Neighbors: Edwards Campaign HQ A Nuisance

Silky Pony's campaign headquarters is not feeling the love:

Thursday marked the second postal scare in four months at John Edwards’ campaign headquarters in Chapel Hill.

Both incidents proved to be harmless, but for businesses in Southern Village, Edwards’ headquarters is becoming more of a nuisance.

Businesses complain that they're losing money. Some of them shut down for the day. Business owners told WRAL they're tired of the scares and tired of the business day interruptions. One business owner plans to do something about it.

Dr. Annelise Hardin runs a pediatric dentist office on the same floor as Edwards’ campaign headquarters. She said she has had enough of bomb scares and evacuations.

Her office plans to draft a letter to the building's management expressing frustration about the loss of business. She is planning to get other companies in Southern Village to sign the letter.

Keith Getchell runs a restaurant two doors down from Edwards’ campaign headquarters. The bomb scare wiped out his lunch crowd, he said. He, too, is frustrated and plans to sign Hardin's letter.

This is actually the third time Edwards campaign HQ has been evacuated. While the latest scare involved digital watches, the two previous threatening packages involved an inert white powder.

Chapel Hill Police have narrowed down the suspects in these three cases to the rest of the North Carolina.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 07:19 AM


1 So, the good people of Southern Village are being cowed by threats from domestic terrorists. They're upset because the possibility of another anthrax attack is hurting business. And they want Edwards to move.

Not very brave or patriotic of them, is it, Bob.

I wonder if you'd be quite so amused if this was Fred Thompson's campaign HQ.

No, probably not.

Posted by: David Terrenoire at July 13, 2007 07:49 AM (KwXSc)

2 I, too, find it interesting that you complain not about domestic terrorist threats made against an American because of his political beliefs, but about the target of the threats. And I, too, wonder if your attitude would change if these domestic terrorists targeted Republicans.

You do see the logical incoherence of this post, don't you? It's a bit like blaming the murder victim for leaving blood on the street.

Posted by: R. Stanton Scott at July 13, 2007 08:34 AM (r9Q9X)

3 Well, I don't know who's making these threats, but I do know that Silky Pony's campaign is in serious trouble, and this sort of thing gets him publicity. I haven't heard of the serious dem contenders getting these threats.

Posted by: Bill Smith at July 13, 2007 09:11 AM (g9oK/)

4 Bill, you aren't the first to think that, not by a long shot. Silky only seems to get infusions of media attention when under attack (usually from a certain acidic blonde) which the campaign then uses to troll for cash.

It does seem quite odd that someone with so little chance is getting these threats, while none of the Democratic nor Republican frontrunners seem to be having this problem.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at July 13, 2007 09:39 AM (HcgFD)

5 Uh, let me get this straight. You two gentlemen are suggesting that Edwards is sending these suspicious packages to himself. These packages that disrupt the business of his campaign headquarters, and its neighbors, that it's all a publicity stunt to help with fund-raising.

Because the possibility of same slighty unhinged nutjob sending them is a much less likely scenario.

Is that right?

Bob, we don't often agree on things, but I never took you for a tinfoil hat kinda guy.


Posted by: David Terrenoire at July 13, 2007 11:42 AM (KwXSc)

6 All threats should be taken seriously. That said, I think there is something wrong with the guy when he conspires with Hillary to limit who can be in the debates (just read it on Drudge).

He is not holier then thou and the debates are and always should be open to all contenders. That's what a debate is for. If they aren't that serious or an idiot let it show. He and Billory shouldn't be the ones to pick and choose.

Posted by: Retired Navy at July 13, 2007 12:04 PM (cqZXM)

7 Look, if instead of sending nuts to Jericho people had sent condoms to Clinton, that would have been funny too, even though the overall situation was a crying shame.

If the 'threats' to Edwards were real threats then this would be very serious and not funny at all. But these are threats in the same way that Dillinger's soap gun was a threat to his guards.

