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Overnight Open Thread (11-27-2014) - Happy Thanksgiving Edition


What Is America's Worst Airport?

And here are the results of a poll by Gizmodo:

8 ) Kansas City International Airport
7) Dulles International Airport
6) Philadelphia International Airport
5) Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport
4) Newark Liberty International Airport
3) O'Hare International Airport
2) Los Angeles International Airport
1) LaGuardia Airport

Well I've always found Newark and O'Hare to be big and kinda boring but at least not too decrepit. But Dulles feels like random buildings just hooked together by utility tunnels and LAX reminds me of an East Bloc airport built for the 1980 Olympics and barely maintained since then.

Why You Feel Bloated Tonight

After the first 750 calories or so, your body begins to store a larger percentage of food as fat. A 2000 study found that the average adult gains a pound during each holiday season and usually never loses it.

So you have that going for you.


What is Wrong With These People?

Police in New York arrested a number of protesters on Thursday who were apparently part of a movement to disrupt the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in order to demonstrate against the failure to indict Darren Wilson for shooting and killing Michael Brown. At least seven people were detained, according to the New York Post, which had warned in its front page today about a "plot against Snoopy." The seven people who were arrested were apparently part of a group of people who overturned a trash can and tried to "run toward the floats," according to WPIX-TV. "But an hour later, there was no sign of turmoil along the parade route," notes theNew York Daily News.

#GamerGate: International Game Developers' Association Resorts to Blanket Twitter Bans

And just following a supporter of #Gamergate can be enough to get you banned.

In a sign of how frenzied, panicky and intolerant the games industry establishment has become over the legitimate concerns of ordinary gamers, the International Game Developers' Association branded some 10,425 Twitter accounts, including those of journalists, as harassment "offenders" in a humiliatingly ill-conceived attempt to provide a "blocking tool" to its members.

The blocking tool, which has been widely mocked online for its lack of sophistication and "blanket ban" approach, was assembled by Randi Harper, a persistent online agitator. The tool prevents users from seeing not only the tweets of users Harper has decided are implicated in harassment, but also many accounts who simply follow those users, by blocking a list of thousands of users with the use of an automated "bot." . . .

Dozens of innocent developers, journalists and even some feminist critics have been caught in the tool's exceptionally wide net, thanks to whom they follow on Twitter. Prominent internet personality and YouTuber Total Biscuit noted this weekend the absurdity of an international trade body accepting unfit-for-purpose software and capricious, arbitrary "harassment" clarifications by an independent developer who is hardly non-partisan in the ongoing GamerGate controversy. . . .


James Beard's Carving Manifesto from November 1948 Issue of 'Gourmet'

Also applies to hobos.

The Art of Carving is the science of carving. One must understand anatomy, have a steady hand, a sure eye, and extreme patience-to say nothing of a good sense of showmanship-to be a good carver. Of course, tools and equipment are important attributes, but they must be guided by sensitivity, awareness, and complete control.

Let us consider first of all carving equipment. Our functional age has brought a wealth of carving material, magnificently wrought, balanced, and plain, to a high degree of perfection. I have experimented and demonstrated with a great variety of today's cutlery and find it, for the most part, easy to handle, simple to keep in condition, and most efficient. It has been my experience, however, that these contemporary precision instruments need as careful attention as a surgeon's tools. Too often, however, they are treated with complete carelessness and are often abused.

It is, alas, in eight out of ten instances, the women who are responsible rather than the men. A man may supply himself with a fine set of knives for all purposes, but it usually remains for the distaff side of the house to divert their function. I have seen delicate, hollow-ground knives which have been used to cut through bones or for chopping and which soon resembled a cross saw. I have shuddered to see the delicate and finely honed edge of a carving knife made blunt and broken by being used for an all-purpose knife or by being thrust into a patent sharpener. A hollow-ground or hand-made magnesium steel knife needs as careful attention as a straight-edged razor. Most modern knives are built for long, careful service and require sharpening only once or twice during the course of a year. There are rigid rules for sharpening all contemporary cutlery which should be followed to the letter. Rules for the proper care of cutlery almost invariably come along with the modern knives. Do not think that because you have always sharpened your old all-purpose kitchen knives on an old crock or on a patented sharpener, you can use a delicate, highly styled instrument the same way. Reserve these knives for the functions for which they were made and use heavy-duty knives for all other purposes.

...My final plea about game carving is that you care for your tools and implements as if they were, as they are, precision instruments. Do not let tradition override you and prejudice you against shears, for not only will they ease your job but they will protect your fine cutlery. Keep your fine equipment as a thing apart, and use it for that purpose only. This may sound like a luxury, but in the long run it is exceedingly practical.


The Turkey We Don't Eat

There are only two living species of turkey: Meleagris gallopavo, or the wild turkey, which is the one we domesticated and eat with stuffing, and the one which most Americans are familiar with. And then there's Meleagris ocellata, or the ocellated turkey, which isn't as well known.

For anyone who thinks turkeys are dull, the ocellated turkey is a vibrant counterpoint. The flashier looking of the two turkeys, it has iridescent bronze, blue, and green feathers, eye spots on the tail feathers (from which it gets its name), a powder blue head dotted with orange and red nodules, and a bright red ring around the eyes. And instead of gobbling like their cousins, ocellated turkeys have a repertoire of vocalizations that include low, nasal "puts," whistles, beeps, "hee-haw" sounds and a mating call composed of bassy drumming sounds followed by a trill. Zoologist A. Starker Leopold described this last call as sounding like "ting-ting-ting-co-on-cot-zitl-glung," with the last note "having a bell-like quality."

While the wild turkey is usually considered one of the great conservation success stories, the ocellated turkey is faring less well. After unregulated hunting and habitat destruction dwindled the wild turkey's numbers to approximately 30,000 birds in the early 20th century.


Yahoo group. That is all.

Come on be a smartie and join the yahoo group party! For the children.

And my lo-fi Twitter spew.

Tonight's post brought to you by Thanksgiving:






Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips plus $1 for S&H to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send your scraps to BizarroAce. Do not taunt happy-fun ball.

Posted by: Maetenloch at 10:38 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Yo Morons

Posted by: fluffy at November 27, 2014 10:39 PM (Ua6T/)

2 Hah!

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at November 27, 2014 10:39 PM (Hpys7)

3 Aloha!

Posted by: cthulhu at November 27, 2014 10:39 PM (T1005)

4 Are we be crawled by bots?

Posted by: fluffy at November 27, 2014 10:40 PM (Ua6T/)

5 Don't tell Alton. Thanks Maet.

Posted by: flounder at November 27, 2014 10:41 PM (sDapq)

6 Michael Brown would have attacked a speeding train. Spread the meme...

Posted by: t-bird at November 27, 2014 10:43 PM (FcR7P)

Finally, an ONT.

Someone has the power to resist the Sleep Power of Teh Turkey ... but apparently, not by much.

Posted by: Arbalest at November 27, 2014 10:43 PM (FlRtG)

8 What is with this add that keeps popping in?

Posted by: t-bird at November 27, 2014 10:43 PM (FcR7P)


Add it to your Hosts.txt. Problem fixed.

Posted by: Arbalest at November 27, 2014 10:45 PM (FlRtG)

10 All are welcome tonight except for AltonJackson. He knows why.

Posted by: Maetenloch at November 27, 2014 10:45 PM (wqVD1)

11 15 is my limit

Posted by: Schnitzen Gruber at November 27, 2014 10:45 PM (DFret)

12 ONT yay!!

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 10:45 PM (jTQ9M)

13 g'evenin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at November 27, 2014 10:45 PM (KCxzN)

14 In Ylvis' planned follow-up to "What does the fox say?", it will be disclosed that the turkey says, "ting-ting-ting-co-on-cot-zitl-glung".

Posted by: cthulhu at November 27, 2014 10:45 PM (T1005)

15 Black Friday...sounds more like a stock market crash than a shopping day.

Posted by: CanaDave at November 27, 2014 10:46 PM (5Kd7z)



Are A.J. and D-Lamp doing some sort of WWE Tag Team on-line thing?

Posted by: Arbalest at November 27, 2014 10:46 PM (FlRtG)

17 Black Friday sounds RAYCISSSSSSSSSSSSSS....
Thanks Maet.

Posted by: Truck Monkey, as Voiced by Brian Dennehy at November 27, 2014 10:48 PM (jucos)

18 Bonsoir les abrutis!

Posted by: bill-o at November 27, 2014 10:49 PM (DFret)

19 10 All are welcome tonight except for AltonJackson. He knows why.
Posted by: Maetenloch at November

Short leash for us regulars?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 10:49 PM (jTQ9M)

20 I am feeling especially moronic tonight.

Posted by: navybrat at November 27, 2014 10:49 PM (JgC5a)

21 Home Depot early for toilet jigglehandle retainer nut, and solar powered garden gnome lights. And maybe to Walmark to view the idjits.

Posted by: Erowmero at November 27, 2014 10:50 PM (go5uR)

22 Bailey for the win!

Posted by: t-bird at November 27, 2014 10:51 PM (FcR7P)

23 What is Wrong With These People?

"Police in New York arrested a number of protesters on Thursday..."

They were raising awareness of their stupidity.

Posted by: Prezzy Prayer Rug at November 27, 2014 10:51 PM (1Y+hH)

24 Got most of my shopping done already...did it all did we ever get by without online shopping?

Posted by: CanaDave at November 27, 2014 10:51 PM (5Kd7z)

25 Well in spite of turkey induced coma, managed to write almost another 1,700 words. So word total now stands at 53,300 and growing. Which will probably make the other NaNoWriMo writers to hate me.

And now for something completely different

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 27, 2014 10:51 PM (XhS3T)

26 Earlier today i showed the girls the wkrp clip. They enjoyed

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 10:52 PM (jTQ9M)

27 >>> And maybe to Walmark to view the idjits.

When you stare into the abyss of idiocy, the abyss stares back.

Posted by: fluffy at November 27, 2014 10:53 PM (Ua6T/)

28 1) LaGuardia Airport

I've never understood LaGuardia hatred. Sure, it's not much for ambiance--but I've always been able to get to get in and out very quickly. For airport of that size with that amount of traffic, that's not common at all.

Posted by: AD at November 27, 2014 10:53 PM (G+6v/)

29 Are we be crawled by bots?


Posted by: toby928(C) at November 27, 2014 10:53 PM (rwI+c)

30 off stupid sock

Posted by: Meremortal at November 27, 2014 10:53 PM (1Y+hH)

31 Hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving. Especially Maet.

Posted by: Alana at November 27, 2014 10:54 PM (QTpuK)

32 Happy Thanksgiving Morons!

Hope you all ate your fill and had good days.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at November 27, 2014 10:54 PM (GEICT)

33 Yay! ONT!

Posted by: EC at November 27, 2014 10:54 PM (doBIb)

34 Denver not on bad airport list 'cause it has the Illuminati base in the lower level.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 27, 2014 10:55 PM (1Y+hH)

35 I saw a little bit of the parade. It was sparsely attended. The announcers even commented on it. (They blamed the weather, but it looked fine. I assume ppl didn't want to deal with the protester idiots.)

Posted by: Y-not at November 27, 2014 10:55 PM (9BRsg)

36 32 Happy Thanksgiving Morons!

Hope you all ate your fill and had good days.
Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk

While eating pumpkin cheesecake I thought of you & your
Past nightmare

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 10:55 PM (jTQ9M)

37 The airport ratings are crap. Atlanta is pretty good and LAX doesn't deserve 2nd worst. What were the criteria here?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at November 27, 2014 10:56 PM (MPK82)

38 AM was ripped off.

So to divert myself from that sad outcome, I'm watching When Turkeys Attack.

Posted by: Y-not at November 27, 2014 10:56 PM (9BRsg)

39 >>> What were the criteria here?

Time magazine was doing click bait before the internet existed.

Posted by: fluffy at November 27, 2014 10:57 PM (Ua6T/)

40 While eating pumpkin cheesecake I thought of you & your Past nightmare

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 10:55 PM (jTQ9M)

Ha! I had a nice big slice today. And my mom made a second one just for me to bring home.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at November 27, 2014 10:58 PM (GEICT)

41 I like Dulles. Easy to get into and out of. Parking is right next door, even for long term. I like those futuristic people movers. It's clean. Roomy. Never feels crowded.

Posted by: Truck Monkey, as Voiced by Brian Dennehy at November 27, 2014 10:58 PM (jucos)

42 40 While eating pumpkin cheesecake I thought of you & your Past nightmare

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 10:55 PM (jTQ9M)

Ha! I had a nice big slice today. And my mom made a second one just for me to bring home.
Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at November 27, 2014 10:58 PM (GEICT)

Good on you BC

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 10:59 PM (jTQ9M)

43 LAX is awful, as is Newark.

Denver's airport has this great rep, but the truth is heaven help you if you have a short layover there. Very hard to get around. Every bit as bad as O'Hare.

I think Phoenix's airport is pretty crappy for a town with so much tourism.

Posted by: Y-not at November 27, 2014 10:59 PM (9BRsg)

44 I've gotten through O'Hare pretty painlessly.

Posted by: CanaDave at November 27, 2014 10:59 PM (5Kd7z)

45 (I lost my ampersand.)

Posted by: Y-not at November 27, 2014 11:00 PM (9BRsg)

46 Well I, for one, am thankful that this wasn't my Thanksgiving meal:

Posted by: rickl at November 27, 2014 11:00 PM (sdi6R)

47 Good on you BC

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 10:59 PM (jTQ9M)

Other than pumpkin cheesecake, how was your Turkey Day?

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at November 27, 2014 11:00 PM (GEICT)

48 Happy Thanksgiving Morons!

Posted by: thathalfrican at November 27, 2014 11:00 PM (R5HRU)

49 >>Home Depot early for toilet jigglehandle retainer nut

heh. I need one of those, too. Do you think a place like HD or Lowe's will be busy tomorrow? I'm hoping not.

Posted by: Y-not at November 27, 2014 11:01 PM (9BRsg)

50 Posted by: Y-not at November 27, 2014 10:56 PM (9BRsg)

Concur, that was definitely offsides by LSU. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out with the SEC office.

Posted by: Country Singer at November 27, 2014 11:02 PM (nL0sw)

51 -
"A 2000 study found that the average adult gains a pound during each holiday season and usually never loses it."


So your average 70 year-old is 50 lbs overweight?
Science is too hard. I'll just let Neil deGrasse Tyson make all my decisions for me.

Posted by: irright at November 27, 2014 11:02 PM (DtNNC)

52 Ordered a few items from Home Depot online...only took 3 days to get here...awesome.

Posted by: CanaDave at November 27, 2014 11:03 PM (5Kd7z)

53 Concur, that was definitely offsides by LSU. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out with the SEC office.

I wasn't convinced that they had the "defenseless receiver" call/ejection right, either. And I think that was a pick play by LSU earlier in the game.

Posted by: Y-not at November 27, 2014 11:03 PM (9BRsg)

54 Other than pumpkin cheesecake, how was your Turkey Day?
Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at November 27, 2014

An excellent day, 2 of the daughters were home. Oldest is moving back to Wis later this year. Much to be thankful for

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:04 PM (jTQ9M)

55 I went home with a waitress, like I always do, how was I to know she was with the Russians, too.?

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 27, 2014 11:04 PM (2cS/G)

56 Too many leftovers.

Posted by: EC at November 27, 2014 11:05 PM (doBIb)

57 48 Happy Thanksgiving Morons!


To my people, it's nothing to celebrate. You teach some clueless pilgrims to grow corn, and the next thing you know you're battling five other tribes for an Englebert Humperdinck booking for the lounge in your Indian casino.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at November 27, 2014 11:05 PM (MPK82)



Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at November 27, 2014 11:05 PM (MPK82)

59 55 I went home with a waitress, like I always do, how was I to know she was with the Russians, too.?
Posted by: Lincolntf at November 27, 2014

She'll rip your lungs out Jim

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:05 PM (jTQ9M)

60 Posted by: Y-not at November 27, 2014 11:03 PM (9BRsg)

I missed the first part of the game, so I missed the pick, but on the targeting call I think they were correct. The DB had plenty of opportunity to not make the hit, especially the way that he did.

Posted by: Country Singer at November 27, 2014 11:05 PM (nL0sw)

61 httPosted by: Cicero (@cicero) at November 27, 2014 11:05 PM (MPK82)

Sweet. Can I get my room comped?

Posted by: thathalfrican at November 27, 2014 11:06 PM (R5HRU)

62 An excellent day, 2 of the daughters were home. Oldest is moving back to Wis later this year. Much to be thankful for
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:04 PM (jTQ9M)

Excellent. Ours was fairly small this year. Sis had to work (she's a nurse), so her little boy was with his dad. Extended fam was out of town visiting some of the elderly folks that couldn't travel. My grandma, well, basically flaked out for unknown reasons.

