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Saturday Morning Politics Thread: It's the Economy, Stupid [Y-not]

As I was looking for inspiration on what to cover next, I decided to double-check the exit polling from 2012. Voters claimed their top issue was "the economy":

The early exit poll results show the economy is the number one issue on voters' minds. Sixty percent called it the most important issue. Health care is a distant second at 17%. It's followed by the deficit at 17% and foreign policy at 4%.
Twenty-four percent of the voters in this exit poll say their family's financial situation is better today than it was four years ago. Thirty-four percent say it's worse today while 41% say their financial situation is the same.

Likewise, the economy was the top priority for voters from the 2014 midterms. Per the WSJ's exit polling:

WSJ screenshot.jpg

Here's some more exit poll analysis of the 2014 midterms from Breitbart.

We covered the "fiscal scorecards" for each candidate several months ago (Mike Pence's is here), but in trying to address voters' concerns about the economy, I think we should look at factors that hit voters' household budgets. I suspect that's what most voters mean when they refer to "the economy". My thought is we should address things like the job market, wages, taxes, interest rates, and inflation. I'm open to other suggestions.

We've discussed energy issues, which also hit close to home, during the past two weeks: here and here.

Health care appears as a separate issue in most of this exit polling, so we'll treat that separately, too.

So let's start with jobs and wages. We'll cover results first and then move to policies enacted (or proposed) by the candidates that influence those results. What follows is just a sample of data for each state from which the prospective candidates hail. It's by no means exhaustive. Feel free to chime in with additional data you think we should be considering.

Job creation and unemployment

The Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress provides State-by-State Snapshots showing "the major economic indicators in all 50 states and the District of Columbia in the areas of jobs, unemployment, exports and housing." A few highlights for each of prospective candidates' state below:

Wisconsin (Gov. Scott Walker)

* Wisconsin private-sector employers have added 180,100 jobs (an increase of 7.8 percent) since February 2010, the national low point for private-sector employment.
* In Wisconsin, the following sectors have posted the largest job gains since February 2010: manufacturing (49,400 jobs), professional and business services (43,300 jobs) and education and health services (26,000 jobs).
* The unemployment rate in Wisconsin was 5.2 percent in November 2014, down 0.2 percentage point from October. The rate is down 1.2 percentage points from one year earlier and is below its recent peak of 9.2 percent in January 2010.

Wisconsin lags behind its neighbors in jobs, according to the Wisconsin State Journal:

Over the past decade, Wisconsin has mostly ranked in the middle of all states for employment growth. Among Midwestern states, Wisconsin was once among the leaders, but in recent years that trend has changed.

(Click through for a chart comparing Wisconsin to other Midwestern states in job growth rankings -- it's too big to reproduce here. Wisconsin is currently dead last in the Midwest and 32nd overall. It was 34th in 2013 and 40th in both 2012 and 2011.)

Finally, Politifact evaluated Walker's fulfillment of his 2010 campaign promise to create 250,000 new jobs in his state:

[W]e use the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, which surveys nearly all state businesses to get the most accurate picture for Walker's first three years in office. We then combine that with monthly survey data - which comes from reports gathered from a small percentage of state businesses - to provide the most up-to-date picture for where things stand.
The latest report brings the total to 137,695 jobs added since Walker took office and, for the first time, the tally exceeds 50 percent of the governor's promise. To meet the promise, there would have to be another 112,305 jobs added in December - more than the first three years combined.

Although the tally was made with a couple of months to go, I believe the governor conceded in an interview (whose link I lost, sorry!) that he was going to fall short on this promise.

Texas (Perry, Cruz)

* Texas private-sector employers have added 1,486,900 jobs (an increase of 17.7 percent) since February 2010, the national low point for private-sector employment.
* In Texas, the following sectors have posted the largest job gains since February 2010: trade, transportation and utilities (327,400 jobs), professional and business services (292,900 jobs) and leisure and hospitality (209,200 jobs).
* The unemployment rate in Texas was 4.9 percent in November 2014, down 0.2 percentage point from October. The rate is down 1.2 percentage points from one year earlier and is below its recent peak of 8.3 percent in March 2010.

Even WaPo's Jennifer Rubin is impressed (although naturally she can't resist using this article to pimp for illegal immigration).

Time will tell how the drop in oil prices affects Texas' economy, but last month it was still holding its own on the jobs front:

Seven of Texas' 11 major industry groups added jobs in November, led by 13,500 jobs in professional and business services. In addition, education and health services added 7,200 jobs and leisure and hospitality added 6,000 jobs, manufacturing gained 4,500 and construction added 3,600.
Energy was one of the four industries to see jobs decline in November, losing 2,300 jobs. The price of crude oil has fallen by nearly in half since June, which benefits consumers in terms of lower gasoline and other energy costs, but can hurt oil-related companies.
Still, Texas overall energy industry job count at 323,800 people is near its all time high of 326,100 reached in October.

Louisiana (Gov. Bobby Jindal)

* Louisiana private-sector employers have added 146,700 jobs (an increase of 9.7 percent) since February 2010, the national low point for private-sector employment.
* In Louisiana, the following sectors have posted the largest job gains since February 2010: trade, transportation and utilities (32,700 jobs), leisure and hospitality (28,900 jobs) and education and health services (27,500 jobs).
* The unemployment rate in Louisiana was 6.5 percent in November 2014, up 0.3 percentage point from October. The rate is up 0.9 percentage point from one year earlier but remains below its recent peak of 7.8 percent in November 2010.

Last October The Advocate reported News good for Louisiana job growth, but bad for unemployment rate:

LSU economists Loren C. Scott and James A. Richardson issued a two-year business forecast that included a prediction that "sometime in 2015, Louisiana will have more than 2 million nonfarm employees for the first time in its history."
Richardson and Scott noted more than $103 billion in industrial development and expansion is either under construction or at the front-end engineering and design phase in Louisiana...
...[T]he state's construction sector added 11,000 jobs over the year ended Sept. 30, the most of any sector.
Leisure and hospitality was second, adding 9,500 jobs. Professional and business services added 9,200. Trade, transportation and utilities added 5,800.
The information sector lost 1,500 jobs, as did the mining and logging sector, which includes jobs in the oil and gas industry.
Government agencies lost 5,800 jobs in Louisiana. State government shrank by 4,100 jobs, and local government dropped 1,500 jobs.

(Emphasis mine.)

South Carolina (Gov. Nikki Haley)

* South Carolina private-sector employers have added 163,900 jobs (an increase of 11.3 percent) since February 2010, the national low point for private-sector employment.
* In South Carolina, the following sectors have posted the largest job gains since February 2010: professional and business services (50,100 jobs), leisure and hospitality (32,600 jobs) and manufacturing (30,500 jobs).
* The unemployment rate in South Carolina was 6.7 percent in November 2014, holding constant from October. The rate is down 0.1 percentage point from one year earlier and is below its recent peak of 11.9 percent in December 2009.

Late last year South Carolina set employment records:

[T]he number of state residents who are working reached another record high, according to a report from the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce Friday. As job seekers have flooded the market, the state’s unemployment rate remained unchanged from October at 6.7 percent.
The national unemployment rate also was unchanged at 5.8 percent.
It is the third month in a row that the workforce in South Carolina reached historic highs and job creation kept up with people entering the job market.

