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Ye Old Obernite Open Thred (1-28-2015)

Helsinki Great, NYC Good, Lisbon Bad: The "Honesty Arc"

So researchers did a test of honesty in major cities around the world based on lost wallets.

Sixteen world cities, times twelve wallets. Each wallet containing the equivalent of $50 in local currency, some business cards and family photos, and a mobile phone number. How many wallets are returned?

...First, the good news: none of the cities surveyed brought shame on itself by returning none of the wallets. The bad news: globally, your chances or getting your wallet back are less than half. Of the grand total of 192 wallets sprinkled across malls, parks and sidewalks in those 16 cities, only 90 were returned - not more than 47%.

The most honest city was Helsinki, Finland where 11 out of 12 wallets were returned. And New York City outperformed every city in Europe other than Helsinki and Budapest with 8 out 12 wallets returned. Of all the cities in the test the worst were Lisbon and Madrid with a 90%+ loss rate. So don't lose any personal belongings or children in those cities.


MSM Attempting to Ban the N* G* Z*** Word

Not only do they not exist according to the MSM but by the newly issued PC rules you can no longer even talk about them in public.

But in the following days, the counter-attack against those calling attention to the growth of Islamist extremism in Europe has now gotten to the point where it is no longer possible for anyone to mention the existence of a "no go zone" for non-Muslims anywhere in Europe. But those who are trying to portray the entire topic as a conservative or anti-Muslim meme that must be stamped out are forgetting some important information. It wasn't Fox News or any conservative outlet that helped popularized the idea of such zones; it was the impeccably liberal New York Times.

The backlash against mention of no-go zones has gotten to the point where CNN anchor Anderson Cooper actually apologized for letting several guests mention them on his program. Though had he interviewed Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo who speciously threatened to sue Fox News for mentioning no go zones in the region of the French capital and had heaped scorn on Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal for doing the same, Anderson also did a mea culpa for letting some guests say the dreaded words.

In the wave of the Paris attacks, several guests on this program mentioned 'no-go zones' in France. I didn't challenge them and twice referred to them as well. I should have been more skeptical, I won't make the same mistake again.


Seattle Government Now Going Through Citizens' Trash for Public Shaming, Revenue

DEA Gives Up Plan to Monitor All Vehicle License Plates Near Gun Shows

Reason #23 why I've soured on the War on Drugs and now view it as approaching the same amount of harm that it was started to prevent.

Alphabets and the Written Word: All Tools of the Patriarchy Used to Oppress Women

Of all the sacred cows allowed to roam unimpeded in our culture, few are as revered as literacy. Its benefits have been so incontestable that in the five millennia since the advent of the written word numerous poets and writers have extolled its virtues. Few paused to consider its costs. . . . One pernicious effect of literacy has gone largely unnoticed: writing subliminally fosters a patriarchal outlook. Writing of any kind, but especially its alphabetic form, diminishes feminine values and with them, women's power in the culture.

You know if I accepted Feminists' own views of their fellow women the only possible conclusion would be that women are such fragile, delicate creatures, utterly maladapted to this world, that they should be confined to large farms where they can organically till the soil and sing goddess songs during their sisterhood rites while protected from masculine technology such as written language, harsh words, standards, and sarcastic eye-rolling. For their protection and safety of course. (thanks to Ben)


Robert Downey Jr. Producing A Movie About the USS Indianapolis

And the movie script acknowledges Quint's story from Jaws as the inspiration.

The Faces of Auschwitz

aus9220px-Witold_Pilecki_1 aus2Pilecki_ausch_f
aus5PA-2876255-697x1024 aus4PA-8697322-755x1024 aus3PA-9718786-1-828x1024
aus6PA-2230370-1024x651 aus1PA-5902935-1012x1024

Giving the Gift of Machine Guns

Because the Left has been slacking off in its krazy hatred for the Koch brothers recently so they had to step it up a bit.

Armenian Girl Sings The Opera From 'The 5th Element' On Russian The Voice And Wows the Audience and Judges

You can watch the original movie sequence here.

Non-Americans Weigh in on Which American Customs Seem Outrageous or Pointless to Them

enormous gaps around toilet doors! omg why??? Edit: I'm no prude, I'll happily pee in a field, but it IS a shock when you visit the USA from Europe and feel so exposed. And women have period-related stuff to do as well, no-one wants an audience for that.
Blowing leaves instead of just picking them up in a plastic bag. I was living with relatives for a year and they asked me to clean the driveway. I said I would get the broom and sweep them into plastic bags to dispose them. They all looked at me like I was nuts and told me I was NOT to sweep, but BLOW the leaves in different directions. I replied the leaves would be back in ~15 mins after I had finished to which they said I didn't know what I was talking about.

So I blew the damn leaves for an hour and went back inside once I was done. Not 30 mins after that, my uncle drags me out and scolds me because the driveway is full of leaves again.

That everybody asks "How you doing?" without expecting or wanting any real answer.

The Cuban Exiles Inside Cuba


Professions Most Likely to be Married

1) Dentist

2) Chief executive

3) Sales engineer

4) Physician

5) Podiatrist

6) Optometrist

7) Farm product buyer

8 ) Precision grinder

9) Religious worker

10) Tool and die maker

Bifocal Safety Glasses


To Serve Man: The Notebook


Women Asked to Draw Vaginas and the Female Reproductive System...

Hilarity ensues.


The Group knows what you did.

Tonight's post brought to you by the Venus of Willendorf, created 25,000 years ago:


Notice: Posted by implicit permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

Posted by: Maetenloch at 10:34 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 No way

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 10:35 PM (o/3Hk)

2 Foist?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 10:35 PM (l1zOH)

3 First! Please!

Posted by: Kalneva at January 28, 2015 10:35 PM (3pQOs)

4 MWNP nailed it!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 10:35 PM (16bOT)

5 Fuck me.h

Posted by: Kalneva at January 28, 2015 10:35 PM (3pQOs)

6 Crap!
Aced out by MWNP

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 10:36 PM (l1zOH)

7 Yep, way! Great google Googlie Mooglie!

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 10:36 PM (o/3Hk)

8 I'd really like to stay but I'm late for my vaginal steaming at the spa.

Posted by: gwennie paltrow, twat waffle at January 28, 2015 10:37 PM (si/E8)


Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 10:37 PM (16bOT)

10 Good on you NYC.

You're not all bad after all.

Posted by: eleven at January 28, 2015 10:37 PM (MDgS8)

11 People were nice to us in Lisbon.

Funniest thing was the locals asking us if we (as just regular U.S. citizens) could get them a "tour" of the aircraft carrier that was moored nearby.

Posted by: Y-not at January 28, 2015 10:37 PM (9BRsg)

12 Ola........

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 28, 2015 10:37 PM (cGwhZ)

13 I stay at home but we homeschool so I pay school taxes for nothing. NOTHING. So I say it evens out.

Posted by: Lauren at January 28, 2015 10:38 PM (MYCIw)

14 Weren't Nazis just mislabeled German Socialists? If I follow Al Jizzera logic?

Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at January 28, 2015 10:38 PM (ucDmr)

15 Who's the fat chick?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 28, 2015 10:38 PM (cGwhZ)

16 Blaming Whitey 101

Arizona State University has finally provided that one class which was denying everyone a politically correct education: 'U.S. Race Theory & the Problem of Whiteness.'


Posted by: The Political Hat at January 28, 2015 10:38 PM (0Ew3K)

17 Why Settle for One Pronoun?

When you can have around a dozen?


Posted by: The Political Hat at January 28, 2015 10:39 PM (0Ew3K)

18 Nice ont maet....

Coma time

Posted by: Sven10077 at January 28, 2015 10:39 PM (/4AZU)

19 Hablo "Not getting your money back".


Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 10:40 PM (16bOT)

20 Go Blackhawks!

Kane already has the first goal.

Posted by: Garrett at January 28, 2015 10:40 PM (uTctu)

21 Now that I've read a tiny part of the ONT, I can still be proud that I am a Finn, mostly. Half. The other quarters are swede and Norwegian. Thankful for the Finn part so I can tan. On the other hand, Finns are depressed alcoholics. Who are very introverted. So I have that going for me. But we're honest!

Posted by: Kalneva at January 28, 2015 10:41 PM (3pQOs)

22 Yikes, in Arizona 1,000 people may have been exposed to measles.

I want to know who patient zero was for this clustetfuck.

Posted by: mpfs at January 28, 2015 10:41 PM (si/E8)

23 That everybody asks "How you doing?" without expecting or wanting any real answer.

I always make eye contact and wait for an answer.

Maybe I'm not really American!

Posted by: Y-not at January 28, 2015 10:41 PM (9BRsg)

24 Zurich Switzerland 8 of 12 returned.

Way to go Swiss. Once again you cover yourselves in glory.

Posted by: eleven at January 28, 2015 10:41 PM (MDgS8)

25 We'll always have Lisbon never did seem like a memorable line.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at January 28, 2015 10:41 PM (oFCZn)

26 If wimmenz can draw a reproductive system............what the fuque am I supposed to do?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 28, 2015 10:41 PM (cGwhZ)

27 Also, how do letters subvert my lady thoughts? I am very confused by this. Probably because I'm a woman though, since apparently we are confused by things that my 2 year old understands. Oh shit, she's a girl too. Uhh...


Posted by: Lauren at January 28, 2015 10:41 PM (MYCIw)

28 Who banned smoking first? Fucking Nazis before WW2. That's all I need to know. They banned smoking before they grabbed all the guns. Sound familiar?

Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at January 28, 2015 10:42 PM (ucDmr)

29 MSM Attempting to Ban the N* G* Z***s Word

Who is it again that suffers from Islamophobia?

Posted by: t-bird at January 28, 2015 10:42 PM (FcR7P)

30 Bows toward Maet.
Astounding ONT.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 10:42 PM (l1zOH)

31 FIRST!!

Posted by: Trunk Monkey at January 28, 2015 10:42 PM (fLKzW)

32 "Can't"


Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 28, 2015 10:43 PM (cGwhZ)

33 20 Go Blackhawks!

Kane already has the first goal.

The Capitals just finished beating the ever loving shit out of the Penguins.

It is good.

Posted by: Y-not at January 28, 2015 10:43 PM (9BRsg)

34 I spy with my little eye Oprah!

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 10:43 PM (zOTsN)

35 So, WTF would DEA be logging license plates near gun shows.

Pretty clear cut case of "fraud, waste, abuse" for their IG.

Then Obama would fire the IG.

Meh, good enough for the ol'alinshy shiites and giggles crowd (aka Obama), good enough for me.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 28, 2015 10:43 PM (NaeCR)

36 Howdy, y'all!

Posted by: cthulhu at January 28, 2015 10:43 PM (T1005)

37 Ooops.....Zurich 4 of 12 returned. I meant.

Fcking Pixy.

Posted by: eleven at January 28, 2015 10:43 PM (MDgS8)

38 Venus of Willendorf has that Lena Dunham look about her.

Posted by: @johntant at January 28, 2015 10:44 PM (UTVh8)

39 I heard tonight from a friend I haven't heard from in a year. And now I know why: his teenaged daughter tried to suicide by jumping in front of a NYC subway train. Mistimed thank god, but she's still only 40% recovered after a year.

Posted by: Gingy at January 28, 2015 10:44 PM (WvS3w)

40 That girls voice is amazing.

Posted by: RWC Team Warthog at January 28, 2015 10:44 PM (zxCGA)

41 I thought the banned word in the first item, N*G*Z referred to a favorite word among rappers and hip-hop artists....

Posted by: JoeF. at January 28, 2015 10:44 PM (8HGb7)

42 "If wimmenz can draw a reproductive system............what the fuque am I supposed to do?"
-Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 28, 2015 10:41 PM (cGwhZ)

Four Step Process:

-Sit there
-Take it
-Pipe it
-Like it.

That's what I was told when I was just starting out.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 10:44 PM (16bOT)

43 Mæt,

It is not "Ye Olde Obernite Open Thread"

It should be "Þe Olde Obernite Open Þread"

More accurately: Se Ald Aldgeddung Æbære Þræd

Posted by: Se Léodweardprætt Hæt at January 28, 2015 10:44 PM (0Ew3K)

44 CEO: Wife, girlfriend and mistress.

Posted by: Adam Smith's Invisible Pimp Hand at January 28, 2015 10:45 PM (JjJUC)

45 Evening morons. Not at work tonight, because sometimes, you've got to let Darwin just do his thing.

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 28, 2015 10:45 PM (Gosad)

46 "36
Howdy, y'all!"

This is some sort of ONT.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 28, 2015 10:45 PM (cGwhZ)

47 That Leonard Shlain book HAS to be a spoof, right? I mean surely he has created it as a send-up of post-modern deconstructionists, and feminists?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 10:45 PM (l1zOH)

48 The Armenian girls sings pretty well, but where's the twerking?

Posted by: fairweatherbill holding dominion over the nether regions at January 28, 2015 10:45 PM (OoHik)

49 Teenage suicide....

what tragically stupid decision.

Posted by: eleven at January 28, 2015 10:46 PM (MDgS8)

50 Thinking of you, cthulhu:

Posted by: Y-not at January 28, 2015 10:46 PM (9BRsg)

51 Over in the top headlines section on the right side of the page on here I saw a link to something saying -tan and rested- Well the article is gone now, can anyone tell me what it was about? Thanks

Posted by: anon at January 28, 2015 10:46 PM (DEsFp)

52 -Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 28, 2015 10:45 PM (Gosad)

Welcome Aboard!!! How's Life treating you?

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 10:46 PM (16bOT)

53 I am still in awe that my Father in Law could have survived a place like Auschwitz for 5 whole years. I wish I could have gotten more stories out of him before he passed, but I always walked a fine line because if he talked to me too much about the war his nightmares would get worse as well as his drinking. A more tortured soul I don't think I'll ever meet.

Posted by: Trunk Monkey at January 28, 2015 10:46 PM (fLKzW)

54 43 Mæt,
It is not "Ye Olde Obernite Open Thread"
It should be "Þe Olde Obernite Open Þread"
More accurately: Se Ald Aldgeddung Æbære Þræd
Posted by: Se Léodweardprætt Hæt at January 28, 2015 10:44 PM (0Ew3K)

Thus missing the point of deliberate inattention to detail and accuracy that is a core part of the ONT ethos. Plus you know they have drugs that treat this right? :-)

Posted by: Maetenloch at January 28, 2015 10:46 PM (pAlYe)

55 And, by the way, for any 'Rons in the SF Bay Area -- there's a really cool experience available to you at Ano Nuevo for a fundraiser. You get greatly extended access and it really changes what you see. Details at

Posted by: cthulhu at January 28, 2015 10:47 PM (T1005)

56 First is that nitrogen is less likely to migrate through tire rubber than is oxygen, which means that your tire pressures will remain more stable over the long term. Racers figured out pretty quickly that tires filled with nitrogen rather than air also exhibit less pressure change with temperature swings. That means more consistent inflation pressures during a race as the tires heat up. And when you're tweaking a race car's handling with half-psi changes, that's important.

Posted by: Brady's Balls at January 28, 2015 10:47 PM (e8kgV)

57 "That's what I was told when I was just starting out."


No kids but thinking about the women.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 28, 2015 10:48 PM (cGwhZ)

58 So they are trying to ban fireplaces, wood stoves, grills, smokers in Utah. Anything with solid fuel. This is the type of thing happening in the west when you combine rinos and blue state migrants. Think colorado gun restrictions. As with all 'for your own good' policies the impact is disproportionately borne by the poor, indigent, and elderly. Here's the link for the comment period. How bout my fellow morons tell them to civilly shove it where the sun don't shine?

Posted by: Redacted at January 28, 2015 10:48 PM (JsXHG)

59 If wimmenz can draw a reproductive system............what the fuque am I supposed to do?
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 28, 2015 10:41 PM (cGwhZ)


The best you can hope for is that she doesn't draw EVERTHING to scale.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 10:48 PM (o/3Hk)

60 "enormous gaps around toilet doors! omg why??"

In my little world of construction codes, I lobby for no toilet doors and unisex restrooms, because, fuque, it discriminates against LBGT and weirdoes in generals.

IT is only fair. WTF that means.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 28, 2015 10:48 PM (NaeCR)


All within the state. Nothing outside the state. Nothing against the state.

Posted by: Benito Mussolini at January 28, 2015 10:49 PM (0Ew3K)

62 The written word as patriarchal oppressions?

Ladies someone wants you to be ignorant so you can be mere tools in their ida of oppression where they are atop the compost heat.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 28, 2015 10:49 PM (+6nI6)

63 Nitrogen schmitrogen.

Posted by: eleven at January 28, 2015 10:49 PM (MDgS8)

64 58: Didn't Cali do that years ago?

Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at January 28, 2015 10:49 PM (ucDmr)

65 "No kids but thinking about the women."
-Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 28, 2015 10:48 PM (cGwhZ)

I can see that.


It'll never work.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 10:49 PM (16bOT)

66 Now that I've read a tiny part of the ONT, I can still be proud that I am a Finn, mostly. Half. The other quarters are swede and Norwegian. Thankful for the Finn part so I can tan. On the other hand, Finns are depressed alcoholics. Who are very introverted. So I have that going for me. But we're honest!
Posted by: Kalneva at January 28, 2015 10:41 PM (3pQOs)

Sooo, you're basically full-on in complete, pure-blood Scandi? Open and freely admitting? And admitting it here? Props on your bravery.

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at January 28, 2015 10:49 PM (7RXcs)

67 I don't have to draw a car to know how to drive it IYKWIMAITTYD

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 10:49 PM (zOTsN)

68 In other hockey news, St. Louis Blues acquired a player named Marcel Goc. Local radio hosts were trying to figure out how to pronounce his last name, and one suggested "gooch."

Apparently that was the funniest thing ever said on radio.

Look, there are some things that already have one good slang word for them. Why does that one need a second? How often does this come up in conversation anyway, where there is a need for two separate slang terms for it?

Not my conversations, anyway, but I'm sorta of the Governor Huckleberry ilk when it comes to language in mixed company.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 28, 2015 10:49 PM (Dj0WE)

69 German public bathrooms are disgusting. Srsly.

Posted by: Y-not at January 28, 2015 10:50 PM (9BRsg)

70 I saw the Venus of Willendorf when I was visiting my buddy in Vienna last year. Pretty cool. Actually, both those old Emperor's museums were pretty amazing.

Posted by: mugiwara at January 28, 2015 10:50 PM (06U11)

71 Kind of in awe of people who don't know about ther own anatomy. Seriously. Not the good kind of awe, though.

Posted by: Gingy at January 28, 2015 10:50 PM (WvS3w)

72 "The best you can hope for is that she doesn't draw EVERTHING to scale."
-Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 10:48 PM (o/3Hk)

-1 for caps instead of italicans


Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 10:51 PM (16bOT)

73 Our Holocaust Remembrance Day went well yesterday.

I found a version of Ani Ma'amin that I especially loved.
The kids wanted to learn the song, which really touched me. And it no doubt vastly improved the performance, since I was getting over a bad cold! And my Christmas mandolin sounded fantastic, despite my crappy playing. God bless the women who run our little library.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 10:51 PM (Pauop)

74 >>>48 The Armenian girls sings pretty well

But can she churn butter?

Posted by: Garrett at January 28, 2015 10:51 PM (uTctu)

75 All right, hasta. Gots to hit the hay here in CST.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 28, 2015 10:52 PM (cGwhZ)

76 Tammy. I heard from the boy. He had a much better day

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 10:52 PM (zOTsN)

77 Yikes, in Arizona 1,000 people may have been exposed to measles.

I want to know who patient zero was for this clustetfuck.

Posted by: mpfs at January 28, 2015 10:41 PM (si/E

We'll never know who the many patients zero are, but we all know who is responsible!
I never seen any statement about the specific type of measles that is becoming a wide spread thank you present for our border jumping amigos, but a little googling indicates that both English and German measles can cause bad side effects to pregnant women. Of course since abortion on demand is available, this shouldn't really bother anyone!

Posted by: Hrothgar at January 28, 2015 10:52 PM (ftVQq)

78 And we're tied up.

Posted by: Y-not at January 28, 2015 10:52 PM (9BRsg)

79 69 -

Yeah, I bet you never went into the mens room at a German train station late at night though.

Some things can never be unseen.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 28, 2015 10:53 PM (Dj0WE)

80 A little known fact. Modern agriculture was developed by Venus's husband so he could roll her around in flour when he felt in the mood.

Posted by: Landofskybluewater at January 28, 2015 10:53 PM (UHeqK)

81 G'Night, Ricardo.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 10:53 PM (16bOT)

82 Didn't the Venus of Willendorf just get some kind of reality show on TLC?

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 28, 2015 10:53 PM (+6nI6)

83 Thus missing the point of deliberate inattention to detail and accuracy that is a core part of the ONT ethos. Plus you know they have drugs that treat this right? :-)

Posted by: Maetenloch at January 28, 2015 10:46 PM (pAlYe)

Being obsessed wiþ þe proper use of þe letter Þ is my anti-drug (that and alcohol).

Posted by: Se Léodweardprætt Hæt at January 28, 2015 10:53 PM (0Ew3K)

84 Too much schnitzel

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 10:54 PM (zOTsN)

85 But can she churn butter?
Posted by: Garrett

C'mon man, get to the important stuff. Can she gut a fish?

Posted by: fairweatherbill holding dominion over the nether regions at January 28, 2015 10:54 PM (OoHik)

86 I saw the Venus of Willendorf when I was visiting my
buddy in Vienna last year. Pretty cool. Actually, both those old
Emperor's museums were pretty amazing.

Posted by: mugiwara

I done seen it a couple times. Smaller than I thought it'd be. Remembered it from art history class because the perfesser said, "large pendulous breasts".

Posted by: Dang at January 28, 2015 10:54 PM (MNq6o)

87 First time I encountered a Squat Terlet was in Nice France. I was like.. "What the Fuck?" What am I supposed to do now? and there were no doors. Public Terlet. Like popping a squat on the street. No thanks.... I would rather shit my pants.

Posted by: Trunk Monkey at January 28, 2015 10:54 PM (fLKzW)

88 And we're tied up.
Posted by: Y-not at January 28, 2015 10:52 PM (9BRsg)


Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 10:54 PM (OBxdH)

89 So The US can give up Gtmo only with mutual consent of both countries? Does the president alone have authority to make this decision for the U.S.? Because I could totally see Obama doing this--probably on his last day in office.

Posted by: Mike at January 28, 2015 10:54 PM (c056A)

90 64 Probably. Our wonderful idiot Governor has decided this is something to do to appear to do something. The double dealing and conflict of interest is astounding. Our tax dollars are basically being used to push policies only a small small minority agree with. It's effect would be almost nil but considering the real goal is to help people feel better about doing anything it's a slam dunk. Blue state dimwits not realizing why they had to migrate and pulling the same tired crap.

Posted by: Redacted at January 28, 2015 10:54 PM (JsXHG)

91 Pick your tribe, buy an AK or M4, and wait for the end. Gather your tribe around you and forsake this 50% horrible nation to history. My generation is terrible. I'm 26. Do the math. My peers will be running the show in 5-10 years. Stockpile ammo.

Posted by: beats27 at January 28, 2015 10:55 PM (V8L/P)

92 I think it's "olde" and not "old" in olde english. Theodorick told me.

Posted by: Hmitchell3rd at January 28, 2015 10:55 PM (m5msJ)

93 Tammy. I heard from the boy. He had a much better day
Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 10:52 PM (zOTsN)

Ah, wonderful!!!!!!!!! Do please keep me posted.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 10:55 PM (Pauop)

94 I'm looking at a picture of a soldier with an exhaust sample in a clear trash

Glad to see that some things have not changed.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 10:55 PM (OsWis)

95 +2
-1 for caps instead of italicans

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 10:51 PM (16bOT)


Italicans scare me. There, I said it.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 10:56 PM (o/3Hk)

96 I'd pay to go to the Orlando machine gun shooting parlor......not to shoot 'em, I've run plenty of full auto fun-ness, over the years.

But just to watch n' see the HUGE FREAKIN' GRINS of all the tourists that come in to give it a try.

Going to the shooting range is FUN! What do the gun-banners do.....have fun at the anti-gun range? Don't think so!

No wonder they're such a dour bunch of lemon-suckface sourpusses.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

P.S. Hiya, Horde!

Posted by: Jim at January 28, 2015 10:56 PM (RzZOc)

97 Shitting your pants is overrated

Posted by: John Boehner at January 28, 2015 10:56 PM (7RXcs)

Nice screen by O'Duya.

Hoc is pronounced Gotch, like gotcha without the 'a'.

Posted by: Garrett at January 28, 2015 10:56 PM (uTctu)

Nice screen by O'Duya.

Goc is pronounced Gotch, like gotcha without the 'a'.

Posted by: Garrett at January 28, 2015 10:56 PM (uTctu)

100 Gotch is a funny word in Canadian slang, it means men's underwear. Which may have been why they were laughing on the radio. Gitch is ladies underpants

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 10:58 PM (zOTsN)

101 In other hockey news, St. Louis Blues acquired a
player named Marcel Goc. Local radio hosts were trying to figure out how
to pronounce his last name, and one suggested "gooch."

Apparently that was the funniest thing ever said on radio.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 28, 2015 10:49 PM (Dj0WE)

Satan (Sha-tahn) played in the NHL for the Oilers (at the same time
they had players with the first names of Jason and Igor), the Sabres,
the Islanders, the Penguins, and the Bruins. Alas, he never played for
the New Jersey Devils.

Posted by: Vendette at January 28, 2015 10:58 PM (fpEv+)

102 "People were nice to us in Lisbon. Funniest thing was the locals asking us if we (as just regular U.S. citizens) could get them a 'tour' of the aircraft carrier that was moored nearby."

