aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Cheap UnityIn 1937, German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer published a book called "The Cost of Discipleship." In that book, Bonhoeffer wrote about the dangers of what he called 'cheap grace,' which he defined as "the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline. Communion without confession..." Bonhoeffer's point was that while forgiveness, baptism and Communion are a wonderful part of church life, they cannot be truly experienced without paying a cost. Bonhoeffer's words came to mind when I read this story.When President Obama comes to Capitol Hill in two weeks to deliver the State of the Union address, what are the chances that Republicans and Democrats in Congress will heed the call of Sen. Mark Udall, D-CO, to sit together, rather than divided by party? Simply put: unlikely. Udall is asking other members of Congress to join him in signing a letter to House and Senate leadership proposing that both parties should scrap the tradition of sitting on separate sides of the House chamber during the Joint Session of Congress Jan. 25. “I know that more unites us than divides us, and now – more than ever – we need to find ways to dial down the political rhetoric and set a positive example for all Americans,” Udall said in a statement Wednesday. “Our country has been talking about changing the way Washington works, and now it’s time to take action by crossing the aisle and sitting together.” “It’s a simple step, but an important one that will go a long way in bridging our political divide,” Udall added.After spending days watching their base accuse Sarah Palin and the tea party of encouraging a murderer, while saying nothing to stop the slander, Senator Udall and his fellow Democrats think all of this ugliness can be whisked away by encouraging members of each party to sit next to each other during a speech. With this meaningless gesture, the Democrats are trying to enjoy the benefits of calling for unity without having to criticize fellow members of Congress or their base for the repulsive slanders of the past week. Why apologize for the behavior of one's party when you can just plant your butt next to a Republican for an hour-long speech and look good on camera while doing it? This is not the first time Democrats have tried to atone for their ugly behavior on the cheap, but that doesn't make Udall's suggestion any less cowardly. Senator Udall, members of your party and your base have accused me and those who share my ideology of murder. If you want to show me that you're serious about unity, you have to be willing to offer more than empty symbolism. You want unity? Prove it. Now's the time for your Sister Souljah moment. Name names. Repudiate this. And this. And this, this, this, this, and this. The time for posturing is past - if civility is what you want, Senator, then first demand it of those who agree with you, donate to you and vote for you. Last weekend, a member of Congress was seriously injured and six people who went to meet her died. Instead of acknowledging the tragedy and taking the time to mourn, the left shamelessly used the dead as weapons in their war against their political opponents. What should shame you the most, Senator Udall, is that they were able to assume the freedom to do so because their allies did not speak out against them when it mattered most. It will take more than a seating chart to attain true unity, Senator Udall. Unity, like grace, is not cheap. Nor should it be. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
posted at 11:40 pm?
how come it's1:12 pm where I am? Posted by: mallfly at January 13, 2011 11:12 PM (W6bJb) 2
I was in a relationship like this once. My boyfriend would hit me, then step back and say, "Now forgive me or our unhappy separation will be all your fault."
Posted by: arhooley, conflicted Californian at January 13, 2011 11:13 PM (ms+mb) 3
and I thought Udall's proposal was crap from the moment I first heard of it.
Posted by: mallfly at January 13, 2011 11:14 PM (W6bJb) 4
maybe they can leave "I Won" t-shirts on the seats.
Posted by: mallfly at January 13, 2011 11:15 PM (W6bJb) 5
Posted by: mallfly at January 13, 2011 11:12 PM (W6bJb)
Er...time travel? *Quickly changes time of post to reflect reality* Posted by: Slublog at January 13, 2011 11:16 PM (o/oyP) 6
They're not trying to atone for their behavior, they're trying to get away with it.
Posted by: t-bird at January 13, 2011 11:16 PM (FcR7P) 7
Children do the same thing. "I'm sorry", once they learn that's the only thing they have to do. ...with dumb parents.
Posted by: t-bird at January 13, 2011 11:17 PM (FcR7P) 8
This act would be a fine, harmless gesture any other year.
But, now, it would do nothing but bolster the left's ugly, discredited tactics. Udall knows that. It means, despite the lack of evidence and Obama's sneaky concession, that, yes, overheated partisanship DID kill those people and put a Democrat in the hospital. And this is a remedy for that right-wing poison. Nice try, congressman. You folks sit over there and ponder whether your desperate tactics this week were really worth it. Posted by: CJ at January 13, 2011 11:18 PM (tNWxq) 9
Udall, as I said to your friend and comrade Pat Leahy several years ago: Go fuck yourself.
Posted by: Dick Cheney at January 13, 2011 11:18 PM (HF2US) 10
Repudiate Refudiate this.
FIFY Posted by: torabora at January 13, 2011 11:20 PM (Quqh7) 11
I went to Easter Island and wanted to attend mass in their church, in order to receive communion I had to go to confession on Friday. The priest couldn't speak much english but he heard my confession and said I couldn't take communion for a year, "until I found Christ in my heart". I went to mass on Sunday and had to let everyone walk past me for communion.
Sad but the was the last time I was in church. I guess the point is that an American priest could've letme off with 3 months.. Posted by: KZnextzone at January 13, 2011 11:21 PM (qFIcW) 12
First thought that comes to mind.
Flabby-O uses a Superman backdrop on his Twitter thingy? Backfat cannot lecture me. Posted by: Dave in Texas at January 13, 2011 11:22 PM (Wh0W+) 13
I find it humorous, the way you take this. Why so serious?
The left is nothing but a collection of narratives. A steaming pile of thoughts designed to influence other thoughts, with quelch substance attached to any of it. You, Palin and the others are playing into their hands. Because you can't discredit a narrative, and can't make fact free narratives in suits accountable. Obama is a narrative. Don't treat him as a substance. Posted by: Juicer at January 13, 2011 11:23 PM (jLQET) 14
Mark Udall and his cousin, Tom (NM Senator) both suck in my book.... When they make these empty gestures, they are just giving you the kiss before they give you the baddaboom! Trust me, all the kumbaya is the calm before they call us nazi, etc. once again....wise up Republicans.....elephants are supposed to have long memories....
Posted by: Lee__ at January 13, 2011 11:23 PM (ufSsL) 15
KZnextzone....I just hooked the priest up with something he wanted and it wasall good till next week!
Posted by: Zombie Ted Kennedy at January 13, 2011 11:25 PM (Quqh7) 16
Monday morning, I heard a radio ad promoting the Ed Schultz show, in which Ed says, "Southern Colorado, I have you in my sights." I was too heartsick over the shootings to try listening to his show that day, but I wondered if he was going to join the MFM in blaming Palin's political map for the tragedy after using the same imagery himself.
Posted by: Mindy at January 13, 2011 11:26 PM (Sw1qV) 17
Amen. If they want to play at being statesmen, let's at least make them prove it.
Which of course will never happen, since they simply aren't. Posted by: Methos at January 13, 2011 11:26 PM (Ew1k4) 18
...socialists by their very nature are "schizophrenic" in their logic...this is characterized by their passive-aggressive behaviour
Posted by: the forgotten man at January 13, 2011 11:27 PM (TpkUU) 19
Fucking A Slubdog! Well said.
Posted by: Ms Choksondik at January 13, 2011 11:27 PM (F+Y9Z) Posted by: Slublog at January 13, 2011 11:28 PM (o/oyP) 21
This proposal is as sick and pathetic as that hootenanny /farce /campaign rally in Too-Sanh last night. Another meaningless gesture
and as Slublog notes, the guilty get to sit with the victims and pretend to be Temporarily One with them These assholes are as Increasingly Evil as they are Increasingly Clever: This is Axelrod 2.0. Posted by: SantaRosaStan at January 13, 2011 11:29 PM (UqKQV) 22
It's not cheap unity for us citizens. It's expensive. Every time some idiot in Washington gives in to the looncalls from the left, the country loses a little more freedom. Every time they start demanding anything (civility, fair use, regulations etc) or put something in the context of "evil bad republican don't do x" and the right relents, who loses? Not them.
Hell, just ceding that we need to do "something" about healthcare or climate change or hate speech or regulation results in a loss of freedom. How bout they do nothing and like it? Posted by: Stephanie at January 13, 2011 11:29 PM (hGYL3) 23
No, Juicer, I have to disagree. The right lets the left do this shit all the time and then sit back and wait for the situation to blow over, and I don't think we should do it any more.