But it was my parents, my grandpa, me, the wife, the drunken midgets and a couple of my parents' neighbors.

Tons of food. Very traditional. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, succotash, few other things.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at November 27, 2014 11:08 PM (GEICT)

63 She'll rip your lungs out Jim

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:05 PM

She was just like Jesse James.

Posted by: otho at November 27, 2014 11:08 PM (tBSrv)

64 OHare has a nice USO.

Posted by: Bomber at November 27, 2014 11:08 PM (3vdhh)

65 Of course american turkey hunters are in the forefront of ocellated turkey conservation efforts ,, in Mexico .
The ever so humane,meat is murder activists are nowhere to be found .

Posted by: awkward davies at November 27, 2014 11:08 PM (Z+Mqb)

66 Lincolntf dating Nicole Kidman now?

"As God is my witness, I'm stuffed from turkey."


Posted by: Anna Puma at November 27, 2014 11:10 PM (XhS3T)

67 21 Home Depot early for toilet jigglehandle retainer nut, and solar powered garden gnome lights. And maybe to Walmark to view the idjits.
Posted by: Erowmero at November 27, 2014 10:50 PM (go5uR)

I hear that some of the #Ferguson protesters are going to try to stop Black Friday shoppers. Please tell me they're taking on the Walmarters.

Ya know, those people who on past Black Fridays have trampled the slow and weak to death. And then bitched when the cops told them it was a crime scene and they couldn't just keep shopping. 'Cause stepping over the trampled dead body to get that 32 inch tv is a bad thing. I want to see the protesters get in the way of THOSE people.

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 27, 2014 11:10 PM (Yiho6)

68 Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at November 27, 2014 11:08 PM (GEICT)

Glad your day was good. Sorry to hear about your grams flaking out. Hope it's nothing serious

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:11 PM (jTQ9M)

69 Almost time to go pick up Mrs. Hammer, who has been working Black Thursday.... (don't get me started), 5:00 -12:00

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 27, 2014 11:11 PM (l1zOH)

70 Happy Thanksgiving to Ace, the COBs, and The Hoard.
May you and yours be healthy and happy, and thankful for what you have, not envious for what you do not.
I'm thankful for you all...

Posted by: ChrisP at November 27, 2014 11:11 PM (fG9rI)

71 nerdygirl @ 67 - Popcorn for all my friends!

Posted by: butch at November 27, 2014 11:12 PM (HLx1C)

72 Glad your day was good. Sorry to hear about your grams flaking out. Hope it's nothing serious

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:11 PM (jTQ9M)

Truth is, she's becoming more and more of a shut in as she gets older. I understand not going like you did in previous years, but just getting up and dressed and riding to my parents' house? That ain't hard.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at November 27, 2014 11:12 PM (GEICT)

73 She was just like Jesse James.
Posted by: otho at November 27, 2014 11:08 PM (tBSrv

Or a Wareing Blender

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:13 PM (jTQ9M)

74 "Police in New York arrested a number of protesters on Thursday..."

Good. Better they should be in the county jail that being a pain the ass at their relatives' Thanksgiving dinner.

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 27, 2014 11:13 PM (Yiho6)

75 Happy Thanksgiving to Ace, the COBs, and The Hoard.
May you and yours be healthy and happy, and thankful for what you have, not envious for what you do not.
I'm thankful for you all...
Posted by: ChrisP


Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 27, 2014 11:13 PM (l1zOH)

76 "And just following a supporter of #Gamergate can be enough to get you banned."

Edifying to see people emulate my bannination tactics.

You are all hereby banned from the Internets, wing-nuts!!11!!

Posted by: C*arles J*hnson at November 27, 2014 11:14 PM (Oo0Xc)

77 I am happily married, hot women are entirely in my past. So glad my wife never reads this site, I'd be dead.

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 27, 2014 11:15 PM (2cS/G)

78 74 "Police in New York arrested a number of protesters on Thursday..."

Good. Better they should be in the county jail that being a pain the ass at their relatives' Thanksgiving dinner.
Posted by: nerdygirl at November 27, 2014 11:13 PM (Yiho6)

Got a better idea.

Throw them into the East a River.

Posted by: EC at November 27, 2014 11:15 PM (doBIb)

79 JFK is America's worst airport.

Try changing planes from one airline to another there, and you'll agree. No signs, no help anywhere, walk about a mile to some SkyTrain and hope you are going to the right terminal building and will get there in time.

Posted by: Splunge at November 27, 2014 11:15 PM (qyomX)

80 Truth is, she's becoming more and more of a shut in as she gets older. I understand not going like you did in previous years, but just getting up and dressed and riding to my parents' house? That ain't hard.
Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at November 27, 2014

It's not hard, but sounds like something more than a lack of ambition

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:16 PM (jTQ9M)

81 So to divert myself from that sad outcome, I'm watching When Turkeys Attack.
Posted by: Y-not at November 27, 2014 10:56 PM (9BRsg)

Wild turkeys are big pains in the neck. They congregate in the road and take their own damn time when you honk at them.
I know vegetarian liberals who think it should be okay to run them down.
And for about the past 20 years there have been tons of the things in Michigan. So anyone who hunts, please come up here and shoot them.

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 27, 2014 11:18 PM (Yiho6)

82 75 Happy Thanksgiving to Ace, the COBs, and The Hoard.
May you and yours be healthy and happy, and thankful for what you have, not envious for what you do not.
I'm thankful for you all...
Posted by: ChrisP

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 27, 2014 11:13 PM (l1zOH)

Double This

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:19 PM (jTQ9M)

83 nerdy - and, they leave turkey poo wherever they go.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 27, 2014 11:19 PM (l1zOH)

84 I trust everyone had a nice Thanksgiving?

The wine flowed like PBR, and I was *thisclose* to getting Ginsberg's "Howl" read at the table.

Posted by: All Hail Eris at November 27, 2014 11:19 PM (QBm1P)

85 Brent,
I can understand that. We're becoming more "Shut-Ins" as we get older. Don't need the hassle, travel, politics, or any of the other shit that goes with getting together with a disparate group of shirt-tail relatives and their friends.
As we age, we have less and less in common. I've 5 brothers and sisters down in Portland who all have their own families, children and grand-children.
The wife has a sister down there with her own family.
We have no children and are 150 miles away.
We're alone, and that's okay...

Posted by: ChrisP at November 27, 2014 11:21 PM (fG9rI)

86 83 nerdy - and, they leave turkey poo wherever they go.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 27, 2014

Canadian Geese are worse. No offense Canadian morons

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:21 PM (jTQ9M)

87 Posted by: C*arles J*hnson at November 27, 2014 11:14 PM (Oo0Xc)
You forgot to accuse us of flouncing and also forgot to bid us Adieu

Posted by: Truck Monkey, as Voiced by Brian Dennehy at November 27, 2014 11:21 PM (jucos)

88 Good Thanksgiving here. Food all worked out, and not a single mention of the Nemesis. Not a Voxplainy crib note card in sight.

Posted by: Splunge at November 27, 2014 11:22 PM (qyomX)

89 Surprisingly Detroit is one of better airports, probably the cleanest, and best laidout of the major airports. But then again they're all pretty much the same, hard to tell what city your in just by going by the airport.

Posted by: lowandslow at November 27, 2014 11:22 PM (BXkFh)

90 If humans every just disappeared the farm turkey will soon follow. Thanks to selective breading male turkeys breasts are too big to mount a female. Learned that on Dirty Jobs when Mike Rowe had to manually fertilized some turkeys with a hose and his mouth.

Posted by: TJ at November 27, 2014 11:23 PM (G1eTV)

91 Thanksgiving was a good one for us. It was just my husband and kids so the only political scuffle I head was my two youngest fighting about how Peppa Pig snorts.

All in all, a good day. Lots to be thankful for.

Posted by: Lauren at November 27, 2014 11:24 PM (BPMYx)

92 What's up my crackas?

Posted by: oor Poor Pitiful Me at November 27, 2014 11:24 PM (jRgO6)

93 Learned that on Dirty Jobs when Mike Rowe had to manually fertilized some turkeys with a hose and his mouth.

That's known as the "Turkey Baster".

Posted by: EC at November 27, 2014 11:24 PM (doBIb)

94 90 Mike Rowe had to manually fertilized some turkeys with a hose and his mouth.

Welcome to my world.

Posted by: Reggie Love at November 27, 2014 11:24 PM (qyomX)

95 "When Turkeys Attack".

Or in my world, how to turn an avian kamikaze attack into succulent, delicious table fare.

We're gonna need a bigger freezer!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at November 27, 2014 11:25 PM (RzZOc)

96 Struggled across the 50k line in NaNoo, and as soon as it validates, I'm done with it. This is the most mumble grumble exercise of online divel generating wasted pointless hateful....pointless, did I say pointless?

Generate 50k words and call it writing. Never gonna do this again, never, ever. It's not a novel, it's unpublishable, unmarketable, uneditable, can't be rewritten embarrassment that I'm never gonna let anyone read. Embarrassment, did I mention I would be embarrassed to have anyone read this [expletive deleted].

Never again.

I don't do deadlines, I don't do quotas, I don't do production on demand.

Spew, fume, and vent...sputter, stutter, and carp.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at November 27, 2014 11:25 PM (RHwpx)

97 "I am happily married, hot women are entirely in my past"


Posted by: Lincolntf's wife (not really) at November 27, 2014 11:26 PM (BPMYx)

98 Happy Thanksgiving y'all!!

Posted by: NC Ref at November 27, 2014 11:27 PM (A4RjN)

99 At least you made it, Skandia. I stalled out at 13K words when life got crazy around here.

Apparently I *really* can't do production on demand.

Posted by: Lauren at November 27, 2014 11:27 PM (BPMYx)

100 I ate about 1/2 of a choco cream pie over 4 hr period. It was so delish. Now my tummy hurts. Yaaaaay! Success!

Posted by: freefallveloz at November 27, 2014 11:27 PM (pqOzY)

101 Dallas-Ft.Worth is the worst for connections. They evidently have some Computer Science whiz kid who has written a recursive program that assigns planes to gates so that no matter where you are coming from or going to, you have the longest possible walk between planes.

As to wind shear, Denver is worse than even DFW.

Furthermore, with Denver, I can't figure out why, when they built the new airport, on a perfectly flat, huge piece of real estate, which they could build any freaking way they wanted, that they didn't put an underground train out to the rental car lots. Think of it! They missed the chance to build a really modern airport that was designed so you could just get off the plane and get your bags, go down a level and keep rolling until you got to the rental car area, and not have to come up into the weather until you were in a car. They wouldn't even have to cut down any trees.

Instead, they have the old situation where you have to get out into the wind/snow/sleet/whatever, wait forever for the rental car bus to come, and drag your shit up two or three steps and put it all on a shelf, ride to the rental car area and pull all your shit off the shelf and drag it back down the steps again. WTF? I'm certain it had to do with unions. But what a missed opportunity to give travelers a really nice, barrier free, level, dry, warm way to get from the terminal to the cars.

Posted by: MathMom at November 27, 2014 11:28 PM (Ja8rb)

102 97 "I am happily married, hot women are entirely in my past"

Posted by: Lincolntf's wife (not really) at November 27, 2014 11:26 PM (BPMYx)

Hot women are in my past as well because my wife is the Hawtest

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:28 PM (jTQ9M)

Spokane may have the smallest "international" airport in the lower 48. Small has its value, though. Easy in, easy out and friendly TSA. What's not to like.

Posted by: Pecan Scandi at November 27, 2014 11:28 PM (BSZVA)

104 *Taunts Happy-fun Ball*

Posted by: buzzion at November 27, 2014 11:29 PM (zt+N6)

105 Stop #BlamerGate you guys!

Posted by: Blame Whom at November 27, 2014 11:29 PM (7wyDO)

106 Well, two years ago I left my girlfriend the day after Thanksgiving.
This year my freezer died.
I can't tell if things are getting better or worse.

Posted by: kindltot at November 27, 2014 11:30 PM (t//F+)

107 So the oscillating turkey played bass drum on Hee Haw.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at November 27, 2014 11:30 PM (W5DcG)

108 Well, Lauren, I don't have a life!

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at November 27, 2014 11:30 PM (RHwpx)

109 Not one political comment the entire night! I like to think it's the holiday spirit, but I have a deliciously sneaky suspicion it's because they know, in their heart of hearts, that Kim Jong-O is a big failure.

Posted by: All Hail Eris at November 27, 2014 11:30 PM (QBm1P)

110 106 Well, two years ago I left my girlfriend the day after Thanksgiving.
This year my freezer died.
I can't tell if things are getting better or worse.
Posted by: kindltot at November 27, 2014 11:30 PM (t//F+)


Did she thaw out yet?

Posted by: EC at November 27, 2014 11:30 PM (doBIb)

111 "
Furthermore, with Denver, I can't figure out why, when they built the new airport, on a perfectly flat, huge piece of real estate, which they could build any freaking way they wanted, that they didn't put an underground train out to the rental car lots. Think of it! They missed the chance to build a really modern airport that was designed so you could just get off the plane and get your bags, go down a level and keep rolling until you got to the rental car area, and not have to come up into the weather until you were in a car. They wouldn't even have to cut down any trees. "

Oh oh, but you know the story about the Denver airport, right? It's all new world ordery and (supposedly) has a whole underground fall out shelter thing. All I know is it has the creepiest art EVA. Seriously. EVA.

Posted by: Lauren at November 27, 2014 11:30 PM (BPMYx)

112 This year I made the teenagers bake the desserts and breads.

It went well; I'm very proud of them and mildly ashamed of the amount of pecan pie and corn muffins I've managed to consume.

Posted by: Jenny Hates Her Phone at November 27, 2014 11:32 PM (FX0eV)

113 >>> ...friendly TSA....

I call bullshit, no such thing.

Posted by: Bomber at November 27, 2014 11:32 PM (3vdhh)

114 That bird looks like a turkey fucked a peacock

Posted by: buzzion at November 27, 2014 11:33 PM (zt+N6)

115 The key to a perfect turkey?

Two bottles of bourbon. Use one bottle to mix with stock and butter/margarine. Baste the turkey with all that goodness up to a gallon total liquid.

For the other bottle. Drink. Cooking and cleaning doesn't seem that bad (not complaints from family members), and when it's done, kick back and let everyone else take care of everything else.

Posted by: The Bourboned Hat at November 27, 2014 11:33 PM (lN8KC)

116 74 "Police in New York arrested a number of protesters on Thursday..."

Good. Better they should be in the county jail that being a pain the ass at their relatives' Thanksgiving dinner.
Posted by: nerdygirl at November 27, 2014 11:13 PM (Yiho6)


Ferguson protests are where white people go when they've so thoroughly alienated their family they have no other place to go.

Posted by: Oschisms at November 27, 2014 11:33 PM (uqV2n)

117 79 JFK is America's worst airport.

Posted by: Splunge at November 27, 2014 11:15 PM (qyomX)

I don't know what that place is like now, but I had a layover there in July, 1989, and I still remember it.
It was hot and disgusting. There was garbage and trash around with fruitflies.

O'Hare is enormous, but pretty clean and efficient. The problem is if you have to get from one terminal to a connecting flight whose terminal is a looooong ways away.

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 27, 2014 11:33 PM (Yiho6)

118 On Thanksgiving!

Posted by: Oschisms at November 27, 2014 11:33 PM (uqV2n)

119 113

Hey, Bomber!

Posted by: speedster1 at November 27, 2014 11:34 PM (C0wzD)

120 That bird looks like a turkey fucked a peacock

Posted by: buzzion at November 27, 2014 11:33 PM (zt+N6)

Species is just a social construct,

Posted by: A happily f**ked peacock at November 27, 2014 11:35 PM (lN8KC)

121 -
" Thanks to selective breading male turkeys breasts are too big to mount a female."


Tell me about it.

Posted by: Michael Moore at November 27, 2014 11:35 PM (DtNNC)

122 Boston Logan suuux for going from international arrival to domestic. Long effing walk. Detroit is well laid out butmwhat the heck is up with that long corridor lit with psychedlic colors heading to A terminal?

Posted by: freefallveloz at November 27, 2014 11:35 PM (pqOzY)

123 I can't tell if things are getting better or worse.
Posted by: kindltot

Not trying to be a smartass, but what did you give thanks for today?

Posted by: Meremortal at November 27, 2014 11:35 PM (1Y+hH)

124 I don't think the twitter blocker works, just looking at the source code freebsdgirl/ggautoblocker/ blob/ master/ #L238

# TODO: actually block the user!

# $nt->create_block( { user_id => $id } )

# TODO: do we want to look at account stats for these users? maybe limit by f:f ratio/acct creation date?

# otherwise users like hootsuite are going to get blocked.

Posted by: Blame Whom at November 27, 2014 11:36 PM (7wyDO)

125 82
75 Happy Thanksgiving to Ace, the COBs, and The Hoard.

May you and yours be healthy and happy, and thankful for what you have, not envious for what you do not.

