aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Overnight ThreadOh, right. People have suggested this sort of thing forever, and I keep on forgetting. An overnight open thread for insomniacs. If I forget to do it, anyone with an open blog login can just throw one up around 11 or twelve or so. I've been thinking about just declaring Open Blog every night in the hours I'm done or asleep, like from 10 pm to 10 am. Anyone think that's a bad idea?Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)Posted by: Kaptain Amerika at September 24, 2008 01:32 AM (h+zve) 2
personally I don't think you sleep until 3:30am so you'll still be looking... but after that... you have 8 hours of asshaterty to be ware of, unless you have some "cleaners" around...
Posted by: Kaptain Amerika at September 24, 2008 01:34 AM (h+zve) 3
i have the open blog info and i drink. a lot. Posted by: Tuggin' Terry at September 24, 2008 01:42 AM (U+VcC) 4
and i'm a mean vindictive spiteful drunk.
(apart from that i see no problems with your great open-blog idea) Posted by: Tuggin' Terry at September 24, 2008 01:43 AM (U+VcC) 5
As long as I'm drunk and we'll be braiding one another's hair, could anyone explain the intersection of mens rea and specific intent?
Never really got that. Posted by: Hit the easy targets hardest at September 24, 2008 01:43 AM (8/0ME) 6
and what does 'malfeasance' and 'personal libel' really mean anyway?
Posted by: Tuggin' Terry at September 24, 2008 01:46 AM (U+VcC) 7
i think the mens-rea is near the urethra. but i'm not certain. Posted by: Tuggin' Terry at September 24, 2008 01:47 AM (U+VcC) 8
explain the intersection of mens rea and specific intent?
Isn't that where you plan to do something and then think "this is crazy shit" right before you do it anyway? Posted by: kat-missouri at September 24, 2008 01:49 AM (io+Si) 9
O'Reilly is running some sorta promo with the winner ad. Any news?
Posted by: Ralph at September 24, 2008 01:50 AM (QZjCr) 10
wld luv to,
but have no idea how. (im kinda new to this new media...addicted tho) unfortunately im an insomniac, from all those years slingin booze and promoting my vodka at the NYC nightclubs. def a night owl, TRYING to convert...its tuff tho. I think this blog could benefit from more chick power... i dont really rant on my own silly, for-my-friends-who-are-busy, easy to read/important facts to know, blog....but i have A LOT to say! haha let me know...hey I slung tequila and then vodka for years...i cant be THAT bad dam, is it almost 2 already? right x Posted by: christy at September 24, 2008 01:53 AM (BGIzK) Posted by: Hit the easy targets hardest at September 24, 2008 02:00 AM (8/0ME) 12
Insomnia: It's the new slumber. And it's the only entertainment we can afford in the new, lean, impoverished Obama years... eight to ten of them!
Posted by: George Orwell at September 24, 2008 02:01 AM (AZGON) Posted by: IceMike at September 24, 2008 02:03 AM (lT1JC) 14
HTML clipboard
I'd like to kick off with the student loans being added to the bailout... look around your area, how many little tech schools have popped up? thousands... all over the country, and their each churning out Pell Grants for something to the tune of $2500 per year and loans on the back side for $8k $16k and as much as $32k for an associates degree in computer networking or... these loans are then sold to larger underwriter's and so on just like the bad home loans... then when these kids get out of school, they find if they're lucky enough to find a job it pays starting out very minimal... locally about $9 to $10 an a hour... and they have already gone out and laid down on a brand new used car through easy financing, no credit 14% interest... and suddenly you have like 25k to 40k in make believe money inflating while fly by night CEO's walk off with millions and share holders look the other way and then play victim. Bank of America just bought Merrill Lynch... $50 billion in stocks making them the largest underwriter of debt in the world... and they are underwriting payday loans for greedy little sham shops taking advantage of desperate people at 300% interest... literally printing make believe money and selling the debt... ask your friends what their debt number looks like... every one I've ever heard freaks me out... and remember back in the day Reagan warned us... he said we were living outside our means and credit needed to be respected and protected... used sparingly great as our tax burden is, it has not kept pace with public spending. For decades, we have piled deficit upon deficit, mortgaging our future and our children's future for the temporary convenience of the present. To continue this long trend is to guarantee tremendous social, cultural, political, and economic upheavals. You and I, as individuals, can, by borrowing, live beyond our means, but for only a limited period of time. Why, then, should we think that collectively, as a nation, we are not bound by that same limitation? these things, these services and products we buy... are almost necessities... an education in a valuable field, a home of our own, and a vehicle, a mode of transport, that is not only economical and safe but affordable... each of these companies that represent these industries are allowed to supply or share in the supplying of our country's great appetite... but is it not America's great story that the man that fails and fails again... that here he can finally achieve the impossible, and if 25% interest and balloon payments and hawking all the equity in life he has for an idea... isn't that the quintessential American story? I think it is... but I don't want to underwrite it... not with taxes... not with bailouts... let them sell their asses and make deals to cut their make believe money from the top and discuss real values on the assets... is that what you meant by open thread? Posted by: Kaptain Amerika at September 24, 2008 02:03 AM (h+zve) 15
Do you ever get nervous that NEWSBUSTERS may just explode...I mean there is just
so much bias-ness (dont care if thats not a real word) wizzing by every second of to capture and expose IT ALL? frustratingly frustrating. oh and ther is story over there now thats interesting: Bloggers Untrustworthy, Threatening to MSM, Journalist Panel Concludes hahahahahahahahahahahaha, the fact that the MSM was their own judge and jury on this one says it all its getting crrrrazy out there.... Posted by: christy at September 24, 2008 02:03 AM (BGIzK) 16
The East Coast is where all the liberals, with their bad ideas, come from. You know, bad ideas like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. As opposed to the brilliant ideas that have come out of the west like frontier justice and wearing cowboy boots with a suit.
The ideas this nation was founded on came from the most cosmopolitan people of their day, the founding fathers, who believed in science, who looked to Europe for wisdom, and who had no use for ignorant hicks like Bush and Palin. The truth is, as America moved west and got farther away from its birthing in Boston and Philadelphia, it became less American, not more. We keep hearing about small-town values, you know, like shooting wolves from an airplane or forcing your daughter into a doomed, loveless marriage. Cities are about diversity of thought. Small towns are about...well, crystal meth. And, last year, police found 42 meth labs in Sarah Palin's home county. Drug addiction is a terrible thing, but apparently it beats living in Wasilla sober. There's so much meth in this town, I'm surprised the Palins didn't have a kid named "Tweaker." So, now I know what they mean when they talk about the Alaska spirit. Ah, yes, Alaska, where the townsfolk are jittery and the hockey players screw right through the condoms. Posted by: Crystal Meth at September 24, 2008 02:03 AM (eN3hX) 17
If you ever need more "open bloggers" on the west coast for these late night shindigs, give me a holler.
Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 02:08 AM (pGdsh) 18
I don't careenough to read the previous comments, but I think it's a terrible idea. Kat-Mo is likely to post 8,000 totally stupid threads before you wake up and take control of the blog, and then where will I be?
Somewhere else. Sorry, but I'm feeling especially combative tonight. Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 02:09 AM (WhFvm) 19
@CrystalMeth #19,
I guess you have to do something to stay awake when your days last 6 months. And you're just pissed cause the coastal elites don't know how to make it, and have to buy it from the rednecks out west. Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 02:12 AM (pGdsh) 20
Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 02:09 AM
hit the DailyKos that will perk you right up... get you all warm and fuzzy... Posted by: Kaptain Amerika at September 24, 2008 02:12 AM (h+zve) 21
19- What? Not much happening on DKos or DU tonight, eh?
...slummin' it at AoSHQ. Posted by: davis,br at September 24, 2008 02:13 AM (zewwG) Posted by: AndrewsDad at September 24, 2008 02:14 AM (bSdbt) 23
How do I get open blog sign-in information.
I have an advanced case of the clap, so I'm prone to tirades. Is that a problem? Posted by: jaleach at September 24, 2008 02:15 AM (gHrZU) 24
#17.... let's add to your list the literal trillions in liabilities presented by Social Security and Medicare, all coming up piping hot as the baby boomers retire. Sometimes I think we'll be lucky to look like France in ten years. We may end up more like a very, very diluted version of Cuba. A reasonably healthy economy and comparative freedom supplanted by utter stagnation and squandered liberty.