Posted by: Theresa D at January 13, 2011 11:30 PM (2hQbY) Posted by: Dave in Texas at January 13, 2011 11:30 PM (Wh0W+) 25
This is an old leftwing game.
They farm out the dirty work, and then after letting it stew in the public conscious for a while demand that those knuckleheads on the right stop defending themselves, or, as they would put it, civility. Clinton was probably the master at it, but Obama is pretty good at it to. For God's sake, over a third of Democrats are troofers. Forget for a minute how crass the leftwing claim that Palin triggered Loughner via coded signals is - one third of Democrats believe that Bush, "the Jews", and the military conspired to murder 3,000 Americans in a vast conspiracy. Posted by: 18-1 at January 13, 2011 11:31 PM (bgcml) 26
Without some type of consequence, most people will do the easy thing, instead of the right thing...
As the Law is a Joke... both easily evaded, and subject to injustice by the whim of the Powerful... the only true consequence is the eternal... but it is preached, and many believe, that Modern Christianity, thorugh the act of belief,gives you total giveness ... and thus has taken the threat of the eternal away... And without a belief in eternal Consequence, you get amoral behaviour like that was saw in Arizona... Its all part of the exact same meme... just differing in the degree of trespass.... Posted by: Romeo13 at January 13, 2011 11:31 PM (AdK6a) 27
I guess the point is that an American priest could've letme off with 3 months..
Posted by: KZnextzone at January 13, 2011 11:21 PM (qFIcW) Maybe if you offered him some of the Hobo Jerky you cad... Posted by: AN American Priest at January 13, 2011 11:32 PM (bgcml) 28
These assholes are as Increasingly Evil as they are Increasingly Clever: This is Axelrod 2.0.
Posted by: SantaRosaStan at January 13, 2011 11:29 PM I was mortified. I thought "This asshole can get re-elected". We'll need a new 747 and a fleet of MOForce1s. Posted by: KZnextzone at January 13, 2011 11:33 PM (qFIcW) 29
Toonces could have specifically repudiated the hate-mongers last night but "unexpectedly" ( not ) chose not to. He tries to work every angle: After turning his Media Dogs loose for five days he tells 'both sides' to be civil
Both sides ??? WTF???? If these assholes ask for forgiveness and admit what they've done, we forgive them That will happen when pigs fly; hell freezes over; Elliot Gould makes a good moves ( "Sunshine" is on the sc-fi channel now ) Posted by: SantaRosaStan at January 13, 2011 11:33 PM (UqKQV) 30
They're not trying to atone for their behavior, they're trying to get away with it.
Posted by: t-bird at January 13, 2011 11:16 PM (FcR7P) That and prevent us from doing what they did to us. What they are pissed at is we are using their play book against them. This is what their call for civility really means, we play by the rules they demand we play by while they play by their dirty tricks.If they wanted civility they should have set an example. As Markos said, Screw 'em. Posted by: Holger at January 13, 2011 11:34 PM (YxGud) 31
makes a good movie
Posted by: SantaRosaStan at January 13, 2011 11:34 PM (UqKQV) 32
If they wanted civility they should have set an example. As Markos said, Screw 'em.
Posted by: Holger at January 13, 2011 11:34 PM (YxGud) amenElections have consequences: They lost; they get to Eat Shit for at least two years Posted by: SantaRosaStan at January 13, 2011 11:35 PM (UqKQV) 33
Bravo, Slu.
Posted by: Jaibones at January 13, 2011 11:38 PM (maka6) 34
Posted by: SantaRosaStan at January 13, 2011 11:35 PM (UqKQV)
Yep. My heart is hardened to their cries. What it would take to soften it: A complete and unequivocal repudiation and apology for the Democrat playbook and the last ten years of Democrat electoral politics from POTUS, major News organizations and the Democrat Caucus in Congress. Immediate repeal of Obamacare. If they give us that, I'll shake their hand and apologize for my side. Posted by: Holger at January 13, 2011 11:40 PM (YxGud) 35
Posted by: Holger at January 13, 2011 11:40 PM (YxGud)
Let me amend that: They do that and I might forgive and forget and apologize for my side. Posted by: Holger at January 13, 2011 11:41 PM (YxGud) 36
Remember after the Obama election, that stupid "from 52 to 48" website where the Dems held up stupid signs apologizing and hoping for unity?
Yeah......same reaction from me then as now: F**K YOU, C**TS Posted by: Trump at January 13, 2011 11:42 PM (hK2Ya) 37
When President Obama comes to Capitol Hill in two weeks to deliver the
State of the Union address, what are the chances that Republicans and Democrats in Congress will heed the call of Sen. Mark Udall, D-CO, to sit together, rather than divided by party? After having seen two addresses by the Indonesian Imbecile to two joint sessions of Congress (with one being an abuse of Presidential privelege in order to try the hard sell with his un-American crap health care and the second being the least Presidential SOTU that I have ever heard, or heard of, in my life) I would recommend that anyone who has a brain should not attend the SOTU. It's not as if Barky has anything of value to say, and he's just a low-class prick who likes to take every opportunity to try and attack every political enemy (i.e. American) he can think of. If the GOP had any brains or balls, not a one of them would attend this fiasco. Let the lunatic dems and their Indonesian shit up the Congress on their own. I'm entirely serious. At some point, normal people have to stop enabling these lunatics. Posted by: iknowtheleft at January 13, 2011 11:47 PM (G/MYk) 38
Love, kindness forgiveness can't be legislated. A party that thinks any crime can be committed without a degree of hate will never understand that. The weekend was full of horrible. The horrible murders? I am desensitized, unfortunately. The hate from the left affected me more. I don't think forgiveness is a law. I ain't ready for that and I don't have to. That shit scared me. It also pissed me the fuck off. Fool me once, shame on me - etc. Sonsobitches. I think they hate us, their "enemies". I'd be a fool to forgive them and think things are hunky dory. I must like casting pearls before swine. Cuz I will express my opinions, even though they'll just trample them under their feet and tear me to bits...
Forgiveness isn't a Federal law. Or is it? Posted by: sad at January 13, 2011 11:48 PM (Epj2t) 39
We will use Christianity against you. Now turn the other cheek or you are hypocrites.
Posted by: the Left at January 13, 2011 11:52 PM (Epj2t) 40
Well, it's clear Slublog gets it. Laura Ingraham and Tammy Bruce do, too. I'm sure there are others but not enough considering just how poisonous and contrived the Left's attack on the Right. This whole spectacle all was a template package, part of the reconstructive superstructure, ready to be pulled out to exploit crises. This is what the Progressives do.
And now we have Udall providing superficial cover to those good cops who enable the bad ones. It's worse than meaningless just like the unified singing of the national anthem on the Capitol steps just after 9/11 was. It took only weeks for the Democrats and their leadership to cry "quagmire" and "blood-for-oil" and for the MFM to amplify The Narrative. Again, well noted, Slu. There has been no contrition from those who need to publicly confess the most. A dog and pony show, and that's what Congress by-and-large is, is just insulting. Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at January 13, 2011 11:53 PM (swuwV) 41
They are coming for Sarah Palin, and if we do not speak up for her, there will be no one to speak up when they come for us.
I don't mean that sarcastically: the hysteria directed at Sarah Palin either has to be crushed before it devours her, or it will look for fresh meat once it's done with her. And we're all on that menu. Posted by: stuiec at January 13, 2011 11:58 PM (EjyHt) 42
After spending days watching their base accuse Sarah Palin and the tea party of encouraging a murderer,
Everybody's focusing on the last four days vis-a-vis Palin. The first thing that came to my head was the previous eight years of the Bush administration. I'm supposed to pretend that never happened, that none of the venom was ever spewed. From Jonathan Chait writing "The Case for Bush Hatred," to people piling on his daughters, to Michael Moore, to the NCAAP implying he had some connection to the James Byrd lynching, etc...the same people who removed all the W key from White House computers before he arrived and were flipping his family the bird as he got on the helicopter for the last time to leave D.S. are now wanting to lecture me about civility. Posted by: AD at January 13, 2011 11:59 PM (9r1ux) 43
I don't watch MSDNC. Haven't in years. Here via Newsbusters is a report on their promo for Ibama's SOTU. Something seems to be missing.