What's really great is having the locals out in the streets loudly chanting "DEATH TO AMERICA!!!" and then afterward quietly asking you if you can help arrange a visa.

Yeah, buddy, here's the sooper seekret federal phone number at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration where they hand out the stealth visas.

They'll pretend they don't know anything about it, but that's just to weed out the rubes. You need to call them twenty times a day for a couple of weeks to get their attention and realize that you're for realz. Good luck! See you in the States!

Posted by: torquewrench at January 28, 2015 10:58 PM (noWW6)

103 Did you all know that "Boyhood" took 12 years to make?

It's the greatest movie evar!

Posted by: Thrawn at January 28, 2015 10:58 PM (d7XFS)

104 Hello horde

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 10:59 PM (b5BZa)

105 91,

Already have a plan. And it involves a M1A2SEP, HEs, SABOTs, and a fuckton of ammo for the coax and .50 cal.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 10:59 PM (OsWis)

106 39
I heard tonight from a friend I haven't heard from in a year. And now I
know why: his teenaged daughter tried to suicide by jumping in front of a
NYC subway train. Mistimed thank god, but she's still only 40%
recovered after a year.

[Pixy hates me -- I can't post a link Gingy just posted]

Posted by: Gingy at January 28, 2015 10:44 PM (WvS3w)

Crap. Makes me even more nervous about a situation with the fiancee -- one of her 'guys' at work has a 16-yo niece that just "ran away" this week. The niece had previously pee-tested positive for pot and meth.

Posted by: cthulhu at January 28, 2015 10:59 PM (T1005)

107 I want to know who patient zero was for this clustetfuck.

Quien es Patiente Cero?

Posted by: t-bird at January 28, 2015 10:59 PM (FcR7P)

108 @66

Sooo, you're basically full-on in complete, pure-blood Scandi? Open and freely admitting? And admitting it here? Props on your bravery.

Not just freely admitting! Proud as a m-fer! I'm in the company of Sven! Oh, wait!

Only kidding, of course. I enjoy Sven's pontifications!

No, seriously, being a Skandi in America means you are hard and callous, just what this country needs more of.

Posted by: Kalneva at January 28, 2015 10:59 PM (3pQOs)

109 "Italicans scare me. There, I said it."
-Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 10:56 PM (o/3Hk)

The Barrel is No Place to Be.

You have fears for a reason. It is like the shadows growing into Demons and dragging you into Hell, ("Ghost"-Movie Style).

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 10:59 PM (16bOT)

110 99 -

I heard some creative variations. It was pretty funny. Then the discussion devolved into questioning why Julio Jones is not either Hoolio Hones, or Jewlio Jones, and that the man should not be allowed to split the difference.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 28, 2015 10:59 PM (Dj0WE)

111 German public bathrooms are disgusting. Srsly.
Posted by: Y-not

Filthiest can I've been in (in the civilized world) was in a German train station.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 10:59 PM (l1zOH)

112 No one understands Sven.

...No One.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:00 PM (16bOT)

113 Filthiest can I've been in (in the civilized world) was in a German train station.
Posted by: Mike
Um..., I just remembered the can at the Iron Horse Saloon during Bike Week. Nah..., the train station was worse.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 11:01 PM (l1zOH)

114 58 So they are trying to ban fireplaces, wood stoves, grills, smokers in Utah. Anything with solid fuel. This is the type of thing happening in the west when you combine rinos and blue state migrants. Think colorado gun restrictions. As with all 'for your own good' policies the impact is disproportionately borne by the poor, indigent, and elderly. Here's the link for the comment period. How bout my fellow morons tell them to civilly shove it where the sun don't shine?
Posted by: Redacted at January 28, 2015 10:48 PM (JsXHG)

You can be damn certain that the ski resorts will still have those huge fireplaces that warm up the 3 feet in front of them still roaring.

So the fires that are for decoration will be totes okay, but fires that generate heat for homes will be evil.

Sounds about right in 21st century America.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper at January 28, 2015 11:01 PM (+Fae7)

115 I see the US press is all about Michelle Obama refusing to wear a scarf in Saudi Arabia, even Ted Cruz praised her today for "standing up for women". No
one should buy that nonsense
because she wore a head scarf at a mosque in 2010. Huffingpoo has the
article if you want to look it up on bing. Also, I think she did this to
get revenge on the Sauds since they told the US press that King
Abdullah hated Obama last week. Plus, the Sauds are friendly with Israel, friendly
with el-Sisi, and are fighting ISIS. They had a falling out since the days of Obama bowing to King Abdullah.

Posted by: Aslan's Girl at January 28, 2015 11:01 PM (rldyO)

116 Sharp!

Posted by: Garrett at January 28, 2015 11:01 PM (uTctu)

117 Good news. Daughter the elder, stationed in Germany, who had a little girl 12 years ago that died, called me and announced I am going to be a grandma again.

Posted by: Ma Bell at January 28, 2015 11:01 PM (RLdcX)

118 100 -

Oh no! You have to look up the meaning of "gooch." I'm not going to tell you what it is, but these were typical sports talk radio guys in the midwest. They don't know nothin' about no Canuckian frenchy words.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 28, 2015 11:01 PM (Dj0WE)

119 tonight I shall post as a badly drawn Japanese cartoon inked in Korea, haha!

Posted by: OG CELTIC-AMERICAN at January 28, 2015 11:02 PM (XlFLJ)

120 Sooo, you're basically full-on in complete, pure-blood Scandi? Open and freely admitting? And admitting it here? Props on your bravery.

Not just freely admitting! Proud as a m-fer! I'm in the company of Sven! Oh, wait!

Only kidding, of course. I enjoy Sven's pontifications!

No, seriously, being a Skandi in America means you are hard and callous, just what this country needs more of.
Posted by: Kalneva at January 28, 2015 10:59 PM (3pQOs)

I too was kidding. I love Skandis.

Hope to own a few someday

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at January 28, 2015 11:02 PM (7RXcs)

121 "Can't"


Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 28, 2015 10:43 PM

Posted by: Dr. OZ! at January 28, 2015 11:02 PM (k/GWm)

122 Good news. Daughter the elder, stationed in Germany,
who had a little girl 12 years ago that died, called me and announced I
am going to be a grandma again.

Posted by: Ma Bell at January 28, 2015 11:01 PM (RLdcX)


Posted by: Vendette at January 28, 2015 11:02 PM (fpEv+)

123 Was tage fact that the professions most likely to be married right above a post on bifocal safety glasses a deliberate hegative critique of marriage or just a coincidence? ;^)

I have to say that having been married my entire pastoral career I have to say that I simultaneously understand my it's good for clergy to have a loving, supportive spouse and understandi and why it makes sense for clergy to be single without a family.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:02 PM (DXzRD)

124 Oh Ma Bell how wonderful! The best news!

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:02 PM (zOTsN)

125 "What's really great is having the locals out in the streets loudly chanting "DEATH TO AMERICA!!!" and then afterward quietly asking you if you can help arrange a visa."

Que? Chicle?

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:03 PM (16bOT)

126 This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but dhimmitude.

Posted by: Null at January 28, 2015 11:03 PM (xjpRj)

127 Sven is a Prime Scandi. He can only be divisible by one and himself.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at January 28, 2015 11:03 PM (RzZOc)

128 I asked a woman who had moved from Germany what startled her most about the US. Never would have guessed her answer, which was "above-ground electrical lines." Very messy looking, apparently.

Posted by: Splunge at January 28, 2015 11:03 PM (qyomX)

129 What's really great is having the locals out in the streets loudly chanting "DEATH TO AMERICA!!!" and then afterward quietly asking you if you can help arrange a visa.
Oh God yes. The ones who who run riot outside the consulate and curse America, then complain because it's taking too long to get visas from the very place at which they just lobbed a molotov cocktail. These are the new masters of the universe.

Posted by: All Hail Eris at January 28, 2015 11:03 PM (KH1sk)

130 Hmmm, pixy allowed me to copy/paste for the first time in awhile, but it formatted my comment oddly. Win some/lose some, lol.

Posted by: Aslan's Girl at January 28, 2015 11:03 PM (rldyO)

131 49 Teenage suicide....
what tragically stupid decision.
Posted by: eleven at January 28, 2015 10:46 PM (MDgS

Tragically common. I know 3 teenage or early twenties boys from my parish who committed suicide and two girls who tried but failed. It's horrible for the families.

Posted by: nerdygirl at January 28, 2015 11:03 PM (DXcH1)

132 Gaps in toilet doors? I can explain that. In fact, I can toe tap the explanation in Morse code.

Posted by: Larry Craig at January 28, 2015 11:04 PM (nFdGS)

133 Congrats Ma Bell

Posted by: Mike at January 28, 2015 11:04 PM (c056A)

134 113 -

Yep, walls of water spilling into a trough, with old men standing around, waiting for young men to come in...

Posted by: BurtTC at January 28, 2015 11:04 PM (Dj0WE)

135 I have said it before, I will say it again.

Michelle Obama DID NOT have to wear a head scarf. She stood up to NO ONE.

Princess Diana didn't wear one. LAura Bush didn't wear one.

There is no requirement for a Western woman to do so, outside of a mosque. (At least not as VIP wives)

Had she gone to a mosque, as she did in Indonesia, and as she did with the Pope, she would have worn one.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:04 PM (Pauop)

136 Shitting your pants is overrated
Posted by: John

I now carry spares.

Posted by: Al Roker at January 28, 2015 11:05 PM (l1zOH)

137 this is for you in massachusetts

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at January 28, 2015 11:05 PM (AVEe1)

138 Ewwwww

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:05 PM (zOTsN)

45 Evening morons. Not at work tonight, because sometimes, you've got to let Darwin just do his thing.
Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 28, 2015 10:45 PM (Gosad)


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:05 PM (b5BZa)

140 Heya Cold/Slap! I was tearing up the comments aroud 4 am this morning...

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 28, 2015 11:05 PM (Gosad)

141 50
Thinking of you, cthulhu:

Posted by: Y-not at January 28, 2015 10:46 PM (9BRsg)

Posted by: cthulhu at January 28, 2015 11:05 PM (T1005)

142 the leaves story is funny

Posted by: north and judd at January 28, 2015 11:05 PM (YA/6B)

143 I see the US press is all about Michelle Obama refusing to wear a scarf in Saudi Arabia,

We think it's funny Barack's bodyguard has a girl's name.

Posted by: One Goat-Fucker To Another at January 28, 2015 11:05 PM (FcR7P)

144 Tammy. I heard from the boy. He had a much better day

Sorry; I don't mean to easedrop on your conversation here, ThundarB, but are you speaking of your son who was having to deal with antis emetism on campus? I ask because I was concerned about him.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:05 PM (DXzRD)

145 "above-ground electrical lines." Very messy looking, apparently. "

I think they're better than the alternative which is ugly boxes in your front yard. I mean, yeah, practically speaking I'm sure I'll be very happy not to lose power in a storm, but seriously, that box is huge and ugly.

Posted by: Lauren at January 28, 2015 11:06 PM (MYCIw)

146 Good news. Daughter the elder, stationed in Germany,
who had a little girl 12 years ago that died, called me and announced I
am going to be a grandma again.

Posted by: Ma Bell at January 28, 2015 11:01 PM (RLdcX)


Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:06 PM (Pauop)

100 Gotch is a funny word in Canadian slang, it means men's underwear. Which may have been why they were laughing on the radio. Gitch is ladies underpants
Gonch and ginch, used interchangeably.

Posted by: Gingy at January 28, 2015 11:06 PM (WvS3w)

148 My view on the Yeti not wearing a sack in Fraudi Arabia is that she was probably pissed at Teh JEF and it was more a "Fuck You" to him that it was anything else. Miserable, miserable "woman".

Posted by: Trunk Monkey at January 28, 2015 11:07 PM (fLKzW)

149 There were tweets from Arabs complaining. I really do think it's cause she is black. They have a bad case of arab privilege

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:07 PM (zOTsN)

150 Now Raul Castro is saying the U.S. has to give up Gtmo if they want normalized relations with Cuba.

Posted by: Mike at January 28, 2015 11:07 PM (c056A)

151 135: Tammy, spot on. However, if Barky and Mooch visit Tehran you can bet she will cover up. They respect that form of Islam.

Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at January 28, 2015 11:07 PM (ucDmr)

152 "Heya Cold/Slap! I was tearing up the comments aroud 4 am this morning..."
-Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 28, 2015 11:05 PM (Gosad)

Good to see you back when I can respond, Sir! It is unfortunate that I have imbibed numerous Budweisers, but I endeavor to persevere!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:08 PM (16bOT)

153 OMG!!!1!1!

I see the US press is all about Michelle Obama refusing to wear a scarf in Saudi Arabia,

It coud have been WAR.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 28, 2015 11:08 PM (NaeCR)

154 128 I asked a woman who had moved from Germany what startled her most about the US. Never would have guessed her answer, which was "above-ground electrical lines." Very messy looking, apparently.
Posted by: Splunge at January 28, 2015 11:03 PM (qyomX)

The reason why they are underground is because of the "unpleasantness" of the late 30's to mid 40's.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper at January 28, 2015 11:08 PM (+Fae7)

155 Congrats, Ma Bell!

Posted by: Lauren at January 28, 2015 11:08 PM (MYCIw)

156 Not wearing a scarf? For the first time in my life I'm proud of Michelle Obama.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:08 PM (DXzRD)

157 150,

Saw that coming a mile away.

And he'll most likely get his way.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:08 PM (OsWis)

158 "I'd pay to go to the Orlando machine gun shooting parlor......not to shoot 'em, I've run plenty of full auto fun-ness, over the years. But just to watch n' see the HUGE FREAKIN' GRINS of all the tourists that come in to give it a try."

I don't even want to be around tourists who have no gun experience while they are handling single-shot twenty-two long rifles with a manual bolt, much less anything full auto in any caliber.

At this point, I've had enough potentially lethal close calls with ignorant reckless dumbasses to last me for all of the rest of what I intend to be a long life.

The video of the range out West handing a full auto Uzi to a little girl and having the thing's muzzle climb get away from her and thereafter promptly shoot her instructor square in the forehead?

Yeah. That. Not for me. Thanks. I'll be in the bar. On the other end of town. Till well after the range closes. Hopefully till after it closes for good.

Posted by: torquewrench at January 28, 2015 11:08 PM (noWW6)

159 Awright, goodnight my precious poppets. Auntie Eris has to earn those quatloos and the games begin early.

Posted by: All Hail Eris at January 28, 2015 11:08 PM (KH1sk)

160 158,


Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:09 PM (OsWis)

161 '9 Things You Didn't Know about the Fifth Element'

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 28, 2015 11:09 PM (+6nI6)

162 Bifocal safety glasses suck for people that need glasses. They are great magnifiers for people with good eyes though. Lens too low for most time consuming work.

Posted by: Redshirt at January 28, 2015 11:10 PM (Ae09I)

163 The gooch is the part of the anatomy between the outflow ports in the bathing suit region.

Posted by: eleven at January 28, 2015 11:11 PM (MDgS8)

164 G'Night, Auntie Eris!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:11 PM (16bOT)

165 *giggles*

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:11 PM (16bOT)

166 Great new, Ma Bell. So happy for you and yours.

(Unrelated) There is a Goochland and Goochland county just west of Richmond, Va. Nice country, actually. I had to look up the slang term - never heard that one.

Oh, and, Hey, all.

Posted by: shredded chi at January 28, 2015 11:11 PM (dTuqN)

167 Not wearing a scarf? For the first time in my life I'm proud of Michelle Obama.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:08 PM (DXzRD)

Don't waste your pride, Fenelon. She was under no obligation to do so. See my post above; Laura Bush didn't wear one, nor did Princess Diana, unless they were in a mosque. Mrs Obama would most certainly have covered up if she had visited one, as well she should.

You notice she did not force a handshake on any man who didn't offer first. She was following protocol.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:12 PM (Pauop)

168 Hello Chi

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:12 PM (b5BZa)

169 Wiki says gitch and gotch are Manitoba and Saskatchewan variants. Whereas ginch and gonch are British Columbia

There is a whole Canadian English entry in wiki

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:12 PM (zOTsN)

170 Oh, if only...

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:12 PM (OsWis)

171 AND she stood in back of Barry O, as per Arabic and Islamic protocol.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:13 PM (Pauop)

172 Sure, they can have gitmo. Right after we've burned it down, scattered the stones and salted the earth. Oh, yeah. And mine the crap out of it. Make sure it takes them years before they can walk ten feet in a straight line.

Posted by: Old Blue at January 28, 2015 11:13 PM (vVSOO)

173 Ma Bell has the Ill Communication?

*Beastie Boys Reference*

Congrats, Ma Bell!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:13 PM (16bOT)

174 You notice she did not force a handshake on any man who didn't offer first. She was following protocol.
Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28

Mooch on a leash?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:13 PM (b5BZa)

175 Wiki says gitch and gotch are Manitoba and Saskatchewan variants. Whereas ginch and gonch are British Columbia

There is a whole Canadian English entry in wiki

Gotch is a term in Alberta as well. And I admit what while I grew up in Alberta, I never heard of gitch.

Posted by: Vendette at January 28, 2015 11:14 PM (fpEv+)

176 Does this dumbass foreign Redditors actually think their news is "unbiased?" How stupid can you be? I also love how they are so unaware of how their socialist lifestyle of endless vacation days, short work weeks, "free healthcare," and "free" education is completely unsustainable. What a bunch of assholes.

Posted by: Witchfinder at January 28, 2015 11:14 PM (e9Ehw)

177 Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:12 PM (Pauop)

Thanks, Tammy. Well in that case I taker it back. ;^)

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:14 PM (DXzRD)

178 I thought it was "hooch" not "gooch"

First jizz dumpster, now this.

The knowledge here just keeps coming and coming.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:14 PM (Pauop)

179 Now Raul Castro is saying the U.S. has to give up Gtmo if they want normalized relations with Cuba.

Posted by: Mike at January 28, 2015 11:07 PM (c056A)

Carteranama Canal::Obama:GitMo

Posted by: The Facepalming Hat at January 28, 2015 11:14 PM (0Ew3K)

180 117
Good news. Daughter the elder, stationed in Germany, who had a little
girl 12 years ago that died, called me and announced I am going to be a
grandma again.

Posted by: Ma Bell at January 28, 2015 11:01 PM (RLdcX)

Congrats, Ma!!!!

Posted by: cthulhu at January 28, 2015 11:14 PM (T1005)

181 I see the US press is all about Michelle Obama refusing to wear a scarf in Saudi Arabia, even Ted Cruz praised her today for "standing up for women". No
one should buy that nonsense
because she wore a head scarf at a mosque in 2010.

I can't stand M'chelle, but I applaud her decision this week.

Going to a mosque, which is a religious site, and showing respect by covering your head seems appropriate to me. IIRC, other first ladies have done that or covered their heads when visiting the Pope.

My husband, who is not Jewish, wore a yarmulke when we attended a service at a synagogue.

But from what I've seen, the FLOTUS was dressed appropriately for a non-religious gathering. And as far as I can tell SHE wasn't chewing gum. So I'll give her credit this one time.

Posted by: Y-not at January 28, 2015 11:15 PM (9BRsg)

182 154 128 I asked a woman who had moved from Germany what startled her most about the US. Never would have guessed her answer, which was "above-ground electrical lines." Very messy looking, apparently.
Posted by: Splunge at January 28, 2015 11:03 PM (qyomX)

The reason why they are underground is because of the "unpleasantness" of the late 30's to mid 40's.
Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper at January 28, 2015 11:08 PM (+Fae7)

Also the weather. It's foolish to have them above ground in the North because snow storms will cause the power to go out. In the South, that's not much of problem.

Posted by: AD at January 28, 2015 11:15 PM (GbSgH)

183 The gooch is the part of the anatomy between the outflow ports in the bathing suit region.
Posted by: eleven at January 28, 2015 11:11 PM (MDgS

You spelled Perenium wrong.

*Pro Tip* Do not search this term. Just.....don't.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 11:15 PM (o/3Hk)

184 Mooch knows her Sunni and Shiites and the customs of them.

Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at January 28, 2015 11:15 PM (ucDmr)

185 Hey, Mis. How's things? Frozen, I bet.

Posted by: shredded chi at January 28, 2015 11:15 PM (dTuqN)

186 Posted by: Ma Bell at January 28, 2015 11:01 PM (RLdcX)

May your daughter have a safe and happy pregnancy.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:15 PM (DXzRD)

187 Hey, where all the white wimmen at?

Posted by: Bill Cosby at January 28, 2015 11:15 PM (WbRgK)

188 Also, how can these idiot non-American Redditors not understand sales tax? Are they really that dumb?

Posted by: Witchfinder at January 28, 2015 11:16 PM (e9Ehw)

189 Congrats to Ma Bell!

To drink, or not--currently running a nice calorie deficit and my weight loss has stalled for a month...

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 28, 2015 11:16 PM (Gosad)

190 Evenin' everyone.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at January 28, 2015 11:16 PM (UVfht)

191 Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:14 PM (DXzRD)


I just hate to see her venerated as some badass, when in fact, she was quite well behaved.

Again, she should be well-behaved. You go to someone else's country, you abide by their rules.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:16 PM (Pauop)

192 Torque, in 99% of cases, I'll agree with you there. But, sitting in the outer lounge, on the other side of an 8" concrete wall (and tilt wall is a minimum of 5,000 lb.mix), as well as a couple of layers of highly bullet-resistant windows, I'll be safe enough from the storm.

You'll note though, that I didn't say I'd want to be an instructor INSIDE the range, yes?

And that "instructor" out in (Phoenix, IIRC).... acted about as UN qualified as is possible to do.

Hell, when I've walked 200 lb. men, who know how to shoot.....through an intro to full auto, I've got my hands over the gun they're holding, an inch away, just as that critical measure of safety.

But to turn a seven year girl LOOSE with a full auto burst on a 9mm.....not a .22, but a freakin' centerfire 9mm.... egads, let's not replay that one.

All that said though, my point stands. The most effective way to get folks turned on to shooting, is to take 'em shooting.

800 rounds cyclic might not be the best way, of course. But I'll bet you that it'll get a lot of folks to pull a trigger, who'd never go NEAR a conventional range as a first step.

From reading the whole article, I think the range has the necessary safety steps in place. IF (big "if", I admit) they ADHERE to those standards, all will be well.

The real test is if they get sloppy five or six years from now. We shall see what we shall see.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at January 28, 2015 11:16 PM (RzZOc)

193 Gitchmo

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:16 PM (zOTsN)

194 Dayum, that Armenian gal has major pipes!

Posted by: Insomniac at January 28, 2015 11:16 PM (mx5oN)

195 The Panama Canal is in real rough shape now too. Real rough. I would expect the Chinese to come in and take over the Canal when Panama realizes that they cannot maintain it. COSCO has huge port interests on both Caribbean and Pacific side of the Canal already.

Posted by: Trunk Monkey at January 28, 2015 11:17 PM (fLKzW)

196 Having worked the counter narco effort in the andean ridge, i concluded that it was huge boondogle. Lots of agencies getting paid but its ground hog day every day,what with the gargantuan quantities of merca available, busting 5 or 10 tons of blow at the border is chump change.
i aint advocating legalizing drugs but we gotta do somehing diffrent.

Posted by: fastfreefall at January 28, 2015 11:18 PM (o28VX)

197 Now Raul Castro is saying the U.S. has to give up Gtmo if they want normalized relations with Cuba.

Posted by: Mike at January 28, 2015 11:07 PM (c056A)

I would find that funny. At this point, I don't think it'd shock anybody, though, if that actually happened. Supposedly, you'd need Congressional approval. But if Obama pulled the troops out and Castro moved in, who would do anything about it?

Posted by: AD at January 28, 2015 11:18 PM (GbSgH)

198 185 Hey, Mis. How's things? Frozen, I bet.
Posted by: shredded chi at January 28, 2015 11:15 PM (dTuqN)

It's been warm. Cold to return. Oh well it is winter :-)

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:18 PM (b5BZa)

199 195 The Panama Canal is in real rough shape now too. Real rough. I would expect the Chinese to come in and take over the Canal when Panama realizes that they cannot maintain it. COSCO has huge port interests on both Caribbean and Pacific side of the Canal already.


You're welcome.

Posted by: jimmy carter at January 28, 2015 11:18 PM (WbRgK)

200 First jizz dumpster, now this.

The knowledge here just keeps coming and coming.
Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:14 PM (Pauop)

You spelled c...... Never mind.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 11:18 PM (OBxdH)

201 Mooch knows her Sunni and Shiites and the customs of them.
Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at January 28, 2015 11:15 PM (ucDmr)

She will do exactly as custom dictates, wherever she goes, hopefully.

Bad enough she and her husband couldn't be bothered to dress up for a State Dinner in India.

I don't know if the Persians would require her to go full abayah or not. If so, I suspect she'd stay home.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:18 PM (Pauop)

202 "You spelled Perenium wrong."

You spelled perineum wrong.

Although the general term of art is "chin rest".

Posted by: torquewrench at January 28, 2015 11:19 PM (noWW6)

203 Mooch on a leash?

Is wearing silver bracelets tied to a radiator in the WH basement.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 28, 2015 11:19 PM (NaeCR)

204 There's a fugitive who's got asylum in Cuba. She murdered a NJ state trooper and seriously wounded another. The Cubans have said they won't give her back. Nor will they give their citizens any freedom. And You just know they have no intention of reimbursing American hotel and casino owners for the property they stole.

Could someone explain why normalizing relations with Cuba is a good idea?