New Mexico (Gov. Susana Martinez)

* New Mexico private-sector employers have added 30,000 jobs (an increase of 5.0 percent) since February 2010, the national low point for private-sector employment.
* In New Mexico, the following sectors have posted the largest job gains since February 2010: mining and logging (10,600 jobs), education and health services (10,200 jobs) and trade, transportation and utilities (8,000 jobs).
* The unemployment rate in New Mexico was 6.4 percent in November 2014, down 0.1 percentage point from October. The rate is down 0.3 percentage point from one year earlier and is below its recent peak of 8.0 percent in November 2010.

New Mexico appears to have lagged behind other states in its recovery:

...2014 saw positive job growth after years of shrinkage and stagnation, while neighboring states bounced back faster.
Statewide, more than 14,000 new jobs were created this year -- 700 of them in construction, which had been absolutely crushed during the recession.
The biggest gains were in education, which grew even during the hard times, and health care. Between the two, the sectors gained more than 6000 new jobs in 2014.

Indiana (Gov. Mike Pence)

* Indiana private-sector employers have added 250,200 jobs (an increase of 10.7 percent) since February 2010, the national low point for private-sector employment.
* In Indiana, the following sectors have posted the largest job gains since February 2010: manufacturing (83,000 jobs), professional and business services (55,200 jobs) and trade, transportation and utilities (38,300 jobs).
* The unemployment rate in Indiana was 5.7 percent in November 2014, holding constant from October. The rate is down 1.2 percentage points from one year earlier and is below its recent peak of 10.8 percent in June 2009.

Indiana leads the U.S. in manufacturing jobs:

Indiana leads the nation in manufacturing job growth over the past year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The state gained 13,700 factory jobs over the past 12 months, 700 more than second-place Texas.

Employment in the manufacturing sector, which remains more heavily concentrated in Indiana than any other state, grew by 2.8 percent over the past year.
"As Indiana champions innovative partnerships and economic incentives, these numbers come as no surprise," state Sen. Brandt Hershman said. "Every day, our low-tax, job-friendly environment draws more employers to Indiana and away from unfavorable states like our neighbor, Illinois, which ranked dead last for manufacturing job growth. As state leaders continue to work hard to attract job opportunities for Hoosiers, I anticipate these trends will continue."
Illinois lost 8,900 manufacturing jobs over the past year, the steepest decline in the country.

Household Income

So that's a snapshot of the jobs climate. What about wages? Here's a report that came out last year summarizing the median household income by state:

The median US income in 2013 was $51,939, up from $22,415 in 1984 -- a 131.7% rise over the 29-year timeframe. However, if we adjust for inflation chained in 2013 dollars, the 1984 median is $47,866, and the increase drops to 8.5%.

The Latest Data and Peak Income Years

The peak annual median income for the US, adjusted for inflation, was in 1999. The latest data point, fourteen years later -- after two recessions and two market crashes -- is down 8.7%. Here is a alphabetically sorted table showing the data for the 50 states and DC along with the US median data:


The median household incomes in 17 states plus DC have fared better than the US median as measured by the real percent declines from their respective peak years. A total of 33 states have suffered greater declines, with eight states dropping more than 20%, up from four in the 2012 data. Nevada is the biggest loser, down a whopping 26.7% since its real median income peak in 2000.

Follow the link for more. Here's how the states we're tracking performed: Texas experienced the smallest drop from peak income (-2.0% from its peak in 1999) and Louisiana experienced the largest (-19.7% from its peak in 2009). The others' median income changes were: IN -11.5% from its peak in 1999; WI -13.4% from its peak in 1999; SC -14.6% from its peak in 1996; and NM -15.5% from its peak in 2007. By the way, NJ is down 21.4% from its peak. The worst-performing state in the country was Nevada. The best-performing was Texas.

Obviously, job growth and household income are not the only two parameters people consider when they think of "economy," but I think it's fair to say they are significant.

Advantage: Texas... and Rick Perry, in particular.

Previous "issues" threads:

Energy here and here.

Common Core

"Fiscal Scorecards" for each candidate (Mike Pence's is here)

Posted by: Open Blogger at 08:50 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Wish I could move to Texas

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 08:55 AM (enGVd)

2 Where are you, VIA?

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 08:55 AM (9BRsg)

3 Texas in general has the mentality in place, unlike other states. I think that helps the state as a whole.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at January 17, 2015 08:56 AM (IXrOn)

4 "Foreign policy" and "illegal immigration" are siblings. Although "economy" and "healthcare" are similarly.

Posted by: dogfish at January 17, 2015 08:56 AM (1vYi0)

5 I'm's all a lie.

No matter how much people say it's about the economy, it rarely is.

It's about how much they like a certain candidate, how much they "relate" to a certain candidate, and free stuff. That's it.

Posted by: TickledPink at January 17, 2015 08:56 AM (RLev8)

6 Energy is a big factor for Texas too.

I hate to see DC's numbers. And, VA, where a lot of DC'ers live.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at January 17, 2015 08:57 AM (IXrOn)

7 Texas in general has the mentality in place, unlike other states. I think that helps the state as a whole.

It's like a whole other country!

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 08:57 AM (9BRsg)

8 Forgetting the issues, I'm pretty happy about the crop of potential candidates that our side (meaning conservatives) has to choose from.

We need to defeat the GOP-e schmucks as well as the MFM debate moderators and this bunch seems up to the task.


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at January 17, 2015 08:57 AM (CMkNk)

9 People Republic of Maryland, Balto county.

And yes, new Republican Governor gets sworn in soon.
I might want to ride this out for a bit to see how it runs.
Even the Dems at the State House are admitting that the previous administration, Marty "You-owe me" O'Malley (D) has left is in a shocking state of fiscal despair .

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 08:58 AM (enGVd)

10 Sorry US folks, Texas is filling up with illegals.

Posted by: dogfish at January 17, 2015 08:58 AM (1vYi0)

11 I'm's all a lie.

No matter how much people say it's about the economy, it rarely is.

It's about how much they like a certain candidate, how much they "relate" to a certain candidate, and free stuff. That's it.
Posted by: TickledPink at January 17, 2015 08:56 AM (RLev

It really is about how they "feel" as a whole. I agree.

It depends on how extreme your situation is. The Democrat Party is still perceived as the "party that cares" when you are down and out, so the more down and out the country is, the more will vote for Democrats until a certain point, I think. There is a tipping point, but usually aimed at a particular candidate I think. Like not enjoying a 2nd term.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at January 17, 2015 08:59 AM (IXrOn)

12 >>No matter how much people say it's about the economy, it rarely is.

Yes and no. I think it's got nothing to do with the U.S. economy and everything to do with your personal economy.

The GOP misjudged how scared people were and ran (largely) on austerity. And taxes. Who gives a shit about those two things when you're unemployed or underemployed?

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 08:59 AM (9BRsg)

13 Yeah Yeah it's always the economy until the shit hits the fan

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 17, 2015 08:59 AM (Zmw74)

14 That poll looks like FUBAR. In the "Healthcare" category if you add up about right and did not go far enough it is higher than went to far and that is no where near other polls.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 17, 2015 09:01 AM (Zmw74)

15 NV suffers from Las Vegas syndrome. Its either bang or bust there. And here lately it has been bust because the average American is suffering can't afford a Vegas trip. They are sticking closer to home.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 09:01 AM (wlDny)

16 >>People Republic of Maryland, Balto county.

My immediate family is in Columbia. My poor sister works for the State. I gather it's a real disaster.