And by the way, GFY, Sen. Mark Udall, D-CO. Posted by: Theresa D at January 13, 2011 11:59 PM (2hQbY) 44
They do that and I might forgive and forget and apologize for my side.
>>> Why would you even consider it, regardless of the conditions you put on? They made it crystal clear that unity will forever be impossible with them. God help them if something happens when this country really does need unity. Because they won't get it. Posted by: Trump at January 14, 2011 12:00 AM (hK2Ya) 45
he got on the helicopter for the last time to leave D.S. are now wanting to lecture me about civility.
ahh, "to leave D.C." - hazzards of posting late Posted by: AD at January 14, 2011 12:00 AM (9r1ux) 46
Hey Senator Udall:
SIT ON IT!!111111!! Posted by: runningrn at January 14, 2011 12:01 AM (ihSHD) 47
Maybe Senator Udall call also call on "The One" to avoid cheap shotting the Supreme Court this year.
Nah......he is a Constitutional Scholar....or something. Posted by: Mallamutt at January 14, 2011 12:02 AM (OWjjx) 48
Udall is asking other members of Congress to join him in signing a letter to House and Senate leadership proposing that both parties should scrap the tradition of sitting on separate sides of the House chamber during the Joint Session of Congress Jan. 25.
I think that says it all. Dems think we need to "scrap the tradition" since it is such a dangerous idea that will lead to violence ... even though it's been a friggin' TRADITION. This is what the left wants, to scrap every tradition. Usually, they just do something totally un-American and then tell everyone that that's how it's always been done. That's the worst part of that un-American, Iranian style meme-orial, with the matching t-shirts and shouting. It is so alien to America that it defies imagination, yet the left has managed to push that crap through and now people are acting as if, "that's how America's always been" or the equally sad, "it was respectful", or the mind-numbingly stupid, "the White House had nothing to do with that. They had no control ..." This is the Dems' real campaign slogan: Scrap Tradition/Scrap America Posted by: iknowtheleft at January 14, 2011 12:03 AM (G/MYk) 49
I am not interested in any dialogue with a liberal that doesn't begin with him or her saying, "I apologize." Posted by: Brown Line at January 14, 2011 12:04 AM (zxBex) 50
What's this story about AZ Dist 20 Republican Chairman Anthony Miller (and 3 others) resigning due to threats from the TEA party?
He says he loves the Republican Party but doesn't want to take a bullet. Something doesn't smell right here. Posted by: Mindy at January 14, 2011 12:07 AM (Sw1qV) 51
Is it cynical of me to think that it's only because they want it to look like the entire room is cheering for him?
Posted by: The Mega Independent at January 14, 2011 12:08 AM (5I0Yr) 52
iknowtheleft: "scrap the tradition"
Good eye and very insightful. "Fundamental change," anyone? Seems innocuous. It isn't. Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at January 14, 2011 12:08 AM (swuwV) 53
Why wait for the state of the union. Lets have a unanamous vote by the entire house to repeal healthcare because it was carried out in a vicious way by one party and a bipartisan bill in its place would be a great start.
Posted by: Greta at January 14, 2011 12:14 AM (POE3L) 54
Preach it, Slu. Truer words were never spoken.
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty at January 14, 2011 12:17 AM (lYVh8) 55
Posted by: Trump at January 14, 2011 12:00 AM (hK2Ya)
I said a might. Honestly, I don't think it can be done. What the Left did from 2000 onward was a disgrace and travesty. Sure, Iraq was controversial, but Iraq has a chance that Saddam denied his own people, shame Leftists will remain blind to that. Sometimes, a war is a heck of a lot better than a peace. History shows that. What they did to Sarah Palin alone is something I do not think I can ever forgive. I am no Palinbot (I really don't think she is ready), but no one should be a target of such unhinged hatred for the simple act of existence and there is no excuse for it. And they went after their family, that is something I know I can never forgive. I don't think the Left can change. It is not in them. Humility is a virtue that they appar very short on. If smugness was a commodity, Liberals could pay off the National Debt (h/t to someone). They are True Believers, and True Believers are difficult to deal with. Posted by: Holger at January 14, 2011 12:20 AM (YxGud) 56
After the way the left has exploited this tragedy, I am more vitriolic than ever. I plan on doubling down on the vitriol. Take that you liberal puzzies.
Oh, and vitriolic rhetoric my ass. The movie, television, and music industries have been glorifying and promoting violence for decades. Be nice if someone pointed that out to Hanoi Jane. Then again, I'm not sure she has the IQ to grasp the irony of movie industry people criticizing conservatives for promoting hate. Not that I mind a little brainless violence in my movies, but I'm not self righteously babbling about whackos killing people because of Sarah Palin, so I'm entitled to enjoy the movie body count. Posted by: nerdygirl at January 14, 2011 12:22 AM (GLmix) 57
They know that Tucson will eventually become another axiom defined precisely the way the left needs it defined, like "homegrown terror". McVeigh and Nichols had some help. A lot of help. Unfortunately, that is long past talking about. Down the road, the axiom will be that incendiary language from the Right breeds violence.
Wouldn't be hard for the truly hardcore to pull a revised shocker that they all really seemed to want to have happened anyway in a few years. Leave a trail as if they are right wing, conservative, tea party or whatever and light the fuse. Sick, but I can imagine that AQ is licking their chops. May very well already have someone covered up nice and neat for just such a thing. Useful Idiots Posted by: scary at January 14, 2011 12:23 AM (Epj2t) 58
If the Republicans were smart (yeah, I know), they would pass a resolution that deemed both parties sat together.
Posted by: Dr Spank at January 14, 2011 12:23 AM (1fB+3) 59
@Udall: Fuck yourself. Where was this "unity" all this time?
Posted by: cheshirecat at January 14, 2011 12:27 AM (4h7iU) 60
If the Republicans were smart (yeah, I know), they would pass a resolution that deemed both parties sat together.
Deem and Ass? Posted by: runningrn at January 14, 2011 12:28 AM (ihSHD) 61
When I see Ed Schultz's feral pussI always think of those blind fish that live in caves.
It's his eyes: they are waaaay beyond "beady". More like the Eye of Mordor x 2. Posted by: effinayright at January 14, 2011 12:28 AM (iH81+) 62
TheseMFs just don't want America to see how small their minority is in Congress now, and they don't want America to see two-thirds of the house sitting during Obama's applause lines. It has nothing to do with tradition or show of unity. How stupid do they think we are?
Posted by: rockmom at January 14, 2011 12:28 AM (w/gVZ) 63
What's this story about AZ Dist 20 Republican Chairman Anthony Miller (and 3 others) resigning due to threats from the TEA party? He says he loves the Republican Party but doesn't want to take a bullet. Something doesn't smell right here. The best I can decipher is that he was a McCain guy and got a lot of nasty stuff directed at him from the pro-Hayworth/anti-McCain crowd. The Hayworthers could be quite nasty, there was a lot of desire to punish McCain, but I found Miller's specifics as to what was directed at him pretty thin gruel. For instance, he compared being called a RINO to being called...the n-word... Frankly, that offended me as it cheapens the real slur and cheapens Miller. He does not accuse the tea partiers of making any threats that I have seen. Despite Hayworth's loss, it is clear that the AZGOP is more of a tea party outfit now and if Miller is, indeed, a McCain protege, he's not going to be a popular choice for elective office, which was probably why he was in the party apparatus. To my eyes, he took this opportunity as a cheap way to score some sympathy points, skulk away and slander tea partiers. I don't know for sure, I've only read a couple of articles, but that is my takeaway. I think the other three were appointed by him and knew they would be replaced, too. Posted by: AmishDude at January 14, 2011 12:31 AM (BvBKY) Posted by: The Beltway at January 14, 2011 12:32 AM (swuwV) 65
How stupid do they think we are?
They think we're very stupid. It's just a matter of whether House Republicans actually are that stupid. Posted by: The Mega Independent at January 14, 2011 12:33 AM (5I0Yr) 66
" How stupid do they think we are?"
Well, if by "we", you mean the people who vote for democrats, pretty dam stupid. The Illinois legislature voted to raise the income tax 66% and the business tax 40 something percent. Indiana is gleefully putting out the welcome mat for Illinois businesses and rich people. Yup, voters can be pretty stupid. It's almost like they enjoy bending over and taking it from the unions. Posted by: nerdygirl at January 14, 2011 12:33 AM (GLmix) 67
German male-on-male porn is awesome! Release the Chakras!