Posted by: Mike at January 28, 2015 11:19 PM (c056A)

205 Venus of Willendorf?

I'd hit it.

Posted by: Ed Anger at January 28, 2015 11:19 PM (RcpcZ)

206 When I bought my last house I didn't understand why the electric wires across the street were on poles and suddenly went underground for 200 yards and then were back on the poles. Turned out my yard was a registered airplane landing strip. Well they want money to keep that registration so it's not anymore. I would have to be a great mechanic or rich to have a plane and I'm neither.

Posted by: Redshirt at January 28, 2015 11:20 PM (Ae09I)

207 When I bought my last house I didn't understand why the electric wires across the street were on poles and suddenly went underground for 200 yards and then were back on the poles. Turned out my yard was a registered airplane landing strip. Well they want money to keep that registration so it's not anymore. I would have to be a great mechanic or rich to have a plane and I'm neither.

Posted by: Redshirt at January 28, 2015 11:20 PM (Ae09I)

208 Chin rest heh..

Posted by: eleven at January 28, 2015 11:20 PM (MDgS8)

209 Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 11:18 PM (OBxdH)


Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:20 PM (Pauop)

210 So, they chose NEW F"N YORK as a representative city for the US? to see how HONEST we are???


Posted by: BB Wolf at January 28, 2015 11:21 PM (qh617)

211 After yet another outrage from the fundamentalist Islam faction I sometimes feel a desire to go up to women chatting in the supermarket who are clearly either part of the Nation of Islam or Islamic, and say "Do you have any idea how Islam hates women and how complicit Islam was in the American slave trade.? I guess if they are followers of Farrakham it wouldn't make a difference, and anyway so far I've resisted the urge thankfully.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:21 PM (DXzRD)

212 Joanne Chesamard

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:21 PM (zOTsN)

213 "Oh, if only..."

-Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:12 PM (OsWis)

Someone has a politically-connected officer or three By the Balls.

They won't release the Bergdahl Report until they have something on this Administration.

The Military is too proud. It won't allow people to be thrown Under The Bus until It gets some dirt on those trying to do the throwing. guess.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:21 PM (16bOT)

214 Congrats, Ma Bell

Posted by: nerdygirl at January 28, 2015 11:21 PM (DXcH1)

215 I don't know if any of you heard this story.

Some 1SG got an ARCOM (Army Commendation Medal) for...turning in soldiers that posted negative stuff about her on Facebook. She would literally cruise FB looking for anything that she found "insulting".

The kicker is that she did not go to the soldiers' CoC or fellow 1SGs, but much, much Pentagon higher.

They gave her a fucking ARCOM for being a fucking blue falcon.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:21 PM (OsWis)

216 Post cataract surgery on both eyes, I can vouch for the Dewalt shield bifocals. Great at the range and wherever else you need to protect your balls.

Great price. Fuck all you sight privileged who don't need them yet.

Posted by: VA Gator at January 28, 2015 11:22 PM (h1JKn)

217 Could someone explain why normalizing relations with Cuba is a good idea?
Posted by: Mike at January 28, 2015 11:19 PM (c056A)

Cafe cubano

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:22 PM (b5BZa)

218 Panama Canal?

Hi Jimmy. Aren't you glad you waived that treaty?

Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 28, 2015 11:22 PM (NaeCR)

219 Welcome to Today's Army.


Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:22 PM (OsWis)

220 201: Tammy, she could always send Aunt Esther instead. Who would know?

Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at January 28, 2015 11:22 PM (ucDmr)

221 Good news. Daughter the elder, stationed in Germany, who had a little girl 12 years ago that died, called me and announced I am going to be a grandma again.
Posted by: Ma Bell at January 28, 2015 11:01 PM

Many congrats Ma Bell. Be well.

Posted by: Scared of Creepy Pyscho Women at January 28, 2015 11:22 PM (o/90i)

222 Meant to say "African American women Muslims "chatting

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:23 PM (DXzRD)

223 Now Raul Castro is saying the U.S. has to give up Gtmo if they want normalized relations with Cuba.

I'd be especially nervous if I were the Florida Keys.

Posted by: t-bird at January 28, 2015 11:23 PM (FcR7P)

224 Oh! And speaking of funny foreign words, according the PJ O'Rourke, there is an area in Mexico (don't remember where) frequented by American and other English speaking tourists. Apparently in this area, the word "mis" means something different (and not so different) from an unmarried woman.

So the local kids like to call out to the young ladies, "mis, mis!" And the ladies think it's quaint that the kiddies are kind enough to use English.

Eh... they're not. Look it up, ladies.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 28, 2015 11:23 PM (Dj0WE)

225 You spelled perineum wrong.

Although the general term of art is "chin rest".
Posted by: torquewrench at January 28, 2015 11:19 PM (noWW6)


Damnit! You are correct. *Hangs head*

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 11:23 PM (o/3Hk)

226 I heard that SMFH. She's a real SJW

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:23 PM (zOTsN)

227 They gave her a fucking ARCOM for being a fucking blue falcon.
Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:21 PM (OsWis)

Not just the Army, it's society as a whole, now. Sickening that it HAS reached the services, though.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:23 PM (Pauop)

228 I don't have a problem with Michelle wearing a scarf in a Muslim holy site. I would if she were wearing it on the street.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:24 PM (DXzRD)

Also the weather. It's foolish to have them above ground in the North because snow storms will cause the power to go out. In the South, that's not much of problem.

Posted by: AD at January 28, 2015 11:15 PM (GbSgH)

Yup... Colorado has all buried lines... which is why they have WAY fewer power outages.

Posted by: BB Wolf at January 28, 2015 11:24 PM (qh617)

230 Could someone explain why normalizing relations with Cuba is a good idea?

Chamber of Commerce figures they can make a buck somehow.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 28, 2015 11:25 PM (W5DcG)

231 227,

I do miss my buddies and all, but as far as being back in garrison life with these numbskulls "leading the way"?? Fuck no.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:25 PM (OsWis)

232 And what is the value of doing business with a country that is dirt poor? furthermore, would you spend millions opening a hotel under a regime that has zero respect for property rights?

Posted by: Mike at January 28, 2015 11:25 PM (c056A)

233 "When I bought my last house I didn't understand why
the electric wires across the street were on poles and suddenly went
underground for 200 yards and then were back on the poles. Turned out my
yard was a registered airplane landing strip. Well they want money to
keep that registration so it's not anymore. I would have to be a great
mechanic or rich to have a plane and I'm neither.

Posted by: Redshir"

Got an uncle that paid to bury the utility lines and get FAA cert... expensive hobby.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 28, 2015 11:25 PM (NaeCR)

234 ???
Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:20 PM (Pauop)


Reference to 178, where things keep *happening* and *happening*.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 11:26 PM (OBxdH)

235 The American customs that are strange to foreigners has shown up in different forms at least 2 other times on the ONT. It is actually fascinating at what they find so odd here.

Posted by: buzzion at January 28, 2015 11:26 PM (zt+N6)

236 When you go to market in turkey, never ask for a "peach". Never. It's a part of a woman's body. Where a baby comes out

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:26 PM (zOTsN)

237 I don't have a problem with Michelle wearing a scarf in a Muslim holy site. I would if she were wearing it on the street.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:24 PM (DXzRD)

Really? See, I think ya oughtta respect other cultures if you're gonna go there, regardless of your status.

I mean, if ladies from places where women don't wear anything above the navel came here, we'd expect them to put on a blouse or a top of some kind.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:27 PM (Pauop)

238 Perineum is Latin for 'drip tray'.

Posted by: Garrett at January 28, 2015 11:27 PM (uTctu)

239 "I don't have a problem with Michelle wearing a scarf in a Muslim holy site. I would if she were wearing it on the street."
-Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:24 PM (DXzRD)

She wasn't wearing it in Saudi Arabia. She [did wear one in Indonesia.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:27 PM (16bOT)

240 Could someone explain why normalizing relations with Cuba is a good idea?
Posted by: Mike at January 28, 2015 11:19 PM (c056A)

'cause Bill Ayers said it was.

What, if it is good enough for a terrorist it is good enough for our president you racist hater

Posted by: Liberal Arts Major at January 28, 2015 11:27 PM (t//F+)

241 Hey everybody. What's in the news?

Hmm... Joel Grey admits he's gay.

And Broadway responds: "Well duh!!!"

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 28, 2015 11:27 PM (elbY7)

242 236 When you go to market in turkey, never ask for a "peach". Never. It's a part of a woman's body. Where a baby comes out
Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28

I'll take a flat of peaches please

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:27 PM (b5BZa)

"Some 1SG got an ARCOM (Army Commendation Medal) for...turning in
soldiers that posted negative stuff about her on Facebook. She would
literally cruise FB looking for anything that she found "insulting"."

Do a FOIA and publish it.

Just for shiites and giggles.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 28, 2015 11:28 PM (NaeCR)

244 Like wise never say you are "sick". Say you are ill

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:29 PM (zOTsN)

245 I mean, if ladies from places where women don't wear anything above the navel came here, we'd expect them to put on a blouse or a top of some kind.
Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:27 PM

We would?


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:29 PM (b5BZa)

246 Now Raul Castro is saying the U.S. has to give up Gtmo if they want normalized relations with Cuba.

Maybe that's what Obama really wanted all along.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 28, 2015 11:29 PM (W5DcG)

247 I mean, if ladies from places where women don't wear anything above the navel came here, we'd expect them to put on a blouse or a top of some kind.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:27 PM (Pauop)

Depends.... is she Hawt??? If so... celebrate Diversity!!!!

Posted by: BB Wolf at January 28, 2015 11:29 PM (qh617)

248 216 VA gator. My job requires me to wear safety glasses at my desk and all the equipment in my lab. The Dewalt glasses are great for car repair but suck if you need cheaters to read computer screens.

Posted by: Redshirt at January 28, 2015 11:29 PM (Ae09I)

249 In the South, that's not much of problem.

Posted by: AD at January 28, 2015 11:15 PM (GbSgH)

Yea, we just have these things called tornadoes and hurricanes, which routinely blow down every power lines for 100s of miles....

Oh and ice storms.

We were almost three weeks without power in 2009 after an ice storm.

The clay here might make for rough digging, though? I dunno, I think it's more of a cost issue.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:29 PM (Pauop)

They gave her a fucking ARCOM for being a fucking blue falcon.
Posted by: SMFH

Wait until you see what they give Bergdahl...

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 11:30 PM (l1zOH)

251 The more clothes Moochelle wears the better. I mean, have you seen that woman? She looks hideous!

Posted by: fairweatherbill holding dominion over the nether regions at January 28, 2015 11:30 PM (OoHik)

252 A conversation in 2050:

H, B. H y D? I g t g, s y l?

And Mark Zuckerberg may be a rich man but he's a stupid child.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at January 28, 2015 11:30 PM (RZzX3)

253 "I'll take a flat of peaches please."
-Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:27 PM (b5BZa)

What the HELL are you going to do with ten-thousand uteruses?

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:30 PM (16bOT)

254 I mean, if ladies from places where women don't wear anything above the navel came here, we'd expect them to put on a blouse or a top of some kind.
Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:27 PM

Well, the fat ugly ones, anyway.

Posted by: otho at January 28, 2015 11:30 PM (tBSrv)

255 1SG Katrina Moerk gets ARCOM for trolling

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:30 PM (OsWis)

256 Congratulations to Ma Bell on your forthcoming promotion to Grandmother Bell!

Posted by: ChicagoRefugee at January 28, 2015 11:31 PM (2MgW4)

257 depends.... is she Hawt??? If so... celebrate Diversity!!!!

Posted by: BB Wolf at January 28, 2015 11:29 PM (qh617)

I'm thinking of the National Geographic type ladies.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:31 PM (Pauop)

258 Anybody remember Naabi Baari and the Shiites? For months I thought they were a real band. Yeah I was high then.

Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at January 28, 2015 11:31 PM (ucDmr)

It's exactly what obama wanted all along.

Posted by: please dont squeeze the soothie at January 28, 2015 11:31 PM (Q66iK)

260 Underground power wire is more expensive and doesn't last as long as overhead wire.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 28, 2015 11:31 PM (W5DcG)

261 Wait until you see what they give Bergdahl...

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 11:30 PM (l1zOH)

I'm waiting for his Good Conduct Medal Ceremony...

Posted by: BB Wolf at January 28, 2015 11:31 PM (qh617)

262 I think displaying your breasts is a bit different than
than wearing a scarf while you walk down the street, but I understand your POV. I have a friend whose husband travels widely. She loves to travel but never wants to go to places like Saudi with him because of the restrictions on women.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:32 PM (DXzRD)

263 Oops

Sick means f**k

Peach means bastard

Um means lady's happy valley

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:32 PM (zOTsN)

264 Anderson Cooper: I should have been more skeptical, I won't make the same mistake again.

All right, who asked him about his experience with heterosexual relations?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at January 28, 2015 11:32 PM (oKE6c)

265 I'm thinking of the National Geographic type ladies.
Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:31 PM (Pauop)

tell me about it, I had to take pics of 3rd world boobies, and not the youngsters ones either

I call them the droopies

Posted by: National Geographic photographer at January 28, 2015 11:32 PM (N21UI)

266 She wasn't wearing it in Saudi Arabia. She [did wear one in Indonesia.
Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:27 PM (16bOT)

While visiting a mosque. If she had done so in SA, she'd have been wrapped up tighter than the bills Barry O snorts with.

Also, Indonesia may have stricter requirements.

That outfit looked to me like something they give a visitor to cover up with, though. It sure as shit didn't fit her.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:33 PM (Pauop)

267 "I'm waiting for his Good Conduct Medal Ceremony..."
-Posted by: BB Wolf at January 28, 2015 11:31 PM (qh617)

I'm waiting for those in his sub-division to affix that rope to a tree.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:33 PM (16bOT)

268 Lost my wallet in the Broadway and 116'th street subway station. Got it back in the mail from Brooklyn, with a note from the finder saying everything was there except for the ten dollars, which he used for a good time. Ten dollars in 1965 is worth about $75 dollars today.

Posted by: chuck at January 28, 2015 11:33 PM (GVsX7)

269 What I most remember about Mooch's visit to Indonesia isn't the headscarf she wore, but the cooch-scratching she did (eye bleach be upon you.)

Why yes, I am a fan of Michelle's Mirror. Why do you ask?

Posted by: ChicagoRefugee at January 28, 2015 11:33 PM (2MgW4)

270 What the HELL are you going to do with ten-thousand uteruses?
Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28

That's a really good question for which I have no really good answer


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:33 PM (b5BZa)

271 What the HELL are you going to do with ten-thousand uteruses?
Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28

Oscar Mayer needs hot dog material.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 28, 2015 11:35 PM (W5DcG)

272 Venus of Willendorf, created 25,000 years ago:

These figurines invariably are accompanied by labored explanations of goddess cults or matriarchal societies.

The thing is a good number of them are found in rubbish piles.

They're pr0n dolls.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at January 28, 2015 11:35 PM (Zi7PZ)

273 270 What the HELL are you going to do with ten-thousand uteruses?
Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28

That's a really good question for which I have no really good answer
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:33 PM (b5BZa)

Clone army.

Posted by: Maetenloch at January 28, 2015 11:35 PM (pAlYe)

274 Not uterus. Think lower. A doorway

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:35 PM (zOTsN)

275 Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:21 PM (DXzRD)

I wouldn't do that if I was you.

You'd most likely be in some "tricky" neighborhoods (especially if you're white) and most of the NoI adherents have no problem getting up in people's faces when criticized by some stranger.

Unless you're strapped and feeling lucky or suicidal, NO.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at January 28, 2015 11:36 PM (RZzX3)

276 They gave her a fucking ARCOM for being a fucking blue falcon.

So much for earning that shit. I should toss mine over the fence next time I'm near the White House.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at January 28, 2015 11:36 PM (UVfht)

277 258 Anybody remember Naabi Baari and the Shiites? For months I thought they were a real band. Yeah I was high then.
Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at January 28, 2015 11:31 PM

Fuckin Bogartv

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:36 PM (b5BZa)

278 Gaylord Merkin Focker the Wurst wants to close Gitmo and stick a finger in America's eye. So...

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 28, 2015 11:36 PM (+6nI6)

279 Underground power wire is more expensive and doesn't last as long as overhead wire.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr

Can't carry as much current per circular-mil either, because of heat dissipation.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 11:36 PM (l1zOH)

280 "Some 1SG got an ARCOM (Army Commendation Medal) for...turning in soldiers that posted negative stuff about her on Facebook."

I read an account by a young USAF airman who had been deployed in the sandbox, where the new arrivals orientation lecture from the first shirt included a very explicit warning about the risks of bitching on social media in personally identifiable ways. Sound advice.

Posted by: torquewrench at January 28, 2015 11:37 PM (noWW6)

281 How many of these nuke plants have the Norks restarted or ramped up since TFG became President?

Posted by: Thrawn at January 28, 2015 11:37 PM (d7XFS)

282 "That's a really good question for which I have no really good answer."

-Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:33 PM (b5BZa)

And that's why we love you!


It is always okay to say: "I don't know."

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:37 PM (16bOT)

283 270 What the HELL are you going to do with ten-thousand uteruses?
Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28

Buy stock in whoever makes Midol?

Posted by: Vendette at January 28, 2015 11:37 PM (fpEv+)

284 276,

I have four of them that I actually earned by doing my damn job. I thought about Kerrying mine also...

Who knew that trolling could get you one?

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:37 PM (OsWis)

285 274 Not uterus. Think lower. A doorway
Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January

Knock knock

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:38 PM (b5BZa)

286 'What the HELL are you going to do with ten-thousand uteruses? '

Feed them to the Tilapia! Haha!

Posted by: OG Celtic-American at January 28, 2015 11:38 PM (ASn1R)

287 Who's there

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:38 PM (zOTsN)

288 Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:32 PM (DXzRD)

Well sure, because bare boobs are taboo on the street here. In parts of the world they'd think freaking out about that is just as weird as you think freaking out about hair is, though, right?

I'd be scared nervous in SA, but I wouldn't let it stop me from going there. (If I had any interest in doing so, which I don't!)

There are places in the ME I'd love to see and I would have no problem wearing a headscarf anywhere. I do not see what the big deal is, honestly. I'd wear a burqa if I had to!

Mind you, I was raised by the Protestant version of the Taliban, so extreme modesty is not a foreign concept to me at all.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:38 PM (Pauop)

289 276 They gave her a fucking ARCOM for being a fucking blue falcon.

So much for earning that shit. I should toss mine over the fence next time I'm near the White House.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at January 28, 2015 11:36 PM (UVfht)

No.... that would be doing it wrong...

You throw someone ELSES medals over the fence...

Posted by: John Kerry at January 28, 2015 11:38 PM (qh617)

290 It is always okay to say: "I don't know."
Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:37 PM (16bOT)


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:39 PM (b5BZa)

291 Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at January 28, 2015 11:36 PM (RZzX3)

I don't do it .but the places I think of it are at the hot foods section of the supermarket where the state workers often come to eat. :^)

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:39 PM (DXzRD)

292 "Not uterus. Think lower. A doorway."
-Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:35 PM (zOTsN)

I dismiss legs that look like "uprights" and their ultimate goal. is a simple structural disagreement.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:40 PM (16bOT)

293 280,

Yeah, a 1SG doesn't have any more important shit to do besides trolling social media sites.

I'm so sure her unit is green across the board in regards to weapons qual, PT, etc.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:40 PM (OsWis)

294 Listen no one was going to physical harm or intimidate FLOTUS for being uncovered. As an ordinary person you will attract unwanted attention. You will be less safe

Posted by: ThunderB, Sharia Compliance Officer at January 28, 2015 11:40 PM (zOTsN)

295 The Blackhawks need to dump Brad Richards. He's just not good enough to be out there every night.

Posted by: Garrett at January 28, 2015 11:41 PM (uTctu)

296 289: Just put them on a drone and let some drunk guy fly em in. You don't even have to exert yourself.

Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at January 28, 2015 11:41 PM (ucDmr)

297 I'm so sure her unit is green across the board in regards to weapons qual, PT, etc.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:40 PM (OsWis)

Intell unit.... ie desk pilot...

Posted by: BB Wolf at January 28, 2015 11:41 PM (qh617)

298 Also the weather. It's foolish to have them above ground in the North because snow storms will cause the power to go out. In the South, that's not much of problem.
Posted by: AD at January 28, 2015 11:15 PM (GbSgH)

Another reason is cost. It is about $500K to $1M a mile to bury power lines. Hanging them is much cheaper like $50K to $100K a mile.

If you want that, then you will stop paying about 10-12 cents/kwhr and get ready for 35 cents/kwhr.

I prefer paying about $125 a month instead of $375.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper at January 28, 2015 11:41 PM (+Fae7)

299 Be well Morons. Long day driving J to Rockford for an MRI and back.

You always make me laugh. Keep on keeping on. I'd love to stay up and ramble here but prudence dictates I must crash.

Be your best,


Posted by: Scared of Creepy Pyscho Women at January 28, 2015 11:41 PM (o/90i)

300 I know an USAF NCO that demanded all the new guys give him their Facebook passwords upon arrival in Korea. He changed the password so they couldn't post anything and told they could get the new password when they left. Someone whined, his CO backed him up saying OPSeC was a local policy. It was holding when I left.

Posted by: Jean at January 28, 2015 11:42 PM (TETYm)

301 270 What the HELL are you going to do with ten-thousand uteruses?Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28

Buy in bulk. Sell in individual servings. Profit.

Posted by: buzzion at January 28, 2015 11:42 PM (zt+N6)

302 -Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:39 PM (b5BZa)

That is a lost "art-form" in my humble opinion.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:42 PM (16bOT)

303 Mind you, I was raised by the Protestant version of the Taliban, so extreme modesty is not a foreign concept to me at all.
Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:38 PM (Pauop)



I got nothin.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 11:42 PM (OBxdH)

304 It's difficult for women to draw their lady bits.

They have to look at them upside down.

and sometimes they're hidden.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at January 28, 2015 11:42 PM (RZzX3)

305 297,

They too have annual PT tests and weapons qual, if active duty unit.

Then again, the bitch probably pencils that shit in.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:43 PM (OsWis)

306 Who knew that trolling could get you one?

What do you want to bet she got it for "Improving OpSec" or something like it?

Posted by: Blanco Basura at January 28, 2015 11:43 PM (UVfht)

307 I wouldn't do that if I was you.

You'd most likely be in some "tricky" neighborhoods (especially if you're white) and most of the NoI adherents have no problem getting up in people's faces when criticized by some stranger.

Unless you're strapped and feeling lucky or suicidal, NO.

But DON'T call them No-Go Zones. That would be wrong and racist because ... reasons.

Posted by: ChicagoRefugee at January 28, 2015 11:43 PM (2MgW4)

308 No-Go Zones - They're Not Just For Europe!

Posted by: ChicagoRefugee at January 28, 2015 11:43 PM (2MgW4)

309 Underground power lines are much more expensive to install - ans service. They are more attractive, though, and I see them used more and more her in new construction.

I have one of those ugly green boxes at the front corner of the the yard for cable tv. It turns out, after you hit those plastic things with the mower a few times, the lock breaks. Shame...

Posted by: shredded chi at January 28, 2015 11:44 PM (dTuqN)

310 Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper at January 28, 2015 11:41 PM (+Fae7)

Uh... then how are Colorados electricity rates competitive?

You make it a condition of NEW construction... or if they need to move a line... they have to bury it...

Posted by: BB Wolf at January 28, 2015 11:44 PM (qh617)

311 Mind you, I was raised by the Protestant version of the Taliban, so extreme modesty is not a foreign concept to me at all.
Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:38 PM (Pauop)

did the modesty police stop and beat you for your poor atire choices?

Posted by: # key at January 28, 2015 11:44 PM (N21UI)

312 304: Ray Barrones ma got it right.

Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at January 28, 2015 11:44 PM (ucDmr)

313 Th world is a kinder, gentler place that I often refrain from saying what I really think. ;^)

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:44 PM (DXzRD)

314 No.... that would be doing it wrong...

You throw someone ELSES medals over the fence...

Posted by: John Kerry

He couldn't even be honest about that.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at January 28, 2015 11:44 PM (UVfht)

315 Oh hell yes, in SA I'd cover up wherever I went and I wouldn't go anywhere without my giant and he wouldn't go there if God flew down from Heaven and told him directly to do so.

But just about every other Middle Eastern country I have friends in, so I'd feel safer being with people who were familiar with everything.

Well, maybe not Iraq.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:44 PM (Pauop)

316 social media was not a big deal between 2002-2009, nor were smartphones. I got out in 2009 before people started losing their shit on social media sites, not to mention before smartphones became a necessity for some.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:45 PM (OsWis)

317 My understanding of materials and conduction give me a bad vibe about the shorter length life of underground electric cables. I might be wrong in specific application but in general that sounds global warming like.

Posted by: Redshirt at January 28, 2015 11:45 PM (Ae09I)

318 The Blackhawks need to dump Brad Richards. He's just not good enough to be out there every night.

Posted by: Garrett at January 28, 2015 11:41 PM (uTctu)

The Oilers are in 29th place.

At least the Jets are my backup team.

Posted by: Vendette at January 28, 2015 11:45 PM (fpEv+)

319 qdpsteve's foolproof get-rick-quick plan:

1. Change your name to 'cash.'
2. Successfully sue to have every check ever written out to 'cash' made payable to you.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 28, 2015 11:45 PM (elbY7)

320 304 It's difficult for women to draw their lady bits.