I'm thankful for you all...

Posted by: ChrisP




Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 27, 2014 11:13 PM (l1zOH)

Double This

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:19 PM (jTQ9M)

One thing I can always muster up some gratitude for, is that I live in an age where one can have such a fine group of friends in a box.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 27, 2014 11:37 PM (T1005)

126 Oh oh, but you know the story about the Denver airport, right? It's all new world ordery and (supposedly) has a whole underground fall out shelter thing. All I know is it has the creepiest art EVA. Seriously. EVA.
Posted by: Lauren at November 27, 2014 11:30 PM (BPMYx)
Sweet Smoking Trotsky, what is up with that Peace, Land and Bread-style propaganda shite? It's like Diego Rivera and Peter Max smoked a bowl and did a mural for Disney's Tomorrowland!

Posted by: All Hail Eris at November 27, 2014 11:37 PM (QBm1P)

127 I'm off to bed, Horde. Hope y'all had a good Thanksgiving. See ya tomorrow!

Posted by: Country Singer at November 27, 2014 11:37 PM (nL0sw)

128 I think Midway Airport in Shitcago is one of the worst airports I've ever been in. I had a connection through there during that noted heat wave a couple decades ago and it was a dirty sweatbox. I sweat like a whore in church and I was on my way to a job interview.

Posted by: Truck Monkey, as Voiced by Brian Dennehy at November 27, 2014 11:37 PM (jucos)

129 80 Truth is, she's becoming more and more of a shut in as she gets older. I understand not going like you did in previous years, but just getting up and dressed and riding to my parents' house? That ain't hard.
Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at November 27, 2014

It's not hard, but sounds like something more than a lack of ambition
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:16 PM (jTQ9M)

They reach an age where they can be reasonably healthy but just don't have a lot of energy, and don't feel like going anywhere. Then it can reach a point where they don't feel like changing their clothes or showering. When it gets like this you have to start really watching what's going on. My mom would cancel doctor appointments. I would call the night before to remind her that I was going to come tomorrow to take her to the doctor, and she would tell me that she'd canceled the appointment.

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 27, 2014 11:37 PM (Yiho6)

130 All I will say is that it is easier to buy another major appliance.
The problem with buying girlfriends is that they don't stay bought.

Posted by: kindltot at November 27, 2014 11:38 PM (t//F+)

131 Nice dinner - lots of fun and good conversation. The pumpkin pie got left behind and the apple pie was a little weird because my mother didn't realize she was using self-rising flour. Dinner was followed by a rousing game of Guesstures.

Limited shopping opportunities here on the OBX, but we'll probably go to PetSmart tomorrow because the holiday sweaters are half-price and the dogs gotta have some new clothes.

Posted by: biancaneve at November 27, 2014 11:38 PM (AJaBe)

132 Well, two years ago I left my girlfriend the day after Thanksgiving.
This year my freezer died.
I can't tell if things are getting better or worse.

Was she in the freezer? Because if so, then worse.

Posted by: weirddave at November 27, 2014 11:39 PM (KAmzK)

133 122 Boston Logan suuux for going from international arrival to domestic. Long effing walk. Detroit is well laid out butmwhat the heck is up with that long corridor lit with psychedlic colors heading to A terminal?
Posted by: freefallveloz at November 27, 2014 11:35 PM (pqOzY)
I know! I expect it to spit me out into Logan's Run. Carousel! Give us Carousel!

Posted by: All Hail Eris at November 27, 2014 11:39 PM (QBm1P)

134 " It's like Diego Rivera and Peter Max smoked a bowl and did a mural for Disney's Tomorrowland! "

Right? My husband didn't believe me when I told him how creepy it was, and was originally brushing off the weird art and then we got to the creepy gas mask/dead children mural and he changed his tune.

Posted by: Lauren at November 27, 2014 11:39 PM (BPMYx)

135 For the sake of accurate history, my wife is a solid 8. But I've dated 9's and 10's and she's met them, so I have to be extra careful to not mention them when she's feeling "vulnerable". Sucks for her, I've seen pics of her old boyfriends and they're all proto-douchebags.

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 27, 2014 11:39 PM (2cS/G)

136 It went well; I'm very proud of them and mildly ashamed of the amount of pecan pie and corn muffins I've managed to consume.


How many precious wetlands were drained so you could stuff your piehole with corn muffins?

Just making pleasant holiday chitchat and stuff.

Posted by: A Thanksgiving Leftard at November 27, 2014 11:40 PM (MPK82)

137 Newark isn't bad if you know the back way in (for departures)

Security lines can be a big hassle

Depart/Arrive early in the day

Posted by: MikeH at November 27, 2014 11:41 PM (4OZqu)

138 @Lauren 111,

Yeah, I've seen and heard about all that. Also, if you look at it from the satellite, it is in the shape of a swastika.

I remember when they built the two runways that should have allowed them to land two planes simultaneously, but forgot to factor in the altitude which evidently means you have to have the runways further apart to land two planes simultaneously. What a clusterfarg. And the weird-as-shit art.

Posted by: MathMom at November 27, 2014 11:41 PM (Ja8rb)

139 All I know is it has the creepiest art EVA. Seriously. EVA.
Posted by: Lauren

Yes, it does. They allowed local artists who are whacked out lefties to place that art. It's horrific.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 27, 2014 11:42 PM (1Y+hH)

140 The problem with buying girlfriends is that they don't stay bought.

Posted by: kindltot at November 27, 2014 11:38 PM (t//F

Reminds me of an associate of mine that insists he doesn't pay for hookers for sex but rather pays them to leave afterwards. Wise.

Posted by: freefallveloz at November 27, 2014 11:43 PM (pqOzY)

141 G'evening Horde.

Had an excellent Thanksgiving lunch with family. Did a little holiday hunting in the evening and bagged the goods.

Did make the mistake of swinging through Walmart. 200~ people in line, snaking through the store. Nope nope nope.

Posted by: CM at November 27, 2014 11:43 PM (BhP5J)

142 Posted by: Lincolntf at November 27, 2014 11:39 PM (2cS/G)

*high fives*

But pics though

Posted by: thathalfrican at November 27, 2014 11:43 PM (R5HRU)

143 Son of a b*tch! Who knew you could buy bombs with an EBT card? Residents of Fergadishu, that's who.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 27, 2014 11:44 PM (W+RZ5)

144 I like the way Friendship* is laid out, very efficient. The main terminal is a half circle with the various concourses off it like spokes on a wheel, it's very easy to go from one to the other.

*You likely call it BWI/Marshall but I never will. Why the fuck does DC get to stick their name on our airport? They've got 2 of their own.

Posted by: weirddave at November 27, 2014 11:44 PM (KAmzK)

145 >>> Who knew you could buy bombs with an EBT card?

Apparently you can't. At least not without getting it refilled.

Posted by: Bomber at November 27, 2014 11:45 PM (3vdhh)

146 Son of a b*tch! Who knew you could buy bombs with an EBT card? Residents of Fergadishu, that's who.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 27, 2014 11:44 PM (W+RZ5)
Retards.... the whole lot of them. Even dogs know not to shit in their own cages.

Posted by: Truck Monkey, as Voiced by Brian Dennehy at November 27, 2014 11:45 PM (jucos)

147 Posted by: Lauren at November 27, 2014 11:39 PM (BPMYx)
But then they CHOSE this artist. Of all the entries, this is the one they selected. It was okayed up and down the chain.

Posted by: All Hail Eris at November 27, 2014 11:45 PM (QBm1P)

148 The problem with buying girlfriends is that they don't stay bought.

Posted by: kindltot at November 27, 2014 11:38 PM

Actually they do. But you gotta keep inflating them.

Posted by: otho at November 27, 2014 11:45 PM (tBSrv)

149 Oh oh, but you know the story about the Denver airport, right? It's all new world ordery and (supposedly) has a whole underground fall out shelter thing. All I know is it has the creepiest art EVA. Seriously. EVA.
Posted by: Lauren at November 27, 2014 11:30 PM (BPMYx)

You must be referring to the big ugly blue horse with the glowing red eyes on the way to the terminal building.

Posted by: model_1066 at November 27, 2014 11:46 PM (+fl1p)

150 Posted by: rickb223 at November 27, 2014 11:44 PM (W+RZ5)
Retards.... the whole lot of them. Even dogs know not to shit in their own cages.
Posted by: Truck Monkey, as Voiced by Brian Dennehy at November 27, 2014 11:45 PM (jucos)

I see you never owned a Brittany Spaniel

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:48 PM (jTQ9M)

151 Night all.

Hope all yall survive your turkey/Val-U-Rite comas.

Here is "I wanna be sedated" by The Ramones:

Posted by: The Tryptophan Hat at November 27, 2014 11:48 PM (lN8KC)

152 Can't argue on the art at DEN but watching the Jeppesen terminal building rise as you approach (esp at night) and being in its main hall always brings a smile to my face.

Posted by: Bldrfritz at November 27, 2014 11:49 PM (OBfsR)

153 All I will say is that it is easier to buy another major appliance.
The problem with buying girlfriends is that they don't stay bought.
Posted by: kindltot

Heh, freezers and girlfriends, I can sympathize. My girlfriends are all platonic and old now, but I have quite a few, and what a collection of basket cases, though I love them all.

I bought an old standup freezer of unknown age for $25 in '94. Never a problem until it died last year. Got a new freezer and it's already had to be serviced.

It's OK, everything is just a workaround. Which is also the story of Barack Obama of course.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 27, 2014 11:49 PM (1Y+hH)

154 I am thankful for Steam, which has delivered Skyrim and a few Y's Chronicals for $10.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at November 27, 2014 11:50 PM (+4uXG)

155 I don't know LGA is much better now that it was 30 years ago.

Course I am in the club, my only beef is my gate is always the last one.

How does US Air know I am flying and I want to walk a fucking mile to my gate?

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 27, 2014 11:52 PM (0FSuD)

156 Not trying to be a smartass, but what did you give thanks for today?
Posted by: Meremortal at November 27, 2014 11:35 PM (1Y+hH)

To be a smartass, that I caught the freezer not working this week and not next week.
In reality, not a whole lot. I find it is hard to work up a lot of happiness at an intensely family and community oriented holiday when I have told most of my relations to go screw themselves, and started to avoid the rest.

Posted by: kindltot at November 27, 2014 11:52 PM (t//F+)

157 Posted by: Bldrfritz

It is an awesome looking airport as you drive up. The best I can recall. It looks really cool in the great room ot the terminal too. Airy.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 27, 2014 11:53 PM (1Y+hH)

158 Evenin' everyone.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at November 27, 2014 11:53 PM (UVfht)

159 DEN SUCKS. I hate the trains. I don't do ATL or ORD, but DEN is fucking awful.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 27, 2014 11:54 PM (0FSuD)

160 Hey everybody. Hope all the Horde are having a happy Thanksgiving feaste.

Just finished watching "Horrible Bosses." Not bad. Don't know if they'll EVER be as good a workplace comedy as "Office Space," however.

I kind of wish a sequel would get made to "Office Space," but everyone knows it couldn't possibly be anywhere near as good as the original.

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 27, 2014 11:54 PM (fGApK)

161 143 Son of a b*tch! Who knew you could buy bombs with an EBT card? Residents of Fergadishu, that's who.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 27, 2014 11:44 PM (W+RZ5)

Telling them that they can only use it to buy groceries to feed their children would be racist.
Also, telling the baby mammas that they can't use the taxpayer money for their lazyass freeloading baby daddies would also be racist.

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 27, 2014 11:54 PM (Yiho6)

162 155
How does US Air know I am flying and I want to walk a fucking mile to my gate?
Posted by: Nip Sip at November 27, 2014 11:52 PM (0FSuD)

We know about you, Nip
Posted by The NSA

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:55 PM (jTQ9M)

163 Posted by: kindltot at November 27, 2014 11:52 PM (t//F+)

I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope you can find some light to head toward soon. Difficult times aren't easy to move past, but with effort and time, we move.

I going to post some excerpts from my father's WWII memoirs. Maybe you will find them diverting, or something.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 27, 2014 11:57 PM (1Y+hH)

164 Telling them that they can only use it to buy groceries to feed their children would be racist.
Also, telling the baby mammas that they can't use the taxpayer money for their lazyass freeloading baby daddies would also be racist.

I guess I know what that makes me.....

Posted by: rickb223 at November 27, 2014 11:59 PM (W+RZ5)

165 How was everyone's day?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 28, 2014 12:00 AM (P1oZa)

166 I think Phoenix's airport is pretty crappy for a town with so much tourism.

Posted by: Y-not at November 27, 2014 10:59 PM (9BRsg)

I don't mind Sky Harbor. Been through it a few times. The motorized walkways are nice, and the car rental shuttle works fine. Coming home to Calgary, you are faced with one hell of a long walk to immigration.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 28, 2014 12:01 AM (z0I/T)

167 Yo, y'all.

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving Day!

Everybody in my house is in a food coma.
It's not my fault, I swear.

I can't help it if they're all a bunch of gluttons for punishment.
I've been working off my calories doing KP and hand-washing big pans and baking dishes.

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 12:01 AM (aaUQr)

168 It is our ability to store fat that allowed our species to survive the long periods of time that our ancestors had to go without food.

[ case you didn't know that already]

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 12:03 AM (aaUQr)

169 It was great here. Small gathering but the food, drink and conversation were all quite enjoyable.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 12:03 AM (1Y+hH)

170 Posted by: Meremortal at November 27, 2014 11:57 PM (1Y+hH)

Don't worry. One of the issues I had w/ the girlfriend was that I get really stressed at holidays, so this year went pretty good, all things considered.

Posted by: kindltot at November 28, 2014 12:03 AM (t//F+)

171 evening all.

Posted by: mallfly at November 28, 2014 12:04 AM (zjcTL)

172 and 172nd!

Posted by: mallfly at November 28, 2014 12:04 AM (zjcTL)

LAX is a fucking dump. Everything's been "under construction" for at least 10 years. I pay extra to get a connecting flight rather than deal with the full LAX experience.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at November 28, 2014 12:06 AM (OMTVG)

174 I can't help it if they're all a bunch of gluttons for punishment.
I've been working off my calories doing KP and hand-washing big pans and baking dishes.
Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 12:01 AM (aaUQr)

I hate washing pans and bakeware so I use those disposable aluminum pans. Put the leftover turkey into big ziplock bags and throw the pans in the trash.

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 28, 2014 12:07 AM (Yiho6)

175 Last time I went to Montreal the walk to customs seemed like it was at least twenty miles, all under construction. After the first 15 miles I wasn't sure if we were going to customs or some underground solyant green grinding mill.

Posted by: lowandslow at November 28, 2014 12:07 AM (BXkFh)

176 Posted by: kindltot


Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 12:08 AM (1Y+hH)

177 How was everyone's day?
Posted by: Ricardo Kill

Very fullfeeling. DYSWIDT?
Lunch with my family, now at inlaws.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2014 12:09 AM (+nR4g)

178 I find it is hard to work up a lot of happiness at an intensely family and community oriented holiday when I have told most of my relations to go screw themselves, and started to avoid the rest.

You can always go out and create your own. And another. And another...

Posted by: Hands up, Don't Shoot Blanks at November 28, 2014 12:10 AM (KG1MP)

179 Nite morons. Be well

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 28, 2014 12:12 AM (jTQ9M)

180 OK morons, I put some of my father's WWII memoirs up last year and some really liked it, so here we go:

November, 1944

The capture of Berg facilitated the crossing of the Moselle River and we quickly advanced into Germany routing the enemy from Perl and Burchdorf, all the while receving artillery harassing fire 24 hours a day.

On Thanksgiving day we received word that the kitchen truck had ar

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 12:12 AM (1Y+hH)


I'm half drunk and all blind, since my glasses broke in the travel today.

So I got that going for me. Which is nice.

Posted by: DC in River City at November 28, 2014 12:13 AM (hxHt4)

182 174...I hate washing pans and bakeware so I use those disposable aluminum pans. Put the leftover turkey into big ziplock bags and throw the pans in the trash.

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 28, 2014 12:07 AM (Yiho6)


I'd do that too...if I was smart.

I have some humongus cookware that I rarely ever use except for Thanksgiving.
Fills me with guilt that I don't use it. least I can console myself whilst scrubbing it, that I've actually used it again.

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 12:13 AM (aaUQr)

183 178 I find it is hard to work up a lot of happiness at an intensely family and community oriented holiday when I have told most of my relations to go screw themselves, and started to avoid the rest.

You can always go out and create your own. And another. And another...
Posted by: Hands up, Don't Shoot Blanks at November 28, 2014 12:10 AM (KG1MP)

That's what Festivus is for. Just around the corner....