We looked to relocate there about five years ago. Husband was looking at a job there. Were amazed how screwed up the state was economically given how much money they get from DC. smdh

Glad we didn't go back, even though it would have been nice to be near family.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:02 AM (9BRsg)

17 "Energy is a big factor for Texas too."

Yes it is. And as good as $1.64 gas is for all Americans it's putting some hurt on the oil patch. Layoffs already announced.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 17, 2015 09:02 AM (as+cO)

18 I think one of the reasons illegal immigration is always down on the list is that only 8% of the states are on the southern border. It's an issue that isn't in most peoples backyards, so Compassion! rules their wrong thinking.

Posted by: dogfish at January 17, 2015 09:02 AM (1vYi0)

19 The economy was supposedly the 2012 voting point.

But, if it was....if it truly was....Willard would be president right now.

Ultimately, when people walk into that voting booth, they vote for who they like. Period.

And before and after the fact, they may convince themselves that it had to do with economy, foreign policy, whatever.

Posted by: TickledPink at January 17, 2015 09:02 AM (RLev8)

20 "NV suffers from Las Vegas syndrome."

Didn't Caesar's just declare bankruptcy?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 09:03 AM (enGVd)

21 I thought we had the weekend off and were just gonna screw around and shit.

Posted by: Dang at January 17, 2015 09:03 AM (MNq6o)

22 Hey Artisanal 'Ette.. I left this in the last thread before I got Willowed:

I gotta disagree with the characterization of Jindal's upcoming speech as 'harsh'. It's a statement of fact made in a way to be politically correct. Harsh would be something along the lines of this:

'No key Muslim leadership has arise to condemn the acts of these terrorists and to provide substantive countermeasures. And the President himself has done as much as he can, surreptitiously and directly to aid and abet these groups. Whether it's done indirectly by using a failed foreign policy executed by a naive Secretary of State or directly by authorizing the release of prisoners from GITMO to return to the battlefield or condoning the authorization to exchange Army deserters for terrorist leaders, the President and his cabinet have fostered and encouraged acts of barbarity against the United States and it's allies.'

*Crosses arms* Let's get it on....

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 17, 2015 09:03 AM (60Vyp)

23 My immediate family is in Columbia. My poor sister works for the State. I gather it's a real disaster.

If that is Columbia, SC that is a bad location to judge the State on. All the growth in SC is going to Charleston and Myrtle Beach, with some on the SC side of the border with Charlotte.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 09:05 AM (wlDny)

24 The median household income data is depressing as shit.

It's not a surprise for any of us, but still sobering.

Chuck in all of our increased premiums (and decreased coverage) on health insurance -- and the shitty interest rates -- and we're all tightening our belts.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:05 AM (9BRsg)

25 >>If that is Columbia, SC that is a bad location to judge the State on.

No, MD.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:06 AM (9BRsg)

26 "Ultimately, when people walk into that voting booth, they vote for who they like. Period."

Yeah. I couldn't figure out why with a bad economy and record unemployment so many (w/o jobs or hope) voted for Barry again.

They just couldn't stomach Mitt. And he gave them no compelling reason to overcome that personal distaste.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 17, 2015 09:06 AM (as+cO)

27 I know my personal economy is better.

I moved from CT to FL in January. I keep nearly 7% of my money that used to fund Comrade Malloys experiments.

I do the same job, with less work, for an FL company as I did for my previous employers in CT and MI. I gross nearly double my previous salary, and keep all but what the federal government demands of its subjects.

And everything in FL is cheaper and the weather is better.

It's been like a 12 month tantric orgasm.

Posted by: John Galt at January 17, 2015 09:07 AM (Og4sv)

28 "My poor sister works for the State. I gather it's a real disaster. "

No slight intended on your family, but that whole area of Maryland is basically a Federal/State Jobs program.

You can't swing a dead cat in any neighborhood without hitting "Government Employees" of one flavor or another.

When they announce "Snow day, essential workers only", you get an idea of just how many people are beholding to Government for their income.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 09:07 AM (enGVd)

29 20 Didn't Caesar's just declare bankruptcy?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 09:03 AM (enGVd)

Yep, they have a huge debt load.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 09:07 AM (wlDny)

30 For many people, especially those self employed or who's companies have had it with healthcare premiums and would rather pay the penalty, the monthly healthcare premium + high deductible payments is more than their mortgages.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 17, 2015 09:08 AM (Zmw74)

31 The economy was supposedly the 2012 voting point.

But, if it was....if it truly was....Willard would be president right now.

I don't think they did a good job selling how regular working Americans' personal budgets were going to be better under their Administration. I recall my husband commenting on it at the time -- what a mistake it was running essentially on austerity and no tax increases for the wealthy.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:08 AM (9BRsg)

32 Didn't Caesar's just declare bankruptcy?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 09:03 AM (enGVd)

Yep, they have a huge debt load.
Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 09:07 AM (wlDny)

Good they way they and Harrahs are fucking up the Internet in NJ with their pop-ups. I hope they all go out of business

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 17, 2015 09:08 AM (Zmw74)

33 If health care and the economy were the principle driving factors to get people to vote, why did about 1/3 of voters polled not have an opinion on which way the economy was headed?

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 17, 2015 09:09 AM (60Vyp)

34 Crosses arms* Let's get it on....
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 17, 2015 09:03 AM (60Vyp)

I agree.

I guess "harsh" was the wrong word, but it is truly "harsh" to TFG and those like him. Harsh = not PC.

I think his to-be speech is awesome. A breath of fresh air. I really like that guy. He's a fighter.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at January 17, 2015 09:09 AM (IXrOn)

35 No slight intended on your family, but that whole area of Maryland is basically a Federal/State Jobs program.

Oh, I know. (She's a probation officer, btw.)

That's why I was shocked several yrs ago to discover that their state universities (or some of them at least) were on furloughs.

How in hell does a state w/ so many govt workers, esp Federal govt workers, run into money problems? (Rhetorical question.)

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:10 AM (9BRsg)

36 I wouldn't even put it on Mitt. I mean, yes, that was probably the case for some of the people voting.

But, it's all about Preezy. He's cool and hip and slow jams on the Tonight Show and plays basketball with famous people. And his wife is cool too. The whole family is cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.

It's the American Idol generation. Look at American Idol and/or Dancing with the Stars (I do not watch these shows, but I keep up enough with the news to know what's going on) How often does someone with talent get voted off, meanwhile someone with lesser talent, but endearing to the audience stays? Every year. It happens every year. These are the people voting for the President of the United States.

Posted by: TickledPink at January 17, 2015 09:10 AM (RLev8)

37 Time for some breakfast and couch-potating at the TV.

have a one

(nice post, btw - hard for me to think this early, this... kinda hungover)

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at January 17, 2015 09:10 AM (IXrOn)

38 f health care and the economy were the principle driving factors to get people to vote, why did about 1/3 of voters polled not have an opinion on which way the economy was headed?
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 17, 2015 09:09 AM (60Vyp)

Maybe because their Union leaders have not given it to them yet?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 17, 2015 09:10 AM (Zmw74)

39 25 No, MD.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:06 AM (9BRsg)

OK, don't know anything about Columbia, MD but I thought the area around DC was the biggest growing part of the country.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 09:11 AM (wlDny)

40 "or who's companies have had it with healthcare premiums"

My company switched to a third party administrator and began self-insuring this year. The hit wasn't near as bad as I had feared.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 17, 2015 09:12 AM (as+cO)

41 So, serious question. If we are going go with the idea of nominating a "boring" (palatable) guy from the Midwest -- how does Walker beat Pence?