Not that I'm a pessimist, or anything. But in fifteen years, when you say "Republican," people will say "Was that like the Whigs? Or the Bull Moose Party? I think my grandaddy was one of those elephant guys. Pretty weird." Posted by: George Orwell at September 24, 2008 02:15 AM (AZGON) 25
The ideas this nation was founded on came from the most cosmopolitan
people of their day, the founding fathers, who believed in science, who looked to Europe for wisdom, and who had no use for ignorant hicks like Bush and Palin. You would be a complete and utter moron and not in a good AoSHQ way. The "cosmopolitan" founding fathers were at least "gentleman farmers" and very many were small businessmen and property owners. Many went bust to free this nation, I might add. Adams, in particular, worked his farm himself or with the assistance of his wife. They had little time or truck with the "cosmopolitans" who were always gossiping and stabbing each other in the back. You do recall why Adams and Jefferson had a falling out? and, it was Adams Massachusetts constitution and thoughts on government that partially inspired Jefferson, along with Locke, et al. Franklin...good lord, he was, at best, an eccentric that everybody loved or hated because he was "an eccentric", not because he was excessively cosmo. Adams believed, frankly, that a good man did some kind of work, even while he was educating himself. these guys were not slackers. Posted by: kat-missouri at September 24, 2008 02:16 AM (io+Si) 26
Kaptain --
I pretty much guarantee I've been reading ace far far longer than you, and have dontaed infinately more (as you've probably donated zero, while if everyone had donated what I have, ace's blog would be closed and he'd be laughing at us all fromhis own personal island somewhere). In short, you're a complete fuckwad. Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 02:16 AM (WhFvm) 27
I don't careenough to read the previous comments, but I think it's a
terrible idea. Kat-Mo is likely to post 8,000 totally stupid threads before you wake up and take control of the blog, and then where will I be? Oohh...I'm hurt. Posted by: kat-missouri at September 24, 2008 02:17 AM (io+Si) 28
So how long before we find out that some of those polls are being artificially inflated by the media to support their candidate?
I mean think about it, if McCain wins in november by more than 2.5% of the popular vote...someone HAS to ask how those polls could be so wrong so often. Posted by: Jeremiah God Damn Amerikkka Wright at September 24, 2008 02:18 AM (4VfjU) 29
Kat-mo --
I didn't expect you to be hurt. I don't care how you feel at all. You're utterly meaningless. I was just trying to give ace a small warning. This is a great blog, and I don't want it to go down the toilet. That's all. Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 02:24 AM (WhFvm) 30
I've been thinking about that 60 Minutes interview. Instead of saying I wanted to make Andrew Cuomo head of the SEC I think I should have said Jamie Gorelick. What do you think? I'm just spitballing here. Franklin Raines isn't busy I hear, what about him? Let's brainstorm. Let me know what you think.
Posted by: John McCain at September 24, 2008 02:27 AM (RWzXM) 31
Hermy...that was a joke. Lighten up, Francis.
Posted by: kat-missouri at September 24, 2008 02:28 AM (io+Si) 32
What about Barney Frank? Now that he's not running a male prostitution ring out of his apartment he's probably got plenty of time.
Posted by: John McCain at September 24, 2008 02:30 AM (RWzXM) 33
Ace - good idea! Will we be able to go after trolls with reckless abandon and consume massive quantities of Val-u-Rite while sitting 'au natural' in front of the LCD screen?
Kaptain America, I'd go after any CEO/COO/CFO that used "creative" accounting practices or "cooked the books" for personal gain or allowed their company to go under due to gross financial mismanagement...that would include jail time and financial reimbursement to stockholders or depositors. No more "golden parachutes" for departing execs...indictment and salad tossing with Bubba and his homies would be the order of the day As for members of Congress - maybe it's time for a wholesale "flushing of the toilet" in DC, and electing people who are for true change in DC (not the O's Hopey/Changey BS). Too many in DC have gotten comfortable with their jobs and don't give a damn about us out here in "real America". Ronald Reagan once said that the words that ordinary Americans fear the most were "I'm from the government and I'm here to help"... It'd time for a Second American Revolution...against the technocrats that are running our county into the ground... Posted by: Eeyore's Swinging Sack at September 24, 2008 02:30 AM (VYEVW) 34
First I find out Clay Aiken is gay, now I find out none of the founding fathers were from Alaska, my world has been turned completely upside down. How can I possibly go on? Posted by: Claymate4ever at September 24, 2008 02:31 AM (UxtdG) 35
WTH, Hermit Dave...?
Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 02:34 AM (pGdsh) 36
Trying to get my mind off of this doomed political season, I wanted to share Instapundit's link to the Scott Crossfield Foundation here. You can read a couple of entire books about Crossfield as a test pilot and the X-15 itself. Very interesting stuff under the resources link. And while the X-15 was the product of government expenditures, at least it was really wicked cool. I also recommend Milt Thompson's "At the Edge of Space" on the same project.
Posted by: George Orwell at September 24, 2008 02:35 AM (AZGON) 37
ace've never responded once to any of the private emails I've sent you. So, er ...whatever. Note I've never complained about this, you've got your own fish to fry, and that's cool. I've only had ideas for blog aggregating on a purely personal-system basis that would likely make you a lot more money and I offered to give them to you for free.
But, again, I'm mellow ... in fact, just ban me, fuck it. I'm not gonna get into it. If my personal opinion (which I've donated, although admittedly in chunks, and not consistently) that you're worth a $50 / year subscription means shit to you, that's cool. If you want to contact me, you fucking have my email ... so find it. Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 02:35 AM (WhFvm) 38
Um I'm in Asia so my day is your night. I could post some shit on here if you needed.
Of course you have no idea who I am since I rarely comment. I'm a sarcastic, rude capitalist libertarian slash conservative slash generally unpleasant person. Whatever, let me know if I'm needed. Posted by: DJ Douche at September 24, 2008 02:37 AM (QKrrS) 39
ace, yer asking for trouble, but it's not like you're not going to be here until the wee hours, and these types of threads will prevent the other threads that actually have a topic from becoming awash in OT musings and flamewars.
I say go for it, man! Live a little. Posted by: higgedly piggedly at September 24, 2008 02:37 AM (OeLz9) 40
maybe crystal meth is an ASTROTURFER
*always funny how liberals are so used to things not being what they seem, and always being screwed over...only because they usually hang out with other liberals after all. They just assume with their teeny brains and short attention spans, that everyone must be that so sad. come over to the right side crystal meth, we actually are the kind of people that know human beings are HUMAN, and accept em anyway, we tend to take people at their word, since most people we associate with everyday are true to their word...and we are the kind of people that actually LOOK for real solutions to make our country better... novel concepts huh? Posted by: christy at September 24, 2008 02:38 AM (BGIzK) 41
There's a bad moon on the rise.
Posted by: John Fogerty at September 24, 2008 02:40 AM (8/0ME) 42
Jebus H Christmas, Dave. Now we can see why those who comment at night . . . comment at night.
I though MY asperger's was bad. Posted by: higgedly piggedly at September 24, 2008 02:40 AM (OeLz9) 43
I just thought of a sweet idea...
What if I wrote an app for an embeddable, ad hoc forum? You create an open thread, and embed the forum there... it's a one shot deal. Next open thread, you get a brand new forum independent of the last one. Would bloggers use it? Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 02:42 AM (pGdsh) 44
And by forum, I mean that anyone can create a new topic/thread, and people can elaborate on it. It keeps the main page free of clutter, but it allows people to post items of interest.
Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 02:43 AM (pGdsh) 45
...anyone else notice it's getting ...warm here?
Posted by: davis,br at September 24, 2008 02:44 AM (zewwG) 46
Often times, just when things are getting interesting east coaster's have to get some shut eye. It's only 8:30 in Hawaii.
Ace, if everyone operates by your general (and few) blog rules it should be alright. Although today I did a challenging hike and want to hit the hay early. Posted by: mare at September 24, 2008 02:45 AM (9Di1u) 47
I did a not-very-challenging hike last week... it nearly killed me.
Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 02:47 AM (pGdsh) 48
As for the Open Blog ...could someone linkie to the original where Ace posts how we do that?
Posted by: davis,br at September 24, 2008 02:47 AM (zewwG) Posted by: Don Rickles at September 24, 2008 02:47 AM (8/0ME) 50
Really, I'm sorry all ...
It's just alot of things grating on me and I'mexploding today. I've started to go off in every thread I've participated in here today. Anyway, regardless of what I say, or if ace just decides to throw me under the bus or what have you ... I'm a big fan of ace ... I question his judgment at times and I'm not shy about it. If you can't see that this bailout is a disaster, or that Kat-Mo could kill this blog ... hell, maybe I'm wrong and more power to you. But I won't be here anymore. In any event, no hard feelings, good luck, etc. etc. Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 02:47 AM (WhFvm) 51
OK, folks. That's enough for the evening. Bar's closed. Valu-Rite is tapped out. Free phone for anyone needing a cab.
Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at September 24, 2008 03:01 AM (sI5Ho) 52
Dave, drink three or four fingers of Scotch, go to sleep. Don't trust pissed off and stressed out late night Dave.
Posted by: name withheld at September 24, 2008 03:01 AM (8/0ME) 53
How do you balance not taking all the garbage in politics too seriously and therefore losing your mind and not caring at all and saying "everyone has a right to their own opinion?"
I get pretty frustrated over politics and the left's crapola would really impact my family. This stuff matters but I don't want to turn into some lunatic like Naomi Wolf. Posted by: mare at September 24, 2008 03:02 AM (9Di1u) 54
Since Hermit Dave shares my penchant for thoughtful reflection, my even keel and my mellow temperament I'm thinking Secretary of State. Any objections? I'm also considering the Sean Penn character from Carlito's Way for head of the DEA. Can I do that?
Posted by: John McCain at September 24, 2008 03:03 AM (RWzXM) 55
Okay, I got a question. Let's say I'm plonking a sixteen year old girl in a 18-majority state. But I think she's 18. How does this mens rea stuff come into play? As far as I know, I'm still off to the clink.