I would also note that if a faux populist isn't safe in the heart of pseudo-intellectual Chapel Hill/Carrboro, he ain't safe anywhere.


Posted by: TierFlyer at July 13, 2007 12:53 PM (0Nt8i)

8 The bomb scare and the anthrax scare aren't John Edwards' fault.

On the other hand, John Edwards has been telling us for months that there's no war on terror, it's just a "bumper sticker." So why is it that he's taking these threats so seriously?

Perhaps the universe is trying to tell him something.

Posted by: Mike at July 13, 2007 01:00 PM (6gdkP)

9 David,

Give me a little credit, will you?

I'm not suggesting at all that Edwards or anyone on his campaign have any hand in this at all. Frankly, the staffers are probably worried sick--the Edwards clan never comes close to the mail, I'm sure (just like any other candidate, and so has little to be worried about directly).

Edwards does tend to attract, however, the lunatic fringe of the ultra-far left, and I don't think either one of us would put anything past extremists, even an attempt to get him some media attention (and that doesn't seem to garner much attention at that, his stock is so low).

You could make the same argument, of course, saying the loony far could be capable of such a thing and you'd be right, except for one thing: I don't see anyone on the right who mistakes him for a serious candidate.

He wouldn't be "worthy" of such an effort for any righties I've heard of when Obama and Hillary are all but the anointed pair, with the primaries set up to only decide whether it is going to be Obama/Clinton or Clinton/Obama. If someone on the right was targeting someone for threats, the don't end to waste time on also-rans, which is what most of us consider Edwards.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at July 13, 2007 01:03 PM (HcgFD)

10 Come on, Bob. You clearly imply an Edwards campaign conspiracy to raise funds by picking up on Bill Smith's comment and asserting that he isn't the "first one to think that, not by a long shot."

You avoid saying so clearly, but you seemed to know quite well what Bill meant to say--well enough to know that more than one person has said the same thing.

You then go on to point out how odd you find it that Edwards seems to be the only candidate with such a problem. What is this supposed to mean, if not "maybe he really is doing this himself to get publicity?"

If you don't think Bill was implying that the Edwards campaign may have staged these attacks to help raise funds, and you weren't agreeing with him that there may be something to this, then what exactly did you mean? Even as you back off from your implication that the attacks are a publicity move by Edwards you manage to suggest a possible scenario for exactly that: he attracted extremists to his campaign, and extremists are capable of anything.

Except right-wing extremists--who are savvy enough to know which candidates are serious, and leave the also-rans alone.

BTW: they are all serious candidates right now--Clinton was no where near the radar screen in July 1991. You may find Edwards more serious than you think if he does well in Iowa and New Hampshire, where populists fare well in democratic primaries. And watch for Tom Tancredo--I predict he will poll better in early primary states than many people think.

One more thing: If Edwards' campaign is destined for ignonimy anyway, why do you pay so much attention to him yourself?

Posted by: R. Stanton Scott at July 13, 2007 02:06 PM (r9Q9X)

11 RSS,

I did not imply any such thing as the Edwards campaign be involved, nor do I think that is what Bill Smith meant.

If you would like to start inferring, or deciphering, or tossing chicken bones in a voodoo spell to twist what I said into what you wish I would say, knock yourself out.

As for why I cover Silky, the answer should be obvious: he's local news, if not as deserving of the national spotlight as he would like.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at July 13, 2007 02:33 PM (HcgFD)

12 If you "did not imply any such thing as the Edwards campaign be involved," nor "think that is what Bill Smith meant," then what exactly were you trying to say? What did Bill Smith mean, in your opinion? You protest mightily about what you did *not* say, but still no clarity on what you really *did* say.

I don't need chicken bones and voodoo to infer or decipher your meaning, CY. I read and understand English quite well, and while I can't read your mind or know your intent, I know exactly what the words you used mean, whether you do or not.

