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Morning Thread (12-31-2014)

My Dawgs won last night, and I have a 12 pound brisket on the smoker. Nice way to close out the year.

Best wishes for a fantastic 2015, ya Morons.

Posted by: Andy at 07:22 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Fiist!

Posted by: freaked at December 31, 2014 07:23 AM (JdEZJ)

2 And secrund!

Posted by: freaked at December 31, 2014 07:23 AM (JdEZJ)

3 Stop

Posted by: blaster at December 31, 2014 07:26 AM (7X4hH)

4 Last day of the year, yippy! In 1 hr and 30 minutes I will end my 6 day stretch of sobriety/being on call. Well it will end the on call part at least. I better wait until I've finished seeing patients before I end the sobriety part.

Posted by: Molly k. at December 31, 2014 07:28 AM (/79qO)

5 A morning thread. My, how unusual.

Posted by: HH at December 31, 2014 07:28 AM (Ce4DF)

6 Yawn.

Posted by: --- at December 31, 2014 07:31 AM (MMC8r)

7 Beef jerky?

No thanks, it gives me the wind something fierce.

Posted by: GnuBreed at December 31, 2014 07:32 AM (TIIc4)

8 morning 'rons

Posted by: wing at December 31, 2014 07:32 AM (e4A7E)

9 You too, Andy. Enjoy the beast!

Posted by: JR at December 31, 2014 07:32 AM (1fs2o)


DAY 785

678 to go (751 to Inauguration Day 2017)

Muzzies, Marxists, Maoists, Mau-Maus, MFM's, Moochelle, McCain's, McConnell's, machiavellian Mississippi mudslingers, McAuliffe's, Maduro's, MIRV's, Mexifornians, menacing Mozillan 'mo's, Mugwumps, mutants, malcontents, malthusians, maniacs, malignant medical mandates, martial law, miscreants, microagressors, minions, maladjusted masochistic multiculturalists, momzers, mamalukes, mooks, mopes, mariuoli, meeskeits, maricons, marauders, malodorous militants, menstruating mons veneri, malfunctioning Moron microsites and miscellaneous meshugas notwithstanding.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 31, 2014 07:33 AM (CMkNk)

11 Mrs. R. say's get me 15 chairs and a piece of pork.

Posted by: redenzo at December 31, 2014 07:34 AM (WCnJW)

12 Will Zombie be able to save her citrus tree?

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at December 31, 2014 07:34 AM (MSwFj)

13 News links are on the ONT beginning at 7:15

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 07:36 AM (u9gzs)

14 4
Last day of the year, yippy! In 1 hr and 30 minutes I will end my 6 day
stretch of sobriety/being on call. Well it will end the on call part at
least. I better wait until I've finished seeing patients before I end
the sobriety part.

Posted by: Molly k. at December 31, 2014 07:28 AM (/79qO)

That was one of the most hated parts of my old job. We had a 7 day on-call periods supposedly every 4th week. However we almost never had enough qualified people to make a 4 shit rotation .

And we got paid zilch for it.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 07:40 AM (u9gzs)

15 It's going to be TERRIFIC!!!

As in: Terrifying, Terrible, Terroristic, Terror Inspiring, Tearing Us a New ***hole, Terrimundo, Terry and the Pirates.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at December 31, 2014 07:41 AM (RZzX3)

16 12 >> Will Zombie be able to save her citrus tree?

My lemon and tangerine trees both bit the dust last winter. Five days of below freezing temps were just too much for them.

Posted by: GnuBreed at December 31, 2014 07:42 AM (TIIc4)

Off to the allergist. Be back later at the dump.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 31, 2014 07:42 AM (CMkNk)

18 We thaw out porkchops today and get ready for New Years Day at Fortress Erowmero. Tomorrow is the beginning of a pivotal year in the history of America. We must all wake the hell up and put a stop to the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. We know who the enemies are.

Posted by: Erowmero at December 31, 2014 07:42 AM (go5uR)

19 (hey look, I not only see my cup as half empty but someone stole my change off the bar and some big guy has taken my seat so don't give me this "look on the bright side" crap)

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at December 31, 2014 07:42 AM (RZzX3)

20 15 Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at December 31, 2014 07:41 AM (RZzX3)

Onomatopoeia is an Italian urinary disorder.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 31, 2014 07:42 AM (CMkNk)

21 We also had to remain within 45 min of the plant. We could not do anything that would keep us from responding like look out after young children by ourselves. And of course, no alcohol.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 07:43 AM (u9gzs)

22 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 31, 2014 07:42 AM (CMkNk)

Are you going to drop off or take away?