Just a hypothetical, you understand. Posted by: Ace's liver at September 24, 2008 03:04 AM (xDwoq) 56
I don't like the blatantly boring "open thread" thing.
Like, when lauraW does an open thread thing she does a coffee talk intro. Thats the best way. If you still pay attention to the comments, then grab onto the most blatant thread jack, then give your opinion, and leave it open all night. People are gonna yap anyways. NOT A LAWYER! Just talking about intent and crime as I recall it from some of my friends a acquaintences extensive prison sentences. As for Mens rea, I don't know the meaning, but I think if there was an criminal intent, then the crime is treated with the intent of the original crime. If you are performing a driveby, miss the person you are TRYING to kill and end up killing someone who is innocent, then you are still guilty of murder1, as well as attempted murder. Whereas if you fire a gun into the air, and the round falls in a balistic fashion and strikes someone and kills them, you aren't charged for murder, you are charged with manslaughter (happened in washington a few years ago) because you didn't INTEND to commit murder, but manslaughter doesn't require intent. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 03:07 AM (ul7te) 57
I think there should be an open blog night every time "Serenity" orone of "The Matrix" trilogyplays on cable. Or when Hermit Dave decides to be a jackass.
By which I mean every night. Posted by: Hollowpoint at September 24, 2008 03:08 AM (gHv/5) 58
Holy Cats, I thought only the Winner Family up this late...
If you can't see that this bailout is a disaster, or that Kat-Mo could kill this blog ... hell, maybe I'm wrong and more power to you. But I won't be here anymore. Did anyone else get a visual of Richard Pryor running out of his house with hair on fire? Posted by: TomvG at September 24, 2008 03:09 AM (TRJxR) 59
Fuck Salt!
Posted by: Danny at September 24, 2008 03:11 AM (O9PJP) 60
Heh, I find it reallyfunny (and cool in a pathetic geeky way) that all the usual suspects are now focusing their fire on me.
Good luck guys ... I know I used to be this strange guy who could mostly be ignored, but sometimes I would post somtehing funny. I hopeyou can at least admit I'm not a troll ... er, ok perhaps not, considering your combined IQ is still probably only about 87. Like I said in another post ... we'll revisit this in three years. Keep looking at your feet though ... they'll keep you on the straight and narrow. Opps! shoulda looked up ... freight train! As always, have fun. Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 03:12 AM (WhFvm) 61
Okay, I got a question. Let's say I'm plonking a sixteen year old girl in a 18-majority state. But I think she's 18. How does this mens rea stuff come into play? As far as I know, I'm still off to the clink.Just a hypothetical, you understand.
Posted by: Ace's liver at September 24, 2008 03:04 AM (xDwoq) Sir I'd like to make you Secretary of Education in my administration. I want a man with experience and a rudimentary understanding of the criminal justice system but most of all I want a man who really cares about the children. You sir are that man. Posted by: John McCain at September 24, 2008 03:12 AM (RWzXM) Posted by: mare at September 24, 2008 03:12 AM (9Di1u) 63
great idea! How about an open thread at the start of any Law and Order episode, be it, original, SVU or CI that lasts EXACTLY one hour? That guarantee's at least 24 open threads a day. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 03:15 AM (ul7te) 64
lol wolf's aarticle was just plain disturbing in its insanity "THEY ARE OPENING MY MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!11!!!!eleventyone" Posted by: higgedly piggedly at September 24, 2008 03:17 AM (OeLz9) 65
Posted by: davis,br at September 24, 2008 03:24 AM (zewwG) 66
I'm not sure, but I'm doubtful it's a great start when someone throws themselves out of a late night joint on first night.
And Dave, Ace wouldn't post this gem- likely for good reason... but hey, I already got my door prize, so here goes: “John McCain is my friend,” said the loquacious Blue Hen. “I admire John McCain. I know of no man or woman I have ever met that has more personal courage than John McCain. We have been friends for over 33 years. We have traveled together. When John was Navy liaison he staffed me for three or four years everywhere I traveled in the world. Now that's friendship... Posted by: TomvG at September 24, 2008 03:24 AM (TRJxR) 67
Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 03:12 AM (WhFvm)
Dear Abby, I have an enormous martyr complex that drives me do threaten to "check out" whenever I'm feeling down, usually in response to minor disagreements with anonymous people on the Internet. Yet when I get the attention I so desperately crave, I never follow through and instead only carry on and on by telling the cold, cruel world why they've forced me to depart without actually doing it. What should I do? Signed, Hermit Dave. ________________________________________________________ Dear Hermit Dave, Enough with the attention-whoring pussy routine. It's OK to say what you want to say and walk away- once. After the third time, it becomes boring and pathetic. Fag. Abby. Posted by: Hollowpoint at September 24, 2008 03:25 AM (gHv/5) 68
"THEY ARE OPENING MY MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!11!!!!eleventyone"
Posted by: higgedly piggedly at September 24, 2008 03:17 AM (OeLz9) Actually I have been having my people go through Naomi's mail. I like to use her copy of Vogue as shit paper when I'm on the campaign trail. Reminds me of 'Nam. And by her copy of Vogue I mean my hand. Cause I was a POW. Don't youfucking forget it, my friends. Posted by: John McCain at September 24, 2008 03:25 AM (RWzXM) 69
Anyone think that's a bad idea?
Well, I screwed up and left my response to that questionin a comment,here. Posted by: davis,br at September 24, 2008 03:28 AM (zewwG) 70
great idea! How about an open thread at the start of any Law and Order episode, be it, original, SVU or CI that lasts EXACTLY one hour? That guarantee's at least 24 open threads a day. Is there enough bandwidth on the Internet for that? Sure, each episode only lasts an hour, but with at least 897 cable channels carrying reruns it wouldn't be 24 open threads a day- it would be 21,528. Posted by: Hollowpoint at September 24, 2008 03:29 AM (gHv/5) 71
I wouldn't mind seeing something on the order of what Goldstein has, aka "The Pub", where anyone can register and post. I get a little worn down trying to read a 5000 word post on the meaning of contextualism, and then slogging through 200 comments about how niishi and thor are assholes, so I'm spending more time at the pub.
Or, fuckit, just post whenever you get done strangling a hobo. Works for me. Posted by: XBradTC at September 24, 2008 03:32 AM (PEnCF) 72
Hollowpoint --
You and JackStraw can get together and suck each other off as much as you want. I really don't care. Bottom line... No dissenting voices from the party line = Dkos. I will happily pile on to the Dems when it comes to things like Biden or Fannie / Freddie. Gah, I just don't give a shit about complete assholes like you ... I'm waiting to see if ace can find my email. Sorry again, this is really funny. Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 03:33 AM (WhFvm) 73
We've reached consensus on Naomi Wolf. Sure, she's always been pretty Left, but wow! Off the beam and into the abyss.
Who knew her envy would poison not only her soul but her brain. Absitively, posolutely bonkers. Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at September 24, 2008 03:38 AM (sI5Ho) 74
I don't think there was ever any doubt that Naomi would go over the edge (every other lefty has, why not here), but I'm disappointed that HermitDave, whom I've enjoyed for years now, doesn't know when to call it a night and get some sleep.
HD, yes, the financial disaster is just that, a fucking disaster. I get it. But even if we enter the Not So Great Depression, I'm not gonna pitch a fucking fit. So you don't like Kat-Mo's posts. No one forces you to read them. Posted by: XBradTC at September 24, 2008 03:42 AM (PEnCF) 75
"Gah, I just don't give a shit about complete assholes like you ... I'm waiting to see if ace can find my email. ... Sorry again, this is really funny."
I'm thinking that maybe you are perceiving a higher level of drama that actually exists. Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 03:44 AM (pGdsh) 76
Brad-- I have a lot of respect for you ...if we're gonna argue it's not gonna be here. DPUD to start, or privately, whatever. Enough said.
Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 03:46 AM (WhFvm) 77
Joking aside, I like the idea. Only because the guest bloggers have done a very good job. Even if every guest blog post isn't a home run, I've not seen anything horrible or embarrassingly bad. You're lucky that way- 99 of 100 blogs that might have tried it would fail miserably, but your guest bloggers have pulled it off well above what I would expect. Most people don't realize exactly how badly they write or how unfunny they are. Posted by: Hollowpoint at September 24, 2008 03:46 AM (gHv/5) 78
For shits and giggles, I say someone drive to Wolf's house and read a newspaper in their car across the street. With sunglasses on.
No talking or harassing her, just sitting and the occasional glance. Fourth of July in OCTOBER, baby! Posted by: at September 24, 2008 03:46 AM (OeLz9) 79
Wait... I thought Naomi Wolf was already clearly insane a while back.
The thing that bugs the hell out of me about her is that she clearly thinks she is pretty bright, but she comes off like a 9th grader who just took a civics class. Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 03:46 AM (pGdsh) 80
that was me. I have copied "billy's" IP addy for a lookup in whois. Nothing spectacular, just an ISP in NW Wash DC duh Posted by: higgedly piggedly at September 24, 2008 03:49 AM (OeLz9) 81
Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 03:46 AM
The video earned 5Stars... and the comments have the depth of Obama's speech on, uh uh, er...anything... Posted by: TomvG at September 24, 2008 03:52 AM (TRJxR) 82
I'm pretty new to this blog so Hermit Dave's "I hate you....I'm sorry I said that....I really do hate you....I didn't mean it.....oh yes I did!" routine is puzzling.