Posted by: AlGore at January 14, 2011 12:33 AM (/izg2) 68
When Democrats are in the majority, it's "We won," shutting Republicans out of meetings, rampaging over the economy like drunken whores, and all manner of high-handed lunacy.
When they're in the minority, it's "bipartisan, civility, scrap traditions and come together." Transparent disingenuous codswollop. They want power, they will do ANYTHING to get it, and when they have it they use it like a hammer on everyone else. This isn't a "meme," what Slu is saying here is a basic fact that a few people are unaware of and a lot of people are in complete denial about. And if that fact doesn't become general knowledge, the lie is gonna crush us. And by "us" I mean everyone. Do you think the left can do again what they did to the budget for the last four years and we could survive it? Posted by: Merovign, Bond Villain at January 14, 2011 12:34 AM (bxiXv) 69
What they did to Sarah is out of this world, I still remember what the kenyan did to the SCOTUS Justices last year, that is still in my mind. HELLLLL NO!!!
Posted by: PIgirl at January 14, 2011 12:35 AM (1ZXRm) 70
Well-reasoned application of 20th-century theology to current events, illuminating the facile falseness of contemporary liberalism on a blog best known for its tendency to "slice like a fucking hammer".
Yeah, we're a long way from Walter Cronkite. Thank God for progress. Good job, Slu! Posted by: cthulhu at January 14, 2011 12:36 AM (kaalw) 71
63 Thanks, AmishDude, for your perspective.
It seems most TEA Partiers are decent people (I'm a participant myself) and I just couldn't see how Republicans would fear violence from us. Posted by: Mindy at January 14, 2011 12:37 AM (Sw1qV) 72
Is it cynical of me to think that it's only because they want it to look like the entire room is cheering for him? Posted by: The Mega Independent at January 14, 2011 12:08 AM (5I0Yr) You aren't cynical, I think that's part of it.One of the reasons that "You Lie" was such a big deal is that the tradition in the chamber was that if you disapproved of what the president said, you sat on your hands. The fact that the parties sat separately allowed them to register their displeasure.Maybe Col. West can sit among them, sitting when they stand and vice versa. Posted by: AmishDude at January 14, 2011 12:37 AM (BvBKY) 73
The democrats specialize in meaningless gestures. That, and spending money wildly, are all they've ever been "good" at. Oh, and hiding their real agenda. And telling lies.
They, like Obama, are incredibly thin-skinned. They can toss all the insults (and death threats) they like, but when even the slightest criticism is given to them, they run like rabbits, posture and complain about how "mean-spirited" anyone who disagrees with them is. Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 14, 2011 12:38 AM (bvfVF) 74
Hey Udall: You can all go fuck your mothers.
Posted by: an erection lasting more than four hours at January 14, 2011 12:38 AM (gw5/2) 75
1. The Democrat party has it's roots in the TORIES. You remember from history the ones who were ROYALISTS (and doesn't the left love royalty and the old country) and were NOT up for the revolution. Most of them moved to Canadia (not a misspelling) and we can see how THAT turned out. 2. Just because someone says they are a Republican and runs as a Republican and talks (for the most part) like a Republican, DOESN'T MEAN THEY'RE ACTUALLY A REPUBLICAN. Especially it doesn't mean they're a pro-American conservative. Time to do some re-branding of our own. Tear down the Republican party and rebuild it as THE CONSERVATIVE AMERICAN party. Boner can go piss up a rope in 2012 if they don't defund cpb and npr THIS YEAR LIKE THEY PROMISED IN 1994. Posted by: jakee308 at January 14, 2011 12:39 AM (fhTf7) 76
How about an apology, and a set of repeals in atonement, for that incredibly un-Constitutional, downright nasty shit that went down not a month ago in that lame duck monstrosity?
Not only did they spit in our faces, right after that election that turned them out in large numbers, but they had the unmitigated gall to crow about "the most productive lame duck session in history" (from Barky and the rest of his lunatic junta) when there isn't supposed to be any productivity, at all, for lame duck Congresses. But ... a few days later, it was all ancient history, and just a part of "Americana". Posted by: iknowtheleft at January 14, 2011 12:40 AM (G/MYk) 77
62 Rockmom, you are quite perceptive.
Posted by: Mindy at January 14, 2011 12:42 AM (Sw1qV) 78
We need to repeal some of the divisive legislation passed in the last two years and return the country to the civility of the Bush years. Don't you agree, President Obama?
Posted by: AmishDude at January 14, 2011 12:42 AM (BvBKY) 79
By the way if it makes people feel better, every single person I
talked to in real life today, most of them either libtards, or "independents" (libtards in disguise), said the same thing. Either they didn’t have the speech on, or they turned it off during the incantations, or they turned it off with all the cheering, and also thought the cheering was weird and/or sickening. Every single person. I couldn’t find a single body anywhere that thinks Obama set any tone or rescued any presidency. Posted by: The Mega Independent at January 14, 2011 12:44 AM (5I0Yr) 80
I really like this idea the more I think about it, I wonder if Col. West will go for it.
He should ask to sit among the Democrats, right in the middle so that the camera will get him, and then sit whenever they stand, with his arms folded. If Obama says something that makes the GOP happy, he can stand, the only one among the Dems. He seems to be the kind of personality that would like to cause a little trouble. Posted by: AmishDude at January 14, 2011 12:46 AM (BvBKY) Posted by: befuddled at January 14, 2011 12:48 AM (xJU23) 82
Posted by: AmishDude at January 14, 2011 12:46 AM (BvBKY)
Colonel West strikes me as the sort of person who would drink gasoline just to piss on his enemy's camp fire. I like the glorious bastard and would like to hoist a beer with him. Posted by: Holger at January 14, 2011 12:48 AM (YxGud) 83
This is more about the Dems taking away the Nov victory from the Repubs. By combining the two sides it wont look so ackward when Obama makes the SOTU address. This is a slick attempt, hope the Repubs dont take the bait.
Posted by: Unclezeb at January 14, 2011 12:49 AM (8Tc2d) 84
Dear Sen. Udall:
Fuck you, the horse you rode in on, and the Shetland pony your Mom makes movies with to fund your campaigns. No Love, Conservative America Posted by: redc1c4 at January 14, 2011 12:49 AM (d1FhN) 85
Mega Independent, You mean even liberals didn't like that campaign rally pretending to be a memorial for the victims? I have never, ever seen anything like that at a memorial service. Uh, oh, my vitriol level just went up again.
Posted by: nerdygirl at January 14, 2011 12:50 AM (GLmix) 86
I couldn’t find a single body anywhere that thinks Obama set any tone
or rescued any presidency. Posted by: The Mega Independent at January 14, 2011 12:44 AM (5I0Yr) Yeah, but most people didn't see it and will think of it what they are told to think of it.Ultimately, the funerally will be a small thing. It was terrible optics -- playing clips of it will be problematic and it's a trap for Obama. He relies on the fact that his allies are nasty. The whole 2010 campaign was a campaign of fear against those scaaaaary tea partiers. They'll have to do the same in 2012. Posted by: AmishDude at January 14, 2011 12:50 AM (BvBKY) 87
I've been trying to get off my high blood pressure meds for a while but the last 2 years have made it impossible.
Posted by: jakee308 at January 14, 2011 12:52 AM (fhTf7) Posted by: eman at January 14, 2011 12:55 AM (0aJSF) 89
Not that the Dem's actions have plumbed new depths or anything in the past week, since they have always been lying, manipulative, hypocrites, but something about this time has been bothering me. It just seems to add up less than usual.