(I say this as someone who has some reservations about Pence.)

Indiana's numbers are better, he's better-looking w/ experience at the national stage, etc.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:13 AM (9BRsg)

42 "How in hell does a state w/ so many govt workers, esp Federal govt workers, run into money problems? (Rhetorical question.)"

When every move to reduce government spending is perceived as "Vote "yes" to reduce your own personal paycheck and benefits", guess which way your average Drone is gonna vote.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 09:14 AM (enGVd)

43 35 How in hell does a state w/ so many govt workers, esp Federal govt workers, run into money problems? (Rhetorical question.)

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:10 AM (9BRsg)

Yep, MD is a prime example of what a one party Democrat control of a State will do. CA is another.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 09:14 AM (wlDny)

44 I am in Indiana, and I have major reservations about Pence.

Posted by: TickledPink at January 17, 2015 09:14 AM (RLev8)

45 "Wish I could move to Texas"

We are...

Posted by: anon a mouse at January 17, 2015 09:15 AM (/jpU8)

46 >>I am in Indiana, and I have major reservations about Pence.

What are the biggest concerns you have?

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:15 AM (9BRsg)

47 "So, serious question. If we are going go with the idea of nominating a
"boring" (palatable) guy from the Midwest -- how does Walker beat Pence?"

I have no idea what Pence has really ever done.

Walker? Hell yeahs!

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 17, 2015 09:16 AM (as+cO)

48 "When they announce "Snow day, essential workers only", you get an idea of just how many people are beholding to Government for their income."

Yeah, this entire area around the Pawtomack is a one horse, er, company town.
It's embarrassing.

Posted by: anon a mouse at January 17, 2015 09:17 AM (/jpU8)

49 29 20 Didn't Caesar's just declare bankruptcy?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 09:03 AM (enGVd)

Yep, they have a huge debt load.

How ironic. The Casino plays with house money, and loses.

Posted by: John Galt at January 17, 2015 09:17 AM (Og4sv)

50 38>> Heh! ya think? I'm just reading the questions and looking at the distribution of responses and it doesn't seem that they correlate logically. I get the impression they're just trying to rationalize a theme and using the poll to support it.

I used to read the WSJ pretty regularly. They still have people like Maureen Dowd as regular contributors so it's hard to take them seriously any more.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 17, 2015 09:17 AM (60Vyp)

51 "We are..."

Whereabouts? And, please, don't bring any liberal kin folk with ya.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 17, 2015 09:17 AM (as+cO)

52 Yeah. I couldn't figure out why with a bad economy and record unemployment so many (w/o jobs or hope) voted for Barry again.

They just couldn't stomach Mitt. And he gave them no compelling reason to overcome that personal distaste.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 17, 2015 09:06 AM (as+cO)
Per the economy and unemployment, I think the election result was due almost entirely to the MSM's conscious decision to ignore those issues.
I know people (including my own brother) who truly do get their "news" from the daily show. He's been unemployed for four years now, and has yet to connect that to anything. And he continues to use his wife's money to donate to Democrat causes.

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at January 17, 2015 09:17 AM (yxw0r)

53 Obama won both elections based on record turnout of his homies. Unless they find another "clean and articulate black" they will not win again.

Dems always vote for Dems, likewise for Republicans. What controls the election is who can excite their base and get the turnout. The Republican Party hates its base.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 09:17 AM (wlDny)

54 This is amazingly good work Y-Not and I pass these threads around in my family. I especially like that "peak income" chart, which I've not seen before.

Perry has been a good governor and the fact the Bushes feud with him is a big compliment to him, so I'd definitely pull the lever for him. Also Haley and Jindal. I like Walker because, as you illustrate, he had a particularly tough problem in Wisconsin and he's done a great turn-around job.

We have some great potential candidates! We just have to get rid if these annoying Christie-Bush-Romney-Graham pretenders, and we can get some real debates going among people who've really had recent success and have substantive things to say.

Posted by: MTF at January 17, 2015 09:18 AM (6um35)

55 Morning Horde. For NC Triangle morons, today is Robert E. Lee day, a state holiday. At 2:00 the Confederate Battle flag will be raised above the Capital. Afterwards speeches will be given in the House chambers.

All celebrations are open to the public,

Deo Vindice

Posted by: Nip Sip at January 17, 2015 09:18 AM (0FSuD)

56 This analysis is Marxist.

Posted by: Jean at January 17, 2015 09:19 AM (TETYm)

57 This is amazingly good work Y-Not and I pass these threads around in my family. I especially like that "peak income" chart, which I've not seen before.

Thank you! I got started early this week, so I was able to be a bit more organized.

I am going to cover policy decisions/proposals that I hope will help show how guys like Walker, who inherited a mess, are working to improve their states.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:20 AM (9BRsg)

58 BTW, did you all notice that Jindal CUT state employees? That may have dinged his unemployment rate, but it was worth doing.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:22 AM (9BRsg)

59 BTW, I forwarded your analysis to Ms Rubin, just to let her know she has some serious competition coming from the formerly wild orchards of Provo.

Posted by: Jean at January 17, 2015 09:23 AM (TETYm)

60 "Whereabouts? And, please, don't bring any liberal kin folk with ya"

Not to worry. Oh, and Conroe, N of Houston. Should be finished in a few short weeks...

Posted by: anon a mouse at January 17, 2015 09:26 AM (/jpU8)

61 "Energy is a big factor for Texas too."

Yes it is. And as good as $1.64 gas is for all Americans it's putting some hurt on the oil patch. Layoffs already announced.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 17, 2015 09:02 AM (as+cO)

Yep. Had already heard that Halliburton is laying off, and now Schlumberger is dropping 8,000. No doubt other outfits like Weatherford and Baker Hughes are or will be doing the same. Of course, this happens every time there is a drop in the price of oil such as we have seen. What they don't tell you is that thanks to the Feds, drilling is a very expensive proposition in the US. When prices are high, the rig count goes up. When prices drop, the rig count drops and the people working on them lose their jobs. On the other hand, all it will take is for something to happen in the Middle East or for Russia to get on the prod again, and prices will shoot back up. In the meantime, I'm enjoying not having to pay fifty goddam dollars to fill up my SUV...

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - SMOD is missing at January 17, 2015 09:28 AM (yTMXB)

62 Issue #1

I-69 was started before Pence took office. It was going forward at a respectable speed. When he took office, he has put next to zero effort into getting I-69 done. He probably doesn't even care if it gets finished or not. The work has slowed to a standstill, despite mild weather the past 2 years. Mitch Daniels, also not one of my favorite people, but I will give him credit here. He had things going forward. He kept on top of it. It was a high priority for him. When Mitch left office, he said point blank that progress would slow, because he did not anticipate that future administrations would allocate the resources to getting it done in an expeditious manner.

And, that has absolutely been the case. My opinion is....if you have plans for this interstate. You have half the interstate done and the other half nothing. You have people depending on the job, trees knocked down, fields razed in preparation, you finish the job. And, you do it in a timely manner. You don't just let it sit on the backburner.

Posted by: TickledPink at January 17, 2015 09:29 AM (RLev8)

63 >>I think one of the reasons illegal immigration is always down on the list is that only 8% of the states are on the southern border. It's an issue that isn't in most peoples backyards, so Compassion! rules their wrong thinking.
Posted by: dogfish

Yes and no. I dealt with more illegals in Michigan than I have in Oklahoma.