Is this "normal" for Dave? Posted by: christmasghost at September 24, 2008 03:56 AM (aUut1) 83
For the best example of the depth of thought in that video, listen to 9:55 to 10:10. That 15 seconds pretty much sums up her brand of logic.
Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 03:56 AM (pGdsh) 84
My comment friends at a less formal blog gave me differing opinions.
On the 30th, should I rent, or should I buy IronMan on DVD? Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 03:57 AM (ul7te) 85
Isn't Wolf the one who said nobody was marrying feminists because of internet porn?
Posted by: Ace's liver at September 24, 2008 03:59 AM (xDwoq) 86
Ok, I tried to post a completes and serious response to DaveS, but in my Val-u-Rite induced stupor it got devoured.
Anyway, DaveS, you're looking at things on only one level. Not to be offensive, but ace is actually concerned about his bottom line. not about your worthless (or my even more worthelss) opinion. Again, I'm still dying to see if ace can find my emial or not. Not that this is a life-or-death siituation, but if you were running a biz, would you actullay care to keep contact info for one of your better profit centers? Once again, for the record, this is killing me. Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 04:00 AM (WhFvm) 87
Posted by: XBradTC at September 24, 2008 04:00 AM (PEnCF) 88
Posted by: XBradTC at September 24, 2008 04:00 AM (PEnCF) 89
Hollowpoint --
You and JackStraw can get together and suck each other off as much as you want. I really don't care. Bottom line... No dissenting voices from the party line = Dkos. I will happily pile on to the Dems when it comes to things like Biden or Fannie / Freddie. Gah, I just don't give a shit about complete assholes like you ... I'm waiting to see if ace can find my email. Sorry again, this is really funny. Yeah, because JackStraw and I have never had it out with each other. Either go to bed, go away, or just stop being the little attention-whoring pussybitch that you're currently portraying very convincingly. No doubt that Ace is chewing his fingernails to the bone out of fear and trepidation from your Very Important ActionE-mail that you've referenced 27 times now. In fact, this should no longer be, but instead The sad part? I haven't even read the comments that you're so worked up about. I just stumbled into your self-important wallowing over dissenting Internet comments, and I can't resist rubbernecking a clichetrain wreck. Posted by: Hollowpoint at September 24, 2008 04:02 AM (gHv/5) 90
Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at September 24, 2008 04:03 AM (sI5Ho) 91
Okay, my comment FRIEND.
He's not very smart, but eventually he makes a point, except for when I'm asking for a recommendation. Thanks Brad, didn't wanna out you. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 04:04 AM (ul7te) 92
Again, I'm still dying to see if ace can find my emial or not. Not that this is a life-or-death siituation, but if you were running a biz, would you actullay care to keep contact info for one of your better profit centers?
Once again, for the record, this is killing me. You e-mailed ace? Why didn't you say so earlier?!?!? How ever could you keep such Very Serious Business from the rest of us? Posted by: Hollowpoint at September 24, 2008 04:05 AM (gHv/5) 93
Don't out me, out Clay Aiken.
Posted by: XBradTC at September 24, 2008 04:05 AM (PEnCF) 94
I'm gonna down a bottle of amerreto and IN! Clay Aiken if you know what I mean.
Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 04:07 AM (ul7te) 95
and no, it is not gay for me to say that, i will just pretend he's rachel maddow.
Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 04:08 AM (ul7te) 96
I've emailed ace too... and... GET THIS... he emailed me back. On several occasions!!!1!
I think that means I'm cool or something! Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 04:08 AM (pGdsh) 97
Did somebody say "IN! Clay Aiken"?
Posted by: Clay Aiken at September 24, 2008 04:09 AM (pGdsh) 98
Damn, the comments section here is getting easier all the time... Now I don't see anything written by Hollowpoint norJackStraw... er, as well as the usual trolls like DD, etc. (If you don't know enough about how to filter that shit, er, sucks to be you)
Come on ace ... shoot me an email. Prove you're not as completely disorganized as I think you are. NTTAWWT ... lots of smart folks are disorganized ... look at Einstein! Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 04:10 AM (WhFvm) 99
I've gotten responses from ace.
Usually threats, but sometimes just subtle admonishments. We have a decent relationship. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 04:11 AM (ul7te) 100
My life would totally be worth living if ace e-mailed me. If I don't get a response soon that Kool-Aid laced with cyanide is going to get tempting.
Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 04:12 AM (gHv/5) 101
I can't go to bed, someone is WRONG on the internet!
also I think it's more of a pretty vicious rant, myself, HP. But now we're just piling on, and that will make the martyrdom level spike to 11. Finally Those who can, do. Those who can't . . . offer unsolicited advice on anonymous websites. HD, ace is in bed. You should be too. Unless you're just a fan of Waiting for Godot. That had more of a point than you waiting to see if suddenly ace will burst into the comments section singing hosannas to your brilliance in marketing to insomniacs and shut-ins. Posted by: higgedly piggedly at September 24, 2008 04:13 AM (OeLz9) 102
WP --
As feisty as I am tonight I have zero desire to go off on you. You and I are two very different people, and I'm happy to leave it at that. 'nuff said Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 04:14 AM (WhFvm) 103
If anybody has about 30 seconds to spare, you can play the coolest flash game ever made.
Posted by: Clay Aiken at September 24, 2008 04:15 AM (pGdsh) 104
DaveS at September 24, 2008 03:56 AM
She is the Queen of Conflation... and from where I type the Dem Paarty had become delusional loons trying to fool fools... and a few good folk that just hope JFK might come back. I think she linked Stalin, Hitler, Goebbels (who I wrote my thesis on),and Leni Reifenstahlto Bushitlerburtan in less than a minute. Nice play. ------------------------------ I took some time to find a small gift to share... and how much doesNaomi remind you of a certaian intern... ;-) Also, what icon did you push to allow you to "imbed" your link? Posted by: TomvG at September 24, 2008 04:15 AM (TRJxR) 105
Hermit Dave....I know that I am but a mere dust mote on this blog but I'm also kinda nosy too. Could you please enlighten me as to what your problem is?
Why so hostile? Bad day in the market or something? Posted by: christmasghost at September 24, 2008 04:16 AM (aUut1) 106
Ace was much more active a few years ago.
*sigh* I remember waiting up, downing a 12, while shooting back a bottle of JC (yes JC) whiskey, hoping that he might arrive. And everyonce in a while he did, sharing his wisdom. "REALLY! ONE MORE BITCH BREAKING COMMENT ABOUT INSTY'S WIFE AND I WILL BAN YOU!" Of course it wasn't me who made the comment, but, *sigh* I miss the passion. It's just not there as it used to be. There was a time, though tumultuous, it was just so exciting. Like runing along the edge of a cliff, or flying a fighter plane. Hehe, everyonce in a while he would compliment me, once again, it was for something someone else did, but I'd get a compliment, and *shiver* I just really didn't know what to do. I'd explain that it was someone else who actually did the thing he gave me credit for, and then he would compliment me again. "Thanks wicked, sorry about that." sorry, my knee's are buckling, and my text is cracking, as though it were my real voice. Yeah, I loved those days, it wasn't just the way that he treated me, but it was the world opened up by inviting all of the other macho homocentric commentors who like to make gay jokes all piling on. ... ... Sorry, I almost purred at the thought of piling on. I think this nighttime thread thing might work, if only he could spend more time taking part. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 04:21 AM (ul7te) 107
Excuse my typos, but does everyone else get that horrible lag if you type more thant oneword per minute?
I guess I should open up Word and cut aand paste, but damn... Posted by: TomvG at September 24, 2008 04:21 AM (TRJxR) 108
"...singing hosannas to your brilliance in marketing to insomniacs and shut-ins."
Hey, we're consumers, too. We matter, damnit. Let. The Man. Speak. Posted by: Mr. Insomniac & Ms. Shut-in at September 24, 2008 04:21 AM (sI5Ho) 109
tomvg, click the icon just to the right of the paint bucket.
Posted by: XBradTC at September 24, 2008 04:22 AM (PEnCF) 110
No Hermit Dave, not enough said.
But I will let you leave it at that, since that is how you roll, even if it's not how I roll. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 04:23 AM (ul7te) Posted by: Ethan Winner at September 24, 2008 04:24 AM (U+VcC) 112
So... WTF, why don't I get the slick editor? I just have the plain vanilla text box.
Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 04:27 AM (pGdsh) 113
Dave, Mac?
Posted by: higgedly piggedly at September 24, 2008 04:28 AM (OeLz9) 114
Anyway, to all the others who continue to mock me, etc. You guys are funny. If I had an IQ of 95 and wasn't thinking about ace in the long term, I'dbe right there with ya.