Posted by: Frank Costanza at November 28, 2014 12:13 AM (RiTnx)

184 Holy shit, it's 0030? Eastern time can eat a dick.

*turns into pumpkin*

Posted by: DC in River City at November 28, 2014 12:16 AM (hxHt4)

185 I'm half drunk and all blind, since my glasses broke in the travel today.

So I got that going for me. Which is nice.
Posted by: DC in River City at November 28, 2014 12:13 AM (hxHt4)


Blind? How can you tell? Hope you had a good day.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at November 28, 2014 12:17 AM (Hpys7)

186 I am thrilled to say I survived my last Thanksgiving at the inlaws, and next year, I won't have to be there, at all. MIL has determined that it is all my fault that her dear son is brainwashed and being hauled 4,000 miles away, taking her grandson with him. I am just that evil that I did it to spite her.

She has enough spite all on her own without my help.

I won't miss the badgering, hassling and constant little barbs in conversation, carefully hidden when her dear son is within earshot. Maybe if she were a nicer person to me, I would have considered sending the boy to visit her, but with that attitude, I'd be afraid of what I would get back when he returned.

So, I'm thankful that next year I will be 4,000 miles away from her and her nastiness, and only have to put up with my own mom's issues.

That, and pie. There was plenty of pie. So we had that going for us, as well.

Posted by: tcn in AK, almost at November 28, 2014 12:18 AM (g+qqc)

187 tcn in AK: wow, you've gotta teach us how to be so devious. ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 28, 2014 12:20 AM (fGApK)

188 Posted by: DC in River City at November 28, 2014 12:16 AM (hxHt4)
Hitting your mini-bar? Or did you fight off the parking lot hobos and pick up the econo-size Valu-Rite?

Posted by: All Hail Eris at November 28, 2014 12:20 AM (QBm1P)

189 And that pic above of the model (Marilyn Monroe?) with the turkey is SO inaccurate.

They wore TAN stockings back then!!!

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 28, 2014 12:21 AM (fGApK)

190 Germany, Thanksgiving, 1944

On Thanksgiving Day we received word that the kitchen truck had arrived and was going to serve a real turkey dinner. Our platoon occupied a stout old rock house about 1,200 yards, through narrow winding streets, from where the kitchen truck was to dish out dinner.

The enemy shelled our little town like clockwork and some decided it wasn't worth risking running to the kitchen truck to the turkey dinner. Being the new member of the group, I either volunteered or was delegated or both, I can't quite recall, but I got four or five mess kits and headed for the kitchen truck.

[Dad had just turned 19, and had only been a US citizen for about 18 months after emigrating from Italy.]

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 12:21 AM (1Y+hH)

191 I think airlines have an expert system that assigns gate relationships by time and overbooking status. If there are 15 people on your connecting flight and it's overbooke, change your shoes.

Posted by: Jean at November 28, 2014 12:23 AM (zZ6ZF)

192 Good stuff, MM.

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 28, 2014 12:24 AM (2cS/G)

193 186...So, I'm thankful that next year I will be 4,000 miles away from her and her nastiness, and only have to put up with my own mom's issues.

Posted by: tcn in AK, almost at November 28, 2014 12:18 AM (g+qqc)


Eww...she sounds hideous.
Sorry you've had to endure that, and glad to hear you're escaping it.

My in-laws are great, and tell me that they are grateful I'm taking such good care of their son.
They're conservative and instilled great values in their son, so I am grateful to them for raising him right.

It's a good relationship...I wish everyone could have the same.

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 12:25 AM (aaUQr)

194 That Twitter blocker's clusterfuck application sounds exactly like something Lardass Fatfuck Goon would think was a fantastic idea and fucks up like something he would code

I'm not a gamer, but what the GamerGaters are doing is drawing a line that says "here is where we make our stand". If the gamers succeed, it would show that the Social Justice Warriors can be beaten

Posted by: kbdabear at November 28, 2014 12:28 AM (GrXXa)

195 187 tcn in AK: wow, you've gotta teach us how to be so devious. ;-)
Posted by: qdpsteve at November 28, 2014 12:20 AM (fGApK)

Oh, c'mon, pie is easy!

Posted by: tcn in AK, almost at November 28, 2014 12:29 AM (g+qqc)

196 Germany, 1944

When you are under harassing fire you can usually hear the shell whistling in, just enough time to duck into a doorway and protection from flying shrapnel. As soon as the incoming shell exploded I would dash down the street toward the kitchen truck until I heard the next round being fired after which I would have five or six seconds to find adequate cover.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 12:31 AM (1Y+hH)

197 Sounds like Graf.

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 28, 2014 12:32 AM (2cS/G)

198 LaGuardia is called "LaGarbage" by both passengers and pilots. Prior to 9-11, the incoming flight path took it lower than the tallest buildings on the Manhattan skyline, and if a plane runs out of runway, it always seems to be at LGA. The terminal is a decrepit relic from the propeller age, as is the Grand Central Parkway that gets you to it

Newark may be dull, but it's not that bad. I like the automated trams that take you to the rental car desks quickly. What sucks is trying to get out of Newark to the right highway because of New Jersey's impossible to decipher road signs

Posted by: kbdabear at November 28, 2014 12:33 AM (GrXXa)

199 off topic, fun story from Gateway Pundit:

An angry trapped driver pushed a #MikeBrown protester off Interstate 5 in La Jolla, California after the protesters shut down the highway.

The man was angry because the protesters were going to make him late for work.

"I got six kids to feed - I gotta get this car off the f*cking road... Days goes on homie, n*ggas get shot ever f**king day."

Posted by: mallfly at November 28, 2014 12:35 AM (zjcTL)

200 Sounds like Graf.
Posted by: Lincolntf

He doesn't name this town specifically but it might be Burchdorf.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 12:36 AM (1Y+hH)

201 Howdy fellow 'rons and 'ettes. Glanced thru the comments... looks like everybody had a fun/good/decent day.

On the subject of airports, CVG is a good/bad airport...

...good because it's nicely laid out, and not terribly huge, which is hardly a surprise as it doesn't get the same amount of traffic as the major hubs.

So, why is it bad? The chief reason... Delta Airlines. Many years back, they sucked up to Airport Board and got a major sweet deal from them. The result of that? Total domination of the airport's prime space... the consequences: totally insane ticket prices... probably the worst in the country.

For the past 30 years, they've (Delta) managed to run off every other major air carrier with the same scam... cut prices until drive off the competing carriers, then jack up the prices to their usual obscene cost.

Here's the latest list:

We'll see if Frontier (the newest carrier) lasts... North West was the last bunch to try their hand... they barely lasted 6 months.

Posted by: CPT. Charles at November 28, 2014 12:37 AM (/mTq0)

202 I vote for ORD and DFW as the 2 worst airports, but this brings up airport story time!

Flew back into Atl last Friday night. As most who travel know, Atl has a subway system between Concourses, baggage claim, etc. I hop on the train and sit with my back to the forward motion, on a bench in the front of the car.

Next stop, a woman gets on and stands in front of me who, shall I say, piqued my interest as she was attractive and very correctly curved in an elbowly way.

She stood with her back to me, holding on to an overhead strap. Train moves on, and next stop approaches. Train decides to apply brakes rather aggressively. Woman holds onto strap, spins due to force, and then let's go of strap as she has twisted an ankle. She heads full speed towards me. I held out my hands to stop her fall and wound up with 2 handfuls of her rather impressive rack. I did stop the fall, and after much crimson skin tones, we were able to laugh about it up to baggage claim. Unfortunately, no Penthouse forum like story follows.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at November 28, 2014 12:38 AM (Hpys7)

203 Wherever it was, glad he made it back.

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 28, 2014 12:38 AM (2cS/G)

204 190...[Dad had just turned 19, and had only been a US citizen for about 18 months after emigrating from Italy.]

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 12:21 AM (1Y+hH)


It's so cool that he wrote down his thoughts of what he was going through.
What a treasure.

Thanks for giving us a peek.

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 12:38 AM (aaUQr)

205 I don't think LAX is all that bad, it's relatively easy to get to. Traffic isn't even that bad around there on the 405 or 105. However, I don't think I've ever had a plane take off on time out of LAX.

I've never flown out of Ontario, but some people say the drive is worth it rather than take LAX. Never took John Wayne or Long Beach either. Burbank is a tiny airport with not much there, but if you're a tourist who wants to catch a glimpse of a Hollywood celebrity, you're far more likely to see one at Burbank than LAX

Posted by: kbdabear at November 28, 2014 12:39 AM (GrXXa)

206 Frontier sucks. It wouldn't surprise me if they started charging you to use the shitter. It's coming. I hate the ala carte bullshit the airlines charge. It is ridiculous.

Posted by: Truck Monkey, as Voiced by Brian Dennehy at November 28, 2014 12:40 AM (jucos)

207 Posted by: ManWithNoParty

Well done, except for the end.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 12:40 AM (1Y+hH)

208 The Long Beach airport is great. Like an old train terminal. I think they have a total of 4 gates.

Posted by: Truck Monkey, as Voiced by Brian Dennehy at November 28, 2014 12:43 AM (jucos)

209 I was only at Denver International once to change planes. My flight from LAX was delayed for an hour, then landed about 10 minutes before my connecting flight to Newark was scheduled for takeoff. Didn't get a good look at the place as I had to run to board the plane. Let me tell you, that's when you find out what they're talking about with the Bronco home games about the thin air and breathing

Posted by: kbdabear at November 28, 2014 12:44 AM (GrXXa)

210 Wherever it was, glad he made it back.
Posted by: Lincolntf at November 28, 2014 12:38 AM (2cS/G)


It's so cool that he wrote down his thoughts of what he was going through.
What a treasure.

Thanks for giving us a peek.
Posted by: wheatie

Thanks, I'll do some more in a couple minutes if you are still around. I'm glad he made it back too, I wouldn't be here if he hadn't. This was apparently his first live fire situation, I still can't believe his balls.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 12:44 AM (1Y+hH)

211 If you've ever been to Long Beach Airport, you've been pretty close to my neighborhood. :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 28, 2014 12:44 AM (fGApK)

212 Truck Monkey, LB Airport also has a new food court.

Looking forward to when I can finally fly to Vegas to/from there via JetBlue.

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 28, 2014 12:45 AM (fGApK)

213 Will Rogers Airport in Oklahoma City is not bad, as airports go.
It's not a really big one...but they keep it up well.

Of course, they should keep it up well, since they are the wealthiest airport in the US.

The airport is sitting on oil and has dozens of pumping wells.
They could shut down all scheduled flights...and still be making lots of money.

The underground structures are built to double as storm shelters.
And they are real good about opening them up to the public, whenever tornadoes are happening.

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 12:45 AM (aaUQr)

214 205
I don't think LAX is all that bad, it's relatively easy to get to.
Traffic isn't even that bad around there on the 405 or 105. However, I
don't think I've ever had a plane take off on time out of LAX.

I've never flown out of Ontario, but some people say the drive is
worth it rather than take LAX. Never took John Wayne or Long Beach
either. Burbank is a tiny airport with not much there, but if you're a
tourist who wants to catch a glimpse of a Hollywood celebrity, you're
far more likely to see one at Burbank than LAX

Posted by: kbdabear at November 28, 2014 12:39 AM (GrXXa)

John Wayne has this insane deal where people living under the flightpath insist on airplanes maintaining some serious altitude until a very short distance from the airport -- so the plane dies this "normal approach, normal approach, normal approach, powerdive, try to lose all the airspeed real fast 'cause -- yikes! there's the runway!" thing.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 12:47 AM (T1005)

215 DFW and DEN Have substantial natural gas development on site though as I understand it DFW owns the rights to its and DEN doesn't.

Posted by: Bldrfritz at November 28, 2014 12:48 AM (OBfsR)

216 I didn't mind Atlanta as at least they had a smoking lounge so you didn't have to leave the concourse to smoke, and the food court was like any mall and I didn't get gouged for a couple slices of pizza.

Charlotte has a nice looking airport and it's huge. The problem I had there was the mistake of taking US Air which was even worse than United for fucking up whenever possible and making a flight experience as unpleasant as possible

Posted by: kbdabear at November 28, 2014 12:48 AM (GrXXa)

217 To be honest, we kept it a bit on the light side. But my doggie! She looked like a pepto bismo commercial. She was passed out on the floor and would barely open one eye. Then she recovered enough to defend her licks of the whipping cream bowl from the cats.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at November 28, 2014 12:49 AM (Lqy/e)

218 Wild turkeys, heh. We have lots of them right here in my neighborhood, about 4 minutes by car from downtown Spokane.

Posted by: The inexplicable Dr. Julius Strangepork at November 28, 2014 12:49 AM (QiwTt)

219 202... I held out my hands to stop her fall and wound up with 2 handfuls of her rather impressive rack.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at November 28, 2014 12:38 AM (Hpys7)


Glad she's not the type to yell "Rape!" or accuse you of groping her.
There are entirely too many of that type around these days.

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 12:50 AM (aaUQr)

220 I used to fly into LB from Washington about 4 times a year on Jetblue. Non stop. Loved the flight. So much better than flying into LAX.

Posted by: Truck Monkey, as Voiced by Brian Dennehy at November 28, 2014 12:51 AM (jucos)

221 "Never took John Wayne or Long Beach either."

Love them both. Small, easy, quick in and out.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 28, 2014 12:51 AM (P1oZa)

222 Was she in the freezer? Because if so, then worse.

Posted by: weirddave at November 27, 2014 11:39 PM (KAmzK)

Just got to Lebanon, IN. Leaving soon. Any suggestions about what I should see in IN before I get back on the road?

Posted by: NC Ref at November 28, 2014 12:51 AM (A4RjN)

223 Wild turkeys, heh. We have lots of them right here in my neighborhood, about 4 minutes by car from downtown Spokane.
Posted by: The inexplicable Dr. Julius Strangepork at November 28, 2014 12:49 AM (QiwTt)

What we have are a shitload of Turkey Vultures as well as actual wild Turkeys in my burg way outside of ATL. Unless you know them well, tough to tell the difference.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at November 28, 2014 12:52 AM (Hpys7)

224 I'm almost exactly 1000 miles from home (came via cartraded-off minivan full of "deployment gear" so airport jokes later) on the Gulf. Planned a modest, well-there's-just-us-3, brined turkey breast, and had to transport said breast in brine from panhandle to panhandle, so thought it would be almost depressingly workaday cookery. With very few tools, too -- new apt.

Went out for early smoke from new TDY apt, and noticed the building across the side street is a restaurant. And, there are people pulling into the lot, and going in the back door! We'll be able to have a nice breakfast! We walk out to find coffee (coffee eqpt is in TDY transfer storage...)and decide to poke a nose in. What do you know. This is a "hobby" restaurant -- open six days a year -- and they're having their invited-guests-only Thanksgiving brunch today. And there's a table open.

Oh gosh, Paula Deen wishes she could cook Southern like this. Also, wishes her die-a-beetus would clear up faster so she could eat more of it. We have put off my depressingly modest turkey breast until after tactical shopping tomorrow. It won't hurt at all.

Posted by: Just The Punchline at November 28, 2014 12:52 AM (LDGeY)

225 And, old punchline sock off.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at November 28, 2014 12:53 AM (LDGeY)

226 Posted by: Bldrfritz

IIRC, DFW was paid $20 million in what's called bonus money. That's how the producer buys the right to drill for an agreed upon period (known as the lease). About two months after production starts, so do the royalty checks.

The University of Texas at Arlington is also picking up nice royalties.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 12:54 AM (1Y+hH)

227 I haven't been to San Diego's Lindberg in a long time, but it was surprisingly small for a city that big. It was pleasant but like a small airport there isn't much there. The flight experience is INTERESTING to say the least. Approaching from the east is like riding down a ski lift, and taking off to the west you hope you don't hit that large mountain in the way. Pilots voted it the most dangerous airport in America

I flew into Oakland one time. No big hassles and everything went quickly, but it has all the charm of a government office building

Posted by: kbdabear at November 28, 2014 12:54 AM (GrXXa)

228 103
Spokane may have the smallest "international" airport in the lower 48. Small has its value, though. Easy in, easy out and friendly TSA. What's not to like.
Posted by: Pecan Scandi at November 27, 2014 11:28 PM (BSZVA)

Agree that Spokane's airport is an agreeable little airport. However, AFAIK the criteria for being an "international" airport are not what you'd expect. I flew into (& out of) Cheyenne Int'l Airport once.

Posted by: The inexplicable Dr. Julius Strangepork at November 28, 2014 12:55 AM (QiwTt)

229 It's been awhile since I went through the Sea-Tac airport, but I remember it being kind of a run down dump.

Posted by: model_1066 at November 28, 2014 12:55 AM (+fl1p)

230 "John Wayne has this insane deal"

I didn't notice anything unusual about decent or climb out. I always get a window seat and hang my head out like a dog but nothing about either alarmed me.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 28, 2014 12:56 AM (P1oZa)

231 Oh yeah... based on the comments of one the 'ettes, I dl'ed Troll Hunter (that was an adventure all by itself).

Surprisingly well done, and a fun watch; happily, my BluRay player can read .srt files so I watched it in Norwegian, with English subtitles.

