always wanted to kill a Black guy. I left it out of all my reports though because I thought it might be inflammatory.

Posted by: Brian Williams at February 25, 2015 05:06 PM (NHtMs)

26 If I had a son, he'd look like a lot of the folks you see on "America's Most Wanted"

Posted by: King Barky the Snitteenth at February 25, 2015 05:06 PM (bJm7W)

27 Meh. Got nothing. Waiting for an epic AllenG rant on this.

Posted by: Penfold at February 25, 2015 05:06 PM (Fbt5B)

28 This is going to get worse. I feel sorry for the morons and 'ettes living in blue urban areas. Get out while you can.

Posted by: Soona at February 25, 2015 05:06 PM (/HX7u)

29 Georgie fucked up. Should have put one right in traytables forehead.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at February 25, 2015 05:06 PM (FMbng)

30 Zimmerman is part youth.

Posted by: Boss Moss at February 25, 2015 05:07 PM (ntuyY)

31 Yes, Martin seems to me to be the type to really bone up on the legalistic nuances of "Stand your Ground." He was probably well-versed in the case law and prior rulings. Yep, that's the Martin I heard about throughout that case. Good call, Melissa.

Posted by: dude at February 25, 2015 05:07 PM (aXIjt)

32 At this point in his life, George Zimmerman needs to figure out a new professional career path for himself.

I'm thinking HVAC certificate. The guy is a natural, a born pro.

He did a top-notch job of ventilating Trayvon. And since then, taxpayers and law-abiding citizens have all been breathing easier.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 25, 2015 05:07 PM (noWW6)

33 Not getting shot because you DON'T attack someone = WHITE PRIVILEGE

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at February 25, 2015 05:07 PM (MMC8r)

34 I'd have surrendered to Traytable.

Posted by: Mitch McConnell at February 25, 2015 05:07 PM (4nR9/)

35 re 24: but he was turning his life around!

Posted by: mallfly at February 25, 2015 05:07 PM (bJm7W)

36 Mewissa Hawiss Pewwy Maff-9 millimeters trumps 5 knuckles...

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at February 25, 2015 05:07 PM (/4AZU)

37 Gentle giants gonna go gangsta

become holey andd meet God.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 25, 2015 05:08 PM (O5IOQ)

MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry made the remark during a speech at Cornell University's annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Lecture.

As Martin Luther King once said, "Toasty! Finish Him!"

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at February 25, 2015 05:08 PM (kdS6q)

39 But by all means, let's applaud the thing that gets you shot in reprisal.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at February 25, 2015 05:08 PM (MMC8r)

40 Turn that around biatch.

Posted by: Boss Moss at February 25, 2015 05:08 PM (ntuyY)

41 Nothing shuts down protesting season like below zero temps and 4 feet of snow. #blacklivesmatter...just not in the winter time.

Posted by: tu3031 at February 25, 2015 05:08 PM (PXU5j)

42 That's real retarded, sir.

Posted by: jmel at February 25, 2015 05:08 PM (cfFqn)

43 " I feel sorry for the morons and 'ettes living in blue urban areas. Get out while you can."

Some of them do seem to want a war. I just don't understand how they think they're going to survive it or benefit in the end.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 25, 2015 05:08 PM (LA7Cm)

44 She sounds like a real badass

Posted by: brak at February 25, 2015 05:09 PM (Tj+s6)

45 **Looks at Tampon Ear Rings**

Who bitch is this?

Posted by: Garrett at February 25, 2015 05:09 PM (QzCjE)

46 Never bring fists to a gun fight.

Posted by: toby928(C) at February 25, 2015 05:09 PM (evdj2)

47 Post shooting Zimmerman has been a fool. He would have gone on the gunshot circuit hawking liability insurance.

Posted by: Jean at February 25, 2015 05:09 PM (ztOda)

48 A slight correction, ace: "I hope Trayvon Martin whooped the thit out of George Zimmerman.

She's got that "cute" lisp.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 25, 2015 05:10 PM (FsuaD)

49 Yep. That is there secret weapon. If found innocent, they will destroy you and your family and the LIV and progs go along with it.

Posted by: Bruce J. at February 25, 2015 05:10 PM (iQIUe)

50 If there's one thing I always tell my kids, it's to be sure to get a few good licks in before you get shot.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at February 25, 2015 05:10 PM (MMC8r)

51 Well I killed a man in Reno
Had a stu-pid name.

Posted by: JohnnyBoy at February 25, 2015 05:10 PM (TPjwz)

52 Bruce J.: "I still love the fact that they claim he was a great student even though he routinely came in late, skipped, and was suspended for a total of a month before the school year even finished."

Only in the current American public ed system can a student accomplish all those tasks and be ranked "great".

We're in the best of hands.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at February 25, 2015 05:10 PM (1CroS)

53 I don't recognize our country anymore.

Posted by: Lauren at February 25, 2015 05:10 PM (MYCIw)

14 Hey, dipshit, if he DIDN'T do that, he'd be alive today.



Posted by: Seems Legit at February 25, 2015 05:10 PM (A98Xu)

55 Awhile ago, there was a clip of what was purported to be Michael Brown absolutely beating the living snot out of an old, clearly terrified, black man. The man just wanted to get away, but "Michael" wouldn't let him go, and just sucker punched him into unconsciousness. It was one of the most sickening things I've ever seen.

Which one of us is the racist again?

Posted by: pep at February 25, 2015 05:11 PM (4nR9/)


Posted by: Navin R Johnson at February 25, 2015 05:11 PM (RRbuy)

57 Imagine Hannity said (in a college venue), "I'm glad Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown. I hope the thug suffered."


Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 25, 2015 05:11 PM (FsuaD)

58 My left clicker on this mouse is going.

Posted by: Boss Moss at February 25, 2015 05:12 PM (ntuyY)

59 MSNBC. Bringing the racist crazy.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 25, 2015 05:12 PM (FsuaD)

60 Q:How did that work out for Trayvon? A: Got him shot. Life ain't all hoodies and Skittles.

Posted by: Enola Gay at February 25, 2015 05:12 PM (w4B97)

Harris-Perry also equated Dr. King, an icon of peace who changed the nation and the world for the better, with current figures: "We think of King as the one great voice, like Beyonce".

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at February 25, 2015 05:13 PM (kdS6q)

I hope against all odds this will be the last we hear of Trayvon Martin.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at February 25, 2015 05:13 PM (ODxAs)

63 Saint Zimmerman should file civil suits against the bastard corpses parents and those racist networks.

Posted by: Boss Moss at February 25, 2015 05:13 PM (ntuyY)

64 I don't think there's any future for American blacks. They have bought too far into the Jackson-Sharpton model. That way lies decay and dissolution.

Posted by: Null at February 25, 2015 05:13 PM (xjpRj)

65 If I had a son, he'd have been a thug jackass looking for trouble. And he would have found it.

Wait, wut???

Posted by: the JEF at February 25, 2015 05:13 PM (FsuaD)

66 The big problem here is that Leftists are still spouting all the lies that were demolished by the trial.

Zimmerman was told not to follow.
It was Martin who was crying for help.

Blah, blah, blah.

And the moment you confront them with evidence (not to convince them, but to convince any others listening) they trot out, "Well, we can't really know for sure..." and people nod their heads like this is some Statement of High Wisdom.

Bullshit, we can know for sure what happened- as surely as we "know for sure" what happened at the battle of Tours, or the battle of Agincourt. Better, actually, since it happened much closer in time than those things, and we have better forensic evidence.

We *know* that George Zimmerman saw Trayvon Martin acting in a manner that Zimmerman found suspicious.