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at December 31, 2014 07:43 AM (RZzX3)

Then again, it's alliteration so disregard 20, except for the attempt at humor.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 31, 2014 07:44 AM (CMkNk)

24 19
(hey look, I not only see my cup as half empty but someone stole my
change off the bar and some big guy has taken my seat so don't give me
this "look on the bright side" crap)

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at December 31, 2014 07:42 AM (RZzX3)

Pool Cue

Posted by: Killerdog at December 31, 2014 07:44 AM (vntmB)

Now, I go!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 31, 2014 07:45 AM (CMkNk)

26 Will Zombie be able to save her citrus tree?

"Tune in tomorrow where we find out. Same bat time, same bat channel!"

Posted by: rickb223 at December 31, 2014 07:47 AM (chFFu)

27 I am going to repost this from the ONT because all the Morons should red it.

Feel good story of the week, not all news is bad news. This is a MUST read Morons. It involves a 9 year old boy and sheriffs in PA and SC and hunting.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 07:47 AM (u9gzs)

28 Merry New Year!

What a classic flick.

Not feeling so merry at the moment though since I have to work today.

Posted by: Citizen X-mas at December 31, 2014 07:48 AM (7ObY1)

29 Mrs. R. say's get me 15 chairs and a piece of pork.
Posted by: redenzo

So not touching that one.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 31, 2014 07:49 AM (chFFu)

30 Feel good story of the week, not all news is bad news.

I had that yesterday morning! And yeah, it's a great story!

Posted by: Brother Cavil, Warlord of the Western Wastes at December 31, 2014 07:50 AM (m9V0o)

31 To all those writers out there who want to write an end of the year retrospective : Don't Bother

2014 was so bad we don't want to read about it.
Thank you and good luck.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at December 31, 2014 07:51 AM (MSwFj)

32 My wife said she wanted a nice pork for Christmas. I got her the biggest, juiciest ham I could find. Now she won't speak to me.

What did I do wrong??

Posted by: BurtTC at December 31, 2014 07:52 AM (Dj0WE)

33 That was one of the most hated parts of my old job. We had a 7 day on-call periods supposedly every 4th week. However we almost never had enough qualified people to make a 4 shit rotation .

And we got paid zilch for it.


Sounds familiar. We finally got rid of the 1 week at a time and split the weekdays then each take a weekend. I actually make a whole 2.25 an hour for on call. Not much but it adds up over the year.

Posted by: Molly k. at December 31, 2014 07:53 AM (/79qO)

34 14°F, feels like 4.


And that's inside the house. hahaha.

Morning, Glories. Just finished the news on the ONT and before I start on this thread, lemme say...


Posted by: mindful webworker - cooolllld fingers at December 31, 2014 07:53 AM (bXjNn)

35 Feel good story of the week, not all news is bad
news. This is a MUST read Morons. It involves a 9 year old boy and
sheriffs in PA and SC and hunting.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 07:47 AM (u9gzs)

Yep, cool story.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at December 31, 2014 07:53 AM (6fyGz)

36 31 >> 2014 was so bad we don't want to read about it.

Dave Barry's take is always worth checking out.

Posted by: GnuBreed at December 31, 2014 07:55 AM (TIIc4)

Happy New Year to all here, and it's 2015 here in Sydney, just watching the fireworks ...

January 1st 2015...hoping for a better year *fingers crossed*

Posted by: aussie at December 31, 2014 07:55 AM (b/1aA)

38 Last year she said she wanted to see something that went from 0 to 200 as soon as she stepped on it in the garage.

I got her a bathroom scale.

I still have bruises for that one.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 31, 2014 07:56 AM (Dj0WE)

39 And that's inside the house. hahaha.

Morning, Glories. Just finished the news on the ONT and before I start on this thread, lemme say...


Posted by: mindful webworker - cooolllld fingers at December 31, 2014 07:53 AM (bXjNn)

In my next house I want a fireplace or wood stove that will actually heat the whole house and a hand pump at the kitchen sink. I've experienced two incidence of power out during the winter lasting more than 24 hours, and since both my heat and water pump are electric I had neither of these conveniences...and the fireplace in the house won't heat fershit. Good thing I have the kerosene heater.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at December 31, 2014 07:56 AM (6fyGz)

40 Except that they didn't really go hunting. The kid got clothing and a ride in a quadrunner. They didn't see any deer. Gee. I can't imagine why.