Posted by: Aviator at January 17, 2015 09:32 AM (3rrMW)

64 My opinion is....if you have plans for this interstate. You have half the interstate done and the other half nothing. You have people depending on the job, trees knocked down, fields razed in preparation, you finish the job. And, you do it in a timely manner. You don't just let it sit on the back burner.

Yep, that'd be my take, too.

I also wasn't a bit fan of Daniels (for which I took some shit here), although he was a vast improvement over the guy before him.

My concern about Pence is that he seems a bit too slick. For example, it seems like he wants to play both sides on energy and ethanol.

But I am a little surprised there hasn't been more buzz about him, b/c he seems like the type that the GOPe would dig and one could make the case that he'd be a better national candidate than Walker.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:32 AM (9BRsg)

65 BTW, Nikki Hayley has a tough row to hoe with the State legislature. It may be majority Republican but it is mostly converted Democrats who switched Parties when it became tough for a person with a "D" after their name to get elected.

Right now about the only Democrats in the SC assembly are blacks.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 09:33 AM (wlDny)

66 "I'm enjoying not having to pay fifty goddam dollars to fill up my SUV..."

It is nice. I bought $20 worth last night and got impatient waiting for it to get done.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at January 17, 2015 09:33 AM (as+cO)

67 Per the economy and unemployment, I think the election result was due almost entirely to the MSM's conscious decision to ignore those issues.
I know people (including my own brother) who truly do get their "news" from the daily show. He's been unemployed for four years now, and has yet to connect that to anything. And he continues to use his wife's money to donate to Democrat causes.

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at January 17, 2015 09:17 AM (yxw0r)

It's the endless, all-you-can-eat Buffet of Unemployment Benefits.

It insulates people from reality.

I can pretty much guarantee that if your brother had no more benefits-

and perhaps no wife to prop him up-

his brain would recalibrate very quickly.

For general reference:




Posted by: naturalfake at January 17, 2015 09:34 AM (KBvAm)

68 Issue #2

He is heavily against Obamacare, which is fine. But, his rebuttal is that before Obamacare, Indiana had a fabulous way of dealing with getting people affordable healthcare, called the Healthy Indiana Plan. He felt that HIP could be a model for how healthcare should be addressed in this country.

What a joke. HIP was pathetic. It was dysfunctional. It makes Obamacare look brilliant. The wait list was like....5 years to get on it. And, they had a limit on certain people. Single white females was one of them. Once they reached their limit on single white females, no more could join. One of my coworkers got on it after 5 years on the waiting list.

On top of that, nearly no health care providers were on the plans. They were all in the Indianapolis area, with maybe a handful smattered throughout the state. So, you were paying to get in on a plan that no one in your area would take anyway.

And, he thinks that's the answer to fixing healthcare?

Posted by: TickledPink at January 17, 2015 09:36 AM (RLev8)

69 "Yes and no. I dealt with more illegals in Michigan than I have in Oklahoma."

The largest visible concentration of what I assume are American Citizens of hispanic descent, working in the field of outdoor horticulture and green beautification projects is right in the State Capitol of Annapolis. Usually, they are in large groups, working on property which is owned by the State of Maryland.

Odd, that.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 09:37 AM (enGVd)

70 He is heavily against Obamacare, which is fine. But, his rebuttal is that before Obamacare, Indiana had a fabulous way of dealing with getting people affordable healthcare, called the Healthy Indiana Plan. He felt that HIP could be a model for how healthcare should be addressed in this country.

That sounds like the compassionate conservative governor in my ostensibly red state of Utah.

And like you-know-who.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:38 AM (9BRsg)

71 Tickled,

I'm surprised Pence hasn't gotten some pushback from businesses in Indiana, especially large companies looking to expand/relocate there. Roads was one of the biggest things our governor addressed in anticipation of business relocating to Utah.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:39 AM (9BRsg)

72 Vic,
Have you heard any buzz about Haley dipping her toe into the 2016 race?
Can you put a bug in her ear, please?!

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:41 AM (9BRsg)


The plan to divide Israel could apply to France
Op-ed: When Europe is busy advocating that Israel hand over its territory to create an autonomous Muslim entity, it should start thinking about the fact that the same - and worse - could happen to them too.


Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 17, 2015 09:43 AM (Zmw74)

74 Walkers job numbers lag because of recall bullshit. Lagged because of 8 years of dems. Is he the right guy? Not sure but most pound mutts would excel over TFG

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 17, 2015 09:43 AM (3O9gS)

75 72

Have you heard any buzz about Haley dipping her toe into the 2016 race?

Can you put a bug in her ear, please?!

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:41 AM (9BRsg)

She was just reelected gov so I don't see her getting involved in the national race unless it is to support the Republican nominee in SC. She helped Romney before.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 09:45 AM (wlDny)

76 Ever wonder how lowly paid lawmakers leave office filthy rich?
Sen. Dianne Feinstein is showing how its done.
The US Postal Service plans to sell 56 buildings so it can lease space more expensively and the real estate company of the California senators husband, Richard Blum, is set to pocket about $1 billion in commissions.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 17, 2015 09:45 AM (Zmw74)

77 I think the election result was due almost entirely to the MSM's conscious decision to ignore those issues.

End withholding, take the media out of the political feedback loop for the Government's policies of economic repression, distribution, and cronyism.

Posted by: Jean at January 17, 2015 09:46 AM (TETYm)

78 Those people who think that Obambicare was "about right" or "didn't go far enough" have never had to apply for it and actually look at the numbers. I have. Whether you go directly to the TFGcare web site or one of these broker's site, the result is the same. You get this huge list of choices, but they are pretty much all the same in terms of cost. You will pay, at a minimum, $1000-$1,500 a month (this is for just two people, my spouse and myself, both of whom are out of work), with deductibles that range from $5000 to $7000 a year. And oh yes, the doctors you can go to; you can forget keeping the doctor you have had. Your choice is limited to a fairly short list of Medicaid doctors, most of whom barely speak English. Those of you who were around back in the early 1990s and remember the HMO kick that Clinton and the Feds pushed on a lot of people back then will know what I'm talking about, only it is on steroids this time.

Fuck you very much, 52%...

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - SMOD is missing at January 17, 2015 09:46 AM (yTMXB)

79 Well, I's tough to explain for someone who isn't here but...the folks in Bloomington and north, never wanted I 69 anyway. It isn't going to increase much for them, because it is basically being laid on top of Highway 37. From where the interstate is finished now to where it would connect to 37, it is mainly woodlands, not much residential or commercial.

So I mean....what's left to be done, doesn't really affect anybody. The people who do Evansville to Bloomington or Evansville to Indianapolis on a regular basis...they are the ones desperate for it to get done. So, the main blowback is from the Southern part of the state which, quite frankly, most people don't care about anyway.

Toyota in Princeton and Bristol Myers Squibb in Mt Vernon could say, "We are leaving the state, and leaving our jobs behind" and the response would probably be "K, Bye."

Posted by: TickledPink at January 17, 2015 09:47 AM (RLev8)

80 She was just reelected gov so I don't see her getting involved in the national race unless it is to support the Republican nominee in SC.

That's a real shame.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 09:47 AM (9BRsg)

81 I saw yesterday that McCain wants Graham(SC) to run.

I hope that didn't ruin anyone's morning.

Posted by: Thin veneer of civility at January 17, 2015 09:48 AM (XzRw1)

82 Washington States legal marijuana market opened last summer to a dearth of weed. Some stores periodically closed because they didnt have pot to sell. Prices were through the roof.