We *know* that the housing complex had seen a raft of burglaries.

We *know* that Zimmerman called the police to report the suspicious person.

We *know* that Zimmerman exited his car in some sort of pursuit of Martin.

We *know* that when he was told "you don't need to do that," Zimmerman said "okay"

We *know* that Zimmerman began to walk back to his vehicle- no longer in pursuit of Martin.

All of those things cannot be reasonably disputed. The 911 call recording makes much of it clear. GPS on his phone makes the rest clear.

We *know* that Martin wanted to "teach this creepy-ass cracker a lesson." (Phone recording + witness statement)

We *know* that Martin started at least a verbal altercation with Zimmerman (Phone recording + witness statement).

We *know* that Martin was beating Zimmerman's head into the ground.

We *know* that Zimmerman cried for help.

We *know* that Zimmerman fired a single shot, which proved instantly(ish) fatal to Martin.

All of these things are corroborated by scene-of-the event evidence, witness testimony, and/or voice recordings.

Given the fact that Zimmerman was in true danger of death, those are the only facts necessary- Zimmerman's shooting of Trayvon Martin was fully justified self-defense, no matter who threw the first punch (or would be in TX, and I presume FL is similar).

But you will *never* hear an SJW admit to any of this, or allow that any of it actually happened that way.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 25, 2015 05:14 PM (kff5f)

67 Race relations nowsiedays makes B-ham 1964 look all peace luv and understanding : thanx BHO

Posted by: jaytrain at February 25, 2015 05:14 PM (uvj0z)

Some of them do seem to want a war. I just don't understand how they think they're going to survive it or benefit in the end.

There is an unspoken belief in a lot of black America that if you just threaten white people, they back down or run away.

It's the same belief that got Tarpon and the Gentle Giant shot instead.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at February 25, 2015 05:14 PM (MMC8r)

69 Melitha Harrith-Perry will be receiving the Cronkite Award any minute now.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 25, 2015 05:15 PM (FsuaD)

70 If I'd had a son someone would have busted a cap in his ass also.

Posted by: Boss Moss at February 25, 2015 05:15 PM (ntuyY)

71 who bitch she is?

Posted by: X at February 25, 2015 05:15 PM (UqJ2q)

72 Was she wearing the Tampax earring set? I can't take her seriously unless she has tampons dangling from her ears.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at February 25, 2015 05:15 PM (5buP8)

73 Someone needs to ax Ms. Perry if she knows who Roderick Scott is.

Posted by: Bob Belcher at February 25, 2015 05:16 PM (glJL/)

74 Al- Baghdadi Fredo is ruining American and Sharpton/jackson/ perry are ruining black youth.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 25, 2015 05:16 PM (nzKvP)

75 If Trayvon had lived, he could have been a quarterback for the Philadelphia Iggles some day. Why does George Zimmerman hate the Philadelphia Iggles?

Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 25, 2015 05:16 PM (MbqmP)

76 Wasn't she adopted by a white couple (seriously)? So, like the JEF, she hates her white family.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 25, 2015 05:16 PM (FsuaD)

77 Life ain't all hoodies and Skittles.
Posted by: Enola Gay at February 25, 2015 05:12 PM (w4B97)


well..... his, was....

Posted by: fixerupper at February 25, 2015 05:16 PM (NaV4z)

78 75 Because they suck?

Posted by: Boss Moss at February 25, 2015 05:17 PM (ntuyY)

79 Waiting for an epic AllenG rant on this.

Andrew Branca and I beat up on some idiot leftist on Twitter the other night over just this thing.

The doofus claimed there was an audio recording of "Zimmerman being ordered not to follow..." and then linked to the actual recording- which, as we know, was not a cop ordering Zimmerman to do anything, but a dispatcher informing him that his particular assistance (attempting to follow Martin) was unnecessary.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 25, 2015 05:17 PM (kff5f)

80 I don't think there's any future for American blacks. They have bought too far into the Jackson-Sharpton model. That way lies decay and dissolution.
Posted by: Null at February 25, 2015 05:13 PM (xjpRj)


.....and death.

Posted by: Soona at February 25, 2015 05:17 PM (/HX7u)

81 " threaten white people, they back down or run away. "

It's mostly true. Except when it isn't. Then you get the calls of RACISSST monster who killed a gentle giant who was turning his life around and was such a good kid.

Posted by: Lauren at February 25, 2015 05:18 PM (MYCIw)

82 64
I don't think there's any future for American blacks. They have bought
too far into the Jackson-Sharpton model. That way lies decay and

To be fair, that also applies to the AOSHQ lifestyle.

Posted by: pep at February 25, 2015 05:18 PM (4nR9/)

83 RE: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon 05:14 PM (kff5f)

Oh yeah? Are you wearing tampon earrings?

Then case dismissed.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at February 25, 2015 05:18 PM (1CroS)

84 78 75 Because they suck?
Posted by: Boss Moss at February 25, 2015 05:17 PM (ntuyY)

Well, yeah, there's that. I didn't consider that Zimmerman might have a tiny shred of sense left in him after his lady troubles.

Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 25, 2015 05:19 PM (MbqmP)

85 So.. traytable and the ferguson cigar aficionado end up at the pearly gates.

Saint peter sees them and says "you sure you dudes belong here?"

They say oh yes, we demand to be let in.

Saint peter says well I have to go check with the big man, and leaves the 2 standing at the gates.

Saint peter goes and talks to God and tells them about the 2 dudes, and God says well ok, but go back there and explain the rules here, we don't need that gang banger bullshit.

Saint peter goes away and returns a few minutes later and says "they're gone!!"

God says "What do you mean they're gone? The boys are gone?

Saint peter says "No, the gates, the fucking gates are gone!!"

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at February 25, 2015 05:19 PM (FMbng)

86 Nice pretend accent for a gal who never lived a day around poor blacks.,better than the other fake, Obama.,

Posted by: Pat at February 25, 2015 05:19 PM (AivPA)

87 If she was white she would have been suspended for her asinine remarks.

Posted by: Boss Moss at February 25, 2015 05:19 PM (ntuyY)

America's Foremost Pubic Intellectual

Posted by: Soothsayer, Lambda Lambda Lambda at February 25, 2015 05:20 PM (hbvPW)

89 This coming from a woman who has never been in a fight and likely has never seen a fight in all its ugliness.

Posted by: ejo at February 25, 2015 05:20 PM (rsGj7)

90 81
" threaten white people, they back down or run away. "

It's mostly true. Except when it isn't.

IOW, Russian Roulette. Most of the time you win, but when you lose, you lose big.

Posted by: pep at February 25, 2015 05:20 PM (4nR9/)

91 There is a non-trivial percentage of people who see things exactly as MHP does. I damn every last one of them for giving me an occasional moment of wondering if it is actually me that is losing touch with sanity.

Good God. How fried does your brain have to be to look at life like she does? Is it real? Is it show business for LIV'S?

Posted by: Jaws at February 25, 2015 05:20 PM (Rbtz3)

92 If she was white she would have been suspended for her asinine remarks.


If she was white... "would you like fries with that" is what she'd be saying into the microphone....

Posted by: fixerupper at February 25, 2015 05:20 PM (NaV4z)

93 Trayvon had both of his hands in the air and said "Don't shoot!" but Stacey Koon tased him anyway.

Posted by: FireHorse at February 25, 2015 05:21 PM (aQssP)

94 "America's Foremost Public Intellectual"

Ummmmmm...when was this decided?

