NC Tax Reform Lies

When you hear reports and read about the "North Carolina Tax Reform" commission, realize that you will hear lies. To begin with, then name of the group is deceptive. When you think of "reform," what you do think of? Here's a couple definitions from

the improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory, etc.

to change to a better state, form, etc.; improve by alteration, substitution, abolition, etc.

to put an end to (abuses, disorders, etc.)

to abandon evil conduct or error

None of those is what the "North Carolina Tax Reform Panel" wants to do. Instead, they are interested in one one thing: getting more money from those who work. Seriously. And they're even admitting it now -- read the first paragraph in that linked article:
A tax reform panel that's trying to find more money for the state from an economy that's dramatically different than a generation ago is committed to making more than incremental changes to the tax system, a commission co-chairman said Monday.

In other words, this "tax reform" group has one goal: getting cash for the government at the expense of workers. And yes, it's a group of Democrats who continue to rule the state (as they have for over 100 years) who want to ensure they remain in power and have lots of money (that they didn't work for) to retain that power.

Right now, they're discussing raising tax rates, raising sales taxes, applying the sales tax to more things, removing tax deductions, taxing health care, lowering corporate tax rates, allowing localities to raise taxes even more -- including adding new taxes on local fees, autos, and the moving tax.

And worse, Democrats actually believe that the word "reform" means "to get more money for government from workers." Oh, how I yearn for freedom.

Posted by: Ogre at 11:05 AM


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