Maybe I have finally called off the turnip truck, but I am starting to think that this is all planned. No, not the homicidal maniac part... but the response. It's amazing how, for months, even the media has been forced to admit that their Messiah had lost much of his shine and was almost certain to lose in 2012. The new Republican House was going to, at least hamstring him, but more likely, spend the next two years exposing him fully for the fool that he is, with the support of the majority of the American public. They needed a way to swing the middle back to Obama. He needed a moment to shine and Republicans had to be forced back into the narrative of being the hated opposition. So, step 1: Start a meme that forces Republicans on the defensive. The opportunity arose- they are indirectly responsible for murder by there opposition to Obama's policies (the cries of racist lost a lot of steam once the 52% voted for him, in spite of the endless allegations that the same people were lying to pollsters to cover up their latent racism) so they needed something new. like the racism charge, there was no need for facts. Simply make the allegation, then say that unless it can be disproven, it must be true. Step 2: Yup, the usual Congresscritters would look like the rabid lunatics that they always do. So? It's not as if Clayburn and Co. will ever get voted out of their gigs. No loss and score 1 for the Dem team. Republicans are forced on their heels as the unwilling opposition to ridiculous charges. The more they argue against the charge, the more it sticks. "Look how angry they are!" "See, there's the vitriol we were talking about!" "Blood libel!" "They are talking about themselves and throwing stones at us after they have already beaten us down in an election and one of our people was shot! Monsters!" Step 3: Wash, rinse, repeat...until...(cue choir singing) Capt. Wonderful finally steps in to play the adult, because the disgraceful situation could not be allowed to go on any longer. Lord knows that he tried to stay out of the way, out of respect for the tragedy, but after a respectful period of silence and hoping that the kids would come to their senses on their own, he has to step in. So step in he does, back in the embrace and cheers of the liberal college kids that elected him. He's a hero because, not only did he cause Giffords wait until he showed up to open her eyes, but he boldly implemented a truce among the warring parties. (Of course, this continues to ingnore the fact that no Republican said one nasty word against anyone, despite the slander.) The Republicans maintain their silence on the issue, the "chastened" Dems retreat back to their holes, despite the justness of their cause, wnd Obama gains full marks for leadership for healing our stricken nation, ending the party feud, and turning despair into a pep rally. Really, he meant to be all respectful and gloomy, but they crowd could not contain themselves once they saw the majesty that is Obama. Just like the old days. Step 4: New meme: Obama heals the nation while Republicans continue the partisan bickering and break the truce by trying to overturn 2 years of progress he made for the people. Sarah Palin, meanwhile, tries desperately to make herself part of the story and escape her pit of irrelevance. Why does she keep stoking all the hate speech? Even the evil House Republican majority had the decency to honor the truce for a few days. god forbid she were ever to become President! She would have all the right wing lunatics running around the halls of Congress with assault rifles! Am I reading too much into this? Posted by: Damiano at January 14, 2011 12:55 AM (3nrx7) 90
Anyone else suddenly concerned about their firearm and ammunition situation?
Posted by: Holger at January 14, 2011 12:55 AM (YxGud) 91
Sounds a lot like the liberal affirmative action approach to gender and racial equality. And the self-esteem approach to education. And -- well, pick your own example. Liberals think that if you declare the result you want by fiat, the hard work normally needed to achieve that result can be dispensed with. It's sort of a cargo cult way of approaching society's problems, which is one big reason why when liberals run the government they make such a botch of it.
Posted by: Socratease at January 14, 2011 12:59 AM (0EJ1o) 92
...what are the chances that Republicans and Democrats in Congress will
heed the call of Sen. Mark Udall, D-CO, to sit together, rather than divided by party Hmmm, if I had to venture a guess, I'd say that no one bothered to tell him it was a stupid idea. Posted by: Blacque Jacques Shellacque at January 14, 2011 01:00 AM (nD3Pg) 93
I just got this fear that this will get out of hand, it will all go to shit and am concerned if I got enough to survive.
Posted by: Holger at January 14, 2011 01:01 AM (YxGud) 94
#90 - Yeah, expect ammo shortages and price doubling again, not to mention record firearms sales.
Posted by: Socratease at January 14, 2011 01:02 AM (0EJ1o) 95
(Just read an article about how the left has operated since the 60's, here is an oh-so-true-passage)
Palin is not the only intended victim. As Against Our Will described, the brutality is also aimed at men. By forcing men to witness Palin's violation, the Left tries to emasculate conservative men and render them powerless. Posted by: pam at January 14, 2011 01:02 AM (uDwml) 96
I see that Illinois Demcrats have doubled down on stupid: they raised the income tax from 3% to 5% and increased the corporation tax.
BTW my favorite rant. WHO pays corporate taxes? IT'S NOT THE CORPORATION. They just pass the cost to THE CONSUMER of their product or service. How stupid do people have to be to keep electing idiots that don't even know basic economics. They must literally think that money does grow on trees and that the taxpayers can just walk out in their back yard and pluck some extra off their MONEY TREES to pay the extra taxes. 2nd favorite rant. Unions ONLY work if most of the other workers in the community aren't union. Otherwise the cost of living would wipe out the Unions pay scale advantages and there wouldn't be any POINT TO BEING IN A UNION. Supporting Unionism is the most anti-community, anti-labor act that anyone can commit and is economic suicide. Posted by: jakee308 at January 14, 2011 01:06 AM (fhTf7) 97
Anyone and everyone that has given Ebola any credit for anything he has said or done in the last week has been played like a cheap violin.
Suckers. Posted by: eman at January 14, 2011 01:08 AM (0aJSF) 98
Posted by: Hillbuzz et al. at January 14, 2011 01:08 AM (swuwV) 99
I only recently moved into this neighborhood and I used to think the lady across the street was pretty smart until '08 and CLUNK, she puts up an OBAMA poster in her yard.
I don't talk to her unless I have to anymore. I'm afraid I'd get too wound up in the face of such utter stupidity. Posted by: jakee308 at January 14, 2011 01:11 AM (fhTf7) 100
I live in in a city where 65% are minority and I am minority among the minority, they were assuming that I am like them, my friends alwaysbad mouth Sarah and say a lot of nasty jokes, I put two Sarah Palin stickers on my truck and they shut up.
Posted by: PIgirl at January 14, 2011 01:28 AM (1ZXRm) 101
Anyone else suddenly concerned about their firearm and ammunition situation? Hell, I'm scared about my food situation. They are not above starving us out. Think Ukraine circa Stalin. Posted by: Derak at January 14, 2011 01:33 AM (CjpKH) 102
I thought it was a joke that there were t-shirts, but now I find that Obama did turn what should have been asolemn memorial into a campaign rally for 2012. It sickens me, as he does. What a crass man. I saw the link on Hot Air for Together We Thrive from 2008. That was three years ago! I had the rally on but paid as much attention to it as I do to stupid things on television, half or more of the time I was on this or other websites. We need class in a POTUS, not an old line from 2008. I can't wait until 1/20/2013, but we need a real conservative we can elect, no RINO's need apply but they will. God help us.
I like Sarah Palin but I think she has too many people that hate her for no reason. I have friends and relatives that hate her and one asked me if I watched Dancing with the Stars the night before. I never watched it, he replied he hated Bristol, but had no reason when I asked why, I gather it is because she is Sarah's daughter. I have relative that hates Sarah but when I asked why she had no reason. I suspect the women are jealous of her looks and brains, men that hate the Palins are libs from Cambridge, MA. Posted by: Carol at January 14, 2011 01:34 AM (bdB1C) 103
I have a sister in law that is Psychologist and a proffessor (tenured) I lost my respect when I learned that she voted for the Kenyan.
Posted by: PIgirl at January 14, 2011 01:36 AM (1ZXRm) Posted by: Walter Duranty at January 14, 2011 01:38 AM (6fER6) 105
Posted by: PIgirl at January 14, 2011 01:36 AM (1ZXRm)
There is no stupider people than educated people. Posted by: Holger at January 14, 2011 01:39 AM (YxGud) 106
Two things:
A) Play your radio loudly 2) Adopt the recent Moron theme as a response. For example, from a recent thread about O.Bama. 's speech: 572 My standard response to douchebag progressives before the speech: Go fuck yourself. My standard response to douchebag progressives after the speech: Go fuck yourself. The "civility" ship has sailed, sunk, been salvaged, towed back into port and then sold for scrap. After five days of accusing me of being an accessory to mass murder by virtue of disagreeing with them, progressives can all go die in a fire. Posted by: A Balrog of Morgoth at January 12, 2011 10:11 PM (o2QOm) Well said, Balrog. Well said. Posted by: K~Bob's sockpuppet. at January 14, 2011 01:39 AM (9b6FB) 107
I live in in a city where 65% are minority and I am minority among the minority, they were assuming that I am like them, my friends alwaysbad mouth Sarah and say a lot of nasty jokes, I put two Sarah Palin stickers on my truck and they shut up. Posted by: PIgirl at January 14, 2011 01:28 AM (1ZXRm) They are bigots and they don't see it. Posted by: AmishDude at January 14, 2011 01:41 AM (BvBKY) 108
Go Illinois!