Posted by: tu3031 at February 25, 2015 05:21 PM (PXU5j)

95 "Wasn't she adopted by a white couple (seriously)? So, like the JEF, she hates her white family."

I think her mother was white, so a new twist to most of the SJW problems. She didn't have daddy issues, she had mommy issues.

Posted by: lowandslow at February 25, 2015 05:21 PM (0KY4M)

96 Martin got what he earned. No sad face for a thug here.

Posted by: Kraken at February 25, 2015 05:21 PM (5+mPY)

97 It still strikes me that the Left goes on and on about Brown and about Trayvon but doesn't have much to say about Eric Garner.

In Eric Garner you had:
* Not a punk kid.
* Not attacking police or civilians.
* Takedown captured on video.
* Original crime was a triviality.
* Plenty of support from the Right.

They could have actually accomplished something if they'd abandoned Brown (and Martin) and focused on Garner.

But they've forgotten about him completely. Why?

Because they don't want to solve the problem. They want a grievance, they don't want to end the cause of it. They know they won't disband police or change something specific in the law.

They don't even want to disband the police union.

Moreover, in their own minds, they are in a war. Not a real one, mind you. Not one where they suffer. But one in which real people are damaged and hurt so that the Talented Tenth (in this case Harris-Perry) can collect the goodies from being a member of the ruling class.

They want big, virile, crazy young men who love death. They don't want old guys who are so fat, they have a heart attack from being wrestled to the ground. That way is not revolution!

Posted by: AmishDude at February 25, 2015 05:21 PM (L2xDv)

98 I was a lot less racist before assholes* started calling me racist all the time.

* - This does include W.

Posted by: DaveA at February 25, 2015 05:21 PM (DL2i+)

99 Disgustingly appropriate for the way MLK's actual message and legacy have been inverted and perverted. Praising a violent criminal for attacking an innocent person who was lucky to be armed.

Those of you saying "I don't recognize the country any more" - and I've been with you for years - and I think this includes ace - just savor the complete package as represented by the Martin case.

A president - president! - from the friggin WH podium, getting involved in an ordinary local crime story, exclusively, clumsily, and transparently to race-bait. WTF?

The "press" - acting like rabid tools of some authoritarian regime to slime the innocent, whip up more racism from the black community, and distort the facts (showing the perp's years' old photo when he was a little kid?). WTF?

Your "fellow Americans" (if you still can consider them that) all around you lapping up much if not all of this nonsense, instead of reacting in horror and disbelief ("WTF?"). Probably not a majority - but that any but the outlying freaks would react otherwise to this says it all.


Posted by: rhomboid at February 25, 2015 05:21 PM (afQnV)

100 Zimmerman is guilty of Self-Defense While White.

Posted by: rickl at February 25, 2015 05:21 PM (zoehZ)

101 "But they've forgotten about him completely. Why? "

Apparently his family is fed up with Al Sharpton and crew.

Posted by: Lauren at February 25, 2015 05:22 PM (MYCIw)

102 Saint peter says "No, the gates, the fucking gates are gone!!"

I lol'd.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 25, 2015 05:22 PM (O5IOQ)

103 This coming from a woman who has never been in a fight and likely has never seen a fight in all its ugliness.
Posted by: ejo at February 25, 2015 05:20 PM (rsGj7)

She works at MSNBC, right? Pretty sure she's seen some serious fights, like Chris Hayes getting she shit slapped out of her by Richie Maddow.

Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 25, 2015 05:22 PM (MbqmP)

104 Zimmerman gave Martin a dose of "Yo mama-care".

Posted by: Muldoon, a solid man at February 25, 2015 05:23 PM (NeFrd)

105 Trayvon's up in heaven trying to mug Jesus right now.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at February 25, 2015 05:23 PM (AC0lD)

106 "Our decision not to pursue federal charges does not condone the shooting that resulted in the death of Trayvon Martin and is based solely on the high legal standard applicable to these cases," Gupta said.

So, the standards should be lowered.

Posted by: bergerbilder at February 25, 2015 05:24 PM (2o6Wj)

107 I find the whole disrespect thing needy and insecure and telling. actual respectable people aren't that worried about it from random people.

Posted by: X at February 25, 2015 05:24 PM (UqJ2q)

108 Zimmerman is guilty of Self-Defense While White Hispanic.


Posted by: Buzzsaw at February 25, 2015 05:24 PM (wrS2o)

109 They're the racists they claim we all are.

Posted by: Fourth Horseman looking for my saddle at February 25, 2015 05:00 PM (A7LEa)

No wonder they think we're monsters. If they in their infinite wisdom and emotional depths of empathy are still, at the end of the day, that racist, there is truly no hope for the knuckle dragging mouth breathing Jesusland troglydites.

Posted by: LizLem at February 25, 2015 05:24 PM (yRwC8)

110 Skanks like this remind me why my weekly target practice sessions are so important.
There are too many that now think like this, and since they have no sense of responsibility, they will go after anyone who stands in their way. It's coming, and you know exactly what I'm referring to. Get ready, it will be your ass and those who you love on the line against pukes of this ilk.

Posted by: taxpaying citizen at February 25, 2015 05:24 PM (/WaV2)

111 She works at MSNBC, right? Pretty sure she's seen
some serious fights, like Chris Hayes getting she shit slapped out of
her by Richie Maddow.

Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 25, 2015 05:22 PM (MbqmP)


Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 25, 2015 05:24 PM (FsuaD)

112 82 64
I don't think there's any future for American blacks. They have bought
too far into the Jackson-Sharpton model. That way lies decay and

Also, they're getting amnestied out of the saddle by Hispanics, who, if you believe our better's, want to move up in society. I've seen otherwise black neighborhoods get gentrified by new immigrant arrivals in my town, and the black leaders aren't too happy about it.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at February 25, 2015 05:24 PM (5buP8)

113 She's a stupid vicious little racist cvnt that I refuse to pay any attention to because I saw her for what she was a long time ago.

Fvck her, MSLSD and all it's sycophants for enabling the racial prophets free reign on their airwaves to spread their messages of hate and intolerance.

Posted by: Gmac- Pulling in feelers in preperation... at February 25, 2015 05:24 PM (74McK)

114 Yep, the Left believe in racial street justice.

The left thins a black man should be able to beat a white man if he says or does something disrespectful. And definitely if he says or does something racist.

Cross the street to avoid a young black thug? Many on the Left think it's perfectly acceptable, that it would in fact be Justice, if you got hit upside the head. Cause f*ck you Mr. I'm a Racist And Cross the Street To Avoid Young Black Dudes.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 25, 2015 05:24 PM (ZPrif)

I have a headache because of today's "news," a.k.a. today's daily kick in the balls.


It's funny cuz it's true.

Posted by: Soothsayer, Lambda Lambda Lambda at February 25, 2015 05:25 PM (hbvPW)

116 "But they've forgotten about him completely. Why? "

Well he is not as innocent as you make him sound and NYC has a communist Mayor who can not be embarrassed by such things

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 25, 2015 05:25 PM (nzKvP)

117 "But they've forgotten about him completely. Why? "

Well he is not as innocent as you make him sound and NYC has a communist Mayor who can not be embarrassed by such things

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 25, 2015 05:25 PM (nzKvP)

118 @97 It still strikes me that the Left goes on and on about Brown and about Trayvon but doesn't have much to say about Eric Garner.

Garner still pops up. "I can't breathe!" seems to be a popular meme in some circles. It might just be the order that the deaths occurred in. If Garner had died first, then he might have been the one with all the publicity.

Alternately, New York City might have a lot more experience dealing with this kind of reaction from the population, and quickly made it clear that the city wasn't going to put up with full on race riots over this.