Six months later, the equation has flipped, bringing serious growing pains to the new industry.

Welcome to Capitalism pal

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 17, 2015 09:48 AM (Zmw74)

83 A free tasty lunch, unrestricted EBT cards, free cell phones, free healthcare, Section 8, and a large flat screen TV don't motivate slugs to work so they can pay taxes to support slugs!

Posted by: Hrothgar at January 17, 2015 09:50 AM (ftVQq)

84 82
Washington States legal marijuana market opened last summer to a dearth
of weed. Some stores periodically closed because they didnt have pot to
sell. Prices were through the roof.

Six months later, the equation has flipped, bringing serious growing pains to the new industry.

Welcome to Capitalism pal

Many smaller communities are telling them to GTFO as well.

Posted by: Thin veneer of civility at January 17, 2015 09:50 AM (XzRw1)

85 You get this huge list of choices, but they are pretty much all the
same in terms of cost. You will pay, at a minimum, $1000-$1,500 a month
(this is for just two people, my spouse and myself, both of whom are out
of work), with deductibles that range from $5000 to $7000 a year.

That is about what my costs are for company provided insurance with $5K deductible. And I have a limited number of area doctors and even an assigned pharmacy (CVS).

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 09:50 AM (wlDny)

86 81
I saw yesterday that McCain wants Graham(SC) to run.

I hope that didn't ruin anyone's morning.

Posted by: Thin veneer of civility at January 17, 2015 09:48 AM (XzRw1)

McShitty can shit in one hand and want in the other and see what fills up the fastest.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 09:52 AM (wlDny)

87 with deductibles that range from $5000 to $7000 a year.

Some deductibles are even higher

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 17, 2015 09:52 AM (Zmw74)

88 Welcome to Capitalism pal

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 17, 2015 09:48 AM (Zmw74)

Obviously, we need state control of this vital industry, comrade!

Posted by: Hrothgar at January 17, 2015 09:53 AM (ftVQq)

89 " free tasty lunch, unrestricted EBT cards, free cell phones, free healthcare, Section 8, and a large flat screen TV"

Welcome to Robert Byrdland (formerly the State of West Virginia)

Posted by: anon a mouse at January 17, 2015 09:56 AM (/jpU8)

90 If that is Columbia, SC that is a bad location to judge the State on.
All the growth in SC is going to Charleston and Myrtle Beach, with some
on the SC side of the border with Charlotte.


Saw a story a week or so back that took statistics from one of the largest moving companies (Allied?) in the US and gauged where people are moving to. One of the top 5 states was SC. Having steadily turned NC bluer and bluer, all I could think of was hipsters and disaffected northern leftists flooding into SC with the ultimate goal of ruining my pretty conservative state. Columbia, Charleston and Greenville are already showing "the signs."

Posted by: Lady in Black at January 17, 2015 10:00 AM (6C3ns)

91 Obviously, we need state control of this vital industry, comrade!

That might lead to some pretty entertaining results.

Posted by: Grey Fox at January 17, 2015 10:01 AM (R+Fk3)

92 Columbia, Charleston and Greenville are already showing "the signs."

Posted by: Lady in Black at January 17, 2015 10:00 AM (6C3ns)

Those areas have always been somewhat blue. But Greenville is a new area with large growth and beautiful country. Columbia is in decline and if it wasn't for the SC government it would be desolate. Charleston is being carried by tourism as it has replaced SF as favorite vacation destination. SF allowed the bums and winos to run off their tourists.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 10:04 AM (wlDny)

93 In these types of comparative analyses where Governors are being evaluated, I would add a comment about partisan makeup of the legislatures. A Republican Governor in Texas with Republican Legislature has more ability to influence policies (though in Texas, the Gov is constitutionally weakened in some degrees) than a R Gov in Wisconsin who has legislative control opposition. However, it also bodes well when a R Gov influences a party control switch as happened in Wisconsin in 2011. Vote for a Governor in 2016!

Posted by: Michael in Texas at January 17, 2015 10:05 AM (0Kjuy)

94 with deductibles that range from $5000 to $7000 a year.

Some deductibles are even higher

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 17, 2015 09:52 AM (Zmw74)

While I don't doubt this, these are the ranges I saw when I looked in terms of deductibles for the wife and I. And Vic, I have no idea why your insurance is so expensive. When we were working, our medical costs were about half of that or more. But now, with us both out of work, TFGcare is like the COBRA (the cost of which more than doubled at the first of the year) we've been paying for up until now; is is unsustainable in terms of cost.

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - SMOD is missing at January 17, 2015 10:06 AM (yTMXB)

95 Vic,

Have you heard any buzz about Haley dipping her toe into the 2016 race?


I have a bad feeling that, should Jeb get the nom, he would chose someone very appealing to conservatives as his running mate...Just. Like. Nikki. Female, conservative, appealing, articulate (and clean!). And they've been known to support each other in the past.

/inner radar

Posted by: Lady in Black at January 17, 2015 10:06 AM (6C3ns)

96 "Columbia, Charleston and Greenville are already showing "the signs."

Having adopted Charleston as my home from 78-89, and Mrs VIA tracing her family roots to Charleston and Mt. Pleasant (Family buried in Circular Church Cemetery even) we return to IoP every summer to vacation with old family friends of 32 plus years. I even hold Lifetime membership to "The Post on the Coast.

Starting about five years ago, we noticed a steadily increasing change in the makeup of both vacationers and recently locating homeowners.
Too many northeast state license plates for comfort.
May look at Summerville for retirement, but Charleston is flat out a not gonna happen in my lifetime location any more.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 10:06 AM (enGVd)

97 "The popularity of Obama's paid sick leave proposal depends on workers
not realizing it ultimately comes out of their paychecks," Sherk wrote. "If the president's proposal becomes law, many workers will lose the
equivalent of seven days of pay a year."

Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at January 17, 2015 10:06 AM (e8kgV)

98 That graph of median income is painful.

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at January 17, 2015 10:07 AM (VAsIq)

99 I have a bad feeling that, should Jeb get the nom,
he would chose someone very appealing to conservatives as his running
mate...Just. Like. Nikki. Female, conservative, appealing, articulate
(and clean!). And they've been known to support each other in the past.

/inner radar

Posted by: Lady in Black at January 17, 2015 10:06 AM (6C3ns)

I would rather have Nikki finish her term than take a crappy job like VP under a crappy administration of Jeb the RINO. But I am praying that RINO Jeb will not get it.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 10:08 AM (wlDny)

100 OT, but Kurt Busch has bought himself a world of trouble picking girlfriends. Patricia Driscoll looks like she's large and in charge, even if she isn't an international assassin (as he actually claimed in a court filing!). Check out her self promoting video-- it's great stuff, and includes elbows and guns

Posted by: MTF at January 17, 2015 10:09 AM (6um35)

101 After nearly 34 years with Cable News Network, the time has come to say Farewell!

It has been my honor to work alongside all of you for all of these years. This is one of the greatest news organizations in the world. It has truly revolutionized information delivery while driving technological advances in how we gather the news.

Through it all, CNN has been a family to my own family. That means something.

As I reflect on all of the great adventures and achievements of the past, I wish you great success in the future.