Posted by: CPT. Charles at November 28, 2014 12:58 AM (/mTq0)

232 Glad she's not the type to yell "Rape!" or accuse you of groping her.
There are entirely too many of that type around these days.

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 12:50 AM (aaUQr)


Far too many witnesses around, several of which I know. However, point taken.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at November 28, 2014 12:59 AM (Hpys7)

233 I flew on Frontier out of St Augustine last month. Frontier has only one flight out of there daily so if there are any problems you get bumped to the next day. Happened to me. Smallest commercial airport I've ever flown out of.

Posted by: Truck Monkey, as Voiced by Brian Dennehy at November 28, 2014 12:59 AM (jucos)

234 Thaksgiving, Germany, 1944

As soon as the incoming shell exploded I woud dash down the street toward the kitchen truck until I heard the next round being fired after which I would have five or six seconds to find adequate cover.

After successfully running this gauntlet I returned with Thanksgiving dinner for me and my buddies. The turkey, trimmings and fresh bread were a welcome respite from our usual "C" and "K" rations.

A couple of days after Thanksgiving our platoon was subjected to a long, heavy artillery barrage which lasted 15 minutes or more. This experience made the harassing fire seem pretty benign. The enemy was getting mean. It battered our area of town mercilessly and reduced much of it to rubble.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 01:01 AM (1Y+hH)

235 LAX
It used to be a lot uglier, shittier airport. The new intnl is pretty shiny, while the domestics are hit and most miss.

The two huge problems are no train at the airport (thank you, fucking corrupt taxi unions and fucking corrupt city council ) And second, the gawddamn departing overhead road is a fucking mess. It has 1ft wide gaps between the connecting road segments filled in with fucking tires or some bullshit FOR THE PAST 3 DECADES. Driving around that loop is just the worst.

Nice, kinda dinky building but taxiing to the gate seems to take as long as it does at LAX. IIRC the car rentals are directly outside.

Only had one layover there. Worst connection planning evah. Had to run 3 miles to get to a flt.

Ft. Wayne
A really nice airport for such a small city. Weird.

I would hate to have to drive to or from there. Insane.

Pretty nice. Didn't have to drive there, so bonus.

Vegas McCarran
Ugly, dirty-ass place, but getting in and out is very quick.

Hong Kong
Best airport evah! Serious major marvel all around. Best food. Best transport.

Confusing as fuck if you've only been there once. You will get lost. A city unto itself.

Haven't been in 15 years but it needed a lot of work.

Nicely recent remodel, but still way too small for the capital of a nation with 100million. Half of them seemed to be crammed in the airport on any given day.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 28, 2014 01:01 AM (s9AKD)

236 McCarren in Vegas is kind of cool in that they have slot machines everywhere, so you always have that one final shot to lose all your money.

I haven't been to Miami or Ft Lauderdale airport in a long time, I remember Miami being huge, and there was that problem with poor misunderstood locals who are turning their lives around trailing cars out of the rental lots.

Ft Lauderdale wasn't bad, but landings were kind of interesting with the very short runway with I-95 on the west end and A1A on the east. Beautiful view of the Bahamas though when taking off in the day.

Posted by: kbdabear at November 28, 2014 01:02 AM (GrXXa)

237 231...Surprisingly well done, and a fun watch; happily, my BluRay player can read .srt files so I watched it in Norwegian, with English subtitles.

Posted by: CPT. Charles at November 28, 2014 12:58 AM (/mTq0)


'Troll Hunter' is a great movie!
I've seen it several times, and watch it again whenever I see it on.

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 01:04 AM (aaUQr)

238 Happy-ish Thanksgiving Evening all y'all ...

Hoping everyone had safe travel and safe disengagements from fascist relatives and pie ...

Posted by: Adriane the Critic ... at November 28, 2014 01:05 AM (P+IZm)

239 Pretty good airports in my area now. Sarasota is small but very pleasant and hassle free. They gouge on the food and drink prices though being it's not that busy most of the time.

Tampa is probably the best I've ever seen. Easy access and parking, nice terminal with lots of shops and eateries, very easy to find your gates. It's kept very clean and it's attractive inside

Posted by: kbdabear at November 28, 2014 01:06 AM (GrXXa)

240 "DFW

I would hate to have to drive to or from there. Insane."

Ain't no thing once you do it a few times. Driving on the airport is an experience though. But, I've found that the case with most major airports.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 28, 2014 01:07 AM (P1oZa)

241 "McCarren in Vegas is kind of cool in that they have slot machines
everywhere, so you always have that one final shot to lose all your

McCarren surprised me. Not that big and just the feck there on The Strip.

"Tampa is probably the best I've ever seen."

Never been through Tampa but have been through Orlando. I thought it weird. A strange "hub and spoke" layout. It was like DisneyWorld had an airport.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 28, 2014 01:11 AM (P1oZa)

242 I liked the old Stapleton Airport in Denver. The take offs to the west were insane as the climb out was pretty steep. Orlando's airport was pretty good too. Dated but functional. A lot of airline choice.

Posted by: Truck Monkey, as Voiced by Brian Dennehy at November 28, 2014 01:11 AM (jucos)

243 237 -- wheatie -- Did you watch the original version? Or an English dub?

I prefer watching films (and TV shows) in their native languages, and subtitles aren't an issue with me at all...

Posted by: CPT. Charles at November 28, 2014 01:12 AM (/mTq0)

244 I was doing Heathrow terminal 3 quite regularly for a bit....that is one seriously weird airport. It's like they tried to graft-on some jerry-rigged system to keep the secure and insecure areas apart and entwined the two, trying to use as many existing walls as they could.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 01:14 AM (T1005)

245 Meremortal, thanks so much for your dad's material from WWII. I can (and do) soak up that stuff for hours on end (and try to interview as many vets as I can for the Lib. of Congress Vets' History Project).

Bomber - if you're still here, er, there - speaking of WWII and O'Hare, there's a Wildcat in Terminal 2 with a display about the airport's namesake, Butch O'Hare, and his exploits against Great Japan.

On my way back to CA from DC after my own couple years of fun in one of our war zones, I had the time, and went looking for it. Nice woman in Term. 1 said it's in Term. 2, you can take the shuttle right over there. So I did. Shuttle dropped me right in front of an Information booth, so I asked the guy (nice middle-aged Indian - dot -gentleman). Huh? He had no idea. Laughing inside at the Soviet-style experience, I turned to walk back to Term 1. via the underground tunnel.

Fifty yards dead ahead, directly in view of the Info booth, I turn a corner. There's the Wildcat and the display. I laugh some more.

Anyway, pretty nice. Only two errors, as I recall, on the display (not bad for US WWII historical monuments, I've found).

Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2014 01:16 AM (afQnV)

246 I used to fly as an unaccompanied minor a lot back in the '80s. Had a great time being taken care of by the stewardesses. Boy have times changed. Makes a guy prefer to drive across the damn country.

Posted by: NC Ref at November 28, 2014 01:16 AM (A4RjN)

247 241
"McCarren in Vegas is kind of cool in that they have slot machines

everywhere, so you always have that one final shot to lose all your



McCarren surprised me. Not that big and just the feck there on The Strip.

"Tampa is probably the best I've ever seen."

been through Tampa but have been through Orlando. I thought it weird. A
strange "hub and spoke" layout. It was like DisneyWorld had an airport.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 28, 2014 01:11 AM (P1oZa)

Technically, it's not "like DisneyWorld had an airport"'s "DisneyWorld has an airport."

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 01:16 AM (T1005)

248 243 237 -- wheatie -- Did you watch the original version? Or an English dub?

Original version...with subtitles.
I didn't know there is an English dub version.

I prefer watching films (and TV shows) in their native languages, and subtitles aren't an issue with me at all...

Same here, CPT. Charles.
You get to hear their voice inflections, original versions.
Sometimes you can make out what they're saying, even if you don't understand the language.

And with dubbed versions...the voice-overs hardly ever match what the people look like.

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 01:18 AM (aaUQr)

249 240 -- RK -- That's the biggest thing CVG has going for it... the terminal is one long building with the entrance road running alongside. The road itself is just a big loop.

You just drive in and either park, or drop off/pickup whomever, and follow the loop out... and onto the circle freeway (I-275).

Frankly, you'd have to a complete idiot, or blind, to mess things up the way it's arranged.

Posted by: CPT. Charles at November 28, 2014 01:19 AM (/mTq0)

250 Airport architects fail for the same reason hospital architects do: they can't decide who they're working for. City-father types as represented by planning boards want a lot of face to put on the brochures, and never plan to see the back end of the place where the work goes on. The traveler/patient becomes "product."

New security concerns theater, multiple airlines with shelf-space exclusivity agreements, overlapping hub-and-spoke nets: these are things "old" airports did not have to deal with, and do not bode well for future convenience in air travel. Remember when people would drive out to the airport just to see planes take off, or go to the airport restaurants for a Sunday dinner?

The survivors of that period are pleasant enough places, though they seldom see enough Important Traffic to be famous. I remember San Diego as being real cute, right out of the pastel Fifties. Colorado Springs is nice, no, literally, nice. Toledo, too, but they're down to about one a day due to New Detroit Spaceport.

Detroit is well-enough designed as long as you stay within the one newish terminal (weird to see the old spare one sitting there vacant, but, Detroit). If you have to change between international and domestic hubs, though, be ready for a world of adventure.

Pittsburgh and Charleston WV (Chuck Yeager Field -- he made the only good landing there) are noted for odd angles of approach and departure. They're on removed mountaintops: you don't so much leave the ground as have it depart you. Both OK to get around in, once you're on actual earth.

I can remember when Port Columbus International! would wheel the steps out to the plane. Now that Col's is New Phoenicia on the Sci-ota, it's overly complex and pretentious as hell.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at November 28, 2014 01:19 AM (LDGeY)

251 "it's "DisneyWorld has an airport."

Heh. Yeah.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 28, 2014 01:20 AM (P1oZa)

252 I don't get the DFW hate, it's a long ass haul if your connecting flights are at opposite ends, but there's a lot of amenities there and it's clean.

I think Kansas City got listed because the terminal building interior is indistinguishable from the parking garage. You'd think they'd at least put lots of BBQ restaurants in there

Posted by: kbdabear at November 28, 2014 01:22 AM (GrXXa)

253 "A 2000 study found that the average adult gains a pound during each holiday season and usually never loses it."
So your average 70 year-old is 50 lbs overweight?
Science is too hard. I'll just let Neil deGrasse Tyson make all my decisions for me.

Who does these stupid studies, and what worries me more are we usually paying for them w/ our tax dollars?

So at adulthood, 21?, I weighed 150. Now 38 yrs later I should weigh 188? Wrong, I'm ca. 175 idiot study people.
I want my tax dollars back, and this means you too Jonny Gruber.

Posted by: irright at November 27, 2014 11:02 PM

Posted by: Farmer at November 28, 2014 01:22 AM (o/90i)

254 I don't get the DFW hate, it's a long ass haul if your connecting flights are at opposite ends, but there's a lot of amenities there and it's clean.

When I have 30 minutes or less between flights, I tend not to care about amenities or cleanliness. Just the long ass part.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at November 28, 2014 01:24 AM (Hpys7)

255 One of the funny things in 'Troll Hunter' was that the trolls hated Christians, and could even "smell them".

The grizzled old troll hunter guy would use loud speakers to blast Christian music at them and drive them crazy.

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 01:25 AM (aaUQr)

256 SAN/Lindbergh Field. Advantages and disadvantages of a small airport. Incredibly easy and quick outside peak hours, and location is amazing, right on the harbor next to downtown, and only 15-20 minutes max to all areas save the farther flung northern or inland suburbs.

Original terminal is tiny, believe it opened late 60s. New terminal is nice, but still compact.

Aside from being only major airport allowed to use Lindbergh's name (thanks to Spirit of St. Louis being built there by Ryan Aircraft), the most interesting story about SAN is the outrageous and very characteristic scandalous waste of taxpayer money by selfish rent-seeking public sector/private-connected types over the issue of finding a new location for the airport. The freaking thing started in the mid-70s as a contract study. Finally was disbanded (by this time it had grown to a permanent organization, not a study board, and like many many many such outfits in CA had numbers of people pulling down huge $$$$) in 2007.

It only came to an end because in their arrogance the idiots there put a local measure on the ballot asking the Marines to leave Miramar so it could be used as site for the new airport. To my amazement and relief, the measure was crushed (of course the USMC never said a word, the public in this case just did the right thing). The embarrassment of it all lead to some questioning, and it turned out the damn commission had, for years, fully developed plans on its shelves for maximizing use of the current airport location. Which they never told anyone about. (bad language cut for good of the order)

Other cool thing - if you're lucky, as your plane starts its take-off roll to the west and you're seated on the right side, you can look out and see brand new Marine recruits getting yelled at and climbing obstacles at MCRD, which borders the runway to the north side. I'm thinking THAT is a unique airport feature anywhere in the USA.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2014 01:26 AM (afQnV)

257 Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2014 01:16 AM (afQnV

You are welcome, rhomboid. First person accounts are a favorite of mine.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 01:27 AM (1Y+hH)

258 248 -- wheatie -- You get to hear their voice inflections, original versions.

Sometimes you can make out what they're saying, even if you don't understand the language.

Bingo... IMO, an actor's voice is critical in projecting the character, more so than their actual appearance.

And with dubbed versions...the voice-overs hardly ever match what the people look like.

Half the time, the actual translations of the native dialogue stink in dubs. An accurate translation, converted into English dialogue, are rare gems indeed...

Posted by: CPT. Charles at November 28, 2014 01:29 AM (/mTq0)

259 San Jose, California's airport is a total zoo. They grafted on a new building, Terminal A, right before all the security -- and pasted that in later. Then, right after that, they decided to modernize Terminal C and rebuilt it with the security in overwriting chunks of the parking lot. As a result, flying out of Terminal A is a nightmare of security, and flying in is nice and easy if you have someone to pick you up -- the baggage claim is basically inside the short-term parking garage....but if you need a cab or shuttle, you have to shlep your stuff all the way down to Terminal C to get one.

As for the traffic pattern to get in and out of the matter which way you are coming from, you will end up transversing a web of left-and-right exits off the one-way to get where you need to be....and might end up on the wrong-side of the street when you get there -- which forces you to loop around and try it again.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 01:30 AM (T1005)

260 "I think Kansas City got listed because the terminal building interior is indistinguishable from the parking garage"

I always liked MCI. Boom in and out. Terminal was right there and security was easy.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 28, 2014 01:31 AM (P1oZa)

261 Brattleboro community did not serve turkey. We all had things that do not have a face.

Posted by: Penney Stienum-Jones-Howard at November 28, 2014 01:33 AM (D5iCY)

262 Somewhere, in a land far, far away, the sun is shinning and water is liquid, and fair maidens wear flowers in their hair.

Somewhere, not here.

Posted by: Terra Incognito at November 28, 2014 01:34 AM (Mh1ak)

263 Brattleboro community did not serve turkey. We all had things that do not have a face.

But the face is the best part!

Posted by: Blanco Basura at November 28, 2014 01:35 AM (UVfht)

264 Brattleboro community did not serve turkey. We all had things that do not have a face.
Posted by: Penney Stienum-Jones-Howard at November 28, 2014 01:33 AM (D5iCY)


I KNEW you people were faceists!

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at November 28, 2014 01:36 AM (Hpys7)

265 But the face is the best part!

I know! Right!?!

Posted by: Alien Hatchling at November 28, 2014 01:37 AM (P+IZm)

266 "
I don't get the DFW hate, it's a long ass haul if your connecting
flights are at opposite ends, but there's a lot of amenities there and
it's clean."

It can be. They have a tram system that gets you around. If you're connecting domestic you stay on the east side. If you are connecting international you cross over to the west. Each terminal node is letter/number designated

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 28, 2014 01:37 AM (P1oZa)

267 Canadian Geese are worse. No offense Canadian morons

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 27, 2014 11:21 PM (jTQ9M)

No offense taken. They do leave giant green turds in their wake. But they are called Canada Geese, not Canadian Geese. Seriously, Canada Goose is their official name.


Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 28, 2014 01:39 AM (tvB15)

268 Meremortal, check out Your dad's memoir and original documents can go into a permanent file that becomes part of a huge vets' history database.

I've done several interviews for this project and it was sheer joy for a WWII geek like me.

Learned the dad of my oldest friend had flown Army spotter planes in the Pacific, ferried out aboard the Gambier Bay (only carrier lost in famous first day of Battle of Leyte Gulf), suffered a concussion the first day on Saipan and never flew again, and attended the war crimes trial of General Yamashita (?) in Manila shortly after the surrender.