Posted by: junior at February 25, 2015 05:25 PM (UWFpX)

119 Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who.
Can't we all just agree that the black man is always the victim, and
the "white" man is always the aggressor?

Posted by: Melissa Harris-Perry at February 25, 2015 05:05 PM (4nR9/)

White Hispanics be da' worst.

Posted by: Any black thug at February 25, 2015 05:25 PM (JgQLj)

"But they've forgotten about him completely. Why? "

Cuz it's cold out.

Posted by: tu3031 at February 25, 2015 05:26 PM (PXU5j)


Posted by: Al Sharpton at February 25, 2015 05:26 PM (DLu2s)

a throat-punch = a Capt Kirk karate chop tap to the shoulder

Posted by: Soothsayer, Lambda Lambda Lambda at February 25, 2015 05:26 PM (hbvPW)

123 The Five is about to go off on Bill Nye, the Jew-Hating Guy.

Can't wait.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 25, 2015 05:26 PM (FsuaD)

124 So Melissa Harris-Perry advocates that African-Americans beat the crap out of Hispanics?

Posted by: @votermom at February 25, 2015 05:27 PM (cbfNE)

125 I think some of our more Racialist friends on the left have long held this position -- that yes, Martin was pounding Zimmerman's head into the concrete, but so what, Because Zimmerman deserved it for being a "racist," and the Rule of Street Justice says that a black man who feels disrespected is entitled to some self-determined Racial Payback if he likes.

Yeah, pretty much. And the "Zimmerman is a scumbag" cries on the right are sort of sad too. He gets arrested... and let go because the charges don't stick. Now what's more likely:

1) he's a criminal mastermind with a slick mob laywer that helps him get away with this stuff
2) he's being persecuted by angry leftists who want him for something, anything but can't pull the trigger.


Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 25, 2015 05:27 PM (39g3+)

There is no magical knock-out spot on a man's clavicle; only in tv land.

Posted by: Soothsayer, Lambda Lambda Lambda at February 25, 2015 05:27 PM (hbvPW)

127 Moral of Message: Don't mess with White Hispanics. Blacks are okay. Methinks this is the new Democratic hope to keep their Nursing Home Privileges intact.

Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at February 25, 2015 05:27 PM (oDCMR)

128 I also don't understand this whole "disrespect" thing.

I don't know about y'all, but I've never beat someone's head into the ground...for any reason. The don't mean "respect" they mean "fear". You didn't fear them enough, so you must be taught a lesson.

Posted by: Lauren at February 25, 2015 05:27 PM (MYCIw)

129 Can you imagine if the 87% adopted the 13% Attitude concerning "street justice"?

Posted by: Kraken at February 25, 2015 05:27 PM (5+mPY)

130 By the way I missed the tread but it is becoming pretty obvious that Al-Baghdadi Fredo and kerry are anit-semites who only tolerate Jews who are far left wing and will smear all others. kerry must be the dumbest SOB alive

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 25, 2015 05:27 PM (nzKvP)

131 Ace of Spades, using facts and logic to point out what no one will say but everyone understands. Certain to be called a racist by all the right "thinkers." But, if you'll notice as with all the SJW stuff, people are standing up to it and it is having an effect.

Posted by: duke at February 25, 2015 05:27 PM (ChY2Q)

132 129 Can you imagine if the 87% adopted the 13% Attitude concerning "street justice"?
Good Times and Social Justice for all. Its the American way. AmIright?

Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at February 25, 2015 05:28 PM (oDCMR)

133 Test

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:28 PM (vPh3W)

134 It would appear that American culture has a dangerously short memory.

Ms. Harris Perry, oh inciter of race wars, there are some men in white sheets that would like to have a word with you.

Posted by: Shinjinrui at February 25, 2015 05:28 PM (4SznG)

135 There's a reason the racist, epithet-screaming black youths that beat up and kill whites en mob are shrugged at by the left.

Its part of the "400 years of slavery, they are just getting theirs back, Jim Crow!" nonsense that has nothing whatsoever to do with a generation of blacks who see someone who is considered black elected president twice.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 25, 2015 05:28 PM (39g3+)

136 The good news about perry is that only 5-10 people even watch her

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 25, 2015 05:28 PM (nzKvP)

137 "Justice for Mike Brown" is about 2 things:
1) He should have been exempt from the law
2) Getting for funding for pet programs.

That's it.

And if word gets back to my university I ever said that, I'd bet pennies to dollars I'd be expelled.

Hell apparently just writing an article noting that the president agreed to a list of demands he clearly didn't even read is enough to start a firestorm there.

Posted by: tsrblke, PhD(c) and his daughter at February 25, 2015 05:29 PM (HDwDg)

138 "Oppressed innocent youths" dispatching their "oppressors" is the wet-dream of all Leftists.

A violent and cathartic final solution of "bringing justice" to the "kyriarchy" is the exactly the eschaton they wish to immanentize.

Posted by: The Political Hat at February 25, 2015 05:29 PM (0Ew3K)

139 It still strikes me that the Left goes on and on about Brown and about Trayvon but doesn't have much to say about Eric Garner.

Also... the Garner story was falling apart, too.

He was already a petty criminal- so not exactly an angel killed by racist cops.

The supervising officer was black (again: hard to get the "racist cop" meme going).

As soon as Garner stopped resisting, the cops also stopped (thanks, recordings!), and summoned helped.

Garner did not die at the hands of the cops, but rather after he was already receiving treatment- had it been an "execution" that would not have been the case.

So, short form: Garner, despite being closer in fact to what they "want" was farther away in image.

It's easy to say "kid" with Martin or Brown, and conjure up images of some 13 yr old who is all knees and elbows.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 25, 2015 05:29 PM (kff5f)

140 I don't think there's any future for American blacks. They have bought too far into the Jackson-Sharpton model. That way lies decay and dissolution.
Posted by: Null at February 25, 2015 05:13 PM (xjpRj)

For a while, blacks were *the* minority. Native Americans were a special case. Not really a minority when they integrated, but a minority if they lived on a reservation.

Then Affirmative Action expanded and captured "Hispanics". Suddenly, everybody's got a grievance -- gays, women, the left-handed -- everybody. Asians are starting to notice this is a bad deal for them.

And other minorities are passing blacks by. The civil rights struggle had with it a ring of optimism. Where is it now?

Posted by: AmishDude at February 25, 2015 05:29 PM (L2xDv)

141 Yeah, and Obama/Holder knew exactly what they were getting in to as well.

They chose Trayvon and Brown as their martyred heroes ... both druggie gangster wannabe thug types ... perfect examples for black America activists that will fight on the front lines in the Obama war on America.

Obama got a lot of direction from union bosses like Trumka, on how to inspire the little guys the be the knee cappers, tire slashers. Get in their faces, tear down their tea party tents, uncivil unrest. They instigate riots, not peaceful assembly. They want overthrow and special rights, not equal rights.

Posted by: Illiniwek at February 25, 2015 05:30 PM (K6DMc)

George Bush was in the "news" today reflecting on what he misses most about being president, which contributed to my headache.

Bush said he missed saluting those in the military who put themselves in harm's way. Well, that's nice, except he sounded like a fucking child who misses waving to the fire engines as they drove past his house.

Posted by: Soothsayer, Lambda Lambda Lambda at February 25, 2015 05:30 PM (hbvPW)

143 The Five is about to go off on Bill Nye, the Jew-Hating Guy.

Can't wait.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 25, 2015 05:26 PM (FsuaD)


Well .... four out five .... I'll bet.