Jim Clancy

Posted by: New Yor Slimes at January 17, 2015 10:09 AM (e8kgV)

102 While I don't doubt this, these are the ranges I saw when I looked in terms of deductibles for the wife and I. And Vic, I have no idea why your insurance is so expensive. When we were working, our medical costs were about half of that or more. But now, with us both out of work, TFGcare is like the COBRA (the cost of which more than doubled at the first of the year) we've been paying for up until now; is is unsustainable in terms of cost.
Posted by: The Oort Cloud - SMOD is missing at January 17, 2015 10:06 AM (yTMXB)

Actually My insurance is dirt cheap, thank you, I have Tricare. But each State has different premiums and deductibles and different companies who cover those states. And for most people, when you start getting into deductibles around $7,000 that means you have no Insurance at all.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 17, 2015 10:10 AM (Zmw74)

103 Per the economy and unemployment, I think the election result was due almost entirely to the MSM's conscious decision to ignore those issues.


Very true. The news networks hammered Bush every time someone got fired from Burger King. With Obama every time some kid gets paid to mow a lawn it's "Economy Booming" headlines.

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at January 17, 2015 10:10 AM (VAsIq)

104 96 May look at Summerville for retirement, but Charleston is flat out a not gonna happen in my lifetime location any more.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 10:06 AM (enGVd)

Charleston is also expensive. If you must live at the beach look at the Myrtle Beach area about 25 to 50 miles inland. Perhaps near Florence.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 10:11 AM (wlDny)

105 Why fight the inevitable? You know it's gonna be me.

Tired President Eats Oval Office, Thought Room was Gigantic Jelly Donut.

Posted by: Christopher James 'Chris' Christie, your 2016 GOP nominee at January 17, 2015 10:12 AM (VgmK8)

106 RINO Jeb took the entire last decade off. He's missed the wars, the terror attacks, the crash and the nationalization of the economy. He's missed everything, and despite that he woke up one morning thinking he has some undefinable quality that would make him a good president.

It's nothing short of bizarre. There is NFW America is going to elect another inexperienced egotist in the midst of all these challenges. Just cannot possibly happen.

Posted by: MTF at January 17, 2015 10:13 AM (6um35)

107 Why fight the inevitable? You know it's gonna be me.


Eh, at least we know junk food will be allowed back in school vending machines.

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at January 17, 2015 10:13 AM (VAsIq)

108 Unlike a 2012 confrontation between Banfield and Walsh that happened live on CNN, this back-and-forth played out on Twitter, and that led to some confusion. Banfield sent her message to @JoeWalsh, which is actually the Twitter handle not of the former GOP congressman, but guitarist Joe Walsh of the Eagles.

"What did the Eagles' guitarist ever do to you," a Twitter user named T. Beckett Adams asked Banfield. Others simply responded with Eagles lyrics, suggesting Banfield "take it easy" and saying of Walsh that "life's been good to him, so far."

Posted by: Don Henley at January 17, 2015 10:14 AM (e8kgV)

109 There is NFW America is going to elect another inexperienced egotist in the midst of all these challenges. Just cannot possibly happen.


We'll show you!

Posted by: LIV at January 17, 2015 10:14 AM (VAsIq)

110 Perhaps near Florence.


Gah! But not Florence. We lived there for about a year around 2000. Every person we met was...a bit off. There was nothing to do, and I simply hated it. We still joke about it. It had a creepy vibe and I was happy as hell to get out.

Posted by: Lady in Black at January 17, 2015 10:14 AM (6C3ns)

111 Starting about five years ago, we noticed a steadily
increasing change in the makeup of both vacationers and recently
locating homeowners.

Too many northeast state license plates for comfort.

May look at Summerville for retirement, but Charleston is flat out a not gonna happen in my lifetime location any more.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 10:06 AM (enGVd)

The plague of Yankees is real, but you can not blame them for leaving the Hell hole places that tax them to death. We still don't give a shit how you did it up there.

You know why Yankees are like hemorrhoids, right? The good ones come down and go back up, the bad ones come down and stay.

Posted by: Nip Sip at January 17, 2015 10:16 AM (0FSuD)

112 "If you must live at the beach look at the Myrtle Beach area about 25 to 50 miles inland."

Mrs VIA's best friend here has relocated, and just bought a home almost exactly the distance you describe from M.B.

Husband already there, and the rest will live with us for about two weeks between leaving old home here, and moving into new home there.

It all started when they came down with us to IoP for vacation two years ago.

Husband returned to Baltimore with a silent, but firm resolve to relocate to S.C.
And when a job opening came up, he pounced on it.
Plus, the entire family found out that they loved the south.
Husband plans on his first gum purchase immediately after he gets his S.C drivers License.

All right thinking conservatives, by the way.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 10:16 AM (enGVd)

113 There is NFW America is going to elect another inexperienced egotist in the midst of all these challenges. Just cannot possibly happen.
Posted by: MTF at January 17, 2015 10:13 AM (6um35)

When you put it that way...

Posted by: Warren 4 Great Chief at January 17, 2015 10:20 AM (MbqmP)

114 The plague of Yankees is real, but you can not blame them for leaving the Hell hole places that tax them to death that they voted for, and created.


Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 10:20 AM (enGVd)

115 VIA, Balto is below the Mason Dixon line, you can't claim to be a Yankee.

Welcome to SC. My mom lived in Murrels Inlet for 25 years. All my step brothers still live there.

Posted by: Nip Sip at January 17, 2015 10:21 AM (0FSuD)

116 Plus, the entire family found out that they loved the south.


FWIW, I love the south. Particularly SC. I'm born and raised in Cincinnati, then lived in Florida for a while before we got lucky and Mr. Black transferred to SC 16 years ago. I always had the strong desire to move back home to Ohio, but I no longer want to. Comparatively speaking, SC is a great place to live...even though I miss my family.

Posted by: Lady in Black at January 17, 2015 10:22 AM (6C3ns)

117 Deflation- good or bad?
Put me some knowledge please

Posted by: Velvet Ambition at January 17, 2015 10:22 AM (R8hU8)

118 SC is a great place to live...even though I miss my family.
Posted by: Lady in Black at January 17, 2015 10:22 AM (6C3ns)

I love the area around Beaufort SC

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 17, 2015 10:24 AM (Zmw74)

119 SC is REALLY a different country. The legislature has what is called home rule, nothing gets done in their district without their approval.

It creates a very close knit group. Driving though the state you can see which county has a powerful legislature. Their roads get paved.

Posted by: Nip Sip at January 17, 2015 10:25 AM (0FSuD)

120 how come nobody alerted us to new thread?

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 10:25 AM (wlDny)

121 Those of us in Illinois can look at this info and embrace the suck that is our home state.

We have a brand new republican governor now, sworn in just this week. But both houses of the legislature have veto-proof dem majorities.

So we shall see..........

Posted by: Boots at January 17, 2015 10:29 AM (l9mF2)

122 "VIA, Balto is below the Mason Dixon line, you can't claim to be a Yankee."

Hers a question.
If, hypothetically, one was born in Walter Reed Army Hospital (D.C), south of the Mason Dixon line, but recognized as the Capitol of the North during the unpleasantness of the 1860's, would one be considered a Northerner, or a Southerner?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 10:29 AM (enGVd)

123 The Mason-Dixon line is no longer a good boundary between the North and South. It is now between NC and VA and NC is turning blue as well.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 10:31 AM (wlDny)

124 @122

Southern. DC was really Southern until the 70's when congress gave them home rule.

Posted by: Nip Sip at January 17, 2015 10:32 AM (0FSuD)

125 There is NFW America is going to elect another inexperienced egotist in the midst of all these challenges. Just cannot possibly happen.

Posted by: MTF at January 17, 2015 10:13 AM (6um35)

Eh, I'm sorry to say you're wrong.