Black Sheriff. White kid. Cute story.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at December 31, 2014 07:56 AM (V70Uh)

41 A balmy minus 7! Global warming? I can haz please?

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 31, 2014 07:58 AM (bXdYS)

42 Happy New Year, aussie!

Posted by: CanaDave at December 31, 2014 07:59 AM (IhNye)

43 Happy New Year to all here, and it's 2015 here in Sydney, just watching the fireworks

F'n Aussies and their time travel machines.

Seriously Aussie, Happy New Year and may w015 be better than 2014.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 31, 2014 07:59 AM (chFFu)

44 Lindsay Lohan has contracted the Chikungunya virus while vacationing in French Polynesia. Mosquitoes transmit it and there is no cure.

I'd like to extend my sincerest the mosquito. What it was exposed to when it bit her... >>shudders<<

Posted by: Brother Cavil, Warlord of the Western Wastes at December 31, 2014 08:00 AM (m9V0o)

45 Posted by: mindful webworker - cooolllld fingers at December 31, 2014 07:53 AM (bXjNn)

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 31, 2014 07:58 AM (bXdYS)

Y'all's weather is why I stick to the subtropical zones. 38 in Bryan right now. Bit chilly, but not near as bad as those. God Bless Texas.

Posted by: Cato at December 31, 2014 08:00 AM (J+mig)

46 39 In my next house I want a fireplace or wood stove
that will actually heat the whole house and a hand pump at the kitchen
sink. I've experienced two incidence of power out during the winter
lasting more than 24 hours, and since both my heat and water pump are
electric I had neither of these conveniences...and the fireplace in the
house won't heat fershit. Good thing I have the kerosene heater.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at December 31, 2014 07:56 AM (6fyGz)

When I first bought my house I tried the fireplace route. It took more heat out of the house up the chimney than it put in. IOW it was a net loss. And because it wasn't a standard fireplace I could not get an insert for it. I now use it for gas logs with the flue closed in case we lose power.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:00 AM (u9gzs)

47 A few years ago she was complaining that her sister is such a Scrooge.

I suggested maybe I could go visit her sister in the middle of the night, three times, to show her the true meaning of Christmas. Then in the morning give her a Christmas goose!

We never go to see that sister anymore...

Posted by: BurtTC at December 31, 2014 08:00 AM (Dj0WE)

48 It's 2 degrees here. But at least no wind to speak of.

Posted by: HH at December 31, 2014 08:01 AM (Ce4DF)

49 Well, I'll be removing French Polynesia from my list of travel destinations then.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at December 31, 2014 08:01 AM (MSwFj)

50 In my next house I want a fireplace or wood stove that will actually heat the whole house and a hand pump at the kitchen sink.

Round, open fireplace in the center of the room like at ski lodges.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 31, 2014 08:02 AM (chFFu)

51 ♬ Fast away the old year passes... ♬


Posted by: mindful webworker - froze toes at December 31, 2014 08:02 AM (bXjNn)

52 GGE.
Our cabin is basically that. The other option you could do is to jerry rig a plug to your pump to plug in a gen.
We still have a hand pump too as it was original.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 31, 2014 08:02 AM (bXdYS)

53 40 Black Sheriff. White kid. Cute story.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at December 31, 2014 07:56 AM (V70Uh)

That Sheriff will have no problems with people trying to ambush him.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:03 AM (u9gzs)

54 Thanks everybody, you've been a terrific audience.

Try the veal.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 31, 2014 08:04 AM (Dj0WE)

55 Happy New Year to all.

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President of the Sheena Easton Fan Club at December 31, 2014 08:05 AM (OWjjx)

56 Stay the hell out of Maryland if you have a CCW permit:

(Wash Times)

This is pure police state shit.

Posted by: GnuBreed at December 31, 2014 08:05 AM (TIIc4)

57 Cato: "Y'all's weather is why I stick to the subtropical zones. 38 in Bryan right now. Bit chilly, but not near as bad as those. God Bless Texas."

Well, there is that little trade-off with the mid-summer heat. This extreme cold will pass soon enough.... will.... pass.....