Posted by: fixerupper at February 25, 2015 05:30 PM (NaV4z)

144 Unbanned again..., for a while. Clearly, Pixy is banning proxy ISP's, and I understand that..., but since I can't seem to get my real IP unbanned, it's the only way I can get in.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:30 PM (vPh3W)

145 Gutfield is going off on that asshole anti-semite Nye on the 5

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 25, 2015 05:31 PM (nzKvP)

146 There was, 1,000 years ago, a great comment by a British observer who wrote some account of his travels around America. Something like "in America, the term 'racist' is the most serious negative term one can use, it's more serious there than in any other country in the world".

It was a very nice way of putting it. America has been the least racist of any modern, major multi-enthnic society.

And term now has been rendered meaningless, by the racists of the black and Hispanic communities, and their stupid/complicit white enablers.

One more way the country has been degraded and demeaned (at it's own hands, ultimately) in recent years.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 25, 2015 05:31 PM (afQnV)

147 kerry must be the dumbest SOB alive
Posted by: Nevergiveup

So..., not a James Taylor fan, eh?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:31 PM (vPh3W)

148 I hope that bitch gets toxic shock syndrome of the ears with her tampon earrings.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 25, 2015 05:31 PM (vPh3W)

149 Seriously.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 25, 2015 05:27 PM (39g3+)

3) An idiot.

I don't think he's a thug. As you say, he keeps being let go, and it's not like he can afford "a slick mob lawyer."

But I do think he... lacks sound judgment.

Which is neither a crime nor a moral failing, but is nevertheless a good explanation for his various legal run-ins.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 25, 2015 05:31 PM (kff5f)

150 Yeah the bloody night of the long knives is a long-held secret fantasy of the left. It pops up every once in a while in the literature, plays, and films they write and produce. That's when all the people who mocked me and wouldn't go along with my ideas will get theirs!

It disturbs me more when I read right-leaning people making noises along those lines, though. I expect it from people for whom morality is what you decide it is each day as you wake up.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 25, 2015 05:31 PM (39g3+)

151 OT -

A WSJ headline (didn't read the article) suggests that Yellen ("Fezzik, tear his arms off.") is going to increase interest rates later this year.

Posted by: junior at February 25, 2015 05:32 PM (UWFpX)

152 Free Hammer! Free Hammer!!
Free Hammer!! Free Hammer.

No Hammer No Peace

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 25, 2015 05:32 PM (vPh3W)

153 139 It still strikes me that the Left goes on and on about Brown and about Trayvon but doesn't have much to say about Eric Garner.
So, short form: Garner, despite being closer in fact to what they "want" was farther away in image.
You are missing the big fact, it was NYC and real estate is where the money is. DeBlasio and his commie crew know who butters their bread.

Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at February 25, 2015 05:32 PM (oDCMR)

154 Well said, ace!

Posted by: Lizzy at February 25, 2015 05:32 PM (lHHyw)

This post qualifies this blog as a hate site. Therefore it is banned.

Posted by: The FCC - keepers of the knowledge at February 25, 2015 05:32 PM (ODxAs)

156 "America's Foremost Public Intellectual" Melissa-Harris Perry...comedy gold.

Posted by: duke at February 25, 2015 05:33 PM (ChY2Q)

157 On the bright side, over six months ago, Michael Brown quit smoking cold turkey and has yet to relapse.

Posted by: Fritz at February 25, 2015 05:33 PM (dVmLD)

158 Obama got a lot of direction from union bosses like Trumka,

"I owe those unions" - Barack Obama, 'The Audacity of Hope'

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:33 PM (vPh3W)

159 I hope that bitch gets toxic shock syndrome of the ears with her tampon earrings.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 25, 2015 05:31 PM (vPh3W)

I was waiting for somebody to push them into her ears with their dick.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at February 25, 2015 05:33 PM (FMbng)

160 "Andrew Branca and I beat up on some idiot leftist on Twitter the other night over just this thing."

Speaking of Branca, would I be correct in assuming that Sunny Hostin is still welshing on paying the bet that she made with him?

As I recall, it wasn't even a ton of money. It's just that to have paid up would be for her to have to admit to error, and that she apparently couldn't tolerate.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 25, 2015 05:33 PM (noWW6)

I have no doubt obama will make the Fed do something about interest rates that will hurt Americans.

But he's gonna tell Soros beforehand.

Posted by: Soothsayer, Lambda Lambda Lambda at February 25, 2015 05:34 PM (hbvPW)

162 Can you imagine if the 87% adopted the 13% Attitude concerning "street justice"?
Posted by: Kraken at February 25, 2015 05:27 PM (5+mPY)


Don't be dumping all blacks into this catagory. Many of the blacks I know here in OK knew this was all bullshit from the gitgo.

"Man shoudn't been crackin' dat head". (Actual quote)

Posted by: Soona at February 25, 2015 05:34 PM (/HX7u)

163 So, short form: Garner, despite being closer in fact to what they "want" was farther away in image.

All true, but there were much better angles there.

Posted by: AmishDude at February 25, 2015 05:34 PM (L2xDv)

164 "Oppressed innocent youths" dispatching their "oppressors" is the wet-dream of all Leftists.

A violent and cathartic final solution of "bringing justice" to the "kyriarchy" is the exactly the eschaton they wish to immanentize.
Posted by: The Political Hat at February 25, 2015 05:29 PM (0Ew3K)

Indeed. The Manson family springs to mind.

Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 25, 2015 05:34 PM (MbqmP)

165 I agree Zimmerman seems to lack discernment, but he's not a criminal monster or a troublemaker like people keep acting.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 25, 2015 05:34 PM (39g3+)

166 If MSNBC canned Martin Bashir for saying that Sarah Palin deserved to have someone shit in her mouth, you'd think that Melissa Perry would at least get a suspension.

Posted by: OregonMuse at February 25, 2015 05:34 PM (I8YZX)

167 Free Hammer! Free Hammer!!
Free Hammer!! Free Hammer.

No Hammer No Peace
Posted by: Misanthropic

S'ok. I'm back on board.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:34 PM (vPh3W)

168 >>>It was a very nice way of putting it. America has been the least racist of any modern, major multi-enthnic society.

which makes it the least racist place on earth. unless you think mono-race places are even less racist.

Posted by: X at February 25, 2015 05:35 PM (UqJ2q)

169 >>Yeah the bloody night of the long knives is a long-held secret fantasy
of the left. It pops up every once in a while in the literature, plays,
and films they write and produce. That's when all the people who mocked me and wouldn't go along with my ideas will get theirs!

And yest in both Purge movies, they had the evil, rich whites getting their violent freak on.

Posted by: Lizzy at February 25, 2015 05:35 PM (lHHyw)

170 MH - Notice that we have the same hash?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:35 PM (vPh3W)

171 Zimmerman had some issues long before that fateful night. Doesn't mean he should have died, just sayin'.

Posted by: some guy at February 25, 2015 05:35 PM (q177U)

172 Zimmerman deserved what he was getting for the crime of Disrespecting a Black Man

who is still depicted in the media as a pre-pubescent cherub.

Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at February 25, 2015 05:35 PM (/kI1Q)

173 Didn't this hateful, racist c*nt get fired recently with the ghey type guy Farrow?

Posted by: JohnDonut@AflutterQuietly at February 25, 2015 05:36 PM (g1MTt)

174 Raise interest rates? Hilarity ensues - for the US fiscal situation, for the limping economy, for the Euro.

Well, hilarity of a dark sort.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 25, 2015 05:36 PM (afQnV)

175 "And yest in both Purge movies, they had the evil, rich whites getting their violent freak on."

