
These are a few sniglets, which are words not found in the dictionary that should be. They were made up, originally, by Rich Hall and his friends. If you've ever suffered through the excuse for SNL during the 80's, you proabably saw Tim Kazurinsky doing things like these during Weekend Update. Only difference is that these words are shorter. Oh, and these are funny.

Alfalfabet (al fal' fuh bet): Backward letters used primarily on signs made by children.

Auldlanxiety (old lang zi' et ee): Waking up hungover on New Years Day and wondering how much of a fool you made of yourself the night before.

Awslice (aww' slice): The first slice of a wedding cake that makes all the guests sigh.

Azugos (as' you goes): Items left on stairs and newell posts to be carried upstairs by the next ascending person.

Barcuuming (bar' ku ming): Removing the crumbs from under the table using the family dog.

Chocozipper (chok' oh zip ur): Tab that releases a Hershey's kiss.

Diagonerd ( dy ag' oh nurd): Idiot who angles across two or more parking spaces to keep other people from parking too close.

.. ..
Dunken Hacken (dun' kin ha' kin): Violent coughing spell brought on by accidentally inhaling the white powered sugar from a doughnut.

Futility Infielder (few til' ih tee in' feel dur): Guy who tries to stop a grounder by throwing his glove at it.

Hemoplugs (hee' moh plugz): Small bits of toilet paper applied to shaving wounds.

Jujuspection (joo' joo spek shun): Holding jujubes up to the movie screen to see what flavor they are.

Memosphere (meh' moh sfeer): The part of the sky one searches when trying to remember something.

Nicameasles (nik' a mee zulz): Brown dots on the front of a ball players uniform from spitting tobacco and missing.

*Special for GREG*
Nuttonbutton (nut'n butn): Device at intersections marked 'Push to Cross'.

Pencicopter (pen' sih kop ter): Classroom invention made of a pencil and a ruler druing times of extreme boredom.

Poptroopers (pahp' trew purz): Popcorn kernels that leap over the side of the container when it's being handed across the counter.

Schlitzstop (shlitz' stop): The guy in an amateur game who thinks he can handle both his position and a beer at the same time.

Scorbage (skor' bahj): Wadded up trash hurled at the trashcan from across the room.

Showershroud (show' ur shrowd): Shower curtains that inexplicably wrap around you while you shower.

Squinchooing (skwin chew' ing): Looking at the sun to expedite a sneeze.

Tatercrater (tay' tur kray' tur): Hole made in mashed potatoes to hold the gravy.

Vegemat (vej' mat): Piece of green or brown lettuce placed under a lump of jello or cottage cheese.

Wavoids (way' voydz): People who bob up and down in the ocean trying to stay dry above the waist.

I saved the most relevant (if not funniest) one for last.

Blog (blahg): Overly generous deposits of fish food floating on the surface of the aquarium.

Do y'all believe that shit? The book was published 17 years ago. Maybe weblogs were around then, but I sure had never heard of 'em.

For some frickin' reason, I can't seem to get this one, particular commercial out of my head. One line keeps playing, over and over.
"Next, ve haff svimvair..." Remember that Russian fashion show? I don't even know what they were selling. I hope not the svimvair.

One commercial I adore is for Visa, I think. It's got the best lookin' booger on the planet in it-Charlie Sheen. The one that ends with Martin sayin' he was Charlie when he came in.....So cool.

Off to the next post....

Posted by: Stevie at 03:49 AM


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