Posted by: mindful webworker - froze nose at December 31, 2014 08:06 AM (bXjNn)

58 56 This is pure police state shit.

Posted by: GnuBreed at December 31, 2014 08:05 AM (TIIc4)

One wonders if the guy gave then permission to search the car because if they do not have a warrant they can not do it.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:08 AM (u9gzs)

59 GGE.
Our cabin is basically that. The other option you could do is to jerry rig a plug to your pump to plug in a gen.
We still have a hand pump too as it was original.

A woodstove is the only way to go. We can make it 100 degrees in the old log cabin if we want. But bur a good one and it's amazing how well you can regulate the heat.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 31, 2014 08:10 AM (bXdYS)

60 32
My wife said she wanted a nice pork for Christmas. I got her the biggest, juiciest ham I could find. Now she won't speak to me.

What did I do wrong??

Posted by: BurtTC at December 31, 2014 07:52 AM (Dj0WE)

Ask the yard man.

Posted by: Nip Sip at December 31, 2014 08:10 AM (0FSuD)

61 Re: wood stoves
If I ever get out of Pa to further south I'd consider an 'outside' wood stove. I've had inside wood stoves and fireplaces all my adult life and wouldn't mind trying the outside route.

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at December 31, 2014 08:10 AM (WUmfB)

62 Smart phone acted stupidly!

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 31, 2014 08:11 AM (bXdYS)

63 Fireplaces - Heatilator

I was just over at their website, and it doesn't show what I expected. Back in the olden times, it was a big steel box insert, surrounded by another steel box that captured the heat (heat exchanger) and vented it into the room.

Or go with a Ben Franklin stove.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at December 31, 2014 08:11 AM (MSwFj)

42 CanaDave
Happy New Year to you too, and I hope you have a wonderful year....

Posted by: aussie at December 31, 2014 08:11 AM (b/1aA)

65 Stay the hell out of Maryland if you have a CCW permit:

(Wash Times)

This is pure police state shit.


Posted by: rickb223 at December 31, 2014 08:11 AM (chFFu)

66 They didn't see any deer. Gee. I can't imagine why.

Black Sheriff. White kid. Cute story.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at December 31, 2014 07:56 AM (V70Uh)

Blue tongue disease here in NC has killed off a lot of deer. I used to see them all over the place, but I haven't seen hardly any this year. Especially while carrying the gun...dammit.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at December 31, 2014 08:12 AM (6fyGz)

67 58 Vic,

It's more what they are doing -- license plate scanners at the borders, pretext stops; it's the whole "Papers, please" where they are literally hunting gun owners.

Posted by: GnuBreed at December 31, 2014 08:12 AM (TIIc4)

43 rickb223

Happy New Year to you too and I have fingers and toes crossed that this year will be better

*good riddance to a shitty year*

Posted by: aussie at December 31, 2014 08:13 AM (b/1aA)

69 It's more what they are doing -- license plate scanners at the borders, pretext stops; it's the whole "Papers, please" where they are literally hunting gun owners.

They need to call NYPD. Hunting can easily go the other way.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 31, 2014 08:14 AM (chFFu)

70 Regency is the brand name of our woodstove. Not sure if they still make them but it's a great stove.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 31, 2014 08:14 AM (bXdYS)

71 67
58 Vic,

It's more what they are doing -- license plate scanners
at the borders, pretext stops; it's the whole "Papers, please" where
they are literally hunting gun owners.

Posted by: GnuBreed at December 31, 2014 08:12 AM (TIIc4)

But they still have to get a warrant or permission to search your car unless it falls under the "hot pursuit" rule after a felony. This obviously didn't.

This is a reason I will not get a CCW. They have become public records in some States.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:15 AM (u9gzs)

72 Stay the hell out of Maryland if you have a CCW permit:

(Wash Times)

This is pure police state shit.