Their sweet, sweet mental revenge.

Posted by: Lauren at February 25, 2015 05:36 PM (MYCIw)

I was waiting for somebody to push them into her ears with their dick.
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at February 25, 2015 05:33 PM

A true dickhead if there ever was one.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 25, 2015 05:36 PM (vPh3W)

177 Cut MSNBC a break, I mean it is hard to sanction a putz like perry while you still have a murderer like sharpton on the payroll

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 25, 2015 05:36 PM (nzKvP)

If Zimmerman just wanted to shoot Martin, he could have done so while still on his feet. It is "Stand Your Ground," after all, not "Get Taken to the Ground, Then Get Your Head Dribbled on the Cement for Five Minutes, Then Get Out Your Gun."

If Zimmerman just wanted to plug Martin, he sure was slow on the draw.

Posted by Ace at 04:59 PM Comments

THAT is the most salient point of this whole sorry episode. I never even thought of it that way, and it's as if Ace rhetorically slammed my rhetorical head in the rhetorical concrete.

Seriously, bravo.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 25, 2015 05:37 PM (CMkNk)

179 170 MH - Notice that we have the same hash?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:35 PM (vPh3W

Holy crap!!!!!

But then again, we are twins or brothers or some type of silly nonsense

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 25, 2015 05:37 PM (vPh3W)

180 FCC Chairman- "No..., I will not talk to Congress. It's none of their business."

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:37 PM (vPh3W)

181 I don't think the Progs have gotten through to me with all of their race-baiting. Now they are tiresome, ludicrous, and annoying. Being a de facto racist by merely existing actually crystallizes my tribal identity and makes my life simpler. Thanks, Progs. You have my contempt.

Posted by: Kraken at February 25, 2015 05:37 PM (5+mPY)

182 " unless you think mono-race places are even less racist."

In Africa, countries with 100% black populations, there is still some racism. I've read that in some parts the lighter skin Africans look down and subjugate the darker skinned Africans.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 25, 2015 05:37 PM (LA7Cm)

183 This whole post racial world is a very mean place where no one is truly safe.

What a miracle happened when Obama took office.

Posted by: petunia at February 25, 2015 05:38 PM (Ly0Gc)

184 MH - Notice that we have the same hash?

How is that even possible? I mean, it's mathematically possible, but extremely unlikely. You two perhaps using the same proxy server?

Posted by: OregonMuse at February 25, 2015 05:38 PM (I8YZX)

185 171 Zimmerman had some issues long before that fateful night. Doesn't mean he should have died, just sayin'.
Posted by: some guy at February 25, 2015 05:35 PM (q177U)

Zimmerman's not dead.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 25, 2015 05:38 PM (CMkNk)

186 If they fired everyone on MSNBC with crappy ratings, the place would be just showing the indian head test pattern 24/7

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 25, 2015 05:38 PM (39g3+)

187 But then again, we are twins or brothers or some type of silly nonsense
Posted by: Misanthropic

The mailing address at Camp Banhammer is same for all internees.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:38 PM (vPh3W)

188 177 Cut MSNBC a break, I mean it is hard to sanction a putz like perry while you still have a murderer like sharpton on the payroll
Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 25, 2015 05:36 PM (nzKvP)

According to the left if you are one of thiers you can murder as well as cheat on taxes

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 25, 2015 05:38 PM (vPh3W)

189 No, X, that's what the guy meant, I'm sure.

It was just a very nice, almost warming way of putting it. That in the US, the term "racist" was the worst one you could use. It made the point.

And now? The term is near meaningless, and has very little real accurate use outside its application to black and Hispanic individuals.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 25, 2015 05:38 PM (afQnV)

190 Probably should have said "discrimination" rather than "racism."

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 25, 2015 05:39 PM (LA7Cm)

191 How is that even possible? I mean, it's mathematically possible, but extremely unlikely. You two perhaps using the same proxy server?
Posted by: Oregon


Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:39 PM (vPh3W)

192 187 But then again, we are twins or brothers or some type of silly nonsense
Posted by: Misanthropic

The mailing address at Camp Banhammer is same for all internees.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:38 PM (vPh3W

Dark Rye Pumpernickel and a bottle of Evian for me tonight?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 25, 2015 05:39 PM (vPh3W)

193 If MSNBC canned Martin Bashir for saying that Sarah Palin deserved to have someone shit in her mouth, you'd think that Melissa Perry would at least get a suspension.
Posted by: OregonMuse at February 25, 2015 05:34 PM (I8YZX)

No, guys with germanic first names who have stool fetishes about ladies are nominally white heteros. Can't have that at MSNBC.

Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 25, 2015 05:39 PM (MbqmP)

194 186 If they fired everyone on MSNBC with crappy ratings, the place would be just showing the indian head test pattern 24/7
And that would be rayciss.

Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at February 25, 2015 05:39 PM (oDCMR)

195 Speaking of Branca, would I be correct in assuming that Sunny Hostin is still welshing on paying the bet that she made with him?

Yes. Yes, you would.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 25, 2015 05:39 PM (kff5f)

196 Posted by: junior at February 25, 2015 05:32 PM (UWFpX)

Hmmm....Apparently I need to adjust my 401K portfolio.

Posted by: tsrblke, PhD(c) and his daughter at February 25, 2015 05:39 PM (HDwDg)

197 >>Didn't this hateful, racist c*nt get fired recently with the ghey type guy Farrow?

Nope, it was Joy Reid who lost her show along w/Farrow.

Posted by: Lizzy at February 25, 2015 05:39 PM (lHHyw)

198 191 How is that even possible? I mean, it's mathematically possible, but extremely unlikely. You two perhaps using the same proxy server?
Posted by: Oregon

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:39 PM

Sure as hell aint the same Pixy server!

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 25, 2015 05:39 PM (vPh3W)

199 " would be just showing the indian head test pattern 24/7"

I'd watch that for a bit.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 25, 2015 05:40 PM (LA7Cm)

200 If they fired everyone on MSNBC with crappy ratings, the place would be just showing the indian head test pattern 24/7
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 25, 2015 05:38 PM (39g3+)

well the ratings would go up

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 25, 2015 05:40 PM (nzKvP)

201 If they fired everyone on MSNBC with crappy ratings, the place would be just showing the indian head test pattern 24/7

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 25, 2015 05:38 PM (39g3+)

It would be an improvement.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at February 25, 2015 05:40 PM (FMbng)

202 182 I've read that in some parts the lighter skin Africans look down and subjugate the darker skinned Africans.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 25, 2015 05:37 PM (LA7Cm)

Wasn't this the theme of a Spike Lee super 8 flick?
Surprising if it is.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 25, 2015 05:40 PM (CMkNk)

203 Being a de facto racist by merely existing actually crystallizes my tribal identity and makes my life simpler. Thanks, Progs. You have my contempt.

Dennis Leary has a bit where he is talking to his kids, and gets so exasperated that he starts swearing then he says "I know I shouldn't say that but you're making me do it!"

The left seems determined to push everyone into hating every other racial and ethnic group. Not just balkanized, not just separate and identified with each other, but hate.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 25, 2015 05:40 PM (39g3+)

204 So Mr. Hammer, you and I tied for 1st-10th come Sunday night?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 25, 2015 05:40 PM (vPh3W)

205 Branca summed it up thusly the other night:

"In all my years of practice, it is the clearest case of a self-defense shoot I've ever seen."