Posted by: Northwest Indiana at January 14, 2011 01:42 AM (BvBKY) 109
"I like Sarah Palin but I think she has too many people that hate her for no reason."
All the more reason to stop letting the lefties win. If we cave and put up a milquetoast, Pawlenty-type candidate in 12, we may as well curl up in a ball and kiss our asses goodbye. Palin should at least be the VP on the ticket. Cain/Palin, Palin/Bachmann, Palin/Cain, Palin/West, any of those tickets would be worth the time it takes to drunk-blog. Posted by: K~Bob's sockpuppet. at January 14, 2011 01:43 AM (9b6FB) 110
As the great celestial philosipher from Deadwood S.D. would say "Cocksucka"
Posted by: hutch1200 at January 14, 2011 01:44 AM (MkC7X) 111
Beacuse of the Palin stickers on my truck, hubby told me to get a concealed weapon permit. 2012 we are taking America back. My black friends because of the high unemployment are staying home on next election, a lot of their relatives lost their jobs.
Posted by: PIgirl at January 14, 2011 01:46 AM (1ZXRm) 112
Of course you object to Senator Udall's proposal. You right-wingers want to be able to keep fanning the flames so you can continue to throw around your reckless incendiary rhetoric.
Senator Udall extends an open hand and here you people are, urging your side to respond with a clenched fist. But hey, keep at it. This country has witnessed how dangerous the tea party, Sarah Palin, Limbaugh et al really are. You will drive independents away with your extremist vitriol, clearing a path of victory for Obama and Democracts in general in 2012. In fact, don't be surprised if the Democrats retake a significant amount of House seats too. Posted by: Jason D. at January 14, 2011 01:47 AM (fpjGP) 113
Posted by: Jason D. at January 14, 2011 01:47 AM (fpjGP)
Go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself with a flaming spear. Go fuck yourself with two of them. Posted by: Holger at January 14, 2011 01:50 AM (YxGud) 114
I put two Sarah Palin stickers
on my truck and they shut up. You are so bold. I'd like to wear an "I am Sarah Palin" T-shirt as an act of solidarity, but I am truly concerned I would get shot were I to do so. This has been the point of this past weeks progressive excercise. I, as a conservative, am the target. I get it. Loud and clear. What to do, what to do. Posted by: Derak at January 14, 2011 01:50 AM (CjpKH) 115
This country has witnessed how dangerous the tea party, Sarah Palin, Limbaugh et al really are.
See what I mean? This creep won't be happy until he gets to take a personal shot. Posted by: Derak at January 14, 2011 01:52 AM (CjpKH) 116
I grew up in a dictatorship goverment, saw a lot of killings, never again ..
Posted by: PIgirl at January 14, 2011 01:54 AM (1ZXRm) 117
Jason D.: "This country has witnessed how dangerous the tea
party, Sarah Palin, Limbaugh et al really are." Paul Krugman, is that you? Don't you have a czar to fellate or something? Those blood-libeling columns don't write themselves. Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at January 14, 2011 01:54 AM (swuwV) 118
Posted by: Jason D. at January 14, 2011 01:47 AM (fpjGP)
Senator Udall is a disingenuous jerk and so are you. Jared Loughner is a 9/11-truther, pro-choicer and could have been stopped if not for a corrupt Democrat county sheriff. Posted by: AmishDude at January 14, 2011 01:56 AM (BvBKY) 119
PIgirl: "I grew up in a dictatorship goverment, saw a lot of killings, never again .." I have close kin who fled one. "Never again" is right. Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at January 14, 2011 01:56 AM (swuwV) 120
Senator Udall extends an open hand
Posted by: Jason D. at January 14, 2011 01:47 AM (fpjGP) Fuck you. "Open hand" ... LOL. An open hand to scrap tradition. Yeah ... no thanks, dirtbag. Don't you have an American Flag to burn somewhere, you slimy sack of shit? Hey, I heard that 4 people died in car accidents, today. Kegger for the left!! But, a respectful kegger ... with respectful t-shirts, because that's how the left are.You people are despicable dirtbags. Truly. You should all be deported to the place that your Indonesian held his biggest campaign rally in. That's where you slimeballs belong. Posted by: iknowtheleft at January 14, 2011 01:59 AM (G/MYk) 121
"You right-wingers want to be able to keep fanning the flames so you can
continue to throw around your reckless incendiary rhetoric." No more rhetoric, dipshit. From now on you totalitarian miscreants are to be elbowed aside. You will continue to be defeated at the ballot box, and your pathetic media outlets will continue to shrivel until you can't tell the difference between their balance sheet and your shrivelled, limp, metrosexual crank. Posted by: K~Bob's sockpuppet. at January 14, 2011 02:00 AM (9b6FB) 122
Posted by: Jason D. at January 14, 2011 01:47 AM (fpjGP)
Now that I cooled down. 2000-3008. The Left's discourse was anything but civil. If anything, it was as bloody, violent and heated as Right-wing rhetoric today, if not more. We remember full well those days. We have also observed MSM complicity in all of it. We also remember what you did to Sarah Palin and her family. We also observed the MSM complicity in it. This your fault. You kick us in the balls, stomp us on the ground and you demand we play by a different set of rules. No way. Fair Play rules are in effect. We play by your rule book now. Not the one you demand we play. But you have the MSM solidly on your side, so we gotta play dirtier. So, please, and I mean this as civilly as possible without any hate or vitriol. Go fuck yourself. Posted by: Holger at January 14, 2011 02:03 AM (YxGud) 123
>>Senator Udall extends an open hand and here you people are, urging your side to respond with a clenched fist.
Don't think of it that way, Jason. It's more like this. Udall brought a knife, we are bringing a gun. Posted by: JackStraw at January 14, 2011 02:03 AM (TMB3S) 124
90 Anyone else suddenly concerned about their firearm and ammunition situation?
Posted by: Holger at January 14, 2011 12:55 AM (YxGud) Yeah, I was wondering when they'd start pushing this one. They may not do much, but they'll try. Posted by: Merovign, Bond Villain at January 14, 2011 02:04 AM (bxiXv) 125
I think my friends and clients because of my experiences in a socialist/dictatorship goverment, they started seeing the light on the kenyan,that is why I know thatat least 20 percent of them are going to stay home in 2012.
Posted by: PIgirl at January 14, 2011 02:04 AM (1ZXRm) 126
When a loonbag froths at the mouth with the usual rage and antics, just say, "The president called for unity." See if it applies.
Anyone else suddenly concerned about their firearm and ammunition situation?A relative in Floridahad ahard time obtaining certain bullets recently, apologies for not knowing exact details.I just remember him mentioning that he and an army buddy tried practicing at their firing range. They were told to stop unless the weapons hadspecific bullets....which they can not find for sale. Posted by: Unruly at January 14, 2011 02:05 AM (LL4jH) 127
90 Anyone else suddenly concerned about their firearm and ammunition situation? Posted by: Holger at January 14, 2011 12:55 AM (YxGud) Yeah, I was wondering when they'd start pushing this one. They may not do much, but they'll try. Posted by: Merovign, Bond Villain at January 14, 2011 02:04 AM (bxiXv) Not now. Remember, a bunch of statehouses were taken over by R's. Yeah, I know. R's don't mean shit. But D's are the ones who want your ammo and eventually, guns. Posted by: K~Bob at January 14, 2011 02:06 AM (9b6FB) 128
this guy seems to support Slublog's thesis about Udall's convenient epiphany:
Symbolism, in these moments of reckoning, is perhaps more important than any sweeping policy statements, said University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato. But it may be short-lived. "I understand where Udall is coming from," Sabato said. "Sometimes they come to Jesus and then they fall off the wagon. That's my guess. This will last awhile, but then normal, human partisan instincts take over and it passes." yeah, the same article (Denver Post) said something to the effect that, Bennet, 'hadn't read the letter yet; but he'd be happy to sit in Udall's lap..' or something similar. Posted by: DanlBoone at January 14, 2011 02:09 AM (V6v2J) 129
113 Of course you object to Senator Udall's proposal. You right-wingers want to be able to keep fanning the flames so you can continue to throw around your reckless incendiary rhetoric. Senator Udall extends an open hand and here you people are, urging your side to respond with a clenched fist. But hey, keep at it. This country has witnessed how dangerous the tea party, Sarah Palin, Limbaugh et al really are. You will drive independents away with your extremist vitriol, clearing a path of victory for Obama and Democracts in general in 2012. In fact, don't be surprised if the Democrats retake a significant amount of House seats too.