They have to look at them upside down.

and sometimes they're hidden.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at January 28, 2015 11:42 PM (RZzX3)


Dear Penthouse,

I never thought.........l.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:46 PM (b5BZa)

321 You know what's damn sexy - when after several months in the magic kingdom - and your sitting in a hotel lobby in Dhahran - and several BA flight attendants come in from outside and peel off their rent-a-burkas - revealing their blue uniforms with skirts and little hats.

Might as well have been Vegas strip club.

Posted by: Jean at January 28, 2015 11:46 PM (TETYm)

322 My hometown, in Ohio, has many parts that have underground power lines. My parents house being one of them. But these are all "newer" parts of the town. (House was built in the mid-80's) so pretty much any expansion after that point is underground electric. I'm guessing that the massive cost difference in overhead power lines vs. underground is significantly dropped when dealing with new subdivisions.

Posted by: buzzion at January 28, 2015 11:47 PM (zt+N6)

323 "The world is a kinder, gentler place that I often refrain from saying what I really think. ;^)"
-Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:44 PM (DXzRD)

You, Sir have got That Right!

Continued Blessings and internal laughter be upon you, Sir!!!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:47 PM (16bOT)

324 snedrop

I got nothin.
Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 11:42 PM (OBxdH)

*srednop* ugghhh.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 28, 2015 11:47 PM (xrURQ)

325 I saw 10,000 Uteruses open for Edie Brickel and the New Bohemians at the Chance Theatre in Poughkeepsie.

Posted by: Garrett at January 28, 2015 11:47 PM (uTctu)

326 social media was not a big deal between 2002-2009,
nor were smartphones. I got out in 2009 before people started losing
their shit on social media sites, not to mention before smartphones
became a necessity for some.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:45 PM (OsWis)

A few years ago, people were appalled that I'd never been on Facebook (still going...). Now they're appalled I don't have Netflix.

I also don't have a smartphone.

Posted by: Vendette at January 28, 2015 11:47 PM (fpEv+)

327 Mind you, I was raised by the Protestant version of the Taliban, so extreme modesty is not a foreign concept to me at all.
Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:38 PM (Pauop)

Speaking as a lady who feels positively naked in Church without my headscarf, I have no problem with modesty. It is fake modesty that makes me cringe. Mooch wouldn't know modesty if it bit her in the butt. She thinks Beyonce is all that and a bag of chips, when it turns out she is just a bunch of lady bits covered with dental floss.

Some ladies do not feel the need to cover in Church, and that is their prerogative. However, I will side with St. Paul on this one. I cover, all the parts, including my head, out of deference to Our Lord. Not the same as requiring women to wear body bags because they "might" offend some mooslimbed asshat.

Posted by: tcn, in AK at January 28, 2015 11:48 PM (+YMhA)

328 did the modesty police stop and beat you for your poor atire choices?

Posted by: # key at January 28, 2015 11:44 PM (N21UI)

No need to worry about that, because Daddy and Granny would have beat my ass first.

Once I, uh, had got my figure, if I went out in public, I was covered from the neck down to mid shin, with at least 3/4 sleeves. Never pants.

I realize that is not the same as a full burqa. I'm just saying that I am not as appalled by the whole cover up thing as most women would be, and wouldn't have as hard a time adjusting.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:49 PM (Pauop)

329 Garret, I heard the Clearwater is biting good

Posted by: The Jackhole somewhere on Ventura Highway at January 28, 2015 11:49 PM (dULJN)

330 If I didn't have kids or army buddies, I would not have FB.

Ditched the smart phone a while ago. Skype FTW.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 28, 2015 11:49 PM (OsWis)

331 You, Sir have got That Right!

Continued Blessings and internal laughter be upon you, Sir!!!
Posted by: ColdBeer


It's ma'am.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 11:49 PM (l1zOH)

332 325 I saw 10,000 Uteruses open for Edie Brickel and the New Bohemians at the Chance Theatre in Poughkeepsie.
Posted by: Garrett at January 28, 2015

Hope it wasn't halter season.
Hairy armpits yuck

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:50 PM (b5BZa)

333 I done seen it a couple times. Smaller than I thought it'd be. Remembered it from art history class because the perfesser said, "large pendulous breasts".

Posted by: Dang at January 28, 2015 10:54 PM (MNq6o)

25,000 years ago a man said, "How do I preserve the most important thing in life for future generations?"

Another man said, "Tits."

Plus ca change, plus ca la meme chose...

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at January 28, 2015 11:50 PM (oFCZn)

334 Th world is a kinder, gentler place that I often refrain from saying what I really think. ;^)

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:44 PM (DXzRD)

Often this joint is a kinder, gentler place because you're posting here.

Posted by: Vendette at January 28, 2015 11:50 PM (fpEv+)

335 so if the Saudi's can force da' mooch to cover up can we force icky muslim women to dress like an american?

Posted by: # key at January 28, 2015 11:50 PM (N21UI)

Meanwhile holder's replacement, lynch, is sailing through the R Senate just like she would a D Senate

Posted by: please dont squeeze the soothie at January 28, 2015 11:51 PM (Q66iK)

337 I understand about fundamentalist Christian churches, but I personally wouldn't use the tern "Taliban" about them as even fundamentalists I know don't make it a rule for women not to have any education svn through high school and aren't slaughtering schoolgirls on buses. Liberals I know use this term when they say there is no difference between fundamentalist Christian and Islam and say they Bible is just as oppressive as the Koran both of which I disagree with. You, of course can use whatever term you want to about your background. and I'm not intending to be argumentaitive. It's just not my choice.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:51 PM (DXzRD)

338 Mh: Dyed hairy armpits. Purple or pink.

Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at January 28, 2015 11:51 PM (ucDmr)

339 I have one of those ugly green boxes at the front corner of the the yard for cable tv.

The big pole pig transformers end up in a big green box in the yard as well.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 28, 2015 11:51 PM (W5DcG)

340 Meanwhile holder's replacement, lynch, is sailing through the R Senate just like she would a D Senate
Posted by: please dont squeeze the soothie

* steam rolling out of ears *

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 11:52 PM (l1zOH)

341 Yea, we just have these things called tornadoes and hurricanes, which routinely blow down every power lines for 100s of miles....

Oh and ice storms.

Eh, I keep hearing of those first two, but, where I grew up, they were legends--like the Yeti, people talk about them, but you don't plan your town around it.

Don't get me wrong. The city would shut down if there was a centimeter of snow on the ground; but that happened a couple times a decade.

Posted by: AD at January 28, 2015 11:52 PM (GbSgH)

342 Modesty is definitely not something Michele Obama specializes in. And I for one understood where that idiot staffer was coming from when she posted about the Obama girls clothes, although she ought not to have said it.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:52 PM (Pauop)

343 >>>329 Garret, I heard the Clearwater is biting good

I have been chomping at the bit to get over there. I know I will be there the second week of Feb. but I might have to sneak over for a few days before then.

Thanks for the heads up, man.

Posted by: Garrett at January 28, 2015 11:52 PM (uTctu)

344 ..."I also don't have a smartphone."
-Posted by: Vendette at January 28, 2015 11:47 PM (fpEv+)

I've never owned a cell-phone. In all my years of business, I've never wanted a damned cell-phone.

Talk to my answering service. If I want to talk to you?

...I'll get back to you.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:52 PM (16bOT)

345 Posted by: qdpsteve at January 28, 2015 11:45 PM (elbY7)

I heard that back in the '70's.

Lot of stoners were convinced they could get money doing that.

Con vinced I say.

Or if you wrote a check out to Cash, Johnny had to pay it.


Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at January 28, 2015 11:52 PM (RZzX3)

346 The equating of Christians with Muslims is just a panty-waisted way of saying "nobody can tell ME what to do, ever!"

It is the equivalent of a two-year-old's tantrum, nothing more.

And nobody, at all, believes any of it. least of all those who say it out loud.

Posted by: tcn, in AK at January 28, 2015 11:53 PM (+YMhA)

347 I saw 10,000 Uteruses open for Edie Brickel and the New Bohemians at the Chance Theatre in Poughkeepsie.
Posted by: Garrett at January 28, 2015 11:47 PM (uTctu)
The Underground Powerlines were the Pre - Pre Warmup band for that show....

Posted by: Trunk Monkey at January 28, 2015 11:53 PM (fLKzW)

348 And I for one understood where that idiot staffer was coming from when she posted about the Obama girls clothes, although she ought not to have said it.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 28, 2015 11:52 PM (Pauop)

should the staffer have lost her job for that?

Posted by: # key at January 28, 2015 11:54 PM (N21UI)

349 A few years ago, people were appalled that I'd never been on Facebook (still going...). Now they're appalled I don't have Netflix. 

I also don't have a smartphone. 

Posted by: Vendette at January
I see your Facebook and Netflix and raise you one HDTV. I still haven't convinced myself to spend the dough yet...

Posted by: shredded chi at January 28, 2015 11:54 PM (dTuqN)

350 Hmmm.....I never considered heat dissipation for underground wiring. Now that I think about it, even as conductive as copper is, there is still resistance and where there is resistance, heat is a by product. A lot of the newer neighborhoods here in the Denver area all have underground electric, so we don't have to deal as much in really bad winter weather with the power lines going down. I'd have to look at the utility bill (Mrs. Old Blue does the accounting for the household, but only because she's so damn good at it) to see what we pay per KW hour. I know it went up when the Californicators demanded that something like 20% of our electric be from renewables like solar and wind. No solar so far but a crap ton of wind farms are springing up.

Posted by: Old Blue at January 28, 2015 11:54 PM (vVSOO)

351 "Re-group.

It's ma'am."
-Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 11:49 PM (l1zOH)



Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:54 PM (16bOT)

352 I see your Facebook and Netflix and raise you one HDTV. I still haven't convinced myself to spend the dough yet...
Posted by: shredded

I'll cover,and bump a Skype and Blu-Ray player.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 11:55 PM (l1zOH)

353 Dirty hit by Regher.

Posted by: Garrett at January 28, 2015 11:56 PM (uTctu)

354 Meanwhile holder's replacement, lynch, is sailing through the R Senate just like she would a D Senate

We only have two thirds of the government. Give us the whole enchilada and we'll deliver the goods. We swear!

Posted by: GOPe at January 28, 2015 11:56 PM (W5DcG)

355 ...really?
Posted by: ColdBeer

Go for an indulgence.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 11:56 PM (l1zOH)

356 "Yup.
Go for an indulgence.
-Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 11:56 PM (l1zOH)

I wouldn't dare.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:57 PM (16bOT)

357 I am simply astonished.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 28, 2015 11:58 PM (16bOT)

358 Slap - Fenelon is very forgiving. Goes with the territory, I'm told.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 11:59 PM (l1zOH)

Filthiest can I've been in (in the civilized world) was in a German train station.
Posted by: Mike
Um..., I just remembered the can at the Iron Horse Saloon during Bike Week. Nah..., the train station was worse.

Definitely not in the civilized world - my daughter always takes photos of the various bathrooms when she goes on missions trips.

India pix were just scary.

Posted by: PM Rich at January 28, 2015 11:59 PM (eEBON)

360 Boobs & uteruses now we just need some fun talk

Good nite Morons. Be well.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 28, 2015 11:59 PM (b5BZa)

361 "Some 1SG got an ARCOM (Army Commendation Medal) for...turning in soldiers that posted negative stuff about her on Facebook."

Holy cow, I went to the original article at and they had turned comments off entirely for it.

To illustrate how significant that is, they even left the comments turned on for their Bowe Bergdahl articles.

Posted by: torquewrench at January 29, 2015 12:00 AM (noWW6)

362 Twice I've seen that word tonight - isn't it uteri?

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 12:01 AM (dTuqN)

363 361,


Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:01 AM (OsWis)

364 She's an inspiration, Mike. I'm floored by Felelon's gender, is all. I'm speechless.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 12:01 AM (16bOT)

365 Posted by: Vendette at January 28, 2015 11:50 PM (fpEv+)

Thanks. That's kind of you to say; You should speak to FenelonSpouse when I come in ranting about Obama and his administration, ;^). or ask my best friend of 40 year about that time I walked out of a diner because of some dimwitted political stuff she was saying. The latter was stupid of me and it hurt her feelings. I just have to be more diplomatic about what I say at times. The friend's daughter wants to work with the State Dept and her mother had no idea who Marie Harf was or that she refuses to speak of radical Islam. I have feeling she has no idea that Kerry was sent with James Taylor to sing "You've Got a Friend." What I would like to say is, "I hope your daughter gets a job with the State Dept. She could bring up the collective IQ" but it wouldn't go over well. Her daughter is impossibly liberal but she IS smarter than Marie Harf

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 29, 2015 12:01 AM (DXzRD)

366 G'Night, Misanthropic.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 12:02 AM (16bOT)

367 'Night MH

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 29, 2015 12:02 AM (l1zOH)

368 Aren't most underground lines buried in conduit pipe? I would think that a couple feet down, the ambient temp would hover around 40-60 F and the cooling would not be an issue, particularly if the entrance and exit channels are different heights and thus causing a constant flow of air, like gopher holes...

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 12:02 AM (Gosad)

369 A few years ago, people were appalled that I'd never been on Facebook (still going...). Now they're appalled I don't have Netflix.

I also don't have a smartphone.

Are you my long long twin?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 29, 2015 12:03 AM (DXzRD)

370 Work demands a smartphone, and it comes in handy there, so I use one. Still prefer my old Sanyo dumb fone, far more.

But, I've never done any of the Socialist Networking sites. Not MySpace, when it first rolled out in '99 or so, not Linked-In, none of 'em.

Amazing, my junk mail is damn near zero, and AARP doesn't even know I exist. I intend to keep it that way.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at January 29, 2015 12:03 AM (RzZOc)

371 She's an inspiration, Mike. I'm floored by Felelon's gender, is all. I'm speechless.
Posted by: Cold

A Minister, you know.
How she puts up with us, I have no idea.
Perhaps we are not beyond redemption.
Hope springs eternal.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 29, 2015 12:04 AM (l1zOH)


huhuhuh uh huhuh... she said "long"... huhuhuhuh

Posted by: butthead at January 29, 2015 12:04 AM (tBSrv)

373 The equating of Christians with Muslims is just a panty-waisted way of saying "nobody can tell ME what to do, ever!"

The libs keep bringing up Timothy McVeigh.
I don't remember him standing up in court and yelling
"Praise Jesus".

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 12:04 AM (W5DcG)

374 Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:51 PM (DXzRD)

Oh, I know you're not meaning to argue! Sacred honor compels me to admit that my Daddy was dead set against me going to college, though. K-12 he was fine with; I mean, he wasn't completely crazy.

He did go through extreme, big time Jesus phases. He threw out all the mirrors in the house once, as well as the TV, radios, stereo, albums, and any non-religious books. (My mama had my uncle come get all our stuff, thank God.)

He'd have been dead against slaughtering kids, though, I promise!

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:05 AM (Pauop)

garrett, fyi, there's a Sex And The City marathon on now on E.

Posted by: please dont squeeze the soothie at January 29, 2015 12:05 AM (Q66iK)

376 should the staffer have lost her job for that?
Posted by: # key at January 28, 2015 11:54 PM (N21UI)

Oh hell no. Was she fired or did she resign?

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:06 AM (Pauop)

377 If you actually thought that winning the Senate would put any sort of brakes on the selection of positions like the AG or a possible SCOTUS vacancy, as opposed to the lower court appointments that caused the dems to end the filibuster, then you are a fucking dumbass who has not been paying attention.

Posted by: buzzion at January 29, 2015 12:06 AM (zt+N6)

378 Aren't most underground lines buried in conduit pipe? I would think that a couple feet down, the ambient temp would hover around 40-60 F and the cooling would not be an issue, particularly if the entrance and exit channels are different heights and thus causing a constant flow of air, like gopher holes...
Posted by: Conservative Crank's

Still not like open air. At any rate, most are direct bury.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 29, 2015 12:07 AM (l1zOH)

379 you are a fucking dumbass who has not been paying attention.
Posted by: buzzion at January 29, 2015 12:06 AM (zt+N6)

Thank you. And you need to run for office.

And where the hell is PEACHES???

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:08 AM (Pauop)

380 I didn't know Lena Dunham had ever been to Willendorf....

Posted by: richard mcenroe at January 29, 2015 12:08 AM (XO6WW)

381 Speaking of indulgences, ponder on this for a second. Al Gore justifies his ginormous carbon foot print by buying carbon credits. He owns the firm that he is buying his carbon credits from. So, in effect, he is paying himself to have a ginormous carbon foot print. By doing this, without telling anyone that he owns the company that he buys his indulgences from, he is trying to convince people to make themselves a little, or a lot, poorer by buying carbon indulgences from the company that he owns so that he can increase his already ginormous carbon footprint so that he can shame you into making your carbon footprint smaller. I really need to figure out a way to get in on that scam and make me some sweet sweet cash. So, just because I'm a giver, all of you Morons that are on the internet need to reduce your carbon footprint by buying indulgences from me! Just send me five bucks a day for the rest of your lives, and I will personally forgive you for emitting CO2. Sound like a plan?

Posted by: Old Blue at January 29, 2015 12:09 AM (vVSOO)

382 And where the hell is PEACHES???
Posted by: Tammy

Peaches seems to be giving AoSHQ a breather.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 29, 2015 12:09 AM (l1zOH)

383 377 If you actually thought that winning the Senate would put any sort of brakes on the selection of positions like the AG or a possible SCOTUS vacancy, as opposed to the lower court appointments that caused the dems to end the filibuster, then you are a fucking dumbass who has not been paying attention.
Posted by: buzzion at January 29, 2015 12:06 AM (zt+N6

Shit. What about "electable"?

Also bullshit?

Posted by: eman at January 29, 2015 12:09 AM (MQEz6)

I've told this story on ONT before, but I like repeating myself.

Back in Mar '02, I was vacationing in NYC, and lost my wallet on the train to Newark (I was flying out the next day). Didn't realize it until I got to my hotel. Luckily, I had my credit card in my front pocket, same card I'd prepaid the room with.

A couple of hours later, my boss back in SoCal got a call from the train conductor. He'd found the wallet and pulled the phone number from my business card. So the wallet traveled all the way to DC before he could pass it on to the northbound conductor.

So I had to wait until the last train got into Penn Station Newark at around 9-10pm. Took a cab in and found that everything was closed. There was one guy working, a janitor. He took one look at me and said "you're the guy who lost the wallet, right?". He walked me down to the proper tracks in time to meet the train. Wallet and contents were handed over, complete and with nothing missing.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 29, 2015 12:10 AM (krgKs)

385 Thank you. And you need to run for office. And where the hell is PEACHES???
Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:08 AM (Pauop)

She's boycotting because everyone keeps talking about the football team she supports being a bunch of cheaters.

Posted by: buzzion at January 29, 2015 12:10 AM (zt+N6)

386 The Venus of Willendorf could use a low carb diet. Just sayin'.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at January 29, 2015 12:10 AM (WbRgK)

387 "The friend's daughter wants to work with the State Dept"

Send your friend and her daughter a copy of Mitchell Zuckoff's _13 Hours_ and then see how serious they both are about this career path.

Posted by: torquewrench at January 29, 2015 12:10 AM (noWW6)

388 giving AoSHQ a breather.

I'll look that up in the urban dictionary.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 12:11 AM (W5DcG)

389 I thought the problem with underground service was ground movement, subsidence, etc.

Posted by: Jean at January 29, 2015 12:11 AM (TETYm)

390 I understand about fundamentalist Christian
churches, but I personally wouldn't use the tern "Taliban" about them
as even fundamentalists I know don't make it a rule for women not to
have any education svn through high school and aren't slaughtering
schoolgirls on buses. Liberals I know use this term when they say there
is no difference between fundamentalist Christian and Islam and say they
Bible is just as oppressive as the Koran both of which I disagree
with. You, of course can use whatever term you want to about your
background. and I'm not intending to be argumentaitive. It's just not my

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 28, 2015 11:51 PM (DXzRD)

Christian to me is related to interpretation of the Bible, but
unfortunately it's been slapped on anyone who is Christian and
conservative, particularly with respect to social issues.

"fundamentalist" about not having women in the clergy? Is it about being conservative in all social issues?

"Fundamentalist" is a pretty broad term. But people who equate "fundamentalist" Christians who may have conservative views on various subjects with the Taliban and their ilk are looking to shut down an argument because they are ignorant.

I don't think you'll hear Christians argue about wanting to withhold education from women, being favor of genital mutilation, or holding them as lower than men. Indeed, Christians agree that women are respected, loved, and equal in the sight of God.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:11 AM (fpEv+)

391 Thank you. And you need to run for office.

And where the hell is PEACHES???
Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:08 AM (Pauop)


She was here briefly in the thread downstairs. Apparently she thinks Ace dissed NE Patriots, so she gave herself a timeout until after SB, because she was all pissed and stuff.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 29, 2015 12:11 AM (OBxdH)

392 Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 29, 2015 12:10 AM (krgKs)

Nice! I'm glad you told it again, because it's new to me. That's just awesome. Most folks are good, I have always said that.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:11 AM (Pauop)

393 I thought the problem with underground service was ground movement, subsidence, etc.
Posted by: Jean

I expect that it is in some areas. Here in the SE, not a serious consideration.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 29, 2015 12:13 AM (l1zOH)

394 I'd like to try one of those red headed Yolanda Willendorfs.

Posted by: Sen. Geary at January 29, 2015 12:13 AM (WbRgK)

395 Okay, I can see if she thinks Ace dissed her boyz....I don't see her allowing you regular grunts to run her off over that!

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:13 AM (Pauop)

396 Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 29, 2015 12:04 AM (l1zOH)

There isn't anyone I have to put up with her aside from trolls like "Be Happy". I enjoy the folks here and there are some threads which are not relevant to me so i don't read them or participate. I think other people do that too .Like everybody else here ,I may not agree with what everybody posts but I come from a background in the theatre where everybody is not watching what trey say lest someone be offended and certainly not by the word boobs, for instance.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 29, 2015 12:13 AM (DXzRD)

397 A few years ago, people were appalled that I'd never
been on Facebook (still going...). Now they're appalled I don't have

I also don't have a smartphone.

Are you my long long twin?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 29, 2015 12:03 AM (DXzRD)

Since I have a twin, maybe we're triplets.

(On the other hand, my sister is attached to her smartphone.)

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:14 AM (fpEv+)

I mean, if ladies from places where women don't wear anything above the navel came here, we'd expect them to put on a blouse or a top of some kind.

That would depend entirely upon how she looks

Posted by: PM Rich at January 29, 2015 12:14 AM (eEBON)

399 Question? Why isn't power pulled from a transformer, then house to house, instead of going stem and branch on poles?

Posted by: Jean at January 29, 2015 12:15 AM (TETYm)

400 Posted by: torquewrench at January 29, 2015 12:10 AM (noWW6)

Tell me about "13 Hours." I don't know that book.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 29, 2015 12:15 AM (DXzRD)

401 Given all the evidence over the past decade, it would be foolish to not label the Patriots as cheaters, as systemic as the 90s Braves--and I say this as a fan and lover of what must be one of the most roided-up teams in history, the 93 Phillies.

Peaches should just own it, not apologize for it, and accept she'll get some ribbing for it. Not like we love her any less.

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 12:15 AM (Gosad)

402 my cell phone was a fucking leash to the CoC and my joes.

wasn't even allowed to turn the bitch off on the weekends....may have to pick up a drunk soldier on 6th Street...

No, don't miss that.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:16 AM (OsWis)

403 The friend's daughter wants to work with the State
Dept and her mother had no idea who Marie Harf was or that she refuses
to speak of radical Islam.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 29, 2015 12:01 AM (DXzRD)

If she doesn't already know a foreign language like Arabic or Chinese or could qualify as a diplomatic security agent, good luck.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:16 AM (fpEv+)

404 Since I have a twin, maybe we're triplets.

(On the other hand, my sister is attached to her smartphone.)
Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:14 AM (fpEv+)

Quads. I have an ancient Samsung flip phone and I only have it because Thor brought it home and forced it on me. I never even remember to charge it.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:16 AM (Pauop)

405 Okay, I can see if she thinks Ace dissed her boyz....I don't see her allowing you regular grunts to run her off over that!
Posted by: Tammy

The woman is *armed*, and has a temper.
I do my best to exude Southern Charm when she is here.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 29, 2015 12:16 AM (l1zOH)

406 Tuck Rule


Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:16 AM (OsWis)

407 from the side bar...

you gotta be kiddin, I cant copy paste from the side bar?

Posted by: # key at January 29, 2015 12:16 AM (N21UI)

408 Buy property, move to the woods. Gun Up.

Posted by: beats27 at January 29, 2015 12:17 AM (V8L/P)

409 C Crank @ 368
Some buried lines are in a pvc conduit, but most are coated in a special "direct-bury" shearing. I would think that conduit would be worse on heat build up...

You all made me curious, so I just read over the Domini ok n Va Power bill that I have to pay off tomorrow - nowhere does is state kw/h rate. Funny that.
separate charges:
Distribution service $x
Electric Supply svc.
-generation. $ x
-transmission. $ x
-fuel. $ x
That doesn't include the "sales and use surcharge" or the state tax nor the city utility tax.

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 12:17 AM (dTuqN)

One more bit of news from CurLand.

It's official. I'm leaving my beloved Clownifornia and moving to Texas. We're closing my shop and consolidating everything in the much larger TX facility. We're excited on a professional level, and I'm excited personally. Looking forward to it.

No. More. Bullet. Buttons.

Thank you, sweet baby Jesus!

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 29, 2015 12:17 AM (krgKs)

411 Oh hell no. Was she fired or did she resign?

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:06 AM (Pauop)

She resigned.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:17 AM (fpEv+)

412 hey chi.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:17 AM (OsWis)

413 Shit. What about "electable"?

Also bullshit?