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 25, 2015 05:40 PM (kff5f)

206 There is a special place in hell for race hustlers like MPH and Al Sharpton.

Posted by: Old Grizzled Gym Coach at February 25, 2015 05:40 PM (QBQcg)

207 No Hammer No Peace
Posted by: Misanthropic
S'ok. I'm back on board.
Posted by: Mike Hammer

Hammer Time!
Can't touch dat!

Posted by: rickb223 at February 25, 2015 05:41 PM (O5IOQ)

208 192 Dark Rye Pumpernickel and a bottle of Evian for me tonight?
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 25, 2015 05:39 PM (vPh3W)

Bean soup mit hamhocks!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 25, 2015 05:41 PM (CMkNk)

209 There is a special place in hell for race hustlers like MPH and Al Sharpton.
Posted by: Old Grizzled Gym Coach at February 25, 2015 05:40 PM (QBQcg)

I think they "Full up" sign was out. No more room at the inn

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 25, 2015 05:41 PM (nzKvP)

210 If they fired everyone on MSNBC with crappy ratings, the place would be just showing the indian head First Person test pattern 24/7

Edited for MSNBC

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:42 PM (vPh3W)

211 I liked the Asa Baber vids that were going around at the time explaining self defense, use of force, stand your ground, and so on. Very clear and informative, and the man really knows his stuff.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 25, 2015 05:42 PM (39g3+)

212 You know if MSNBC really wanted to boost its ratings they would get an out and out white male racist misogynist and give an hour spot to cover black, homo, transgender and feminist news. I guarantee every leftist would watch and would be thrilled. Hell I'd watch too.

Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at February 25, 2015 05:43 PM (oDCMR)

213 The worst part is she was there for Cornell's Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Lecture.

Posted by: Eliott Spitter at February 25, 2015 05:43 PM (5fSr7)

214 Soona, I don't really dump every single black person in that 13% I mentioned. But I do have stats from the last election indicating that black people, when it came down to it, loved them some Obama and Democrats. And those were the people who were motivated to vote. So what do you say when faced with the dilemma of the black population being all in with Progressivism. My nuancing ability is being worn thin.

Posted by: Kraken at February 25, 2015 05:43 PM (5+mPY)

47 Post shooting Zimmerman has been a fool. He would have gone on the gunshot circuit hawking liability insurance.
Posted by: Jean at February 25, 2015 05:09 PM (ztOda)

Well he probably thought he was going to have the easy life after the lawsuit with nbc. Just too bad that apparently talking to a news reporter one time prior makes you a public figure so you can't sue for slander.

Posted by: Buzzion at February 25, 2015 05:43 PM (z/Ubi)

216 They should just make guns that can't kill black people.

Posted by: Neil deGrasse Tyson at February 25, 2015 05:44 PM (MbqmP)

217 So Mr. Hammer, you and I tied for 1st-10th come Sunday night?
Posted by: Misanthropic

Tomorrow looks like a snow day....., I may be trapped at the keyboard all day long. *cracks knuckles *

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:44 PM (vPh3W)

218 New one up. GOP caved.

Posted by: Lauren at February 25, 2015 05:44 PM (MYCIw)

219 The judge that threw out Zimmerman's lawsuit should be impeached, held up as a model of corrupt politicizing of the law, then beat with truncheons in a public place. What a crock, even for public figures you cannot lie outright and defame them deliberately.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 25, 2015 05:45 PM (39g3+)

220 203 The left seems determined to push everyone into hating every other racial and ethnic group. Not just balkanized, not just separate and identified with each other, but hate.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 25, 2015 05:40 PM (39g3+)

I think Rogers and Hammerstein covered this ages ago in "South Pacific."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 25, 2015 05:45 PM (CMkNk)

221 >>You know if MSNBC really wanted to boost its ratings they would get an
out and out white male racist misogynist and give an hour spot to cover
black, homo, transgender and feminist news.


Does blowhard commie supporter of Big Labor count?

Posted by: The Ed Show at February 25, 2015 05:45 PM (lHHyw)

We always assume that others are just like us. If someone assumes you stole something, absent evidence, it is because they would have stolen something in your position. Suspicious people are suspicious because they are untrustworthy.Liars assume everyone else is lying as well (hence Obama constantly thinking everyone opposing his policies does so out of bad faith - it is exactly what he would do).

Ergo, if someone calls you a racist, without justification, it is because they are racists, and they project onto you what they themselves want to do. In this case, they don't just think it was cool for Trayvon to beat Zimmerman's head on the sidewalk, they wish they could get away with doing it themselves.

Posted by: Dr. McCoy at February 25, 2015 05:46 PM (F192H)

223 I liked the Asa Baber vids that were going around at the time explaining self defense, use of force, stand your ground, and so on

And it still chaps my hide that SYG even gets mentioned with this.

The Zimmerman case was *not* a Stand Your Ground case. It was simple self-defense.

Stand Your Ground only applies when an opportunity to flee exists and is not taken.

By the time Zimmerman could reasonably have realized he was in an actual fight, no opportunity to flee existed. At that point, it was pure self defense.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 25, 2015 05:46 PM (kff5f)

224 Back at Melissa-Harris Perry a hundred-fold: I hope she suffers a terrible attack that leaves her crippled for life. It's the least that a racist, fascist, thug-loving POS deserves.

Posted by: pst314 at February 25, 2015 05:46 PM (T4dRn)

225 Zimmerman is a power tripping loser who went looking for trouble and found more than he could handle. He got away with manslaughter because the professionally outraged tried him on the wrong charge. Trayvon, whatever his sins may have been or not been, won his Darwin Award by punching an armed man on the face. That's the key there. We tell preschoolers that it's wrong to hit someone. If your culture rejects that teaching,then you are a barbarian. The answer to barbarism is teaching them a better way to live. If the barbarians reject that, the answer isn't individual killing, but the razing of their villages and running off the survivors.

Posted by: Offended person at February 25, 2015 05:47 PM (ATJMj)

226 Martin could have turned to face Zimmerman, told him to fuck off, flipped him the bird, and gone on his way.

Deciding to make the confrontation violent was his own decision and it cost him.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at February 25, 2015 05:48 PM (MMC8r)

227 Just too bad that apparently talking to a news reporter one time prior makes you a public figure so you can't sue for slander.
Posted by: Buzzion at February 25, 2015 05:43 PM (z/Ubi)

Unless you're Michael Mann & Mark Steyn says something.

Posted by: Neil deGrasse Tyson at February 25, 2015 05:48 PM (MbqmP)

228 The Left intentionally chooses cases where the "innocent Black youth" can be shown to be a thug.

By choosing cases where the shooter is defending themselves, the shooter will never go to trial, or if they go to trial, they will never be found guilty.

That way, the Left can claim that this is all bout raaacism and how the system is oppressing them. That the fact get in the way is ignored because the narrative must triumph... always.

Posted by: The Political Hat at February 25, 2015 05:48 PM (0Ew3K)

229 I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the suits at MSNBC are discussing the talent. That there is a sitcom waiting to happen.

Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at February 25, 2015 05:49 PM (oDCMR)

230 I wonder if President Trayvon Senior will be asked to defend the comments. What? No? Shocking.

Posted by: Dr. McCoy at February 25, 2015 05:50 PM (F192H)

231 225 Posted by: Offended person at February 25, 2015 05:47 PM (ATJMj)

Nice summary that has the added benefit of being totally incorrect...

but you feel better and I feel better you feel better.

9mm trumps 5 knuckles

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at February 25, 2015 05:55 PM (/4AZU)

232 Posted by: Offended person at February 25, 2015 05:47 PM
There was a rash of burglaries.
Z was walking the beat.
Z sees a 6'2" strapping adultlike figure.
Wearing a hoodie.
In the rain.
Off the sidewalk.
Looking in windows.
Z follows.
Z confronts with question.
Z gets jumped/sucker -punched.
Z has head beaten on concrete.
After struggle, Z gets control of gun.
The confirmed thief/burglar, drank poisoned son of Crip gangsta wannabe dies.