One victim I found at a museum was the junior radar tech on the USS West Virginia the night of the last great surface action in history (the Surigao Strait chapter of the Leyte Gulf saga). Of course West Virginia's radar was the first to spot the Japanese column coming up the Strait, and first to fire a salvo. This guy was just roused from his sleep and rushing to the radar shack when that salvo nearly knocked him down as he was running on an exposed area.

Anyway, it's all great stuff. But I get pretty upset when I remember how many of these guys (and gals) we are losing every week. I fear there's a lot more to it than just the normal passing of a generation. I fear quite a bit that many of the worst trends rightly decried in these quarters are even less likely to be stopped and reversed without these people in the picture.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2014 01:39 AM (afQnV)

269 I've flown commercial flights a lot back in the day (the 70s and 80s), not so much since TSA started their groping of peeps. One of the best books I've read about the history of air travel in our United States is the biography of Eddie Rickenbacker. Just fantastic...

Tomorrow I'll drive thru WVA and see all the Chuck Yeager bridges and buildings. Probably want to watch The Right Stuff tomorrow night.

Posted by: NC Ref at November 28, 2014 01:39 AM (A4RjN)

270 I just read about the Walmart in Ferguson closing down tonight.

They learned that they were being targeted for they just shut it down.
The National Guard is there guarding the building.

The protesters looters...are pissed off and tweeting about it!

God help us.
We've got a president who sides with the lawbreakers...and is a lawbreaker himself...and a DOJ that persecutes people who stand up to him.

And we've got 2 more years of this to get through.

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 01:44 AM (aaUQr)

271 I fear quite a bit that many of the worst trends rightly decried in these quarters are even less likely to be stopped and reversed without these people in the picture.
Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2014 01:39 AM (afQnV)

I'd love to argue with that, but can't really do so at the moment. That doesn't mean I've given up hope however.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 01:49 AM (1Y+hH)

272 NC Ref - Way back, when Rickenbacker ran Eastern, he would stop off in Charlotte to visit with friends. Those people (I need to look their name up) were in turn friends of my parents. When my parents friens were moving, they sold my parents the furniture out of their guest bedroom. My parents bought it for my room.

Thus, as a kid, I slept in a bed that had been used from time-to-time by Captain Eddie. More to the point, the chair that I am sitting in now was amongst that furniture. It's odd to think that Rickenbacker sat in this very chair.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 28, 2014 01:50 AM (vPh3W)

273 Hey Horde. At sister's place on Walsh Lake, 10 miles north of Yellowknife (off the DEADLY INGRAHAM TRAIL, according to the Ice Road Truckers narrator.

Unsurprisingly, it's cold. She had let two of the heating stoves go out. It was 14 degrees Celsius in the kitchen and colder toward the front of the house. She didn't even notice. Grief sucks. My dad got the one going then niece ("Ruth" who Weirddave talks about) got the pellet stove going. Ta almost tolerable now but. Spent a few hours sitting on a heating pad, wrapped up in blankets.

Posted by: Gingy in Canada where it's cold at November 28, 2014 01:52 AM (xBPyN)

274 The protesters looters...are pissed off and tweeting about it!

God help us.
We've got a president who sides with the lawbreakers...and is a lawbreaker himself...and a DOJ that persecutes people who stand up to him.

And we've got 2 more years of this to get through.

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 01:44 AM (aaUQr)

Why of course they are pissed off, bless their cold little hearts. They have been unfairly deprived, in some kind of cisnormative way, of a target. I mean, what says more about oppression than the average shopper at the Fergadishu Wal-Mart. Why, the meme writes itself.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at November 28, 2014 01:53 AM (Hpys7)

275 *Blasts some warm air through the USB port for Gingy*

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 28, 2014 01:55 AM (vPh3W)

276 "It's odd to think that Rickenbacker sat in this very chair."

Very cool, love those types of connections to history.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 01:56 AM (1Y+hH)

277 "It's odd to think that Rickenbacker sat in this very chair."

Very cool, love those types of connections to history.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 01:56 AM (1Y+hH)

278 Damn, Gingy...that sounds kinda brutal.

Sorry for your loss.
I'm sure they appreciate your being there.

Stay warm, hon, and come back down here where it's warmer as soon as you can!

Posted by: wheatie at November 28, 2014 01:57 AM (aaUQr)

279 Hey Hammer!! Please don't hurt 'em..... ;-p

Amazing what a small world it can be at times. I remember buying that autobiography of Rickenbacker on a family trip when I was about 12 yrs it for the whole rest of the trip, it's about a 600 pg book. He's been a hero and role model for my whole life...tho my family don't know jack about that.

Ironically...I'm staying right now at a hotel only a few miles from the Indy speedway that he helped build. Thinking I might take a detour tomorrow and check it out up close.

Posted by: NC Ref at November 28, 2014 01:58 AM (A4RjN)

280 As for the traffic pattern to get in and out of the matter which way you are coming from, you will end up transversing a web of left-and-right exits off the one-way to get where you need to be....and might end up on the wrong-side of the street when you get there -- which forces you to loop around and try it again.
Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 01:30 AM

That sounds like both O'Hare and Phoenix. We've stopped using them to see J's folks. Now fly out of Rockford to Mesa. Much easier, cheaper and quicker.

If you're flying into N IL area and don't need to be in Chicago try Rockford.

Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving. Just us and Dad, but a great meal, J hasn't done TG in several yrs due to circumstances. She did it right, even though she risked brining her first first turkey, turned out great.

Dad and I ended up talking politics at the end, we do agree. But I'm able to enlighten him to somethings due to AOS, TY all.

Posted by: Farmer at November 28, 2014 01:59 AM (o/90i)

281 270 -- wheatie -- The protesters looters...are pissed off and tweeting about it!

Nice of them to provide evidence that can be used in a court of law... if they attempt to follow up on their felonious plotting.

It's kinda obvious why they can't hold down jobs...

...they're too stupid (and arrogant) for real work.

Posted by: CPT. Charles at November 28, 2014 02:01 AM (/mTq0)

282 My favorite airport is North Eleuthera Airport in the Bahamas.





The "airport" in just one little building, about 12 feet wide. Walk in one door, take 3 steps, walk out the other side onto the tarmac.

Often there is no one even in the building.

A stewardess might take your ticket as you climb the steps into the little Cessna or whatever it was that you're flying. Or then again, she might not. Shrugs. Now you're flying Bahama style!

Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:05 AM (K4YiS)

283 NC - The Brickyard. Took a tourist ride around it once. Also got paid as an extra to sit in the stands when 'Winnig' was filmed . Pretty good deal. Got $20, and sat there drinking beer.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 28, 2014 02:05 AM (vPh3W)

284 My spell check has ceased to work..., weird.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 28, 2014 02:06 AM (vPh3W)

285 Spent a few hours sitting on a heating pad, wrapped up in blankets.

Posted by: Gingy in Canada where it's cold at November 28, 2014 01:52 AM (xBPyN)

Glad to hear you made it safely to Yellowknife. It's snowing heavily here, east of Red Deer. Freezing rain earlier, too.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 28, 2014 02:06 AM (tvB15)

286 Gingy in Canada where it's cold at November 28, 2014 01:52 AM (xBPyN)

May your sister be blessed with health & healing.

I'm glad that you (all) could be there with her.

Posted by: Adriane ... at November 28, 2014 02:06 AM (P+IZm)

287 Of course my experience there was several years ago. Maybe it's been "upgraded" since then. Which would be sad.

Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:06 AM (K4YiS)

288 OK, just to punish you guys, here it is in Google Maps --

And here's the color commentary -- there are 3 ways into the airport -- Airport Parkway, Skyport Drive, and Airport Boulevard, hereafter referenced as AP, SD, and AB. AP and SD enter the airport after going under Highway 87, then over the Guadalupe River, both of which run alongside the airport. Immediately on hitting the counterclockwise loop, they have forced right turns to merge onto the loop. If you're coming from SD, you technically merge onto AB for the short distance to where AP comes in -- and then you merge onto AP until you get to the top of the loop, where you do a U-turn and find yourself on Terminal Drive. If you miss the departure dropoffs on the right or the entrance to short-term parking on the left, you then proceed down the loop to where Terminal Drive becomes AB again. Then, you can do a U-turn at the bottom of the loop just in time for the SD guys to be merging in from your right and do the loop again.

For those who are puzzled why the airport loop should have three different street's a common quirk around these parts.

You'll note, however, that I haven't discussed how AB actually gets into the airport. That's because you have to go the entire length of the runway on airport property, go around the bottom of the airport, loop out for clearance....and end up at a light on Coleman Avenue, in an industrial area. That's actually where I end up entering the airport grounds from my home, but you will note one very interesting peculiarity. No matter which of the three entrances you use to enter SJC, you're thoroughly jacked around before you get to the parts you need to get to.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 02:07 AM (T1005)

289 "The protesters looters...are pissed off and tweeting about it!"

It's obvious now that it's all about them, not about Michael Brown.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:08 AM (1Y+hH)

290 Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:05 AM (K4YiS)

Same thing on Long Island too, loved it!

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:09 AM (1Y+hH)

My spell check has ceased to work..., weird.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 28, 2014 02:06 AM (vPh3W)

Take it from me, that can really fuck you around.

Posted by: Harry Potter in the 7th circle of hell at November 28, 2014 02:09 AM (tvB15)

292 Jut checked it out on Google Maps -- to my great releif, the entire North Eleuthera Airport still seems to be just one building:

Though it looks maybe 20 feet wide now. Moving up to the big time!

Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:09 AM (K4YiS)

293 OK, just to punish you guys, here it is in Google Maps --

You didn't build that!

Posted by: Prezy JugEars McTeleprompter at November 28, 2014 02:10 AM (P+IZm)

294 Harry - Thanks. Just repaired it. Odd that it went away though.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 28, 2014 02:10 AM (vPh3W)

295 Long Island, the Bahamas of course.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:11 AM (1Y+hH)

296 Unsurprisingly, it's cold. She had let two of the heating stoves go out. It was 14 degrees Celsius in the kitchen and colder toward the front of the house. She didn't even notice. Grief sucks. My dad got the one going then niece ("Ruth" who Weirddave talks about) got the pellet stove going. Ta almost tolerable now but. Spent a few hours sitting on a heating pad, wrapped up in blankets.
Posted by: Gingy in Canada where it's cold at November 28, 2014 01:52 AM

Best wishes to you and yours Gingy. You are a true trooper to be there for your sister in her loss.

Posted by: Farmer at November 28, 2014 02:12 AM (o/90i)

297 At the Purdue airport, the Air Wisconsin ticket agent would sell you a ticket, then slip on a jacket and cap and run out to put luggage on the plane.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 28, 2014 02:12 AM (vPh3W)

298 Same thing on Long Island too, loved it!
Posted by: Meremortal

By "Long Island," I presume you mean the Long Island of the Bahamas, not the airport on Long Island in New York State, which would be JFK Airport -- slightly bigger, I think.

Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:13 AM (K4YiS)

In Costa Rica you just hold your bag out the window.

OK, I made that up, but it's not far off. Only place I ever wore an X belt on a plane.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:15 AM (1Y+hH)

300 Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 02:07 AM (T1005)

I'm completely worn out just from skimmng that.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:17 AM (1Y+hH)

301 On Fox, Pentagon prepares to release more detainees from Gitmo.

Rash prediction, Obama will have it emptied out and closed down before January 2017.

Posted by: Terra Incognito at November 28, 2014 02:18 AM (8PNC7)

302 I flew into the airport at Illulissat, Greenland, on my way to a well up the coast. Nice modern little terminal, nobody there but an agent for the helicopter company. Asked if I could get my passport stamped. "Sure, if you go into town to the police station, but it is closed right now. And the helicopter won't wait."

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 28, 2014 02:19 AM (tvB15)

303 "It's odd to think that Rickenbacker sat in this very chair."
Very cool, love those types of connections to history.
Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 01:56 AM

Me too. My Grandad went to HS w/ Ronald Reagan as did his brother who was in the same graduating class.

My missed opportunity was when I had an ancient substitute teacher in the 60s. He told us he had shaken the hand of Teddy Roosevelt. I should have shaken his hand at the end of class.

Yeah, I do know I'm weird about history stuff...whatever.

Posted by: Farmer at November 28, 2014 02:19 AM (o/90i)

304 Gingy, stay warm and hang in there. You're a good daughter and a solid citizen (not that any of that is a surprise to those around here).

Speaking of sitting in Rickenbacker's chair, and how that can move the historically minded. Once visited the Stalin birthplace and museum (yes, there is one) in Gori, Georgia.

Out back they had Stalin's special command railroad car from WWII. The conference area had a small covered table, 5 or 6 seats. You Know Who sat at the end seat - presumably Zhukov regularly warmed one of the others, along with Molotov. Of course I sat in The Boss's seat (special charm of early post-Soviet places - do whatever you want, incl. in museums) for a bit. Talk about chills.

And speaking of the fun of a "no rules" environment, on a later trip we checking out Stalin's dacha down in the resort (and mineral water) town of Borzhomi, embassy was going to rent it for a health training conference or something. I wander all around inside, poked here and there, and found a portrait just stuck behind a big heavy curtain (Russkis and their neighbors just luvved them those big heavy curtains). Posed with the scenic river valley of Borzhomi behind them, Stalin and - I'm fairly sure - Ordzhonikidze, the Georgian Bolshevik. He died in 1936 under disputed circumstances, but Stalin had already liquidated some of his associates. So that portrait was another experience in the "historically chilling" categoy.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2014 02:20 AM (afQnV)

305 Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:13 AM (K4YiS)

Yup, Bahamas. It's hysterical and has third world charm. And the natives are very loveable and come in various colors.

Now in Costa Rica we once landed on a gravel strip in the middle of a banana orchard and I never saw a terminal. That was before the 3 hour ride in the first Nissan Pathfinder ever produced, followed by several hours down a river in a small boat with BIG crocs on the banks every so often.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:23 AM (1Y+hH)

306 My missed opportunity was when I had an ancient substitute teacher in the 60s. He told us he had shaken the hand of Teddy Roosevelt. I should have shaken his hand at the end of class.

Yeah, I do know I'm weird about history stuff...whatever.
Posted by: Farmer

I was once at a political event in San Francisco long ago, in a crowd, and a man who had his back to me stepped back a bit and accidentally stepped on my foot.

He turned around, and it was...John Glenn!

I thought, "Wow, the first American to orbit the Earth just orbited my foot. I'll never wash it again!"

Then there's the time in the summer of 2008 when I shook the hand of a political candidate by the name of...Barack Obama. I haven't stopped washing my hand ever since!

Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:24 AM (K4YiS)

307 Posted by: Farmer at November 28, 2014 02:19 AM (o/90i)

A look into your ancestry might be fun, have you tried that?

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:25 AM (1Y+hH)

308 Then there's the time in the summer of 2008 when I
shook the hand of a political candidate by the name of...Barack Obama. I
haven't stopped washing my hand ever since!

Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:24 AM (K4YiS)

Too bad it couldn't be Obama's butthole "orbiting" your foot, as he launches into sub-orbital flight.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 28, 2014 02:28 AM (tvB15)

309 Just as soon as Iron Butterfly finishes, I'm done for the day.

Posted by: Terra Incognito at November 28, 2014 02:28 AM (8PNC7)

310 Just as soon as Iron Butterfly finishes, I'm done for the day.

Posted by: Terra Incognito at November 28, 2014 02:28 AM (8PNC7)

So you're here for a while then?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 28, 2014 02:30 AM (tvB15)

311 'bout 'nother ten minutes.

Posted by: Terra Incognito at November 28, 2014 02:30 AM (8PNC7)

312 "I shook the hand of a political candidate by the name of....."


Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:30 AM (1Y+hH)

313 Ooooh, found it -- here's my report of the day I shook Obama's hand:

Of course I didn't mention my participation, for security reasons. Though I (foolishly) did include pictures of him shaking the hand to the person on my left ( and then the person on my right (, so you can guess what happened in between.

This was April, 2008 -- long before he was considered a shoo-in! Strange times indeed. Even so, I was extremely cynical and sarcastic about this candidate, so I already knew by then that he was a hypocritical Marxist.

Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:32 AM (K4YiS)

314 so I already knew by then = as I already knew by then

Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:33 AM (K4YiS)

315 Farmer, I've got one you'll love.

My dad has a detailed wooden model of a stagecoach. It's beautiful work, the coach is about 14 inches long, with working doors, etc.

It was built by Sitting Bull's son. Seems he had a drinking problem and would build these to pass the time in jail.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:34 AM (1Y+hH)

316 Oh well, time for beddie-bye... y'all take care out there.

Don't eat the yellow snow and all that, Gingy... hopefully the rising sun will lead to a better day.

Got lots of stuff to do tomorrow... and dodge the Black Friday madness to boot.

Wish me luck...

Posted by: CPT. Charles at November 28, 2014 02:34 AM (/mTq0)

317 282
My favorite airport is North Eleuthera Airport in the Bahamas.