Sadly, that's not the way the world works ... if ace continues to ignore me, I really don't care ... I'm already in other negotiations ... I just offerred my ideas to ace outright because I thought he had it going on. Conside this my potential bully pulpit to maximize my value. Did it fail? yes. Oh well, on to the next deal. Again, good luck in the next four years ... at thispoint, I intend to continue to mock you until ace bans me outright (never mind that I agree with most of it, it's just gonna be fun as you're too stupid to know the difference.) Er, should I say sorry again? I'm not sure at this point. Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 04:28 AM (WhFvm) Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 04:28 AM (pGdsh) 116
Is Hermit Dave Fucking NomDeBlog? (fucking as in verb, not as in expletive)
Ace is a big boy Hermit, and Ace did just fine before you started trying to put your tit in his mouth. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 04:30 AM (ul7te) 117
You have been missed, despite the occasional excesses. However much a victim of it's own success this blog has become, it's still the #1 conservative blog for uttering the phrase "suck the barbed cock of Satan". And I hope for nothing less. Posted by: Hollowpoint at September 24, 2008 04:31 AM (gHv/5) 118
I have been a long time reader of Ace of Spades, going way back. And I have always been struck by the kindness and generosity of its commenters. But... recently I have noticed a disturbing change in tone. Several people are using hostile, profane, well nigh even RACIST comments about Hermit Dave. As a result, I find myself forced to spend my time reading Hot Air instead.
Posted by: Concerned Christian Conservative at September 24, 2008 04:31 AM (MGfTe) 119
Then FUCKING E-MAIL him your wisdom HermitDave!
Next to none of it is passed through the comments. Just sounds like you are a rightfielder pissed off you can't be in center. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 04:32 AM (ul7te) 120
Also, Hermit Dave, when Ace wants to hear "your opinion," he'll figure out what he thinks it should be, write it down on a piece of paper, wrap it around his cock, and then shove it straight up your ass for you.
Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 04:33 AM (pGdsh) 121
Ha. That's what your dad said. Right before he put my cock in his mouth.
(pathetic, I know) No, srsly, I was going over this in another thread and the mac users said they didn't have the little linky picture. I'm using Firefox 3, and it shows up fine, as it did with FF2. Maybe your security settings are too high in IE? Posted by: higgedly piggedly at September 24, 2008 04:33 AM (OeLz9) Posted by: Ethan Winner at September 24, 2008 04:33 AM (U+VcC) 123
Thanks ... and the irony of last 10 seconds of videonearly exploded my head.
Posted by: TomvG at September 24, 2008 04:34 AM (TRJxR) 124
Thanks Hollowpoint,
Even though I was "missed" it's not necessarily for my insight, its (I understand) more for the death of the midnight club. I'm a goofy douche who sometimes isn't retarded, but thanks for the sentiment. Part of why I'm not very active now, unless I get pissed off, is cuz I'm trying to actually TRY! this blogging thing in a more serious manner. even though thats not gonna happen, I'm gonna try. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 04:35 AM (ul7te) 125
Also, Hermit Dave, *when Ace wants to hear "your opinion," he'll figure out what he thinks it should be, write it down on a piece of paper, wrap it around his cock, and then shove it straight up your ass for you* Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 04:33 AM (pGdshr)That's an oldy but a goody DaveS. Or should I say Johhny Coldcuts?But I condemn and denounce this sort of incivility towards Hermit Dave. And myself for my tardiness in doing so. Posted by: Concerned Christian Conservative at September 24, 2008 04:36 AM (MGfTe) 126
I just saw that the letters on the higgedly piggedly nic were the same as hollowpoint's. I've been changing nics daily to keep up the anonymity, so i'll change again.
Posted by: moronizer at September 24, 2008 04:37 AM (OeLz9) 127
THIS is the future of A.O.S.L open blog between the hours of 10pm and 10 am.
cool! Posted by: Ethan Winner at September 24, 2008 04:37 AM (U+VcC) 128
WP --
nothing could be farther from the truth. In order to prove it, this will be the last comment and the last pageview I give ace for at least two weeks ... I fully encourage ace to bust my ass and prove me wrong. P.S. You're one of the biggest idiots here ... I tried to be nice to you, but I'm more than happy to be driven out in the DKOS-style purge. Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 04:38 AM (WhFvm) 129
Anyway, to all the others who continue to mock me, etc. You guys are funny. If I had an IQ of 95 and wasn't thinking about ace in the long term, I'dbe right there with ya.
Sadly, that's not the way the world works ... if ace continues to ignore me, I really don't care ... True story, this really fucking happened (sorry WP). This one time I met this chick in a bar and really liked her because of her smokin' rack. So I called herseven times a day immediately afterwards for the next three weeks, sent flowers to her at work every day, camped out on her front lawn hoping to catch a glimpse and let her know why she was a stupid whore for not having sex with me immediately. You know what fucking happened? The cops came! I don't get it. If she hadn't ignored me, it would never have happened. But I really don't care... Posted by: Hollowpoint at September 24, 2008 04:40 AM (gHv/5) 130
So, why did he retire Johnny Coldcuts? That was the most whimsical, hilarious shit on the intertubes.
Posted by: DaveS at September 24, 2008 04:40 AM (pGdsh) 131
Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 04:38 AM
Bitter, table for one... Posted by: TomvG at September 24, 2008 04:41 AM (TRJxR) 132
Thanks for trying to be nice to me Hermit Dave.
That means a lot to me, I will write it down in my diary. Also, Didn't you already say, "nuff Said?" How about you remember exactly how you roll, and roll your ass out of here. You lack the courage of your convictions instead hiding behind a self appointed superiority that you believe allows you to shit on everyone else, but as soon as you make a decision, thinking it shows your strength of character, and are called on it. You change your mind. Just like all children. turn around your big wheel and pedal your ass home. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 04:42 AM (ul7te) 133
Oh my fucking god. How utterly idiotic. THere's no fucking "purge" you tool, we're making fun of you. Guess what? THat's what fucking happens here (or it used to and should start again). It's not your ideology, it's your douchebagginess.
Good lord in heaven what a persecution complex. Are you really andi sullivan in disguise? Come down off the cross, Hermit Dave! (where's teh sully passion photoshop?) Posted by: moronizer at September 24, 2008 04:45 AM (OeLz9) Posted by: TomvG at September 24, 2008 04:45 AM (TRJxR) 135
10-1 he posts again
( i really don't want him to, and I figure this will make him need to "prove" his superior willpower. He did attend that Tony Robbins seminar last week, you know) Posted by: moronizer at September 24, 2008 04:47 AM (OeLz9) 136
He's full of shit, he's a liberal larry guy, trying to capitalize on our group identity as "morons" (and btw, I and a few others grasp to "tards,") thats why he googled the IQ of a technical moron.
Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 04:47 AM (ul7te) Posted by: moronizer at September 24, 2008 04:48 AM (OeLz9) 138
Now, this is just encouraging trouble. Trouble I tells ya...with a capital T. Hundreds of thousands of zombie like insomniacs are going to be running around here posting crap all night long.
I look forward to it! hehe.. On the therapeutic side: Posted by: Kaptain Amerika at September 24, 2008 02:03 AM (h+zve) Isn't it amazing that KA is talking about the exact thing that's keeping me awake all night long? One daughter - eight years of college - $80,000 in student loans , and not a dime to her name. They do, however, have a new pickup, a new car, a camper, a mortgage , three kids, and two jobs that pay less than 50,000 combined. Yea, the American, nightmare. But, hey, ya learns 'em and ya learns 'em, but it just doesn't sink in. So,,,,,,where's OUR bailout??? Posted by: Ann at September 24, 2008 04:52 AM (c3H+i) 139
WP --
nothing could be farther from the truth. In order to prove it, this will be the last comment and the last pageview I give ace for at least two weeks ... I fully encourage ace to bust my ass and prove me wrong. First time it was for good , then it was 3 years now it's 2 weeks . Thats no way to negotiate for a date. Ya take the Valu-rite grab the hobo and go home sooner or later he'll come knockin. Posted by: tres at September 24, 2008 04:52 AM (vlGAP) 140
Yeah, he had this other character that I thought was awesome too. It was this guy who looked like the wrestler "Jake the Snake" and his persona was that of a ex-con giving you the stink-eye.
I think in his first appearance he totally punked out Ace in a subway over how Ace had better keep his fuckin' hands of this guys sandwich. As I recall, he did some guest blogging too. That was one of my favorite characters. And now Hermit Dave is leaving too? I weep for the future of this blog. "Where have all the flowers gone..." Posted by: Concerned Christian Conservative at September 24, 2008 04:55 AM (MGfTe) 141
Well, Tres?
Maybe he's gonna come back in 2 weeks so he could be nice to me. Cuz you know I THRIVE on other people being nice to me, especially people like HermitDave. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 04:56 AM (ul7te) 142
" didn't expect you to be hurt. I don't care how
you feel at all. You're utterly meaningless. I was just trying to give ace a small warning. This is a great blog, and I don't want it to go down the toilet. That's all. Posted by: Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 02:24 AM (WhFvm)" Well, Herm is getting her period tomorrow, eh? Posted by: Ann at September 24, 2008 04:57 AM (c3H+i) 143
You know, I *am* aware of the existance of paragraphs, but for some reason my comments don't have them. Perhaps because I have java script turned off.
Posted by: Concerned Christian Conservative at September 24, 2008 04:59 AM (MGfTe) 144
I keep reading all these article about how Wallstreet and big Industry loves the big O/ Demsvia donations, versustheminiscule love shownMcCain/ GOP.But honestly, doesn't that just show that they know who they can bootycall 24/7? At least when he gets the 3 am call Michelle will know who it is.