Posted by: GnuBreed at December 31, 2014 08:05 AM (TIIc4)

I haven't had a reason to be anywhere in Maryland since 1994. I don't expect to ever have one again, either.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at December 31, 2014 08:15 AM (6fyGz)

73 66 Blue tongue disease here in NC has killed off a lot
of deer. I used to see them all over the place, but I haven't seen
hardly any this year. Especially while carrying the gun...dammit.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at December 31, 2014 08:12 AM (6fyGz)

We still have a shit-ton of deer in SC, but Chester County is up near Charlotte so that may have spread to there.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:17 AM (u9gzs)

74 That's a bunch of crap. But if you don't have a CCW and they catch you I think you have bigger problems no?

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 31, 2014 08:18 AM (bXdYS)

75 We still have a shit-ton of deer in SC, but Chester County is up near Charlotte so that may have spread to there.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:17 AM (u9gzs)

Unfortunately my hunting license isn't valid south of the border...otherwise I'd help you out with that "shit-ton of deer" problem you seem to be having.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at December 31, 2014 08:18 AM (6fyGz)

76 The last time I was in MD was 1972 going back to GA from upstate NY. I haven't been back since.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:19 AM (u9gzs)

Fireworks in Sydney a few minutes ago....

A good display this year and I just love our beautiful city all lit up

Funny thing seen on Twitter earlier...

'Breaking news - thousands of explosives found attached to Sydney Harbour Bridge"

Of course, the bridge is the focus of all the fireworks but it made me laugh ..

Posted by: aussie at December 31, 2014 08:19 AM (b/1aA)


Forgot the Sydney fireworks link Blame the wine...

Posted by: aussie at December 31, 2014 08:20 AM (b/1aA)

79 The last time I was in MD was 1972 going back to GA from upstate NY. I haven't been back since.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:19 AM (u9gzs)

NAS Patuxent River, 1991-1994.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at December 31, 2014 08:21 AM (6fyGz)

80 Happy New Year Aussie, celebrate for me, I'll be working this one.

Posted by: Gmac - Still pondering something... at December 31, 2014 08:21 AM (4pjhs)

81 I never noticed how sexy Lea Gabrielle is before. She's had a lot of face time on FNC over the holidays.

A former fighter pilot and a hottie. Oh hell yes.

Posted by: Citizen X-mas at December 31, 2014 08:22 AM (7ObY1)

82 >>>This is a reason I will not get a CCW. They have become public records in some States.
.When we lived in Connecticut you had to get a CCW if you wanted to go to the gun range or actually buy a hand gun. It got tagged to your drivers license and your car(s) license plates. If the cops ran your DL or plates they knew you had a CCW.

Here in Kentucky you can get one but you really don't need it. Open carry and virtually no restrictions on what you can carry concealed or in plain sight in your car.

Posted by: the Great White Scotsman at December 31, 2014 08:22 AM (4oSLk)

83 Morning Horde. A crisp -27 degrees here in Small Town. The good news is we're supposed to get above 0 for the high today and that will be an improvement over yesterday if it does indeed occur.

Posted by: small town girl at December 31, 2014 08:22 AM (yX09K)

84 75 Unfortunately my hunting license isn't valid south
of the border...otherwise I'd help you out with that "shit-ton of deer"
problem you seem to be having.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at December 31, 2014 08:18 AM (6fyGz)

I often get 1 day temporary fishing licenses down in GA. It is probably possible to get a temporary hunting license in SC. However there is still the problem of finding a place you can hunt. The hunting clubs have leased almost all the lands, The last place I saw a bunch of deer crossing the road (had to stop my truck) was near federal lands. You can not hunt there.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:22 AM (u9gzs)

A little glimmer of hope from the underground.

A kid in my son's third grade class in suburban Detroit shared with his buddies that he killed a racoon with his BB gun and then skinned it. The kid's father -- an orthodontist -- confirmed it. Kid's social stock went through the roof. To hell with Minecraft. In that class, most every boy now wants to bag a varmint of his own to get a trophy skin.

Posted by: Moron Insurgent at December 31, 2014 08:22 AM (4HYng)

86 Morning.......

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at December 31, 2014 08:23 AM (POynn)

87 Oops

Forgot the Sydney fireworks link Blame the wine...

Posted by: aussie at December 31, 2014 08:20 AM (b/1aA)

I think I like the first picture the most, although the cascade of fireworks from the bottom of the harbor bridge is pretty impressive as well.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at December 31, 2014 08:23 AM (6fyGz)

88 G'day, aussie.....

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at December 31, 2014 08:24 AM (POynn)

89 In that class, most every boy now wants to bag a varmint of his own to get a trophy skin.

Hobo hunting in Detroit. Odds high.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 31, 2014 08:25 AM (nOvTJ)

90 High School High is on,they never would make this movie now days.

Posted by: steevy at December 31, 2014 08:25 AM (v5UtH)

91 @58

He probably did under the mistaken assumption that he had nothing to fear from police officers being a law abiding citizen.