The "airport" in just one little building, about 12 feet wide. Walk
in one door, take 3 steps, walk out the other side onto the tarmac.

Often there is no one even in the building.

A stewardess might take your ticket as you climb the steps into the
little Cessna or whatever it was that you're flying. Or then again, she
might not. Shrugs. Now you're flying Bahama style!

Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:05 AM (K4YiS)

When we flew into Kadavu, Fiji, we first did a low pass to shoo the cows off the field before we circled back and landed. Then we were handed our luggage on the grass runway and directed to the terminal building (cinder blocks, no doors, about 10' x 20') for "arrival". We walked into the "arrivals" area to find our driver waiting for us with our names on a placard.

We walked up, identified ourselves, and shook his hand. Once we had done so, he adroitly scooped up everything we had set down in order to have a free hand and marched out the door of the terminal. We followed with the rest of our gear. Without turning his head, he marched across the grounds of the airport and diagonally across the road outside....we learned, later, that there is only approximately 1/2 mile of roadway on the entire island -- accordingly, locals pay it no mind as there is no traffic. On the other side of the road was a beach, which he continued to march across diagonally.

And, on the other side of the beach was the Pacific Ocean, which he walked into just as forthrightly -- evidently heading for a small dinghy about 50 yards out. We stopped and took our shoes and socks off, and rolled up our pants, before following. As a result, we were only about a quarter of the way there when he had our luggage stashed and was onboard -- the water had never been more than about knee deep on him.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 02:35 AM (T1005)

318 #214

I always thought a savvy real estate agent could cultivate a base of deaf customers who'd be fine living under a jumbo jet flight path if the price was better. They get a good price and the airport gets less interference.

Posted by: Epobirs at November 28, 2014 02:35 AM (IdCqF)

319 300
Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 02:07 AM (T1005)

I'm completely worn out just from skimmng that.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:17 AM (1Y+hH)

Forget it, Jake, it's Thanksgiving ONT....

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 02:38 AM (T1005)

320 Posted by: Epobir

Nope. The deaf are very sensitive to vibration.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:40 AM (1Y+hH)

321 I thought, "Wow, the first American to orbit the Earth just orbited my foot. I'll never wash it again!"
Then there's the time in the summer of 2008 when I shook the hand of a political candidate by the name of...Barack Obama. I haven't stopped washing my hand ever since!
Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:24 AM

I hope you washed you foot since. Glenn was a half ass senator but he did have the courage to go up, people forget that about the early space exploration days.

As far as O, good luck w/ that, maybe you have the taint off by now, he's a stinky MFer.

I'd best stop here, my wife's family used to live in SSChicago, I really can't say here anything more about him and her loverly family. NSA and all that shit, tho I'm sure they have this.

Have you read Sharyl Atkkinson's book? Very illuminating.

Posted by: Farmer at November 28, 2014 02:41 AM (o/90i)

322 The deaf are very sensitive to vibration.

Really? So am I!

Posted by: Sandra Flukke at November 28, 2014 02:42 AM (P+IZm)

323 Another old favorite of mine was the Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong -- random people's TV antennas on the tops of apartment buildings would scrap the underside of the plane as you came in for a landing in the middle of a dense urban neighborhood, flying just a few feet above where tens of thousands of people lived directly adjacent to the runways.

Too bad they closed it permanently. A memorable experience!

Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:42 AM (K4YiS)

324 Forget it, Jake, it's Thanksgiving ONT....
Posted by: cthulhu

The detail was incredible. You are obviously quite familiar with the joint, and a lot of others.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:43 AM (1Y+hH)

325 scrap the underside of the plane = scrape the underside of the plane

Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:43 AM (K4YiS)

326 zombie at November 28, 2014 02:43 AM (K4YiS)

well ... some of the antenna might have been scrap after a too low plane went by ...

Posted by: Adriane the Technology Critic ... at November 28, 2014 02:46 AM (P+IZm)

327 305
Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:13 AM (K4YiS)

Yup, Bahamas. It's hysterical and has third world charm. And the natives are very loveable and come in various colors.

Now in Costa Rica we once landed on a gravel strip in the middle of a
banana orchard and I never saw a terminal. That was before the 3 hour
ride in the first Nissan Pathfinder ever produced, followed by several
hours down a river in a small boat with BIG crocs on the banks every so

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:23 AM (1Y+hH)

I figured those were most likely caimans, but decided to check before shooting off my yap.....and, yes, American crocodiles are found in Costa Rica. But you're still getting the rhyme I was going to use as a punchline, remembered from when I was, maybe, 12.

"I give you now, Professor Twist --

A conscientious scientist.
Trustees exclaimed, 'he never bungles' --
And sent him off to distant jungles.
One day, he missed his loving bride....
She had, his guide
Informed him later,
Been eaten by an alligator
Professor Twist could not but smile....
'you mean', he said, 'a crocodile.'"

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 02:48 AM (T1005)

328 Nope. The deaf are very sensitive to vibration.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:40 AM (1Y+hH)

And because one person in a household is deaf, it does not follow that the others will be. I realize there may be a number of deaf couples, but if they have children, they will not normally be without hearing.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 28, 2014 02:49 AM (tvB15)

329 I realize there may be a number of deaf couples, but if they have children, they will not normally be without hearing.

ah yes, the militantly deaf, who abort children who are not ...

Posted by: Adriane the Humanity Critic ... at November 28, 2014 02:53 AM (P+IZm)

330 A look into your ancestry might be fun, have you tried that?
Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:25 AM

Oh, I've been doing that since is was 15. Now this DNA stuff has me intrigued as finding th genetic background further than paper records can.

That Henry Gates, of Beer Summit fame, has a show on now about that, just saw it yesterday.

People of are all kinds of genetic mixes of course. But the diversity is a bit amazing. They do celebs, but find say Gates himself is well over 50% European. Several had 3-6 % Asian.

We're all mutts. From my research I'm part Jewish, which nobody in my family knew. Further back part Moorish maybe.

This could be a unifying show, but that prick Gates is a divisive bastard at times. Tho maybe he's mellowed since he realized he's mostly European and he can stop hating his own people.

Idiot leftist!

Posted by: Farmer at November 28, 2014 02:54 AM (o/90i)

ah yes, the militantly deaf, who abort children who are not ...

Posted by: Adriane the Humanity Critic ... at November 28, 2014 02:53 AM (P+IZm)

Well, I was thinking of normal deaf couples. Those who might find it comfortable to be married to a person who also communicates by signing, but who are willing to let their children be what they will be. The militantly deaf, are, in their own way, just as twisted as the militantly gay.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 28, 2014 02:56 AM (tvB15)

332 This could be a unifying show, but that prick Gates
is a divisive bastard at times. Tho maybe he's mellowed since he
realized he's mostly European and he can stop hating his own people.

Idiot leftist!

Posted by: Farmer at November 28, 2014 02:54 AM (o/90i)

Wouldn't it be funny if Henry Gates turned out to be shirt-tail relation to Bill Gates? If Bill Gates had ancestors who were slave-owning planters in the old South, it might just be true.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 28, 2014 03:00 AM (tvB15)

333 323
Another old favorite of mine was the Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong --
random people's TV antennas on the tops of apartment buildings would
scrap the underside of the plane as you came in for a landing in the
middle of a dense urban neighborhood, flying just a few feet above where
tens of thousands of people lived directly adjacent to the runways.

Too bad they closed it permanently. A memorable experience!

Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2014 02:42 AM (K4YiS)

I did that. It is really something to be flying, in a plane, between rows of skyscrapers -- able to glimpse in their windows as you passed -- and on some of them, they'd have laundry lines strung between their building and the next, and you'd pass someone's t-shirt drying.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 03:01 AM (T1005)

334 Farmer, I've got one you'll love.
My dad has a detailed wooden model of a stagecoach. It's beautiful work, the coach is about 14 inches long, with working doors, etc.
It was built by Sitting Bull's son. Seems he had a drinking problem and would build these to pass the time in jail.
Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 02:34 AM

That's awesome. As a historical society employee I hope he considers donating it to an appropriate place where it can be seen and appreciated.

Posted by: Farmer at November 28, 2014 03:03 AM (o/90i)

335 Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Time to hit the hay,
Best wishes for all of you ...

Posted by: Adriane the Humanity Critic ... at November 28, 2014 03:05 AM (P+IZm)

336 He's donated a few other things, don't know his plan for this piece.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 03:08 AM (1Y+hH)

337 Yep, I'm out too, nite all.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 28, 2014 03:11 AM (1Y+hH)


Posted by: Adriane the Humanity Critic ... at November 28, 2014 03:12 AM (P+IZm)

339 Time for bed here. Wife has it planned that Dad will stay and help me put up Christmas stuff tomorrow.

I can't argue w/ that idea.

Be well you Morons that care about our country.

Posted by: Farmer at November 28, 2014 03:13 AM (o/90i)

340 Old Kai Tak -- -- shots 1 and 12 are what I'm talking about.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 03:14 AM (T1005)

341 All are welcome tonight except for AltonJackson. He knows why.

Posted by: Maetenloch at November 27, 2014 10:45 PM

I shall not ever again taunt happy fun ball.

Are we good?

Posted by: AltonJackson at November 28, 2014 03:18 AM (KCxzN)

342 So, some weeks ago, I got a "Beers of Mexico Sampler 12-pack" -- and it was actually pretty good. It had Dos Equis, DE Lager, something else decent, and a special "Invierno" that was pretty good. So I grab a "Beers of Mexico Sampler 12-pack" while I'm out wandering around today, get home, and find that it includes 3 bottles each of "Sol" and "Tecate" -- neither of which I'd actually buy given a choice.

Great move if you want to grift a gringo.....but I won't be thinking, "oh, the last time I grabbed a box, it worked out well" when I next see it.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 03:23 AM (T1005)

343 341
All are welcome tonight except for AltonJackson. He knows why.

Posted by: Maetenloch at November 27, 2014 10:45 PM

I shall not ever again taunt happy fun ball.

Are we good?

Posted by: AltonJackson at November 28, 2014 03:18 AM (KCxzN)

Shun the nonbeliever! Shun! Shun!

Posted by: asshole unicorns at November 28, 2014 03:30 AM (T1005)

344 Well, it's officially Black Friday --

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 03:49 AM (T1005)

345 Shook Hubert Humphrey's hand in a mall in Milwaukee when i was a kid. Tried to circle back and do it again, but got recognized by his security and nudged onto a down escalator. Also sniffed bench where Elizabeth Taylor sat in Jackson Memorial Hall at VMI whenI was a Rat after she and her husband John Warner visited the I for some reason.

Posted by: Fort Worth Mike at November 28, 2014 03:51 AM (zAZNI)

346 344
Well, it's officially Black Friday --

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 03:49 AM (T1005)

Not that there's anyone still active here, but this is a better cut --

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 04:01 AM (T1005)

347 Happy Black Friday before that term is outlawed as Rayycist!
I ate one of two tenderloin steaks & neither had any fat at all on them. My older brother cooked them & I bought them as plan B.

Cthulhu I was going to make your roasted tomatoes, with my additions, but Charlie didn't care & neck hurt when I opened oven. I'll make Saturday because my best friend brought My Thanksgiving favorites from his friend's house home.

Posted by: Carol at November 28, 2014 04:04 AM (sj3Ax)

348 Good Night, Farmer.

Posted by: Carol at November 28, 2014 04:06 AM (sj3Ax)

349 Cthulhu,
Are we only ones here?

Posted by: Carol at November 28, 2014 04:10 AM (sj3Ax)

350 Maetenloch
You should get some sleep.
I want to say A very Thankfull Thank You for ONTs despite where you are & I personally love you with BanHammer.

I. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

All my love, Carol

Posted by: Carol at November 28, 2014 04:21 AM (sj3Ax)

351 347
Happy Black Friday before that term is outlawed as Rayycist!

I ate one of two tenderloin steaks neither had any fat at all
on them. My older brother cooked them I bought them as plan B.

Cthulhu I was going to make your roasted tomatoes, with my
additions, but Charlie didn't care neck hurt when I opened oven.
I'll make Saturday because my best friend brought My Thanksgiving
favorites from his friend's house home.

Posted by: Carol at November 28, 2014 04:04 AM (sj3Ax)

This has been such a horribly unproductive year for tomatoes for us, I've been so bummed. We haven't been able to do more than a roast or two, and we normally have so many roasted tomatoes that we're on the very edge of being sick of them, despite it being so tasty. I've got three -- three! -- little cherry tomatoes from our garden that are on the counter ready to eat right now.

I hope you had a very Happy Thanksgiving, and are well on your way towards having things to be thankful for next year.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 04:23 AM (T1005)

352 Just looking at my Black Thursday Fry's receipt and found they got the price wrong on two promo items, dinging me for almost $20. Fortunately, I have to go back there in a few hours for the second phase of the sale. There are a few items worth making the trip for and not the big ones that people line up for, so my chances are good.

Posted by: Epobirs at November 28, 2014 04:34 AM (IdCqF)

353 350

You should get some sleep.

I want to say A very Thankfull Thank You for ONTs despite where you are I personally love you with BanHammer.

I. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

All my love, Carol

Posted by: Carol at November 28, 2014 04:21 AM (sj3Ax)

I would also like to salute Maetenloch's conservatorship over the ONT. He has been a marvel of providing content (or not), and policing trolls, and really making the ONT the powerhouse that it is (says he at comment # 35X). I think Maet really needs to get a plaque -- he can clear a place to put it on his wall by moving that photo from his last relationship IRL.....

Sarcasm aside, Maet, you are cherished for all you do. Really, truly, deeply. If we're ever in the same restaurant or drinking establishment, your money is worthless.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 04:36 AM (T1005)

354 *shudder* What is worth putting-up-with Fry's Black Friday chaos?

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 04:38 AM (T1005)

355 Cthulhu
I'm doing pretty well here. My best male friend has moved in Septemnberr 1.
I'm waiting out injection for shoulder pain from Monday & iced myself for two days.

My roses were ,beautiful this year with no disease because I was outside as much as i could be.

I'm sorry about your poor tomato crop this year .

Posted by: Carol at November 28, 2014 04:39 AM (sj3Ax)

356 355

I'm doing pretty well here. My best male friend has moved in Septemnberr 1.

I'm waiting out injection for shoulder pain from Monday iced myself for two days.

My roses were ,beautiful this year with no disease because I was outside as much as i could be.

I'm sorry about your poor tomato crop this year .

Posted by: Carol at November 28, 2014 04:39 AM (sj3Ax)

I figure it's a Sign that maybe I shouldn't be so concerned about the "perfect California climate".

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 04:46 AM (T1005)

357 Cthulhu
There is no perfect climate.
I am ,going to slee,p now.
Good night Maetenloch & Cthulhu.

Posted by: Carol at November 28, 2014 04:53 AM (sj3Ax)

358 Perfect -- I'm supposed to meet up with an old friend next's supposed to be pouring.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 04:54 AM (T1005)

359 I love/hate waking up at 4 in the am. I love it because I feel refreshed and my body is less pained, I hate it because I think. Saw my brother, his wife, and their kid on Wed. Very sad. They are seriously dysfunctional. Each parent seems to have a personality disorder, and the kid does not seem to be turning out normal either/ She is 9 and speaks and acts MUCH younger, and seems to be in her own world, in short. My mother was so scared abot seeing them she had to take a tranquilizer.

Posted by: Baldy at November 28, 2014 04:55 AM (+35FH)

360 While the fiancee is a away, I get to lay bare the situation we're in. I can slap a post-it on the fridge for every little thing that needs to happen, and tear 'em off and throw 'em away when they do. Fiancee flies back 12/12 -- I'm doing stuff, but the number of items on the fridge continues to increase.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 05:04 AM (T1005)

361 G'night, Carol!

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 05:11 AM (T1005)

362 Good morning, all you Moron people.

Hope you ate well, and had an enjoyable day of thanks.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 28, 2014 06:26 AM (wPA9Q)

363 So who has stormed the Black Friday ramparts? Trampled their fellow man to secure for their children a special toy. To thus instruct that one must conquer and lay low one's enemies over a trinket that will be discounted 50% in a month?

Well I'm not. Though I might venture out for a Hateshake and resultant Shakegasm today.

Good morning everyone.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 28, 2014 06:43 AM (XhS3T)

364 Good morning, all you Moron people.

Hope you ate well, and had an enjoyable day of thanks.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 28, 2014 06:26 AM (wPA9Q)
Good morning. Yes, I ate well and enjoyed time with my family. I hope your Thanksgiving was great as well.I haven't been reading or remarking at my favorite blog sites. The election hangover(figurative not literal), the rash of infuriating news such as Ferguson, EO on immigration, etc. is not something I care to digest every single day. I'm hoping that after the holidays I'll feel like keeping up with current events.