Posted by: Jason D. at January 14, 2011 01:47 AM (fpjGP) Do you mean the same "Independents" that thought "Political Rhetoric" had NOTHING to do with this shooting, by a 58% margin in polling? You are a stupid fucker, Jason. Posted by: The Drizzle at January 14, 2011 02:16 AM (ysCLj) 130
Well, we know Jason is a troll. Given. But is this some local just stirring up shit for giggles, a lefty parroting the worst narrative to stir up shit, or are we talking about some poor freak who actually busy the narrative hook, line, and sinker, and is actually unironically accusing strangers of being dangerous, murderous, violent, scumsucking, and "uncivil?"
The latter is actually the scariest option. Posted by: Merovign, Bond Villain at January 14, 2011 02:19 AM (bxiXv) 131
Mixed seating chart for State of the Union address = meaningless gesture
Mixed seating chart + special UNITY logo t-shirts = a first step toward genuine healing Posted by: Cicero at January 14, 2011 02:21 AM (Ys0KI) 132
Senator Udall extends an open hand and here you people are, urging your
side to respond with a clenched fist. Posted by: Jason D. at January 14, 2011 01:47 AM (fpjGP) BTW, why are you continuing to use that same pathetic expression that was your Indonesian Imbecile's laughable foreign policy? Are you not aware of the abject failure of your Indonesian on foreign relations? Total, unmitigated, embarrassing failure. But, like a good robot, you keep throwing up the same shit, hoping that no one remembers where it came from. I guess you hope that people forget the World Traitor Tour, where your Indonesian Imbecile went around the world telling everyone how shitty America was for a couple of centuries until an Indonesian took the helm.How's the old Coffee Party going? Posted by: iknowtheleft at January 14, 2011 02:27 AM (G/MYk) 133
iknowtheleft: "How's the old Coffee Party going?"
Not so good. The expenses for rebranding are considerable. Posted by: No Labels at January 14, 2011 02:31 AM (swuwV) 134
...what are the chances that Republicans and Democrats in Congress will heed the call of Sen. Mark Udall, D-CO, to sit together, rather than divided by partyHmmm, if I had to venture a guess, I'd say that no one bothered to tell him it was a stupid idea.
If Repubs heed, they are tone deaf, my senator (corker) is due for re-election and he is going to be primary then.Soooo they better listen. Posted by: PIgirl at January 14, 2011 02:51 AM (1ZXRm) 135
Udall is doing much worse than just seeking cheap grace:
" – more than ever – we need to find ways to dial down the political rhetoric and set a positive example for all Americans" He is flat out blaming the Tucson murders on political rhetoric! Implicitly, he is still blaming Sarah Palin and all conservatives (disregarding the fact that Loughner was a Loose Change obsessed"9/11 truth"Bush hater),while at the same timepretending that he is dialing the political rhetoric down! Evil sh!+bag. Posted by: Alec Rawls at January 14, 2011 02:58 AM (kTTUz) 136
He is flat out blaming the Tucson murders on political rhetoric! Implicitly, he is still blaming Sarah Palin and all conservatives (disregarding the fact that Loughner was a Loose Change obsessed "9/11 truth" Bush hater), while at the same time pretending that he is dialing the political rhetoric down! Evil sh!+bag. Posted by: Alec Rawls at January 14, 2011 02:58 AM (kTTUz) Neatly combining Stage 2 and Stage 3.Stage 1: The lies, abuse, and false accusations.Stage 2: Claim the middle ground, accuse those who fight back against stage 1 of "prolonging discord" or whatever.Stage 3: Carry on as before with the assumption that the lie is true, continue Stage 2 as needed.It's a simple and vicious strategy, and the people who use it are reprehensible. These days that seems to be almost the entire political / MFM / pundit left.You can't trust them because they will always stab you in the back. The call for civility from the uncivil is part of the attack.PS your web link breaks the editor when people reply to you. Posted by: Merovign, Bond Villain at January 14, 2011 03:43 AM (bxiXv) 137
As usual the "jerk-off" line has formed to your left, Sen. Udall.
Posted by: Case at January 14, 2011 04:01 AM (0K+Kw) 138
The real reason he wants the members to sit together is to hide the true scope of the democrats' diminished numbers in Congress. He doesn't want the public to see a handful of democrats wildly applauding while an ocean of republicans sit in stone cold silence upon hearing Obama's plans for further crippling the United States.
Posted by: scrubjay at January 14, 2011 04:13 AM (OTbPS) 139
This country has witnessed how dangerous the tea party, Sarah Palin, Limbaugh et al really are.
The only danger to the country comes from the intolerant and weak-minded Left. Disagree with what they have to say and you're some kind of hate-monger, inciting trouble among the population. Why, right-wingers are so fucking dangerous, they caused some loony leftist to run out and shoot a Democrat politician! Posted by: Blacque Jacques Shellacque at January 14, 2011 04:14 AM (nD3Pg) 140
He doesn't want the public to see a handful of
democrats wildly applauding while an ocean of republicans sit in stone cold silence upon hearing Obama's plans for further crippling the United States. Posted by: scrubjay at January 14, 2011 04:13 AM (OTbPS) They will all have to wear "Clappy Hands!" and big Clown hats to make their clapitation look big. Man, that's gonna be fun to watch. Posted by: K~Bob at January 14, 2011 04:27 AM (9b6FB) 141
I wouldn't call it cheap unity, I would call it cheap rhetoric. That is the stock and trade of a politician. Some pols there rhetoric actually means something, but the number of those is getting fewer every day.
Democrats in general are much bigger liars than Republicans in general. My first introduction to that came in the election of 1964 between Goldwater and Johnson. The Johnson campaign was 90% anti-war and made a case that Goldwater would provoke the Russians and widen the war in Vietnam. (who could forget the infamous daisy commercial). That was almost the entore campaign. The first thing LBJ did was widen the war, then a broke us with increased socialism. Today we have beat this Tuscon thing to death. Yesterday the major topic was Obama's campaign speech at the "memorial". Sure, it was a great speech I will grant him that. But like all of Obama's rhetoric, it is meaningless. When he opens his mouth a lie rolls out. He is worse than Clinton ever was. So what does it matter how "honeyed" is tongue was? You can not believe a word of it. Posted by: Vic at January 14, 2011 06:02 AM (M9Ie6) 142
Well done Slu!
Posted by: CDR M at January 14, 2011 06:41 AM (5I8G0) 143
I went to Easter Island and wanted to attend mass in their church, in order to receive communion I had to go to confession on Friday. The priest couldn't speak much english but he heard my confession and said I couldn't take communion for a year, "until I found Christ in my heart". I went to mass on Sunday and had to let everyone walk past me for communion.
Next time somebody asks you to find "Jesus in your Heart", tell them I didn't know Jesus was hiding? Posted by: SCBison at January 14, 2011 07:18 AM (hJBwl) 144
One note: "Unity" is a nice noble word to use, when it may be as simple as not wanting it to go out over the airwaves into millions of American homes how much smaller they've gotten since November.
Oh, let's be UNITED! Posted by: barbarausa at January 14, 2011 07:18 AM (gRgC6) 145
Just want to point out that regardless of the ambiguous and pretty phrases in Obama's speech, it should be judged with the memorial/pep rally as a whole.
Those t-shirts wouldn't have been allowed if they had had the Bush photo with "Miss me yet?" on them. The advance team would have stopped it. So, since the advance team allowed the t-shirts, they are the White House's responsibility. The White House also okayed the fake shaman, because the advance team has to know about everyone speaking so there are no surprises. And the concession stands being open also had to be okayed by the White House, due to security. Do not let them get away with blaming the university and the kids for that travesty of a funerally. It should be hung around the neck of Obama, who is the one person who could have elevated the tone of that crowd, and did not. Posted by: Miss Marple at January 14, 2011 07:31 AM (Fo83G) 146
Excellent post Slu! Thank you for putting into words how I've been feeling.