Posted by: tres at September 24, 2008 05:00 AM (vlGAP) Posted by: moronizer at September 24, 2008 05:05 AM (OeLz9) 146
MORONIZER, it was:
Rich "Psycho" Giamboni I laughed my ass off reading that thing again. Posted by: Concerned Christian Conservative at September 24, 2008 05:09 AM (MGfTe) 147
When I read the "squadron formation" post about ace's balls, I knew that I had found a kindred idiot.
So much goodness. Now ace has "matured" and is on the way to "respectable." As long as we get to do profanity, and, after the election un-pc ragging on folks (I hope), we'll be alright. But is it sad, and a bit wistful, thinking of those halcyon days of yore. Posted by: moronizer at September 24, 2008 05:10 AM (OeLz9) 148
RICH not mitch (i'm a numbnuts)
Totally good stuff. THe dem lineup as DD characters was a classic too. Still the funniest stuff EVER on teh tubes was allahpundit's site with the p-shops of arafat. Gold, jerry, GOLD. Posted by: moronizer at September 24, 2008 05:12 AM (OeLz9) 149
What Is This Here Stupid Shit?
Rich "Psycho" Giamboni, Special AoSHQ Correspondent Big Rich here. You pansies probably know me from a piece I wrote up a while ago. Ace is good people. We go way back. I used to make the geek do my science homework for me in sixth grade. And also some gay stuff. Not super-gay stuff or anything. Just stuff with my wiener. That's neither here nor there. I don't have to answer your questions. I'm not the one on trial here. Posted by: Concerned Christian Conservative at September 24, 2008 05:13 AM (MGfTe) 150
is it me, or do the archives not go back very far? I remember stuff before 12/2003.
pretty sure, at least put me to some knowledge, morons Posted by: moronizer at September 24, 2008 05:15 AM (OeLz9) 151
Maybe he had some stuff before Ace of Spades Blogspot, but I never heard of it.
Posted by: Concerned Christian Conservative at September 24, 2008 05:17 AM (MGfTe) 152
"I don't mean that metaphorically. I mean I will fucking reach across this table and literally, physically kill you."
Oh, shit, that's right. I'm going to wake the kids. Trying not to laugh. Posted by: moronizer at September 24, 2008 05:17 AM (OeLz9) 153
Some of the blogspot stuff isn't directly searchable, I thought pixy when he did the thing was trying to transfer everything, but I never kept up with it.
BTW, you know that ONE guy, does all the work for all the .nuVians? So I wouldn't give him shit. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 05:22 AM (ul7te) 154
Pixy's story is kinda freaky. Started as a Peace Corps project.
Posted by: XBradTC at September 24, 2008 05:23 AM (PEnCF) 155
Of course I'm not a good reference, I think I became a regular (reader) in like early/mid '04.
But I remember PIxy on his blog bitching about trying to migrate everything over to servers. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 05:25 AM (ul7te) 156
Now THAT I did not know Brad.
Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 05:27 AM (ul7te) 157
WAIT!! Pixy's OZZY! I tried to hook him up with my old GF, and he dug her pic, she was wierded out by him being such a gigundus dork. Though she thought he was funny in a wierd, never let my children visit his house sort of funny.
Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 05:28 AM (ul7te) 158
Oz has a peace corps?
Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 05:28 AM (ul7te) 159
No, nothing besides blogspot. I just thought it went back farther.
Ahh, comments are gone, too for the most part. I think we had some cleaning going on. I KNOW I commented on some of those. Wayback doesn't even go back as far as archives Fuck it Posted by: moronizer at September 24, 2008 05:32 AM (OeLz9) 160
......and this is where the new and improved overnight blog thread turns into the same ol' Wickedpinto's personal diary and everyone leaves..............
at least it may cure our insomnia... Posted by: Ann at September 24, 2008 05:32 AM (c3H+i) 161
Maybe not our peace corps, and damned if I can find the link to where I saw it, but I remember reading that pixy was in some tiny little micronesian island for some peace-corps type deal and was trying to get them internet access or some shit. It kind of grew from there.
Posted by: XBradTC at September 24, 2008 05:32 AM (PEnCF) 162
So, what's the deal with airline food, anyway?
Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at September 24, 2008 05:32 AM (Tz2XN) 163
I haven't been egocentric! I just didn't put up with a jackass' shit! REALLY! Were you a PART of the Wickedpinto tirades? they are like 18 months old! I vanished for a fucking year! Are you operating off of personal knowledge? or assumed? JESUS!!! The MYTH, is a MYTH! Some of it is comedic fodder, but that is all. CHRIST! I bail, I chill, I come back, and dickheads like NOM and HD come in picking fights based on NOTHING! other than their own arrogance, and when it's all said and done, they are just "acting up" or whatever, and I'm the fucking badguy? Sorry? Ann, but I've been fighting stupid little comment wards on and off for the last 3 weeks, ONLY because the people starting them are completely ignorant of what they are pissed off about. SHIT! Man, I sound like such a whiney bitch right now. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 05:38 AM (ul7te) 164
Okay...Andy Sullivan is that you?
Posted by: christmasghost at September 24, 2008 05:41 AM (aUut1) 165
Only to '04? Damn ...senility has set in for sure: I swear I recall reading stuff in late 2001. Too many posts, too many years, too little IQ.
Posted by: davis,br at September 24, 2008 05:41 AM (zewwG) 166
too little IQ.
HD undoubtedly agree's with that. As for my last comment, I have to hem and haw a bit. I'm just amazed that people like to fight with me. I was gone for a year, and to show up, and find this sort of anymosity from people who never interacted with me is surprising. I appologize. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 05:43 AM (ul7te) 167
...and too much insomnia.
Posted by: davis,br at September 24, 2008 05:46 AM (zewwG) 168
I mean, some of us would have been commenting on whatever was on top anyway at this hour, but this is just encouraging shenanigans.
Shenanigans, I tell you! Or is this not for the people who go to bed before 9pm and get up round about 4am? Posted by: juno at September 24, 2008 05:46 AM (7uTCa) 169
Also, why are people getting all up in wickedpinto's face? Has he not been writing crazy enough for ya lately?
Posted by: juno at September 24, 2008 05:47 AM (7uTCa) 170
Well, since HD is on his bigwheel, we can talk about "true romance."
Brad missed an earlier discussion. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 05:47 AM (ul7te) 171
It's just our way of saying "Welcome Home Wicked" ....
Posted by: davis,br at September 24, 2008 05:48 AM (zewwG) 172
John McCain - "So Obama gave a speech to 90,000 people. I'm not impressed with big rallies. I spent five and a half years in Hanoi giving speeches to a crowd composed of a single rat, dammit.
I called her Sheila. She was a good audience. She gave me standing ovations.I keep her in my wallet now, and she still gives me standing ovations every time I speak. And sometimes, late at night, when I'm all alone, she speaks to me and commands me to kill. That's my edge. That's why I'll be the greatest Commander in Chief in history." Posted by: davis at September 24, 2008 05:49 AM (eN3hX) 173
I don't know if you are familiar with the more popular crazy stuff Juno, but the answer is definately NO!
Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 05:51 AM (ul7te) 174
I'm amazed that the Open Blog experiment has worked as well as it has. Give a bunch of morons the keys to your giant, throbbing megablog and walk away...yeah, that'll work.
But it did. If anything, people don't post enough. (Forget insomniacs...there are not enough damn morning people on the internet). I'd fill in the gap, but I posted exactly once on the open blog and promptly got paralyzing stage fright. Teleprompter! Where's my bloody teleprompter? Posted by: S. Weasel at September 24, 2008 05:51 AM (Dy8+A) 175
...hmm, so did everyone go makey nighty-night at DU Crystal Meth? Bored again?
Posted by: davis,br at September 24, 2008 05:52 AM (zewwG) 176
S. Weasel,
Didn't find open posting on Aces at all atractive to tell the truth. I wanted to do it, the one time I did, but I kinda wanted to see the reaction I'd get more than actually post. I made a rambling incoherent post, I broke all of aces rules about open posting, Ace was telling me what not to do, and what to do, while I was posting, and I ignored it all, cuz the fact is people wanted "wickedpinto." I gave it to them. ONCE! And I've never returned. If the access is the same I still have the info, just saying Nah. I like being me, not who I should be on Aces Blog. S. Weasel, you are best off as you are, being who you are. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 06:05 AM (ul7te) 177
Oh, open blog as opposed to open thread.
I mainly lurk, because I have nothing to add comment-wise, other than starting religion wars (I also comment as "meep"... I'm too lazy to switch my name back). I'm fine with the open bloggers, as long as they don't take up too much visual real estate on the page. I know how to skip over the ones that bore me. I skip over all the football posts, for example. I think I did the football pool last year and I did abysmally. I know nothing about football. Posted by: juno at September 24, 2008 06:18 AM (7uTCa) 178
Don't like open threads, I think threads should develop organicly.
I have a bunch of examples, but I won't burden commenters with instant gratification douchebags by linking them. This participation was actually a Lark on my part. figured I'd read it. then HD pissed me off. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 06:21 AM (ul7te) 179
Let the record state I am clearly the most insane here.
I slept 3 to 11 pm yesterday then went and played poker, now i'm getting wasted and will play Battlefield Bad Company till 7 in the morning, after which i'll sleep 4 hours, go to class, rinse, repeat. I live Fight Club. Pussies. Go to your jobs, suckers. I'm the poster-man-child for the broken system. Funded by you Muahahahaha. Posted by: ether at September 24, 2008 06:47 AM (IqYKR) 180
73% of this thread is frightening.