Posted by: eman at January 29, 2015 12:09 AM (MQEz6)

Code word for RINO....

Posted by: BB Wolf at January 29, 2015 12:18 AM (qh617)

414 Yay for Robert Downey - I will make a point to see that movie. Shaw's speech on The Indianapolis is a most favorite for me. After watching it about a squillion times, I finally read a book on it - chilling.

Posted by: iamfelix at January 29, 2015 12:18 AM (AiekN)

415 congrats cur.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:18 AM (OsWis)

416 Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 29, 2015 12:17 AM (krgKs)

Wooohoooo!!! TX needs all the red it can get.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:18 AM (Pauop)

417 Fenelon... You're an 'Ette? A Faithful, Gracious woman of Testimony and Biblical fashion? could I have been so foolish?

Your grace has been so smooth and formed of beauty that I was unable to discern your gender.

Your quickness with honesty and Faith is so complete and beautiful that I wandered into stupidity, so as to believe you a Moron.

Goodness, gracious my face is RED!

While I know that you'll accept my apology, I'd also like to thank you.

I'd like to thank you for your soulful inspiration. I'd like to thank you for your Morning Passages. I'd like to thank you for getting me through some tough times, from which, words are not to be applied.

...there are none.

-Thank You

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 12:18 AM (16bOT)

418 My town has a Facebook group so that residents can ask other residents about what's going on around town.

Anyway, they're funny today. There's a spot that used to contain a Target, that after about six years of abandonment is *finally* being revamped into a new store... but no one is completely sure what's going in.

Anyway, someone asked and all the responses are... other stores that are also long gone.

"Millers Outpost!"
"White Front!"


Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:18 AM (elbY7)

419 (On the other hand, my sister is attached to her smartphone.)

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:14 AM (fpEv+)
---------The thing that drives me absolutely bat shit crazy. I'm team captain for three of my four bowing leagues and president on the fourth. There are times when I need to contact various members about different stuff. I can call them on their phone and it goes to voice mail. I can hang up and immediately text them, and I'll get an instant reply. I've asked them why they didn't answer the phone when I called, and I get a blank stare.

Posted by: Old Blue at January 29, 2015 12:18 AM (vVSOO)

420 Fundamentalist" is a pretty broad term. But people who equate "fundamentalist" Christians who may have conservative views on various subjects with the Taliban and their ilk are looking to shut down an argument because they are ignorant.

I agree with you vendette, which is why the stupidity of the liberals who said it made me leave boards where they predominate. It's clear that some of these folks are not familiar with much of the Bible or don't know church history because when I tell them women flocked to the early Christian church because it was more egalitarian than the surrounding culture or that Romans referred to Christianity as a religion "only fit for slaves and women (Hint! Because it offered freedom-In Christ there is no male or female, slave not free, ext) they have NO response.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 29, 2015 12:19 AM (DXzRD)

421 419,

My daughters do that same shit.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:20 AM (OsWis)

422 364
She's an inspiration, Mike. I'm floored by Felelon's gender, is all. I'm speechless.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 12:01 AM (16bOT)

Does that mean that at some point, she was Miss Spoke?

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:20 AM (T1005)

423 Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:18 AM (elbY7)

They forgot Zodys!

Where is this place?

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:20 AM (Pauop)

424 The thing that drives me absolutely bat shit crazy.
I'm team captain for three of my four bowing leagues and president on
the fourth. There are times when I need to contact various members about
different stuff. I can call them on their phone and it goes to voice
mail. I can hang up and immediately text them, and I'll get an instant
reply. I've asked them why they didn't answer the phone when I called,
and I get a blank stare.

Posted by: Old Blue at January 29, 2015 12:18 AM (vVSOO)

Ever been in a room with several other people who are busy looking at smartphones, ipads, or tablets but you're not, because you don't own any of them?


Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:20 AM (fpEv+)

425 Cur, congrats on your impending escape.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at January 29, 2015 12:21 AM (UVfht)

426 So now, since I only use Skype, I can text them, but they cannot text me, thus are forced to either answer the fucking phone or call me.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:21 AM (OsWis)

427 Way to go Cur! You'll love it down in the Lone Star!

Posted by: Old Blue at January 29, 2015 12:22 AM (vVSOO)

428 379
you are a fucking dumbass who has not been paying attention.

Posted by: buzzion at January 29, 2015 12:06 AM (zt+N6)

Thank you. And you need to run for office.

And where the hell is PEACHES???

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:08 AM (Pauop)

Peaches had some private business that was keeping her busy.....but, come to think of it, it's time for an email.

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:22 AM (T1005)

429 28 Who banned smoking first? Fucking Nazis before WW2. That's all I need to know. They banned smoking before they grabbed all the guns. Sound familiar?
Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at January 28, 2015 10:42 PM (ucDmr)

As a smoker, I think the correct order is to ban guns, THEN smoking. Less bloody that way.

Posted by: Drill Thrawl at January 29, 2015 12:22 AM (xtpUs)

430 Tammy, you might remember. It's the spot where Target used to be, near the corner of South Street and Downey Avenue. (It finally closed a year after Lakewood Mall got its two-story Target store.)

And, I think someone *did* say Zody's. I just forgot to list it. ;-)

A LONG time ago, before the Target, it was a Fedmart.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:22 AM (elbY7)

431 Oh, steve, is it the one way down by what used to be Doctors Hospital or is that Long Beach?

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:22 AM (Pauop)

432 Moved to Clownifornia a few years ago from Idaho. Had to sell a bunch of "illegal" weapons. Byzantine gun laws, to say the least.

Posted by: Edmund Burke's Shade at January 29, 2015 12:22 AM (cmBvC)

433 Ever been in a room with several other people who are busy looking at smartphones, ipads, or tablets but you're not, because you don't own any of them?


Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:20 AM (fpEv+)

Was at a bar recently.... reasonable local band playing...

Table in front of us was 7 people, about 30.... all had their cell phones out texting OTHER people...

I was like... why even come to a bar then???

Posted by: BB Wolf at January 29, 2015 12:23 AM (qh617)

434 Question? Why isn't power pulled from a transformer, then house to house, instead of going stem and branch on poles?
Posted by: Jean

There will always be 'line drop', i.e., voltage reduction as the current passes through longer lines. Also, the lines have be larger to carry more current because of the demand from multiple houses. All of which is to say, it is not (practically/economically) possible to string two-phase 220v lines to very many houses. Thus, a higher voltage line is used, and periodically a transformer will feed some small number of houses.

In our case, there are only two houses on one transformer.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 29, 2015 12:23 AM (l1zOH)

435 Thanks, cold beer. You have a silver tongue an are a kind man. :^)I haven't really spoken of my gender. People want to assume I'm female. I might be or I might not be. I might be a person who has women friends who are pastors and doesn't feel like getting into endless debates about the ordination of women. I don't know the gender of a lot of people here and I don't need to know unless they bring it up.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 29, 2015 12:23 AM (DXzRD)

436 I remember Dick Lugar saying all presidents should have their nominees confirmed unless there was something extremely awful in their record. I don't feel bad about voting against him even though he was replaced by a Democrat.

Six of one. Seven of nine.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 12:23 AM (W5DcG)

437 Vendette,

I have my mac and iPad I use at home. When I'm not at home, no phone, no iPad. I kinda like being aware of my surroundings while in public.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of people that are totally clueless in what is going on around them while they're glued to their screens.

No wonder they're easy marks for the criminal class.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:24 AM (OsWis)

438 Tammy, yep, across from Doctors Hospital.

Still a hospital there, but it's not "Doctors Hospital" anymore. I think Tenet bought it.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:24 AM (elbY7)

439 Thank You
Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 12:18 AM (16bOT)


Thank you.

While I was Not the intended recipient, I still love the word the words and the light heartedness, mixed with sometimes serious stuff that you put out here.

Just wanted to let you know you and your posts are much appreciated.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 29, 2015 12:24 AM (xrURQ)

440 Vendette, what is really sad is that you'll see a group of young'uns out in a restaurant or bar and they are all staring at their phones. Not much in the way of conversation or interaction with each other. They're much more interested in whatever it is that they are doing on their phones.

Posted by: Old Blue at January 29, 2015 12:25 AM (vVSOO)

426 So now, since I only use Skype, I can text them, but they cannot text me, thus are forced to either answer the fucking phone or call me.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:21 AM (OsWis)

Me and my lady always text each other first, before we call...

Both to ensure the other is not busy.... but also to warn each other if we are in a place where we have to be careful about what we talk about....

Posted by: BB Wolf at January 29, 2015 12:25 AM (qh617)

442 397
A few years ago, people were appalled that I'd never

been on Facebook (still going...). Now they're appalled I don't have


I also don't have a smartphone.

Are you my long long twin?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 29, 2015 12:03 AM (DXzRD)

Since I have a twin, maybe we're triplets.

(On the other hand, my sister is attached to her smartphone.)

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:14 AM (fpEv+)

Does that make you a twin of a smart-Siamese-twin?

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:25 AM (T1005)

443 I kinda like being aware of my surroundings while in public.

Amen, sister. I've learned the hard way.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:25 AM (Pauop)

444 Moved to Clownifornia a few years ago from Idaho. Had to sell a bunch of "illegal" weapons. Byzantine gun laws, to say the least.

Posted by: Edmund Burke's Shade at January 29, 2015 12:22 AM (cmBvC)

California's gun laws used to be not that bad relative to other states.

The thing is that California had gotten worse while a good chunk of the rest of the country has gotten better.

Sadly, California's AG will likely be a Senator in two years time and thus a leading voice against the 2nd Amendment...

Posted by: The 2nd Amendment Hat at January 29, 2015 12:26 AM (0Ew3K)

445 441,

I don't have the problem of having a significant other to text or call, so that's another headache I do not have ; >

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:26 AM (OsWis)

446 It's clear that some of these folks are not
familiar with much of the Bible or don't know church history because
when I tell them women flocked to the early Christian church because it
was more egalitarian than the surrounding culture or that Romans
referred to Christianity as a religion "only fit for slaves and women
(Hint! Because it offered freedom-In Christ there is no male or female,
slave not free, ext) they have NO response.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 29, 2015 12:19 AM (DXzRD)


Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:27 AM (fpEv+)

447 Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:24 AM (elbY7)

That was always kind of a crappy Target anyway. I preferred the one in Cerritos, off Bloomfield and Del Amo.

We moved to Huntington Beach before the one went in at the mall.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:27 AM (Pauop)

448 Does that make you a twin of a smart-Siamese-twin?

For some reason this came immediately to mind:

SFW unless they happen to hate not quite famous 80's hair bands.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at January 29, 2015 12:28 AM (UVfht)

449 418
My town has a Facebook group so that residents can ask other residents about what's going on around town.

Anyway, they're funny today. There's a spot that used to contain a
Target, that after about six years of abandonment is *finally* being
revamped into a new store... but no one is completely sure what's going

Anyway, someone asked and all the responses are... other stores that are also long gone.



"Millers Outpost!"




"White Front!"


Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:18 AM (elbY7)

Wait -- Fedco's gone?!?!?

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:28 AM (T1005)

450 Does that make you a twin of a smart-Siamese-twin?

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:25 AM (T1005)

Am I a quadruplet or a quintuplet at this point in the thread?

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:28 AM (fpEv+)

451 Wait -- Fedco's gone?!?!?
Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:28 AM (T1005)


Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:29 AM (Pauop)

452 While we were all tossing the techno-goodies into the pot a while ago, I forgot to raise the ante with my non-existent Twitter account.

One thing that annoys me when I see kids texting is..., You've got a damn telephone in your hand! Why don't you call!

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 29, 2015 12:29 AM (l1zOH)

453 Ever been in a room with several other people who are busy looking at smartphones, ipads, or tablets but you're not, because you don't own any of them?


Thirty years ago you were a freak if you had a two way radio.
Today you are a freak if you do not.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 12:29 AM (W5DcG)

454 Another thing about the technology today and the kids..... Every minor pissing match turns into something that absolutely everyone gets involved in, whether through FB, Vine, Instagram, Snapchat, or any other of these Social Media things. Different world than the one I grew up in. I like my childhood better. All of this "Social Media" crap is making us less social and more coarse.

Posted by: Trunk Monkey at January 29, 2015 12:30 AM (fLKzW)

455 Uh... then how are Colorados electricity rates competitive?

You make it a condition of NEW construction... or if they need to move a line... they have to bury it...
Posted by: BB Wolf at January 28, 2015 11:44 PM (qh617)

Does Colorado require new building to bury their utilities? If so, who pays for it, the developer or the utilities? Does the state require the utilities to be buried from their right of ways to the property or all of their utility lines to be buried?

Colorado also pays about 15-25% more per kwhr than the states surrounding it.

My lines from the poles to the house are buried, but the poles are about 30 feet from the house. A housing development about a mile away buried all of their utilities, but that is more the developer doing that than a government requirement.

Also remember if there is a problem with the lines when they are buried, the utilities will have to dig up streets, driveways and lawns to replace those lines, and once you have gotten your sewer or water lines replaced, you will love the damage the repairs do to your property.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper at January 29, 2015 12:30 AM (+Fae7)

456 Tammy, true, I realize that Target was weird now. But I loved it back in the day when I could get VHS movies there, new, for $20 or less. ;-)

cthulhu, yep. Since the 1990s, I believe.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:30 AM (elbY7)

457 Was it Gemco right off the 91 at Lakewood Blvd or was it Fedco?

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:30 AM (Pauop)

458 Cur. First, congrats! Second, might I ask *where* in Texas you're aiming to land? I've got contacts nearly everywhere, and there's more than a few Texans right here in this thread.

Third, *when*, amigo?

Fourth, you are up for shootin', drinkin', cigars and BSsin', ain'tcha? Consider it an invite!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

fifth, holycrapdarkthirty alarm, so Hasta la Nite Nite, Horde!

Posted by: Jim at January 29, 2015 12:32 AM (RzZOc)

459 I kinda like being aware of my surroundings while in public.

Yeah, but then those damn yoga pants made we walk into a support column in the train station.

Posted by: Drill Thrawl at January 29, 2015 12:32 AM (xtpUs)

460 Tammy, I think that was a Gemco years ago, yep. There's also a Target in Signal Hill that was a Gemco years and years ago. It's where I got my first pair of eyeglasses in 1974. ;-)

It's now a Stater Bros. supermarket. And the Staples that was around the corner but in the same building went away a few years ago.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:32 AM (elbY7)

461 Oops... on Lakewood Blvd, the old Gemco is now Stater Brothers, I mean.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:33 AM (elbY7)

462 Tammy, Fedco used to be where the Cerritos Target is now.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:34 AM (elbY7)

463 All of this "Social Media" crap is making us less social and more coarse.
Posted by: Trunk Monkey at January 29, 2015 12:30 AM (fLKzW)

THIS. A thousand times THIS.

I mean, I find myself getting bitchy on Twitter. And I am not that kind of a person IRL, not even to radical nasty Libtards who deserve being piled on. It's just too easy to get carried away.

I think all this interent stuff also makes us more isolated than ever, which is weird, since it makes the entire world available to us, at the same time.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:34 AM (Pauop)

464 459,

Can't say that I have had a similar experience...heh.

I'm more on the lookout for the crazy and the criminal.

I'll leave the yoga pants to you guys.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:34 AM (OsWis)

465 I'm out.
Remember, there WILL be an inspection at 0800 tomorrow, and I damn sure expect this place to be standing tall.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 29, 2015 12:35 AM (l1zOH)

466 Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 29, 2015 12:24 AM (xrURQ)

I am glad if some of the stuff I post has been helpful to you. and you found it amusing. Some people don't like the rspiritual stuff and that's o.k. too. They don't have to read it Some people in my little world like me and some people probably think I'm one of the more awful people to hit the planet but don't we all have people like that?. So far, Ace hasn't been banned me or referred to me as Mike Huckabee so here I am. ;^)

Good night everyone. I have to get the grumpy teen up in five hours so I'l say good night now

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 29, 2015 12:35 AM (DXzRD)

467 I'll leave the yoga pants to you guys.
Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:34 AM (OsWis)

There are some that just can not be ignored.

But I hear ya. Especially in Philthy.

Posted by: Drill Thrawl at January 29, 2015 12:36 AM (xtpUs)

468 Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 29, 2015 12:23 AM (DXzRD)

Just know that your presence, through Him, is felt here. You emanate Love and Peace with every keystroke.

Your words inspire and your Faith keeps hearts afloat.

I am eternally grateful for your knowledge of The Word.

Your Soul beckons Our Lord with Heavy-Metal resonance!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 12:36 AM (16bOT)

469 What about Woolco?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 12:36 AM (W5DcG)

470 Tammy, Fedco used to be where the Cerritos Target is now.
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:34 AM (elbY7)

Ah yes!! I was only visiting out there when all those stores were still around, but I remember them all! Hell, I remember when they built Cerritos Mall out of dairy land. It was damn near all dairy til Disneyland, well, Knotts, anyway.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:36 AM (Pauop)

471 463,

In all honesty, I really don't mind being isolated nowadays.

Books are better than people anyway.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:36 AM (OsWis)

472 Bertram, I read just recently there were never more than just a handful of Woolco stores.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:37 AM (elbY7)

473 Good night, FS!

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:37 AM (fpEv+)

474 451
Wait -- Fedco's gone?!?!?

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:28 AM (T1005)


Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:29 AM (Pauop)

I moved away from SoCal in the late 80's and I haven't kept up. Damn. My roll-top desk is from Fedco, and we used to always get the "cardboard pizza", and it was scandalous when mom would spend more than $30 in one outing......

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:37 AM (T1005)

475 Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper at January 29, 2015 12:30 AM (+Fae7)

So burying water and sewer AOK...

But burying the power, phone and data lines not?

Yes, burying the lines adds to the cost of construction...

But even after Windstorms, Lightning strikes, and multiple Blizzards... in 15 years in Colorado the only time I had the power go out, was once when a water main broke and flooded a junction...

Posted by: BB Wolf at January 29, 2015 12:37 AM (qh617)

476 I;d be happy to have you as a twin, Vendette, or a triplet/. My own sister has lived of the country since 1972 and since I don't do Facebook we sometimes don't talk all that much.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 29, 2015 12:37 AM (DXzRD)

477 Good Night, Fenelon.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 12:38 AM (16bOT)

478 What about Woolco?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 12:36 AM (W5DcG)

Had them in Canada. Above-mentioned twin sister called them by a different name when we were toddlers.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:38 AM (fpEv+)

479 This is depressing if true... HIssy'bollah with M-1 Abrams tank. Off FB

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 29, 2015 12:38 AM (+6nI6)

480 Some people don't like the rspiritual stuff and that's o.k. too. They don't have to read it Some people in my little world like me

Well, I love you to bits and those assholes can fuck off, and so I shall tell them.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:38 AM (Pauop)



Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:38 AM (Pauop)

482 479,


Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:39 AM (OsWis)

483 "Well, I love you to bits and those assholes can fuck off, and so I shall tell them."
-Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:38 AM (Pauop)

So it is written.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 12:39 AM (16bOT)

484 Bertram, I read just recently there were never more than just a handful of Woolco stores.
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:37 AM (elbY7)

Wikipedia says 300.

There were some where I grew up in Louisville area.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 12:39 AM (W5DcG)

485 looks like an M1A1D, by the commander's hatch

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:39 AM (OsWis)

486 Woolworths, though. On Bellfower Blvd. in Bellflower, as I recall.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:40 AM (Pauop)

487 Yeah, I don't understand how you get rid of leaves with a leaf blower either. It must be sorcery.

Posted by: rickl at January 29, 2015 12:40 AM (sdi6R)

488 how the FUCK did they get that???

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:40 AM (OsWis)

489 Time to meet the Sandman--until the baby, or dog, or wife, or morning wakes me. Currently my bet is on Son of Crank.

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 12:40 AM (Gosad)

490 I'll leave the yoga pants to you guys.

Posted by: SMFH at
Slap and I have already admitted to wearing spandex cycling shorts years ago.
I won't speak for him, but you DO NOT want to see me in yoga pants!

*and G'night to everyone leaving or gone while I was away.

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 12:40 AM (dTuqN)

491 Bertram, maybe I'm wrong. ;-)

Spooky to think of how many stores I've been to, or even places I actually *worked*, no longer exist.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:41 AM (elbY7)

492 Time to meet the Sandman--until the baby, or dog, or wife, or morning wakes me. Currently my bet is on Son of Crank.

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 12:40 AM (Gosad)

Good night, and I hope you all sleep through the night!

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:41 AM (fpEv+)

493 Night Crank. Kiss that sweet wee Cranklette for me!

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:41 AM (Pauop)

494 By the way, there's a Me-N-Eds Pizza up here in Fremont....Arbalest and I ate there a couple of months ago.

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:41 AM (T1005)

495 So burying water and sewer AOK...

Can you imagine overhead water and sewer.
The movie Brazil comes to mind.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 12:42 AM (W5DcG)

496 Tammy, there was a Woolworths in Lakewood Mall too.

Now a Red Robin on the outdoor side, and something else on the indoor side.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:42 AM (elbY7)

497 487 Yeah, I don't understand how you get rid of leaves with a leaf blower either. It must be sorcery.

Posted by: rickl at January 29, 2015 12:40 AM (sdi6R)

Well... my neighbor does it...

He blows them into my yard... and I end up picking them up...


Posted by: BB Wolf at January 29, 2015 12:42 AM (qh617)

498 The backlash against mention of no-go zones has gotten to the point where CNN anchor Anderson Cooper actually apologized for letting several guests mention them on his program

That's pretty ironic, considering the CNN itself is a "no go zone" in the Neilsen ratings.

Posted by: zombie at January 29, 2015 12:42 AM (K4YiS)

499 So it is written.
Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 12:39 AM (16bOT)

So it shall be fucking DONE.

Damn it, I need Berserker here to gimme some power chord back up on that.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:42 AM (Pauop)

500 SMFH

When your officers sell you out... free arms bazaar.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 29, 2015 12:42 AM (+6nI6)

501 AoS: Come for the content, stay for the occasional prayer meeting.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:43 AM (fpEv+)

502 471

In all honesty, I really don't mind being isolated nowadays.

Books are better than people anyway.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:36 AM (OsWis)


Didn't you forget to include Elder Gods somewhere in there?

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:43 AM (T1005)

503 495 So burying water and sewer AOK...

Can you imagine overhead water and sewer.
The movie Brazil comes to mind.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 12:42 AM (W5DcG)


Posted by: Roman Citizen at January 29, 2015 12:43 AM (qh617)

Biggest issue with the buried power lines is the trouble finding / fixing a fault.

Of course the most common fault is caused by the homeowners planting those bushes to hide that ugly transformer. Nick the insulation and a couple of years later the power goes outevery timeit's been raining long enough forthe ground to get saturated.

People don't know what they are risking by digging next to one of those things. That buried powerline doesn't always come up directly under that green box.

Posted by: PM Rich at January 29, 2015 12:43 AM (eEBON)

505 heh chi,

I have never liked guys in spandex, thanks for the heads up ; >

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:43 AM (OsWis)

506 cthulhu: Lakewood has the very last surviving Me-N-Eds in all of Southern California, and it's literally only walking distance from me. After 50 years it's still doing really well and a popular spot for families, especially on the weekends.

Yours in Fremont (Central California) is probably the closest one to mine.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:43 AM (elbY7)

507 G'Night, C. Crank!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 12:43 AM (16bOT)

508 He blows them into my yard... and I end up picking them up...

Blow them back.
To the tune of dueling banjos.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 12:44 AM (W5DcG)

509 hi all
how is everyone tonite?

Posted by: chemjeff at January 29, 2015 12:44 AM (9GG/0)

510 Good night, FenelonSpoke. I'm not terribly religious, but I always read your comments. Hopefully something will rub off on me.

Posted by: rickl at January 29, 2015 12:44 AM (sdi6R)

511 Anna,

I just didn't know we left the Iraqis Abrams, even M1A1s...I just assumed they'd be stored in Kuwait with the rest of them.

Silly me.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:44 AM (OsWis)

512 495 So burying water and sewer AOK... 
Can you imagine overhead water and sewer. 
The movie Brazil comes to mind. 

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at
Not to mention that little thing called "gravity" with sewer lines...

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 12:45 AM (dTuqN)

513 Actually with Brazil it was duct work and illegal HVAC repair. With rain and truly plastic plastic surgery.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 29, 2015 12:45 AM (+6nI6)

514 Oops, correction: Fremont is Northern CA.

Closest Me-N-Eds to Lakewood is in Fresno.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:45 AM (elbY7)

515 Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:42 AM (elbY7)

I don't remember that. I remember there being some kind of gawt damned cafeteria in the mall, though, and damn did my grandma like to go there. There was also one in the Stonewood Center. (That was not a good mall, IIRC)

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:45 AM (Pauop)

516 "I have never liked guys in spandex, thanks for the heads up ; >"
-Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:43 AM (OsWis)

Now look at what you have done. We're not in Kansas, anymore.

...You and that little dog, too.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 12:45 AM (16bOT)

517 how is everyone tonite?

Posted by: chemjeff at January 29, 2015 12:44 AM (9GG/0)

Is it awful that one time I told off my high school chemistry teacher that I knew what the triangle meant because it was that was how my great-aunt Delta signed the Christmas cards?