Posted by: Trish at January 14, 2011 07:34 AM (yqhkv) 147
Amen. Udall and his ilk are bearers of false witness, the truth is not in them, etc. And they're a bit like an abusive husband who gets drunk and smacks his wife around, then says "I'm sorry I did it, but you made me do it." Let them repent first, then we'll talk unity and goodwill.
Posted by: Chainsaw Chimp at January 14, 2011 07:37 AM (k4bdL) 148
Excellent post Slublog. If posts like this keep coming, I might even cough up a twenty during the next AOSHQ fund drive. Please more of this here. Also, some Afghan dancing boys would be nice. Posted by: sartana at January 14, 2011 07:51 AM (IKAtf) 149
Great post. Thanks for sharing! ----------------- moncler jacket | moncler coats | outlet moncler moncler online | moncler jacken| moncler doudoune moncler jacket | moncler outlet| moncler shop Posted by: moncler jacket at January 14, 2011 08:05 AM (nSwgB) 150
Ah, now its time for a "move-on" moment. I guess now that their drive-by shooting was marginally successful (or its usefulness has been served), its time to forget who the gunmen are and embrace the "no-fault" repentance. This sounds awfully Christian. What does the Mexican native spiritualist have to say about it? Being Christian is normally viewed by these folks as being "non-inclusive". What gives?
Posted by: Tigtog at January 14, 2011 08:16 AM (Q5+Og) 151
Nerdy - yes, I could not find a single retarded moonbat who had anything positive to say about the great unifying historic speech. Not one.
Posted by: The Mega Indepedent at January 14, 2011 08:28 AM (uRoVu) 152
Unity with leftists?
Sounds like an oblique description of being buggered by Barney Frank. They don't want unity, they want surrender. They don't want civility, they want submission. They can eat shit and die. Posted by: Lee Reynolds at January 14, 2011 09:04 AM (/gY4D) 153
Just a great post, Slu. A meaningless action is just that, meaningless. But this would not be meaningless - precisely because there would be a kind of blessing or acceptance of the very actions that have taken place by sitting together. It would be tantamount to an admission that the MFM is right, this is all the Tea Party and Sarah's fault.
I certainly hope no one takes Udall's suggestion seriously. Posted by: BetaPhi at January 14, 2011 09:30 AM (DBr05) 154
I went to Easter Island and wanted to attend mass in their church, in order to receive communion I had to go to confession on Friday. The priest couldn't speak much english but he heard my confession and said I couldn't take communion for a year, "until I found Christ in my heart". I went to mass on Sunday and had to let everyone walk past me for communion. Sad but the was the last time I was in church. I guess the point is that an American priest could've letme off with 3 months..<<< So I'm guessing you haven't even bothered looking for Christ in your heart. The point here looks like the priest was right. Posted by: Kerry at January 14, 2011 09:32 AM (a/VXa) 155
I think its just a ploy to make it look on tv that the president has more support than he does.
Posted by: **** at January 14, 2011 09:49 AM (TC/9F) Posted by: Slublog at January 14, 2011 09:49 AM (0nqdj) 157
Boner and McConnell should agree to Udall's proposal on the condition that the Dems wear Gadsden Flag T-shirts to the SOTU. What better way to reach across the aisle and demonstrate to the American people that their side repudiates the hate-filled vitriol they've been spewing since Saturday forever?
Posted by: Reiver at January 14, 2011 09:57 AM (64S5N) 158
Does Nancy Pelosi's iron fisted 'don't read it, pass it, we don't care what the people think' style have anything to do with the level of discourse in this country, or is it all Sarah Palin's fault?
Posted by: nickless at January 14, 2011 10:01 AM (MMC8r) 159
No. I want to see all the Republicans in their half and especially the spillover into the Democrat half. I especially want to see that little rump Democrat group doing the jack-in-the-box popup for Barry while 2/3 of the House sits there.
Posted by: Scott at January 14, 2011 10:40 AM (94iTV) 160
Great post Slublog,
The comparison between the thesis of Bonhoeffer's book and the Democrat's continual, disingenuous, and hypocritical call for unity on the cheap is dead on. Ooops, scratch the words "dead" and insert "spot"; I wouldn't want to be accused of fomenting hatred or inciting violence My Regards Posted by: Bob Reed at January 14, 2011 11:27 AM (2dlWi) Posted by: Shoey at January 14, 2011 11:37 AM (ehKDD) 162
So I'm guessing you haven't even bothered looking for Christ in your heart. The point here looks like the priest was right.
Posted by: Kerry at January 14, 2011 09:32 AM (a/VXa) ~~~ yeah, or not.. if a person finds less than optimal results scouring their own heart for Christ; ya might try looking UP.. might work.. never know Posted by: DanlBoone at January 14, 2011 11:38 AM (V6v2J) 163
Words and actions have consequences Udall, feel the consequences.
Posted by: Anna Puma at January 14, 2011 11:48 AM (rVtCQ) 164
Does anyone else notice that Democrat calls for unity and comity are amazingly similar to Palestinian calls for peace? They both come when the war that they started has turned bad for them.
Posted by: Socratease at January 14, 2011 11:58 AM (0EJ1o) 165
Clear, concise and cuts to the heart of what we are seeing unfold.
Great post Slu. Posted by: Bosk at January 14, 2011 12:20 PM (pUO5u) 166
Posted by: Socratease at January 14, 2011 11:58 AM (0EJ1o)
Yes. That is exactly what it is. The Right has adopted the Left playbook and we have been kicking their ass with it. In fact, we have done in two years what it took the Left 6 years to accomplish, which is retake a chamber of Congress. They have gotten their ass kicked and are now crying uncle. Fuck them, if I saw a liberal catch fire I hope I got some marshmallows and a stick with me. Posted by: Holger at January 14, 2011 12:50 PM (YxGud) 167
What I would hope to hear:
"I would agree with my good friend from Utah that civility is important. But having a new seating chart is just window dressing. Civility is not just what you don't do, but what you do. Following traditional process and not cutting corners is a good start. The country is better served if we adopt good laws and leave this clever stuff alone. I would prefer that my good friends remind their friends in the media to try to be a bit more honest in their reporting and not immediately demonize or ignore other points of view. Civility includes playing fair. So, stop cheating in elections and using taxpayer money to do it." Since the Lefties only imply what "civility" means [conservatives STFU], take the opportunity to explore definitions of civility. For example,which is more civil:lying or telling the truth? This "hope and change" vagueness can be challenged. Vagueness is only a strength when not responded to. Force the issue. Compel a definition. Make them answer. Make them explain how cheating in elections is part of a civility. Jesus H. Posted by: Mr. Barky at January 14, 2011 01:21 PM (qwK3S) 168
"Of course you object to Senator Udall's proposal. You right-wingers want to be able to keep fanning the flames so you can continue to throw around your reckless incendiary rhetoric. Senator Udall extends an open hand and here you people are, urging your side to respond with a clenched fist. But hey, keep at it. This country has witnessed how dangerous the tea party, Sarah Palin, Limbaugh et al really are. You will drive independents away with your extremist vitriol, clearing a path of victory for Obama and Democracts in general in 2012. In fact, don't be surprised if the Democrats retake a significant amount of House seats too." Posted by: Jason D. at January 14, 2011 01:47 AM (fpjGP)
The axiom has been accepted and will spread. AQ is drooling. Too easy to frame the tea party now... And the Useful Idiots wonder why we're fuckingpissed. Perhaps they should start playing chess instead of Sorry. Posted by: patsies mcveigh and nichols jayna davis at January 14, 2011 01:32 PM (nBE5A) 169
I'm a gonna mak'em sit together. Can I do that Barock?
Posted by: Sheriff Joe at January 14, 2011 01:51 PM (ocHBO) 170
Thank you, Slu.
Posted by: Deety at January 14, 2011 03:44 PM (Jb3+B) Posted by: Deety sez Backfat cannot lecure me. at January 14, 2011 03:52 PM (Jb3+B) 172
Someone needs to stand up and say 'We'll sit together and sing Kumbaya right after your side apologizes to the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, and Rush for calling them accessory to MASS MURDER for the last fucking week! Until then STFU.
Posted by: Schwalbe © at January 14, 2011 04:05 PM (UU0OF) 173
I will show Obama the same grace and diginity that he gave President Bush
Posted by: jrj at January 14, 2011 05:55 PM (CSAS6) 174
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