Posted by: Joanie at September 24, 2008 06:50 AM (Yyy1m) 181
but we are Brown Person free Joanie.
Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 06:52 AM (ul7te) 182
okay time for another completely unsatisfying period of sleep.
Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 06:53 AM (ul7te) 183
Fuck that. I'm not ready yet. Damn you! making me navigate somewhere else for pointless words to numb my mind. Actually I'll probably switch to my book now. I just wanted to see what my tag is- missed the unlurk thread.
Posted by: phil at September 24, 2008 07:01 AM (toBAM) 184
toBAM. That's pretty damn good, phil.
Posted by: S. Weasel at September 24, 2008 07:19 AM (rasT+) 185
Just on a sidenote, I told you so about the Winner/Jawa "expose", only I over-estimated how long it would cause a ripple. It was about a 3 hour wonder instead of 3 day. Not only did it not crack any mainstream outlets (even conservative ones) t didn't even make the Hotline
I'm not happy about it, but it was predictable. Posted by: docweasel at September 24, 2008 07:22 AM (XmjZg) 186
Almost 200 comments and it's only 6:30 a.m.
Why bother getting up early for this? I'm still sucking hind teat. Posted by: Michael Rittenhouse at September 24, 2008 07:24 AM (pirHR) 187
docweasel at September 24, 2008 07:22 AM
Have a little faith. I have certaintrust that those better connected than you andI are working up the facts and developing an outline the FEC might be very interested in. An FEC investigation willleaveour buddies at "Fleet Street West" with little choicebut to deal with it. A few choice quotes from Russ Feingold should get the whole thing cookin'... if there is anything to cook... and my instincts are telling me to be ready for a nice , satisfying meal. Posted by: TomvG at September 24, 2008 07:35 AM (TRJxR) 188
Anyway. Life. It's a cereal. And a magazine. And a adventure. Should be aventure, but those damned inkhorners making up latinate spelling from words we got from the french. Should be dette, not debt. Should be doute, not doubt. Silent b, my Aunt Fanny. Also, the pronounced "k"s should come back, as in knight and knee. Give the language a germanic flavor again. Posted by: juno at September 24, 2008 07:48 AM (7uTCa) 189
yeah, I could have done a lot worse than toBAM. I'm just lucky with that kind of thing I guess - my cell phone number is two rifle calibres.
On the other hand, I couldn't do much worse than deriving my sense of self worth from randomly chosen phone numbers and commenter tags... oh, and the fact that someone responded to my comment in this overnight thread that I've taken waaay too literally. Still it warms my pathetic little moron heart that you noticed- thanks. Posted by: phil at September 24, 2008 07:49 AM (toBAM) 190
Just saw a tease on FNC about the AIP smear video and asking "Who is behind it". Bout time.
Posted by: Grym at September 24, 2008 07:56 AM (3FKhK) 191
that is some damn good news. I was just about to side with docw in worrying that it was going to get 0 play.
hopefully this will be just the beginning Posted by: phil at September 24, 2008 07:59 AM (toBAM) 192
TomvG is either naive or blowing smoke. I'd say the story was done if it had ever been, other than on a couple dozen righty blogs, to begin with. You keep hoping. Believe me, I wish it were true. I'd guess you'll never hear another word about it, other than complaints about how no one would touch the story.
Posted by: docweasel at September 24, 2008 08:36 AM (XmjZg) 193
What about people who have no debt? Are they screwing themselves out of free goodies as the system collapses?
Posted by: adolfo_velasquez at September 24, 2008 08:46 AM (vYW0F) 194
Hermit Dave-
I owe you an apology. I had no idea you were batshit insane. Had I known this I would never have taunted you. I don't make it a habit of screwing around with the unstable. But really, I am not a GOP operative, a member of the McCain campaign or even a Mossad agent. I'm not even a member of Sam's Club. I hope you got some sleep and took your meds. I will be praying that Ace got your important email action item. If he continues to ignore you it will be a mystery as deep as where the hell Joe is, an injustice to all mankind. Yours in mental health Posted by: JackStraw at September 24, 2008 08:59 AM (WL5K6) 195
I am very intrigued by one thing, Where is Obamas grandmother and why has no one spoken either of her or to her. No interviews, no mentions in the MSM, no one saying why isn't she accessable for interview about her famous grandson? When he was on vacation in Hawaii trying to cover his birth certificate problem, and watching the Georgia problem while drinking his mai tais, he visited her with only one photo being published. No interviews, curious. Why is no one trying toget to her. Is she in hiding or sequestered? It is almost like she is dead!. why is this not a topic for discussion? There is more to this than meets the eye.
Posted by: guido in florida at September 24, 2008 09:00 AM (YlIzX) 196
McCain Campaign to the New Your Times . . . .BRING IT BITCHES!!!
SCATHING. Open Press releases should be so ass kicking. Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 09:02 AM (ul7te) 197
It's almost 9fuckin:30 am. Where's our midmorning open nonblogthread thingy? I have drunken accusations to make and I want them at the TIPPY TOP DAMN IT.
Actually, I'm about to go to bed because I work shitty hours. But I enjoy reading other drunken rambles. Posted by: RajivVindaloo at September 24, 2008 09:19 AM (Rn2+D) 198
Yes! McCain! Bring it!
I wonder if anybody will cover this press release, beyond Fox News. Think various media outlets will have to deal with it? I know they'd like to ignore it..... Posted by: juno at September 24, 2008 09:20 AM (7uTCa) Posted by: lotocoti at September 24, 2008 09:21 AM (OnH19) 200
TomvG is either naive or blowing smoke.
Doc Weasal: Naive? I trust you jest? I offered, simply, that good things take some timein our media environment and we have some rather sophisticated support that makes it possible. For what it's worth Hugh Hewitt asked Steve Schmidt, during McCain conference call Moday, about "astroturfing" story from Jawa, Ace o'Spades and Geraghty. It was sorta fun hearing Hewitt refer to Jawa, Ace and Geraghty as "great reporters". About time,eh? Here is article by Jennifer Rubin about call,with audio available: I also have read, above, that FNS is going with story. Or hell, you may be correct,but don't underestimate our ability to pivot off of the perfidy of MSM. Posted by: TomvG at September 24, 2008 09:21 AM (TRJxR) 201
Looks like Richie Daley is throwing a tantrum because McCain went after his machine in his new TV ad. Story at HotAir. LoL
Posted by: rockmom at September 24, 2008 09:22 AM (iZqUY) 202
Anyone think that's a bad idea?
Yes. This thread is like a midnight mission in a bowrey. It's all crazy people and tranny hookers. Posted by: Booben at September 24, 2008 09:24 AM (CCwfq) 203
I disagree with the tranny hooker thing.
Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 09:28 AM (ul7te) 204
though it's a nice fantasy.
Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 09:29 AM (ul7te) 205
Here are a few suggestions:
1. If there are no blog posts from ace/cobloggers for 2 hours straight, it is automatic open blog. This auto openblog ends when: a) Ace/cobloggers put up a post OR b) there are 3-4 openblog posts in a row. 2. It is not a good when there are no posts till 9-10AM. Openbloggers can fill that void. 3. OpenBloggers should refrain from prolific posting (unless there is serious breaking news, and Ace/Cobloggers are yet to return from hobo-hunting). We are a sideshow, not the main attraction. I don't want a situation where there are 5-6 OpenBlogger posts competing for attention with 1-2 Ace posts. Suggestions12 are for Ace. It would be great if OpenBloggers observeSuggestion 3 on their own. Ace has been very gracious with handing us the keys. Let us use them with discretion. Also, comment for a while, get to know other commenters, become a known quantity and then ask for OpenBlogging priviledges. We don't want Axelrod's astroturfers coming here, acting all Conservative for a day or two, and get the keys, do we? Posted by: Tushar at September 24, 2008 10:02 AM (ZqHH5) 206
Ace has emailed me, at least twice. I haven't washed my eyeballs since!!
Posted by: Dr. Remulak at September 24, 2008 10:21 AM (YmPwQ) 207
"Cities are about diversity of thought. Small towns are about...well, crystal meth."
Yeah, there's no drugs at all in the big cities. None at all. Posted by: Dr. Remulak at September 24, 2008 10:24 AM (YmPwQ) 208
RE: TomvG
If you're right, no one will be gladder than I am. I'm not trying to put a damper on it, I'm being realistic. The financial mess trumps everything and I no longer feel optimistic about the election in any way. I now think McCain will lose. His only hope is to "take the gloves off' in a big way, bring out Rev. Wright, Ayers, Royko, etc. in hard-hitting, what the Dems would call "dirty" ads. In every communique, Obama calls McCain "dishonorable". McCain needs to start calling Obama a racist, a traitor, Un-American, soft on terrorism, more worried about Europe than the US, etc. That is his only hope at this point, or the election is over. The "Winner" crap is trivia. It's not going to move any needles, I don't care WHO picks it up. Posted by: docweasel at September 24, 2008 10:44 AM (XmjZg) 209
No sympathy, polynikes. I've got a 401K, too, plus I'm selling a house. I just got a call from my agent -- good news! She thinks the last guy who looked at the place might be willing to give me ten grand less than the lowest amount I said I would take. Yay!