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:46 AM (fpEv+)

518 "Good night, FenelonSpoke. I'm not terribly religious, but I always read your comments. Hopefully something will rub off on me."
-Posted by: rickl at January 29, 2015 12:44 AM (sdi6R)


Love you, brother!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 12:47 AM (16bOT)

519 Tammy, sure you're not thinking of Clifton's Cafeteria in the Lakewood Mall?

Also, I don't know how it's doing these days, but I worked in Downey in the early 1990s when Stonewood Mall got a huge remodel and as a result had a big-time comeback after years of neglect.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:47 AM (elbY7)

520 Why do I not remember where Me N Eds is?? I know where Ciravellos is.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:47 AM (Pauop)

521 seems they also have HETTs to transport said M1A1Ds

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:47 AM (OsWis)

522 SMFH:

You rock. That is all.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:48 AM (fpEv+)

523 Cliftons, probably! Gads I hate cafeteria/buffet style places.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:48 AM (Pauop)

524 508
He blows them into my yard... and I end up picking them up...

Blow them back.

To the tune of dueling banjos.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 12:44 AM (W5DcG)

You all should see what chi has to put up with. I've seen it with my own two eyes.

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:48 AM (T1005)

525 Can't carry as much current per circular-mil either, because of heat dissipation.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 28, 2015 11:36 PM (l1zOH)

And inductive losses might be much worse, especially in damp ground.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 29, 2015 12:48 AM (upitO)

526 Tammy, Cirivellos fell on hard times, a lot of people abandoned them saying the pizza was ruined by years of cheaper and cheaper ingredients, and I believe they went out of business for a bit.

Now they're back and literally begging people to give them a second chance, even adding delivery. Apparently they didn't deliver before.

And Me-N-Eds is near the corner of Paramount Blvd and Carson Street.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:49 AM (elbY7)

527 Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:46 AM (fpEv+)


Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:49 AM (Pauop)

528 522,

: )

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:49 AM (OsWis)

529 hi all
how is everyone tonite?

Yesterday I had lunch at Applebee's in Milpitas, CA in your honor.

Today I'm back in my own little corner of hell.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at January 29, 2015 12:49 AM (UVfht)

530 For the first time in my life I am proud of my current FLOTUS. Go Michelle. The only way you would have topped it was to wear one of your muscle shirts and a short skirt. I do love that she did not cover up for the Saudis.

Posted by: keena at January 29, 2015 12:49 AM (RiTnx)

531 Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:49 AM (elbY7)

Ah, okay, I never went that far much.

Is the Thirsty Isle still at Lkwd and Carson??

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:50 AM (Pauop)

532 NO. it's AWESOME!

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:49 AM (Pauop)

I showed him a card.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:50 AM (fpEv+)

533 512
495 So burying water and sewer AOK...


Can you imagine overhead water and sewer.

The movie Brazil comes to mind.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at


Not to mention that little thing called "gravity" with sewer lines...

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 12:45 AM (dTuqN)

I saw "The Flying Shits" open for "Regrettably Earthbound" at The Cabaret in San Jose in 1985.....

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:51 AM (T1005)

534 Tammy, don't tell that to my mom. ;-)

She met my dad in 1957 while working at Manning's Cafeteria in downtown Long Beach. He was the son of her boss, Mae, who I believe was one of the senior kitchen personnel there at that time.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:51 AM (elbY7)

535 shouldn't be too concerned with the goatfuckers and their tank.

The chances of them being able to conduct proper PMCS on the thing is between slim and none.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:51 AM (OsWis)

536 *bangs head into keyboard*

The Boeing 747-8 has been selected as the replacement for Air Force One. Instead of the Airbus A380.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 29, 2015 12:51 AM (+6nI6)

537 And, BB Wolf, don't get me started on neighbors with their blowers.
As I've mentioned before, I have one that uses his blower three to five times per day. Yes. You read that right. I've even seen him in the pouring rain with his umbrella in one hand and his gas powered headache in the other.
Cthulhu witnessed the jackhole blowing his leaves out into the street and into his neighbors' yards.

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 12:51 AM (dTuqN)

538 Tammy, Thirsty Isle still there. That place is unkillable. ;-)

But the nearby Lakewood Theater (an infamous member of the Pussycat chain) is long gone by now.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:52 AM (elbY7)

539 The Boeing 747-8 has been selected as the replacement for Air Force One. Instead of the Airbus A380.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 29, 2015 12:51 AM (+6nI6)

Buy American???

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:52 AM (fpEv+)

540 Don't bet on it SMFH, the Iranians have managed somehow to keep some of the F-14s flying.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 29, 2015 12:52 AM (+6nI6)

541 I do love that she did not cover up for the Saudis.

I have no love for Mooch at all but I do agree with that statement.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 12:52 AM (W5DcG)

542 I do love that she did not cover up for the Saudis.
Posted by: keena at January 29, 2015 12:49 AM (RiTnx)

Save it. She didn't have to cover her head. It IS NOT required. She WOULD have covered her head had she gone to a mosque, or she'd have been flogged down the street.

She wore a very modest dress, stood behind Obama, not beside him, didn't offer her hand to any man who didn't offer it first. She stayed right in line with protocol. she didn't defy a damn thing.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:53 AM (Pauop)

543 I was just thinking of Gaylord Focker tooling around in the Airbus A380 as President.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 29, 2015 12:53 AM (+6nI6)

544 Laura Bush didn't cover her head.

Princess Diana didn't cover her head.

It is NOT required of western women, or I should say the wives of western heads of state, mainly.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:55 AM (Pauop)

545 540,

I was just going from experience when I had to give a block of instruction on how to borescope the gun tube of a T-72 to Iraqis in 2006...

I didn't know shit about Russian tank turrets until I had to show them how to maintain one.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:55 AM (OsWis)

546 "I saw "The Flying Shits" open for "Regrettably Earthbound" at The Cabaret in San Jose in 1985..."
-Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:51 AM (T1005)

Unfortunately, this is going to happen every seventeen years unless someone stops the Moons reflection upon "Yonder Sea".

Fortunately, a simple 1'x1' stone in front of the Point of Inflection will do the trick.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 12:55 AM (16bOT)

547 516 - heh.
If you ever come visited has my approval to bi tell your ass (or ankle, as the case may be).

And don't tempt me - I'm sure I could come up with a 25 t ars old pic of me in all my gear...

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 12:55 AM (dTuqN)

548 515
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 12:42 AM (elbY7)

I don't remember that. I remember there being some kind of gawt
damned cafeteria in the mall, though, and damn did my grandma like to
go there. There was also one in the Stonewood Center. (That was not a
good mall, IIRC)

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 12:45 AM (Pauop)

Clifton's Cafeteria.....I LOVED going there -- you got CHOICES!!!!

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:55 AM (T1005)

549 542,


Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 12:56 AM (OsWis)

550 Alberta - Just about to shut down here, but I asked the other day, what is the condition of the TR6? Drivable?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 29, 2015 12:56 AM (l1zOH)

551 Yeah basically Michelle Obama demonstrated that she listens to some of the stuff her diplomatic protocol handlers tell her. As opposed to her husband Mr. Bows-to-everyone.

Posted by: buzzion at January 29, 2015 12:56 AM (zt+N6)

Is it awful that one time I told off my high
school chemistry teacher that I knew what the triangle meant because it
was that was how my great-aunt Delta signed the Christmas cards?

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:46 AM (fpEv+)

No not at all. That's awesome actually!
Although I'm glad your aunt wasn't named Zeta, that would have caused hand cramps signing those cards

Posted by: chemjeff at January 29, 2015 12:57 AM (9GG/0)

553 Apparently they are going to order three of them. Reagan only ordered two. And way way at the bottom they reveal Airbus declined because they would have to set up production in the US.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 29, 2015 12:57 AM (+6nI6)

554 Hate is a strong word, but I truly hate whoever invented autocucumber

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 12:58 AM (dTuqN)

And, BB Wolf, don't get me started on neighbors with their blowers.

As I've mentioned before, I have one that uses his blower three to
five times per day. Yes. You read that right. I've even seen him in the
pouring rain with his umbrella in one hand and his gas powered headache
in the other.

Cthulhu witnessed the jackhole blowing his leaves out into the street and into his neighbors' yards.

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 12:51 AM (dTuqN)

Several years back when Mr. Vendette was deployed there were two big dumps of snow to the point when this Canadian was saying "enough". Between the two dumps it was over two feet of wet cement. Yours truly duly shoveled. The neighbor had people come in to do the shoveling, much of which ended up on Mr. Vendette's lawn up to where I couldn't hurl the shovel above the pile, which was about 6 feet tall. I had to walk the snow across the street.

The neighbors across the street, one of whom had the most conservative 10-year-old I'd ever met, helped me out. I appreciate the dad and son to this day for helping me out.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:58 AM (fpEv+)

556 No not at all. That's awesome actually!
Although I'm glad your aunt wasn't named Zeta, that would have caused hand cramps signing those cards

Posted by: chemjeff at January 29, 2015 12:57 AM (9GG/0)

Merry Christmas!

Love, Aunt Triangle.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 12:59 AM (fpEv+)

557 537
And, BB Wolf, don't get me started on neighbors with their blowers.

As I've mentioned before, I have one that uses his blower three to
five times per day. Yes. You read that right. I've even seen him in the
pouring rain with his umbrella in one hand and his gas powered headache
in the other.

Cthulhu witnessed the jackhole blowing his leaves out into the street and into his neighbors' yards.

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 12:51 AM (dTuqN)

Hah! Beat you to it @524. Seriously, kids -- chi's got the gold standard of leafblowing asswipes. He should post it on youtube.

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 01:00 AM (T1005)

558 condition of the TR6? Drivable?

Are the 6JB6s good?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 01:00 AM (W5DcG)

559 Apparently they are going to order three of them.
Reagan only ordered two. And way way at the bottom they reveal Airbus
declined because they would have to set up production in the US.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 29, 2015 12:57 AM (+6nI6)

Planning ahead for the 2016 campaign, if they can get them in time?

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:00 AM (fpEv+)

560 "White Front!" pop bought me a black and white tv from White Front. i wish i still had it.

Posted by: north and judd at January 29, 2015 01:00 AM (YA/6B)

561 So burying water and sewer AOK...

But burying the power, phone and data lines not?

Yes, burying the lines adds to the cost of construction...

But even after Windstorms, Lightning strikes, and multiple Blizzards... in 15 years in Colorado the only time I had the power go out, was once when a water main broke and flooded a junction...
Posted by: BB Wolf at January 29, 2015 12:37 AM (qh617)

Here in Virginia we get ice storms, heavy wet snows, tornados, remnants of hurricanes/tropical storms, and lots of rain. We lose power from time to time, but most of the power outages aren't to localized, they occur because the high voltage transmission lines have problems, and those can't be buried.

Plus, the homes in the neighborhood/quadrant of the city were built between 40 and 100 years ago. Tearing up the streets and right of ways would be a hell of a headache. Right now the gas company is replacing some of the lines in the neighborhood, and we have several very busy streets closed for about a month to do it. Hell, just repairing a water main leak means that the streets have to be torn up.

Just think what will happen when the cable/telco decides that they will run fiber optic cables. They will probably take their time in places where they have to bury the line and go straight to where they can hang it.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper at January 29, 2015 01:01 AM (+Fae7)

562 yeah Mooch isn't exactly acting like some rebel in Saudi Arabia.

Funny how she respects their backwards misogynistic customs abroad, but she doesn't respect our modern liberty customs here

Posted by: chemjeff at January 29, 2015 01:01 AM (9GG/0)

563 "Don't bet on it SMFH, the Iranians have managed somehow to keep some of the F-14s flying."

Which is why the geniuses at the five-sided asylum have decreed that the vast majority of retired USN Tomcat frames be totally destroyed.

I mean, heaven forfend that we have crack Iranian infiltration teams running around the United States, busy late at night stealing old wing skin panels off of otherwise totally demilitarized and cannibalized F-14s on static museum display. That would be the end of the world as we know it.

Posted by: torquewrench at January 29, 2015 01:01 AM (noWW6)

564 Charles Townes died yesterday.

Read his obituary and think to yourself while reading it that this is the exact kind of person the Social Justice Warriors loathe: his entire life was an exercise in "White Privilege," as he used logic, reason, the scientific method and (in his case) belief in a patriarchal God to unlock the secrets of the Universe -- not in some bullshit way, but in hard cold reality:

This one man achieved more and provided more benefit to mankind that all the Gender Studies departments, all the Social Justice Warriors, all the PC whiners, all the identity politics race pimps, all the liberal art charlatans and all the progressive pseudoscientists who ever lived, combined.

And for that, he is persona non grata in this brave new world.

Posted by: zombie at January 29, 2015 01:01 AM (K4YiS)

565 Are the 6JB6s good?
Posted by: Bertram

Heh. The valves.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 29, 2015 01:01 AM (l1zOH)

566 G'night everyone.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at January 29, 2015 01:01 AM (UVfht)

567 Clifton's Cafeteria.....I LOVED going there -- you got CHOICES!!!!
Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:55 AM (T1005)

Blech... people sneezing and coughing and hacking all over the food, to say nothing of letting their boogery fingered chirrens poke

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:02 AM (Pauop)

568 563,


Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 01:02 AM (OsWis)

569 Blanco! Hello and goodnight.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:02 AM (Pauop)

570 Night, Blanco!

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:03 AM (fpEv+)

571 G'Night, Blanco.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:03 AM (16bOT)

572 niters Blanco

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 01:03 AM (OsWis)

573 The answer is obvious, just send the power digitally over the internet.

Posted by: Neal Grassy Tyson at January 29, 2015 01:04 AM (l1zOH)

574 So... The Washington Nationals bought another RP yesterday.

Who is going to challenge them with the Starting Rotation, let-alone the bullpen?

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:04 AM (16bOT)

575 LOL. Post at FB about how cops got into a high-speed chase with... a Smart car.

Wasn't hard to trap the guy inside. All the cops had to do was throw a gumball in the path of the Smart, which ran over it, lost control and immediately tumbled over. ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:04 AM (elbY7)

576 575,


Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 01:05 AM (OsWis)

577 Tammy, that's HomeTown Buffet you're thinking of. ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:05 AM (elbY7)

578 ...certainly no one in the East?

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:05 AM (16bOT)

579 you know, if humans didn't have fingers, would we call it "digital"? Think about it.

Posted by: otho at January 29, 2015 01:05 AM (tBSrv)

580 567
Clifton's Cafeteria.....I LOVED going there -- you got CHOICES!!!!

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:55 AM (T1005)

Blech... people sneezing and coughing and hacking all over the food,
to say nothing of letting their boogery fingered chirrens poke

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:02 AM (Pauop)

Mind you, this was my opinion when I was a boogery-fingered chirren who could poke everything......

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 01:06 AM (T1005)

581 *scribbles note*

For the Gumball Rally, don't use a SmartCar.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at January 29, 2015 01:06 AM (+6nI6)

582 So... The Washington Nationals bought another RP yesterday.

Who is going to challenge them with the Starting Rotation, let-alone the bullpen?

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:04 AM (16bOT)

Because the Nats' offense has done them well when the pitchers keep them in games...

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:07 AM (fpEv+)

583 The answer is obvious, just send the power digitally over the internet.
Posted by: Neal Grassy Tyson at January 29, 2015 01:04 AM (l1zOH)

We could do it except the Republicans hate SCIENCE!!!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 01:07 AM (W5DcG)

584 579
you know, if humans didn't have fingers, would we call it "digital"? Think about it.

Posted by: otho at January 29, 2015 01:05 AM (tBSrv)

Tentacle is already taken....

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 01:07 AM (T1005)

585 Anna, LOL.

"Oh noes, cops are after me!! I'll make a quick getaway in my Sm--- OH SHIT!!!!!!!1!!"

((**smacks own head**))

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:08 AM (elbY7)

586 567 Clifton's Cafeteria.....I LOVED going there -- you got CHOICES!!!!
Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 12:55 AM (T1005)

Blech... people sneezing and coughing and hacking all over the food, to say nothing of letting their boogery fingered chirrens poke
Posted by: Tammy al Thor

Man, I loved Clifton's too!

Best of all were their "Food for Thot" pamphlets, available at every table and by the front door. They were so old-school that I saved several of them and still have them.

The deer heard, the waterfalls, the bums -- there will never be another place like it.

Posted by: zombie at January 29, 2015 01:08 AM (K4YiS)

587 ..."Mind you, this was my opinion when I was a boogery-fingered chirren who could poke everything..."
-Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 01:06 AM (T1005)

*pokes your Jell-O*

My apologies. I just wanted to see it wiggle.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:08 AM (16bOT)

588 Blech... people sneezing and coughing and hacking all over the food,
to say nothing of letting their boogery fingered chirrens poke

That's how you build up your immunity.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 01:09 AM (W5DcG)

589 "Because the Nats' offense has done them well when the pitchers keep them in games..."
-Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:07 AM (fpEv+)

Adding Max Scherzer?

See Also:

Atlanta Braves circa 1997

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:10 AM (16bOT)

590 1995 - 1997, even.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:11 AM (16bOT)

591 Some interesting background on Clifton's --

Apparently, it was owned by some Jesus-freak yahoos from the sticks who had the insane idea that you could eat there when you were broke and not pay.

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 01:11 AM (T1005)

592 Yeah, I don't understand how you get rid of leaves with a leaf blower either. It must be sorcery.

Posted by: rickl at January 29, 2015 12:40 AM (sdi6R)

Based on my extensive observations, the purpose of leaf blowers is not to get rid of leaves, it's to keep Mexicans in permanent employment.

Most rational use of a leaf blower I ever saw was a used car lot in Canada that used it to blow snow off the cars in the lot.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 29, 2015 01:12 AM (upitO)

593 Adding Max Scherzer?

See Also:

Atlanta Braves circa 1997

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:10 AM (16bOT)

I'm speaking about the past couple seasons. Pitchers keeping them in the game and the offense not showing up.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:12 AM (fpEv+)

594 Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:04 AM (16bOT)

You need to get Dildo's email and start doing the Baseball thread, now that Cochran's head is all up in Herself's ass on their podcast.

I was PROMISED a baseball thread, damn it!

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:12 AM (Pauop)

595 when we trekked to the mall we'd eat at Bumbleberry's.

Posted by: north and judd at January 29, 2015 01:13 AM (YA/6B)

596 "I was just going from experience when I had to give a block of instruction on how to borescope the gun tube of a T-72 to Iraqis in 2006... I didn't know shit about Russian tank turrets until I had to show them how to maintain one."

That tank was part of Iraqi TO-and-E going back ages. It's pretty amazing that they were reliant on you to show them. Decay of institutional knowledge.

I bought a couple of beers for a retired treadhead who spent many years training to fight Soviet armor in the Fulda Gap. I asked what his first impression was when he got to look around inside a late-model Red MBT.

He said that the autoloader scared the crap out of him.

Not only was the tank smaller inside than he was used to, but there was this terrifying mechanical monster churning away in those close quarters. With a reputation for grabbing stray limbs and stuffing them into the breech of the gun. Oh boy.

Posted by: torquewrench at January 29, 2015 01:13 AM (noWW6)

597 587
..."Mind you, this was my opinion when I was a boogery-fingered chirren who could poke everything..."

-Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 01:06 AM (T1005)

*pokes your Jell-O*

My apologies. I just wanted to see it wiggle.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:08 AM (16bOT)

No, that's quite all right. *pokes* *pokes* It does jiggle nicely, doesn't it? *puts back on shelf for next customer*

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 01:13 AM (T1005)

598 Based on my extensive observations, the purpose of leaf blowers is not to get rid of leaves, it's to keep Mexicans in permanent employment.

They have to do something when they come our of the shadows.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 01:14 AM (W5DcG)

599 Alberta - Just about to shut down here, but I asked the other day, what is the condition of the TR6? Drivable?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 29, 2015 12:56 AM (l1zOH)

Responded the other night, but the thread got dead. Runs, but needs TLC. Electrical issues (noooo!), and the carbs need to be rebuilt. But brakes and clutch work OK.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 29, 2015 01:15 AM (upitO)

600 -Maddux



Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:15 AM (16bOT)

601 (next customer in line with her tray at Clifton's)

"How do they get those Jell-O squares to all wiggle together like that??"

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:15 AM (elbY7)

602 You need to get Dildo's email and start doing the Baseball thread, now that Cochran's head is all up in Herself's ass on their podcast.

I was PROMISED a baseball thread, damn it!
Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:12 AM (Pauop)

L oh freaking L about the new Pod people.,

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 29, 2015 01:16 AM (OBxdH)

603 I just wanted to see it wiggle.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:08 AM (16bOT)

No, that's quite all right. *pokes* *pokes* It does jiggle nicely, doesn't it? *puts back on shelf for next customer*
Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 01:13 AM (T1005)

God I love this place.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:16 AM (Pauop)

604 I'll add, Coldbeer, that Soriano as the closer brought trepidation in the hearts of Nats fans. May have the Nats done wrong in the last post-season with Storen instead? Perhaps. But Soriano scared people.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:17 AM (fpEv+)

605 "This one man achieved more and provided more benefit to mankind that all the Gender Studies departments, all the Social Justice Warriors, all the PC whiners, all the identity politics race pimps, all the liberal art charlatans and all the progressive pseudoscientists who ever lived, combined."

Consider how many years Townes was on the faculty at... UC Berkeley.

Posted by: torquewrench at January 29, 2015 01:17 AM (noWW6)

606 Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at January 29, 2015 01:16 AM (OBxdH)

I'm sure it's outstanding, but I want my fucking baseball thread.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:17 AM (Pauop)

607 I could do a baseball thread, but if Cochran's has been "delayed", who would want to see what I have written?

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:18 AM (16bOT)

608 osted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:18 AM (16bOT)

Charlie Brown's Dildo is the one who posts it for him or used to, anyway.

Did I mention how much I love this place?

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:19 AM (Pauop)

609 heh Tammy

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 01:20 AM (OsWis)

610 Which is why the geniuses at the five-sided asylum have decreed that the vast majority of retired USN Tomcat frames be totally destroyed.

I mean, heaven forfend that we have crack Iranian infiltration teams running around the United States, busy late at night stealing old wing skin panels off of otherwise totally demilitarized and cannibalized F-14s on static museum display. That would be the end of the world as we know it.
Posted by: torquewrench at January 29, 2015 01:01 AM (noWW6)

I wonder if the Russians/Chicomms don't have a program like the "Bear Spares" that the US had. The US was able to manufacture replacement parts and other materials for Russian made armaments so that countries could buy from us instead of being reliant on the Russians if that country had a change of leadership/direction.

I can really see the Chinese providing those parts to places like Iran.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper at January 29, 2015 01:20 AM (+Fae7)

611 -Strasburg





Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:15 AM (16bOT)

According to the local media, Zimmerman and Strasburg can be had for the right price. I'd keep Fister and Roark in a heartbeat.

I saw Strasburg when he was at the single A team doing rehab after his surgery. Got some great photos of his pitches.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:21 AM (fpEv+)

612 Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:17 AM (fpEv+)

Was he or was he not on the Postseason Roster?

Was I right?

...or was I wrong?

How did he perform in the Postseason?

*pokes the Jell-O*

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:21 AM (16bOT)

613 Or maybe I misunderstood you.

I am operating under the assumption that any delay was brought on by Cocjran having bigger fish to fry now.

And good on him, but you have perhaps seen me mention a time or two that I WANT MY FUCKING BASEBALL THREAD!

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:21 AM (Pauop)

614 Based on my extensive observations, the purpose of leaf blowers is not to get rid of leaves, it's to keep Mexicans in permanent employment.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

I wrote one of my best essays ever (in my opinion) on that very topic:

The Leaf-Blower Paradox and the Fundamental Fallacy of Obamanomics

A sample passage from the essay:

"Obama’s fundamental misapprehension of employment economics reminds me of an intriguing paradox I observed first-hand just a few months ago when I visited a relative who lived in a suburban tract:

Twice a week, my relative hired a “gardener” to clean up the front yard. I put “gardener” in quotes because this young hardworking immigrant didn’t actually know anything about plants or gardens; basically his only task was to get rid of the leaves that fell from the trees in front of the house. He achieved this very quickly and efficiently by using a gas-powered leaf-blower. Perhaps when he was first hired his technique was to blow all the leaves into a big pile which he would then load into his truck for removal. A few may have gone into the neighbors’ yards, but hey, they were out of my relative’s yard, so problem solved. I imagine that over time, as he got hired by more and more people in the tract due to his low rates, he worked quicker and quicker and sloppier and sloppier, until the day I observed him, when he no longer even made a pretense of gathering the leaves into a pile; instead, he just blew them all into the neighbors’ yards, and then hopped into his truck and drove off to his next client. At three or four yards per hour, he was (metaphorically at least) raking it in.

But here’s where the paradox begins. The neighbors would come back from their jobs at the end of the day, and see all the leaves on their lawns, and they’d call up their own gardeners who would proceed to do the exact same thing in reverse — blow all the same leaves back into my relative’s and adjacent neighbors’ yards. This cycle would go on across the entire tract, because the same leaf-shedding trees had been planted along every street: everyone would hire gardeners to blow the leaves back and forth from yard to yard. At the end of each week, exactly nothing had been achieved: all the leaves were back where they started. And then the cycle would begin again.

A normal person would look at this situation and say, “What a monumental waste of effort. So much human labor for no purpose whatsoever; after all those man-hours, nothing has changed. All the leaves are back in their original positions.”

Obama would look at this same situation and say, “How can you claim that nothing was achieved? Forty-seven gardeners are now fully employed!”

But I look at it and see what the radical theorists see: It’s not true at all that nothing has changed. Maybe the leaves are all in their original positions, but a great deal of money has been transferred from the middle-class homeowners to the immigrant gardeners.

If you think that “economic redistribution” from the middle-class to the “working poor” is desirable, then you see the Leaf-Blower Paradox not as a paradox at all but as a neat mechanism for extracting money from the more-well-off and giving it to the less-well-off.