Remember when TFG's inexperience was brought up in 2008?

All of a sudden, Preezy Cakeboy's failed by the way experience as a-

community organizer was the ne plus ultra of political leadership experience


Obama's "running" (Ha-ha-ha) of his campaign showed he had all the executive chops down pat.

So........yeah, whoever the Dims run will be deemed experienced by the MFM-

no matter how hard they have to twist that lemonade stand into executive experience.

Posted by: naturalfake at January 17, 2015 10:32 AM (KBvAm)

126 The plague of Yankees is real, but you can not blame
them for leaving the Hell hole places that tax them to death. We still
don't give a shit how you did it up there.

You know why Yankees are like hemorrhoids, right? The good ones come down and go back up, the bad ones come down and stay.

Posted by: Nip Sip at January 17, 2015 10:16 AM (0FSuD)

Oh. My. God. Isn't that the friggin' truth. First big plague of Yankees we had down here in SE Texas was in the 1970s, thanks to the Smilin' Jimmuh economy (just like now). I got so sick of hearing these d-bags whine about "how they did things" back in Michigan or New York or whatever northern Commiecrat hellhole they came from. And yes, we didn't give a shit how they did it up there, and still don't.

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - SMOD is missing at January 17, 2015 10:37 AM (yTMXB)

127 In these types of comparative analyses where Governors are being evaluated, I would add a comment about partisan makeup of the legislatures.

That's covered in the Fiscal Report Cards.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 10:39 AM (9BRsg)

128 Insurance in Kalifornia is incredibly expensive, with few choices and restricted networks. It has been a disaster for those in the private market. If one does have ACA subsidized insurance, deductibles are high, and you may have insurance but good luck finding a provider.

Posted by: Edmund Burke's Shade at January 17, 2015 10:43 AM (cmBvC)

129 I appreciate these write-ups, analyses and comments. I have a secret anticipation that I might actually have to think about my vote in the GOP primary.

It's kind of a new experience for me.
<<surveys past 50 years with a cold eye of contempt>>

Posted by: LCMS Rulz! at January 17, 2015 10:46 AM (TqyFL)

130 Deflation- good or bad?
Put me some knowledge please


Short answer: yes.

Posted by: Turd Ferguson at January 17, 2015 10:46 AM (VAsIq)

131 you may have insurance but good luck finding a provider.

Posted by: Edmund Burke's Shade at January 17, 2015 10:43 AM (cmBvC)

It is like that everywhere now and it started before Obamacare. There just isn't enough doctors and the ones we have are overcrowded. My doctors are no longer accepting new patients and I got in just in time.

Posted by: Vic at January 17, 2015 10:48 AM (wlDny)

132 126 - Agreed on all points with both comments.

There is a risk of offending our northern brethren here, but the reality is the reality. I should add that Morons are exceptions to the general case, by their very nature.

The influx of people from the north has not been a positive thing. They bring their sociopolitical habits with them.

Folks from the north are inclined to believe that we find them distasteful simply because they are from the north. That is not true. We find them distasteful because they are deleterious to polite society, and have little respect for the existing institutions, which drew them here to begin with.

All of this is generalization, but that does not make it less true.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 17, 2015 10:49 AM (l1zOH)

133 Whenever I hear some parochial Yankee mention how they "Did it up North", I tend to tell 'em to get the fkuc back up there, then, and do it to their heart's content.

But until then, to shut their damn mouth till they begin to understand why we DON'T do it that way, down here.

I do not care if I hurt their feelings.

That said, if they snap-to and begin to even TRY to learn, I'm their best mentor. I'll take the time and break the sweat to help 'em learn. I *want* the converts to the free market, conservatism and individual liberty.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at January 17, 2015 10:51 AM (RzZOc)

134 My doctors are no longer accepting new patients and I got in just in time.
Posted by: Vic

Both Mrs. Hammer's doctor, and my own have sent us letters saying that they are taking early retirement this year. Poof. Gone.

Another bonus? Our insurance went up $1000 this year.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 17, 2015 10:52 AM (l1zOH)

135 Lewis Grizzard's response to complaining yankees in Atlanta was, "Delta is ready when you are."

I had a professor who used to comment, "I-75 runs north and south".

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 17, 2015 10:55 AM (l1zOH)

136 "Folks from the north are inclined to believe that we find them distasteful simply because they are from the north. That is not true. We find them distasteful because they are deleterious to polite society, and have little respect for the existing institutions, which drew them here to begin with. "

Consider this as henceforth...STOLEN!

Thank you.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 10:55 AM (NZ+zd)

137 "Folks from the north are inclined to believe that we find them
distasteful simply because they are from the north. That is not true. We
find them distasteful because they are deleterious to polite society,
and have little respect for the existing institutions, which drew them
here to begin with. "

and unsweetened tea.

Posted by: Jean at January 17, 2015 11:04 AM (TETYm)

138 "and unsweetened tea"

Already included, under "existing institutions"

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 17, 2015 11:07 AM (NZ+zd)

139 Here in Michigan, our vaunted 'nerd" governor is beginning to show his liberal stripes more and more. Please do not tell me anything about how Rick Snyder should consider running for Pres. He is a RINO through and through.

For example. We have had two different conceal carry upgrade bills passed by the legislature and vetoed by Snyder.
The first included provisions to allow carry in hospitals, stadiums, etc. as long as the carrier has taken and passed additional training certified by the state.
He thought that would lead to shoot ups in hospital corridors. He doesn't have to go out into dark hospital parking garages at night.

Bill #2, just passed last week and vetoed, would have allowed judges discretion on ordering no new weapon permits or purchases for those who have a protective order issued against them.
Right now, if you are getting a divorce, and the wife decides that you might have meant that you thought she was a bitch, she can go to court and get a protective order. Which means, by virtue of the order, that you cannot, as long as the order is in effect, purchase a gun, or apply for a carry permit. The judge, depending on how violent a protective order target is, can order the removal of guns and prohibit the target from being in contact with someone with guns(which is fine, that should always be available to a domestic violence victim).

But in cases where the wife doesn't want any contact from the husband and gets a protective order, now the guy cannot purchase a gun, even if he has 20 of them in his cabinet at home. That includes shotguns, etc.

Snyder was troubled by this and vetoed it.

Snyder has said recently he wants to have no coal fired power plants in the state.

Etc. Etc.

Posted by: Jen the original at January 17, 2015 11:07 AM (kF3VB)

140 "Snyder has said recently he wants to have no coal fired power plants in the state. "

You guys going all Nuke?

Posted by: Protestors at any fast food joint at January 17, 2015 11:16 AM (NZ+zd)

141 World trade is about to become severely impaired. No one is going to put stuff on a ship if they don't think they are going to get paid. The Swiss central bank just threw some stinky stuff at a fan.

Posted by: Huggy at January 17, 2015 12:05 PM (PGh+Q)

142 Living here in Wisconsin, I get the feeling our slow job growth is all about location, not our governor.

Posted by: Dave at January 17, 2015 12:43 PM (hjC92)

143 Living here in Wisconsin, I get the feeling our slow job growth is all about location, not our governor.

I'm sure that's a factor, although WI is even lagging behind the other Midwestern states.

Next week I'll start addressing pro-growth pro-family budget policies that I expect will show which of our governors from weakly-peforming states have the right ideas, even if the results aren't quite there.

Posted by: Y-not at January 17, 2015 01:43 PM (9BRsg)


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