Posted by: S. Weasel at September 24, 2008 10:45 AM (rasT+) 210
Anyone think that's a bad idea?
200+ comments on a yes/no question with very few commenters actually answering itand onechoosing instead tohost his ownchickenshit little melodramatic pity party overnight. Yeah, this might be a bad idea. Or at least not a goodidea that would have apositive impact onthisCaesaristsmart military blog. Posted by: Andy at September 24, 2008 10:47 AM (C3mTI) 211
How much effect does the weekly amount of 401k contributions that have to be invested in the stock market have? Is it enough to be a stabilizing effect? The short answer is no. It would take a lot of typing to put it all down but the two have nothing to do with each other. In fact, there are laws preventing financial entities from mixing the two. On the bigger picture, what really caused this mess and what needs to really be addressed if we are to avoid coming right back here, read this. It basically says what I have been trying to say for a couple days now only its not written by a moron so it will make more sense. Apparently, there are at least a couple people in DC who also seem to get it and have the stones to speak the truth. Jim DeMint "There are much better ways of dealing with this problem than forcing American taxpayers to pay for every asset some investor doesn't want anymore. We should start by reforming government policies and programs that created this mess, including the Federal Reserve's easy money policy, the congressional charters of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the Community Reinvestment Act. Then Congress should pass a number of permanent and proven pro-growth reforms to encourage capital formation and boost asset values. We need to make permanent reductions in the corporate tax and the capital gains tax rates. We have the second highest corporate tax rate in the world, which encourages companies to take jobs and investment overseas." Posted by: JackStraw at September 24, 2008 11:03 AM (VBon8) 212
Not sure about this "Open Thread" thingy. One night & we already have a fatality (get well soon HD. We all have bad days/nites). BTW, remind me to never f*ck w/ WickedPinto or Hollowpoint. Those b*tches can throw down.
However, I did appreciate the appearance of John McCain. He cracked me up. "Just spitballin". Classic. I'll second (or third) the props to the co-bloggers. They have pleasantly not sucked. Posted by: Che Pizza at September 24, 2008 11:03 AM (SPSOE) Posted by: Booben at September 24, 2008 11:23 AM (4SGur) 214
I'm not even a member of Sam's Club.
Jackstraw wins the funny!!! Posted by: Wickedpinto at September 24, 2008 11:31 AM (ul7te) 215
How to make money with your 401k:
1) Change your 401k contribution options to "CASH". 100% "CASH". No stock, no bonds, no overseas stuff. "CASH". 2) Convert half your existing stock holdings in your 401k plan to "CASH". Don't worry about the price, just do it. 3) When the Dow re-tests the 2003 lows in a year or two, change your contribution option to "50% stock, 50% CASH". 4) At the same time you do #3, convert half the cash in your 401k into "STOCK". Posted by: Dogstar at September 24, 2008 11:35 AM (PQZBi) 216
The stabilizing I was referring to was the stock market and not financial entities.The price of stocks should continue to be moved by the supply and demand model and if the 401k money is there to fill the demand slot I would think this would be somewhat stabilizing for the market.
Here's the fly in that ointment. We are not a cash economy, we are a credit economy and everything is interconnected. Let me try a simple example. Suppose your 401K money is invested in Widget Inc. Widget is a growing company and in order to meet it's growth projections, which is what stock prices are based on, future projections, they need to upgrade their facility and by new equipment to make their widgets. They also need to buy more raw materials from Raw Material LLC. However, in order to upgrade the facility and buy new equipment and raw materials, Widget Inc needs to borrow money. Raw Materials LLC, a spunky little growth company also relies on credit to buy their raw materials. And here we run into a problem. Due to the credit crunch banks aren't lending money or if they are it comes with absurdly high interest rates. Widget can't afford it. Raw Materials can't afford it. Widget has to scale back their growth and workforce to come up with some ready cash to buy even a small part of the machinery and raw materials they need. This puts people out of work at both Widget and Raw Materials and because Widget can't meet its growth projection, the stock your 401K goes down. Rinse. Repeat. Throughout the economy. We need to help the credit markets not because it helps them but because it helps us. Equally important, we need to fix the bad policy and lack of transparency that caused this nightmare in the first place or we will be right back here dealing with this same problem in a couple years. Posted by: JackStraw at September 24, 2008 11:49 AM (VBon8) 217
We need to help the credit markets not because it helps them but because it helps us. Equally important, we need to fix the bad policy and lack of transparency that caused this nightmare in the first place or we will be right back here dealing with this same problem in a couple years.
Exactly! Butif history is any guide,the former will happen, while the latter will not. Posted by: Andy at September 24, 2008 11:59 AM (C3mTI) 218
This thread sucks without me.
Posted by: Bart at September 24, 2008 12:11 PM (Qoepu) 219
Hermit Dave crossed the line when he personally attacked Kat in Mo. Anyone who takes the time to provide content deserves thanks, not prissy fits.
( does not like me, my browser or my hairstyle. Crossing my fingers that this will actually post. And for the record, Ace emailed me some time back that he did not ban me (sucks to be you, doesn't it, Hermit Dave)) Posted by: PattyAnn at September 24, 2008 12:14 PM (06eQF) 220
Butif history is any guide,the former will happen, while the latter will not.
Yep. Depressingly, yep. Posted by: JackStraw at September 24, 2008 12:14 PM (VBon8) 221
The only way to actually fix the problem, is to quit hiring the same politicians who cause it. Year after year.
...mostly it happens because they're idiots. Only some of them are are truly evil. But they should all be fired. Rank amateurs could do no worse, at least. This is a prime example of where experience is the problem, not the cure. Posted by: davis,br at September 24, 2008 12:24 PM (zewwG) 222
This thread sucks without me. Posted by: pajama momma at September 24, 2008 12:43 PM (f3xJa) 223
Jack/polynikes, 401k money helps stock prices because it provides a demand for stock.
However, the demand is tempered by the falling valuation of the stocks. Current earnings are dropping and (more importantly) the prospects ofearnings over the next one-two years are dropping. So the demand from non-401k sources of funds drops more. Titanic pumps are running more slowly than the water rushing in. Except that analogy falls apart for stocks with higher earnings prospects. Like, um, nothing I can think of. Because we are in a broad economic slowdown, and there's no demand growth for anything a company can make/sell. Except maybe goldand health care. Posted by: Dogstar at September 24, 2008 01:11 PM (PQZBi) 224
wth Hermit Dave at September 24, 2008 02:16 AM (WhFvm)
are you talking to me? are you talking to me? (in my best De Niro) you are a paranoid asshat... you embody asshat... you talk about your monetary genius, but you make 50 comments and don't link to one thing? you offer nothing? you're a troll... if you know how traffic works genius, then why aren't you guiding any? teach me something asshat... show me something I didn't know... I dare you... or you could just keep driveling on in your paranoid fantasy of a relationship with your villainous detractors... so anyway... whatdaya think Ace? Open Blog? did it win? Posted by: Kaptain Amerika at September 24, 2008 01:15 PM (h+zve) 225
Except that analogy falls apart for stocks with higher earnings prospects.
Like, um, nothing I can think of. Because we are in a broad economic slowdown, and there's no demand growth for anything a company can make/sell. Except maybe goldand health care. Alcohol, chocolate and cigarettes. Recession proof. Posted by: JackStraw at September 24, 2008 01:20 PM (VBon8) 226
Ha! True. "Defensive" stocks. Consumer staples.
Posted by: Dogstar at September 24, 2008 01:26 PM (PQZBi) 227
*Michael walks in, stares in disbelief at the carnage, stumbles out the door in disbelief*
Posted by: Michael at September 24, 2008 01:34 PM (l7H1O) 228
JackStraw at September 24, 2008 01:20 PM (VBon
that's where I put all my money... except my portfolio keeps going up in smoke or getting pissed down the drain... Posted by: Kaptain Amerika at September 24, 2008 01:35 PM (h+zve) 229
Quoting myself: Yeah, this might be a bad idea.
OTOH,as the remnants of this thread are being beaten into apulp after 12 hours because the head moron and cobloggers arestill passed out somewhere, maybe it's not so bad after all. Hell, come to think of it, I likeTushar's idea.2 hours with no new posts= AoSHQfree-fire zone. Posted by: Andy at September 24, 2008 01:39 PM (C3mTI) 230
that's where I put all my money... except my portfolio keeps going up in smoke or getting pissed down the drain...
I said invest in the stock not ingest the stock, you moron. Oh wait, I'm doing the same thing. Hi, I'm Jack and I'm a moron. Posted by: JackStraw at September 24, 2008 01:42 PM (VBon8) 231
if I put all that money in stock? oh I don't even want to think about all that money...
both of my grandfathers died at around 75 and smoked for 50+ years a piece... and I'm on track to match'em... I think when I started they were like $1.00 a pack... and I've been at it for over 20 years... that's some where around 7300 packs at 1 pack a day... awe hell now my head aches and my chest... well over 15k ... I guess that's not too bad... I only could have got like 3 shares of google for that today... Posted by: Kaptain Amerika at September 24, 2008 02:45 PM (h+zve) 232
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