But then the question arises: Why bother with the leaves at all? A simpler way to achieve the same thing would be for the “gardeners” to just drive very slowly through the neighborhood and each homeowner would toss $20 bills in the backs of their pickups trucks. The end result would be exactly the same.

Yet even this ludicrous scenario is not satisfactory for the true radicals. Why even bother with the pickup trucks? The Obamas of this world can (and do) produce the same result by instituting a tax — let’s call it the “Unemployed Gardener Tax” — and utilize the government as a middleman to transfer money from the employed to the unemployed. The gardeners can just sit at home watching TV all day, while the IRS collects extra taxes from the middle-class workers and doles it out as benefits to the would-be gardeners.

Posted by: zombie at January 29, 2015 01:21 AM (K4YiS)

615 610,

*pours double shot, throws it back*


God help us if we get into a serious pissing contest with any of them...

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 01:21 AM (OsWis)

616 Are the 6JB6s good?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at January 29, 2015 01:00 AM (W5DcG)

No, all the vacuum done leaked out.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 29, 2015 01:22 AM (upitO)

617 Re Air Force One:

I remember when AF1 was a 707. IIRC, the 747 debuted during the Nixon administration. Before that it was a propeller-driven plane.

How many people fly on a typical Presidential trip? I figure the President, his family, SS detail, press corps, and who else? Is there really a need for a jumbo jet apart from sheer prestige?

I'm sure Obama would prefer an Airbus 380 complete with swimming pool and basketball court.

If I were President, I'd prefer a smaller plane, possibly capable of supersonic flight. It would make a smaller and more elusive target for potential enemies.

Posted by: rickl at January 29, 2015 01:23 AM (sdi6R)

618 Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:21 AM (fpEv+)

I saw him pitch when he was at San Diego State. I thought he'd be better, frankly! In juries don't help, but...

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:23 AM (Pauop)

619 Yup... Strasburg is "On The Trade-Block".

That leaves them with Six Pitchers for Five Rotation Spots.

...they still have Gio Gonzalez.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:23 AM (16bOT)

620 Was he or was he not on the Postseason Roster?

Was I right?

...or was I wrong?

How did he perform in the Postseason?

*pokes the Jell-O*

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:21 AM (16bOT)

He wasn't, and I can say that I was in the "keep Soriano off the post-season roster" camp.
Whether that was right or wrong, we'll never know.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:24 AM (fpEv+)

621 Posted by: zombie at January 29, 2015 01:21 AM (K4YiS)

*golf clap*

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:25 AM (Pauop)

622 612
Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:17 AM (fpEv+)

Was he or was he not on the Postseason Roster?

Was I right?

...or was I wrong?

How did he perform in the Postseason?

*pokes the Jell-O*

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:21 AM (16bOT)

You're still poking the cherry? Check this out. *pokes adjacent lime jello* Now, THAT'S a jiggle!

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 01:26 AM (T1005)

623 "In Soviet Russia, The Fifth Element is bread."

Hahaha... gotta give the russkies props for that.

Posted by: otho at January 29, 2015 01:26 AM (tBSrv)

624 Laura Bush ( who was an incredibly classy first lady) and Princess Diana were years ago and the world, especially the JEFs world is more culturally correct/ sensitive. So given her bowing submissive husband, she did me proud that she didn't cover up. I know it's not protocol for westerners but it's also not protocol for them to bow, so props to Michelle for having the balls I don't see in others in that administration.
And I am not and wasn't a fan of hers but I'm glad she didn't succumb to th current trends

Posted by: keena at January 29, 2015 01:27 AM (RiTnx)

625 I saw him pitch when he was at San Diego State. I thought he'd be better, frankly! In juries don't help, but...

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:23 AM (Pauop)

The first game he pitched in the majors was glorious. I wish I had been there.

I think that teams have figured him out at this point.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:27 AM (fpEv+)

626 I'm not giving that bitch props for shit.

Fuck her and her husband.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 01:28 AM (OsWis)

627 617
Re Air Force One:

I remember when AF1 was a 707. IIRC, the 747 debuted during the
Nixon administration. Before that it was a propeller-driven plane.

How many people fly on a typical Presidential trip? I figure the
President, his family, SS detail, press corps, and who else? Is there
really a need for a jumbo jet apart from sheer prestige?

I'm sure Obama would prefer an Airbus 380 complete with swimming pool and basketball court.

If I were President, I'd prefer a smaller plane, possibly capable of
supersonic flight. It would make a smaller and more elusive target for
potential enemies.

Posted by: rickl at January 29, 2015 01:23 AM (sdi6R)

If I were Prezzy, I'd want the #2 chair in a fookin' Blackbird.

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 01:29 AM (T1005)

628 Posted by: zombie at January 29, 2015 01:21 AM (K4YiS)

Piss off the environmentalists: Cut down all the trees.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:30 AM (fpEv+)

629 "He wasn't, and I can say that I was in the "keep Soriano off the post-season roster" camp.
Whether that was right or wrong, we'll never know.
-Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:24 AM (fpEv+)


I love you too much to "call you out" on this!

Allow me to move onto Tammy al Thor...

Listen, Lady... I've got Shit to Do Day-In-And-Day-Out.

I'm a "Statstics-Guy" and no one outside of Fantasy Baseball wants to hear about that shit.


Cochran brings the "real baseball" that everyone loves.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:31 AM (16bOT)

630 Zombie, I wish I was in Colorado and partook of that which is legal there before I read that but it had a similar effect. Yep, leaf blowing to redistribute, beautiful.

Posted by: keena at January 29, 2015 01:31 AM (RiTnx)

631 Oh, I don't Obama bowed because of protocol, keena... he bowed because he genuinely revers the King of the Kingdom that guards Mecca.

In his defense, his formative years were spent in Indonesia (where Mrs Obama was extremely covered up) and he would have learned a deep reverence for him there.

Did he bow to the new king this time, I didn't see if he did or not. I"m guessing he did not, because the first time was probably reflexive.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:31 AM (Pauop)

632 I'm sure Obama would prefer an Airbus 380 complete with swimming pool and basketball court.

LOL. Glad none of us here work on Air Force One.

"The pool, Mr. President? Sure, uh, it's conveniently located on the roof of the plane..."

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:31 AM (elbY7)

633 617 Re Air Force One:

I remember when AF1 was a 707. IIRC, the 747 debuted during the Nixon administration. Before that it was a propeller-driven plane.

How many people fly on a typical Presidential trip? I figure the President, his family, SS detail, press corps, and who else? Is there really a need for a jumbo jet apart from sheer prestige?

I'm sure Obama would prefer an Airbus 380 complete with swimming pool and basketball court.

If I were President, I'd prefer a smaller plane, possibly capable of supersonic flight. It would make a smaller and more elusive target for potential enemies.
Posted by: rickl at January 29, 2015 01:23 AM (sdi6R)

Couple of hundred.

Don't forget, AF1 is also a flying command center with a shitload of communications equipment.

The speed of AF1 is classified, but there were smiles and "no comments" from former pilots when asked if it could go supersonic. It was rumored to go Mach 1 on 9/11/01 on the return to DC.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper at January 29, 2015 01:33 AM (+Fae7)

634 watching the Loretta Lynch confirmation hearings on c-span.
tell me again, how did al franken get elected to the senate?

Posted by: mallfly at January 29, 2015 01:33 AM (zjcTL)

635 In his defense, his formative years were spent in Indonesia (where Mrs Obama was extremely covered up)...

So Obama's mommy was a mummy?

(sorry, couldn't resist)

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:34 AM (elbY7)

636 Just out of curiosity, does anyone else around here pronounce Jonathan Chait's last name like "shite"?

I don't know if that's how it's actually pronounced, but it makes sense to me.

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 01:34 AM (5pg79)

637 627
If I were Prezzy, I'd want the #2 chair in a fookin' Blackbird.

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 01:29 AM (T1005)

There you go.

Posted by: rickl at January 29, 2015 01:34 AM (sdi6R)

638 Good thing Biden wasn't in on the Loretta Lynch confirmation hearings.

He would have asked her to sing "Coal Miner's Daughter" by now.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:34 AM (elbY7)

639 Hillary didn't cover her head. Angela Merkel didn't cover her head.

They DO NOT HAVE to cover their heads.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:34 AM (Pauop)

640 Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:31 AM (16bOT)

*Sets up the perimeter against Thor, for your sake*

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:35 AM (fpEv+)

641 tell me again, how did al franken get elected to the senate?

Call-in contest on SNL.

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:35 AM (elbY7)

642 Tammy I bet he did too and also some weird culturally sensitive horsesh..crap. But I was just glad to see his wife didn't go the full 9 yards because that kind of seemed par for the course.
Not going to make me like her or respect her more but I kind of let out a sign of relief,

Posted by: keena at January 29, 2015 01:35 AM (RiTnx)

643 good night all

Posted by: chemjeff at January 29, 2015 01:35 AM (9GG/0)

644 Good night, ChemJeff!

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 01:36 AM (5pg79)

645 nooo chemjeff, don't go!! I have more corny jokes to tell!!!!!

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:36 AM (elbY7)

646 re 638: made me laugh.
I wonder who the blond sitting almost behind Cornyn is.

Posted by: mallfly at January 29, 2015 01:37 AM (zjcTL)

647 637 627
If I were Prezzy, I'd want the #2 chair in a fookin' Blackbird.

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 01:29 AM (T1005)

There you go.
Posted by: rickl at January 29, 2015 01:34 AM (sdi6R)

Oops, I should have asked for a subscription to your newsletter.

Posted by: rickl at January 29, 2015 01:37 AM (sdi6R)

648 641 tell me again, how did al franken get elected to the senate?

Call-in contest on SNL.
Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:35 AM (elbY7)

It's the same state that elected Jesse Ventura.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper at January 29, 2015 01:38 AM (+Fae7)

649 "*Sets up the perimeter against Thor, for your sake*"
Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:35 AM (fpEv+)

To. Hell. With. Thor.

Soriano not only made the PostSeason Roster, but performed brilliantly!.

I win. I won. Please don't doubt me again!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:38 AM (16bOT)

650 G'Night, chemjeff.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:39 AM (16bOT)

651 If I were Prezzy, I'd want the #2 chair in a fookin' Blackbird.
Posted by: cthulhu

I took a picture of an SR-71 Blackbird last week!!!

It was at something I had never even heard of until I stumbled on it:

You can drive there from your house in under two hours, max!

Here's a picture of their SR-71:

Posted by: zombie at January 29, 2015 01:39 AM (K4YiS)

652 Posted by: keena at January 29, 2015 01:35 AM (RiTnx)

No, I hear ya. it's nice to not have to be ashamed of her,. I just hate to see her get credit for being ballsy when she did absolutely nothing ballsy at all.

Condi in 2007 didn't cover her head. Hillary went 2 , 3 years ago, didn't cover her head. Merkel, recent visit, too, no head scarf. I think even Pelosi has gone there bare-headed of late.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:39 AM (Pauop)

653 Ok. I read the first ten posts and the last ten. Anything interesting happen in between?

Posted by: GMB - Tyrant 2nd Class at January 29, 2015 01:40 AM (wQ7l/)

654 #649: It's not exactly the best idea to say "To Hell with Thor" when Tammy's around. Just sayin'.

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 01:40 AM (5pg79)

655 Oh... and I finished seventh in my own Fantasy Baseball League

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:40 AM (16bOT)

656 This talk of leafblowers reminds me of a funny meme (image in name). A group of guys with heavy duty leafblowers on their backs, captioned, "Mexican Ghostbusters"

Posted by: wooga at January 29, 2015 01:40 AM (XK0dn)

657 656,


Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 01:41 AM (OsWis)

658 re 648: yes, but Ventura eked out a win in a three way race. wasn't franken re-elected by a pretty comfortable margin las November?

Posted by: mallfly at January 29, 2015 01:41 AM (zjcTL)

659 Allow me to move onto Tammy al Thor...

Listen, Lady... I've got Shit to Do Day-In-And-Day-Out.

I'm a "Statstics-Guy" and no one outside of Fantasy Baseball wants to hear about that shit.


Cochran brings the "real baseball" that everyone loves.
Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:31 AM (16bOT)

Bless you, vendette, I got this!

Shut yer fucking yap, slap.

You were my first choice, and you can go to the old threads and see that for yourself.

Cochran does a fantastic job, I love what he brings, too!

But those stats of yourn put me some fuckin' knowledge, ya know? And that is especially great this time of year. Keeps me up to speed.

So get a hold of Dildo and DO IT ALREADY!

Gawd damn it!

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:43 AM (Pauop)

660 Warbler!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:44 AM (Pauop)

661 When I was a Navy SEAL, I never would've lost to Al Franken. Norm Coleman is a coward and a wimp.

Posted by: Jesse Ventura at January 29, 2015 01:44 AM (5pg79)

662 Tammy I know I know I know
I guess it's th "soft bigotry of low expectations" (for liberals I mean). But when I was not amazed by Condi, yeah, I was amazed by Michelle.

Posted by: keena at January 29, 2015 01:44 AM (RiTnx)

663 Hi, Tammy!

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 01:44 AM (5pg79)

664 re 656: interesting. I clicked the arrow a couple of times and found this (click nic)

Posted by: mallfly at January 29, 2015 01:45 AM (zjcTL)

665 It's not exactly the best idea to say "To Hell with Thor" when Tammy's around. Just sayin'.
Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 01:40 AM (5pg79)

Pffff, even Thor knows better than to come between me and baseball.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:45 AM (Pauop)

666 How be ye, Warb?

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:45 AM (Pauop)

667 Soriano not only made the PostSeason Roster, but performed brilliantly!.

I win. I won. Please don't doubt me again!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:38 AM (16bOT)

I am woman enough to admit that I was wrong and Soriano was on the post-season roster. The brilliance is disputed.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:45 AM (fpEv+)

668 Someone once asked Joe Biden if he'd ever met Condi.

He replied "Condi?!? I love Condi!! Peppermint Condi, cinnamon Condi, licorice Condi..."

Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:45 AM (elbY7)

669 Doing well, thanks! How about you, Tammy?

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 01:46 AM (5pg79)

670 Posted by: keena at January 29, 2015 01:44 AM (RiTnx)

Good point. I never looked at it that way.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:46 AM (Pauop)

671 Tammy, thanks for defending me, but as noted above I admitted partial wrongdoing.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:47 AM (fpEv+)

672 "I took a picture of an SR-71 Blackbird last week!!!"

I've met a couple of people out of the Blackbird community.

Including retired engineers who were in on the early years.

I said, "Designed with slide rules," and they corrected me. They did in fact have, and use, a couple of digital computers. Not very fast or capable ones.

A lot of what the slide rules and computers did was merely to confirm the uncanny engineering intuition of Kelly Johnson.

Posted by: torquewrench at January 29, 2015 01:47 AM (noWW6)

673 Not bad, Warb, not too bad at all.


Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:47 AM (Pauop)

674 And Nadal is out of the Australian Open.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:47 AM (fpEv+)

675 #668: When I was a Navy SEAL, Joe Biden wouldn't have dared to ask me if I'd ever met Condi.

Posted by: Jesse Ventura at January 29, 2015 01:47 AM (5pg79)

676 Tammy, thanks for defending me, but as noted above I admitted partial wrongdoing.
Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:47 AM (fpEv+)

Nonsense. There was no wrong-doing. It was a perfectly good assumption to have.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:48 AM (Pauop)

677 Is Nadal's left arm still freakishly bigger than his right? (Or vice versa?)

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:49 AM (Pauop)

678 Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:43 AM (Pauop)


You were also telling me that I should "do a Food Thread" You were pissed when I told you that no one tell me what to do.

You called me a pussy and made fun of me.

I passed the idea along to CBD.

You were ravenous when it came to a Baseball Thread.

I knew B.Cochran had a grasp, (as a pitcher), on that.

Leaders know their limitations. They delegate.

What has happened since?


Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:50 AM (16bOT)

679 #674: They threw me out of the Australian Open, too. I was a Navy SEAL! I'm a former governor! What are they hiding there?

Posted by: Jesse Ventura at January 29, 2015 01:50 AM (5pg79)

680 Well folks, unlike the yuckity-yuk comedians of lore, I won't be here all night. Gotta go, thanks for the great chat. And don't forget to tip your waitress!!

**pokes the Jell-O one last time**


Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:50 AM (elbY7)

681 Nonsense. There was no wrong-doing. It was a perfectly good assumption to have.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:48 AM (Pauop)

We should organize an 'ette-only baseball trip.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:51 AM (fpEv+)

682 #673: Good to hear, Tammy!

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 01:51 AM (5pg79)

683 laters qdpsteve

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 01:51 AM (OsWis)

684 Jesse, maybe you could do another JFK youtube. The last one was so amusing.

Posted by: GMB - Tyrant 2nd Class at January 29, 2015 01:52 AM (wQ7l/)

685 What has happened since?

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:50 AM (16bOT)

I was right and I"m still right. And I don't remember calling you a pussy, but if I did, it was a desperate attempt to shame you into doing it!

As for the baseball thread.... what happened since was just fine, but in case you haven't noticed, it has slowed the fuck down to NOTHING.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:53 AM (Pauop)

686 ...excellence.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:50 AM (16bOT)

Brought to you by AosHQ and the Moronettes thereof.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:53 AM (fpEv+)

687 "Nonsense. There was no wrong-doing. It was a perfectly good assumption to have."
-Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:48 AM (Pauop)

You're simply a horrible person.

*makes a note of it*

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:53 AM (16bOT)

688 #680: Good night, Steve, if you can indeed feel comfortable going to sleep at a time like this. But what's hiding under the Jell-O? Bill Cosby won't tell me, and I was a Navy SEAL!

Posted by: Jesse Ventura at January 29, 2015 01:54 AM (5pg79)

689 We should organize an 'ette-only baseball trip.
Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:51 AM (fpEv+)

As soon as I am done groveling to my darling slap, we shall plan one!

Did I really call him a pussy?

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:54 AM (Pauop)

690 ...jots down more notes.

This will be something.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:54 AM (16bOT)

691 You're simply a horrible person.

*makes a note of it*
Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:53 AM (16bOT)

IF we are to speak of horrible persons, let us begin with the scoundrel who will not, out of silly pride, and dear lord knows what else ( perchance a charming modesty) WRITE A FUCKING BASEBALL THREAD.

There is nothing, BUT NOTHING, more horrible than a man what would do that.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:56 AM (Pauop)

692 We should organize an 'ette-only baseball trip.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:51 AM (fpEv+)

As soon as I am done groveling to my darling slap, we shall plan one!

Did I really call him a pussy?

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:54 AM (Pauop)

Baseball, football, hockey, NCAA BB (don't care about the NBA), I'd get together with Moronettes...

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:56 AM (fpEv+)

693 "Did I really call him a pussy?"
-Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:54 AM (Pauop)

It was in ALL CAPS, but it was there... lol.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:57 AM (16bOT)

694 Do that and JOT NOTES whilst doing so, I might add.

DID add, by God.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:57 AM (Pauop)

695 IF we are to speak of horrible persons, let us begin
with the scoundrel who will not, out of silly pride, and dear lord
knows what else ( perchance a charming modesty) WRITE A FUCKING BASEBALL

There is nothing, BUT NOTHING, more horrible than a man what would do that.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:56 AM (Pauop)

He has been punished: he has been outnumbered 3:1 male to female in his home.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:58 AM (fpEv+)

696 Night all.

Here is "Rumble" by Link Wrat:

Posted by: The Political Hat at January 29, 2015 01:59 AM (0Ew3K)

697 He has been punished: he has been outnumbered 3:1 male to female in his home.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:58 AM (fpEv+)

Female to male. I am ashamed.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:59 AM (fpEv+)

698 Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:57 AM (16bOT)

Surely you don't think I meant-it, meant it.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 01:59 AM (Pauop)

699 Female to male. I am ashamed.
Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 01:59 AM (fpEv+)

Oddly enough, I read it as female to male.

Which explains the stubbornness, of course.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 02:00 AM (Pauop)

700 I asked him why he wouldn't write a baseball thread, and he didn't have a satisfactory answer for me.

I was a Navy SEAL! I'm a former governor! What is he hiding?

Posted by: Jesse Ventura at January 29, 2015 02:00 AM (5pg79)

701 I'll admit that I would love to visit Wrigley, Comiskey, Boston, and New Busch (having been the the predecessor).

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:00 AM (fpEv+)

702 And I so agree, I have basketball. I don't even like college bb, so I"ll have to pass on that.

You're our puck bunny, right?

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 02:01 AM (Pauop)

703 Oh, me too! I have left my DNA at Fenway, but we didn't go in.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 02:02 AM (Pauop)

704 ...see?


I was talking about Chicken Wings and we were talking about baseball.

Tammy says: "Do a Food Thread!"

I said "no", I only know enough to "get me by".

She calls me a "pussy" and TYPES IN ALL CAPS!!!

...history follows.

I still... will never be told to do anything.


Food Thread? -Check.

Baseball Thread -Check.

Me? ...Livin' The Dream.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:03 AM (16bOT)

705 You're our puck bunny, right?

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 02:01 AM (Pauop)

Yup. I am literally alive because of hockey.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:03 AM (fpEv+)

706 Everybody who isn't me is a pussy. I was a Navy Seal! I'm a former governor! How many non-pussies can say that?

Posted by: Jesse Ventura at January 29, 2015 02:05 AM (5pg79)

707 *Sips Beer*

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:05 AM (16bOT)

708 Everybody who isn't me is a pussy. I was a Navy Seal! I'm a former governor! How many non-pussies can say that?

Posted by: Jesse Ventura at January 29, 2015 02:05 AM (5pg79)

Shove it.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:06 AM (fpEv+)

709 I'm not the biggest R Kelly fan, but When A Woman's Fed Up is truth to power.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 02:07 AM (OsWis)

710 Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 01:57 AM (16bOT)

Oh hell takes me a year or so to get it, doesn't it?

Dear slap.

Darling slap.

You are truly a baseball god among mere mortals, and I was wondering if you would be so kind as to write the baseball thread for us?

And, if you have time afterwards, a food thread?

And I really am awfully, mighty sorry I called you a pussy. I am 100 percent sure I didn't mean it.

And very sorry I hurt your feelings.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 02:07 AM (Pauop)

711 Shove it where? In my pussy? I don't have one. I was a Navy SEAL! I'm a former governor!

Posted by: Jesse Ventura at January 29, 2015 02:07 AM (5pg79)

712 Budweiser.

For All I be?

This Bud's for Me.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:08 AM (16bOT)

713 Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:03 AM (fpEv+)

If I can ever make sufficient amends to slap, I am going to ask you.....very nicely ASK you, not tell you... to do a hockey thread. I really need help with the rules and such.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 02:09 AM (Pauop)

714 In my pussy? I don't have one. I was a Navy SEAL! I'm a former governor!
Posted by: Jesse Ventura at January 29, 2015 02:07 AM (5pg79)

You're killing me.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 02:10 AM (Pauop)

715 651
If I were Prezzy, I'd want the #2 chair in a fookin' Blackbird.

Posted by: cthulhu

I took a picture of an SR-71 Blackbird last week!!!

It was at something I had never even heard of until I stumbled on it:

You can drive there from your house in under two hours, max!

Here's a picture of their SR-71:

Posted by: zombie at January 29, 2015 01:39 AM (K4YiS)

There are only 19 left -- -- and I've met 61-7971 and 61-7972. I should probably make it a point to say "hi" to those remaining in California -- 61-7955, 61-7960 (the one zombie references), 61-7963, 61-7973, 61-7975, and 61-7980.

The SR-71 just makes you proud to be an American.....probably why they retired it (twice).

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 02:10 AM (T1005)

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 02:07 AM (OsWis)

There are certainly a few reasons to not like him, but some of his stuff is good!

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 02:10 AM (Pauop)

717 Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 01:40 AM (5pg79)

Shove it where? In my pussy? I don't have one. I was a Navy SEAL! I'm a former governor!

Posted by: Jesse Ventura at January 29, 2015 02:07 AM (5pg79)

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:12 AM (fpEv+)

718 680
Well folks, unlike the yuckity-yuk comedians of lore, I won't be here
all night. Gotta go, thanks for the great chat. And don't forget to tip
your waitress!!

**pokes the Jell-O one last time**


Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:50 AM (elbY7)

Which flavor? *pondering the well-poked jell-o....*

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 02:12 AM (T1005)

719 716,


Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 02:13 AM (OsWis)

720 If I can ever make sufficient amends to slap, I am
going to ask you.....very nicely ASK you, not tell you... to do a hockey
thread. I really need help with the rules and such.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 02:09 AM (Pauop)

If you need to know in a hurry, shoot me an email at linseyziq at hotmail.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:13 AM (fpEv+)

721 ..."And very sorry I hurt your feelings."
-Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 02:07 AM (Pauop)

*HAH!* You didn't hurt my feelings!

Take a breath, darlin'. You're still a sweetheart! You just Told Me what to do and I responded. not being told What To Do.

(You were pissedthat night... lol.)

The Horde was responsive to your Vibe. They "get it". They always "get it".

...and here we are!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:15 AM (16bOT)

722 I will indeed, vendette, thank you!

Thank y'all for a fun evening, and slap, I am so sorry!

And now I shall carry my crestfallen, shameful, despondent sorry ass off to bed.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 02:17 AM (Pauop)

723 niters Tammy *hugz*

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 02:18 AM (OsWis)

724 And now I shall carry my crestfallen, shameful, despondent sorry ass off to bed.

Posted by: Tammy al Thor at January 29, 2015 02:17 AM (Pauop)

====that sucks. I just got here. Bye, MizzT.