Posted by: JohnDonut@AflutterQuietly at February 25, 2015 05:57 PM (g1MTt)

233 I've seen otherwise black neighborhoods get
gentrified by new immigrant arrivals in my town, and the black leaders
aren't too happy about it.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at February 25, 2015 05:24 PM (5buP

The only thing keeping Charlie Rangel up with worry is that next election cycle, the number of hispanics in his district will finally outnumber the number of blacks and he will be outed by a candidate with a Spanish accent. He fits exactly into the wheelhouse you are describing.

Posted by: LizLem at February 25, 2015 05:57 PM (yRwC8)

234 I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the suits at MSNBC are discussing the talent. That there is a sitcom waiting to happen.

Suit1: "My god! Did you see Matthews on Jeopardy last night?"

Suit2: "Yeah..., he's got to be the dumbest f*ck on network TV."

Suit1: "Well..., on the upside,Jeopardy has 100 times the viewers that Hardball does, so, there's that..."

Suit2: "Pah! That just means that now they all know our anchor is a shit-for-brains."

Suit1: "Cripes, Matthews, that Maddow kid.., Al f*cking Sharpton!...., how the hell did we wind up with the lunatic fringe?"

Suit2: "Well, at lest we managed to flush Olbermann out of here. What a creep."

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 25, 2015 05:57 PM (vPh3W)

235 223 Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 25, 2015 05:46 PM (kff5f)


SYG is where you decide that rather than be forced to flee from say your home to "avoid" having to engage in violence you engage in legal self-defense...

Trayvon Martin was trying to kill GZ... simple self-defense and not manslaughter.

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at February 25, 2015 05:57 PM (/4AZU)

236 232 Posted by: JohnDonut@AflutterQuietly at February 25, 2015 05:57 PM (g1MTt)

Creepy Ass Cracka>Drank Swilling Thuglife

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at February 25, 2015 05:58 PM (/4AZU)

237 I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the suits at MSNBC are discussing the talent. That there is a sitcom waiting to happen.

Another "Downfall" video?

Posted by: OregonMuse at February 25, 2015 06:06 PM (I8YZX)

238 Any way we can have MHP arrested, or sued? These people need to have a few of their scalps taken (figuratively) so they can rediscover not being monstrous excuses for skin.

Posted by: acethepug at February 25, 2015 06:09 PM (WK825)

239 The Zimmerman case was *not* a Stand Your Ground case. It was simple self-defense.

Pretty sure Asa Baber explained that, too, but not in exactly those terms. He was more general and not specific to the exact events.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 25, 2015 06:12 PM (39g3+)

240 Mood music.

Posted by: puddleglum not at work at February 25, 2015 06:13 PM (7Vklw)

241 I also think that they're a little miffed at the prospect that future would-be street justice dispensers will have to first ponder "gee, I wonder if this pudgy white Hispanic is carrying a gun" before having at it.

I always felt that the implication was "hey, black men do this all of the time, imagine if people started shooting them for it . . ." which would be - as they say - "problematic."

Posted by: Alec Leamas at February 25, 2015 06:17 PM (lh89W)

242 63 - He did. Judge threw it out...

Posted by: Santa at February 25, 2015 06:18 PM (cU4mN)

243 Post shooting Zimmerman has been a fool. He would have gone on the gunshot circuit hawking liability insurance.

Posted by: Jean at February 25, 2015 05:09 PM (ztOda)

Life has to suck for him. First, he's got to be thinking about potential reprisals, as threats against his life were numerous. Next, pretty much anyone knows they can fuck with him given his past. Trouble will constantly find him now, no matter the precautions he takes.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at February 25, 2015 06:21 PM (lh89W)


I don't think there's any future for American blacks. They have bought
too far into the Jackson-Sharpton model. That way lies decay and

Posted by: Null at February 25, 2015 05:13 PM (xjpRj)


.....and death.

But mostly death.

Posted by: Santa at February 25, 2015 06:30 PM (cU4mN)

245 Missy need a asswhuppin, huhseff.

Posted by: Eromero at February 25, 2015 06:34 PM (go5uR)

246 This is why I follow the Derbyshire Doctrine of avoiding Blacks beneath my socioeconomic status.

Posted by: Minuteman at February 25, 2015 06:48 PM (92wtL)

247 Shouldn't her name be Mbutu-Kambabwe or something?

Harris-Perry sounds so . . . white-white.

'Course she looks kind of white, doesn't she? Does that add to her racist rage?

Posted by: the littl shyning man at February 25, 2015 07:00 PM (U6f54)

248 They now sound Exactly Like the oldtime white lynch mobs they so hate: "git the sonofabitch, I don't care what he done!"


The wheel has come full circle.

Posted by: Beverly Cooper at February 25, 2015 07:14 PM (4cD0e)

249 So much is written about a very simple story:

"When George Zimmerman saw somebody suspicious skulking around, he called 911, and kept an eye on him. When drug-addled Trayvon Martin saw someone eyeing him suspiciously, he called his slack-jawed, potty-mouthed girlfriend, and decided that beating up that cracka was the way to go. That proved to be a lethal decision, since FL law says you can use deadly force against somebody who threatens you with bodily harm, and Zimmerman had a gun."

The moral of the story should be that the FL law WORKED. A man was attacked, and defended himself successfully. The punk involved died, and that should serve as a deterrent to other potential punks, and generally make the streets safer from the first punk. It's a great law!

But naturally it's all about the race-baiting for the Left. What else do they have? They stick with the narrative that some white guy (or, later, the newly-coined "white hispanic" guy) was was out hunting for young unarmed black people out of racial hatred, even though that story was dispelled within 24 hours!

A good point that Zimmerman was "patient", however. Then, again, we don't know when his first opportunity was to reach for his gun. Probably, it took a sort while before he decided he was in real danger.

Posted by: Optimizer at February 25, 2015 07:15 PM (/q6+P)

250 I dunno. Maybe I ought to get out the old rug beater and "whoop the snot" out of MHP's backside. See if she thinks that sort of stuff should be allowed on her precious posterior. Lots of "snot" to beat out though.

Posted by: Comanche Voter at February 25, 2015 07:18 PM (wdHk6)

251 Late to the party... but to say it again...

Prosecution star witness, who neither party disputed was in communication with Martin, said Martin was going out of his way to do a little bashing on a 'creepy-ass cracker' or 'creepy ass-cracker' - either case, clear from the context of two days testimony, Martin was the homophobic racist who tried to kill some 'cracker' he thought was looking at him.

By Obama's own word, if he had a son, he would 'look like' Martin.

Case closed.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at February 25, 2015 08:10 PM (NaeCR)

252 When will white people stop allowing themselves to be humiliated, trod upon, and used?

Posted by: Veritas at February 26, 2015 01:38 AM (QN7lB)

253 Martin was a POS who deserved to die and got exactly what he had coming. I've not the slightest bit of sympathy for him or his family. There are a lot more SOBs out there just like Martin who deserve the same treatment and the sooner they get it, the better off our society will be. As for MHP, she's shooting off her yap about this worthless bastard but I'd guarantee she would have filled her pants out of fear of what Traytable would do to her had he been able to catch her alone someplace.

As they say in Texas, some folks jus' need killin'.

Posted by: mac at February 26, 2015 05:08 AM (S4G+s)

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