Posted by: hadoop at November 28, 2014 06:44 AM (2X7pN)

365 Hey good morning freaky people!! Whats the good news today? I hope all of you had good food and spirits and enjoyed the company of family and friends yesterday,

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at November 28, 2014 06:49 AM (60Vyp)

366 Nope , no shopping for me today.

G'morning, all.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 28, 2014 06:50 AM (+jyzN)

367 So who has stormed the Black Friday ramparts? Posted by: Anna Puma at November 28, 2014 06:43 AM

Not me!

Even if I had considered it, after spending a restless night and seeing the first snow of the season out there this morning (it's still coming down, though lightly), I'd rather leave that chore to others.

Animal Planet showed "When Turkeys Attack" last night. It could have been the story of my town, which has a bunch of the things wandering around. They sometimes block one of the two main roads leading in and out of town and are generally bad-tempered, nasty-looking bastiges.

Wish I'd seen the show before dinner. Would have made the deceased bird taste better.

Posted by: MrScribbler at November 28, 2014 06:50 AM (yAC3X)

368 Only done Black Friday once, because the daughter insisted on it. What a zoo. I vowed never again.

Posted by: Darth Randall at November 28, 2014 07:00 AM (KlVdw)

369 Morning Horde.

I have never done the Black Friday shopping. I did buy an HP laptop two years ago on some cyber Monday deal.

Got a 15" I-7 for less than $500. Still a good deal today.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 28, 2014 07:06 AM (0FSuD)

370 Nice ONT Maet...

happy post apocalyptic Black Friday

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at November 28, 2014 07:16 AM (/4AZU)

371 OK someone wake up the rest of the morons.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 28, 2014 07:18 AM (0FSuD)

372 368 Posted by: Darth Randall at November 28, 2014 07:00 AM (KlVdw)

I average 1/3 store a year...

meaning about every third year I may go to one...

was a lot easier in Indiana where I had a Fry;s and a Microcenter w/in an hour's drive....

now I'm pondering going to Nichols....

or maybe Harbeson...I was gonna go to Fry's but it's 3 hours away

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at November 28, 2014 07:18 AM (/4AZU)

373 Sarcasm aside, Maet, you are cherished for all you
do. Really, truly, deeply. If we're ever in the same restaurant or
drinking establishment, your money is worthless.

Posted by: cthulhu at November 28, 2014 04:36 AM (T1005)

I think this echoes the sentiments of the entire Moron Horde.

Good morning roonz and roonettez!

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at November 28, 2014 07:19 AM (V22Sh)

374 Howdy. Someone forget to set out the empty morning thread for a refill?

(Anyone else remember to-your-door milk delivery?)

Posted by: mindful webworker at November 28, 2014 07:25 AM (YE6fT)

375 I'm going shooting for Black Friday. Not that the two of them are at all related, it's just that Eldest Daughter's roomie wants me to take her shooting. It should be fun I think. Eldest Daughter has no interest in learning, she's lived in the 'hood so long she has a fear of guns (but she doesn't think that everyone should be banned from having them, she just doesn't want one for herself).

Eldest Daughter's roomie I have known since we moved to Florida way back in 94, they grew up together. She is Hispanic (no joke, her dad was Cuban) and married a black man; I spent Thanksgiving here with them and his family. I was the only person of pallor, which is not unusual for my Florida trips.

At any rate, the ensuing Ferguson/St Traytable discussions were...enlightening.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at November 28, 2014 07:27 AM (V22Sh)

376 There is absolutly no way I am shopping anywhere today. I'm going to my store/shop and working, but the closed sign will be out.

Posted by: freaked at November 28, 2014 07:29 AM (JdEZJ)

377 Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Black Friday? Came home Tuesday from Sicily via Turkish Airlines (excellent airline). Ataturk Airport in Istsnbul is truly a marvel. If you want to actually leave the airport, however, you have to pay $30. Cash ( euros, pounds or US dollars ) for. 'Visa'. What a racket! ... And Istanbul is creepy and it sucks. Better off staying in the airport/ airport hotel than doing touristy stuff on a layover. Istanbul is People's Exhibit 'A' of what happens/ how a culture devolves when the muzzies take over.

Posted by: RondinellaMamma at November 28, 2014 07:31 AM (oQQwD)

378 At any rate, the ensuing Ferguson/St Traytable discussions were...enlightening.
Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde

Go on......

Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2014 07:33 AM (jCjc/)

379 and Constantiople just sounds better anyway.

Posted by: RondinellaMamma at November 28, 2014 07:33 AM (oQQwD)

380 You usually can't get me into a mall or big box store on the quietest of days. AtC's attitude about how the Outdoors is out to kill you? That's how I am about crowds. Avoid art ask costs.

Posted by: mindful webworker - just Friday at November 28, 2014 07:34 AM (YE6fT)

381 I guess all the co blogs are at the mall?

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 28, 2014 07:34 AM (0FSuD)

382 380 Posted by: mindful webworker - just Friday at November 28, 2014 07:34 AM (YE6fT)

Spouse just invoked Bed Bath and Beyond...

I'm doomed.

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at November 28, 2014 07:35 AM (/4AZU)

383 (Anyone else remember to-your-door milk delivery?)
Posted by: mindful webworker

Barely. Anyone remember the guy with the pushcart who sharpened knives and repaired small things?

Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2014 07:36 AM (jCjc/)

384 Spouse just invoked Bed Bath and Beyond...

I'm doomed.

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at November 28, 2014 07:35 AM (/4AZU)

Don't forget you 20% off coupons!

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 28, 2014 07:36 AM (0FSuD)

385 I always avoid art and ask costs too mmw. If art cost more than $5 I eschew it completely.

Posted by: freaked at November 28, 2014 07:36 AM (JdEZJ)

386 "Avoid at all costs," I meant, of course, darn you editor fail.

Posted by: mindful webworker - first Friday fail at November 28, 2014 07:37 AM (YE6fT)

387 well that was an interesting night.....

Posted by: phoenixgirl @phxazgrl 98 days until Spring Training at November 28, 2014 07:37 AM (u8GsB)

388 and Constantiople just sounds better anyway.


/re-succumbs to turkey torpor

Posted by: Brother Cavil at November 28, 2014 07:37 AM (AXimz)

389 Spouse just invoked Bed Bath and Beyond...
I'm doomed.
Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077

Been nice knowing ya'.

Everyone, tip a glass for Sven......

Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2014 07:38 AM (jCjc/)

390 We had a insulated box that the milkman would leave our milk in.

When we moved to a new town, the milkmen obviously had a different plan.

Our new milkman was inside our kitchen putting the milk in the frig and replacing eggs.

That did not go over well with mom. Get a box and get out of my kitchen.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 28, 2014 07:39 AM (0FSuD)

391 Looks like late thread day today and I have to change the battery in my truck so I will post links here.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:41 AM (u9gzs)

392 Good Morning Morons. Today is Friday, November 28, 2014. On this day in 1942 500 people died in the Coconut Grove fire. And on yesterday's date I ate like a pig and the scales show I gained 2 pounds in one day. But I do hope everyone had a good thanksgiving.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:41 AM (u9gzs)

393 I'll start with an AoS tradition that we missed yesterday.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:41 AM (u9gzs)

394 When we moved to a new town, the milkmen obviously had a different plan.

Our new milkman was inside our kitchen putting the milk in the frig and replacing eggs.

Can't find that level of service anymore.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2014 07:41 AM (jCjc/)

395 Obama released 5 more terrorists from Gitmo this past week and he is getting ready to release another round next week. I am sure that our troops will appreciate that when they are being shot and killed or blown up by these shits that should have been shot.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:42 AM (u9gzs)

396 Vic or some early riser should have password to start new am thread.

Good Morning & I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving
My. Best friend is a lovable man but puts himself on a diet & goes off It & came home last night wanting Peptp Bismol.

He's got less fat on hi than I have.

Posted by: Carol at November 28, 2014 07:42 AM (sj3Ax)

397 The real war on women. A 14 year old child is facing the death penalty in Nigeria for poisoning her 35 year old husband who she was forced to marry.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:42 AM (u9gzs)

398 The woman who's bake shop in Ferguson was vandalized by rioting commie thugs has received $200K in donations to help her rebuild. The problem is going to be getting insurance now. No insurance; no mortgage.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:42 AM (u9gzs)

399 More global warming as MN has the coldest Thanksgiving sine 1930.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:42 AM (u9gzs)

400 It cold in CLT, bet the up state is also cold!

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 28, 2014 07:43 AM (0FSuD)

401 Even McClatchy is getting down on Obama now. Well they helped put him in office and have kissed his ass ever since. I hope they like their shit sandwich.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:43 AM (u9gzs)

402 Obama says only Indians have the right to object to his illegal amnesty scheme. He is either winging it or he has the worst speechwriters in history.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:43 AM (u9gzs)

403 50 OWS/Commie goons gathered to disrupt the Macy's parade in NYC yesterday. 7 were arrested but the pictures do not show the NYC cops beating the crap out of them. I am disappointed.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:43 AM (u9gzs)

404 rickb223: "Anyone remember the guy with the pushcart who sharpened knives and repaired small things?"

Nowadays, the scissor grinder sets up shop inside the local Hobby Lobby. We've used his services.

Nobody today would get Pogo's mangling of the term "scizzle grinder." I might start to feel old one of these years

Posted by: mindful webworker - skoosh a bug n we getz rain at November 28, 2014 07:43 AM (YE6fT)

405 Obama thanks the military by sending them a picture of Barrack Obama. I think this man has some serious mental issues.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:43 AM (u9gzs)

406 A documentary on black male crisis in Ferguson is in the works. I am sure every network will compete to have it shown and I am sure it will be highly accurate and informative.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:43 AM (u9gzs)

407 The black Oakland commies at the Ferguson riots do not want white people to show up in pictures and have issued rules.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:44 AM (u9gzs)

408 Rare sea turtles are dying from excessively cold waters due to Global Warming.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:44 AM (u9gzs)

Go on......

Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2014 07:33 AM (jCjc/)

First off, the guy I was doing most of the conversing with is a HHS agent for the state of FL, so that was kind of fun. He grew up in Detroit and won't acknowledge the fact that it has been Dem/Progressive/Liberal policies that have done that city in. (Side note, I made the comment to the two teenage boys in the house that the KKK, Jim Crow laws, et al were enacted by Democrats and then proved it to them; they were amazed and astounded to find that out plus to discover the Republican Party was created to combat slavery, lights in the darkness perhaps, time will tell.)

At any rate, all in the house but me were convinced that the GJ ignored or overlooked evidence, that St SwisherSweet was kneeling in the street with his hands up when raciss cop shot him in the head, and that GZimmerman only shot St Traytable cause he was getting beat up and totally deserved it for chasing the kid, etc. I made extensive use of the computer to refute every claim and prove my points and got RIGHT UP but not quite to the point of "You just RAYSISSS!!!!!" (I did get a "you just believe that cos you white" to which I responded "No, I just believe that because the physical evidence proves it.") before Eldest Daughter and roomie declared and end to the conversation.

(it wasn't said right out, but the impression was that I won because by the time we were done it was no longer me vs. everyone)

And if you didn't believe the media was driving the bus on the Ferguson thing, we saw the "video evidence" where I pointed out they were CGI recreations and therefore only reflected what the artist/writer wanted them to show which is not necessarily the truth. I was able to make them see that, but think of all the people who watched them on the news (and in the grand jury where they were also shown) and took them to be gospel truth.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at November 28, 2014 07:44 AM (V22Sh)

410 That odious Ozone regulation they plan is only the beginning. Obama plans an "avalanche" of new EPA regs with zero science.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:44 AM (u9gzs)

411 The Daily Deals

Note: A bunch of books and included there is "The Worst Hard Times". That is an excellent book describing the great dust bowl disaster and how it was actually created by stupid government policy.

That's it for today folks. Slow news day today, but that is normal.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:44 AM (u9gzs)

412 And on yesterday's date I ate like a pig and the scales
show I gained 2 pounds in one day. But I do hope everyone had a good thanksgiving.
Posted by: Vic

Moar fiber or quart of Goletely. You'll lose the two pounds.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2014 07:45 AM (jCjc/)

413 Nood naturally

Posted by: Golfman in NC at November 28, 2014 07:46 AM (Knixy)

414 396
Vic or some early riser should have password to start new am thread.

Good Morning I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving

My. Best friend is a lovable man but puts himself on a diet goes off It came home last night wanting Peptp Bismol.

He's got less fat on hi than I have.

Posted by: Carol at November 28, 2014 07:42 AM (sj3Ax)

I have never done HTML so I would screw up the thread. Anyway I have to go get that battery before the black fridy zombies hit.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:46 AM (u9gzs)

415 Good Morning, Vic.
Thank you for the news!

Posted by: Carol at November 28, 2014 07:46 AM (sj3Ax)

416 402 Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 07:43 AM (u9gzs)

Especially considering my Sioux ancestors are really asians who got froggy...

I hate assholes who try to divide by race.

Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at November 28, 2014 07:47 AM (/4AZU)

417 Nobody today would get Pogo's mangling of the term "scizzle grinder."

Nowdays, it'd be, "Fo' shizzle my scizzle!"

Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2014 07:48 AM (jCjc/)

418 "[BHO] is either winging it or he has the worst speechwriters in history."

I'm going with nobody is minding him anymore. Not a good sign.

Morning, Vic, Thanks for delivering the news!

Posted by: mindful webworker - who's minding the minders? at November 28, 2014 07:48 AM (YE6fT)

419 I think it was Gulliandi or some NYC mayor that mentioned the NYPD is the third largest army in the world.

You don't want to fuck with a NYPD union cop. I was amazed to learn, that the cops and fireman don't get along. Only so much pork, etc. Dueling unions.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 28, 2014 07:49 AM (0FSuD)

420 405 Obama thanks the military by sending them a picture of Barrack Obama. I think this man has some serious mental issues.

More proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.

Posted by: freaked at November 28, 2014 07:49 AM (JdEZJ)

421 right on schedule (snrk) morning thread

Posted by: mindful webworker at November 28, 2014 07:49 AM (YE6fT)

422 Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter
at November 28, 2014 07:44 AM (V22Sh)


Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2014 07:50 AM (jCjc/)

423 Yup, I remember milk delivery and the sharpening pushcart.

Actually, they periodically try to revive milk delivery, but the last time I saw the guy with the pushcart was in the mid-80s sometime. His cart had a sort of bell driven by the wheels, so every 20 - 30 feet you would hear it ring and know he was in the neighborhood. Fifty cents was the typical charge.

There's a sharpening guy who comes to a local farmers market, but he's got a truck rather than a pushcart and his prices reflect that difference, i.e. ridiculous for anyone other than a non-tool-using yuppie.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 28, 2014 08:01 AM (+jyzN)

424 Well I'm done. But now time for rocking chair at the window. Changing out a battery outside at 29F deserves a reward.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2014 09:07 AM (u9gzs)

425 The problem is going to be getting insurance now.

Insurance rates can kind of tell you if you should move your business.

Posted by: t-bird at November 28, 2014 09:08 AM (FcR7P)

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Posted by: VeronikaMa at November 28, 2014 09:50 AM (n+rso)

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Posted by: VeronikaMa at November 28, 2014 10:03 AM (n+rso)

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Posted by: VeronikaMa at November 28, 2014 10:53 AM (TQz0K)

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Posted by: VeronikaMa at November 28, 2014 11:29 AM (TQz0K)

430 "LAX reminds me of an East Bloc airport built for the 1980 Olympics and barely maintained since then."

You should have seen it in 1980, before it was completed. International was a tent. And the LA Olympics were in 1984. I moved from LA the day before they began.

Posted by: Miley's Tongue at November 28, 2014 11:32 AM (R+h7Q)

431 Download Amazing Big Boobs Galleries Free Today # DZ724252134 !
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Posted by: HatAlex at November 28, 2014 11:55 AM (n+rso)

432 Get Geatest Black Boobs Movies Absolutely Free Tomorrow # DZ911172469 !
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Posted by: HatAlex at November 28, 2014 12:10 PM (n+rso)

433 That tweet about American past times and Black Friday really ticked me off. First of all, fist fighting is not an American past time. Sure, there are people that act like jerks, but they are hardly representative of the typical American, nor are they representative of American social norms. Rioting is also not a great American past time. Sorry, pal, but America is not the most violent country on earth, and Americans are actually far more civilized then many other cultures on the globe. We do not have the highest crime rates, violent crime rates, or murder rates. The great American past times are really innovation, opportunity, and a belief that anything is possible. The author of said tweet should do some traveling abroad and see how in many places around the globe the concept of waiting in line is non existent. As part of the Anglosphere, Americans have a tradition of rule of law and order. We actually drive within the yellow lines on the road, and we actually say sorry when we bump into someone accidentally on the street. For those Americans that lack courtesy and are line cutters, well, they are most likely immigrants from places where personal space is non-existent. It is also possible that they are just jerks, and guess what, every country has a few of those.

Posted by: Mistress Not Done yet at November 28, 2014 01:45 PM (2/oBD)

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