Posted by: jc at January 29, 2015 02:18 AM (iRJ+A)

725 When I was a Navy SEAL, nothing could hurt my feelings! I'm a former governor! Why won't you worship me?

Posted by: Jesse Ventura at January 29, 2015 02:18 AM (5pg79)

726 Good night, SMFH!

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 02:19 AM (5pg79)

727 Good night, Tammy!

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 02:19 AM (5pg79)

728 C'mon, Tammy.

You've been around a lot longer than that!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:20 AM (16bOT)

729 niters Warbler...turning in already?

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 02:20 AM (OsWis)

730 Budweiser.

For All I be?

This Bud's for Me.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:08 AM (16bOT)

The famous gate the Clydesdales emerge from? They are walking onto a thoroughfare called Gravois Road. That property was owned by U.S. Grant and then the Busch family (of Budweiser fame). Budweiser is having trouble selling it because, among other things, of the small zoo on premises.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:20 AM (fpEv+)

731 I'm glad you found my Jesse Ventura routine amusing, Tammy and Vendette!

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 02:20 AM (5pg79)

732 Good thing Biden wasn't in on the Loretta Lynch confirmation hearings.

He would have asked her to sing "Coal Miner's Daughter" by now.Posted by: qdpsteve at January 29, 2015 01:34 AM (elbY7)
Had to share that one. Everyone in the control room loved it!

Posted by: PM Rich at January 29, 2015 02:21 AM (eEBON)

733 Posted by: Jesse Ventura at January 29, 2015 02:18 AM (5pg79)

Shut the fuck up.

...I'll offer you one "please".

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:21 AM (16bOT)

734 731
I'm glad you found my Jesse Ventura routine amusing, Tammy and Vendette!

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 02:20 AM (5pg79)

It wasn't just them....

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 02:22 AM (T1005)

735 Whoops, SMFH... I thought you were turning in. I misunderstood.

I'll be up for a few more minutes, at least.

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 02:22 AM (5pg79)

736 *rubs eyes*


I briefly read that as "...small zoo on penises."

I may have had a wee bit too much to drink this evening...

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 02:22 AM (OsWis)

737 735,

No prob...heh

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 02:22 AM (OsWis)

738 ...damnit, Prothonotary Warbler!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:23 AM (16bOT)

739 I'm glad you found my Jesse Ventura routine amusing, Tammy and Vendette!

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 02:20 AM (5pg79)

It wasn't just them....

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 02:22 AM (T1005)

Early in his governorship, you could find t-shirts in the Minneapolis airport that said "Mess with me, mess with my governor". Don't believe me? I own one.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:23 AM (fpEv+)

740 Thanks, Cthulhu and ColdBeer1! The guy is so easy to make fun of.

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 02:25 AM (5pg79)

741 Posted by: zombie at January 29, 2015 01:01 AM (K4YiS)

Thanks for that link to the obit of Charles Townes; what an amazing man.

Posted by: GnuBreed at January 29, 2015 02:25 AM (9E6kF)

742 I briefly read that as "...small zoo on penises."

I may have had a wee bit too much to drink this evening...

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 02:22 AM (OsWis)

It's been worse...

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:25 AM (fpEv+)

743 ..."Budweiser is having trouble selling it because, among other things, of the small zoo on premises."
-Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:20 AM (fpEv+)

Fees, Fines, Rules, Regulations and Crony Capitalism would be amongst the "Other Things", I'd suppose.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:27 AM (16bOT)

744 By the way, although this may already be general knowledge and the "Navy SEAL" thing is irony, the fact is that Jesse Ventura was not a SEAL and never served in Vietnam. He was UDT (underwater demolition) in Subic Bay, Philippines. At the time, UDT was the first stage of qualification, but SEAL training then followed UDT training. All SEALs were UDT qualified, like all Special Forces soldiers are Airborne qualified, but being UDT did not make you a SEAL, just as being a paratrooper does not make you a Green Beret,

All the UDTs in the Philippines got Vietnam service medals because they were in theater (like the ships in the South China Sea) and could have been deployed.

Today there is no UDT training; it is incorporated into BUDS (the SEALS' basic school), and there are no UDT units any more.

I understand that UDT qualified vets are considered to be welcome in SEAL bars and part of the SEAL community (provided they don't badmouth the troops, apparently).

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at January 29, 2015 02:29 AM (5f5bM)

745 ""It's been worse..."
-Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:25 AM (fpEv+)

Now that I've found out that you're "Mrs." Vendette, I fear that I'll never Marry.

*kicks dirt*

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:30 AM (16bOT)

746 ...tonight is full of surprises.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:31 AM (16bOT)

747 marriage is overrated...tried it for 20 years.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 02:32 AM (OsWis)

748 but props to those that make it work somehow.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 02:33 AM (OsWis)

749 #744: You're absolutely right. That's why I like to make fun of Ventura for claiming to have been a SEAL.

I'd respect him a hell of a lot more if he told the truth, that he was a frogman specializing in underwater demolitions. That's pretty badass, even without the SEAL label.

But, he has to lie and claim to be a full-on SEAL.

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 02:33 AM (5pg79)

750 "marriage is overrated...tried it for 20 years."
-Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 02:32 AM (OsWis)

Procreation, on the other hand, would allow me to take my kids to baseball games.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:34 AM (16bOT)

751 750,

well, there is that, I suppose...

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 02:35 AM (OsWis)

752 745
""It's been worse..."

-Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:25 AM (fpEv+)

Now that I've found out that you're "Mrs." Vendette, I fear that I'll never Marry.

*kicks dirt*

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:30 AM (16bOT)

The fiancee and I have met the lovely and talented Vendette in the flesh, and I can testify that she always travels with a hazy and protective shadow of great strength. Whether this is Mr. Vendette or Morgoth, we don't know....'cause we didn't get to buy him dinner.

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 02:36 AM (T1005)

753 Too late for me, though. That's okay. I'm too selfish, anyway.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:36 AM (16bOT)

754 *Sips Beer*

All is well in Slapweasel-Land.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:37 AM (16bOT)

755 749 Yeah, I figured that's what you were doing. I agree with you and I'd never do it, but I think a lot of SEALs are OK with VN-era UDT vets calling themselves SEALs (not just this particular one) on a technicality. Just like everyone who has graduated from Ranger School is technically a Ranger, but if you've never served in one of the battalions, you really shouldn't run around calling yourself one except in certain specific contexts.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at January 29, 2015 02:37 AM (5f5bM)

756 I knew what I was getting into, Going In.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:38 AM (16bOT)

757 Also, I remember Ventura smugly responding to Sarah Palin criticizing him with, "She'd never make it through SEAL training like I did," as if that proved him right somehow.

First off, duh. Palin was a woman in her forties. Of course she couldn't make it through SEAL training. Does this render all her opinions moot? Of course not.

Second, Jesse, you didn't make it through SEAL training, either. You were never a SEAL, yourself!

I respect UDT Frogmen. Ventura is probably the only person in the world who doesn't, given his need to pretend to have been a SEAL instead.

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 02:47 AM (5pg79)

758 The fiancee and I have met the lovely and talented
Vendette in the flesh, and I can testify that she always travels with a
hazy and protective shadow of great strength. Whether this is Mr.
Vendette or Morgoth, we don't know....'cause we didn't get to buy him

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 02:36 AM (T1005)

The Cthulhus are wonderful people.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:47 AM (fpEv+)

759 "The Cthulhus are wonderful people."
-Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:47 AM (fpEv+)

From tentacle to tentacle. Each and every dimension... LOL.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:50 AM (16bOT)

760 758
The fiancee and I have met the lovely and talented

Vendette in the flesh, and I can testify that she always travels with a

hazy and protective shadow of great strength. Whether this is Mr.

Vendette or Morgoth, we don't know....'cause we didn't get to buy him


Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 02:36 AM (T1005)

The Cthulhus are wonderful people.

Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:47 AM (fpEv+)


Vendette is charming, respected at her workplace, talented, good-company, and fun.....and if she considers Mr. Vendette worthy of her attentions, he must be AWESOME.

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 02:53 AM (T1005)

761 759
"The Cthulhus are wonderful people."

-Posted by: Vendette at January 29, 2015 02:47 AM (fpEv+)

From tentacle to tentacle. Each and every dimension... LOL.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:50 AM (16bOT)

Most of the time when she's using a nic, it has more to do with quilting than cthulhu....which can be interpreted in a number of ways....

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 02:55 AM (T1005)

762 All right, I'm out of beer. Seems like a good time to turn in. Good night, everyone!

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at January 29, 2015 02:58 AM (5pg79)

763 G'Night, Prothonotary

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 02:59 AM (16bOT)

764 niters Warbler

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 02:59 AM (OsWis)

765 Uh-oh. Slackin'.

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 03:10 AM (T1005)

766 You all still up?
Heavy drinking?
What did I miss?

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 03:15 AM (ILmoZ)

767 I'm trying to get tore up from the floor up...shit ain't working...smoking cappuccino cigarillos, and listening to Disturbed.

Other than that, not much else to tell.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 03:18 AM (OsWis)

768 Hezzboblah has fucking Abrams...

well, I may get my wish to see an Abrams go up against a Merkava in the near future, so there's that.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 03:20 AM (OsWis)

769 I've got some Captain left...

Trying to shake a headache off. I don't know if it was the coke a drank with dinner (don't get much caffein anymore) or maybe this damn e-cig a bought a few days back.

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 03:21 AM (ILmoZ)

770 a few shots of Capt should take care of that headache...usually works for me.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 03:22 AM (OsWis)

771 That'll teach me to compose an email -- I get all sorts of fireworks while I'm gone.

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 03:27 AM (T1005)

772 SMFH -- so you did a 20+ year marriage.....if you could go back 25 years ago with words of advice, what would you say?

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 03:30 AM (T1005)

773 770
I may try that - lack of ethanol may be the reason for the headache!

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 03:33 AM (ILmoZ)

774 cooth,

I'm the very fucking last person to give advice to anyone. You do what you feel is right, and from what I gather, you and your girl will be alright.

*wry smile* neither of you are in the Army. That alone gives you a huge advantage.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 03:36 AM (OsWis)

775 774

I'm the very fucking last person to give advice to anyone. You do
what you feel is right, and from what I gather, you and your girl will
be alright.

*wry smile* neither of you are in the Army. That alone gives you a huge advantage.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 03:36 AM (OsWis)

I actually wasn't looking for anything with relevance to my personal situation -- the fiancee and I have a few years on you. I was hoping for something that might make it easier to explain to others.....

Posted by: cthulhu at January 29, 2015 03:43 AM (T1005)

776 I don't regret my two daughters out of it.

Shit started going sideways when I reenlisted after a 12 year break in service in 2001. That's on me, though he and the girls were supportive at the time.

If I could go back and tell the 32 year old me at the time, I would tell her that the Army is not more important than her family and to reconsider.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 03:47 AM (OsWis)

777 I would tell "her" to move to Ohio.

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 03:50 AM (16bOT)

778 lol

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 03:51 AM (OsWis)

779 And "Smooth Operator" starts playing in the background...

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 03:53 AM (ILmoZ)

780 *wipes screen*

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 03:54 AM (OsWis)

781 *pours another shot*

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 03:55 AM (OsWis)

782 funny shit, chi...heh

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 03:56 AM (OsWis)

783 Well, he did have a pretty good line.

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 03:57 AM (ILmoZ)

784 shit...what do I want to listen to now...


En Vogue it is.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 04:04 AM (OsWis)

785 No Fool No anthem!

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 04:04 AM (OsWis)

786 I'm flirting with a beautiful, powerful, sweet and clever woman that will never be mine.

...but a boy can dream, can't he?

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 04:07 AM (16bOT)

787 sweet...right.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 04:07 AM (OsWis)

788 "Sweet", as in...

Okay... substitute "sweet" for "ballistic".

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 04:10 AM (16bOT)

789 that's much more apt.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 04:11 AM (OsWis)

790 "A broad who puts quality rounds downrange".

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 04:11 AM (16bOT)

791 speaking of which, need to go to the range this weekend.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 04:12 AM (OsWis)

792 that always cheers me up.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 04:12 AM (OsWis)

793 Something tells me she doesn't go for the soccer type, Slap.

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 04:13 AM (ILmoZ)

794 Those of you who, like me, had your chips on SoC, collect your winnings now.

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 04:13 AM (Gosad)

795 We "civilians" called it "Putting good metal-on-metal".

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 04:13 AM (16bOT)

796 hehe

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 04:13 AM (OsWis)

797 "Those of you who, like me, had your chips on SoC, collect your winnings now."
-Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 04:13 AM (Gosad)

What is SoC, Sir?

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 04:14 AM (16bOT)

798 Slap, my housekeeper is a lovely single woman, with 2 great kids, but she wouldn't want the long distance thing...

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 04:15 AM (Gosad)

799 SoC = Son of Crank

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 04:16 AM (Gosad)

800 Son of Crank, but I don't know what the bet was...

Posted by: shredded chi at January 29, 2015 04:16 AM (ILmoZ)

801 "Slap, my housekeeper is a lovely single woman, with 2 great kids, but she wouldn't want the long distance thing..."
-Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 04:15 AM (Gosad)

Twenty Miles isn't "Long Distance".

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 04:16 AM (16bOT)

802 The bet was who woke me first--SoC, dog, wife, or alarm

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 04:17 AM (Gosad)

803 Roger that... LOL. My Bad!

Long-Time-No-See, C.C!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 04:18 AM (16bOT)

804 How's Life treating you...?

...and how's Maddie?

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 04:18 AM (16bOT)

805 Hey, economy down C-bus way is doing ok, housing on the upswing...

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 04:18 AM (Gosad)

806 "The bet was who woke me first--SoC, dog, wife, or alarm."
-Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 04:17 AM (Gosad)


Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 04:19 AM (16bOT)

807 Maddie is completely recovered, save some future surgeries for reconstructive stuff that will require her to grow more. Some ugly scars that are covered by modest clothing, but she is A-Ok otherwise per her grandparents.

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 04:22 AM (Gosad)

808 -Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 04:22 AM (Gosad)

God Bless America, amigo! I was so concerned about that little girl that it still brings tears to my eyes.

Dear Lord that's Great News!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 04:24 AM (16bOT)

809 I should probably go back to sleep--SoC seems down for the count. Hear the roosters crowing, but I'd be furious too if I lived in a small heated shack and the temp was in single digits at 4:30 in the morning

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 04:26 AM (Gosad)

810 You do just that, Sir. It was nice to check in with you, Amigo!

May your entire Family be Blessed!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 04:28 AM (16bOT)

811 Good night those of you stil around! Slap, let me know if you're ever down this part of the state, can e-mail me at my username without caps or spaces at the Gmail.

Posted by: Conservative Crank's iPhone at January 29, 2015 04:28 AM (Gosad)

812 niters CC

Posted by: SMFH at it all at January 29, 2015 04:29 AM (OsWis)

813 Thanks, Brother!

Stay well!

Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 04:29 AM (16bOT)

814 Background fades...

G'Night Ev'Ry-Buddy!


Posted by: ColdBeer1 (Slap) (T) at January 29, 2015 04:47 AM (16bOT)

815 Slap......

What's this about baseball? Are you an aficionado? An ex player?

Because I have been nagging BCochran for some more off-season stuff. If you are interested, shoot me an e-mail at

nynjmeet at optimum dot net

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 29, 2015 05:01 AM (Zu3d9)

816 What's a "Sales Engineer"?

Posted by: BignJames at January 29, 2015 05:13 AM (39wbE)

817 You know what's always entertaining? The ONT. Thanks!

Posted by: edj at January 29, 2015 06:02 AM (klzyR)

818 Mornin yall. Sure is lonely here at 6 AM.

Posted by: freaked at January 29, 2015 06:07 AM (JdEZJ)

819 G'morning, all.

13 degrees out, and a little bit of breeze.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 29, 2015 06:12 AM (fL+1V)

820 Looking at the story about the written word oppressing the womyns.

Captain Dipshit claims photography and electromagnetism are feminine.

Chew on that bit of super duper braniac idiocy for a moment.

Clearly you people are doomed. Not me. I refuse to play this game.


Firing waves of energy from their cooters?

Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at January 29, 2015 06:12 AM (X+nFp)

821 "Firing waves of energy from their cooters?"

That could be a part of a really cool stage show at a Gentleman's Club.

I think.

Never been in one..

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 29, 2015 06:14 AM (fL+1V)

822 It's always nice to go over to Insty's place, and find that ha has linked to Ace.

Though the autoplay video Ads suck goat balls first thing in the morning.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 29, 2015 06:17 AM (fL+1V)

823 The Leonard Shlain book seems to say, "In the beginning was the image" -- in contrast to the gospel of John, which says, "In the beginning was the Word" (and in contrast to Genesis as well, where it is through words that God creates -- "'Let there be light'").

Reason, order, design -- expressible in words, and able to be formulated into equations and laws by the human mind -- these are the consequences of a purposeful creation by God.

An irony: did Shlain really write a book to say that written language oppresses women?

Posted by: edj at January 29, 2015 06:21 AM (klzyR)

824 Reading + writing = Raping

Posted by: Lena Dunham-Bacon at January 29, 2015 06:23 AM (XhU6A)

825 Good morning! Must have coffee. Anyone here? BRB

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 29, 2015 06:25 AM (60Vyp)

826 Posted by: edj at January 29, 2015 06:21 AM (klzyR)

Not to worry. From what I read it could have been a picture book for all the sense it made.

This guy is proof that just because an idea is floating around in your head doesn't mean you need to share it.

Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at January 29, 2015 06:25 AM (X+nFp)

827 Although, his idea about electromagnetism does give a whole new meaning to rail gun.

Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at January 29, 2015 06:27 AM (X+nFp)

828 826>> But apparently, expressing that ether-thought can make you some money.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 29, 2015 06:28 AM (60Vyp)

829 Gude mornning.

Posted by: Fox News Chyron Editor at January 29, 2015 06:29 AM (yxw0r)

830 Love the vintage Venus. Good Morning, Fellow Babies. It's going to be a beautiful day!

Posted by: ALH at January 29, 2015 06:32 AM (btTLZ)

831 Beware I live...I'm thinking the 360 may not much longer though.

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at January 29, 2015 06:34 AM (/4AZU)

832 831?? Whuuuuuttt?

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 29, 2015 06:37 AM (60Vyp)

833 It's amazing what one can find when house cleaning.

Like for example, a gift certificate to ones local range and shooting supply store that one forgets that they received over a year ago.

Going shopping later.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 29, 2015 06:37 AM (fL+1V)

834 832 Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 29, 2015 06:37 AM (60Vyp)

I turn on the "Sven J Olafson Custom PC of Angst" and it fired up fine...

I also turn on the Xbox 360 of Bill Gates' Emo and it fires up fine but acts wobbly when I log into Xbox Video to fire up the Justified download...

dunno if the hitch is b/c I have the wireless as its internet connection or what...

the vagaries and mysteries of the 10077 electronics solution matrix laid bare as it were...

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at January 29, 2015 06:41 AM (/4AZU)

835 833 Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 29, 2015 06:37 AM (fL+1V)

the circle of life...

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at January 29, 2015 06:41 AM (/4AZU)

836 Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at January 29, 2015 06:41 AM

Well. Alrighty then. The only thing I can even remotely compare that to is that I have to go buy a tablet for school. I just need to be able to access some course work online for labs and to have text books and email.

Any suggestions for less than $350?

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 29, 2015 06:44 AM (60Vyp)

837 823 Posted by: edj at January 29, 2015 06:21 AM (klzyR)

Yes we are holding wymyn down with alphabets....

a conspiracy documentably going back to either 2000 BC in the Levant or if we are to include Chinese characters 6500 BC or so....

I wish I could go to these conclaves of the titans of yore but sadly I live in an epoch where I am having to learn interpretive dance to communicate....

forgive me my wife is signalling through her electromagnetic hoo hoo that I need to mamba my ass over to the store and get her some cacao...

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at January 29, 2015 06:47 AM (/4AZU)

838 836 Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 29, 2015 06:44 AM (60Vyp)



So an android environment will work or does it have to be windows based?

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at January 29, 2015 06:48 AM (/4AZU)

839 Nothing like that morning bowl of oatmeal (with brown sugar, cinnamon, maple syrup and milk) to 'brighten' one's morning. Need to keep the ol' taste buds accustomed to gruel, that is to say 'camp food'. Because I'm not going to hell, I'm going to the camps!

Posted by: RickZ at January 29, 2015 06:51 AM (PR4ez)

840 Other thing is how big a screen do you want?

I ask b/c if a 7 inch android will do you can get a Kindle Fire for ~219...

If you want a bigger screen and are willing to go ~ 30 bucks over your price point I'd get a Lenovo Yoga....

The Windows pads are a little pricier.

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at January 29, 2015 06:54 AM (/4AZU)

841 Nothing like that morning bowl of oatmeal (with brown sugar, cinnamon, maple syrup and milk) to 'brighten' one's morning.

I just use butter and salt. Of course, I don't boil it until it is mush - I put the dry meal in a bowl and pour in just enough boiling water to cover the meal, slip in the butter, cover the bowl with a plate, and let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes. Then add salt and stir.

Salt makes a big difference. I hope they give us salt in the camps.

Posted by: Grey Fox at January 29, 2015 06:57 AM (a5Q7c)

842 Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at January 29, 2015 06:54 AM

I'm not particular about the OS, and I'd like to have a 9-10" screen. I found an Asus tablet on sale for about $250 2GB RAM and 32GB memory.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 29, 2015 06:57 AM (60Vyp)

843 839 Posted by: RickZ at January 29, 2015 06:51 AM (PR4ez)

Quaker Oats had a "apple crisp" flavored oatmeal I was quite fond of so of course it died a horrible death...

I do find I am enjoying the cinnamon and spice enough it is not a gaping wound to my breakfast fare.

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at January 29, 2015 06:57 AM (/4AZU)

844 Ammo Alert
Cabelas, remington bucket o bullets

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 29, 2015 06:57 AM (fL+1V)

845 842 Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 29, 2015 06:57 AM (60Vyp)

ASUS makes durable kit...

I'd compare the processor type/speed and go from there...

You can always add an SD card for up to 64 gig more storage if needed...

Hell they even have Bluetooth keyboards now...

I'm thinking next gen unless the video game fare gets a LOT better I am going to Bury my heart at wounded knee and just trick out a tablet or laptop...

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at January 29, 2015 06:59 AM (/4AZU)

846 Grey Fox and Sven, are you talking about that instant oatmeal abomination? I do not understand that stuff. Oatmeal takes no time to make and a large container lasts for a long time. I cannot stand the instant stuff, no matter what flavor. I'll add golden raisins and walnuts on occasion. But I always buy the 'it takes a whole whopping 15 minutes to actually cook' oatmeal. I find the oatmeal has more texture.

Posted by: RickZ at January 29, 2015 07:00 AM (PR4ez)

847 846 Posted by: RickZ at January 29, 2015 07:00 AM (PR4ez)

All true, however it is a lot like french fries...

I make great french fries....

I mean GREAT french fries....

and I love French fries....almost to the point it is carnal...

and French Fries...well Fries are awesome...and if I gave in to my desires on fries I'd weigh ~ 800 pounds....

I take a kettle of premium peanut oil, deep russet baking taters time spices and A-1 sauce and go to town....


I eat instead Ore-Ida fries that while better than its peer group are to Sven J Olafson brand fries what mad Dog 20/20 is to Dom perignon....

b/c convenience and temptation are inversely proportional.

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at January 29, 2015 07:07 AM (/4AZU)

848 Oh, and Grey Fox, butter in your oatmeal? First off, HEATHEN! Secondly, you better drop that butter shit as that is definitely NOT on the menu in the camps.

Posted by: RickZ at January 29, 2015 07:07 AM (PR4ez)

849 Cream of wheat and butter with brown sugar; and an egg over easy on top. It's whats for breakfast.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 29, 2015 07:11 AM (60Vyp)

850 Doroth L Sayers wa right. People really do have a stringer ethical sense in the north (ex. Helsinki), which degenerates in warmer, more southerly climes (Lisbon). That's frim an essay on the detectiive story which touched on why it was more popular up north.

Posted by: I loathe silence sensuously at January 29, 2015 07:13 AM (AO6Ao)

851 Doroth L Sayers wa right. People really do have a stronger ethical sense in the north (ex. Helsinki), which degenerates in warmer, more southerly climes (Lisbon). That's from an essay on the detectiive story which touched on why it was more popular up north.

Posted by: I loathe silence sensuously at January 29, 2015 07:18 AM (AO6Ao)

852 Sven, there's a shit ton of difference between frying, and all the used oil and concomitant oily splatter in the kitchen, with homemade French fries versus actually cooking oatmeal. Non-stick saucepans were invented for foods like oatmeal.

Posted by: RickZ at January 29, 2015 07:21 AM (PR4ez)

853 Crotchety, butter in cream of wheat I can live with, though I prefer grits, of the cheddar cheese variety. Runny eggs just don't see to go with cream of whet like they do with grits (cheese or otherwise). And grits is another thing that takes no time to make vs. instant. And rice. Who in the hell buys instant rice?

Posted by: RickZ at January 29, 2015 07:24 AM (PR4ez)

854 Grey Fox and Sven, are you talking about that instant oatmeal abomination?

I'm not.

Posted by: Grey Fox at January 29, 2015 07:52 AM (a5Q7c)

855 "Alphabets and the Written Word: All Tools of the Patriarchy Used to Oppress Women"

"Ancient Goddess religion" bullshit from the 80's and 90's which was discredited long ago as garbage scholarship.

Posted by: pst314 at January 29, 2015 01:25 PM (T4dRn)

856 Escort girls http://REGMODELS.RU

Posted by: Tina at January 30, 2015 04:41 PM (uV0j1)

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