If you do not mean to say that you think Edwards' staff might be responsible for these attacks, you should stop using language that clearly says you think it is possible--such as your example about left-wing extremists.

And clarify for your readers exactly what you did mean. Inquiring minds want to know.

Posted by: R. Stanton Scott at July 13, 2007 03:00 PM (r9Q9X)

13 Edwards does seem to have a problem with neighbors. From the guy across the road from his mansion to the businesses in the building with his headquarters, they seem not to feel he improves the neighborhood. Maybe you have to get up close to appreciate what a pain in the neck he is.

Posted by: Ken Hahn at July 13, 2007 03:41 PM (uT2/F)

14 Let me get this striaght.

Bob is not suggesting that the Edwards campaign is sending itself bomb scares, because that would be just crazy. Rather, an Edwards supporter is sending the Edwards campaign bomb scares because it might get Edwards some positive attention in the national press.

I'm glad we have that cleared up.

Posted by: Shochu John at July 13, 2007 04:10 PM (AVhuI)

15 Actually, I just thought of a better one. What if al Qaeda is behind the Edwards bomb scares because they want to make it seem like they are really afraid of him. This will give him some anti-terrorism cred so he'll get elected. Once Edwards is sworn in, al Qaeda will activate their mind control device that was installed during his last haircut. Then, mind-controlled Edwards and Osama bin Laden will establish their caliphate in America.

The double-bank shot Arabian-Manchurian candidate. It makes too much sense not to be true.

Posted by: Shochu John at July 13, 2007 04:19 PM (AVhuI)

16 Huh. Closer you get to Edwards' HQ in North Carolina, the more terrified the local conservatives seem to be of him winning the nomination. The "local news" fig leaf doesn't really justify this degree of innuendo and vitriol. Is it just me, or are they scared to see a son of the South running against ol' Fred come this time next year?

Posted by: Pennsylvania Voter at July 13, 2007 11:45 PM (z8fGd)

17 I wouldn't put it past him. He is a Lawyer you know. Obviously, a dam good one with a lot of tricks up his sleeves, are you forgetting how he bilked enormous sums for his clients while super lining his own pockets?. You know the price of goods to us carries this baggage.

Posted by: Cajie at July 14, 2007 07:44 AM (Sq2Zj)

18 You two gentlemen are suggesting that Edwards is sending these suspicious packages to himself.

These sort of things have been known to happen, so its not outside the realm of possibility. All it takes is one unstable staffer or supporter looking to score some free publicity.

I don't think Edwards is dumb enough to order such a thing himself though.

That being said, I'd put the chances of it being traceable to the Edward's camp or supporters at under 10%.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at July 14, 2007 10:28 AM (EI+1K)

19 I don't think it would surprise anyone if someone affiliated with the Edwards campaign did this. Well it may surprise far left wing fanatical kooks like R. Stanton Scott but not anyone else.

Posted by: Capitalist Infidel at July 15, 2007 01:31 PM (Lgw9b)

20 CI:

Yeah, I'm such a "left-wing fanatical kook" that I served as a combat soldier in the US Army for twenty years. Trained, deployed, ruined my knees, and worked for peanuts to defend you and your Tumbleweeds.

How about you? What did you do in the Cold War, Daddy? Feed people wings and beer?

There is more to patriotism, sir, than calling your ideological opponents traitors and kooks.

Maybe business owners should indeed stay out of politics. I'll never spend a dime in a Tumbleweeds again.

Perhaps I'll also stop worrying about debating issues and facts on this site and go straight to personal attacks. Looks like the policy has changed.

Posted by: R. Stanton Scott at July 16, 2007 12:20 PM (r9Q9X)

21 It looks like Willard "Mittens" Romney is giving Silky Pony a challenge in the hair and makeup competition. Mitt's getting a makeover!

Posted by: Psycheout at July 17, 2007 12:46 AM (0Oxto)

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