This is not meant to be a rant against LEOs but they are not on your side they are agents of the state.

If he did not submit to a search of his vehicle a K-9 unit would have been dispatched to give a false hit on the vehicle giving them probable cause to search the vehicle.

Posted by: Kreplach at December 31, 2014 08:25 AM (bKSy7)

92 Some of ya a tad bit chilly this am I see.
Well, it's just a touch over 255 degrees here.
There's your globull warming.

Posted by: teej says go K-State at December 31, 2014 08:26 AM (XHihg)

93 In that class, most every boy now wants to bag a varmint of his own to get a trophy skin.

Posted by: Moron Insurgent at December 31, 2014 08:22 AM (4HYng)

I could probably bag my limit of sqwerls and not have to leave my living room...just open the sliding door and load up the .22 rifle.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at December 31, 2014 08:27 AM (6fyGz)

80 Gmac -

Happy New Year to you too, and I've entered into the gentle partying mode, out for dinner, and then home to have some drinkies while watching the fireworks at midnight

My New Years Eve party days - falling over, losing my shoes and one earring, and ending up at some party in some stranger's place are long gone... just memories *thank goodness *

What do I say now?
Get off my lawn!!!!

Posted by: aussie at December 31, 2014 08:28 AM (b/1aA)

95 Any other suckers at work making sure we get our last little bit of work in so the FSA can sit their asses at home?

Posted by: RWC - Justice for Carlton Smith!! at December 31, 2014 08:28 AM (fWAjv)

96 This is not meant to be a rant against LEOs but they are not on your side they are agents of the state.

If he did not submit to a search of his vehicle a K-9 unit would
have been dispatched to give a false hit on the vehicle giving them
probable cause to search the vehicle.

Posted by: Kreplach at December 31, 2014 08:25 AM (bKSy7)

There is a video out there somewhere that a gun-toting lawyer put out regarding searches and firearms, in the video he had a cop who told the audience just that...they are not your friends, they are looking for evidence to put you in jail with.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at December 31, 2014 08:28 AM (6fyGz)

97 Got in trouble last night. Wife is pissed. She drug me to Central Market. (Whole Foods competitor) Even more pretentious and douche-y than Whole Foods. Almost started a riot on my own because of the asshole hippies and overall rudeness of the d bags shopping there.

We get to the register and the bagger hippie-chik asks, "paper or plastic?"

I asked her, "Which one rapes Gaia the worst?"

She replied, "Plastic".

I said, "Plastic then".

Posted by: rickb223 at December 31, 2014 08:31 AM (nOvTJ)

98 Happy New Year aussie.

Let us know in advance how 2015 is

Posted by: RWC - Justice for Carlton Smith!! at December 31, 2014 08:31 AM (fWAjv)

99 Any other suckers at work making sure we get our last little bit of work in so the FSA can sit their asses at home?

**Raises hand**

Posted by: rickb223 at December 31, 2014 08:33 AM (nOvTJ)

100 "I said, "Plastic then".

Well. Played.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at December 31, 2014 08:33 AM (POynn)

101 I'm surprised a place like that even gives you a choice.You'd think it would be reusable bactteria farms or nothing.

Posted by: steevy at December 31, 2014 08:34 AM (v5UtH)

102 **Raises hand**

Posted by: rickb223 at December 31, 2014 08:33 AM (nOvTJ)

Good to know I'm not the only one.

Posted by: RWC - Justice for Carlton Smith!! at December 31, 2014 08:34 AM (fWAjv)

103 97 I asked her, "Which one rapes Gaia the worst?"

She replied, "Plastic".

I said, "Plastic then".

Posted by: rickb223 at December 31, 2014 08:31 AM (nOvTJ)

That is another one of those liberal fallacies.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:34 AM (u9gzs)

Good morning horde.

Goodbye 2014, and good riddance.

Posted by: grammie winger at December 31, 2014 08:35 AM (dFi94)

105 Any other suckers at work making sure we get our last little bit of work in so the FSA can sit their asses at home?

Posted by: RWC - Justice for Carlton Smith!! at December 31, 2014 08:28 AM (fWAjv)

Right here.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at December 31, 2014 08:35 AM (zF6Iw)

106 If the kid killed a raccoon with a BB gun he was damn lucky with his shot. They have a very thick skin so I wouldn't advise pissing one off with a BB gun. .22 yes no problem

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 31, 2014 08:35 AM (bXdYS)

107 @96

There is a multipart YouTube series where a lawyer and a LEO give a speech that police are not your friend, they are not in the justice business all they care about is closing the case.

In fact they make the case multiple times that it is never a good thing to actually talk to a police officer.

Now obviously laws have to be enforced or there would be anarchy but there also has to be a recognition that law enforcement has become a tool for harassing citizens in the guise of public safety.

Posted by: Kreplach at December 31, 2014 08:36 AM (bKSy7)

108 Posted by: the Great White Scotsman at December 31, 2014 08:22 AM (4oSLk)

Linking the carry permit to your driver's license and thus to your auto tags is just another little step towards plain old "common sense gun control regulation". Just wait until the national DoJ network of license plate scanners is linked to the GPS unit in your car, you won't even be able to make it to the canoe trip.

In retrospect, I don't think getting a permit is a good idea because every data base you are in is a potential way for the uber-state to screw you. Of course, I no longer have much faith in the utility of the "Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six!" rule either, since roughly half the twelve will have voted for Obama.

Posted by: Hrothgar at December 31, 2014 08:37 AM (fL/7/)

109 106
If the kid killed a raccoon with a BB gun he was damn lucky with his
shot. They have a very thick skin so I wouldn't advise pissing one off
with a BB gun. .22 yes no problem

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 31, 2014 08:35 AM (bXdYS)

Probably a Crossman .166. If you pump those up you can get some power. You can also get lead pellets for them.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:37 AM (u9gzs)

110 Paper or plastic.

"I want my stuff in a plastic bag, but then put the plastic bag inside a paper bag. I need the paper bags to make luminaria. . . you know, where you put a candle inside the bag and they make a nice holiday glow on the porch, along the sidewalk, and the driveway.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at December 31, 2014 08:38 AM (MSwFj)

111 Eh,

I was on bath salts and my heart gave out.

Otherwise, I was planning to eat his face.

Posted by: Raccoon at December 31, 2014 08:39 AM (KBvAm)

112 Ben up

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:39 AM (u9gzs)

113 Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:37 AM (u9gzs)

Still wouldn't advise raccoon hunting with a BB gun

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 31, 2014 08:40 AM (bXdYS)

114 I'm surprised a place like that even gives you a choice.You'd think it would be reusable bactteria farms or nothing.

Yeah. There were those on sale at every register. I was already in an AoSHQ mood of spitting upon my hands.
If those cloth bags are so good for the earf, they should be giving them away. Especially since they put their advertising on them.

You want me to carry your billboard? Pay me.
Sound familiar? Trucker Gimme caps. Ball caps were free. Trade off? You wore their advertising.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 31, 2014 08:40 AM (nOvTJ)

115 Posted by: Skandia Recluse at December 31, 2014 08:38 AM (MSwFj)

I like the picture on your blog. And it's true about August, except that third or fourth week it seems the bugs start to skedaddle some.

Posted by: grammie winger at December 31, 2014 08:42 AM (dFi94)

116 @108

They have been trying to do that in NJ, link your hand gun permit to your drivers license under the theory that cops gotta be safe.

I posed the question to several state senators, how many cops have been killed in the state of NJ by people who legally possessed the gun they used to commit the crime?

I went further and asked, how many convicted murderers in the state of New Jersey, who used a gun as their weapon, legally possessed the weapon?

Shockingly I have not heard back from any of them.

Posted by: Kreplach at December 31, 2014 08:44 AM (bKSy7)

117 Posted by: Minnfidel at December 31, 2014 08:10 AM (bXdYS)

Amazing how critical the damper control is on a wood stove. I am fighting with an old one as we speak that seems to always need tinkering with (almost impossible to get a long burn and very easy to have it get very very hot). I think Regency is still being made (they have a spiffy web-site) but they look pretty good.

Posted by: Hrothgar at December 31, 2014 08:47 AM (fL/7/)

118 Grammie winger,
That's a selfie. Ya gotta set the timer then do the old man shuffle to get back at it before the timer trips the shutter.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at December 31, 2014 08:50 AM (MSwFj)

119 113 Still wouldn't advise raccoon hunting with a BB gun

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 31, 2014 08:40 AM (bXdYS)

I wouldn't either for several reasons:

You can't eat coon, it is really crappy.
I like coons they are almost like playful kittens (as long as they are outside.
And shooting them even with a pumped up Crossman is cruel because slow lingering death.

If those kids want to hunt something with a pellet rifle in Detroit let them shoot rats. When I was a kid we used to do that in the creek than ran though our back yard.

Posted by: Vic at December 31, 2014 08:51 AM (u9gzs)

120 118 Grammie winger,
That's a selfie. Ya gotta set the timer then do the old man shuffle to get back at it before the timer trips the shutter.
Posted by: Skandia Recluse at December 31, 2014 08:50 AM (MSwFj)

I love it. Whereabouts are you at? The U.P.?

Posted by: grammie winger at December 31, 2014 08:52 AM (dFi94)

121 A quick recap of wood-heat experiences for GGE. I've been at it for 40 years.
We started out with a Franklin stove that Dad found used for supercheap. It was impressive as hell at first, but laughable in its inefficiency compared to even the most rudimentary "modern" (1970's) airtights. We ended up with a Timberline, which by dumb luck incorporated a smoke-routing shelf which transfers a lot of heat and also makes particulates precipitate back into the fire-box. Most all use this now. Don't even bother with older airtights that don't have this.

Dad had a great pal who was a master plumber, and got him to bend up a double coil to heat the house-heating hydronics water. Wow. You had to throw one hell of a wabash in there, but it heated the whole house. Trouble was, the temperature gradient was enough to make the coil act as a pollution control, and it quickly accumulated a thick layer of creosote, which wouldn't even chisel off. To make this work, you'd need a free-flowing water jacket around the firebox to pre-heat the return water before it went to the coil. Someday I will do that.

The Magic-Heat appliance, which places a set of air tubes with a fan in the stack, is a wonderful invention. Brush and blow the tubes in the off-season, and about once a winter you'll have to fine-tune the fan blades to stop them ting-ing. Metric hammer, about watchmaker size. Best single addition you can make.

What has really worked for us is the "High-V" A/C system we had to put in (because hydronic heat does not have ducts). There two main return lines. In winter, I put a rug over the upstairs one, forcing all air through the big vent right behind the woodstove. Warm air gets pumped all through the house. In an emergency, you can keep the whole place warm that way, but usually I just use it as a booster when outside is single-digit.

I wouldn't connect that ducting direct to a firebox jacket, like they did on coal furnaces, because there isn't a good enough diagnostic for a CO leak. Make sure the big-end of the high-V tubing is metallic, not mylar. You quickly learn to open the damper before opening the firebox doors, because one mistake and you'll smell woodsmoke all day. Good news is, a furnace filter upstream of the air-handler makes sure no actual smoke residue gets circulated. There.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at December 31, 2014 08:56 AM (xq1UY)

122 It looks like Lady Rose from Downton Abbey is the live-action Cinderella. Hmm. I'm sure the film will be lousy with grrl power. Maybe Prince Charming will be played by Lena Dunham.

Another day, another two parties. Afternoon tea for the olds and then evening cocktails and crown roast and Veuve Cliquot. Be very glad to get back to "ordinary time." Except for the work part.

Time to tidy up and vacuum, except Kitty is purrsnoring in my lap, so I'm trapped. Purrsnoring is this cute little gurgling purr she makes when she seems to be really asleep and is maybe dreaming a little bit. So cute!

Posted by: Dollar Store Sock at December 31, 2014 08:59 AM (c+gwp)

123 IF you can get to the inside of the stovepipe section that has the damper in it, try wiring the handle to the "flapper." They are famously floppy. If the damn thing isn't set where the handle says it is, you'll never get good control.

Coon is fine eatin if you fix it right. Cleaning is critical. I wonder if the "BB gun" was an air rifle. There is a difference. A decent air rifle would be sufficient -- provided you had a good hit. You can drop a bison at 30 yds with a Quackenbush.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at December 31, 2014 09:04 AM (xq1UY)

124 And may all of the Horde live the AoSHQ Lifestyle tonight in celebration of the New Year!

Posted by: Penfold at December 31, 2014 09:07 AM (Fbt5B)

125 Escort girls http://REGMODELS.RU

Posted by: Tina at January 03, 2015 07:09 PM (rKEiy)

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